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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 5

Alton, Illinois
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rws YOU WANT BOTH OOMFOBTand STYLE. 0 Sh eS 0 ngS You must have them bothl Either fme by itself is not enough, it is easy to make a comfortable shoe; it is easy to make a stylish shoe. Hut it is very diffhult to combine the two To make a Mylish Shoe that is comfortable is a high art. A shoe may feel comfortable yet not fir properly. Now it must fit, for you are sure to have trouble, and the better it fits, the better It will wear and the longer it will lasr.

The yn? Shoe that all others fall is "QUEEN QUALITY." fits because it i mane in an infinite variety ot original st vies'to suit all all "QUEEN tes its wn styles, Then they are copied by If vou want to ba ahead on the fashion QUALITY." If vou want miny chances in selection try "QUEEN QUALITY." A glance through our stock shows this. BOOTS $3. A few special styles $3.50. MORRISSEY High Grade Footwear Iflwnhnne BT THE TELKOHA.PH PRINTING CO SATURDAY Alien" iT THB DAu.T TKL.KQKAPH In delivered by oirtlott to til of the city of Alton, North Alton and Upper Alton, for 10 oonU per week. to iddreii at the of SO cents per month.

THB TELEGRAPH the clrouln- tlott of paper In Alton, nod It the beat medium for COKKIK THIRD AMD BTXHTS, Mom No. M. SOMETHING FOR MEN Jewelrv Ideas for Sprint of 1903 Lalo Styles in Wutch Fobs and Chains from 91 upwards. fclegant new line of G.ild Cult Buttons from 81 75 to $10 that oanaot Office Days. Edwardsvtlle, first and third Suttir- dayslof each month; Upper Alton, second and fourth Saturdays of each L.

Lowry, Oounty Supcr- Intenden of Schools. Dr. Rohland, dentist, 3rd street, opposite Belle. Belle telephone 2691. Mrs.

Bertha Schwartjibeck is yory 111 at her home on North street. Mrs. Bernard Gunther, of Chicago, nee Kdlth Oaiser, Is visiting her parents In Alton. rin $4 Ua Gold G8nUomOQ 8 Set Ring is a treat for you in the see the most complete stock of new and up-to-date jewelry in E. H.

GOULDING'S SONS, Alton's Old Reliable Jewelry Store. The Dorsey Fuel Company has received another consignment of Pennsylvania anthracite coal. The river is coming up rapidly and Is going down rapidly at the same down the line. 95 pants for $4 only 20 styles at this price. Brueggeman 221 Plasa st.

For a good Data, rorciam Tubs, go to Frank Bauer's barber shop, SOB Belle ct Alton Turnvereln eliiladung narren Sitzung, Montag, den DMatrx, 1903, Abends punkt 8 uhr II mlnuten! 3,224 Is the lucky number that wins chxir. See if you have it. B. Logan, Optician, ana and Easton FOR of the best building lots in this community, at your own Lockyer. E.

Lockyer today sold to H. M. Melsenhelmer lot No. 6, E. J.

Lock- ver's subdivision. Consideration 8350, 3,224 is the'lucky number that wins Sawyer's chair. See if you have it. NKW TftlAl.H DKNIKU IN COURT. Mr.VVHIianiH RAVIRPS Amounts ot Damafrroin.Tn'o Alton Cases.

Judge McWIlIiems revised the verdict In tho cases of David Thompson and Laura OrcMn, both damage suitn decided In favor of tho plaintiffs by the juries. Ho held that the verdicts for damages wore excessive In both cases and cut them down. Tho rlitm- agoH of Thompson in his suit against the Illinois Terminal, for loss of an arm while In tho railroad company's employ, was reduced from 188,000 to $0,000 and a new trial wn's refused. In tho oaso of Laura Green against tho village of Alton, Judge Me- Williams decided tho verdict was excessive and cut It from $1,200 to $W)0, also denying a new trial. Appeals were taken ID tho Appellate court in both cases.

