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The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer from Wheeling, West Virginia • Page 1

Wheeling, West Virginia
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jfll JitfcIKgenctr. ESTABLISHED AUGUST 24, 1852. WHEELING, W. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1896. VOLUME 135.

eloquent words" In Support of the Monrotc Doc. trine, by Mr. Thurston, THE UNITED STATES SENATE, Sentiments Breathing the Spirit ol American Patriotism. SENATOR TURPIE. OF INDIANA, Dtclarci that CongrMi Should Follow Up lu Protest Agaliut the Ameulaa Duty Owed to ClirlatlauClvllItat SUrer Bond BUI May Rrach a Vote ou Defcn Coil.

tempt Case DUcqoed-Untmportunt Sec. alouof tlir Iloute. WASHINGTON. Jan. affairs and finance occupied the attention of the senate to-day.

Mr. Thurston, of Nebraska, vigorously upheld a strong application of tho Monroe doctrine and was at times warmly applauded for the patriotic ring of his sentiments. Senator Turpie, of Indiana, touched Upon the Turkish atrocities in a brief but very energetic speech in which, ho declared hlnw shot. ifnomu "i- I which would crash through the sultan's seraglio, sweeping back Mohammedisjn and advancing Christianity. The pntyer of the senate chaplain referred to the Appearance of another star and involked the knitting together of IN- hnrrs of nil the people of the Union for tho and glciy 'of cur beloved country, Mr.

Turple, in presentin? a petition concerning Turkish massacres, said in the recent calamities the Armenians were charged -with no re. volt. They were charged only with be Jng Christians, rneironiy crime wno that they claimed. and exercised the right to worship the Dlvne Creator of I the unverajp. The time baa come, said the senator, that there should an official notification to Turkey and.

to the Mohammedan church that there has been a decadence In thi'ir power u) the sword. "We have already sent a mesfage." said the senator, referring to the concurent resolution, "but the blow should rollow. The message should be followed by a shot which would go crashing through the grand seraglio." urged that it would be a glorious day when tne aestrucuon ui this Turkish power was brought about. He would have the messages and demands sent not only tp sultan, but echoed through the mosques'and mina'rets. It should thunder these murderers learned the power and advance of Christianity.

The senator urged that the Christian world might now be called upon to take up. another great crusade, driving back the rule of Mohammedanism and establishing the rule of Christianity. Mr. Turpie spoke with great earnestness and vigor, and his remarks attracted much attention. The Debs Rcsolntton.

Mr. Call's resolution for an or, nr-ront of Eucpne Debs came up and Mr, Call urged Immediate action, saying that the laboring intereats of the country desired the Inquiry. Mr. HU1. N.

said that ordinarily he had great respect for the laboring people of the country. But he Pointed out that no petitions had come from the representatives of these people. He had never heard that they desired this investigation. It might be that such an inquiry was desirable, but if so it should be conducted by one of the regularly constituted committees, and not by a special committee. To that end Un Hill offered on amendment directing that the whole subject of contempt of court, as enforced by the federal Judiciary, be Investigated by the committee on Judiciary and that a report be made oa to what if any legislation was necessary.

Mr. Call dissented to the amendment Was it intended to suppress this in'lOlry. he asked. These regular committees were "the nepulchers" of legislation. If'action was to be taken a special meeting was the only means of accomplishiltjglt.

3 Mr. Hill urged that this was a Judicial ouestfon and hence proper to be considered, by Uie Judiciary committee. Mr. Allen Interposed with a dissent to Mr. Hill's statement of the supreme court decision.

He sold the court held it had no jurisdiction to give the relief asked. It did not rule on the merits. Mr. Allen severely, criticised Judge Woods who committed Debs. Hill said he would not be put into attitude of opposing on inquiry.

He paid a high tribute to Mr. Debs and "aid the action he urged was with a view of securing appropriate legislative acilon. Mr. Allen created a flutter of excite- by asserting that In his opinion the express purpose of referring the resolution to a standing committee was to suppress and kill it. The resolution Anally went over, allow Mr.

