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Altoona Mirror from Altoona, Pennsylvania • Page 15

Altoona Mirrori
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ALTOONA OCT. 11, 1924. 15 BELLWOOD At an election nf rili'iairs of Uie UiiiU-d Ili-cllircii Siiinluy nliool tlio fulluiviriK ivcrc to during llm iiMil year: (k'nuinl .1. A. Krl- IMillp Milh-r lUnL tlrm-e llmivp.p; IK-PISIPI i-i Mis.

11. Smillii luiuli-r, Ktlii'l KSU-II iiuil Ki-ilwui librarians, Near- WILUAMSBURG At Ilio hiKl mi-cUiif! of llw 'fjliucn Ksllll-r CilTlo elf tllO MclllOllisl rllllrrfj it Mas to liohl inimial luiznar nnd I'iiinlv H.ilo mi llw ovi-utui! of X.iv. -21). Tills iiuMiifocrfl ixn V-PPIK- iiij! Ill itlv ami will liuvi' an sni- usinil ilisjiluV ol limiiy Silk'. A nun Blrolcli of iiiivcmetil p.ip.l laic) nn'l li.sth-pillv r.ivpill.v, mlds imn-li thu "i-m-p-al iipipcariuu-i! lo MIIJJIS- EBEN3BURG Miss N'ell rlaiigtilcr nf llr.

am! Jlrs. Nelson anil In.wu son of Mrs. llrown u-t'rfi united in at tin" IIolv Name Cnllmlic dnirc-li Tuosdav niiirniiin, Hio i-rri'iiHjuv In-ill" iicn'orincd liv I'allier O'NYill. limiii'dind'ly I'U-r (lip- p-i-i-i-mom- it niiiitial Jiix'i nass M-IIS ri-h'ln-alr'il willi Kt-v. O'Xi-ill as i-nlolu-aiil, licv.

Father- as aiiliilonroii mill Tip-v. l-'a- HUT Salia.los of Murrrllville as doa- LLYSWEN Miss Ki-anj-i-linn Ililoman inilcr- laincd a niiinlirr of lior friends al lior llliHK! oil HollidllVslllMK Oil TIllllB- dav i-vt'iiliiH a ronsl. 'i'Lui was ili-lifilitl'ltlly ing f-'aincs. ami ivilh vof.i! and iu- slrnint-ntal ni.ij-if. Miss Kvani-Hine, "avi- on Hie jiiaim.

Miss Klhi'l Mas a very vlinrnrliu- as Aunt tormina itml inniio lols of fun. Hit) of lli pleasure ii-frOf-H- MAPLETON DEPOT Siln.Ulv viRiliirlTnT tlio lionic of Mr. Mrs. (His 1'iirk William 1'nrk mnl son. Iliirinnin! I'ui'V and and Jj.wia tinili.k and family of Sallilln.

t'liipo and fainily of Orlii- Uipiiu! of anil t'nniilv. -Mr. and Mrs. Sinidiiv visithi" hr-r br-itlKT, 1'iM 1 C. II.

in KM Iwood. 1'nrk llil.liins and fninilv of Clov.v land. wen; 'visitors at tin: nf Vrnl I'. SiiniiM.n and HASTINGS The nasliiiRa livnm-li of Uio C. 1).

of A. rntorlaini'd uflcr a in Ilio K. of U. liall in llarin'shoro, Mini- dav 'I'll" ninin of llio wt-rt- and Hiss Mini- 'I'tfrvit ln-r llaslinns, followi-d In- daintv linvli. Tin' ladies I'nim lln, tinjjs ill- Iflnli'cl; Mis.

Al. Sliitl In. Mif. Ida anil daiiL'liKr Marie, Mis. 'K'lllirrini- l.lovd.

Mrs. Anna Sila-rt. Mrs. Kniila lliinK-r. Mrs.

Elinili-r. Mrs. Mrs. Annie l.illle. OSTERBURG Mrs.