Both cases. It Is said, will be carried to the Suureme court. In county court yesterday information against A Dunn, who were accuued of soiling drugs without a State HCDHSO, was quashed. MAXF JJ.ANK Knlare Street Property Owners Seeh to Withdraw NHUIRB from Petition lor improvement. The Pastime Dramatic club will go to Jerseyville March 17 to give an entertainment and will be assisted by Jerseyville talent.

Fall furnishings at Moritz'a. every variety DETERDINQ GOUDIE. Sole If K. It Helps) he Cook And never goes back on her It Is HI deatlsfactOTy at all times, when bake With the SUN FL0UR IT RISES FOR ALL it 'Ph. ui 117.

All Grocers. Alton Roller Milling CO Deputy Sheriff Sam Laughlin took Frank Leach to thd Chester penitentiary today M) begin serving his term of imprisonment. A fresh supply of genuine buclc wurst at Alton Go's market. Mrs. Mary Gillham, who has been seriously ill (or several months at her home on Twentieth street, is reported as being much better.

The Hoodoo is working full time and accomplishing results as usual if you will take time to observe Hope injunction case decision. Alton Rebecah Lodged No. 475, held an interesting meeting last evening. Mrs. Kate Bowman holding ticket 68, won the quilt rallied for the benefit of the entertainment fund.

Supervisor Elble attended a meeting of the finance committee of the county board yesterday. The next meeting of the board will be the last one for the year and the committea was closing up business for the fiscal year. Mrs. Rosina Beiser slipped yesterday afternoon at her Ihome on East Fifth street and.jin falling, struck her head on a brick walk at a cistern in the yard. She sustained a wound on her head, but was not injured otherwise.

ALTON CONSERVATORY. lath Term, Harch Alton, 123 East and it. Piano Department, Theoretical Special Sludieit Voice Culture, Sight Singing, Public School Drawing, Physical Culture, Elocution, Business Course, Violin. Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, Equipped with Library and Apparatus. The IB Inst iitlon Office 2 to 8 p.

m. R. C. WILLS, Director. la the Mou tli Tor Anti-Wind Preparations Wo Keep Ulg Variety: Co'il Cream, Camphor Ice, Perfumed IMtioluum Jolly, (ilycerlnu, Hoso Wdter mid mnny others.

Bui tlio boHl ul nil 0111' CEEAM BALM, IN lloullnu, HootliliiK HoflenliiK tlie Hkln. It Is not uieimy anil JO unlukly tlml ulovi-K run be woru linmcdl- tueiy al'tor uHlng. ioc and 250. Wyss 2 Drug Stores for Sale or Rent. Nicely Improved Ipluco noutulnlug HO Heron, on upper Delia Htreet, North Alton.

W. F. THREDE. To My Patrons. Owing to increasing business my studio (until further notice) will be opened at 0 o'clock a.

m. every Sunday, commcnoluB March 8, Week days from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.

Best cabinet photos In olty $2 up; 24 stamp photos 25c; family groups, bridal and oblldren's pictures a specialty. Thirty years experience in the business. Studio East Second street, opposite glass works olllce, Yours to please, FOUTIN, Dickinson, Dentists, Nls- hett building, out). City Hall Building. K.

G. Meriweuier, Auoruuy--ysw Suyder bldg 8(1 and Plasn. Phone red fit Dr. Nina Polson-Merritt, 466 E. 2d.

Specialty, diseases women, children. 34S. City Clerk C. H. today authorized the statement that he will not be a candidate for city clerk, having decided to withdraw from the race.

He leaves Alton May 1. Mrs. Hummert left this morning for Danville, 111., to yislt her parents. Make your selections of prime roast beef, lamb, veal, poultry, spare ribs and tender loins at Alton Packing- Co'smarket. Hon, Wm.

