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Wellington Enterprise from Wellington, Ohio • Page 5

Wellington, Ohio
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Enterprise, iwednesday. imziC. dM. iewjd) Business locate: Acm adr tab Aead witt thargei one cent a word each insertion. Vincent's Lesson Notes for 1885 tor sale at Houghton's.

A desirable House and Barn on South Main Street for rent Enquire of A. II Palmer. 8tl E. Benedict will sell two or lour point Barbed Wire at four and one hall cents until further advance and steel nails at 2.50, rates by keg 8tf Fifteen volumes for 110.001 Charles Dickens' Works Complete. Carleton new Illustrated edition the best.

Call on J. Buokseller and stationer, Lost Between litis village and first cross road north, a Ladies' Hand-bag, containing a purse, etc' The finder will confer a favor by leaving It nt Houghton drug store, lp Mrs. U. W. Hemenway Seed Corn.

Every farmer should sow my Evergreen Seed Sweet Com for fodder. It makes (he best feed for stock In the world. $1.50 per bushel, bags included. Write for description and prices of my new varieties of field corn. Address the grower, 5t4 C.

S. Clark, Wakeman, O. Farm for Sale. Ninety-six acres of improved land, good bouse, new barn and all other out build. tags.

Plenty of apples, pears, peaches and small fruit, good well, and two spring that never tail, sugar bush and 18 acres woodland situated 1 mlio south and 1 miles west of the center of Huntington Enquire on tbo premises of 8(3 Allen Nayloh. For Sale or Kent. Honse with 8 rooms, summer kitchen good cellar, wood bouse, 1J lot of ground, gobd well, two cisterns, fruit shrubbery also a good born. Situated on Brown street one door east of Dr. Emerson's and opposite K.

Horr's residence. Terms easy. Apply to R. J. Robinson, Liberty street, WollinRion iwrr i' New Orleans.

The Healey NewaOrlenns excursion of three chair cars of this date proves the success of the euterprise and it is decided to duplicate the trip about March 10th. via Cincinnati, Chattanooga and Meridian crossing Lake 1'unclmrirnin by rail on tliu longest trestle in the wotld. One Iieclln ing Chair Parlor Sleeping Cur will bo run at three dollars ($3) a chair the round trip, Including permission to lodge In the car all the time gone. It. R.

fare for the round trip will be low as any route. For lufor minion call on or write to U'ru. II. Fisher, agent. Wellington.

Fob. 10. 85. 7t2 Special Excursion. Are you going to Washington? The W.

L. E. and B. O. R'ys will take you over a route that is 54 mites Ihu shoitcst route between Wellington and Washing- tin, making the trip in 18 hours, which is a saving of two or three hour over any other routo Wa can give you ns uikxI accommodation an by any other route, Elegant day coaches Wellington to Pitts burg, palace sleeping and drawing room cars Pittsburgh to Washington.

The same accommodations for the round trip. Fare tor the round trip, $14, good going Feb. 8 to Mar. 8 Inclusive, and nut good turning after March lOtb, 1885. II.

0. Bio' Agt. LOCAL A5D MISCELLANEOUS. Fred Smith, of Cleveland, was in town with his parenu over Sunday. H.

O. Starr has rented Mrs. Watter- son's house on Taylor Street. Horace Mead sold a fine horse to Cleveland party lor 300 spot cash. Mrs.

L. W. Ely has been very III some weeks with inflammatory rheumatism. Everett Fisher has gone to Cleveland to engage in business with bis brother. A Medina party were forty four hours en route to New Orleans from Wellington.

The band Is rehearsing for au enter- talunienl to be given in about two weeks. "Face to Face," a serial story, by R. E. Franclllon, commences in this nuru r. Mr.

and Mrs. B. A. Mathews spent Sabbath with the latter's parents in Cleve land; Miss Gertie Williams, of Wellington, Is visiting in Chatham. Cor.

of Medina News. E. F. Webster will sail for home' from Liverpool next Saturday on the steamer Servla. Marshal Hacked lost a sum of money recently.

Enquire of blin for further par- ticnlara. i-1 i Crest on business houses close at 7 o'clock on account of the protracted meeting there. Mr. and Mrs. E.

