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The Carroll Sentinel from Carroll, Iowa • Page 3

Carroll, Iowa
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Highest of all in Leavening U. Gov't Report. CARROLL SENTINEL DAILY UKD WSBKLY. i)I POWBBS ft GOLOLO. One-Year 1S.M PwWwk (byesrrlw) ID (JCtlWrotl attlio Carroll, i as THOTSDAY, MAEOH 30, 1898.

MUSIC HALL Carroll, Iowa, Saturday Evening, April FATHERLAND'S' SWEET SIMEE, JOHN R. FRANZ CUMPSCM The German Dialeot Comedian, IN J. A. Fraser's Musical Comedy, The Merry Cobblei Singing His Own Special Songs A splendid company sinning anil Dancing Comedians, SUKPKISING NOVELTIES. THE WIMJ NUT PROBATED.

The jury iu the Donnelly oaae re turned a verdint ot disagreement on th question of the tfetaior's ennity or iu sanity standing nine for HustHJuiug th will to three against. It WHS unau mouslj' tho opinion Ihnf the detendan was tbe rightful aon of Dr. Donnelly The jury aftsr remaining out near! twenty-six hours wns diooharged. Prof. Keuo tonight.

Tutt's fill PI uvo 81) New maple tugir at Archibald's. PickloS limos nl Kompkor Martin's Fish of nil liindi at Bailey Jt Uollund'p Get prices on fish at Archibald's befor buying. Winter wheat flour at Kampkar Martin's. Canned sweet potatoes nt Kompkor Martin's.

Bhadlo MiuinhiB'B opening today am tomorrow. Two good resilience lots for sale cheap P. Ilcitnbadi. Laundry S'rl wanted imniodlatoly Iloffniuu's hotel. Apples, oranges, lemous and bduanae at Bailey Holland's.

Girl wanted for gciiornl bouse work Inquire of Mrs. M. Mr. and Jlrs. (J.

W. Adams visited iu the city yesterday and locUy. A nice bud room net for siilo cheap. In iiuiro of Mrs. M.

U. Welburill. If yon waul a nice, Unlit office roon aheap, call on Will Trowbridgo. Take tbu children to see the wonderfu performing dean and birds ut Music IjaK Andrew ICIrk look tho limited today for Omaha whore ho will rouiam for few darn. liailuy Holland can satisfy you in the of canned goods, fiuiu um vegetables, Now your blood ilioiild be uurlllod.

Tuku flood 1 mnuurarlila, Iho bust sjirhiu ineiHoino blood purllhir. Try a ean of "Diamond Urand" Java and Moehu tbo best In town, al liuiloy liijlliuul's, Frank MoVoy. J. 15. Keller and brother have bium in the cily several duya tbii week attending conn.

Work will begin at onco on, W. Oul bortson'auow reslduncoat the corner of Oiirroll and Klglith jtroets. Don't forget lo Iry a sack of Sleepy Eye "Oruam" (Jour, souiulhliiif you can rely ori, at UalJoy ft Holland's, 1'rof. Heuolaaaid to bo the greatest magician of ihu day, lio will appear at Music hall touighl. Popular prices.

Admission 10 and 80 cunla. The hoard of equalization will aieel coil Monday vvoulng at O. Bowcn'a olllcd. The city council will aleo iiicot Iu rwiilitr session ul (bat time. ylValler I'ay, tho night wwtili, Uaa been I'alil up with a cold fin few tlaya uud Jerry Lucoy has been lllllnjjhlipoBHiou.

Thin hoiitiilful(r) weather hea at Music hall next April 3. Music by iroughtwitH ita of curtains, oil cloib, and tho most complete Ino of furniture in Iowa at Woodrlng's 'nrnitura store. Tue masons are at work laying the foundation for. the new brick block north the depot, Work will be crowded along as fast as possible until tbu build ag is completed. Parsons hose company No.

2 will give a grahd easier, ball Monday evening, Egermayor's orchestra. Good mnslc and a good time 'for all. A largo number ot ladies are attending the opening today and admire tbe many beautiful things they bave in stock. Tomorrow is the last day of the opining. Here is the pith of one of tbe Herald's news items: "Superintendent Rase has a 'delicately shod tho large audience seen it goodness knows what the results would have been." Lcn Wieland and Jno.

