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Hamilton Evening Journal from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 1

Hamilton, Ohio
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HAL COFFMAN Ottt of the world's greatest cartoonists is with Journal renJers regularly with his hu- man interest pictures. You'll enjoy -him. HAM! Largest Circulation Guaranteed JOURNAL Largest Circulation Guaranteed A 21, 1 8 1 A I II) CENTS A WEEK TWO CUNTS. The Evening Journal the Advertiser the MOST for his money, 14 PAGES WEATHER SHOWERS THIS NOON. OLOUDY TONIGHT' AND WEDNESDAY COOLER.

DRIVEN BACK HAMILTON IS CINCINNATIBREM PROPERTY IS 1A ICE PLANT Entire Plant to Be i Used in Manufac- ture of Ice B. Wisenbiirgh of Middletown Secures Property and Promises Many Improvements Hamilton's Ice problem has been Solved and never again will this city lace nn ico famine. On Monday afternoon tho dcnl jomplcted whereby the i i Brewing company's plant at South front nnd Sycamore strccls sold outright to B. president ol" the Hiddlclown Toe company, Immediately a the completion the deal orders wero issued for the removal of all ot the brewing nnuhinery. This will lie sold as sooi is il is removed from the buildings.

machinery Ims been removed contractors will bcgii: work converting the phmt iflto tho most modern typo oC ice Tho latest design iec making mncliiu- pry will he installed and the i it is to bo completed in i city TV be the equal of a of nny city in the country. Not only wilt tho of the ico made be of the best lint the jnun- i Tvill lie ample for llmmlton needs. Provisions will he made for the etilnrgiiifj of (he phuil RS tho city grows and JMi 1 Wiscn- biirgh promises a nl any time any Hpmiltonian can buy nny i of ice desired. The entire plant will be used only for ice making which shows without any doubt that the new company intends (o keep iramilloti supplied i ice through the hottest months at' the Eumincr ns well in winter, 4 For the few years a i has fa iec 1'a i every summer and (herd havp been many times when residenls could mil get, ten oxen pt every two or three days. An ice a i is a a a i lo a community nnd tho people of HmnilEon will he more i pleased lo loam I them will bp, no longer any such dnn- ger in a i Presented to by Secretary Tumulty Washington, Oct.

21. Wilson is being kept informed as to (hreatened i of the bituminous minors, tho a i a i in the senate nnd a i a i i a conference. This was announced today at the HOUHC Unit improvement in his i i during I lie few days hirs made it possible J'or him to receive i reports from Secretary on these prcssHig problems. Hear Admiral Gray.son, the President's personal physician, a IHO permitted I i President Iiavc a lel- French Hold German "Butcher" ARE NOW ON THEIR LAST DEFENSES BEFORE PETROGRAD LETTER To National Industrial Conference YOUNG JEN Now to Be Admitted to the Eagles Orel Is Reported Retaken by the Bolshevik! Who Still Hold Kronstadt WIILJ5EJJSED At the Discretion of the Conference President, Secretary Lane General Von Mackjmsen prob.ihly will be the first German brought In i a In the alias rulhlob ness, during I he loi lie is the only one now in i unit. Toi it Midtrn en nnnrkil and Uninania i.nd.

whoso' slew fens thousands ot people. yesterday Kcmator HSU'li- cock ol' -Xeliraskii, a i i a i Icmler in I i outlining prospects' for of flic treaty. Today i "'White Ilousip, Oct. 'JIM, 11:25 a. The, 1'rtviiilont 's a i condition remains before, ClujniH'al a i a i i lo the liloud i i i lie did not sleep as well i shows no iiig.

tSigncd, the rooms of Ihe a i chamber of commerce arc a scene of hustle and Inistfc campaigning days. for the coming Itcd Cross ip drive, to si art November 2 ami t'onffinie until "the llthj arc now being i up in thi? looms of the chamber. The puliHeify in niters for Ihe are now being started and the committees for the campaign will be immcd. Practically he same men who so mcccssfully and a i gave their On the Hamilton Pike- LiitSe In urilcr lo licllcr tlic Iralfic ilitions i i in Hamilton move- mnil i'nslcrctl liy B. I).