W. Houghton went to Dalton Friday, remaining over Sunday to Tlslt relatives. Miss Dell Pelrce spent a few days the past week with her cousin, Cora Rogers, In Huntington. -Mrs. Minnie tJalley and daughter Flossie, of Nova, are visiting Mrs.

Addle Baker and other friends In town. Hall, father of Herbert Hall, will build on the lot next S. 8. Hall's, mentioned in our real estate Warren Woodworlb, of Wisconsin, has been visiting his mother and sister in Wellington. G.

Rutty, of New Haven, cousin of Mrs. R. N. Goodwin, Is visiting friends in Wellington. Dr.

Beach's absent children, Edward, of Columbus, Rev. S. J. and Miss Anna, of Farragnt, Iowa, were home to their moth er's tuneral. JNew additions are being built on a good many wood piles in town.

Hadn't calculated on such an extended visit of Our popular dentist, tf. J. Ilolbrook, la driven with work. One can scarcely find him at leisure long enough to extract a front tooth. Wm.

Hogen and James Clark, of Cleveland attended the inspection of Co. G. last Friday evening, by invitation of Lieut. McDermott. The Oberlin KnigbU of Honor visited Ualdo Morandi lotle on Wednesday of last week and report a pleasant eve and a good supper.

Jacob Eberling, a middle-aged tanner of Avon, whs killed Instantly a week ago Monday by the rebound of a limb on a tree he was ielling. Oliver Stroup and wife, of Wellington, were in town Saturday to attend the 83d birthday of Mr. David Inraan. Spencer Cor Medina News. Miss Laura Morse who was lately married in the West where she has been teaching several years, is with her husband coming to Elyria to live.

Chaa. Horton and wile are home from a seven months business trip in Dakota, they are delighted with the climate and will return at un early day. Rev. J. I.

Slcmo M. who has been home recruiting after several years In Cal cutta, has recently been stationed in Bom bay und sailed on the 20th ult. L. C. Cook, a former Wellingtoninn, now of North Eaton, is visiting the Exposition and will call on his brother James Cook, of Texas, beiorc teturning.

Mr. E. O. Footo litis sold the north half of life four acres opposite his home to a Ituptist minister who is building thereon. a dwelling; consideration, $1000.

J. W. Wilbur and Capt. Morrow were over at Elyria last week looking up some fine points of law. One can usually get all he wants without trying hard.

The bill lntioduced Hon. Goo. Washburn authorizing Wellington village to unite with Wellington township erecting a town hall passed tho House. Shubicl Smith and wife entertained a party of relatives to dinner and sociable last week Thursday. Huntington, Spencer and Wellington were represented on that occasion.

Walter Crane, our former efficient policeman, is a citizen ol Wellington again and will manipulate a tub-turning machine at N. Huckins mill for hia daily amusement. Asa Pratt lias purchased the house and lot next cast of Col. Uerrkk's on Mechanic owned by ex-Mayor Herrlck, ho bus tuken a half interest in Prhtt's Fed Store. Inquiries are coming in frequently to our clilel telephone operator, asking about that unfortunate ear.

We are informed that it will be in good order by corn planting time. Mr. Homer Allyn has purchased the bouse, barn and three acres of land ot Mr, Whitney, on N. Main formerly owned by J. W.

Houghton, and will live there alter March 13th. Miss Mary Marshall, adopted daugb ler of the late President Wheeler, and schoolmate of several ot our readers, ia a teacher in the Iowa State Reform School at Mitchellville. 'Gene Robinson says tho young men need not make the cold weather an excuse fT carrying around accumulated real estate, for he baa plenty of water and two warm bath rooms. A sleigh load of friends from Wake. man, numbering about twenty, armed with a good supper, made Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Vaughn a visit Monday evening and en, lyed themselves hugely. Re'iben Bendal, who had been in Kansas nursing a brother ill with typhoid fever, camu home to his father's In La- Grange and died of the same disease. Ho waa twenty-five years of age. A burglar arrested at Elmlra, N.

Y. fur robbing a bank at Osceola, ia the missing Charlie Lowrie, tho only one of the four who escaped In tho memorable chase at Shelby over year ago. The children who bitch their band sleds to sleighs sometimes ride laster and further than they wish, and often are given sudden turn which leaves them on the track while their vehicle runs away. Mrs. B.

