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The Daily Independent from Murphysboro, Illinois • Page 2

Murphysboro, Illinois
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'PAGE SIX Msititf Round in little Edupt SUNSHINE VALLEY By Miss Irene Edgar The funeral of Mrs. Jane McClure, at Avn. Suncjay was, largely attended. Several, of the. neighbors assist- ng with silo filli ed John Speith 'Wednesday.

Quite a tew from this vicinity- attended the Du Quoin fair Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Henson of East Louis. Monday ard church.

T-hore was-a good attendance each meeting and the conference will at Union Hill Christian- chiircli. year. Hiller school 7 district 103,. start od Monday. Rowden teacher.

Inhere are only, scholars year. Miss- Gen-eva' Tato returned to her home! in 111., Sunday after 'several' days. visit with Mis? Eeulah "Doetch. Mr. Robert Granim.ei attended Day Dir Mr.

and 1 Mrs, Ellery Deason night with Mr. and Rus-l Mfes Raymond, and Her bert Dehson. visited 1 fr-ieri'ds and Miss A'elma Henson- spent Mon-1 relatives in Champaign, last day night at the home of Gill Ed-1 vveoK George- and. family visit ed relatives in Herrin, 111., Sun day. Mir.

and Mrs. T. A. Crawshaw visited Mr. and Paul Doeteh in Carboudale Sunday evening.

Mr. aud Mrs. Ernest Deason soent the week end with his- par- and family. Mr. "and Mrs.

Freeman Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Russell, Miss Irene Edgar- and Mrs. Raymond Kenner and little son. Freddie, spent a few days with Mr.

and Mrs. Kenner of Gilmmv, Wisconsin. They enjoyed a nice fishing trip, near there, at Brown's Lake. Mrs. Kenner mained lor several hter'e.

The former and son re weeks' visit. ter Shewmaker. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and son spent Saturday evening with Mr: and Mrs.

Jake' Nausley. Mr-. and Stanley Crews: ind son ind Mrs Abbip Heape Mr and aunt, Mr. and 3 Oi visited while VilJfeVaifd'Mr'and Hughes. Friday evening with Mrs Agnes "ton bf Percy spent Ssinday and Mrs.

Jack PUfer and baby of Labor Day Trl'th. the Fohne family, Chicago and" Mrs Stella ajcks Junior" Grammer spent thp- week' John Alfred Seal Miss ind daughters of pnd at thp homp of Brother Anni Hpnneiy ana aunt turs pnysDoro visited alw Tn. "Vfel-. Fiigpnp Orammpi or Dowell or wprp dlnnpr gupqts of Mm Me- Miss Fva Hieg.ins ind Wallace Pa nn and fimilv Murphysboro Sp-ewcer vlsitPd in Du Quom Sun Thuisdiy SEPTEMBER II, French Bit at German Border; Pull Nazi Soldiers Westward ler- Monday- ftlro afternoon. Mr ind Mrs EverettP' and baby havprnovpd to tftp Argie dny evening homp -recently vacated ind Mrs FvprPtte and son wore dinner giiests of and baby Air and Mrs Van Barren Thp Pleasant Grave 4 1 achipve- Mr and Mrs Cheiley Lipe ind raent program was held, at the family Mi and Mrs AT dell Crews and on tho progr-m TVI, the at-yhhE Mi Mr and M.rq Loy Shewtnakpr attended the Ciawihau reunion S'vndaj Miiss, Fern 1 Brausher of St returi.ed Afopday evening after visitms Mr and Mrs Itke Amos Cox schqol Wednesday aftpfpooff By HenneEy GBEENWOO!) By A Crow of girls A.

and Dplmai Crow and Ed' Reesp issued Sullivih Mr and Mrs Walter Lansford there were eight jiin of Canbria spent M6ndiy night ri hny raffiunE la weel and foui senjor sjds and Tneaday with Mi and Mrs raa1ung lasl week Mrs Alice Crow is visiting Mrs Crow md Mrs Udgir Kate Feline Called on Mr, fne wwk end 'in Murphvabtoro Sunday Ml a Nausloy a Mi ind Mi son CU4flord Weil visited IT Herman and' Frapcis Deason talked on dres'je? Frank, Harris 'for 'different oceasipns jte ing, styled Piano accompaniment bv Mrs George Hughpa 'Talk' by morning A Betty Lou Allen on trip to slqtP 4-', Anna HtmnPsy iccompini RPPS is Dcznpnstration of cak bak, od Mrs John Waite 3cbn JV fioatt and Shirlgy Mane! ing bv Anna Fasteily HUp- of Chester ind Mrs Viaino ot unerine Boal Ui md Mis Lotus pert gave a talk on wteUa ana Murphysboro to De Soto diuight lr Isa lp spent Weil iud sons it Sugar Hill Mon day afternoon. Billie Crews and Jake. Nausley are suffering, with clillls. Mr. and Mrs.