Lceklidci' and C. B. A i lius IIPCII set on foot in -t'-ity (o orijanize fin iuitojltobitc 0 l.ustomers oi Hamilton Stores A the movement lias only lireti a i is lielicved i the a i a i of nn mitoinohilo club in Ilk- i i soon lie effected. A gpiiernl mating of a i 0 nted by i i i from ers drivers will be called in ihe ni-iir nnd it is expected thai at i i i inert ing llm a i i of the A hough there was a tendency among some stores Monday to limit Ihe stile of sugar to each customer at onc-hnlf pound, i was i Tuesday nnd in some two pounds amid lie secured. Of course there were still some stores that were out nltogethcr.

The arrival of five cars of sugar a in i i i from Washington, Oct. It. President Wilson, despite his illness, today took a personal hand in the national i i a conference In an effort lo a break which, is threatened as a result oE: the inability of- Ihe capital and labor groups to. reach satisfactory agreement on Hie collective bargaining issue. Tn a (100-word letter lo Secretary Lane, chairman of the conference, dictated from his sickbed, tho President outlined his views ns to the conference situation.

'The letlor TVRS immediately dispatched lo Mr. Lane, who, it was explained, was to' use it al his discretion. The conference was not in session when Mr. Lane received Hie floinn nicalion, having met at 10:15 a. m.

and adjourned request of (lie labor group a hvo resolutions had been presented. It was said (he letter might not ha presented lo the conference i i a bub held in reserve lo be used only when Onnger nf I conference breaking up became acute. The, serious i a i in the fcrence wns reported to the President early today after a conference between a i a Lane, Secretary Wilson, of the Labor department; Bernard if. a chairman of the public group; Thomas Chad- hour tin, a i a of the committee of fifteen, and Secretary Tumully- The President immediately diet a led (lie to a stenographer and signed Ihe complete copy i a lead pencil. IRS, CRAMMER For (lie first timo iu Iho history of Situation will be taken in as members, in the wlicu a class will be opened for candidates between tho age of IS and 50 years.

The acceptance of men between IS nnd 21 years wns only authorized at Iho recent session of the Grand Acrio at New Haven, Conn. The decision the local aerie- to open a class for new members was decided upon at its regular meeting held Jlonday night; a Worthy President Lou J. Witlman' appointed the following committees lust night lo arrange for services on Xovembor 11, Flag Day of the F. O. Carl I.elimkiihl, William Wilmcr, H.

W. Hetterich, Cbnvles Berk, George Troy, Henry E. Yordy, George Boessellman, Mike Colligan, Frank Wcggmnn. for the Soviet Gove Around Petrop-ad London, Oct. 21.

Forces of the Russian soviet gov- ernnuut are being slowly driven back to their lust defenses in. front Petrograd. General Yudenitch has captured Pulkova, about seven miles south of the. city, and. Ligova, less a eight miles to the southwest, according to unofficial reports.

A meeling'ot' this committee will he held Wednesday evening to make the arrangements Ihe service which will ha open to the general public. The Degree Team will hold its reg- lar meeting on Wednesday evening at which 1'Ians for the various social functions of th" coining winter season will IIG discussed, in addition District Deputy SJ. 0. Burns will explaii lo the Degree Team the plans of flic Grand Aerie for having bntlcr aerie's Degree Team exemplify the i a at various points in tho a during tho coming year as a result of the membership campaign about to ho launched by the organization department. Butler Aerie's Degree Team the repulalion of being the best Degree Team iii southern Ohio, and be- cnnse of this fact the Grand Aerie organization department has selected them as one of othc Degree Teams lo put on the initiation ceremonies during this campaign.

It is expected that many applications for membership on the degree team will he presented for action on next Wednesday night and nil members interested arc invited to attend Hie'meeting. Bolshevik troops formed along the are 'apparently Petrpgrad-Luga- A i i i of an old on Mi. I a jiike just eolith ol! the Hcoveii farm was invest igated Tueis- day hy l-'rtid 1 hinuuerh 1 eti- glneyr. II was wnslied out sonirlituc dull i a place. The purpose ot (lie chili i be lo i and i of a chines lie more i in i observance of I IK; a i regulations; protecting Uolli -machines nnd (lie people a i nn I si reels.