Mlncben lef' today for Clark.Nobraska, where they are going to enjoy a few dny's shooting on the I'luUe. Game is reported as plenty and bunting first class; J. E. Nestle has a numberof Una rooms to rent either for ofBce or housekeeping, purposes. They are tbe best rooms in tbo city, nicely arranged, and will be rented at reasonable rules.

Call ou Mr Nestle for terms. The World's Fair club will meet to morrow afternoon at 8 o'clock at the residence of £. N. Merchant. It la espei ially desired that as many of the members as possibly can will attend tbis meetinj, as important business will come up.

James S. Mcssersmith, son of J. nf Olidden, was sent to tbo reform school Wednesday by an order Judge Paine. Win. P.

filed the complaint charging him will iiicorrigibility. The hoy is T3 years ago. He was sent lo Eldora. Daniel Foxwortby was married lo Slisi Eva Thomas of Union townshioovor fou; yearsugo uud began living together bis Thursday and in tbo evening tbe young men of the neighborhood gavo them a genuine ohl fashioned such as wo got iip'here only not on so exlonaivi a scale. From this lime until further notice 12 N.

Jfurchaut will sell you tho best grudi of Minnesota flour ut $1.10 per sack or llfty. The above price is stricll.) spot cash. In addition to the above we have a Inrtro stock of groceries, cannot and preserved fruits, best quality at low prices. Tim modern way commends itself to the woll-formiMl, lo do pleasantly anil effectu ally what was formerly dono In tho crudest manner and disagreeable as well. To cleanse tbo system anil break up colds headaches and fevers without unpleasant after effects, USD llic delightful liquid lux; live remedy, syrup of figs.

Cyrus Mnrk bus moved into his new quarters and now has one of tlio hand somest storerooms in western Iowa. His stock will bo quite in keeping with his elegant room and ho will carry ful stock of Iho beat goods at vho lowest prices. Call and sou him, flrsl door south of tho postuftlco. "Tbo Meriy Cobbler" is a much bolter entertainment than usually conies lo this city. Mr.

(Juiupson bus received great praise wherever ha has appeared, avoir In tho largest cities, Ilo Is imjd to equal J. If. Kninietl in nil palmiest days. There will doubtless bo a crowded house Saturday evening, as Carroll people are uuuraolnliro ami fuel lihu meritorious play. Secure your acme advance at Hulton's.

A eplenilid opportunity (or pnronls to up their boys i.iiin wook at remarkably low price, at tbo Famous clothing house of Moses Simon. Spudiil ow prices, combined with first class goods Just received, IB Iho magnet which Iraws. Mr. Simon enjoys this season argor trade ever before and we tiro iuro'tlml he duBorvea It; ho always has ,01110 good bargain? Iu store for hiv CUD- outers and it puya to buy of him. Mlsa Ella Toild now has her now slock if sprint! inllllnorv in and opened up and bo isuluioal mrprUud horiolf at.thu ex out and variety of linstock.

Burely no ady can fail 10 bo ijuiighted wilh thu logauco and hoauly of tho many things he found tit Jllis Todcl'n store that will dd to the nUructlvoucuB of thu fair sex. 3ho will have her annual spring opening next Friday and Saturday, and all (he ndics know tbatlt Is a real treat to attend and aoo thcmany now, pretty and stylish hings that MissTodd prepares for the opening days. Remember the date, next Friday and Saturday, April 7 snd 8. John Nockols is preparing to have work commenced as ioon as possible ou ils fine aevr business block on east, Fifth street. Agent Uolmes has succeeded In organfz ng two World's Fair clubs which will stop nt tho business mons' club house during their visitat tho fair.

Mies Clara Schleclilwcg has a card In paper. We advise all who are interested In stylish dressmaking to read the card and give Mies Bchlochtwig a call. TUB REVIVAL Before tliey were begun tlie writer advised tbat no labor or tiuio be wasted on tbe 1 done among the young people, thu poor nml.tuoso who were in trouble, and now we see "Tho Busi ness Men" crowding into the Kingdom. That Is wo were wrong. Verily "the Kingdom of.

Heaven suiliireth violence and the violent take it uy force." Probably twice as many rose last night as have at any one evening yet. Only two more days of work or of very urgent calls; you may have two more opportunities. Eternity is long, you will lay down your pen and yard trowel, chisel and shovel very soon and be required to attend a meeting that cannot bo avoided. Hint you will take a journey. Do you know where you wish to go? Are you ready It Is time now to get ready.