Thurston to addrt'ss the senate on the Monroe doctrine. Except for a brief pension speech It was his first speech since entering the sen toHM J-J ute arm ne wan accurucu viwnc Mr. Thnrfttou's Hprrcb. Senator Thurston said in port: The adoption of flhe resolution reported by the committee on foreign affairs will present a grand International issue which may hold much of menace to the world's peace: a-n issue which I sincerely hope and profoundly believe will rwnolred to the abiding pcace and honor and permanency of this republic, but whldhf ft is useless to deny, mny precipitate upon our beloved country ill tu? 'llsafltors and norrora unci nccs which wouMJ inevitably follow, ohould the two fTeat nations of the gldbe remit their dlfierr.m to the arbitration of wnmt vume these were not vote for the ponding flrst submitting to Wie Judgment of mankind-and "the 'crttlclim of posterity. of the nuaons Which seem to snake my path of duty plain.

there nothing ftt stake but a adjustment of a boundary line belivv Venezuela and British Cutina. I hesitate long nnd gerloualy before voting -to commit this government to any interference. But the present question high above any The British prime mlnlHter, the accredited month-pJcc? of the strongest empire of Christendom. baa set-n fit to olllclally dcclare nnd ao advise this thnt the Monroe doctrine has no nlace In tlio law o. nntions mil la not aocoptcil or rrcosnl' '1 by any UuroOeatl power.

Mr. Prcnldcnt, tliu pulsion bluntly, nlmojt lnnolently, ntnuil by lieen from fMi nnor: efothwl In tplenilfd rhetoric, nna presented with KUtfli f'rvirt iufnm even to I Hist the woe for the inMohlCM futility ot urnior and not fur thn fe'Mlment ot hJi ad drew. 1 onmnit liv tint the vlrivi the ni'mitur from win command tllomnolvM to tlm deliberate Judgment ot the Amort can people. They may be satisfactory 10 Ulft money cHangers. England can crack the whip (or them; but thank Clod the money changers are not the custodians of the nation's conscience.

It our people ever become so senile and degraded as to be willing to Hit the honor of lite nation on the stock exchange, to go up or down the market. It will be time to turn the plotured face of Washington to tlic wall, and to cut the sword of Grant.lnto the sea. Mr. President, it la Bravely argued ttiut our country Iras outgrown tin necessity tor any further enforcement of tile Monroe doctrine. It contended upon this floor that our neighboring republics are not worthy of our sympathy or assistance because of the Instability of their established forms of government and of the Ignorant and helpless character of ttoelr populations.

Any country which im shown its ability to rid itself of despotism, is worthy of our encouragement and substantial aid, in all Its struggles and all Its efforts to secure for its people a greater measure of liberty, enlightenment and civilization, than -they now enjoy. hIm af Pntrlotivm. I am not unmindful of the seriousness and gravity of 'the present eituotiod. Wo are calling a halt upon that settled policy ot cgETosslon and dominion which oharacterlspd the extension of the British empire from the hour In which her adventurous prow turned to unknown seaa. But don thin furnish Any reaaon why Americans should abandon any settled policy of the United Stales, or retire from any PfWtion urMbh the honor of this republic and the welfare of America require that wa should asaume? Mr.

President, our people have been represented as e-ager fbr wnr, and th? senator from Colorado seems to believe that It necessary to oool their ardor by dlsparagvment of the doctrine and eulogiilm of British grandeur. Ours Is a mlchty nation, but Its people are slow to wraHi. They believe In the dlvlno doctrine taught by the lowly Naxurene on the shores of Galilee. Bill Is no other land in honor of the naJton Is so dear; there la no other land In wWcli the love of country, oC liberty, ofjustlce Js so strong; there Is no other land whose citizens would sacrl lice ho mucn to maintain iu or defehd soil Sir, Great Britain mistaken the temper of the people of this country In the pant as tfhe mistakes it now. 'lhe English people profess to believe that tho United Stateadare Tio-t stand by the Monroe doctrine'at- this time, bcwiuse they say tihe people of south would gladly take ndviuvtage of a declaration of xvar to renew the old internal upon the lioor of the American senate, knowing whereof I apeak, I say to the people of Great Britain that the grave issues which have been settled by brave men upon American battlefields can never be re-opened again.

Sir, there Is no division of sentiment in t-he United States. Let but a single drum beat be hwird upon our coasts announcing the approach of foreign foe, and there will spring to arms, In north and south, the grandest nrmj the ivorlil has ever known; animated hy a deathless loyalty to their country's IIuk. and marching on to the mingled and Inspiring strains ot our two national airs, "Yankee Doodle" and "Dixie." Sir, bellevelng that the honor of my country Is involved, that (lie lionr calls for thi' highest expresllon ut loyalty and patriotism; calmly confident of the posterity; reverently calling God to witness tiie sincerity of my purpose. I shall vote for the resolution reported by the committee on foreign affairs. I shall vote for It, not as an affront to any other nation, but to uphold the dignity ot my own.