Montgomery, of Moro, is a member of the legislative committee to visit charitable Institutions of the state. Thursday the committee will leave in a sleeping car for tour of the state institutions and will bo on the trip ten days. The first report of the Alton Banking- and Trust Company will be found in this issue. It Is an exceedingly llatterlng statement and fully justifies the establishment of the new bank. That it is being conducted in a careful and business like manner is evident from the report.

Dr. T. L. Foulds has entered against H. Watson for $1,000 damages.

The plalntiir alleges that, Mr. Watson agreed to devots some of property to road purposes and tliathe- sjld the property afterward. The lot In question Jnow belongs to Sir. Harry Jenkins. Health Oliicer 15.

iSmltt has made report that) Alton has the first case of small pox It has hud since last spring. Gao. who rerauly came here from Poplar BlulT, Is 111 with the disease at 1214 Stauuton street. Mr. Hlukle was exposed to tho disease before coming to liiiliur Muveiuutit.

There will bo a meeting of representatives, committees und candidates of the Citizen's Labor Movement at Labor Hall, March 8 at 2 O'clock. fOMMITTKK. Walter Davis, whole family lived in North Alton In tho old Farmers' Home or "Bee Hive" some eighteen or twenty years ago has been visiting here a few days en route home to Madison, a trip to Texas. The Altons have changed beyond Immediate recognition since he was here last. A steer was killed at the Alton Packing Company's place yesterday which was the largest ever dressed by that company.

The steer weighed 1,800 pounds before boing killed and when dressed weighed 1,135 pounds. The animal was of the Hereford breed and was raised by Mark Gibbons, of Jersey county. Mr. William Gerhardt will retire from business April 1 and Mr. Benjamin Kopp, of Quincy, his son-in- law, will take charge of the store.

Mr. Gerhardt has been In business at Seventh and Henry streets many years. Mr. Kopp formerly lived in Alton and many friends here. He formerly taught the German Evangelical school.

Mr. M. H. Boals has won in the Supreme Court a suit to restrain the county treasurer issuing tax title for Mr. Boals property on Sixth street to A.

H. Bachmann. When a sidewalk was being built on Sixth street a number of years ago the ordinance was not complied with and Mr. Boals refused to pay the amount assessed against his property. Mr.

Bachmann bought In the property at the tax sale and Mr. Boals enjoined the issuing of a title to him. The Supreme court has decided in favor of Mr. Boals. There was a stormy lime this morn Ing at tho meeting of tha board of local improvements held to hear objections to tho Ridpe street and Pearl stroel sowers.

Since ihoy slguod Hie pjtltlon for tho improvement many of the property owners have boon prevailed upon by tho opposition, to request tho withdrawal of their names from tho petition and it Is said clli- clally that if the requests aro compiled with the Improvementwill be defeated. Many of the most substantial property owners along the line of tho proposed improvement wore present and vigorously championed it. Alderman Wogener favors tho improvement and Is one of its foremost champions. Charles'Hcldrich and Mr. Wogener nearly came to blows at tho meetirg of tho board, but no damage was done.

Mr. Meldrich was opposing the adoption of tho petition. The Kldgo street sewer will be 1,309 feot long, and tho amount of properly on tho petition represent over one half (this distance Only one objector appeared against the I'earl street Improvement, that petition boinc conditioned on tho passage of a now ordinance for Ridge street. Corporation Counsel O'Neill advised that the board of local improvements adjourn to this afternoon to decide whether to allow tho withdrawal of the objectors from the petition, or to go on with the Improvement and to refuse to allow objectors to take their names off the petition for the sewer. Mayor Young was not present and tha adjournment was taken on account of his absence.

The Only Way To thnrmiKhly ernitlrnle I ho (Jrln nnil "'P l)loort IK In ii-n li'iil Jlroa 1 AlnlnrlnTiinlets. Tliern lire minor chenper rempcllrs thnl yon rim experiment with hut when you wnnl to yon niuftt gel I'mil HI-OH I Ills IH die mnhuin reinmly yon Imvp henril nothing lull gooil annul. It eosiM 7A wills it hoi ntid In elinnp nt It will Hiircly Biiro you, II never IIHK frilled yet. drip CoiiKli run I liros I'lno Tin ttiiil Toln IlnlBiim. and GOO.

