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The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer from Wheeling, West Virginia • Page 2

Wheeling, West Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

orrics: ao. 13 qriJktY mikclt. A A L. A. IA4A11, fl.


hoksisk; CDinox. Kjr mail (In sdranos) wr annum 97 OOOUUifl Ifuo ioo 1 73 Ix-lirered by Carrier, per weak TKi.wccui.r Eiiinos. kLiniED ivat tcdidat, thcmdai SATCKBAr. One eopjr extra to clubs of ten. WEEKLY KXMTI02V.

fl BLfflBU' BVCXT THCKJiWr. Single vOlMcrlbeiB, per annum bmootiu 1 3 CiuUtof 1 SO ui'? 75 i.ue copy extra netter-ap of club of ten. DA ILV One 1 liaerlkm 00 1 week. a oo 2 3 oo I moDlii OO Hjjectal per Miuore. padi insertion 1 S3 Loucw, per line, wen 13 WEEKLY-On? Mjiure.

i 1 oo fjjcfi Miuiuou -1 IxwerUou, 30 liOcal per line. insertion Teu lln? or leai nuke a AlAkXiAbKn AXb FCMXAL KOTICU, 73 uaUer hnta. Ninpir annooneexnenU of Deaths. mr so notice will be of eoramunl U.K arcwnpAnled hy n.xi... Ihe iuim wl.l but in ail caasa accompany a (OArUlW of (Ml Wlh.

MUSDAY HOKM.M.. Ol fUHEK Ohio County JJnion Ticket. STATE SENATE: DANIEL. DONKHOO. Of ilanoocfc county.


-WHITHAM. Koukh A. la hope for the country wben such a fire-eater as Pryor proclaim, himself a thorough going Union man, and willing to bring forth fruits meet for repentance. Ui? langusgs in a lata letter to lb. Richmond fPMf is quite dlf- from that used In bla Atheueam apeech In this city in He la now a rcaid-nt of New York City where be prsctlclog law.

He that "on downfall of the confederacy he renounced foreverevery political and reaolved henceforth to himself 10 the careof hi. family the pursuit of bla profeaalon for all that I have not repudiated the obligations of good clt seneblp. I renewed my oath of allegiance to the Union, I did ao in good faith and without reservation; and as 1 under- i stand the oath, It not only retrain, me I from acta of poaltlve hostility to the government. but pledgee me to do my mmoat (or lis wellare and stability. Hence, while I sm more concerned to see the South restored to Us former prosperity.

1 am anxious that Ihe whole country, and all claases, be reunited on the bast, of comtoon Interest and fraternal regard. And this object, it appears to me, only attained by conceding to all clauses the unrestricted enjoyment of the rights guaranteed them by tbe lsws, and obliterating ss speedily snd entirely a. possible tb? distinction, which have Separated lbs North aud South Into hostile sections." The following words iu regard to the negro are creditable to Mr. Pryor. They are calculated to do good at the South: While I pretend to uo part In I have not hesitated.

In to advise my friends in tbe South frankly to "accept the situation; to adjunt their ideaa to the altered stale of 10 recognise and respect the ol the colored race; to cultivate relatione of confidence and will toward the people of tbe North to abMtatn iroin tbe profitless agitation of TKtlltlcal debate; and to employ their energies in the far more exigent and usetul work of material reparation and development. Striving, out of to the South to Inculcate thia of prudent conduct, I bavo Much arguments as theee: That the negro is, in no sense, responsible for the calamities we endure; that us he baa ever conducted himself with kindness aud subordination; that he Is entitled to our compassion, andi to the our -uperlor Intelligence in the effort to attain a higher slate ol xnoral and intellectual development; tbst to assume be was placed oil Ibis theatre n. a reproach to humanity and stumbling-block to the progress Ml civilisation, would to impeach the wisdom und goodness of Providence; that considering tbecouipsrstive numbers of the two races In tbe South, It would be ihe merest madness to proTOke a collision of caste; In a word, that It Is absolutely essential to the repose, and prosperity tbe South that tbeemanci paled class should be undis- turbed in tbeenjoyuielit of their rights tinder the law, and should be enlightened to understand the duties and interests of social order and well-doing. Further on In this letter Mr. I'ryor discourse, in regard to Ibe present difficulties of tbe politlosl situation.

On this head he says: "But It hsb appeared to me the i chief obstacle to a complete and oordhii reunion between the North and the South is round in the suspicion and reaentment wilh which the people of theae regard each other. Henoe, while on the oue hand assuring the northern people of the good faith with the South assumes its obligations to the Uulon, 1 have thought It not amlan on the other to protest to my i southern frieuds thst the insss of the northern community are animated by far more Just and liberal seutlments towards us than we are apt to suspect. And thus, leaving to others the ostensible part In the work of reconstruction, abstaining assiduously from all politlcsl connection aud activity, I Lave hoped in some measure and in a quiet way to repair the evil I contributed to bring upon the South, by availing mv welt of every appropriate private opportunity to suggest these counsels of moderation snd magnsuimlty. Pas- to which iu truth we had abundant provocation, precipitated Into us ot and risk of pewpnal oblo- HI1d at whatever sacrifice of perqny, and yQU know It In- I tbe country ueeds, what in political agitation, and mTnd Ibe American SSSTthfi moat salutary leabod sooner or later learnt by every na Vplegrilv of motive by whlcll I then actuated, vet I never recall the naiDH of the noble men who fell in our conflict; I never look abroad npon our fie Ida and desolated I never oontemplate the all-embracing rain In which we are involved, the sad eclipse of our liberties, and tbe ninister aspect of ihe fature, without inwaidly resolving to dedicate all I possess of ability for the public service to tbe task of averting another such catastrophe, and to that end of cultivating a spirit of forbearance and good feeling among all classes and all sections of the "TOblo, Brooke WMl HUMfk and Agricultural Items. X.

