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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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EIGHT COURIER NEWS TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1949 THE BLYTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS THE COURIER NEWS CO. H. HAINES, Publisher JAMES VERHOEFF Eoltor PAUL HUMAN. Advertising Manager Sole National Advertising Representatives: Wallace Witmei Co. New Vork.

Chicago Detroit A'tlanta. Published Every Atternoo--. Eiccepl Sunday Entered as second class mallei at the post- otlice at Blytnevllle, Arkansas, under act ol Congress, Octobei 9. 1817 Member ot The Associated Press SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carnei ID the city ol Blythevlllc or cuburban ton a wliere carrlej service tamed 20c per wceK 01 85c pel month By mall, wlthtr a -radius ol 50 miles (4.00 year. J2.00 toi six months $1.00 foi three months; by mall 60 mile tone $10.00 per year payable, in advance anj authority is as great as it is extralegal, it would scum to us Hint tlie boss man' oi' organized slwulil be as reserved, impartial and iiuluiri'iwl as if he sat on the bench.

Criticism of his action in the Dnroclicr ense is understandably because it certainly the impression that he did not Kraut the same credence to Sir. Duroclier's denial as he did lu the fun's accusation. Candid Opinion- Meditations Who (rave himself for us, that lie miehl redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unln himself a peculiar people, zealous of good 2:11. But chiefly Thou. Whom soft-eyed Pity once led down from heaven To bleed for man, lo teach him how to live.

And, ohl'Sllll harder lesson! how lo die. Pollens. Barbs A striker declared he wouldn't shave until his union was a gag so old it has whiskers, The great drawback In climljliiR on wason is that It's always to tout somebody else's horn. The Chinese who invented the fan would never recognize it out in left Iield yelling at the ump. The sooner the aulo is just another passing thing to the hitch-hiker, the qiilrkVr we'll have feuer sllckups.

A judge ruled that petting in parked cars is legal. All you have to convince, fellows. Is the gal. There bus been a lot of talk about regimentation, socialism and planned economy in connection with Secretary of Agriculture Brannan's proposed farm program. But the head of the American Kami Bureau Federation has a some- wlial more practical objection.

"The income of American farmers," he says, "should not be made dependent upon annual appropriations from the federal Treasury. No economic group in this country would be willing to slake Us future on sued a precarious possibility." rejoice in the views of an honest man who feels that it's the money, not Die principle of tiie thing, that matters. VIEWS OF OTHERS The Great Labor Duel Chandler Seemed Eager To Lower the Boom on Leo There is nothing world-shaking or even nation-shaking about the suspension of-Leo Durocher. But the fact remains that it is important lo a lot ot Americans who will cheerfully admit that they spend more lime reading the baseball news than they do in following the war-in China or the possible lilting of the Berlin blockade. So the fate of the New York Giants' manager can at least qualify as authentic news.

It would seem that Baseball Commissioner Chandler may have lowered the boom on Leo. Maybe has been a bad boy in the past, and maybe Commissioner Chandler did bar him from baseball for a whole season a couple of years ago. But that isn't the point now. The point is whether he or did not knock down, kick and jump on a Brooklyn Dodger fan who had been heckling him all during a game in which the Giants got the daylights beat out of them. The aggrieved fan states that Mr.

Durocher assaulted him on the ball field before thousands of witnesses. A Brooklyn player, who a.sked not to be identified, corroborated the story. Mr. Durocher says that lie shoved somebody away who, he thought, was trying to snatch his cap. Several Giant players back him up.

So does a radio announcer who saw the whole fracas. The victim of the alleged assault went to a hospital where, according to an attendant quoted by the New York times, he "fell into a very impressive faint." But hospital officials said that X-rays failed to show any bruises or fractures, external or internal. The alleged victim, who had charged that he was kicked in the side and stomach, quit the hospital complaining of a pain in his head. So there would seem to be two sides to the story. But Commissioner Chandler hastened to suspend the Giant manager inside of 2J hours.