I shall vote for It In this time of profound tranquility, convinced that pence with honor can be preserved: but sir, I would vote for it Just as surely ivere we already standing In the awful shadow ot declared war. I would. vote for It were the navies of all Europe thunder lug ai our naruora. -tvuimi were the shells of British battleships bursting above the dome of the nation's cnpltoL I would vote for It, and would maintain it, all hazards and at any cost, with the last dollar, with the lust man, yea, though It might prestige coming of a mighty conflict, whose conclusion should leave me without a son, as the last great contest left roe without a sire. Other Mr.

Voorhees, of Indiana, who was until recently chairman of the finance committee, spoke In advocacy of the reroonetization of silver and sharply arraigned those responsible for the elimination of silver from coinage. Mr. Gray, of Delaware, urged a gold standard. HJs speech was notable in its presentation of tbe fluctuations prices, showing them to result from invention and natural causes and not from silver demonetisation. Another effort was made by Mr.

TsinM. Arkansas. In charge of the sllveij, bond bill to have the vote fixed for Thursday. Mr. Hill objected, however, and Mr.

Jones notified senators to prepare for a test of endurance on, os he would ask them to sit until a vote was taken. BhortSenalon of the Home. WASHINGTON, D. Jan. session of the house was brief to-day.

Contrary to general expectation tho diplomatic and consular appropriation bill precipitated no dlscustilon whatever, None of the foreign complications were even mentioned and the bill was passed in less than an hour. The appropriations carried by the bill are about 1300,000 in excess of those appointed for tbe current fiscal year. OUB COAST DEFENSES lit Wretulieil Miles Makrs ft Htfttement. WASHINGTON, D. Jan.

General Nelson A. Miles, commanding the army, before the committee on coast defenses to-day made a statement of the conditlon.of th'e coast defense on both the Atlantic and Baciflc -nonta and Gulf of Mexico. He stated that tho prune now mounted at savannah, Charleston and other porta are smooth-bores of obsolete patterhs and are mounted on rottun carrlagca. Tho only where provision been made for any deferine nre New York. San Prancbco and Ronton, and defenses at those places are enttroly Inadequate and Insufficient.

Ho said that our cities are open to attack by any country having a large navy and that Jt would take years to create the necessary armament. Ho estimated that the entire cost of the coast defenses for adequate protectRm of the country at about for fortifications and guns. This would not Include the cost of ammunition and proJectlles. BOW, LOOK OUT For Atiolher Pmldmt Gone Dnek-Ilnntiiig. WASHISGTOS, D.

Jan. 28.T?PMident Cleveland, accompanied" by another penron, who" been Moerulnefl, ljtt the eW "tf; -i'r)it to-rrisbt on th? Mpnt-nouso Mapln, wMtrh wnJ'lylnp kw'" wharf. The Mnple row. PrMIdent'i flwMnarton not Known. $, A LYNCHING BEE i Follows Closely on a Murder In McDowell County.

THE LAWLESS ACTION OF A MOB the Proper Administration of Jlittler atid Drings Reproach on the Xegro who Murders a Passenger on a Xorfblk Western Train, Fatally Wounds Another and Seriously Shoots the Condnetor Is Taken from the OAoers and flanged. BLUEFIELDS, W. faJan. Alex, Jones, a negro desperado, boarded a passenger train at Keystone last night. He was under the Influence of whisky, very boisterous and quarrelsome.

Conductor McCullough came through the cars and after demanding fare from Jones advised him to be quiet. The negro became much Incensed and when an attempt was made to eject him he pulled two revolvers from a belt and began firing promiscuously through tho train, which was crowded with passengers. He emptied both revolvers and attempted to reload, but was overpow- ered by trainmen. When msnt had abated It was ruuna H. Strother, postmaster at Elkhora, was shot through -the abdomen.

The wound resulted In almost Instant death. Conductor McCullough was shot In the side, but not seriously. Peter Rice, a colortd miner, was shot through the right brefist and probably fatally Injured. Jones was Incarcerated In the E1K- horn jail to await the arrival of a train by which to convev him In safety to Tlnntlnirtnn fnr The train UTived at 2 a. and tne officers and prisoners boarded It without mo- testation.