R. Crow, in Granite City, on Labor Day wheie thev itteuded the Mrs; Ellery Deason double ueddmp, of Rev Rav Fai and family. pastor-of the. Baptist church Mr. and Mrs.

Andrew Stearns at Alto Pass HI ones 'visited of Pomona, 111., Mr. and.Mrs-. Dallas recl Henson of a Miss Mild M-undelein, I11. many places of interest on the way Winchester- of Carbondale, and llie ce of Mi ind Mrs 4.1 home, such as Lake Michigan, the I Dells. Chipewa Falls, and power plant, the State Fair at St.

Paul, were shown through the capitol there by a former member of the House of Representatives. This was a beautiful structure, both inside and out. Visited the historical building, spent a short time in Iowa cities, Dubuque, and Davenport. They visited Mrs. Russell's sister, Mr.

and Mrs. Iks Reese of near Monmouth, Illinois. All enjoyed- the wonderful trip, witli good weather and good luck. Little Jo Ann Robinson spent last week with her grand parents, Mr. Mrs.

Edd Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibboney and little son, Mac an dMr." Lester and Leland LePere, of Chicago, week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. E. Le Pere. Mrs; Gibboney aud baby re- Biaiiiert for several days' visit. Mr.

and Mrs. Lou Martin aud Mrs. Sophia Edgar of East St. Louis spent Sunday, night with Mr. and Edd Russell.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Martin of East St. Louis spent Sunday night with Mr. aud Mrs.

John M. Edgar an dson. daughter, Mary Jane, and little aml Ruth Tuggg and Dan grand daughter Mounds, 111. Stnekel? both of Libertyville 111 were among the visitors with Mr wedding na-5 performed at and Mrs. Lewis Etherton, Laboi the church it Cranite Day.

ind the reception at Miss Hen i son's parents Mi there. NEW BETHEL By Mrs, j. Herman ind Mis Cheslej Lipe and famih returned uome from Hunts- Mo wneie they had Msited his sister, Mrs. Turner. diet Dorthy Deison gave a.

nepoit and spent the day Tuesday with a llm for thp yraj of woiH and Mr amf Mis Gep Will Jo Ann Allen the ropoit for tUes Mi ind juniois Mis Hiiry and the weio chopping juniors gave, a demonstration on and: care, of the. feet. Re- Cecil Thompson in Mmphysboro ft e'hments ot cup cakes ancl fruit have movpcl in the piopeity chTidic n'TiipTl drinks were qeived in the. base leeeutly vacited bv Tohn Beis Mis Tick Desmond" and family Gieenwood icopened Fndiy with Mis Chailoy Cook toachei AIis Glenn Ciawshaw and chil on Mrs Chancev and ment By Carter Mr ind Mrs I estei Vandzandt ind sons James and Raymond and Aideil spent the weekend telatives in Sedaha Mo ilsp at loy 3S Fohne shopped Vohn Hennesy Alfred Sea, on ind Mis; in Muiphysboio avt evening lohn Hennesy ind Alfied Mis Fein tailed Mm Ceoige Doeii Wednesday A Crow assisted Delmir Doer in bay making Satmcliv shopped in Rees tended -the-state fair. PLEASANT GROVE By Mrs Ed Hughes Birthday Surprise Wednesday, Sept.

Gth, being the birthday of Mrs. R. V. Crow, her husband, invited relatives and to- come and surprise Wl Mr her. The surprise, was complete and baby and a pleasant evening spent by seNe ial davs last all.