F. Locke and her son, Charles Rasor start tomorrow in company with Mr and Mrs. Merchant Smith for Sacramento, California, expecting to stay at least a year and longer or permanently if they like the climate and prospect there. Last Thursday night a man named Esterwood, of Oberlin, returning' from Elyria intoxicated, was so benumbed with cold that he died short time after being found in an insensible condition the bone also died from the hard driving and exposure, and a boy nepbew of Esterwood was so frozen that he was expected to Hamlin Relief Corps will give a 15 ct supper at Mrs. Carpenter's new room, first door west of Robinson's barber shop, on Wednesday evening, March 4th.

The proceeds are tor charitable purposes and we earnestly solicit the patronage of the public. There was a very pleasant surprise at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. Coffee, on the fifteenth anniversary of their mar riage.

The guests assembled to the number of about fllty. After a repast, the bartpy couple were given some very beautiful presents. Col. F. II.

Flick and staff, command Ing 6th Reg't, O. N. inspected company at their armory last Friday evening The boys were highly complimented for the proficiency they have attained In mil. ilary tactics in a comparatively short time, going through intricate evolutions with the precision of veterans. Prof.

F. M. Davis has resigned bis position as conductor of the Conservatory Orchestra which he has held for nine years About one hundred have pro- fessed conversion at the Methodist Episcopal Church in Oberlin. B. Simms, of Mt.

Gilead baa accepted a call to the Baptist pastorate Bishop Bedell will confirm a number of persons in the Episcopal Church soon after Easter. Oberlin Hews. Ben Curtis, an engineer in Fisher mill at Vermillion, was shot by T. Goodrich, a harness maker of that place a few nights ago supposing Curtis was burglar. Curtis was under the influence of liquor and was prowling around trying the windows of bis neighbor's bouse Being seen but not recognizod bu was shot In supposed self defi-nse, but not danger ously.

Curtis hod forced the storm door and tried the Inner one, then a wiudow, when bu was shot. Edvvurd Letlerly and Miss Ella Nu-gent were married in Wellington lust wek. They expect to go to Dakota In the spring. T. Hull has rented his farm to a Mr.

Rounds, of Wellington and will move to Wellington 8. and G. Sears have been busy packing and shipping 40,000 Iks. of wool. They bad sold it some time ago.

The idea that wool would shrink by being kept they don't believe. Theirs shrunk about 500 lts. in some way. Litchfield Cor. Medina Gazette.

Non-subscribers are requested to call at the central telephone ofllce to communicate with other towns. The use of private instruments for that purpose Is forbidden by the company, und the frequent misunderstandings as to who used the Instruments, the dillicUty of finding a transient customer who Is frequently a non resident, and the louses of toll have made It necessary thut we enforce I his rule in every case unless the subxeriber for the Instrument used gives previous notice that he will be responsible for the party who proposes to uso it. On Saturday evening the Senior Class of the Wellington High School launched the band wagon, driited down into Silencer and made port at Kilburn's, for better or worse. Tbo gracious favors shown us by Mr. and Mrs.

K. and the highly enjoyable time reported, fully attest the success oljtlieexpedition. The kind hospitality and hearty welcome to ''Make yourselves at home," by the hostess, was but one of those acts which characterize Mrs. IC. We extend an apology for the peremptory maimer ot our advent, but the ready wit which so well becomes Mr.

K. at once adjusted the matter and put us entirely at ease. Wc tender our warmest thanks. On Wednesday evening, February 11th, a large company gathered in the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs.

James Sheldon to witness the marriage of their daughter Lettle to Mr. Albert M. Hnk. Promptly, at the minute announced on the curds of invitation the bridal party stood before the minister who used fiu appropriate ritual of the Methodist Episcopal Church. After the congratulations bad been extended, an elegant array of presents was formally turned over to the bride in a brief speech which the company Insisted shnld be made by the minister.

At eight o'clock the company aat down to a collation served ujon tables set in the parlors; and the evening was passed In the usual delightful conversation and greet ings belonging to such an occasion. Resolutions of Respect. Wiiicr.EAS, We, the members of the Congregational Church, of Wellington, do recognize In the death of Mrs. L. B.