Krnnl: KnufTman (if SI. Clnirs- spent Tnesihv uitti her dauyll- tor Mrs. diaries W. SlmlTrr. Mrs.

Sarali Wliclsluno rcturneil to lier lio tliis plaie nfli'i u-eeks ti'illi ridntiveii at Kverett. Mrs. llruee llerklu-iiner was an Al- loona visitor Mrs. Hunter MliallVr 'nnil dnnulitiT llainiiili Mae inotiirnl to Alloiiiiu -Mon- Slesfijimci dolin Hnrger, I'et- lei- and Aclila Moses sivcnl Tiirsday at CURRYVILLE ifr. and Mrs.

Porsey Rumbergcr am Mrs. Klla Ryder ot Altoona din nnr Kiicats of Mrs. Lyilia I.atlishaw at Mnmlav. ilr. 'amt Nathaniel Burket'u anil Mrs, AnUrcw JJU-l, JloinauyaUiiTg visited tit the hom Mr.

aud Mr.s. JuJut Uiel.L tlurhi, this uok. mid Mrs. John Stayer an (tdiighter Hcnn, Mr. an Mrd.

Cyrus of Altoona an liouf nnd Lester Sel lilirarinus, Ulit-stei- iiltlci and l-llvii rotary, ul.line W. II. l'i 0. II. lllimlcs, -li-sse Itnujjli, K.

liclibiml, r.rilL-un Si-lmiittle, Mrs. Si-limillli-, Mrs. OiniplH'll, W. Ciiswell. Mia.

-Minjjlc, -Mrs. Knyi'in'l. Mrs. Mll.ln-,1 Ml-. I.

tico ini-sidl-lll, Fli.K'lliv liiry, i-ll, II -I'r ik-iil, Sclii-nik; j.i.-si.l. Hoy.I lu-iitiin-r, -luiiics I'L-aidcill, pii'siilr-nl, Lois llinl.pli; tmislirr-r, l.nln ItiM'l. l.krl.l 'i-ltiss -I'm-idi-lU, I'l-url Kdnu I'lu-rry; ond street. Mrs. liose, Mc-Clnre retiirnod In lie Inline in Alexander ye-stenUy afu illiiis oil lln- nirul lily anil tlio "I 1 li ela -I'l Vi.ik't lank.

Milh-r; Wiri-Mv-t'livin: Si-liiiiillli-; vicu rsldi-iil nmlim-r sw-rcnu-j-, MiiUliov UP.SS CU.H.--,-r. -I, miiv "ill Ini ISiillj- 'lay in 111. Sunday of tin- pif til. liri'tlir. mil I lie.

clllirit iiiiilliiiijj vioil ivill willi tlic kHsoi MiHlv uiul i-lii-drl liarl-j' liy all lln Dr. li. AVilliain a iiiiiiil.i-r lln- rural in-luiuls in tin- n'ljmi tliis ui-i-k anil Mil tip lie a i-jiiilpiiiiii: nf tlirrpiil, lie a ill witll Inni tonsils. Ililiy Klouart. cnretnki-r of lln: l.Htln-Vaii nl Springs, lius hist inittiri" cm I liu! for till- fall aa.i lilt- lil-imtitlll j.ri-c-nswiir.1 of vi-l- jiiaspl will, lilk-il witll i.f i.ncs as littli- tulii-iis of tin- of liiia little of,! VL-ars aju an.l tin: I'lf'-i-iil tlino.

Tlii- anil to impioM! tlpis Iniriiil "rouni' -Hlill-il assut lo the i-OLIl inunilv. Ci-or-i- Wilson, uli.m. ill lus Mrs. Ix'O .1. MeMnlh an.l Alloi if wi Arllinr A.