P. Atkinson, is said to be tbe most scientific wool raiser in the Panhandle wool region, and together with Peregrine Whitham one of our. best judges of wool. The finest wool growing region in this country Is comprised of tbe counties of Ohio, Brooke and Hancock, W. Washington county, and Belmont, Jefferson and Harrison counties, Ohio.

The finest crops of wool in this conn- i try are thought to be raised by John, and William Karris, John and Samuel McCulloch, N. P. Atkinson, John Ji. i Wilson, K. Kldgely, John Baird, and Tbeo.

Hervey. Tbe finest farms in the county are estimated to be those of James McCulloch. Daniel Harris, Win. Alkln- son, Wm. McCullocb, and Samuel McCulloch.

Among those ranking next may be' mentioned the farms of Dr. John C. I Campbell, A. M. Jacob, Norton McGif- fin, Isaac B.

Kelly, X. P. Atkinson, John K. Sisson, John and Wm. Farris, John Atkinson, Abraham McCulloch, William North, Jesse Wells, John B.

Wilson, Widow Wilson, Mrs. M. Jacob, R. Ridgely, Abraham Ridgely, Andrew Mitchell and George SawtellTbree of the finest country residences are those of Jacob Hornbrook, Dr. J.

C. Campbell and A. M. Jacob. John H.

Atkinson, of Hancock, will i have one of tbe best country residences in this region when it is finished. The best apple orchard in the county is supposed to be that of Jesse Wells. Tbe best small fruit farm in Brooke county is perhsps that of Job Lewis. Among the best farms in Brooke are the "Beech Bottom." Mrs. Louisa Hedges, Montgomery Walker, Abraham Buchanan, John Wilson, Bazell Wells, Alex.

Campbell, tbe old Dr. Csmpbell farm, Lewis Applegate, Samuel Jacob, Great House Laxear, and Bazell Bell. Mr. Lazear recently bought the residence and farm of Campbell Tarr, adjoining Wellsburg (some sixty acres), for $13,000. He also sold his small farm for per acre.

Among tbe most prominent wool growers of Brooke are Bazell Bell, Bazell Wells, Lewis Applegate, P. Campbell, John Atkinson, Cornelius Bell and Montgomery Walker. Among the best judges of stock In Brooke county are ranked Geo. Miller and Jonn Batcbell. The average wool crop of Brooke is perhapa higher than in any other county in tbe United States, although the best is not thought to be equal to the best in Ohio county.

There are more rheep, it is said, in Ohio county than iu the whole Slate of Iowa. The finest farms iu this or any other country lie between the Nstlonal road and tbe Buffalo creek valley, composing the northern part of Ohio county and the southern part of Brooke county. It is supposed that such a farm as that of James McCulloch, containing some 320 acres, Is worth 150 per acre. A friend of ours, instead of singing "Give me a cot in the valley I love," nays that he infinitely prefers a Short Creek farm. The apple crop in this region is very scsnt.

We will average a good crop about every other year. They are worth now about one dollar per bushel. At that price an orchard is a psying institution, and the only wonder is thst fanners do not devote more care to fruit culture. The hay crop of this regiou is excellent, and is worth In this market, by the load, from $13 to per ton. There is not more than three-fourths of a crop of corn, and It is selling at about 00 cents.

Oats are worth 55 cents. More sheep are offering than usual this fall, the farmers not caring to winter them when feed promises to be dear. The best wheat crop raised in the county this year is said to be that of John B. Wilson. Not more than half a crop of potatoes hss been realized, but the quality Is good.

Feeding will commence three weeks or a month earlier than uuual this winter, on account of the burnt out and dried up condition of the pasture. The best country school house in this county is that on McGraw'a run, and the next the one at Roney'a Point. A new M. E. frame church ia nearly ly completed at West Liberty, and also one of tbe best frame school buildings in this county.

The secbud story of the latter building is to be occupied as a Masonic Hall. The Mafeonic order is ssld to be in creasing out about West Liberty. We are Indebted to an intelligent agricultural friend In this oounty for most of the above information. General Grant for President. The Maryland Republican Convention, on.

Thursday last, passed the following resolution "Resolved, That the Repnblicana of Maryland, in Convention asm-mbled, earnestly recommeud to tbe Republiean party of the country the nomination of General Ulysses S. Grant aa their candidate for President of the United States." The Bsltimore American of the dsy following, oordially adopta and endorses this resolution, and says "Tte result of tbe election In Pennaylvanls and Ohio may be regarded, politically, in the same light to the Republican party as the second battle of Bull Run was to the cause of the Union. We shortly thereafter called Gen. Grant to the command of our fcforces, and he led us on to victory. To secure the results of that victory to the loyal men of the Nation rhe services of General Grant are again required, and when onoe he takes the field he will "fight it out on that to an enduring triumph of the principles of those who fought with him and sustained the cause of the Government throughout tbe rebellion.