Lane, wile of our former pastor, that we have lost a kind, valued trlend and sister, therefore, Resolved, That this event reminds us of daya gone by, when the deceased, by her many kind acts and christian exam ple, strove to do good to all and to build up the church of Christ that we cherish her memory with kind regard and tender our heartfelt sympathy to the alllicted rel- tives and Irlcnds, rejoicing with them that her faith and hnpo was firm to the end. To our Brother Lane, especially, we desire to offer our sympathy, trusting the same consolation he has so often recommended to others in like affliction my be sanctified to himself; That these resolutions be published In the Wellington ErrjcnrnisE and copies be sent to Bro. Lane and family. Wx. II.

Fisher, Mrs. T. 7. Rodhoihk, H. Wadsworth.

Commltteo, Wellington, Feb, 10th, 1885. Students who are so much troubled to find recitations and readings for rhetorical purposes will be glad to know that J. 8. Ogilvie Co. have placed a new 25 cent aeries on the market, containing choice selections of poetry and prose, serious, humorous, pathetic and comic, adapted for day and Sabbath schools, adult and juvenile organizations, reading clubs, temperance societies and parlor entertainments.

Houghton has them. A Dangerous Surgical Operation. A I mlltiiKS. Al tht, ifmn Or. Vanm.

nt fatal MrfurtllCd tllft nni.Dia l.Hw fit. lha nmnvil of a cancer of tlm itumach ho fo mil wlie too 'au thai the poor wumui had no uanc to be moored. I no dlieaie wai Inilg, ii Inn nd If eh had taken ihu Shi-kerailractol Ituuta (Hli-gere synip) that awful dU-treii ai the pit o' tho ch. which made tue doctora think tho had a lauuer, would ha-a been removed. -real after e.tllia.

dull, heavy feeling In the head with pit, 1 1 In tne aide and hack all ranLh after uilng Ihla wonderful reuiidy. Th tired, laniiuld feeing glvef pi to renitth and vigor. i Delia Mir.ii wrltei from Pea Hldge. ntou had oy piia In In wont otm for Ova yeara, and nothing gave iiiyrelh until ilieuwu tho -Vifel Syrup. Hio aayitwobouia cured tier.

The Shaker larCapaulea je good for cougua. mi IMPORTANT. When loavliltorleav New York City, tare Bag gage, Eipreeture and Carriage Hire and itop at Hie urand union Hot-1. oppoalleOrand Central Depot Kle ant roomi Sued up it a co of one million dollara, reduced to I U) and upwardi pel day. Euro pean plan.

Elevator. Heitaureot supplied with th belt. Hone can, itagea and elevated railroad lo all depoti. Famlilra en live better for leu moaey at the Grand Union Howl than at any other nt-claa hotel In thoclty. cyt MARRIAGES.

L'RSH-Ti: O.M Rev. S. T. Martin, on Feb. 12th.

'H5. at tho resilience of the bride's parents, Mr. John Hursh, of wriglit, llillwlale and Miss Alice K. Thompson, of Jackson Ashland Ohio. the rest- denee of the liriile'a purents.

Mr. und Mrs. James Sheldon, Barker Wellington. at halt' pit seven o'clock p. VVrdni-g-day, Fel.

11 1 It, 1885, Miss Letth Sheldon to Mr. Albert Al. Howk, Rev. Newell 8. Albright oltlciating.

COLK-MOUOAN. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, Sou III Wellington, nt even clock p. Wednesday.

Feb. 18.1H8.V their sister. Miss Cnru Morgan to Mr. Edg.r Cole, of Pius- Id, ucv. XHewell Albright olllciutlng.

THE MARKETS. CliceHc. Sales light owing to the cxttcme cold weather. Prises unchanged. We quote: Young America 12 to 13, Full Cream 11 to 12, Ohio Standard 10tol0'.

for Week Ending Feh. 10. Cheese 1,003. 74.211. Butler 7,205.

General Produce. COKKBCTID ST 1ULDW1S, HUH PON it C'0. Butter, dairy, per 11 JO. 10 tfr Butler, creamery, per lh. U.2H 0.H0 0.07 0.08 Eggs, per dor.

0.22 Heel', per cwt fl.00 7.00 Hum. smoked, per 0.10 0.13 Potatoes, per hush 0.40 0.50 Apples, green, per bush. 0.40 Apples, dried, per 0.0;) Tallow, per tb 0 Hides, per lb 0.0 Wool per It. 0.25 0.30 Buckwheatlloiirpcrcwt 3.50 Grain, l-'lour and Feed. CoauBCTsa ar Wsllinotoh Milling Co Flour, per sack (49 tt.s)..

