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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 5

Alton, Illinois
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WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 20. 1926 Builds up weak bodies ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH was worn out and drtadtti a breakdown. Food lodged lUeleadln myilomach, leave TantacaMaland tfitntultwatmarvehui: I now tat end ilttp Ukt a Mn. Re-Discovering Illinois Some Facts About Our State By LESTER B.

COLBY From Motlior Nature's storehouse wo have gathered tho roots, barks nnd herbs which nro compounded, under tho Tanlac formula, to mako Tanlnc. If your body ia weak and undernourished, if you can't sleep or eat, have stomach trouble or burning rheumatism, Just you seo how quickly Tanlac can help you back to health and strength. Don't dolny taking Tanlac another day. Stop at your druggist's now and get a bottlo of this, the greatest ot all tonics. Tako Tanlac Vegetable) rills for constipation.

I i i Savoy Restaurant Better Foods at Moderate Prices Corner Front and Market Streets About KnnknUco Sometimes It Is the privilege of a writing man to step Into the pages of a story book, figuratively speaking, nnd get a close-up glimpse ot romance. Iliave been to Bouc- bonnals! For Illinois hns Its French oven as Quebec and Montrenl. When you get to Knnkalcco if you will thumb the telephone, book, as I did, you will nnd It thick with French them Bouchard and Boudreau, Choulrfard and Collctto, Bcrnlerre and Dcslnurlern, and St. Illlllaro and St. Pierre.

It Is here Andre Bray was tha first white child; where Noel LoVasseur was the first permanent while settler. Not right In Kankakoe, for then there was no Kankakcc, but In Bourban- nals. And but for ono mls-Btcp of Bourbonnals there might never have been a Kankakeo. When tho Illinois Central wished to build Its lino through the little French neltlement oC Bourbonnals those wilderness men demurred, Trains would frighten their horses. Smoko would begrime their wives' white linens.

So the rails crossed the river two or thrco miles nway. Today Kankakeo lias 19,000 inhabitants. Bourbonnais, well, perhaps 4BO excluding tho 410 students at St. Viator's. And among tho Bourbonnals' people today there are twenty-one priests attached to the school.

In the old, dim days the Kankakee river was a highway for canoes and along Its shores were Indian trails. It was a highway because It led to the low portago connecting with the St. Joseph river and was also a main trail to the Detroit country and the eastern Great Lakes. Railroad Man's Heart Beat Makes Bed Shake Charles Green, a railroad man, was troubled ior years with gas fermen- tatlon of food and was dizzy and bloated. His heart beat so laborously that his bed seemed to shake.

Finally ho tried tho mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc. (known as Ad- lerika) and this helped him. Many people keep OUTSIDE body clean but let their INSIDE body stay full of aa and poisons. Give the Inside a REAL cleansing with the mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, as sold under the name of Adlerika. This acts on BOTH upper 1 and lower bowel, eliminates metabolic poisons and removes old matter which you never thollght was In system, and, which caused sour stomach, nervousness, sleeplessness, headache, etc.

Whenever you eat too much heavy food, let Adlerika, REMOVE the undigested surplus and leave you feel- rinii. ONE Hf.uonful relieves GAS takes away that full, bloated iellng. Even if your bowels move avery day. Adlerika brings out much additional matter which might oause trouble. Don't waste time with pills or tablets but let Adlerika give your stomach and bowels QUICK relief.

What Doctors Say Dr. G. Eggers reports Adlerika Is the best medicine he has used In 37 years. Dr. W.

H. Bernhart writes he could not get along In his practice without Adlerika. Dr. J. J.

Weaver, a doctor for BO years, says he knows no medicine better than Adlerika. Dr. L. Langlols prescribes Adlerika regular with GOOD effect. J.

E. Puckett writes: "After using Adlerika I feel better than for '0 years. AWFUL impurities were eliminated from my system." Adlerika is big surprise to people who have used only ordinary bowe! and stomach medicines- because ot its REAL and quick action. Sold by leading druggists everywhere. When tho Kngllsh were "buying linlr, paying for tho scalps of western colonial seniors, tho bundles of lilnndc locks were passed up tho river hrro nloiiB with furs.

