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Clovis News-Journal from Clovis, New Mexico • Page 7

Clovis, New Mexico
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THE Let these waflt r'aj. iMs ijy Problems 11 ij-Wff CLOV1S Two cents per weird for the, first insertion afrd cent--p'tir. Av.dfcd for cncH inseMioh. is cash in advance or payable ufio'n presentation of a blllvby any.dtiithoi'- iBed employe pf the" Is We reserve the right to objectionable CLOSING 'TIME All ads -mufti be In. the office not than M.


FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. PASSES TO SEE ''The 'Wist Parade" Tiles. and Thurs. 'V 1 Look for your'name in the claial- liud colilfiiht. If your iiariia there, come by Newt-Journal and get, your ticket.

ARE you driving somewhere or wanting to with Gloj- vis Travel Bureau; A. 0. Pedric, 208 Main. THE MAiNSBN STUDIO-makes plio; to.graphs 'cheaper can miike them with your have extended Xof-fer; Hunsen Studio. DAVIDSON'S Crating, shipping; piano Amoving.

Phone 152. Box 544, Clovis, N. M. DR. iar, throat and glass.fittihg specialiiit.

hours are 7 to 9. Barry building. 1-288-tfc 3 Wanted Miscellaneous AT. to room and board, per rh'ohth. Meals family 1 Ritchie, 312 Axtull.

3-Bl-tfc Female Help Wanted to be given Mrs. 'Lili; 'Eth'ridge to see "The Wet Parade" at 10 For Rent NICE hc.use; four room fur- vnished house three f.urnished ro'fams. Phone 13. 10-55-tfc FOUR: ROOM newly furnishe'd. Maid service.

9.10 Qii'lding. Phones. 113-J and 110, 10-48-tfc FOR room with 'garage. Ihquifc 520 Thornton. 10-47-tfc SMALL ap'aiitiineht for light housekeeping.

Also bedroom, 14-10 GScklihg. Phdne 447-J. 10-59-fcfc FOR house, four rooms, ''modern. garage. 10 59-fcfic Dupl(Jx.

Fiihrilshed $20, unfurnished' $15. Garage cd. Private and modern. 514 East Grand, FOR 'modern duplex fu'rhishfed. Bills $5 week.

-Sheldon, J.Q-Sgr.tfc OIjEA.N, redecorated 4Troom furnish- 'I'd wpartmoiit. Apply Axtcll. Phono 304-W; FOR per inquii-o Mrs. Shippi tlO FOR strictly Inquire 015 Wal- lucp. lp-n8-2(p E.

Boll to call at NewB-Journal for. tieUat to "fhejyct Parade" at TWO 'ROOM'S 'for lignt i tiglii, 1 gas furnished, 21 East Fourth, liont, Or. R. SMUT im-AT WtMbpWJ VCJ -tf-iE wo! uGAM GO OMT ITH HINGS, etets AMD .4" new. 1982 crop, so dbvvn-td lidlow cef'nts a bushel; the central, frfctof Was of with a.strlklnK Iflck of usually: Dome's Wheat'cl6stfd under, corn Vs-M oats 'deeliue' Vi' provisions frorii 12 cents to 50 Vi July, nerw; FOR SA'DE-r-Hershey millet seed.

Bushel 7Dc' three bushels $2. Male 8. Diimjii'n, north, east bundles of -kafir S-'iniles east arid 3 south of P. Shell. 12-58-2tp i'oonis furnii.ureV: li.v jing room suite, Singer machifie, 512 12-68-3tp May, 18, M.o.-807) NEW -MEXICO,) COUNTY OF CURRY.

1 ''IN JUDICIAL COURT. J.fM.'Pllrdell,' 'Plaintiff, G.i S. BdiniimVetal, Defendants. NbV 4579 NOTICE OF. PENDENCY OF SUIT THE NEW MEXICO: Impl'eaded with tlie following defendants service 1 is Hereb'y spngrit to be'obtained, tp-Wit: Bainum, Mrs; Bai.numirAwal-E'.-BainUm; Chas.