Almost every first- day story of the incident that we read mentioned that Chandler had just been waiting for a reason to put the finger on Mr. Dnrochur. We don't say this is so. We merely mention the fact that several baseball writers, close to the situation, thought it important enough to mention. In fact, criticism of Chandler's haste was instant and widespread, some of it coining from baseball writers who love or respect for Lippy.

I Apparently this needled the Chan- 1 dler office into a belated explanation. An unidentified "source close to Chandler" said that the commissioner felt I that tension was too tight in New I York's Harlem and the quick suspension acted as a safely valve. VJ Perhaps so, but simply because his The Truman Democrats in the House won a maneuver only a musleriiiB voles enough to shelve the Wood bill, which had been passed Tuesday, had previously lost its fight to repeal the Tall-Hartley Act by passage ol the Sims bill. The Tnrt-Hni'1- ley Act remains on the books. The battle now shifts lo the Senate, where it is certain Dial many lealiires of Ihe Tafl-Harllcy Act will remain in any law that is passed.

It has been obvious lor a long time that Mr. Truman could not make good on his Hal, unqualified campaign promise 10 repeal the Tall- Hartlcy Act. He could not make good on It because there arc tunny provisions in the Tatt- Hnrtley law which the country needs. The law has been unjustly maligned by labor leaders. It is not the "slave labor act" that it has been called.

Time and experience have showed Ita value. When Mr. Truman made tils headlong speeches against the Taft-Hartley Act. he was. among other things, opposing a clause of high importance thnt he himself hnd effectively applied.

We refer the 80-day injunction lo protect the nation against strikes which imperil the national health or safely. This clause has hnd. a disputed history, but its very presence on the statute books has had a restraining effect on labor and has given the public some feeling of assurance. During the paralysing railroad strike ol 19-16, the country hnd no mechanism whatever lo deal with that kind of anarchy. Mr.

Truman went to Congress in a frantic mood. He even went so far as to suggest that I he strikers he dratted into the proposal, incidentally, that Senator Taft helped to kill off. And. of course, the suc- cries engineered by John Lewis have shown the need for such challenges to the snlcty ill the state. Seldom in American legislative history has a law been subjected to such searching analysts as The Tall-Ilarlley Act.

For many weeks, the Senate Labor Committee held hearings during which it was brilliantly dissected by experts. There were sound arguments against some of its and Senator Taft wisely yielded lo on the whole the law, stood the lest of microscopic examination. The leason is perfectly clear. The Wagner Act, passed in an era that cried for reforms, redressed labor's ancient grievances; moreover, it pave powerful impetus lo the growth ot Irade- uiiioni.sjn. 11 was ftnnkly and one-sidedly pro- labor.

Under the Wagner Act, labor has enormously increased in power. With power, inevitably, came unfairness and abuses. Time and experience showed clearly they had to be corrected. The pendulum had swung. As Voltaire said of God.

if the Tall-Hartley Act had not been created, another act of its kind would have had lo come into being. an inevitable historical process. And it is the genius ot Ihe American that it has always been able to seel: and tmd equilibrium. That's why Mr. Truman could not make gocd on a rash and un- stalcsmanlikc campaign slogan.

Berlin Mayor Says East-West Tug-of-War is Just Beginning Th. DOCTOR SAYS By Kdwln P. Jordan, M.D. Written ror NKA Service Psoriasis Is a common and anuoy- skin disease, though It is usual- harmless so far as life or general ealth Is concerned. Only a small art of the skin may be affected.

II may tend to cover almost all the body surface. The elhows. nees, scalp and lower back are le most common locations. The eruptions may begin sud- cnly or It may start with only a ew spots on scattered parts ol the ody. The affected area Is usually bright red, scaly, and flat.