Tbe result in Oblo snd Pennsylvania proclaims emphatically tbe oeoesaity of prompt and thorough organization on the part of the Republican party, and the casting aside or all personal preferences with regard to the next Presidency." GSOROS Rtb is the Republican nominee for ihe Virginia Convention in Shenandoah county, and David Lupton in Frederick county. Mr. Milnes, one of the proprietors of the Shenandoah Iron works, a conservative northern man, is I a candidate for the convention from Page. MT4TC Tb? Union candidates for the Houm of Delegates in Preston county, are instructed to vote for Grafton at the seat of the State capital. The Kanawha Journal appeals to the Union people of West Virginia to do their duty at the election on the 24th.

It urges them to organize iu every county, township and school district. The same paper says that John Bowyer, of Potnam, and Judge Polslev, of Mason, express cheerful views as to the success of the Union party in their counties. A rather choice article of tobacco is raised in the upper Kanawha regions. The Journal thinks that tobacco factories might be profitably started in Charleston. Mr.

Henry Snyder of North Charleston raised a pumpklu weighldg 116K pounds, and measuring 71 inches in circumference. The cemeteries in Charleston are not in good condition. The Grand Lodge of Good Templars meets in Wheeling on the 2d Tuesday of January next. There ia a report of a silver mine on Meat House Fork of Middle Island Creek in Doddridge county, W. Va.

The vein teet thick, the ore 95 per cent, and Mr. John Pritchard has diapoaed of his share for $50,000. So gays the Ritchie county Prw. An effort is being made to establish a woolen factory at or near Parkersbur g. Judge Simpeon, the Union candidate for a seat in the House of Delegates, from Mason county, has challenged bis competitor to canvass said county in company with him during the present political canvass.

The Parktrsburg speaking of the Barbour county troubles, saya: The rebel element is largely iu the ascendency in Barbour, Tucker and Randolph counties, and we have heard of more lawless acta in theae counties than in any of those contiguous. call the attention of our readers to this important fact. Those counties represented by democrats in the Legislature and which have the county offices filled by democrats are noted for their persecutions of Union men, and in many instances for their defiance of law. Keep this in view. The Hon.

D. H. K. Dix is the Union Senatorial nominee in the Mason Co. district- Lewis Bamgardner Is the i nominee.

The Mason county JUgiMUr under the head of says It is a fact, an absolute undeniable fact, that there are but TWO parties in lhIt an absolute truth, that every REBEL in the State to one of these parties. It is also a fact, that not a single rebel or rebel sympathizer is a member of the Union party. Hon. Wm. Price, of Monongalia, ia i the Union nominee in the Senatorial district composed of the counties of Preston, Taylor, and Monongalia.

J. T. McClaskey and J. V. Boughner are the Houaeof Delegates nominees in Monongalia, and H.

L. Cox the candidate for Superintendent of Schools. Under the head of "plain lacts for tax payers," the Morgantown Post says It should be borne in mind by every tax-payer in the Nation, that the enormouB burden of debt under which the couutry is staggering, was fixed upon it by a rebellion inaugurated, fostered aud strengthened by the Democratic Conservative party. It should be borne tnind that this debt was enormously increased by the aid and comfort given to the rebellion while in progress, by the Democratic party, whereby the rebela were encouraged to prolong the struggles against the Union armies, after all other reasonable hopes of success had been extinguished. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will issue round trip tickets to the fair at Clarksburg on the 21st and 22d of this month.

Live stock, agricultural Implements and all other articles intended exhibition will go at half, price. The Clarksburg Telegraph, speaking of taxation says: We want every Union man to re- i member that the Democratic party which is now making auch a struggle to get into power iu West Virginia, is the cause of all the burden of taxation under which the people are now labor- ing. Every Democratic paper from Maine i to California has something to say about taxes." thts question, and we want aome Democratic editor to anitwer it: If theThir- ty-ninth Congress had been Democrat- ic. would it have relieved the people from heavy taxation Could it have relieved them without repudiation" If so, by what process of legislation i Union meetings are to be held in I Marion county as follows: At Pala- tine, to-morrow night, 15th; at New- port, Wednesday, (16th,) at 2 p. at Bassnettsville, Saturday next at 1 p.

at Farmington, same day, at 2. p. -at Union School House, on Tuesday, the 22d, at 2 p. at Roblnaou's School i House, on Wednesday night, Oct. at Mannington, ou the 24th.

Dr. Dorsey, one of the candidates ol the Union party in Marion, proposes to reduce the State taxes from 40 to 30 cents on the $100 valuation. The Kanawha Republican has adopted the cash system. There are two banks in Parkersburg First and Second National. The former haa a capital atock of $150,000, a surplus of $80,000, deposits to upwards of and shows discounts and exchange to the amount of $15,718 22.

The Second has a capital of $105,500, a aurplua of $9,022 09; deposits, $92,781 5(s, discount and exchange of $6,235 45. The Parkersburg Tunes says: No Pittsburgh and no Wheeling coal is In the dry. Our coal dealers are! waiting for a rise in the river, which Jupiter Pluvius might grant after a week or two. Meanwhile we that there is coal enough at the Clarksburg Coal Depot at $2 00 a cart load de- live red. The same paper says: A large force of workmen are busily engaged at the freight depot of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in pushing forward the work of erecting a root lome hundreds of feet long over the center of the depot.