Bainum, 'Bninunv, Charles Bainum, Dunbai', Slack Bainum, Katie Bainum, Vida BruiVi- rifdtt, Frank Sairiilm, Unknown heirs of C. Bainum, deceased, Heirs AO! Oha.rles deceas- 1 1 Heirs't of- Mrs. Mary Bt-umm6'tt, Claim, ants the Premises Ad- verse'to the Plaintiff. Antliif any--of the'above namGd sons 'nfime'tl anfl considered as living be defieased, then the 'unknown heirs, Oxeuutors, administrators and assigns of such deceased persons, i Y'ou'-are 'here'by notified that the above named plaintiff has commenced suit against you in the above styled -the general Objects of 1 to "quletj establish and cTevlsr attest, the plaintiff's title Southwest Quarter of Section One (I); 1 'and the Northwest 1 QuaVter 'of Section twelve (12), Eight (8) North, Range Thirty-Six (30) East, to- bar and forever estop the 'defendants hnd all liorsons'claiming by, tfhrough, Or Under them from having or claiming riny riglit, title, interest, lieni claim or demand in or'to snl'd-reaf estate'or. You notified that un- iSntgr ytiu'r ajjbVu'a'rice ill said cause on'of be fare, the-'18th of July, r932, judgment by default will''be against'you, 'nmltho ruliuf prftyo'll lor; hy and decreed, bw' Mexico, is'-iitt'oi'iiay for Pldin- tiff, Done at Clovis, New Moxico, this Toy Jones; Velma Dough- jton, and heirs of said any lien apon or right, ti- or to the estate of Greetings are hereby: that- the Adiministratoi' the aibave named, decedent has--filetl his and accoiint in; the above 1 day of, J.ul.yv 1932; at of -the; ofi Gun-y County, N.

the Court House in Clovis, N. M.j at hour of ten, o'clock A. has been-appointed by the Court as the day, place for. the hearing of objections to said final and the settlement thereof, and. for a hearing and determination the ownshiip of his estate, and, the inter- esto'f claimant thereto and': therein, and perso.ns ehf td' the distribution, thereof; that all persons haying, objections to final-account report may said-Court and the hour named and interpose their pbjec.tioh&j'-that, Aubrey Mexico, -is Adr ahd that his is- Otto Smith, Clovis, Nciw Mexico.

Dated and scaled'this 1.7th day of H. BARROW-S, Clerk. By SMITH WRIGHT, Deputy. (SEAL) (-Pt)ljl. June.8,.No! 8.75) EETING OF THE BOARD OF dOUNTY COMMISSIONERS HELD JUNE 6i.

1932 room with garage, nicely furnish- ''duplex. ModnrRV F0UR ROOM modern apartment, Jih- 802- TBdrntdn. SnJe Miscellaneous to, onion, cabbage, Also ''Cl( Floral Companyv.BtH Fifth, at cpst-and cost. Comb miij get it at oncei It must go. Foreman Pin-nitur'o 100 Main.

'FOR lots. Ddstrapla building locatiqn. G'E'O. II. BARR'OWR, Clerk of the District Coiirlj Ciirry Cdfirity, Now vi Deputy, rr (P 18, 2R; June 1, 8:, NbTI015' Op FINAL Estate of fj, Jonbs, deceased, "No; the Curry Courity, NovV''Mexico.

Tile Stuto 'o'P'Now Mexico to BE IT REM'EiMBBRiEDi that on the Gth diay'of June, A. D. i'J32, there was begun and held a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of-Curry Mexico, at the Seat tkereof with the followinig membei-s present; Chas. Chairman, Commissioner, of G. B.

Stockton, Commissioner District, NO; and W'itherppoon, Commissioner of and Get). H. Barrows, Clerk of the Board, also when the following-business was had and done, to-wit: 'Minutes of 'the last meeting i'o'ncl. and approved. In the matter of the various claims agains-t the it is ordered by jthe Board that nuniibcr'ed from 298.6-.

be apiproved and the Clork ordered to' issue warrants, pi" same-. matter of the Indigents Bertha Chitwood and Alice Ray, it is ordered by'- the Board 'that the New Mexieo'Ut'ilities Company be notified not any futthor -wa'tor -hi-Ms for- said iiuligonls. Inilho of the next ragular mewing of the Bciurd it is ordered that the Board 11 have their meeting 1 l.R'3'2 on account of the riSg'uhir moating falling the matter of the Indigents V'. J. Muddox, it is or- dtro'd hy tlifr Bonrd that thoy -bo fplrtiftiiiUl.

frdhi -tile" Indigent Roll of tile 'Gpi'inty''" 1 11 III HOPS lldu'ril -they) iidJouVn'. until July -taiitnliyo ilidllgr-l yoar will lit! sut( i.i i -vV DE-NNia. CJ-WO. 11. BARLOWS.

Clovk, Cliainmaiu securities markets, again presented a somewhat wan today. Stocks.igave more readily than neither'yrnarket showed any td resujiie last recovery. reaction from still -kept the---bounds of -a 'setback; V- remain -d -a ing also:'d'.- out in: 'Macy, which di'opped- 4 to a Woolworth reacted 2. in- sellmg--c 6incident announcement of-'invettr'anieni of. H.