Meanwhile a mob had been organized at wVIch, i. west of Keystone, and had marched to Hemp- hill, a small station mile west of Welch. The train was by danger signal and the mob, numbering 100 men, boarded it and at the point of Winchesters forced ine officers to release the They dragged Jones a short distance to a tree, where he was swung to a limb and his body riddled I with bullets, -the following note being attached: "This deed was done for the purpose a of example and warning to negroes. So beware." Some of the most prominent and in- fluential cltlsens of this section com- posed the mob. Jones.

It is alleged, had killed three men prior to his last i offense. Excitement Is at a high pitch. I An effort was niade by Jones' friends to rescue him from the angry mob. JJ. Strother was one of the best known men in this section and had numerous friends.

He had Just sue- i ceeded Fletcher, who was killed a short time ago, aa Mtmaster of Elkhorn. 11 0. RUMORS. 1 Formation of a with Thomas M. King President In Provable Iiu- provemeuta to be Provided For.

BALTIMORE, is not Improbable that the refunding of the floating debt oi the Baltimore Ohio Railroad Company, will result In the f6rznatton of a new system tq be known as the Baltimore Ohio Nortirweatern. The proposed collateral trust loon will probably amount to J12.000.000 instead of as at first estimated, the greater port of It being Intended to fund existing debts and the balance to provide for -needed Improvements on tho entire system. To carry out this arrangement. It Is Intended to form, it is said, the Baltimore OfeJo Northwestern system out of the various small branches running from Pittsburgh to.Chicago and forming the main line to Chicago. The Pittsburgh Western branch will be tho nucleus of the proposed new system.

The scheme provides that a new bond be towed on these lines, guarnteed by Ctfe BaJtlmore Ohio Railroad Com- PU-Ity, WU1BI Will UC DVJiU iv VU vua company's debts Incurred by these AnoCher interesting rumor In connection with the proposed formatter) of a new system Is that in the event the idea Is adopted, Mr. Thomas M. King, ftecond vice president of the Baltimore Ohio will be elevated to the presidency of the new line. FATHER AND 805 Implicated In (he Colorado Sprlnp ExprrM Robbery Some Kino Detective Work. DENVER, Jan.

dotectaves have arrested express agent Kroute, of Colorado Springs, on the charge of being implicated in the theft of if ram the wells Fargo Company several months ago. His father, who recently came to Colorado Springs, ftorn Illinois, 'was also arrested on a train a.t Walsenhurg, as he won leaving atiain rtihant 14.600 wafl found sewed up In Ms clothing. Tho robbery occurred on the night of November 11, at the Santa Fe depot In Colorado Springs Just after the night train pulled out south. George Kroute, the flgcrrt, said that two men had overpowered him In his office and token the two packages consigned from Denver contained overlooking another package oonUUnlng 116,000. As Mr.

Kroute hnd been In the employ or the Wells Fargo, Express Company for a number of years, suspicion did not at first point to him. fiuhcr, a farmer, came to Colorado Springs from Cerro January 21. Hfs actions excited suspicion anil he has been constantly Yesterday he boarded a (ram on the Gulf road, after having purchased a ticket for Fort Worth. Detoctlvo w. u.

noiro the mmt train and teloKranhcd Sheriff Ext Parr to moat him at Wa'-nonburs. Tftere ICrmitP mi arretted on to-dny ho was uki'n back to Che He protested that hb win Ham Jones and that he knew nothing about the exprww robtory. When he was near-died $4,600 found, moot of It aoiwd to the Inglde of hk ulilrt. kextpcky'deadlock. 5 Snnml Dtmocrau Vote Cor Wat.

llolil ThelrOivu, Ky? Jan. i nlxth ballot of the joint wnlon of the 1 Kentucky wan taken to- (toy. There wa? the Intercatod crowd 1 present when the roll wa? called. A call of the roll showed IJ2 memfien preaent and voting. The ballot romltcd: Hunter, MjlHackburn Wort- I tcrson John Young Drown Wllaon 1.

Total, 132. mMhv vnted I to-Hiy for Henry ore wmrtngly an tar an ever from burn, llaprMtntnitlvo (.1 rider, dlfl' of Cwy. no deeply lirnnertod hi h'l4 (v rrttK)ondcnre ibal too voled for Iflackhurn. Tho crowd npplaudnd tinrtll Mr. Orldtr tili votjto Hunter.