When Black- Hawk and olher trouble-makers, on their way to the British for their animal pay-offs, hit tho trail to tho eastern lakes, they threaded their way through here. it camo about that the French Miniidlans. always friendly with tho Indians, trading with them, marrying among them, followed tho thin trail to the southwest. Burt E. Burroughs was one of tho party that showed me around and ho gave me one of his books, "Legends and Talcs of Homeland on tho It tinkles of color, tells of that famous spruce-fir gum brew, "connate- scz-vous 1'cpinetto," of Adolo Odette, who was such a glorious dancer, of Arrotto Baltazo, and I'lorro Bouvaln, who would have been demon Charleston stepper today.because then they "won th's mos' bos' dancers in tli' worl'." And It tells of Watch-e-Kee, handsome and heroic Indian girl, who was so much respected and so true that when ono white husband was done with her ho gave her to somo while friend for a wlfo until she had been tho true and trusted wife of three.

Romance of tho primitive days. Kankakeo today, business romance now. Yes, you nnd some sturdy things today In Kankakee. Take for example the plant of the Kroehler Mfg. Co.

It makes davenports and overstuffed furniture; works 1100 people. They say it is Hie largest plant of Its kind In the world. Additions within the year have cost $100,000. Hero is remarkable fact about the plant which covers five square city blocks. As you drive around it you see straight lines up iho great walls ot bricks.

Each line marks the beginning of an addition. There are six these groat additions. It has grown. Then there Is the E-Z-AVay stove works. It Is another great plant that has grown twenty per cent in output in a year.

Tho Bear Brand Hosiery Co. employs 940 people, an increase In personnel of 10 per cent in a year. The Turk Mfg. Co. makes iron beds and is growing fast.

The Manco Corporation, sash weights for windows, by a special process which does away with tho old sand mold The David Bradly farm implements, ships all over the world and maintains a selling representative In South Africa. When women discovered that they legs were a thing of beauty and bo- Kan displaying them joyously to the world, a pleasing and recent evolution, a now Industry was born in Kan- kakec. A monument to ladles' legs. Wise men who saw opportunity In Indies' legs invented and patented a. metal "sh.iper" which gives that exact, exquisite and required form to silk hose.

Thej; are said to control tho world's visible supply of these shapers. leasing: them, and and I all who invest in Indies silk hose, are penalized thereby. The shapes nrc not sold but leased to hosiery makers. This far- I seeing organization, making things (lint look Ilkn legs, Is tho Paramount Textile Machinery Co. From ladies' legs- we will turn to ball.

Kankakeo has long been known, far and wide, as tho home of the Stntc Hrtspltol for tho Insane. Buwbnll and Insanity, It seems, have something In common. This becnusn the average number of patlen(s, during the onon-baseball season, Is 3,800. When the baseball season opens, 1 was told, aptlcnts begin to come In. When bnscbnll Is at its height there will be, probably, 4,200 In tho hospital, had heard of peopln "going crazy nboiit base ball," but this is tho first tangible proof of it that has come to me.

CSelting back to Kankakco's Industries. It seems that the Industries that have come hero mostly have grown swiftly. It seems to bo a place for industries. Why? The matter of tho Kankakee Belt Route is pointed out. It runs in an arc from South Bend, through Momenco, Kanknkee, Dwight, Strent- or and Dupuo to 111.

The Knnkakco Belt Route takes freight around Chicago, touching all railroads, saving days and delays. Because it connect all roads out of Chicago cast and all roads out of Chicago without the through- Chicago haul, it is doing avvaftt business. All train crewa on the road work out of Kankakee and every car of freight that passes through is reported to consignor and consignee, It desired, when It passes. The belt linn Is owned by the New York Central Lines. Kankakee Is B4 miles south of Chicago by rail; 67 miles by concrete road.

Fast trains make Chicago, downtown, easily In an hour and a half. Kankakee in the summer appears to be In a vast park. The Kan- kakeo river Is a swift stream, filled with bass. There Is out- of-doors here and that brings us Would you care to buy a fine Queen Anne style martin house? You can get ono for $78. Or In Co- style, copper rooft'd, for $85.

JOSEIJ)) H. Dodniin, president, American AudU.cii has chosen the shore of the beautiful Kanka- keo river for his home. 'He calls It Bird Lodge. Mr. Dodson is first friend of all the birds of the earth.