1 1.1 5 1.S0 ralmin Hour, per 3.00 Corn meal, per cwt 1.00 Chop, per cwt. 1.10 Middlings, per cwt 0.80 Hhorts, per cwt. 0.90 Bran, per cwt 75 Oil Meal, per cwt 1.75 Clover Seed, per bush. 4.00 Timothy Seed, per bush. 1.80 Corn, shelled, per bush.

0.45 iloo 1.30 1.30 .85 1.60 0.52 0.50 Corn, in ear, per bush. 0.45 Oata, per bush 0.30 0.35 0.88 Wheat 0 80 Har, per ton 10.00 Salt 1.25 Flax Seed 1.20 1.25 Administrator'! Notice. NOTICE ia hereby rt'en that the vndenlgnrd baa been dnly appointed and quail Bid aa the administrator of lha eatate of Horace Htoddinl, drreaaed, late of I'lttaSrld, 1-ondo Count. Ohio, bated thle loth day of FVhrnary, A. U.


Longo, PleJntlf, agalnut Paolo Longo, Defendant. The defendant will take notice that the abort named plaintiff Sled her petition linla.l the aald drfenriant, February llth. A. I). ISHV, In the clerk's ofllce of aald Court, praying for dltiirce, and for other relief.

Bald petition chargra the aald do-fvndant with wilful ahaence for three yeara lat tut and for groee neuter! of duty. Held raw will for hearing; at the Beit lurm of court, or a. eoon thereafter aa the earne can he heard. ts W. V.

IIKKHICK, All for Plff. THAT ou are Dowered nearly to death with rheumatic twinges the pang of neuralgia ia no reaaor why you should continue to suffer. Ei periment with good medicine. Tr Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Recollect It is ovarantked by every druggist Neuralgia and Rheumatism never stood be lore it, show: us man or women, il ou can, alllicted with toothache, earache, backache, an ache, that has sought relief in Dr.

Thomas' Eclectric Oil to no advantage, and in re turn we will refer prou to thousands siml-tiarljr affected whom this medicine liar restored and cured completely. FOSTER, MILBURN Prop's. tvrrAio.rr. r. OPENING OF Spring fioo lis! Thursday, Feb.

26 -AT- Malory, Price To Sugar Makers If you want' the Latest and Best EVAPORATOR Call and examine the Anti Silica Self-Skim ming Excelsior. It tscii to Strle. Durahltltv ind Con' enlcnee. The only ou lit dfrtlimed fur I lie Mvlng of fuel ultra the incut product and evapursUva nmru than auj wilier wuivu wvvcis hue -ui irvuuii. aim mimimmii cutters i O.

E. TOWNSEND IS VI" Sin.) THE Success evaporatoR lias been in compi-titinn with all the lead-inir evaporator and HAS NEVER BEEN BEATEN. No Evaporator Catnpany use heavier ni'itcriul. No Evaporator Company employs better workmen. Tliey employ three times the nunilHT of workmen employed by any ntln Evspo-rator company.

Tliey make and sell three times tlin annum! ol gmnls ni iiiufuctund by any other Evaporator company. "They advocate no untried iheoiit-s. They heat faster and cunuetiui nlly use less fuel. They do not iry In run mi up hill. They uhu no useless and mm liable siphons.

Tliey are mure convent' nl, Iras complicated, and have more healing sur fat than any evaiorntor made. Sold entirely on their merit. O. E. ArI.

THE CHAMPION Sugar Evaporators Are Ahead Of all competitors for the following reasons 1st. The malrriiil of which Ihey are composed Is heavier and they are much bellur made than any other; are quicker und require lees fuel. 2d. Their belli); composed of severnl small pans mukes I hem convenient anil easy to handle, whereas larue puns are so heavy that maoy who use Iheiu do not re. move or cleim lliein during the season.

3d. The Syplmna are a complete sue seas and are conrhlen by parties using them a great improvement. The following persons have purchased Champions this year: S. D. Bacon, C.