T. -Parson as Teluphqne much'. Alaska.Ju- ne a 1 faydnte'- oi' a few ftg'o -sag'ged a he.w a Steel, -'American -iTtfba'cco Ame'ricarij; Santa-' Fe Union PaciJicj Ghfeaip.c'akc -National' Biscuit, Corn PrtiducSts, General -Foods, International was-a iiiig. nior'e'than---2 points on the; expected fpiimal an- niounceljriertt oifrits -Ste'rlhig half cent higher, at Total, males' were 32-32 LlVESTCJCfC June 's! '(AP-US' calves 900j-bct- ter grades stee'r'a and yearlihgs steady; medium weight and heavy: steers mostA.bidh' slightly.IpWfer; well Ibii irigs" m'osfcb' ge'ne'fal'- 'classes, bulls, vealprs and 'calves -steady; dealers. $5' stockers and-feudJ.

ers. IMogs 10c -180-220' ibsy; bulk. i pigs $2- 13jO.OQ lambs itn'cSven mostly steady practical top riritfVfcS grades ivjostly jiest fed y.earlirigs 5.15; others ,4 '5 JO, -steady sheep CHiCAGO PRODUCE ffifil krudRe'flghts In but i't -lf one ef'e going" to 'be'crfrr'l'erf'into the dls- ffolcl thd the land; ljonvlimeiti 'tit will rtontrtice 'PresldRiit 'Garner. tot.11 t-lifiir cnntempt for eacho other '-probAbiy RxcRerts- llie I coiilhiiikl of bthev d6V.en' "men in the It 'iri mere nufiS- tfoli.ol'ilockej'ing for political ait'Wii Wiiti-ipfcstiidiej nltlVougli both have heeYv i it. nanee.

In his don, heatedly and fully demanding that-'ociiatora snd rep'resentativeri jtp give -'Hoover- a frsd -hand ing -Soon the re- cohstTtidtlort 'siftllng through Congress' fliul his s'lieftUefs difi' c'liin'th' 1 GnVht'r -rfild- 1 pi'omptiy nrl- cl -'to- know Iciffirof vftidn biie'-p'nrti i-oVi'rttJt litiral i 1 ti' i w'bdii o- trf fib outbursts rise -'to iiew h'e'lgiits of bitterness a'nd scorn when'directed at Gar-'ilawyon Aj tier "or a Garner-'project. And rtml so mhny not Imyft'to dear him by- have the tho liopuHlicr.iis have been -m TFSII- press lijmselt' urivate'iy 1 to be sum reserves c-uss Words for the A'tid Garner ohvion'sly nlc-t party, thot-Mt's imp6ss'll)le to whether the' a'd j- A'fi arner sae' his rner'i. Hpuso SPI MJP Ilu 5 jibes aifd -wisecracks for demihcia- 1 most tslorious 'In-' playing tio'iis of some of thorn itlie of polities' are' ni'itclvho'tter Mian you usually "at.taek.« U.arhet at f. president. iliav 'ifrMVatfe conversation 't life, less to Hoover.

with(hn hear In .3. Biittcl- 1 (93 score)! 1-7 t-2-to iiiNl-extras 1C 3-4; e-xtrd firsts. 16, to- 1(5 firsts (88-89)- 13 to 13 timis (80-87) 1-2 to standards; (90 I i 'E'ggs, firni-; 1 extra, 'firsts 1 firsts 12. 1-4; current. receipts 11.1-2; gtbrage.pacl;- e'd firsts 13 1-2, 14.

"at.tae Wit 'iiiiiiV the 'when the' iiijinllins. pension nbuiifl'and mdjectivfis the natur'e; bill which' Gfll-her hail let rlrVXvhicli XAIV only be suggested, ahroiftfl "(lie' Ht.mii.i bill Jit a II j.slo'h hills sofn'e ut 'Garner's Meat? jtlieih were uiteriy rndPtHfisiiinf: seems' to think Hoover', -Hdovfir was'gfven- a' -la his'speeial jhis' veto again fo rebuke 1 Arttiy fliers Field Siiend Night Mere Spcmciing "ijist Anight, in iatte'r a training from, Kelly ''Fields their base, 'Lieutenant pilot, Cadet Burke Downs took o'fif from Western airi field here this- morning for San Texas; -While -in' 'Glovis the fliers paid their -resjiects to' Mrs. -Violet- Qttj who is in on visit with her Mr; and Mrs. W. .1.