There sharp line betwen the In- skin and (hat which appears completely normal. Itching is unusual In the common chronic cases. In the acute eases, however. Itching is frequent After a time the affected skin usually becomes covered with a thick scale, and if this scale Is scraped of. tiny Weeding points appear underneath Cause Unknown The cause of psoriasis is not By DcWItt MacKenzIc AP Foreign Affairs Analyst The hard-boiled anti-Communist mayor ol Western Berlin, Ernst Renter, says the New York agreement among the Big Four to lift Ihe blockade of the German tal the "real beginning of tug-of-war between the East and West." Reuter means, I take it, that we are about to see the start of a great struggle between Russia and the Western allies for control ol all Germany.

It's the old Germany was the keystone of much of continental Europe's economy. Wes Gallagher, AP chief of bureau In Germany, reports that many international observers there believe victory for the West would shatter the Red Iron curtain, The reason is that Eastern Europe traditionally has depended heavily on the Reich for necessities which it is doubttul Russia alone can provide. Enslavement Tactlci We are harking back to the vast economic empire which Hitler gambled away because of his Inordinate ambUlon to annex and enslave all after thit only heaven knows what. When known. Members of the same family lau lc ii ec i world War II he often have psoriasis, however, so that many doctors have commented on the family tendency, ft is almost certainly not infectious.

There are good many trealmenls which have been tried which was virtually czar of the whole of Eastern Europe up to the Russian border, because of his economic stn'nglc-hold. I toured thai whole area Just be- lo bring about good results, at least fore Munich, and still find it a matter of amnzement that the N.izjtl fuehrer should have staked so much on a throw of the dice. This stranse chapter of history has been discussed in our column before, but I revert to it now because It's the chief explanation of the struggle which is boiling up over Germany. PETER EDSONS Washington News Notebook Republican Party Seems Troubled With Too Many Cooks, and No Food By Peter Edson NKA Washington Cor respondent WASHINGTON. Rc- mbllcnn Party Is having policy rouble.

1 more. La.sL. netting of the Republican Nation- il Organization Strategy Commit- ee in Washington producer! lots of larmony and a demand that some- iody miRht to raise $900,000. but Ittle else. This goose-egg: performance linci the score with the GOP Congressional Policy Committee actions which have so far done noth- ne, too.

The Republican Strategy Committee, which met In at ihe call of National Chairman Hugh D. Scott. wa.s made up fo half a dozen elements. Representatives were there from the Rpub- lican Senatorial Committee, the Republican Governors, the Republican State Central Committees and National and State Finance Com mil- tecs. It was apparently a case of too many cnok.s to do any conking.

All that came out was a decision do something later on. So anyone hold- mc; bis breath to find out what the i new and revitalized party nor stands tor. might as well relax. Polio decisions, it is now announced, are to be worked at a series of regional conferences. Western state Republican organ- ixations have already scheduled a meeting Los Angeles in Jine.

Questions of conservation, rcclama- valley authorities rnd so on be taken un there. Delegated to Crass Jlnnls. Level session on the problems of in- slrv and taxation, to be held in England some time, was talked out but not deckled on Sen. ven Brewstcr of Maine is strong for this one. The idea of having a midwest farm policy conference did take hold.

It will probably b- held in Des Moines in September. The idea is to see if anything can't be worked out at the grass roots level to help the Republicans get back the farm vote. The Idea of having one big National Republican co tire tit ion just before the 1952 congressional elec- HOLLYWOOD SO THEY SAY icms was apnarelltlv killed for Rood. Tills was Phil Willkie's proposal Just after Ihe Dewcy defeat. His plan was to get (1 ie psirty on record to wVuit It stood 'for.

seems to want It now. This ties in with sentiment from one wing of Ihe party leadership, lo (he effect (hnl the Republicans already have a good cnoueh platform. Tile reference Is to Ihe platform adopted at Philadelphia last 'June. This platform has never hcen used, according: fo one somewhat cynical view, and they might as well try to get some good out of it Instead of starting from scratch to build one. Still another sour comment wa.s that there was no use trying to adopt new OOP platform anvivny.