Poor'n voto for John loung Brown WM J- CUBAN REBELLION. ninrcmti SU1I tile Country. MotmufiiU ofthe Troopi. HAVANA, Jan. Maximo jotpcR has pappcU the villlaife or 8auda, southwest of Bajucal, this pro rtnce, going westward, apparently to be assistance of General Antonio 11a who has been reported to be passed the Spanish troops In the province ot tnar del Rio.

The Insurgents have burned some ipiendld farm houses at tear Trinidad, provlnco of Santa Clara, Lnd the cane fleIds about San Luis. Colonel Sandovel. at province it Santiago de Cuba, has had a sklrnlsh with the insurgents, who left four illled on the lleld and retired with their vounded. The troops had two offloors md five soldiers wounded. Pedro Diaz, insurgent leader, was among the vounded.

mi rnnni-frtrl tft hSVP ilie IUDUIIDUI lui tt laurd the village of finludn going west Mid to number 1.000 cavalry and 600 nfantry. Gen. Uodoy, at the plantation of has hod a skirmish with Inlurgent bands commanded by Roban, Juylto. and Nunez. The Inlurgent Ion wan five killed and nineteen wounded and the troops captured i quantity of ammunition and mall natter.

Nine Spanish soldiers were vounded. Captain Oonxales, at the head of a mall detachment of Bpanlsh troops, on Sunday last, was attacked by an Insurant force, commanded by Lacret, CIoIlde and Garcia, at the mountain farm if La Cams. The Spaniards were.oom>elled to retreat with the loss of Ave and eleven wounded. The insur- rent loss Is not known. HAWKINS WENT DOWN.

I Filibustering Expedition Wrecked. Ten of the PaMengcrs uud Crew Lost. Poireri VINEYARD HAVEN, Jan. 28. -Tw'enty-lwe men from the steamer J.

V. Hawkins, supposed to have been for Cuba with men and arms for he Insurgents, have' been landed here the schooner The Hawkins vas wrecked off Island Sunday light The schooner Alicia Crosby, which jrlved here later In the day, brought hlrteen more men from the steamer J. I. Hawkins. The men displayed great inxlety to get back to New York and rould have very little to soy about their flairs.

It Yas learned, however, that en of their number had been lost Particulars of the wreck of the Hawtlns had been gleaned from the men by he officers of the i-escuing vessel. As learly as could be ascertained, the itory Is that the steamer sailed from Jew York on Sunday, ostensibly bound Bermuda on a winter excursion. She about eighty-men, nostly Spaniards, a cannon and several lUndred pounds ot ammunition. It was ntimatM that several wealthy Cubans eere in tne party. Early Monday morning they ran Into northeast gale, and the heavy cross which swept tne sttMner, caused ier seams to open and she began to AM apldly.

Signals of distress were set before those on board had time to lo more than clear the boats, she went lown about 65 miles southeast of Sanly Hook lightship. 0 The schconers Leander, Becbe, Alicia 3. Crosby and Helen Hr Benedict liad een the signals and lmmediitely bore down upon her. The crew ind passengers had already taken to he boats and they were picked up with nuch difficulty on account of the gale md high. seas.

The Benedict picked up fcrenty-flve men. among them being the learner's first officers and steward. The saved 13 out of 23 out of another but the other 10 were unable to tne'DOax in Uie mgn seas ami pere lost The rescued men were neary exhausted. The Beebe succeeded In esculng those In the other boats, but iho put baok. probably for Delaware jreakwater or some other middle Atantlc port It Is claimed by the men hat the Hawkins was unaeaworthy tnd should never have undertaken the royage.

OWE MAN'S rhrre Plenty of Hcitrf on for the Cuban Insurgents, NEW YORK, Jan. C. Hortandez, a Cuban, who was on board the teamshfp J. W. Hawkins, an alleged Ulbuster, which off the (astern coast of Long Island last Sunlay night, told a story to a roporter lor the "World this afternoon.

In which eata: "We left New York at midnight last Jdtnrday. from the foot of. Ono Hun Ired and Thlrty-elgHth street, East ilver. We. put out quietly In the dead night and In a few mlnutea were (teaming tor the Sound Wo ran imoothly enough that night and all he next day.

We had no trouble until I o'clock Monday tnornlnR. At that Imp the sea beginning to Bet jretty rough and the engineer aaked for lelp. He paid that the engine room had iprung a leak and that the pumps were ihoked. At laat the water came -Into he engine room no fast that Captain Sail told ua to lighten the ship by hrowlng over bags of coal. The coal vas plied upon deck.