Tlio topic for tonight Partings of the Way." ilfany of these will bo very solemn. On Friday meetings will boheldallday, At 10:80 u. in. Mr. Glapp will preach; at 3 o'clock p.

in, prnyer meeting; 7:30 preach ing service by Kev. Win. Brvant. Let me urge the Christian people to as far as may be convenient allow others the front and center ot the room. Wo will do our best to provide all with seats.

If wo get too crowded Christian people must not foci hurt if some arn invited to give place for others, even If they have to go home. Everybody come and we'll take care of all wo can. COUNTY GOVKBNMKNT. I Ol'KlOK, UAimOI.I., lOWA, March Hoard of supervisors met in special session, pursuant to, cm- bum nil present. motion cceded tn select an ovcrsi'er for the county poor farm by ba! lot- First ballot, Ilneton received one vote, Egiiu received ono vote, Jos, Lnppe received one vote, Hulett received two votes.

J. C. Oimii received one vote. Second ballot: Kgan one vote, J. C.

threo votes, llueton one vole. J. C. Oimn, having received a majority of all the votes, cast was declared wlactod to.tbe position of overseer, of tho poor farmland auditor was Instructed to draw contract accordingly. On motion adjourned.

P. I10.MI1A.CH, County Auditor. CORRESPONDENCE. I Correspondents, to Inaure the imMli'dtlon of thuir letuira In Hie woetcly, must mull tlmm to hoy will reaoli gut KDY. Sohulto visited at Carroll last WICK.

Tho farmer.) are all busy, soudlng Is jiiat bcgtiiniug. 11. Eolmrt was U'Hug businuss at Carroll the other day, Krauk llnua haa a few shepherd pupa which ho will sell cheap, John Schmidt Is enjoying a visit from oiio of bur lady friends, John Scliuuupiiar lias pasturing for about tweuty-iiinu bond of cattle. nfo'ssrs. have return- inl from Texas.

Mr. lloldur purchased a farm while there, Both these goiitleiiii'ii are well pleased with tho country. Jf iss Dora of our mo it rvarjoct- ed young Indies, will absent visiting with friends for Bomu time, jUlss Dora's many frloiuls will miss her whlla slid is absent from us, Mrs. C.Stoir.ts died at hur homo ius Wednusdayaf tar being sick for ai months She was laid to rust In tho CathoIIo cfiue tury. Tho boreaved rulatlvt's.

huvo tbe sympathy of tho entire community In tbli slid hour ofythelr affliction. March. 21). SA.NTA CI.AUH. UUDW.N.

anil's Cutliborlson and IIMCempsler are hunting duclis and geeso on Iho I'Jalto river in Nebraska, A.iloorhuuso mmiu a business (rip to Chicago tholirstof tho week. Kd, Xlmbock Is visiting friends and relatives at Ills old In Wisconsin. Mrs, Win. l-iuuilenbiick went down to capital city Monday, where aim will iiucbatiu a lino of inilliui'iy for the spring rude, Itubt. Muy, who has boeii evading the iK'iiumtsof Iowa Iho uaat winter by so- ournliig In California, ruturnBil homo ovuulng looking strong and healthy.

Tlio graduating exercises of the collt-go held ut Armstrong's opera hoiiao ust Wednesilay evening. Tbu spacious nil was full anil thu audience waa well ntertaliml, The exorcises worooxcollunt and reflect great credit on thestudcnls mid faculty. The Epworth held a snclal at the homo of Ihe Fergitnun Tuesday evening, A large company of young peo- jle worn present and iivcry pleasant even- lit! wns tlm result. March. 80.

Sl'JKClAL. M. Jj, Nlswongfor Has yards ol' Tonqiiin Cloth Calcutta Cloth H2 lucli, color gunratitoett fast Which ho will sell lor 10 cents. Compared with other goods, worlh IB ceuls. Any woman wanting a good wash dress will do well to call.

Sale to begin Friday. Mothors' Recommendation, ff-j nru tittiuatntdd with miiiy mother In Contervllle who not be without Chamberlain's cough remedy In the house for good many times Its cost, and are recommomlingltcvcryday. From personal experience we can say that It has brokun up bad colds South Dakota.citizen. 60 cent bottles for sale by Taylor druggists'. Cholerine In Pennsylvania.