Even if a snecific set of principles could he written, half the Republican members of Congress and the ccw candidates wouldn't consider themselves bound by such a declaration and wouldn't live up to H. So whv bother. Actions Versus Words The stunned House Republicans who came back to Washinaton last January started risht in to set up a new' kind ol policy committee Oreat thlnss were expected of it. So far it has held about three meet- nomieetnent. This was nn unequivocal stand against excise taxes on transportation and luxury goods.

The issue hasn't come up yet, but it's one of Republican Minority Lender Joe Martin's pet projects. The Senate Republican Policy Committee under Robert A. Taft of Ohio has of late distinguished Itself only by a couple of violent rows over public welfare legislation and the whole Truman legislative pro- temporarily. In fact, psoriasis is one of 'hose diseases for which several new treatments are reported almost every year. A number of these have not stood the test o( time, and therefore one should be extremely cautious about accepting their value.

In many cases of chronic psorla- sois. good results may come from any one of the different treatments, but the psoriasis later re- turus. When the same treatment which produced good results the first time is tried again, nothing may come of It and a new method has to be used. For these reasons psoriasis is often an extremly discouraging thing for patient and doctor alike. Note: Dr.

Jordan Is unbale to answer individual questions trom readers. However, each day he will answer one of the most frequently asked questions in his column. inrjs and made one policy pro- flop. gram in general. At last week's meeting of the National Organization Strategy Committee, which was created by Chairman Scott after the Omaha National Committee meeting last January, did produce a draft statement of principles for which the party should stand.

No action was taken on it. The reception was so cool that nobody claimed authorship. In the opinion of some of the Republican congressmen who saw the statement later, the party would have been just well off' if this draft had never seen the light of day. Specifically, the eight-point program was against high taxes, more power for the chief executive and communism. It was for a sound national economy, the highest living standard for all.

an open foreigi policy, national defense and peace This set of principles could be on a post-card, all right But what they meant or how they i were, to be achieved was spelled on 1 no belter than in a similar state mem of Republican principle drawn up under the direction Indiana Congressman Charles Hallock, in 1016. It was just another Republican disappointment and a Killer held all Eastern Europe and the Balkan-s in the itching palm of his hand. Why? Because industrial Germany over a lonK period had built up all economic structure under which she supplied agricultural countries with manufactured articles, and took from them in turn Ihe agricultural pro- duels which the Reich didn't produce Itself. This arrangement wasn't Just somelhing that happened. It was the result of a carefully worked out plan.

Germany cultivated Ihe relationship and maneuvered so that the small nations would be forced to confine themselves to agricultural pursuits and competent this Reich's growing industrial strength. Reds Emulate Hitler So Hitler was masler of the rolling fields of grain and herds ot his satellites. They had no alternative but to do what he said. Refusal 1 would have meant that Germany would stop importing Irom the unruly country, thereby bankrupting it. since it had no alternative markets.

The Nazi chief constantly drew the net liRhler until Just before the war he actually was telling the small states what they had to buy from the Reich. For example. If memory serves me right he forced little Greece to buy a shipment of fleers named were Miss jo s()me JQQOOO armo nica.s for which Hess, vice president: Miss Isabel artn 't (he slightest Vse. Merti- Brandon. treasurer: Miss Burnelle cinfl a SO rt.s of oddsjand ends, Bradley, reporter: and Miss Doris Dobyns, sergeant-at-arms.

Bv Edwin P. Jordan, M.D. QUESTION: Is there anything which will kill the cold germ or the cr of Influenza? I get he grippe bout every three months. ANSWER: The cause of both is a virus. Up to this time here is no medicine or drug which las accepted value In killing the of either of the diseases.