We threw It over is fast as we could, but It did not seem do any good. Wnn to throw nvor the taacH of arms and ammunition. We had great quantity on board; there was $80,000 worth of arms alone. Wo two Hotchklas guns, 1,200 Remingngton and Winchester rifles and one nllllon of ammunition. In adlltlon to this there were 3,000 pounds of lynamlte and a lot of raw material for naklng heavy explosives.

"Callsto Garcia Inlgu was In comnand of the revolutionists and his son, Garcia, wan second in command. 3en. Rosa was also on board. These illlcers ordered us to take to the boats tnd we did so. "We left the ship at 9 o'clock on Mon- 1 lay morning and twenty minutes later ve saw her go down.

She gave a groat urch to one side and then settled into he sea." XVhmt I'nlmn NEW YORK, Jan. 28 no time ilnco the beginning of hostilities has been oxcitemont at headluarters of tho Cuban revolutionists in city as thero was to-day when It vas icarnod that the steamship J. W. luMin huwkiiid, hiio iiku ttui, treat trouble and expense on a filibuster, had been wrecked oft tho eastern of Lond Inland on BuntJay night had been abandoned by the revolulonlats and thi crew on Monday mornng. It waa not until7 o'clock at night that score of newspaper men succeeded In totting an Interview or atatomont from dimmer ralma personally.

"Gentlemen." he, becoming surely oan't oxpeot me to tell rou all that I know or may have heard. have told you all that hu eonie to my ifriclnl knowledge, but about thin fllllusterlng buelneaa I know nothing. fou don't want me to any that I am a lllbusterer, do you? Well, I can't say iny more, We have nothing to do with Hlbuaterlng here; don't oak me to aay iny more because I have nothing to lay except that know nothing." THAT KYjJE WELL Is Now Reported Producing 1,200 Barrels a Day. npW pip! FI1TI1RF ASSURED. I1LM i Fair Strike Mmdc Ilrmrd amd Bmrn.dmll Oat at Weir IUp Up in Tyler County Wheeling Well Due Oil Stm from die Soatliweet DUtrlct.

SI8TERSVILLE, TV. Vjl, Jan. Tbe well drilled In on the Bullman term last wwi by Devonian Oil Company. "was drilled dee-per to-day and as a result it has greaitly increased In production. Lata advices received from -Oie well this evening are to th? effect ttie well 4s flowing at the rate of 1,100 barrets a which tl 2-3 cents per minute -to The Increased production of this well together with increased production of the some company's well on the Kyle farm, which wta drilled deeper a fow days ago, Is considered conclusive evidence that tbrrr 1s alarge "Big Injun" pool In the Immediate vicinity of the? wells and tvfll stimulate the operators to increased activity In that section.

AHOTHEB COLEBAINWEIL Do (he SXmle Farm a Pair The fifth producing well Coleraln came In yesterday. It Is thought to good for sixty barrels a day and Is owned by Heard and Barnsdall. The new well Is on the Miuile farm. All of the producers ore within a radius of one 1 niue IUN IUW new rigs are being pot up and others we contracted for. Tho new strike Is on the farm of Jnoob Maule, on the west side of the Ctoleraln and Mt.

Pleasant road and between the Stqrbuclc and tupton both produoen. It was drilled In at 1 o'clock yesterday' and the good nows soon spread to river. As early as Monday the well gave evidence of being producer. Considerable oil appeared yesterday morning, together with some gas-and while the boiler was being moved bock the hole began to All up with grease, reaching the 1,000 foot mark. The people In and around Ooleraln are elated over the new producer.

Supplies for the Clark No. 3 ore being hauled out from Martinis Ferry. Drilling will be commenced at the well of the Pike Oil Company In a day or two and wlirbe pushed as vigorously na possible. Rltra ore being put up on the (arms or Joel Walker and Llndly Hail and one Is about ready on the Elteha Steer farm. Chaunocy Hogg end others (lave built rig.

Work will be commenced on others In a few days. The coming In of the Parker well four miles west of Martin's Ferry will probably determine what there Is In a large territory nearer the river and lor this reason lit will be vraiched with much Interest. Should the Parker be a producer, many rigs will go up at once. The parties mho recently leased the McSwords farm in Martin's Ferry, will probably put down a well. Some Sistersvllle operators ere turning their attention to the Coleraln field.