Gos- satt. Mrs. Ott's- husiband is. aa- army flier stationed in Panama. REPEAL PLAN PREDICTED NEW YO-RiC; June; -8.

deiice that a method of repealing the eighteenth ameiidmeniti indicated in- the democratic platform was expressed today by Governor Roosevelt in wHh'th'e. -Associated Press. Tom Hurries, brilliant at the University of taken up outboard racing "-will several Nonthwest sum' OH'IOAjGQ, 8: oubtaitions on, wheat on the Chicago trade were the lowest, in the history of -the exchange, The Milwaukee- cllub of the: Aimer- icah-' association has four roster Earl Ca'ldwell-, Jack" Knott, Jackie Tavener and H. Ashley Y' TWINsI AIR RACE ably is mistaken. First, because selrtpm meat for any t'ician Is other, poli- Congress arid, 1 its obv'iously crease managed'-to in- Gar- iiia -d'emailds for because Garner, ner's hia -d'emartds for and ecbnomy anything -'often tlte.

Mild- ditched I a ys tinsel open to Jack's -leadership first on- the. the -The, pub- tic, as the' president- he- ha's Vow with' -r. Although Garner did his- part In the- era "non-partisan cb- opfer'aubn" in 'Con. Kis Hoover' has i- heglected v. arner'Ji Retort piioned' ixiin tel'e- "Texas as minority speaker.

oi' the Hext 'Ho'ii'sev and asked his siipp'6rf of: 'the- "debt-repa'ratiqns mbratprium. Qarnen'. oiifivhears, Was'-exaisperate'd- Hoover, to ohv AV "emergency" tilght "dciht'eTence -at the'i White Kb'use front which tliC bankers' credit poor and'the' oian o'l 1 the fH- next-oh tliP economy'bill. Fight i su'tl-' deiily, iirouii'lit In ilneitipioy: (vhliiil' fjro'virfed ft, ioii -fidllars fedHi-hi; biflioii public projedfs. derisive, '-angry denounced -if As- a '-pork 'barrel" pri-'-the' Gather 'a bie- thai Hoo.ver's-.

statement; was" an froiuery. "a'ipiecB' "ef 1 -Co'r- ph'iy interest-' iiksV rn(li''6aa'a and other corporation's: If. is'h-'t awfully' -this grudge" fight betwe'e'iv'tfie' seniii- tive, worried president and tlje sa puiicfiSr. speaker a-spe'c'tacle 'of enterlainfii'e'nt. Cdurtter Checks '(dbntinuea 'frJm 1) Telfepiibrie "an'd- teTegraph me'ssages, elipdtrjc le'asfe of "de-posit -admitssipn fees, transportation of.

oil. by pipe t. LleutrJqhn H. Plfhop," Unols A pf.Jlifl.,1938,national vball6on4ac9ioi(t'ipf Wiaha'a's tfiVlp army Unllpoti was brouijht down Hatton, Canada. the uaers Thefconsurmers 'oif electrici power fui'hisHedi'by iniuhici-psil, state roivgove'riimeriitai: agencies; Will- -the.

'same- tax as that by "-'of' p'owei' iici.als-- said. three p'ei; cent is'leyietl upon the' cohsu.m6r arid will be; c'pl- 'the 'disitrib'Uting. oO i pany '-niust, transmit, it to the treasury once- a mohthr Governor -Speaks fratii Page- t) he attentipn i delegates tliis 1 'Th'fe' I i otfierhoc.d was; ih session 'and the 'ladies society the 'Elks club. competitive, drills and fea'- lures for The 'drills, which are open to We'publici-wllI be at' the armtfryiat'Sfp; m. for the delegates and invited guests will'.

bo in the H.otel- GlfiVis" sbdgiti- ning-at 9:30, Business se'ssidtt's will'occupy all of tomori''ow Mast session ending at 1 p. m. A -chicken at 'six o'cloelf -and prog-ram of song, and ilanc'ci'at sevon at the are- eh- tortainment features tomorrow night; Phone 606 for Cla.aififld AiU. DR. WORRELL "Save- tfiei-'oiify' pajf- of, will ever possess," CHAMPi MERE Jack T.hamiT)soh,.;Cham-pioh "ppcket billiard player -of be -m-S-tch the Billiard-parlor at eight o'clock Rallis, manager, 1 CLOViS Grain Wheat 29c Barley i i 30c Shelled Corn Oats OOc' Milo and Kafir 30c; Re'd'Tdp Carie 28c 4.5o' DRV ri; GIBSON Treatg acuto- and chronic Off.

Phone 393 3tO As Frendly la When in Amarillo to se us. Rates jManager the SAX, IF VNB PRICE OF OH I 1 GOT HUNCH PH PO VOU KNOW PNG HAVE TO PO PIGHT AVVAY HANK ANP AQUSTA TO GCT RIP OF SOME or 71 SOME OF THEM One Wfty!.

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