15 Years Ago In Miss Mary Spain TJsrey was elected president of the Red Pepper Club of the city high school for next year meeting yesterday. Other of- nnmed were Miss Emma Jo Advanced pupils of Miss Margaret Mcrritt's piano classes will be presented in a recital Friday evening, 8 o'clock, at First Methodist Church. Those taking part will be Misses Jane McAdams, Virginia erators was Herman New York City. The Goldberg of other day I saw him playing rubber bridge at one ot the clubs he originally owned, the Mayfair Bridse Club. As I kibitzed him.

today's hand came up. West's opening lead of the ten of hearts was made with the hope of finding his partner with the hearts, and also to avoid the danger of Hy Frskinc Johnson NEA Staff Correspondent Warner Brothers Doris Day rates top billing over him in "My Dream Is Milton Brrle is George Je.ssel's choice for the tip role in "Moon Over Paramount needed a Sunset Boulevard mansion tor Gloria home in -Sunset Boulevard." They linallv Unless fuluie generations are to face fl declining standard of living, we must rely more lieaijly on our supplies, stop waste irreplaceable materials and find and develop additional resources as fast as tary of Ihe Interior Julius A. Krug. Things do not get better by being lell Uulcw they are adjusted, they explode with Churchill. would be committed nol only to a military prom-am that would entangle us In the ccnluries- olrt haiirds of Europe, but we would be obligated lo a program ol economic aid to the other uiem- brr for two long decades to William Jonner i Rl of Indiana, opposing rall- tu-atmi, of the N'nrth Atlantic Security Alliance.

A great many people, if they find that (lie President is going to be In church will go to church. Well, that Is not the right frame ot mind in which lo go to church, and 1 don't cater to that sort of program. I go because I wain to go and because I think I ought lo go, and not lor Ihe purpose of making a Truman. HOLLYWOOD news ortay for Hedy Lamar. Bob Hope nd Jimmy Dlirante.

Nol one of their lamnus probos- Ises made the list of the 10 most impelling noses Uie movies, isled today by Kollywood's Plastic SurECry Institute. Personally. I had never given rc.ind thought lo Jane Russell's found J. Paul Getty man- icvsc. Or even a lust one.

Comr to think of it. I've been about. tV.e of. dlnui Fold. Turner, Jennifer Danny drne.

Aulry. Wnmla IlemlrU. Andie Murphy. Rini: Crosby and West. tno.

Ru have it straight from Dr. Robrr'. Alan Franklyn. spokesman for the plastic surgery boys, that the noses stars have beauty slon 0:1 Wilshirc Boulevard. Television network bosses are convinced that kinescope recordings will be developed to the ncar-per- lei-l mark by fall, spurring cross-country television, stymied al the moment by.

the lack of transcontinental cables. 1 hope so. Between the smog and blurry kmcs- ropinc I'm going blind. McKENNEY ON BRIDGE Rv William McKenney Airier-lea's Card Aullinrilj Written for NEA Service firidffe Popularity Is Kver Increasing Practially city in Ihe country has a bridge club. And.

as I have often said, bridge is the one game in which young old. whether they are athletic or crippled, can compete on an equal basis. There are thousands upon thousands of people who arc left alone ro- and character plus. Lnina Turner's snub tip strikes the facial architects as being and Mae West semis 'mi with "daring, magnificence of ncvinls." 1 never knew till now that Dati- uy Kaye "the lone, manlu- type of nose: Russell's is "triumphantly modeled" and that Bine Crosby and Gen rt Aulry have been coinc around with (ort'lu isht In the American tradition." Glenn Fold's nose was described as an "exuberant" appendage. Jennifer Jones' as 'sculptured drama." Wanda Hemlrix rated "sprlghtli- and Audie Murphy "stoicism." The plastic surgeons are think ing of scnrimc each star a gold- platert miniature nose to be known as a "Cyrano." Good idea.