Ice cream and cake were nts Mi and served to; the following: Mr. and afteinoon Mi ind Mi Cecil Thompson Mrs Lizzie McDonald apenl the' anxl children and Joshua and Le with hei son and 3 Mitchell spent Sunday wrtl it St Louis Mo Thosp isitmg the home Wi shopped Du Quom Thursay Mutphysboro Thuisday Ml Pv7 spent land Mis Etheiton, Suudav veie Mi and Mrs Geoige Eayne. 'of Murphysboio Reinll and WeU don Quigley ind Caval Shepherd Mrs Ruth Ethoi ton "VIi and Mr 1 Homei Rams and Mi and Mis Mil- vfr ind Mis Cleve Mitchell Leiov stayed for i week visit with his parents Mrs ALTO PASS By E. Hagler Mrs.

Al Crews; of Mimdeleiii, 111., Mr. and Mr-s. Paul Childres and sons of Royalton, Mrs. Abbie Heape, Mr. aud Mrs.

Will Nehring Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mr.

and Mrs. Van Barger, Mr. and Mrs. 3. T.

Herschel Miller ill foi the last to hospil morning. Tllesda Mrs. Mary Parrish celebrated bnthday Fuday evening ice cream and cake served to about ves and friends. This -com- CRAB ORCHARD By Mrs. G.

M. Lingle Earger and Shirley Marie Weil, Harold Heape. Lavern Walter Shewmaker, Gene and Ray mumty WMhe antt Parrish manv 0 P.pei sous and Bond of Mt. Vernon The 45th -Crawshaw reunion was Liehliter, Ralph Dean Basden find Mr. and MM.

R. V. Crow. speul Suud.iv Auth Mi and Mrs. Holden and sou of Tama- 1 Tn" no roa, 111., -spent Tuesday night with SS De a fetei iHeape.

Carl.i-Porter.' brothev of Mrs. attended Sunday, Sept. in Stanley Crews, is seriously ill at the Rolla Crawshaw grove. The- Browning--hcspltal, hav- and Mis, Ii and Mis chlUleu Ruth Ledioul bam McPharon and morning- was spent ing been" bitten by a black widow 1 nna Sllecl llel all Cox Sunday evening. Mis John Fieeman Mibs Mai IP Hall, and Mr.

and Mrs. D. C. Led- mine to bountiful dinner was served from! spider while at work at the a long table in the shade of the Tuesday morning. tpreading oak trees.

A short pro- Clifford Herman returned giam and some contests for Uie Paducah, where lie is em- little folk? for the afternoon. Rev. ployed Monday. night, after visit- wectnesfla Smith of Carbondale asked the ing his parents, Mr. and' J.

blesshlg at noon hour. All depart- T. Herman, over week end. ed-late afternoon hoping to meet Walter Shevvmaker at-the same and place for home Monday- evening; after the reunion next visit with his Miss The Southern Illinois Christian Shewmaker, at HeroiU and his conference was held at Crab Orch-' uncle and aunt, Ivfr. and Mrs.