NEW AND EXQUISITE EFFECTS IN To lio lind only lit PAUL I'HrlltMrar I'rem-rlptlon Henry nnd Herond Wanted, tor Rent, for sale, Lost God trey's itural Mail Jloute. A representative of the postal department was in Godfrey yesterday and said that it was planned to start a rural mall delivery route with God frey as the starting point, next week. All preliminary preparations for it have been made. Thei name of the carrier has not been announced, Sunday Newspaper Tram. C.

Hopkins, dentist, 102 W. 3d st. Industrial Notes. Mr. John Koch, general manager of the East Alton tile works says everything is running smoothly at the new plant and a full forte 91 men) is enw ployed.

The capacity of the plant has been enlarged and more men than ever before will be given employment. The season too promises to be the most prosperous in the history of the plant. Architects and contractors generally say that 1903 will be the red letter year of Alton's history, so far as the erection of new buildings is concerned. "Hundreds of foundations ought to be going in right now" said one contractor, "but the weather will not permit of it." Boston Store will be closed Monday and Tuesday to re-arrange and remark the stock for the great Chicago Salvage Company's sale which opens Wednesday at 0 a.m. Don'tmiss this great sale and Carnival of bargains.

Store. WANTKD class cook. References required. Apply to Mrs. W.

D. Sparks, 410 Prospect Btroet. WANTKO-Wi to weekly, no canvassing. Several lines of work to plve out. Working evenings will ndd to $0 to your weekly income.

Some to iopv short letters at $20 per thousand. Unclose stamp for copy of letter, instructions, Eagle Wholesale hicago, III. Kor Kent. FOR One furnished room wild city steam heat and bath. Apply to II.

A. Hoffman, 318 East Second st'. FOR' fl-room cottage, good cellar and attic, in Clement Place. 720 Grove st. Apply to A.

Clemeut. FOR RENT- A 5-room house Clemont place. Inquire of H. Mather, at Seoly's. FOR RENT-Three furnished rooms for light house keeping, 550 east 2nd street, near Henry.

For Sale. FOR Best paying millinery store now in Alton; employ milliner agrees to purchase in July. Address this office. FOR Two dwelling houses in Yager Park on liberal terms. Call on or address J.

H. Yager, corner Third and Belle streets. FOR A very heavy, double purchase iron "crab. E. J.

Lockyer. LACES, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS; AT H. J. BOWMAN'S. 104-106 West Third street.

We always sell goods at the Lowest Prices We sell merchandise we can vouch for. There seems to be But we arc Immune, habit to succumb the your confidence with man's advertisements. "PLAQUE OF CHEAPNESS" raging now Fifty yearn of rlgnt practices Is too old a wtlcH of sensational deception. Wo your patronage. You can believe In wnnl Bow- or construction la without good tie world "A HOESEON YOU!" Joseph Perry Wow Knows Bxactly the Pall Significance 6t the Term win Blow liigr tf ottie, Monday.

The big; wine bottle to be made by the Illinois Glass Company for exhibition purposes, will be blown Monday morning. Louis Miller, a maker of twisted ware, will blow the big bottle in a wooden mold, which haa Deen completed in the mold shops. The bottle will be 7 feet in height, 2 1-2 feet in diameter- at the bottom and 3 inches in diameter at the neck. The capacity of the bottle will be about 1 gallons. Mr.

Miller, who will blow ne big vessel, is an experienced mak- tomorrow morning 1 i er of win bottles, and will do his best the St, Louis Post Dispatch will run a Sunday morning newspaper train, arriving at Alton at 5:30 o'clock. This will be exclusively aPost Dispatch train. The agent of the Post Dispatch says he has very definite information that the Alton bridge will be used within a month for train service. Always a Clmiice. There is never a day but that something can be sold to somebody.