Swickley, Penn: hud epidemic of cholerine, as our physicians called It, in this place lately and I made a great hit with Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy. I sold four dozen bottles of it iu one week and have since eold nearly a gross. This remedy did tho work and wns a big advertisement for mo. A'everol persons who hud been troubled with diarrhoea for two or tluee weeks were cured by few doses of this medicine. P.

P. KNAI-P, Ph. G. 25 and 60 cent bottles for sale by Taylor Uros. druggists.

Baled Hay. The fluent upland hay in the market. Apply to Tommy Stevens at Wetherill Qnnui's. Alter 24 continuances the trial of Louise or Lizzie Hotson, the midwife charged with causing thedenth ot Laura FItts, the pretty bookkeeper, wns begun in tho ci'lm iual court nt St. Louis.

Creditors oC J. Maurice Finn, of the defunct Ishpeming, Daily Horuld, have seized tbu property and will soil it April to satisfy their claims. Finn's whereabouts are unknown. The Nord Deutsche Aligemeine Zcitung, (be organ of Chancellor von Caprivl, con telus il strong leader concerning the treatment of German newspaper correspondents by the French government. The mining town of Kacrnton, near Blelberg, Prussia, is burning.

IVo churchns and 05 houses have been de gtroyed. Fifteen persons are known to have died in the flames and several others are missing. Joseph Nallo, plaintiff in tho suit ol Nalle vs. the city of Austin, restraining the city from issuing bonds on her diuu and waterworks, bus applied for ni injunction to restrain the county from collecting taxes to meet bunds Issued to construct a bridge across the river at tha point, WILL DBMANl) A Qnintlinl I.iikq Shore Will Ho Cnllail Vpun lo TOLEDO, March The baflkbuiie; 6 the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers is far from broken. Out of til proposed boycott of the Ann Arbor rou has grown serious question -for til Lake Snore road.

As will bo renieui bered eight of its men struck rathe than handle Ann Arbor freight. Tb roiiiHtntenitint of these men is the quea lion that was discussed at specin meeting ot the brotherhood, Tho pnl reason they quit was that the principle of tho brotherhood might be maintained The take Shore had them arrested uiu their falo will become, known Monday In the meantime the brotherhood ma have thought it over mid they have cou eluded that, no mutter what dooisioi Judge Ricks shall announce next Moil day, they lira justified in dnimindln, that their brothers be given their prmo positions. Thu result in case of rufusa was not considered, because tho men ex pout there will be no refusal. Chief Arthur und Sargent luivo returned tboir homes. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS.

The Intbcrs of Huston have decided to f.emnnd $3 day niter April 8: iVol liiiiKStjirlliiii( -vns adduced by the testimony cm the third day of tho 13u- Chnnnn trial. Smith ia In Chicago on his way east to niec't Dixon before the Coney Island Athletic club. Tuostrnmcr Stoaslmrg, which was disabled by having her shaft broken, has arrived nt New York. Barney McFudden, living near Leggett's Creek Breaker, murdered his wife and child Monday night. The Charleston (S.

city council bus formally received the saber of General aurcKiird bequeathed to Charleston in his will. Mrs. Albert Brush, who had an 120- pound ovarian tumor removed from her at Plttsburg, died from the effects of the operation. The new Young Men's Christian association bulUliiiK at Grand Kaplds, was opened for tho dedicatory exercises, which will continue several clnys. President Cleveland has been presented with a silver half dollar ot the year of Ms Ijiiih, which is Bnid to possess more good luck qualities- than the rabbit foot.

A coroner's jury at Frankfort, fuund tlint Matthew Gallagher iras murdered and the building in which he wn? killed by his murderer. Arrests will be made. LATEST HXKKET PKICES. South Ouinha I.lve Stock. UNION STOCK YAKDS, I SOUTH OMAHA.

March Of Course you Bead The testimonials frequently published I.i this pa- relating to Hoou's snrEapnrllla. They lire rom r'clltihlo pcopl Btnte simply fucte, anil show beyond 11 rioubt that Hood'a cures, Wur lon't you try this medicine? uc sure to get lioou'8. Con niHlnlltroiibleswItli tlie Ulgeat- gans inut thu liver, are cureil by-llooa's pills uiillod us (i dinner pill, Cleveland's grandfather ovor 100 yeiira ngo, uud an heirloom in Mr. Arnold's common cows, good feeders, common feeders, J2.75Q3.25. Markot strong to lOc higher.