Eoid attended the Marion Fair SEARCHER FOR YOUTH Mis Will Crovve'l spent Tuesday with Mi and Mis Willai'd RunioT at their counts home south of Oaiboudale Runion is plojed in Chicago and is enjoying his annual i acation Mr and Mis Hinkle enter tamed the following guests ovei attended the Bonnie Camp meeting Satuidav cevmng Mr and Mrs Fiank Bost ot Chi oago spent Monday with Mr and Mis Pete Biumlev Mi and Airs Pete Biumley spent, Sunday evening in Veigennes with Mi and Mis Claude Bradloy and Mis Wietha Kline who is ill Mi ind Mrs Austin Brumley spent Sunday evening ith Aunt Rosetta Mai tie and Mi ind Willie Martie. Mis Beitha Kelly and Mrs Gladys Thompson weie shopping ra Murphysboro 'Monday- Mis Harold Hoin and Mis Oivsl Eaton spent Mond iy in Zeiglpi with MiS Dlmei Hilp Mi and Mrs Haiold sens Sunday vnt Bob Leek Mis Gilbert Shav ot HPimesy Thursday Mr ind Ed Mclntosh of In di mapohs Indiana were the gupstt, or her uncle ind aunt Mi and Mis Wednesday ml for and Mr and Mis Jess Blay ind Mrs Eail Blay of Toledo Ohio and Mis Ellen Blay of Craud spent two weeks with Mi and Mrs Ed Grammer Mr and MJS Jennings of Chicago and Mis Ciawshaw and Mrs. Reese of Carbondale -tlmnei guesU of Mi ind JOP Comoy ind iistoi visited last Mis Ghas Jennings Wednesdav made her home heie hpi un plo tmnly RUHR INDUSTRIAL AREA Report ait raids fey 3001 GERMANY counterattack to save force threatened wifh isolation ji-Saortrueckets tanks lead attack of Frcach dfivej mode in No Man's Land between mom lines I MAGtNOT LINE Belforf SfEGFiUEDUNE SWITZERLAND heie with his family Miss Nornm' Brandon of Mi and Mrs Chailes Rovstei a.nd bondale is visiting hei sister of Caseyville visited Mi and Mis AJlaid Tuesday ind Wed npsday and tailed on olhei fiiends Mi and Mis Roystei foimeily resided heie Mi ind Mis, Ulaui Mt aud Mi, Car Mis Peail Higlei this week -T. Etherton on the: sick list Ed''Grammer and Edward Lilly ne making hay this week Mis, Lollai visited Hoin and Ati aim spent VIonday with Mrs Martin. Mi md Mis Fiank Bost ot Chi cago aie spending their vac.atio.1 'home folks' Miss laetta and Wilma Zunmer man of Hurst and Miss DoiH Pahldge De Soto Route 1 capfel cfu Mis Ploience- fc.tevs,ait Thins morning- Mis Psliitlge caUed on hei giand dauglitei 'and Umilv Mi and Mis Buford SteVart -ii i Helen Caitei and daughter Joe Ooffci and dauglitei Ahss Anni Tluusday with hei paients Mi Hennesy John and Alfied spent Wednesday eyemng it the Hams home Lewis Haglei HASTINGS By Mary Signaigo "Vhs Rosauua Meyei Mi )s Jakp Meyei Mrs Cioss ind Voellmgei of Belleville Mi 'and Mrs Gep Will and.

Biovvnson aml Aflg rhiogmoi Will 01 De Soto and Paul Cuuioy ton sppnt Laboi Dav St Louis dmuei guests ol MI-JS Anni isHmg leUnves, and fuends ami John Hemisy Sunday Mi and Ari antl fl Roll.e Ciow ell and Mis Chailes McCann Miss Anna diuglitei Wilma and Mi The Fi-ench-Gei'man cistern' fvpnt is becoming inci-easingly important 'as-the. key to late. European war developments. The G.erman Saar is of the French attack. The larger Siegfried line forts swing- back on the German- sido ol this province.

This left only first line machine siuu nests and smaller pillboxes lo combat the French at the' border they advanced toward tile main line German defenses. son Jackie ot Indiana letuinedj home after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. John Deming. ind Wls A ddie Ciowell and sous Addie Lee and Oien Howard the week end and Laboi Day Mr Laplianis spent Wednesday and Mis Veinon Mm thy and chil 'with Mis Rose Halsteal dien Pitiicia Ann David Lee and HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1 Pictured explorer of America.

10 Pernicious. 11 Ejects. 12 Contest of speed. 13 Red groupers. 14 Praterise.

15 Goddess of peace. 16 Wood demons. 18 Palm lily. ZjHIOBCIOIAlTl I .20 To harass. I Frozen dessert 26 He claimed 43 Preposition new land for of Place, his native 44 Exclamation country, of surprise.

31 One thai 46 Finder of a urges. mining claim. 32 Your and my. 49 Religious 33 To make exclamation, speech. 50 Single things.

34 Silk sac. 52 Attendant 35 Born. for sick. 36 Genus of cows 53 Entrance. 37 Pound.

55 Cereal food. 39 To soften 57 Wrinkled. leather. 59 He discovered 8 Stiff collar. 9 Native of Caucasus.

17 Radio wire. 19 Barometer line. 21 Noun -termination. 22 Era. 24 Billiard rod.

25 Builds. 27 A support 28 A ridge. 29 Neuter pronoun. 30 Orderly. 38 Trite.

Univalent element. VERTICAL 42 Farm workers 1 He sought Improper. fountain of 45 Valiant man. youth. 2 Egg-shaped figure.