Alexander R- Botelen, ia a merchant at Meyerstown, Jefferson county. Alexander Sr. waa a U. 8. Congressman once, and afterwards a member at Rich- mond.

John Spangler Is running aa a lawabiding Constitutional Union roan for the House of Delegate? in JefTerson, and says: If the people send me to the Legisla-? ture, I promise they shall not be de- 1 ceived though the Heavens fall. Notice. HAVE THIS DAT AtsesOClATKD I with me In the Urooery and Produce Xo.M MUnaU. aOctoberUt. 1MT- ocs-iw COFFEE.

BKiM RIO COFFEE FOR BALK tow, by MORRISON i 100 "Why Generml? Simply because it or maltreated. Strike directly tte caw- Remove the acrid which extender it, from the oomach and bowels, with TabbistTs ErnBVESCExr Ssltzkr a herxkxt, and indigestion, with all its painful concomitants, la cured. KQf.p BY EVERY DRUGGISTS. ocl2-lw XOTICE KSTHAOKDI5AET-CEE1T IKK (II REMEDY. JUST WHAT YOU WANT LAD1LS Dr.

Female Periodical are unfiling In the cure of those peculiar and dangerous dUeaws to which all females are subject, are offered with the de-: fcire of relieving the many who are always fTr-rtnz Ming sm a mild and gentle stlm- niani- producing an agreeable have most happy Influence and body. They are .11 cmacs of ntrvoosuetM, headache, vertigo and hv-iterla when the "ilrectlocs srefollow- strictly. They are infallible in correcting Zn mecuRroal irriularitu-, being do. b. dar- log the firat three months of pregnancy, aa they will produce miscarriage.

All other can be forwarded by mail by en- cloUugthe price stamps tnL.H.ODBEKI", end Stone Bridge, or LAUGH LIN, SMITH A General Agents. A FEW What makes your Hair so beautiful" Oil of Grapevine. What your Hair its lustre? Oil of Grapevine What gives Life and Growth to your Half? Oil of Grapevine. What the Dandruff OH of Grapevine, i What Hair Preparation is counterfeited Oil of Grapevine. Who are the only Proprietors of OU of Grapevine? LAUGH LIN.

SMITH A aeplb O.S2 Main tot-. Wheeling. THE DEAUSti FOOL, AND HOLSE OF MERCY. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, fnr YOUNG MEN, on the CRIME OF SOLL- and the ERRORS. and pjsF.ASi-a which destroy the manly powere i and create impediments to MARRIAGE, i with sure means ot relief.

Sent in sealed free of charge. Address. Dr. J. 8ICILL1N HOUGHTON.

Howard AJMClation. aeplS-ieocam w. WHEATON'S OINTMENT will cure the Itch. WHEATON'S OINTMENT will cure Salt Rheum. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures old Sores.

WHEATON? OINTMENT cure- all Dls- earn of the Skin. Price cents; by mall 60 cents. All Druggists tell 1U WEEKa Potter, Boston, Proprietors. aepl6-eodly MHB. WINSLOW'8 SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDBEB TEETHING, GREATLY FACILITATES THE PROcesH of tetthiuK.

by softening the reducing nil allay All PAX9 and spasmodic action, and is to Regulate the Bowels. Deperd upon It, mothers, It will give rest to yourselves, and i jfVurf And Hrnllh to Tonr InUnU. i We have put up sold this article for Sod CAST AKD TBLTH of It what we have never been able to Mir any other medldne? Aeter Aas it; Failed in a dingle Instance to Effect a Cure, wuen timelv used. Never did we know an Instance of" dissatisfaction by aoy one wbo used It- On the contrary, all are delighted I with Its operation, and speak in terms of, a.mmena?tl..u of 1M maxlr medlCMl virtues. We in this matter I WHAT WE DO after years of exl peri en oe.

and Pledge our Reputation for the Fulfillment of what ut here declare: In aimoat. every ln-tance where the infanl i from pain and exhaustion, relief will be in flfteea or twenty minutes alter the syrup is administered. "Fuil directions lor using accompany each; bottle. Be sure and call lor "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp," having the fac-slmileof "CURTI? A on the outside wrapper.

All others are baM; imitations. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Price, only 35 cents per Bottle. of ices: Fulton Ftreet. New York.

2tt High Holborn. England, 441 st. Paul atreel, Montreal, Canada. aug28-eodriui Dr. Pnlinonlc Syrnp.

TbLs great medicine cured H-Hchenck, the Propi letor. of Pulmonary onsuniption, when It had assumed its most formidable aspect, and when speedy death appeared to Co inevitable. II ts pronounced hit, case incurable, when he commenced UK of this simple but remedy. Ills health was restored in a very short time, and no return of the disease hasheen qnlrUy du.pp?.?0. and his present weight la more than two he has devoted his attention exclusively to the cure of consumption and the diseases which are plicated with it.

and tne cures effected by his medicines have been very numerous and truly wonderful. Dr. Schenck aional visits to several of Oie weekly, where lie has a patients, and It is truly poor consumpllves that have to be lined out of their camagwi, and in a lew Hons accompany each, so that anv one cai take them without seeing Dr. pchenck. but when It is convenient it Is best to see hini.