The gentlemen who put down a "test well at Iieureiton which only a few days ago proved a duster, still have confldenoe In the Short Creek territory ana are another test, one and one-half miles enet. The dry holo is on the Henry Merkle farm. Heard and Barnsdall's well on the Thomas Ckirk farm, ia spudding and that on the Bracken farm is rigging up. west Virginia on notes. Xntc? of Optratloni In tlie Ronthwcit Country

IV." In the lower southwest fields the Kyle well, on Indian creek, and the Cullman well, nnr Wick, both now Tyler county attractions, are recetrlng more attention than any others of recent date. New work Is starting in the vicinity of each and active operations are promised for the near future. On Sancbo creek a test well ot some Importance was drilled hi on the Fox "m-Hrtf fKo Pratand proved a duster, and is another nail in the ooffln that territory. In the eastern part of Tyler county, near the Hardman developments, oonBlderaWe is now under, way ffnd some are figuring on finding a conn-eoting link between the Kyle well on Indian creek and the Hardman development. There are about a half dozen firms wtio pinned their faith on the nevy Eureka Held now ready to admit that there la iwthtag in a name.

Of the five wells started In the immediate of the Initial well, a gusher on the James Hammott, all save one have come in dusters of the rankest order. It took about 150,000 to demonstrate the fact new Eureka development instead ol being a pool was nothing more than a pocket and one well is getting Ha contends. Interior West Virginia territory has furnished, good wellsj also some very ugni unes aim iuw uumeis uuiIng the putt week. The Fla-t Run territory north ot Matinlngton, Is giving up a good deal of new production, while the Big Dim territory In Doddridge county, Is showing signs of weakening. The northweut extension of the Deist, pool, In Monroe county.

Ohio, was very qulot, but furnish some new attractions (ht? week. In Jefferson county, between Mount Pleasant and the Colera4n field, Hhc OMo OH Company failed to puncture a now Berca srlt pool on the Hill farm, and Forsythe Company had better suoeess on the Cope farm In SmiihfieM township. D. S. W.

In I In RIllenTllle Klrlil, Special Dlipntch to tho Intelllgenoer. 3IST.EItSVlL.LE, Jan. 58? The well being drilled on the Amos term by Henderson Company, and located about a quarter ot a mile south of the Deist pool In Monroe carunty icta tho Inn nf tSrt Unrl hkU afternoon, nml sinking irtrong nonet gaa they tfhirt down to move Uho boiler back atri make tho necessary arrtngcmonte for drilling the well In. In thought they will drill the wall In tonight Mid that It will mako a goad showing. It In Umlwutood Owrt the leene war between the lltnry Oil Company and t-hc Victor Oil and Ou Company, will bo brought 1o a clone by papern befog Isaued prohibiting tho development or the 1mm by rtther company the motterot ownership li adjudged.

The well being drilled by Crawford A on -the Stewart famf and which im.4 Hi tn-mn-rrmv. Iwt AffMn mePwUfi Ineknnd hu a J6b, ixw.niloned by the Ult comlnr uneerewetl. I'nUl this has been recovered nothing pan bo done bringing the well In. Fmnohot Bros. (till murine a of their well on the Ambler farm, located new 8t.

Mary't, but while nothing reliable can be learned, It la thought tsey nave gwu have made another location and will drill toother wall at onoo on tire sunt farm. Thomnn OoMlan and others have made a location near Fuivky on tho Clark farm and wili commence drilling at onoc. This well will be a rank wild oat. as tt two or three miles from liefined -territory. opt nrmraT Xur ttrlMjy ffiar the Mailman and Kyle StrlUn.

The Victor Company has made two location! on the Stealey farm, adjoiningthe John Bullman farm, also one oh the S. Henderson farm, about throe-quarters of a mite southwest from Bultaan No. 1. Oats A Motes are erecting a rig on the southwest edge of the John B. Huliman term.

on the William Masters farm, one-Quarter mile east of Bullman watt. The Carter Company has located a well, and will at once commence operations. The Kanawha Company has located and Is erecting a rig on the A. Smith farm, about 600 feet northwest of Bullman No. i.

This company has aban cloned No. S. on this farm, wmcn tney drilled to the Brut grit, without finding and In now ft the tools out'of No. 1, which will be remembered an the big gasser, rivaling the Blr Hoses, when first drilled to the This well has made two or throe tanks or oil. and when opened up last Thursday, scut the oil skywards over the top of the derrick at a lively rate.