And he has found a way to make his friendship for birds pay profits. Ho Is tho author of "Your Bird Friends and How to Win It begins with the simple love birds." He has incorporated hlm- fielf and Joseph H. Dodson, has a worldwide business in all manner of things that have to do with birds. He sells, by mail, binoculars, colored birds, literature, feeding stations. I missed him for he is now in Miami, where the birds are.

Governor Len Small lives In Kankakee. He spends every week end here, coming from Springfield. He owns one of the three banks and one of the two daily newspapers. Combined deposits of three banks is $12,000,000. Governor Sma.ll IB one of Kankakee's doughty business men.

And, in the passing, Kankakee will point out that Melville E. Stone, grand old man of the Associated spress, in his youth used to teach school down in the country just out of Kankakee. Kankakee believes Itself strategically located for growth, prosperity and industrial development. It points out that Industries here are doing well. It has a new industry coming in.

January White Goods Sale YOU CAN'T BEAT YOUNG'S FOB ALTON'S BUSY STORE ALWAYS THE LOWEST PRICES 104-10C W. Third Alton, 111. No Stamps On Sale Items. January White Goods Sale Two More Days Thursday and Friday of This White Bargain Feast 3 20c Nainsook 13c Basement $1.39 Infants' Shirts 75c Second Floor 45c Children's Panty Waists 25c Second Floor 59c Children's Combination Suits 39c Second Floor $1.00 Ladies' Bloomers 69c Second Floor $1.48 Men's Union Suits $1.29 First Floor 25c Men's Hose, 5 Pair $1.00 First Floor $1.98 Men's Night Shirts $1.29 First Floor $1.95 and $2.25 Men's Dress Shirts $1.59 First Floor 17 l-2c Men's Handkerchiefs, 4 for 50c First Floor 59c Pillow Cases 39c Basement 48c Turkish Towels 25c First Floor 25c Stamped Buffet and Vanity Sets 15c First Floor 98c Buffet and Dresser Scarfs 75c First-Floor $1.19 Ladies' Gowns 69c Second Floor $1.19 Cotton Batt 89c Basement lOc Pearl Buttons 5c First Floor Hope Muslin 13k; 25c Lingerie Cloth vd. 19c Canvass Cloves 4 for 45c lOc Wash Cloth, each 5c 10cO.N.T.

Crochet Cotton, 7c Coats'Thread3forlOc 17k Muslin 13c 15c Muslin IQc 50c Kotex, 39c $3.75 Bed Sets $2.48 50c Sheeting 35c 27k Toweling 19k We still have a real assortment. $1.39 Sheets 98c Basement 50c Infants' Gertrudes 39c Second Floor 59c Table Damask 39c First Floor $1.50 and $1.69 Ladies' Union Suits $1.19 First Floor 50c and 59c Ladies' Separate Garments 43c First Floor $2.50 Table Cloths $1.59 First Floor 2 Toweling 8 l-3c Basement 5c Lace 3c First Floor 85c Ruffle Curtains 69c Third Floor 35 and 39c Curtain Marquisette and Scrims 29c Third Floor lOc Ladies' Handkerchiefs 2 for 15c 25c Ladies Linen Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c 5c Ladies' White Handkerchiefs 2 50c Infants'Shirts'39c First Floor $1 Ladies' Sealpax Union Suits 77c' Second Floor 19c Pajama Check 12 l-2c Basement $1.19 Prints Slips 69c Second Floor PAGE FIVE Have Bring Telegraph Get A Your Policy To The Office, Pay $1 And Renewal Receipt If you have not already renewed your Inter Ocean Accident Policy, well 1 that you look up the date of expiration of your policy and be sure that it does not expire without being renewed. A at Their What on To Do Just bring- your Inter Ocean Accident Policy to the Business Office of the Alton Evening Telegraph, at 215 Market street and on payment of $1.00 you wU be given a renewal receipt which renews your accident policy for another year By consulting your policy you will notice that there is an increase in the value the policy the second year and by renewing you take advantage of this increase value In applying for renewal be certain to bring your policy with you thereby aiding the clerks handling the renewals in this office 215 MARKET STREET Business Office Phone No. 39.

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