3 Fastidious. 4 Cleaning substances. 5 To abdicate. 6 Rising into Bobbie Joe, Mr. "and- Ralph Ewiug, Mis Cail Miss V'era "Muiphy Mt and Mis Behaley Muiphy fiom West Frankfoit and Mi and "Wia Muiphy of 60 To slander.

Iud Miss Veia Aluiphy is- spending the-- week with the Hinklesl Mi and Mis Ceo Hines of Ora I ville called Abbie Gox Sun- clay' evening. Marie Hall the Du Quoin Fair. Monday-. Mrs. Donald' Fqok.s passed away Tuesday mornings at St.

Andrew's hospital. The body was taken to Harco, "111,, Tuesday- afternoon. She leaves. -an- infant This. community extends 'our 'deepest.

sympathy to the bereaved husband and -other relatives. Rev ind Mis Ca 1 Me.zo and son Cail Ii visited Mi and JVIis Clif fold Halstead Tuesday Miss "Vlaiy Spillei spent Sunday with Mrs. Helen Carter. "Vfr and Mrs and Miss Maigueiite McCann Mi and Mis Claience Wuost aud chil dren 01 Ylmphysboio called the spent the" vulh" Mi" afteinoon dnd evening and Mls Eail Clov anfi con All and Mrs 1'rank and Miles Bail daughter TVIisses Evelyn and Flu Loo Collins is still sick it dbeUi and Mis Cecil Hanks sou, this time I Laiiv ot Alton ailived at the jf ha Deming 4 sick with a Fohne homp itm div ev eumg to cold spent Sunday and Laboi Day Oh Mi Sunday Miss Evelyn- Miss Eliza beth and aulit, Miss Lizzie Fohne motoied to Paiafeould 4.1'k td visit Miss Lizzie sistei Mib Thlelkeld They retiunecl Monday evening Miss Anna Heunesv John Hen nesy and Alfied Seal spent LiDoi Dav vMth Mi and Mis Gep Will of son- called on Mi and Mis Haiold Peteison called on Mi aud Mib Mai ion Peterson Satin day evening Mi and Mis Ciowell and --on Mjleb Eiil ipcn(, Satuidav eve nmg with Mi and Mis Addie Ciowell and sons Mi aud Mis Eail Clou ell and NEWS FROM PERCY By Herbert Fisk WEINER The M.ethodist enjoyer a weiner, roast at Fort Gage, Wednesday night. Liman was employed to take his truck which was-iilletl.

to capacity. Those, resent Pearl Crow Lois aihleen Browning, Florence Jones, Doris OKeefe. and Dais. Others were Wayne Eugene and Maurice- R-ob- cit Winning Meie Kumucha Vei non and. Lyndon Pi i w.ho to act is cha.peiones wcie Misse-, IVa.

Buescher and Marie Osbourne. and Mrs. Wilma Meyerhoff wlio accompanied her baby Margaret -Ann. Fish Fry Successful The First Baptist church reports a successful conclusion 10 their an nual Fish Fry with a gross return oi ind a hind some net piofit The entne stoi was sold early and some were disappointedly away Percy Girl Weds Ava Man Miss Dorothy Mao Nasli! fostei daughter of Mrs. Bersfeld ol Percy, and Olin Londell Stout.

KOII Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Sroiu of Ava, were joined together in coi; jugal bliss.

August 21. at Methodist parsonage in Perryvillc. by Rev. Herbert Gale of -Northfleld. Mass.

Tlie bride wa-, dressed very sweetly in dubonnec crepe with accessories. Th: groom wore turquoise blue. The: -were attended by Marion Boehns and James Carruthers. Ava friends of the couple. The bride and groom giadunted irom the High School their respective community.

The coin le-will make fheir homo with the groom's parents. 47 Cubic. 48 Work ot genius. 49 Perfume. 50 To a distance.

51 English title. 53 To become old visiting at the Easterly the By Mrs. Ed Hughes J. E. McNaulty of St.

ited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Easterly Saturday. He was accompanied home by. liis wife, who had beeii 54 Golf.

term. past.week. IVIrs. McNaulty is Mrs. 41 A fellow.

the S. state 7 Italian coins; 58 Above. 56 Nickel (abbr.) Easterling's sister. spent Sunday afternoon with Mis Rosetta- Mai-tie'. Mi and Mis William Cartel and 'daughter Laphanis Rose spent Saturday, evening; Murphysboro.