He given advice free, but for thorough examluatlon with his Resplrometer his feels I when purchasing, that the two likened of the wjien In the last stage of consumption, and the other as he now Is. In perfect on thp Government stamp. i sold bv all Druggists and 51 per bottle, or 50 half doxen. ters lor advice should always be Dr.Schenck's PnnciiAl Offlce. 15 street.

Philadelphia, Pa. UeneialiVH hojewde a rvniAA Barnes A -S. i Hance, Baltimore. John D. ftirk.

Cin' ciniiat). Ohio; Walker A Taylor. Chicago, I1L, I Collins St. Louis, Mo. novl9-eod3dweamoiyr B.

U. B. P. B. U.

B. P. Steutenville Female Seminary. mHE WINTER StKSION OPENS NOV. I 4th.

Terms, per-es-ion of five months Boarding, room. Light- Wash I ok. per dozen From the? terms a reduction of 15 per cent li made tor tne of Clergymen and C. ISKATTY. D.

L. A. Prtodp.1. pHOt-. J.



to Cwkiwell A through a period of 2d years full practice, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, solicitors iar chascebt. Office, 71 Main street, over the Bank heeling. WHEELING, W.VA. PracUce In the State and Federal Courts in West Virginia, and In the U. S- Coait at Parttcular attention given to the collection and securing of claims the money ways remitted bythe firat mall after lis reoelpL OYSTERS.

FREHII OVHTF.Ba DAILY and forialeby the case, can or half canat BOOTH. BATTELLE A CP'S. Wanted. A GOOD BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. Work principally flue Martin's Ferry, Ohio 2trtc Notice.

or Ohio Copstv. CiKKK'U CfFriCK.Oet.14, Iter, A special meeting ofthe board of ol Ohio county wilt be I held at the Court on Wednesday, the 13th day of October, at 10 o'clock, a. m. ocl4-3t JOHN' C. PORTER.

Clerk. Hops. Hops. Hops. WE WOULD INFORM THE BREW ers that are receiving trooj John W.

Brown, of New York, which we can fell at New York prices, adding freight. The qualities for lager beer and ale always on hand. Call and wee them. BUTTERFIELD A CO, ocl 4-om Wheeling. W.

Va. The Labor Reform. A Grand Union Mass Meeting; The Workingmen OF WHEELING ILL BE HELD AT THE COURT Hoow OQ TILSDAV EVENING. Oft. 131 to.

at 7 o'ekek, for the adoption of a Labor Reform Platform. Turn out, workingmen and hear the question discussed. ocl4-2t List of Letters. to be In the Wheeling to the of ttoe New OfHt-e I aw, ttoe ttoe largest circulation of but Paper heeling. Letters remaining unclaimed in the Office Ht Wheeling, State of Wwt Virginia, on the 14th day of October.

If not called for within one month, they will be Kent to the Dead Letter Offlce. All letters advertised are subject to an extra charge of one cent. Persons calling lor them will please be prepared with the change. calling for these will pleats say they are advertised, and give date of list. REQUEST for tne RETURN of a Letter to the wr.ter, if uuclalmed within 3o days or less.

written or printed, with the 1 Office and tn? left-hand end of the envelop, on tbe side, will be complied with anil returned tree or pcwlage to the writer. Office hours on Sunday from to lu a. m. LADIES' LIST. Boyca Sarah Mel ford Cora Maggie A McTlgUe Mary Brown Harah McCurdy inn 1 nance Margaret Pltner MoUie Com ton Jane Phi dm Jennie Culley Lizzie Pedly Sarah Comi Susan urr i'eggy I Carter Sarah Ray Mary' Edinjjs Caroline Robertson Ellen Fltsgerald Widow Hiuearah I MrtlfLMary stuber Anne Gray Mary Stan lein mn amine Charles mrs2stephens Si la Hot ton Liizie Smith Maggie I fcshampr-n Hawkins Eliza Tayior Bell Trimble Hettle Joice Bridget White Kate Kraft Gertrude Watt Emma Lowery Mary A Welate Mary i Mattle Caroline Gow Mary I Myers Catherine Mathews Meiay Wiuis Ann LIST.

Allot an Chariio Laroo James Alexander Loeo i Asm us David Murphey Frank Anderson William Muidrew A Murphey Norman Blind ley Joseph McClerrey John Brookes Mc-Oloughiln Daniel taller ER NewbyLn heransGeo Neil A BO RaJnJ Stephen Picket Lenerd Brtous Penn Jauw taker A Pnllai.s brown Wm Price Eli u-der Geo Prichei John jffurd John Rcee Philip CraSt Alfred Heed Henry i ConaerT RahrChax Culiey John Hoot Dayton Clew A Well Master Juum pelahanty Jas Smith Jobn Stafford Seabriirht Chaa Ewlng EA Stewart John Farnam Lee Sanders Fulton pears oomnel Ootdon Hzniin Ber.1 Griffith Patrick Thompson John Gibwon Hamilton Upsham Um pie James Heaiey Veillond Hedeman William Vail He? Jas Wlllamson Allan Harmon Wilsou William Huntsman Wilson John House Edwin Workman James Holllngshead David Work Lavid Jordan Wat kins Ab Kentou Robert Yard Iheodore Kerr Jam? oct-U C.J. RAWLING. P. M. ok a dmi nistration upon the estate of James a.