D. Stockl'iK. I). 6. tttorkinir.

O. J. Whitney, K. Otmpbcll, two; P. Smith, II.

Mason, D. W. Davies and il. Betts. E.

CAMPBELL snd II. Agents, Pltlstield, Ohio. Also J. W. WILBUR, Agent.

Welllnzlnn.Ohio To My Patrons. Now is tu time to order your HARD COAL ind secure the lowest prices for the season A full stock of the best Lsckawiinni Anthracite Coal, and Massilhm, Masailltm Gunnel, Blossburgand Jackson. Soft coal tlways In s'ock, at prices a-low as the lowest. O. 25.

SUTIilTJP. meat riles! Tilral A SURE CUKE FOUND AT LAST! No One Mrcd KorTer. A tare em for Blied, Ble 4ln. Itnhlas et4 Ul-r eled fllea haa bees dJuxntr a by Or. Wllllana ia India Remedy.) railed Dr.

Item's Indian flit Ointment. A elatile bin eared the wor I ehmnl eeaee of St cr SO year. Handlnc No ot need lanVr Sreaj ante, after apply as I all woadirtul aooihlna madtrlne. Lotloaa. Inatrumesw and rleetnark-a do nor harm than food.

Will am'a lad au file Ointment ab ortie the lennre, elbya tb Int. nie Itrhlnc, (oartlcalarly at al(ht after (eiilng warm I bed. ae a poultice, (Ireilailaat relief, atdli prepared only fa Pike, of the prirate porta, aad fur Beth lea aiaa. tteed what the Boa. i.

II. Coflnberrjr. of Cleveland aaya attojt Or. WlUlama India rile OIntmeati "I hav n-ed oearee of ptl eon, and affurda me ploaeoro to ear that I hay aerer fond snyrhlnt wkleh rare nek uamedlat and poraiaaoBt relief a Or. William's Indian For aal or all dranrlaa and mailed aa rerolpt of price, ane aad It.

HAXIEU MKUICINI Prep ra, Ci.avEi.Aln, Olio. 't Mill I I OPENING OF Thursday, Feb. 26 -AT- ice THE "DOMESTIC!" The new line of Attachments with each, Domeatio are specialties. No other machine has them. Thoo and the new woodwork make the "Domestic" the Acknowledged Standard of Excollonce.

S. P. HASTINGS, Agent, WELLINGTON, OIIIO. Rooms ami Office In Benedict's Clock. A.

B. SPENCER, -DEALFIt IN- AMD First-class Pianos, EOCKPOBT, OHIO. j- wyjya; utor combined. or In 1 rT---Tiir nd nll d-lrlrt. fa, I I "Wim for on- row to fl ft fttor combined.

1- or lnncl TBjfiivV" I Ailp(MUiuninieriintl rrawVl winter utc wlib ur wllU- oot irt. Kefda oily to hr rn tQ ailmlmC Bust many Inlpi'lont, bat Dime up pr ib It Id prod pie cnnPtmrUoa or lcgjBr of On I th. (tuid trlclljr on It mrr- ltR WMTaUJlcd p- reimird. fcor rtrrottr ddrrea: OSR' ft 4 PTODPARD MAX'UFACTIIKiNU CO, Foultnr, Vu, or A- rtKciat, vireni, tiockport, O. This is BOWMAN'S space.

Look out for his new CLOTHING advertisement, and in the mean-time avail yourself of the finest opportunity ever offered to buy ready and custom made OJQOTniNO Best Qualities and at Lowest Prices. He also has a splendid stock of Boots Shoes and if you wish to make money by saving it you ought to look over his stock. Store in Benedict's Block. llmorr monrr than at eafthnut etee hr taklae-V al IlV fufthe beatKUIni took Ml He II laianere eucoeeii grsndlf Jteae fail. Teima rreo.

Halutt Book r-onlaad, Mala, lyl SO fee-) Eaportauna I ULli. OMETREATMENT Of Nanroua and Seminal Oa StUlty, tarlp Daoap, Loaa of Uaman. Tnvetrirf IMia a adrir. u.iI.t.a aad arolil Onaeaerr. tHHj OMl Trial fa.

lt' a nf RmdlM PKhC A4dr Spring loods! Mallory, Pr ir Mc WM CREAMERY Tho Best in the Market Ho X7 Dr. T. WII.LTA MB. aillwanV Vla..

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