Mrs. Imogene Hartsock and sous Paul and. Bobbie, Roxie Spongier spent Wednesday, with Mrs. Edith Martie. Halstead and son Ronnie, Mrs.

Imogene Hartsock. and 'sons Paul' MM). Mabel Vandzandt, and Ruth Underwood-'of, Dowell, and Betty Hitchcock were Tuesday evening" visitors at the home of Mrs. Agnes Carter. Etta Miller and daughter, Wanda Mae, spent- Sunday afternoon with Mrs.

Roxie Spangler Mis Loiene Rams and daugh ters Lila Jean and Joan spent Tuesday -with Doris Halstead. Mis Lillie Giammei and chil dren; of: near-Dowell spent day with her mother Mis Lauri Beard and family. De Soto Austin Biumley Mr and Vls Thomp(l0n and dien weie in Mmphvsboro last week. Mrs. Gartner and sou of -Belle- 1 Mis Haidm one evening last week Mis Leo Collnib taken to Holden hospital Monday night he is a little better at piesent Mi and Mrs Paul Deming and THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson Mrs.

Dplie Hack of Vergennes spent from Friday until Sunday night with Mrs. Mary E. Parrish. Billie Neal of Kankakee spent the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Bert Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fielding and son, spent Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs.

Everelte. Fielding arid daughter of Murphysboio antl Ed Hughes and daughters- Charles Hughes sp.eiit Sim'day with Mi aud Mis George. Fricke dauglitei of Murphysboro'. -Hugh Parrish -Mich. is visiting" his Mrs.

Mary' the this 'week -on account E. Parrish, and othet lelatives oi whooping cough and -friends here James and son, Clarence, Leroy Walker, Robert Kenneth of Dowell Nausley, James Betts and Lewis Mis Delia Giammei Miss Ber- 1 Crombar Murphysboro spent nice. 'Stone Halliday Wednesday Mis Abbie Cox spent Saturday Caibondale W. B. Hughes ot Chicago was a Mi and Mis Henry Horn supper guest of Mr and Mrs Ed daughters visited over Sunday -with Hughes and family Friday and i friends and relatives here spent the- night with his uncle' By Delia Grammer Mr and Mrs Luther HaUidav and son of Bush spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs' Iia Holliday Mrs Kenneth Grammer and children, of Dowell spent Saturday evening at the home ot her mothei Mrs Latua Beard Mis Hattie De is now residing at the home oi hei niece Miss Naomi Wiight Raymond Eugene is on Mis Lauia Beard spent Sunday at the- home -her Mrs? VVERE PROPORTIOKlATELS' AS AS THOSE OP A DADDV THEV vyouuo MEVER.


IN THE U.S., BIRTHS ARE INCTREASHXJC3 ANNUALLV; DEATHS' AMERICAN BOTANIST HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured botanist. Hygienic care. Slack. i Close-fitting cap. Measure; Unit of electrical capacity i Ants' home.

Approaches. I To sink. Violoncello. 'Hat factory. 3 Celestial.

)Tb make furious. i Military titie. 5 Professional sharper. '6 Labeled. .3 Groups ot eight.

39 Epochs. 10 Newspaper paragraphs. Flowers. 5 Oh the lee. Answer to Previous Puzzle HHHB5 HHE! 48'Man's reading: room.

49 Ecclesiastical hood. 50 Room recess. ranks among the important American VERTICAL 1 To entice. 2 Liquid 11 To slay. 12 He thousands 'of experiments.

15 He discovered many new fruits arfti 20 TO gleam. 22 Misanthrope. 24 Sloth and surliness. 25 Relaxation. 27 Bellow.

28 Seaweed. 29 Wooden pegs. 31 To soak flax. 32 Beer. 33 To obtain.

37 Horse fennel. measure. 3 Drop of eye fluid. 4 Fay. 5 To bake meat.

41 Pertaining 6 Salt of boric to tides, acid. 42 Shekels. 7 Habitual practice. 8 Carmine. 9 Pain.

10 Shred ot waste silk. 43 Animal. 44 Embroiders. 45 Wine vessel. 46 Kindled.

47 Small shield. 49 Form of ANSWER Wrong. In the TJ. births are dropping about 50,000 Mra Delia Grammer and Mian. a wl are, inci easing abouj 20,000 annually.

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