Porter, late of Hancock county. West deed, having to the undersigned, all persons indebted to Pie fame will make payment, aud those having claims present them to AKChlrtALl) Pittsburgh, JOHN PORTER, ocis-lw New Cumberland, W. Va Fall and Winter Milliiery. WALT ERS WILL HAVE SPLEN. did opening on Tuesday, Jottt oi BONNJBT8 AND HATS, and everything riealxable in the Millinery line.

Also, a splendid stock of Jflnk and Clonkn, Fine Lace Ac fall to come. ocl2-lw Now Arriving, Pateut Medicines, Perfumery, Everything Fresh and good at DRUG STORE, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. ocl1-1 Marshall County Election. WE ARK ATTHORIZED TO ANnounce Col. Alexaxdkk as a I'nion citndidaferor the House oi trom Marshall county.

oclO-td? wanted! A HEALTHY. BKXPECTABLE WOMAN wb-hts to procure a situation as wetI 411 10 Mre- M. Notice. AS ADJODBSED MEETING OF THE of the wheeling ASSOCIATION for the election of ftffiotrs the ensuing year, will be held at Uie Hall of the Association, on Monday evening. Oct.

11, 1887. at 7 o'clock. 001 9UI T. M. EOl'SDKT IBOIV.

TONS No 1, ANTIETAM AND MT. I received and for sale by 1JST, MORRISON A CO. NIUAKM, QK HHDS, p. R. AND CUBA.

I -w tJ ust received and for sale by L.IOT. MORRISON A CO. HIARCH. -A BOXES WOOD'S s-TARCH. Jnst received by 0019 LIST.

MOKKISON A CO. COFFKC. 91 UOOD TO CHOICE RIO COF40 old Gov't Java, very choice. octfl A CO. Card Photographs AT $1 per Dozen II Main Street.

picture and Looking Glass Frames on hand and in Gilt, Row and Gilt, and Black Walnot; Looking Glasses and Looking Glaws Plates; ALBUMS bo hold to at from 15 cents to A lar8e Stereoscopw and Stereoscopic Views alwavson hand, a K- Stanton, of the Ann of Stanton A Baltimore, presides at the Cameras. Han. WHO IS A good FARMER. and can glre satisfactory evidence that he Is competent to take charge of two hundred acres of land, on the ohlo River, within six or seven miles oi this city, having a of stock, especially of sheep, nnrt j. perfectly temperate hear of a good A man whose wife icmpcnu Be situation by calling at this with a wlie.

without wnose wife would take chance of the house-keeping dentrtmeat (a gentleman and his wire being the family,) would be preferred. There tea Vineyard on the plsoe. and it to desirable that the person applying might have a knowledge of the culture oi condition. but a thorough-going intelligent man Dew oca-tf Old LHarrhtra, Griping Puirut in Uie Bowels, Change of Water, Cholera Morbus, dtc. THE CABINET REMEDY I been with aliuoet unparalled suo lor the past twenty years, in or DUrrboca, liiulera Harbua, Ac.

H. W. Agent. IS Cedar street. N.

Y. MCCABE, KRAFT A Wholesale IuuggislH, wheeling, a genu lor W. UBBEL'S HIPKKIUK Cabinet Brandy, tMKDIOATKb) 1 TUB UX TED SUCCESS OP HOBBEL'S GOLDEN 'BITTERS! Isa most emphatic endorsement or their virtues. We claim them to ue the Best Tonic Bitters In tlie "World. The unsolicited recommendations we recetve rrum all parts or the globe prove them to ue Just czucuy what we claim.

They are purely Vegetable; They will Invigorate ami Strengthen: They fortify the system agmnst the effects of CnieiuAeaume Water. They will cure Dyvpeptia; They Will cure Heartburn; They will cure Hea'taehe; They will cure Jaundice; They Will cure Hexi Htckness; will cure General DeOxlUy; They wxll create a healthy Appetite; They contain no Poisonous Drug; They will Invigorate the System of Indigestion 1 and Increase tne temperature or i the body; and tne force or the acting, in (act as a general corroborant or the system. READ THE EVIDENCE. New York. April 23d.

UN. Geo. C. Hubbel A We have analysed your Golden and And that compound parts entitle it to the notice or the medical profession. Since oar we have used It In our practice with very satisfactory and find it particularly well calculated to correct tne derangement or the digestive organs, such dyspepsia, diarrhoea, hick headache, chollc, and Is a superior tonic lor dally use In moderate quantities for aged persons, ano also lor tnoae or delicate constitutions.

Doctoxs J. F.A T. W. MOHBDbY, No. 137 fcjtot 33d street.

Yo.N kBBS, May 9, isbl. Mritrt. Geo. C. Hubbel it OxUE.NTtt.?Havingused only two bottles or your "Ooidwu I can reoommend them with the utmost confidence as a tonic, fanlcnlarly for a change of diet and water.

Its as well for and children, giving them part of a wine-glass two or three times a day. Yours respectfully, QKU. C. BAKER. New Your, March 30th, Messrs.

Geo. C. Hudson, N. Y. family having been the dplent of marked benefit In health hy the of your "tfolden lam induced to acknowledge my semie of gratitude in this letter, which you are privileged to use as you desire.