The chili i also use i int'liienec in a i Hie right i ot legislation in I i i passed alid i endeavor fhc! pai'king system. Safety igns in city nnd signs flgan sc. offer their services in i i BIG DINNER slnvitalions arc now being setil otil. agricultural department of a I i chamber of commerce Wfc its members a lo fanners ot Butler, county to nlteiul Ihe big opening, dinner of i department nl the A. Thursday cvening Octo- (1:30 At i Jif- the clnssificntion of properly tnxntion nnd good roads will he dnt'cd to the meeting liy men who are nilthoritics on Iliis 'J'llfi rejiorl was a a part the new paving flown I hero had collapsed.

a snil he found Ihis report to lip. i saiil lhat tho rondwny not will be on sulii-dnlcd time. The culvort is to he reiilarovl nnyvvn.v, he said, licaOwjiJI being gone, innltes no "difTerenro. Ion, grocers said. One grocer seen on Court street Tuesday moru- iug said ho lias plenty ot sugar.

However, were reports concerning a few grocers whose names were turned i I a a C. linker, prosecuting attorney. In one case, Claimed by Death Tuesday Morning housewife complained i she was I 1 1 I 551 Mrs. Emma Vorlncr Crammer, formerly of Hamilton nnd now' a resident of Cineimmli, died at 12:05 morning at the home of her son, Lu- compelled to purchase olhe. lo get sugar.

There seemed lo lie a general feeling among grocers ci avenue, tins i as( several weeks Ihe the present shortage of sugar in a i is only lemporary and a should there. In; deceased had been In a i i health a she could not recover from the dropsical a she suffered last a At Hie lime, her dealh she reached I lie age of (H years. Besides tlio widower, J. T. Cram- liter, of Cincinnati, s-hc leave one daughter, Jlrs.

l.aurn Wiggins, of i i city, four sons, a Forlner, Anderson, and Sidnev and Hundreds of Hamillonians disnpvointcd Tuesday when Ihey went to (lib old Third ward house on North Third street to purchase some of the surplus army food- snifi's i were on sale Ibere Monday. Ronnld Wilier, mayor's clerk, helicvccl then that -the supply was large enough lo lust nt least a of Tuesday, hut it ran out late Monday. However, he announced citizen's i i i J. IS. Con.

naughton as chairman, is making nn effort to obtain more. It is believed (hat inasmuch ns subsequent orders go lo Columbus, it i not take so long to get more lo Hamilton, i Ihe sale foodstuffs weigh- railroad, where they are stubbornly contesting each attempt, of the Yudeuiteh forces lo drive eastward. Tho anli-bolshcviki reached a point near Luga last week, 1 but.sinci that time, there "has been 110'; titin Ibut tho railroad- has crosKed at any point south Oath- iua, which is admitted to bo in tin hands of the Yndenitch army. Soviet forces seem still to bo tiold- iug the coastal region grati, a Hclsingfors dispatch-telling of a duel between an aiiti-bolsUevik fleet p.nd ihe lorfc at Krasnaial Gorka. A great firo, nucompanied by im plosioii, wns observed nfter the tic, but it is said it may have beet al Oranienbamn, a village aboul twelve miles east of Krasuaia Gorka- Kiev, which was occupied by bol- shevik troops last week, has been'at- tacked ly General cos- sacks, who have forced the reds-on of most oE the eity.

Fighting wag still going on there last Friday. Nearer the center of General dime's line the soviet armies have essayed a counter offensive, launching nn attack nfc Kronu, miles southwest of Orel. This attack was completely defeated, according to nn official report. Orel Has Been Retaken by fcho Eolsheviki. Oct.

has been retaken by the bolshevikij who-also have defeated nineteen regiments of CJeiierKl iVlamontitT's army outside oE Voronezh, according to a wireless dispatch sent out by the soviet govern men in Moscow. lioscon i i Partner, nt Hum 24 fons were di.spo.scr] of. The i Khc very well known in volunteer clerks filled orders and Gjves AH Property to and Child HOMES a meeting today it vrns nn- Jiouncetl that one tlioiihaml homes needed; for IlnmiUou would be 1 1'frovided'. by tho hanks nnd i i Associations' ilupplying $500,000) fur ihe (irat mortgHgc nnd- tho HmnlUon on Thr, i of John Henry MV'nJio, a i lilcil in'probalc, court Tuesday, requests a of tho to he received the policy of the Catholic, Knights of America hi given to Iliu widow, Mrs. i i Mcnke, $100 'to Ihe daughter Mary njid of the remaining all dehtu he paid nnd Ihe bahincc to be addeil to (he.

estate fo union the diildrcn. Anlliony Doellmiin is niimtil Iho one elioscn ns oxeoulor, i codicil all the Iioiijehola Washington, Oct. 21. unions, which have been; in principal Pennsyl-' and Ohio steel dislricls, are lo i i i so- iti the Uniled Slnles, the senate ittee investigating the, steel rfrikc wns lold by Jacob ilargolis. of I who identified bimsolt as ai i a tor I T.