Nelson joyod tin- i-vorihij; Mr. an.l V. S. (iinlard of Alloona visited his Uier eeronionv a worliling lireak- laid Smith, William Hoyster, William 'vis -erved at Hie lion Hie lUil.eit Oonilfellovv, Cray parents anil later the Kiaith, Clyde Smith, Conimy llohson, eft dviTlaml 1'liiladclpliia, llal- Uiarles llnrry Smith, Willard iinore and Washington. A(.

eeremonv to ho in rharfje. of "listriet I'alrinreh Dr. Stn.Vy. llmaiy iielilVn, Jinny llollon, fliesl.r l-'ipne. ICvey, Ktaiiton Mr.

anil Mrs. William Snyder, John tlianilnTlain nnd family l.ewisl.pwn v. homo of John ami fr Mrs. Pred nf ited fr la here on Kriilay. Mr.

Mrs. M.inrf.e (Jncrry Mrs. Malliilda assidv, Mrs. ade for Die reremonv ami Marhin Snyder. Miss' flapper, li.ilp pinlier of visitori are ex- McClellen, Frank Moore, lloli ClnpiiiT.

Fred Hr, Tin' Itlonjili, will ulvu'ii tulli 'in "'I lie Pally Dav of tlie Olil Al the "I lln- t'lnislian sVoi K-irs ill p-vi-nmj: for tlisi'iission will lie "Pride-." At Un- eveiiliij: llie pasti.r's tln'iue I ni a Ty of Clirist." Tin- Clenin-rs Hililc i-lnss will nnikp- a fi-alure (lie- lUlly in Sunday is lii-v. Kliin-r lliirni-i of Calvary Allniiint, will im-ai-li al iinprniiiL' si-rvii-i- ia Ma- clmrdi' tuiiii.iiow, lit nn.l I'. K. Millnr wil! ppt in' HIP- c-vi-niiiK- ll'ilili' si'liocd rill In; in lln! I'n-M- tipiu.nippu- iiiornint! Ipy ICev.

.1. Max Kirk- of Venter Hull. Kirk- jmlrirk will preach nt tlu- Til.Ion ilinn-li nt o'cloik in Jin; A coiiKri'i-utioNiil lawting will I.eld evening Ilio jnayt-r hervice. Hev. F.

II. Foss, -Preai-hillg nt Hl.l;") a. in. nnil nl 7 p. tn.

Ipy nnstor. Fi-liool Kvanfii-lii-nl I.i-npie Cluis Kaili-nvor at llie TIIP.SI.-V 11 lias unlikeled tliis sci.soi. oi'er SitDII uf Mr. Wilson nevt-r saw insi.le of bihool or but possesses a line knowlt-dgc! I'f lioluny from I lie book of liiUnre. It takes several years lor tlio see.I of to gfniiilluli! nnd iTo.m liis litlit.

i ervico Weilncsdny A cordial is to all these fiervii-en. 1'inoi-roft K.v-(inf;elirrtl, lie l-'n-s, pastor 1'ri-aehiiif; nt JP. in. Snnday M-ncml at Mil), l-i'vaiii-elit-al LeaRiie Ckristan at SI. Joseph's, liev.

V. lly lor Mnsa at the thinl anil fifth nth; nt 7.1.1 lonrtll Sundays. o'clock. Ttpton Ilev Ih sart, Pieaihin in', by lli-v. C.

K. Kolb, for "the Peniisylviiniii l.eaj!ll vvoitli I.enijil by Kev lirsl, llirill he expcrienu-tiii w-ls 1 leienlly w-lien he was from liis miilnij'lit sliiinl.ais latth-r the floor of lis i-aljin anil a- Ipoartl to his niuvekip'nii! th-; ii-ptilc the IIP! fastened his icpto the; leg his tronsi-rs. The fellow was as of his a Ijeaiilifiil foot skin with twelve lattles illl.l a bnt- toll is now ninny of Mr. Wilson's Interesting possessions. On Frhliiy evening 'I'lpp'ridosin Ili-vvitt Ky'le another Ipirtl'ulav nnniCersary.