There is never a bargain but that some one some ulace, would be especially pleased if he only iknew Hi existence. The province of advertising is to carry the bargain into the presence of the very person who wants it and to make the thing sell by Hading the one who wants to buy. The TKLKGKAI'H carries your ads to those very places and people. Sued lor Stopping; a Kiffiit. John Stonebruber is suing James Townsend, both of West Alton, for $2,500 damages.

Townsend found it necessary to inllict corporal punishment upon Stonebraker, it is said, during a racket at West" Alton, in which Townsend was acting ce- maker and was trying to save Stone braker from injury. Stonobraker then sued Townsond for damages and the case will bo tried Monday at St. Charles. It is said by eyewitnesses that Townsend prevented another man assaulting Stouebraker with a poker. Address at Alton llijrii school.

Prof. Henry Johnson addressed tie Alton school teachers and a lirgo audience of friends of the schools in the high school auditorium this morning. subject was, "A Duty to the Past." Prof. Johnson is an Instructor )u the Eastern Illinois Normal at Charleston, 111. Preceding ad dress the high school orchestra played and a chorus of 35 young ladles, pupils of the high school, sang "Tlio Legend of Misses draco Watson and Watsousuug the solo parts.

Mil POINT mil YOU TO REMEMBER Is that you can buy BOYS' SHIRT' WAISTS better and cheaper than you can make them. We sell the Mother's Friend Shirt Waists, which for Fit, Durability and Style are unequaled. Every waist ha a patent band, buttons can not be torn off. Colors are a 3 i wi not fade in washing. PRICES ONLY SOc and 75c.

We ask you to SEE OUR DISPLAY FOR H. M. SQHWEPPE, the to make a perfect bottle Monday. If it turns out a success others may be made for exhibition purposes. A fresh supply of genuine buck wurst at Alton Packing! Co's market.

Amusements. It is a question if any other class of entertainment could be put together to cause as much laughter as that of the hypnotic entertainments as given by the Flints at the Temple this week. Tonight Is the last chance you will have to see tdem, and if you have the blues go and be cured. All next week commencing Monday night the Grace Hay ward will be seen at the Temple with a new list of plays. As a special attraction Mr.

Suuvage has added the Petet Troupe of Acrobats including the Petet family and Walter Fries. They will give a wonderful performance of acrobatic work on the shoulders and feet of each other. For good suave, not or cold go to Maul Hall, Piasa street. Miss M'eeden'a Funeral. The funeral of Miss Til lie Meeden, whoso body arrived from Denver, Thursday night took place Saturday morning from the home oJ the mother, Mrs.

R. Meeden, to the FOB- terburg Presbyterian church where services were held and were attended by a very large number of people many attending from Alton and elsewhere. Floral offerings were many and beautiful. First Snake of the. Season.

A blucksnake, said to be more than two feet in length, was killed Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Mary Reader In her yard on Market street between Nineteenth and Twentieth strcetH. That looks like a true harbinger of spring. Other signs aro the many earth worms seen on Kaut Sccot street today. For high grauu, (H.mesuc coal go to the Dorsoy Fuel Co.

aud get load of or St. BernarJ New Circuit Court Case. Tho Burr Cash and Package Carrier Co, i agulnst C. A. Vanpretor Mercantile assumpalt; damages Dr.

A. Harr, dentist, 2iul iiuil Plinn Magnolia and New Joe Perry, driver for Jos. Rain and Sons, of North Alton, (often heard the expression "that's a horse on you" but he never fully realized all that expression may mean until Thursday afternoon when he had one of Rain's heavy horses on him, In fact. Perry had gone to Eccle's coal mine on the branch for coal and his team and wagon became stuck In the mud. The wagon is'paid to be yet sunk in the mud up to the wagon bed.