Taken all In very favorable for a rood Held. As the locations are made. It can safely be set down that it will be watched with the greatest Interest, until the future Is determined. All the land Is leased, surrounding these locations. Sew Warnlf Well.

Charles Baohtnan received a telogrsm from Slstorsvllle yesterday saying than the well on the Rebeoca ifcshone farm. on Bull croek, near Waverly, was due In the and would be in today. Dr. Dr H. Taylor.

Charles Hen- I nins and Charles Bachman, of Wheeling. and SUtersvllle people, own the well. fKB ABME1TIAK 00TBA0E8. The British DflloUl Report of Tbrm. Kamtxr at Killed Kiaggcrafed, but 'Bad EnonRb.

LONDON, Jon. books been Issued containing all the olBclal dispatches relative to Armenia between July 24. 1894, and October IS, 1895, and tho reports of the consular delegates attached to the Sassoun commission. The report gives the history of the Armenian agltatldn for several years and records the obstacles thrown In the way at the commission by the Turkish delegates. Italsoucquns tne Annnn-iu of the charge brought.against thcm-o! burning their own property to Incite an outbreak amongst their people, adding Chat the faots elicited failed to prove that the Armenians were In but show than the agitator, several Armenian outrages on Kurds.

The latter then retaliated and the Armenians fled to their villages. The report Hliows the number of killed has been crossly exaggerated, l.ut the report admits that owing to the otssnee of registration It Is Impossible even approximately to fix the number of vietlttlil. The British delegate Shipley, est Jmmes 'the total number of victims In fthe Soasoon dtatrlot. Including deaths 'from ataruatlon at about niao hundred. ill one or dub wvrev cruelty.

Delegate Shipley says, in the rourdrr of prisoners In 'jhe oamp at Glhellegumn under a promise of a safe cnndimt Mr. Shipley. the British delegate, further declares that Armenians were hunted like wild beasts, and If the slaughter was not greater It was solely owing to the vastness of the mountain fastnesses, which facilitated the escape of the Armenians, He was convinced that the Turks aimed at the complete extermination of Armenians hi the Ghelleguzan and Talorl districts. HO 0. A.

B. EKCAMPKEHT If Hie Railroads PmW In RtftutSK Thirty Day Tickets. CHICA90. Jan. J.

Walker said, after he had been Informed that the Western Passenger Association would not break the desired extension on the tickets: "Well, that simply lets St. Paul out of 4a Ia that iu tire matter will now be re--opened and another city selected for the encampment" When Informed that the other of the Joint trafllo association had declared that they would rot grant more favorable than those already maoe by the western lines, Commander Walker replied: "Then there will bo no G. A. R. encampment this year.

We must have thirty-day tickets or wo will not have any encampment" An Thief. WELLFXiEET, Jan. Jane Houston, a bank president's wife. lost diamonds and other Jewelry last night valued at JM.000. Mort Green, whom the authorities were shadowing suspect dropped into a free Methodist Yevtval meeting last night lust In time to licor Houston explaining In giving her "experlende," that she had Just discarded her diamonds and" other Jewelry, since she thought It ungodly to wear them.

She said she left all of her flnery on her dresser when she Joft home for church. Green, It Is sold, left the church, -broke Into the Houston residence and found 9 that she had told the truth. He took 5 everything In sight and loft a note saying ho was glad, he could remove temptation from her way. BBIEP TELK3B4K3. gold reserve la down to JH.6TS,The total number of killed In the explosion near Cardiff, on Monday, M.

The of the people of New Foundland and an appeal for relief hu been Issued. The New York congressional delega- tlon will hold a meeting In the Inti-rest of Governor candidacy for the presidency. Tho Pittsburgh railroad coal haVb flxed tho rates for lake ship- 'MB ments next season at SO cents abovo the mining rate. At Salvation Army headquartera aald that Commandsr Balllngton Booth will give up the command of the army in America the nrst week In April. It la anld that the European have agreed on a settlement of Armenian question, Including Russia's oe- iSI cupatlon of Anatolia and Or.

"i Britain's purchase of Cyprtw. lVviUher tbr For Weatern Pennsylvania and Ohio, fair weather; rising temperature; i wlnda becoming southerly. For West Virginia, fair: light westerly wlnda, becoming southerly. TEMPBRATURi; TE8TERDAT aa fomUhVd by c. fichnopf.

druggist, cor Market ana.

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