AV. a a i his belief a organized government -M'irgolis lohl the committee it Imd Iho purpose, to mnkc' Moorhcad Hi.II, I'itlsbiirg, the hendqunrlers for all lypcK, and a he had lec.tured there "on ijiduslrial production org a i a i versus resrdiitions." lie explained dint he believed Iho ends sought should he ob'lnined by pencel'iil mcliiods nillier tlmn by Hie of force. Margolin snid sei.rclnry oC strike commil- pndo dud toe, liad sought: keep ele- nceded i after confer- had had i i 1'oster one isl. May 1. W.

inr- synrlii'alisls and the Kn.ssian nil (he support they coiihl i Ibe st rike. 'oster U'jis described hy Mnrgolis being really bitter against (he 1, W. but he conceded Hint the i commillee, sccrelary bad disavowed to him any responsibility lor slatcincnls, a a i T. W. which were contnincd in a lellcr of Ibe strike i lo President Wilson.

tary he had been sccro- of a radical club in Vitlsburg a i where she had lived Ihe greater part oE her life. funeral nrrnngeinenls will he announced later. HOME TELEPHONE STOCK WILL BE SOLD C. Line, administrator of (he a oC a Brewer, Jlnmil- lon, was given permission to sell seven shares of common slonk of the Hamilton Home- Telephone company nt not less lhati $30 sbnre. Tic made application for (his, staling a it was for the best inlcrest of the 'estate.

HERBERT BEOWN WINS SUIT FOR. 5359 Herbert Brown wns awarded disappointed more 350. Besides' there were many phone calls nt the, mtvyor's office Tuesday from those, who had been disappointed. Tlieso volunteers nidcd in the sale: Henry 15. Grevey, K.

J. inn i i judge; Xicorge Kindred, Harry J. Dr. J. P.

i Jnmes Hratinon, TJr. Cook, Clcorge Segers, Joseph JliVk, Charles Stcgemann, John ti. Xicder- mnii, Karl Oray, John Howdcti nnd Edgar K. Wagner. Kronstadt Still Held by Bolshovik Forces.

London, Gel. fortress of Kronstadt wns still in hands (he bolsbeviki Sunday, according lo a dispaloh to the Daily Mail from Tcr.jioki, Finland, from which place the red Hag wns then visible at the masthead of Iho battleship Petro- pnvlovosk, which is reported to have been rnise'd since she was lorpecloed Iho British in August and now is i in tho Kronstadt harbor. The dispatch to the Mjil stales that fnc- lories at Kronstadt were working Snndny nmf that seaplanes which bombod tho fortress that day wero fired on by anti-aircraft gnns. The reported rnising of. the i flag at Kronsftidt Friday is ns vet unexplained.

It is pretty generally assumed here a Petrograd is isolated and its fall is matter of short time, obscure with the exception of ollicinl statements that railroad to Moscow has been cut and that besiegers are within only'a few' miles of the city. wliich lind been hrok'eu np i Ilia wur by ccrlain unknowii persons. "Did W. Foster, secretory of ilni steel strikers' comniillce, ntlond meetings," nskcd a i a Kenyon. Yes, ho cnnm once," Mnrgolis 'Mmt snid lie did 'not wish to Ooimrroc.

i i i from Don Pnlierson, Kelvin M. of on a promissory note, common pleas courl. BRINGMAN WILL ERECT A SMALL COTTAGE 'Bnildin? Inspector Jacob A. Brnun issued permit to D. A.

Bringtrmn for lim crco.tiou of a cotingo on lot ROLAND DAVIS NOW HAMILTON Kolnuil ti. Davis, lormer well- printer of a i hns returned hero for a short visit. Mr. Davis is now locnfpd in Cleveland 'nnd is connected i printing firm in lhat city. M'DOHNOUOH IS VALUED AT Tim cslate of Jliehacl McDonnough, Sovcnmile, wns npprniscd by Jniues Bell, C.

K. Jncoby nnd limn Inwan nt nccordinc lo CINCINNATI CLOSINGS Cinciiiiiali, Get. HAY-. KOGS--Prime first's, 60c; seconds, 52c. 2Sc; 3lc.

CHICAGO CLOSINGS Chicago, Oct; ber, 3-4; Mny, OATS T- December. 70 7.Set'«M»»i i.

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