1 can confidently assert that sinoe the first bottle of your Bitters entered my house I have heard or no complaint of dyapepela. My wife had been troubled with tne malady tor yean, and bad also been much annoyed by pllaa The symptoms and the disease have both lert, and obe Is welL oilier of my family endorse the good qualities of your article. 1 can only say. In conclusion, that 1 should be happy verbal evidence to the doubting any time they may call on me. With much regard, I aim, lours truly, H.

A. GRAHAM. 34 Bt. Courtlandt Moxtekal, July Messrs. Dcvxns dc Bolton, the last eleven months I have been suffering almost dally from severe attacks or Dyspepsia; so much so that 1 could with difficulty retain a meal In s.omach more than twenty in inn tea.

At night I experience a great horning in or about the heart; a general depression of attended with frequent diszlnera or dimne? or signt. I tried various cathartic compounds and stomach without being afforded any eflectuai relief, till 1 used four bottles Golden Bitters." since which period 1 hsve not been troubled with a rlngie one of the above complaints. From the benefit those Bitters have sfforded me, I feel it my duty to exprtm publicly grateful thanks. OBU. A.

BANCKUrT, Accountant and Collector. UoldSn I Bitters are rapidly gaining a world-wide rep- i utaUon. Bead the following: Fakis, France, June 2, 1B64. Messrs. Hubbel Cb. say that your "Golden Bitters" Is the most wonderful medicine in the world. It truly in a most miraculous way. Suffering with dyspepsia the moat painful kind, 1 used the Golden Bitters prepared by Messrs. Hubbel A a no was cured. I am convinced tnat all oomplalnu of this kind can be cured by your Bitters.

Wishing you prosperity and great oetw in the curing all the complaints that afflict tne, human frame. I am, gentlemen, yours, with respect. CAMl.NIER FA BRIG Nkw York, January Messrs. Geo. Hubbel A Cb.

'Bitters have been such a bleating In my nunlly thai I cannot refrain from sending you this testimonial. 1 In December lsst my wife was aick? got so very low that some good sUmuleni waa necessary. 1 tried wine but It did no good. Havingabottle of -Golden which had been given me by a mend, I thought I would try them: I had no faith in tbem, yet thought I wou.d give them a trial. 1 can truly say that my wifb gained strenath and health with every done.

In one month ahe was entirely well and strong. Cheeriully do I recommend them to all ladles as a gentle and strengthening ttlmnlsnt. Yours, GEO. A. J.


HUBBBL, General Wholesale Druggists, SOU AceQU tor W. Just Opened! EXTENSIVE STOCK or Fall Dry Goods! AT VERY LOW PRICES BY GEO. TAYLOR Co. MKBC HARTS BLOCK, NO. 108 MAIN STfiepl" HtNBY JSO.

W. NEW FIRM. BRUES SANDERS, 8UOCU8OBA TO HENRY BRUES, 114 Main Street, WHEELING, WEST Are now receiving the and beat selected Fall inter Htook of DEY GOODS Krer brombt to the cltr. which fering al ibe foMowiug extremely PRICfcH: Oood yard wide Blescbed Mnalln 12S Brown Calico Russia 12S tiood.all wool, OsHdmere Fine French Merino only 1 10-4 Linen 1 I best French Coneui, i So Also Ibe following assortment of GOODS. WHITE GOODS A LINENS.


CASHMERES AND DELAINES. WHITE GOODS. Umbrin, Irlsb Llnrn, AImmIu, Peqae, Jflroneu, Bird Eje, Cotton Diaper, Linen Diaper. A large assortment of TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWELS, 10-4 Linen Shirting. 10-4 Black and Brown Sheetings.

White and colored FRENCH COBSETS. -a. rtru. AssosTMcrr or Hosiery and Oloves. Large stock of Plain and Barred Flannels.

Blankets and Shawls. The largest and finest wuortment of FURS IN THE CITY AT BRCE? A HANDERH, TO BKKKT BKUffi,) No. 114 Main street, aepll-ly Wheeling. W. Va.

GREAT REDUCTION IN DRY GOODS, AT JOHN ROEHER Nob. 31 and 3d Main CENTRE WHEELING. Good GINGHAMS at Good BKoWN MUSLIN 10 Good 4-4 44 Good 3-4 Bleached 10 Good 4 4" Good Madder-colored PRINifi. New style of DARK DkLAINEB 25 ARMDRH CHALMAS Cloth-Si We call yoarocpecial attention to a large Lot of FRENCH MERINOS, all colors. Lot of Wool DeLalnee, all colore, LOT OP BLACK AND COLORED MOHAIR 8.

Flannels of all kinds; Cloths, Gamlmeres, Jeans, Balmoral and Hoop Sklrta, Blankets, QullU, OoverieU, Shawls and Cloaks. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, IATTQJB, all of which will be at reduced pileat, fox canh. Strangers ndlng In the Street Cam can aak the Conductors to tot them oat at more. Please call and examine oar stock before parcnaslng elsewhere, and oblige aepU-Iy JOHN ROEMER A CO. 1AABB1A ROB EN DALE HYDRAULIC lUUOement.

The only reliable Cement In one, received by P. C. HILDRETH A aimaStiMt IBTELLiegxcKR jeB Na IS Qnlney street. CARDS AND BILL HK.Vl*. neatly-printed.


SHOW BILLS tor Country MaaWisnls In fcmt. For Rent. SE58KNEY a BK removing their Hat mk! Lla neil door lo Notion Hook. oiler their present room for rem. -Jon given by Ibe 15th of EY A UlFFEN.