One of the horses got down and Joe left his wagon to help the-miimal up. He succeeded in getlingglpon its feet, it is said, the yjprse fell again almost Joe and carried him down also, the horse being on top. The soft condition of the ground prevented the drlyer being injured and other teamsters got him out. The horse, however, sank deeper and deeper and would soon have suffocated but for prompt action being taken. Lumber was secured and a derrick built.

A rope was passed around the horse's limbs and with a block and tackle, inch by inch it was lifted out of the mire one end at a time, until a rope could be placed around the body. As rapidly as the animal was lifted by some of the men, others would put flakes of baled straw under It so that all advantage gained could be held. It is said five bales of straw were placed before the rescuers succeeded in getting the horse onto its feet and out of danger. Notice to Shippers. Steamer Bald Eagle will leave St.

Louis for Alton next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, going tlrougb to Beardstown and way points, on the latter date. S. B. A KICK, Agt. Bluff Line Sued tor $5,000.

Mrs. Mary Filzpatrick, widow of James Fitzpatrick, late superintendent of the Armstrong quarries and Iimo kilns, who was killed several months ago by a BlulT Line train at the quarry, has brought suit against that railway company for $5,000 damages. The case will be tried at the March term. WALTHAM WATCHES now in use We have a large assortment of WALTHAM Watches In Gold, Gold Filled, Silver and Nickel Cases The Leading Jeweler. NEW TRiriMINQS.

Both Silk Applique and Planen in the litest GRAPE PATTERNS. We are also showing some Beautiful 1 Embroidered Shirt Waist Fronfsjfi At only 75o each. Ask to see them. i H. F.

PHONE Main LEHNE, uj West streut Call and see or Order NEW GOODS fronl our carefully selected stock ot groceries. Food thatj you can relish, will protect your health and save doctor bills. Prices are LOW consistent with good quality, atj For Kent or Lease, a six room cottage with every improvement, or will sell on reasonable terms. E. J.

Dr. A Hue, Dentist, tipalding bdg A. B. WyuKuii, usieopatu, office Over Booth's Jewelry store. Try Improved Fig, J.

VINO DE CONSAORAK Klnest and WINE 'In Aiiicrioii, Kclull all hull It. H. RAIBLE, Sole Agent. J. H.

BAUMAN'S. No. 40? Balls Street. Phone 187 SEED POTATOES! Uwl Illvn- Valley Olilos, dlrecl Kod Kivor, Minn. Rural Potatoes From WiHi'OiiHlu, the beta oncurtli.

Olvo me your order. Uimnuileu HiitlHfuutloM. 1'Jiuue, Uliorrv '211. H. W.

DtNNY, 4th and State Sts- FOB SALE. 40 acre farm, Improved, neuri Alton 11,100, MOO.aore furiu within 7 miles of Altou, Mouey tu l.oau. WM. WILSON, Kottl ttmate Agent aud Attorney at Law. 82 went Second utreel.

A PLEASANT SMILE IK llui result HiiU'H nultrnlrh of one of Keystones. Tim Ion twiit wllli icxoelltMict' uml HiipiM'loi'lty on UK To Hiiiolu- JIU'UIIH t() HlllOkf till' lu'Hl It'll c'i'iit L'lyitr luainilfU'linoil. t)no IK conylm'- This Spring we the most brilliant and lino ot suit- ing clothes tLat has ever been brought to Alton. Our line embraces all the Leading Colors, every conceivable shade in all the newest and latest fabrics forthe'swell trade. Give us your order and be numbered among hundreds of satisfied customers and we will guarantee you satisfaction.

Ladies are especially invited to see our fashion plates and the hundreds of samples of Woolens, Silk and Etamins on display in our Ladies' Parlor. MEN'S SUITS, LADIES' SUITS, $20 to $46. Made Your Order. $20 to $76 Phone 221. st These Illustrations represent two of the I'rettv New Waists for this sousou of which wo are showing scores of new Biyles.

Prices range trom 98c to $4.00. A largo lot of High Class Tailored SUKS acd Skirts, just openoti TODAY. We hope to see you In soon. i ILL..

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