HOUS-Kcoeiuts. lloail; light, fO.76® 87.00; mixed. heavy, S7.OOiS7.lS. Slarket Tio to 10 lower. muttons, lambs, Market steady.

Chicnfro Live Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS. I CnicAoo, March 21). Tho day's receipts were compnrftthcly light. Cattle were in good local and shipplnc de- nmnd and were strong, at slightly advanceil prices.

Hogs were much lower. Packers jumped on the market and staid there until they had carried it down 16c to 20c. Sheep and lambs were in decreased supply and prices remained Mriu. 12,000 head; common to extra steers, 34.OOSu.25: stockers and feeders, S2.H)®Ut>: cows nnd bulls. I.i50:84.25.

17,000 head; heavy, $7.103 7.50: mixed and medium, light, f0.7r><a7,2o. 8.000 head; poor to extra, S4.2&SO.OO; hiuibs, J3.00ail.30. Chicago Grain anil Provisions. CniCAOo, wheat market very wild and excited today. Tho closlns price July ivhent rnngoil from nt the opening up to and down to 72! closing at 72jju, or lower than on (hodnj before.

Cora was heavy, closing 5bC below Its value yesterday afternoon. Tho price of oats ulsu weakened to the extent of ItOAIin OF TRADE CLOStXO I'RtCBS. TSJici Mar, July, (Okie: April, 40) 8 Mav 4lfe; July, -(a-J6c. OATS-Muy. TOSc: June, July, 30c Septomher.

Slay, Julr. I17.17W: Soplenibor, S1T.ITM. JlTl.75;, Trtny, JIO.IH); July May, S0.77MJ ScnloniUcr. $10.00. WHORT lUHS-Mar July,

rch, Baking Powder: TT 0 'y i'" ro Tartar Amutouia; No A'unj Used of 40 Years tlie Nut CI.I.IIMI,. HALIFAX, March coiidilioi of tho two iuimlirranta who wore re moved to tiio IIMO from th Lulto Supurior, uonliiiuenver favorublo, Tlie hospital authorities do" olaro positivnly that they are not suffer from cholera or any other daugorotia or infectious diseases. An Karl 1 Vuuron llui-tubaclu Tim Eurl of Uiinuiuru arrived ut Constantinople Feb. 15' from tho Puuuiora, buviiiK the ontiro dlntanccrai, horHoliiiuk, Ho loft thu Punjab frontiei in Knhrunry, 'i'lilot'rupli. MISS CLARA SCHLECHTWEG Cutting uud mum; apediillr.

SullsfHctlon KUaruutei-il. KMdiMu'O, at I). 8. ii'couil door uorlli ilia corner ol Slilu nnil Kiui uinwln. O.

N. wTllm'a oira. PABIlKMaiia THA1KB go. 1 Ovorlana llniltM No. 8 Ouiuhtt BtproM 31 lui 6 Utmver l.lrntltxl i frrlruiui ut n.

tu. 0 No. 7 1'iiolne Etpreu arrlvfi'j u) p. No. Curroll uud Dooue uoomuVodi VABUKGIIU T1U1N8 No, 'i Ovcl-lttlld Uniltud 10 I OhlouKii Ny.

11 Uonvor LliuttuU AlhinUo u. 10. 3 tt V- Ul BO Corroll-Hooiiii ncowuuiodnilou 1 DO iu j'! 1 iu 1 Sw W) U. HlUflK BOOUU 1) I UflK BOOUU 11) II SIOUX 01TJ JIUVILU IDtikUIIIU, iov to Nlli UllUUOtl jiiUKUH. jop ui lltu, ui ItOf i-iti St.

Luiilt. Sr. Louis. Afnroli 59. (fMty, 1 fumllv, S3.llolt-.IO.

WllKAT-Uns'iittlua nnd lower. March. 03-Mc: April, UWic; May.ljSJSc; July, GS-Mo, fcOHN-Luvver. Jlurch. April, MMc; May, July, 1 OA'l'S -iJtiil ,11 thu cUisi'.