For Kent. STOKE KOOMB UA 1 KX.Y CX.VUGeorge R. Tayicr a and J. on Wain -1 re? tltn tiucment rooms finished. Good vSi cea in aeennd and good rooms ror otb er purposts In second and third story in good order.

Poaynrion given Many balding and dwelling boaMi foi in the Sixth Ward, on reasonable terms. THCia HORNBKOOK. Office, No. 11SX Main sueeu above Monroe. np For Sale.

rnHK HOWARD IKON WORK-. WITH I Hie and machinery belonging to itT with the maie-lal on hand, and a lot of 6u feet I rout rroiu ldndsey street to Wheeling Creek, is offered at private until the 23d day of October, upon whicn day. if not prevtoculy sold. It willi be oflered At auction. These works have all the and machinery nece nary fur carrying on the bust new of making Use.

steam Pipe, is in a good situation. sod be bought on advaiiuujeoai ApLEWIS LUSarOHV. ocli-td Pnaloeut. Beautiful Island Residence for Sale. AM AUTHORIZED TO 3EL.L THE I elegant Island residence Mr.

P. H. iooreToontaining ten rooms, kitcaen and qui tamirj pat There a good cellar antoth. cclO Estate Ageot. For Sale.

A TWO STORY FRAME HOLslE WITH fall lot on Monroe street. A two story BRI HOUSE ou ChapUne I. IRWIN Trust Sale. By virtue of a deed of tbust executed to me by William P. Brady Anna M.

Brady hto wile, bearing date on the 2nd day of February in the year and now on record in tne Recorder', office of Ob lo county. West Virginia, in Deed Book 30. pue 64.1 will sell at tne front door of the Court ouw of Ohio county THC DS.Y OF OCTOBkR next, all that certain tract or parcel of land, lying in the counties of Broose snd Ohio, watt jwh on the waters or Short creek, known as the Glrty Point farm, containing two hundred and thirty-five acrea. innre or im and bounded set forth and in said deed ni trust This land is under cultivation. has the usual improvements, and it Is underlaid, it Is Delisted, with valuable beds oi coal.

Selling as trustee, I will oonvey nucb title as la vested in me by said deed of trust. Terms of ode, Caan, or at the opUou of Um purcnaser. one third In hand, and the in three equal paymenta, at six. twelve and eighteen months, with Interest from date, with deed of trust to secure the same. K.

BRADY, Trustee. Whipcw, 17.1387. sepLS-td For Sale. mWO STEAM ENG1NIS-ONE OF 1 them formerly used In the ateawer Eagle. 75 hone power, with a locomotive boiler.

The other a small Engine with cylinder boiler. Will be sold on Apply to J. C. Orr srraadORS to Cloth A I. CO.

of all 106 Main kinds MtRi'HANTH BLOCK. Bxnms WHEELIXU, W. VA. and MATEABMB T1IK Hair. Spring.

Cotton. Husks, place Ac. Mattings, roa Druggets, Lace A Noting sain Curtains. Damask and Reps Damask, Cornices, Tapells, Ac.y Window Shades and fixtures of every ocrlpUon, DoorMats.TABL.tand PIANOCOVERS, and American oil Cords and heiK in variety. TO ROOM FOR NEW STOCK we pro- poe to sell lower than ever.

Repair-' lag and Uupholsterlng doue prompt!) and cheaply. ocl-lmd BARGAINS A Carpets, STAR FOUNDRY, NO. tU MARKET WUKKUHU.W. VA TftMM. (TLKCBTSOft.

SORGHUM CANE MILLS, ANUFACTURED AND FOR SALdi by ins-ly THOtt. G. House Castings ADE TO ORDER BY THOS. Q- OUKBKRTSON nWB, Hollow-ware. Flow Threshing Machine Castings, On hand, or made to order at lowest rates.

Jy-X-ly THUS. G. CULJJEKTMON. 'I Pall Campaign. H.

WILLCOMMKNi tbe Hmmid by offering on Mt I ORNING ivpitrabtr I6U1, Uio 80 Rich lUaclc and ColoxrU MoluUr Alpaccas atSTSc, 50 ao. Silk Finished A1 at Mc; 30 do. aU wool Hexony Plaids at and Sue; 16 do. rich. all wool.

Plaul Thwe Goods are trom late New York A action, and are tba cheapest lot of Dry Goods tn Wheeling, being Uian PRICKS In old times. J.H. RHODW4 CO. Fine Dress Goods. WE A KB NOW RECEIVING OCH tftoek cf Fine Iffew which will be mncn larger than usual.

Kiefc Kmsiu SilBS, iQnect la tbe cltj); Kleb Biwck and Colored tiro Grains, Veloum wud de Airlqae silkn: Kich Biam PlaUls; Irish Poplins; French MwlDtx; Cloths: Cbene Winceyn; very fine tillk te, Ac. J. HHODICS CO. E. HAYES CO.

FIRM IS ABOUT OPENING A eatanlishment in toe building ly known as the Fonytbe waiehoow adjolnlng tba A then earn, for tbe CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. Tbe latest to tba way of ehlnery are oeli.g pot inU? tbe confwto, all work torned oat will be I teOlve 8sti 9 UAMUA TO NIC CD PH. tor sate at f1 BOCKINO-M Drug Wore. No. i.

raUow's HsU..

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