It would be refreshing to see actors, instead of movie an dienccs, holding their noses. Carson Feurlinjr? Jack Carson with After reading Hie reviews on "The Slrallon Story." Allyson knmrs mat her sludlo know lirsl. She Hlir a rr lo avnldinic the picture. There will be a 'Miss Nevada" from 'he University of Reno in the Miss America contest this year for that J'Hic h( rs( ime in S(ory Uf, to now only lates and three territories lave been rfpresented. Manin says his neigh- theater manager passed oul cards asking Ihe question: "What do you want to see most in your theater?" Or.e came bark with the answer: like to sec more butter on the povi.xn Heavy Stonrs The Gjeai Pyramid of Cheops consists of about 2.300.000 stone blocks, each of which is about three tect bich.

and weighs an average of two and one-half tons. A6 osing a trick by the lead of any ther suit. Goldberg cashed four icart tricks and on the fourth not to mention huge Quantities of outmoded military supplies, were unloaded on the satellites. Most of these satellites now are under Russia's control. Thus the question arises as to how far she can go in supplying the Indulnal necessities.

If Moscow could gain control ol Germany through communication, the problem presumably would be solved for the Soviets. Martin. Frances. Virginia and Sara Jo Little, Estra Livingston. Martha Ann Lynch, Margaret Shaver, Marion Tompkins, Marjorle Hoss and Lorna Wilson.

Mrs. Karl Kroger of Oklahoma City, houscgucst of her par- uy tut; luuu UL MMJ --ji Goldberg cashed four ems, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.

Black, VJU.Lluwlp, n-nrB oyilnr- learl West was helpless. West el- clcd to discard three spades, so Goldberg simply cashed the ace spades and conceded a spade trick West. and Mrs. Baker Wilson were entertained by Mrs. W.

J. Pollard when she had the weekly luncheon and bridge game of the Wednesday Club. In Ihe card games Mrs. Bob Wilks won the prize. Screen Star 4 Half-em 5 Explain 6 Waste allowance 7 Heavy club 8 Above 9 Symbol for tellurium 10 Anger viil.

South West North East I 4 Pass 3 Pass 3N.T. Pass 6N.T. Pass If Read courlei News Want Ads. -hev need companionship and 'am'c I hat will Rive them Ihe com ictilive spirit. That is why th wmilarily of bridtje Is ever in reaslng and the reason why -lubs sliould be encouraged.

Whll Is true thai at some clubs small stake is played for. It ml slake but the compelilK spirit that people enjoy. The amom of money one can lose at bridg even at a high stake, is small compared to what can be lost on other lines or horse racing. one of Ihe first bridge clubs op- liORlZONTAb 1 Dcpicled aclor, Montgomery 7 He stars in piclurcs 13 Device for opening 14 Reluctant ISCompass point Hops' kiln 16 Two-spot in 12 Born cards 17 Notc in 18 Summer (FT.) Guido's scale 19 Breed of dog 19 Soak tip 20 Tree fluid 21 Deputies 22 Ride at full speed 23 Doctrine 25 Symbol for 21 Efi- (pi.) 21 Exchange premium 24 Snakes 28Caich the breath 29Type of fuel 3D Shade tree 31 Egyptian sun god 32 North latitude (ab.) 33 Wager 34 Indian weight 37 Piece of window glass 33 Bridge 39 Crafts 40Barlcrcrs 46 Age 43 Run away to marry 50 Pedal digit Recover 5B Strong vegetables 57 Parts of stables 58 Shops VKKTICAL 1 fish eggs 2 Goddess ot the harvest 1 Honc.v Insect selenium 26 Father 27 Conditions 33 Exclude 35 Musical note 36 Social insect 37 Dance step 41 Stagger 42 Charity 43 Accomplish 44 Epic poetry 45 Lease 46 Bitter vetch 47 Rot by exposure 48Girl's name 50 Rocky pinnacle 51 Individual 52 Worm 84 Cloth measurs 56 Type ot butterfly I.

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