Muy. inpse, now jnb, SIp.OO. not worth over $10.75 at the close. Sioux City Live Stuck. Sioux CITY, March 20.

toclav, head; oftlciiU yesturday, shipmi-utB. market 6c lower: top, hulk, Thirteen areannminced For next season by C. W. Williams ot the Independence (la.) track. The pacers Flving Jib nnd San Pedro left Citlit'oniiii lust May eligible fo the 3-minute class and returned with marks of nnd respectively.

The moat Intelligent people ot our community In DoWUt's Httlo onrly risers puls of uncqualutl merit Cor rlyopcpsln, hond- acho nnd cunstlpatloii. perfect la action. Taylorllros. Tbe Turns l-hiule, cwii liiivu been notifiud not to sbip any more coal to Chicago over tbe Cbicngo fltul Kasti-rn Illinois, us tbo tracks are blockaded with coal. JtiHn truth iu modi, Ino that tho emnlloat Jo-u iturronnu a enrols the boat.

DoWltt's llttlu cutiy rifcura arc the smallest pills, will pcrronu tho curu, null nro the host. Taylor Bros. JJenuis iitckmiin was arrested nt Galveston, for inurilcrlng Tom Elliott and his mistress at Houston. He at first protested bis innocence, but later confessed. Do you tank rnltli iiml love health? Let U3 ostntillsh your fiiith and restore your health with DoWltt'9 snrsnparllla.

Taylor Dros. J. M. Barrio, tho Scotch noVelist, is a little man with a largo head and Inmi- nons eyes. Ho is ono of the most modes! and diffident of British authors and quite unspoiled by his success.

The breaking up of tho winter is tho signal for tho breaking up of tho system. Nature Is up thu puros aud throwing of? rcfuso. Witt's BarBaparllla is of assistance In this operation. Bros. General P.

A. Collins, tho new consul general to London, was tendered a complimentary dinner Saturday afternoon at the Parker house, Boston, by the delegates to the national Democratic convention. "Inure is a nulvo for every wound." Wo refer to DuWltt's witch hazel salvo, cures barna, bruises, cuttf, Indolent sores, us alopal nppllca tlou In the nostrils Cures catarrh, (1U(I nl- wnye cures piles. Taylor Dros. Tho Good Templnrs of tho Ashland, district have purchased live acres of land at Madeline island for summer fint DcWltt's ttillcPi Jiuscl sitluc itilll oitrc (hem.

Totfloi 1 Bros. The Lewis Grisell ivell nt Portland, drilled In Saturday, is flowing ban-els nj 0 a day. Tho Tnillautt njj flvfil rapidly increasing in production. Had complexion Indicates an unhealthy atato ot tho system. DoWlit's llttlo early rU- ers uro pills that will corroi't this condition.

Tho; act 911 tlie llvor, they net on tho stomach, they net on the bow 31 Tl Hrc.v 4 Iu roiv among ilonen Poles at lie- uomineo, several wore badly Injured by knife wound!) nml tieorfje liobitz wns fatally Injured. 1'jitak, who assaulted him, is uniler arrest. head; oillnlal yi'bU-ruuy, in ln-uu. ahliniiuiifi, Ml; morkct Etrung tirliljihcr for Uabtrublo slulf; otbvrj bout ulvt'ily. IMlce can ho cured, piles will he cured, piles are cured wilh DeVi ill's witch hazel salve.

Au cxcolk'n runiody for nil skin diseases, Taylor Ilros. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. GET THB BBST This child is reaching out for the best there is in tight. That's what buyers of Millinery should do.and if they will attend tho SHADLE MANNING'S TIIUltSllAY F1MDAY, 9I.VUOI1 HO and 1'bey will Uud the uioeat, nenteat, prettiest lino of 1'uttem Hnta nud llouuete lriiuuuu)(o, Uibbunaiiudull kludaof iiovoltiBa iu fanoy Kooila they have ewu for long iu dial, the hunt the market und nil nt eo reotouubla hat even a orunkj' won't kiok on the bll 1 GET YOUR EASTER HAT OR BONNET AT SHADLE MANNING'S you will liava the BiitUfnatiou uf knnwluii you arn ri(jlit up wilh the lulDflt BtvloB iu Bvsry uurtioular. thu ouuuiug iluy, i Thursday and Friday, Mwoh 30 aud 31, llfi 1 £1.

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