A iinn- Ipi-r of In-i- i'liiinediali- frlvupls railed jpl In-r hoiin- and s-pc-nl an enjoyntilc evening. Delii-iolls were 'I'ltose comprising the quests wc-lc- Misses llnrianli Whiteworlh, caret Mrs. C. Khainion, Frank Hover, Ja iielt, Mrs. Sarah Wolfe, Mrj.

W. 51. Mrs. Aliie lihllle, Mrs. -I.

Fi-rral an.l Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Kiloy.

ilnlwl lio sdiool i-hi Snnihi'v srkool la MwiatV. and of Hhiir ('. Sec-ils. M. Si-livvnb's personal ia off the Cambria i-'nir assoi-iatinn.

liarlea M. Si-hwab is elininniih nf the hiiard of dircolois and Frank Dorr of win. e.eiinpie.1 an hnpnrliint 1ml nnoffiiial posilion with (lie fuir, is seeretary. Ira Illooni of o'f fnir this yp-ar, is retained in thai M. I).

Kiltell of nPiitiniirH as treasurer of the Mr. Si-erla. stie pefdi ('. M. Sehvviih as and IJnrr takes the ptaec of Jolm 10.

(Jable of Joliaslcpwn, An entire of the Fair As- iop-iation effec-led anil a new pf iliri-etois The old hoard, 'leu-led last yc-ir for he pnrpcpsc of a charter anil i-arrying out the work of the association, resigned at the meeting held Saturday. The olil hoard way i-oinposod of I. Frank J. Hartmaii. VVIIIiani John K.

fiahlo and nlrpipin. Tlie new lioptrd of Directors is composed of Charles M. Kehwnli, l.orelto. clniinnan; Illair C. Secils, rettn; Ira Hloom, H.

Alliiorl, llarncsl.nro; George 1'riii- dihle, Piittoii; A. K. Hamilton, Wind Iper; I'. Jolmslownj J.onis T.iisciihiir.;, llaracshiivo; M. ,1.

Hi Jcphnstown; Jolm D. Loch- Winclhei; Frnnk Dorr, F.lpcnslinip.'; Kittell, and Da Harry, -lohnslovvn. Tin! newly clec- Ifd c'-xei-nli Ipoard, wliicli will have cpf th Treaeluiis nl C. Arthur Wliitlnkcr, nt a Wliitjaker, as top I'P in. hy Morninj: -ul-ivp-l, "Tin- Law of MoriH- K.i-nin;; snhjeel, Seivii'e SJhort Mis hioniu-y I'liK'-anl.

"Darkness and l.i-.-ht." Srnchiy srhool at -lially d.iV. League at 2. ipp-th lially day lluv. ii. J.

Allen of -In in evi-rv of tl l.nii-h of ippein'bri-s. This will hi- ia the sel 1. The of 1hi! will be the nt I lie M.irve-1, Hon.e serviiv. Missionary with tlv-i- at even, Sjie- nnisie lit all with I'l-of. W.pHVan!,' in cliarm-.

Conliiil lion Irp all. U. K. entertained tin iss of the l.ntkerpu unlit by Join hii-h sh her at her home on Kasl Thir.l streel, Tnesilay eveaiay. The ronllat.

lin III-SH of tlio e'lass vvips transpu-teil after vv kieh a sp.eia] lioiii- was enjoyed eoi witll llie serving of li-flosli- ments. Those hesi.les 11 hcpstcss wrrc; Mrs. John Mciunlx, Misses Hnlh Allencler, Mpiry Davis, A I Marllin -Sayres anil Kulh Slpiee)-, lln nippming al 11.311 o'elorV Marie 1'iu-hcr, clanj'lilei of of Jai-ol: the ny lakine in the St. chin eli, being li) liev. 1.

.1. Dennv. Tln'j tli-ndcd by Miss'a stor -it Vonk (jainer and Aicnt. alt ellieicnt room nt (hi- anil I'aul i' ige. Miss Fignrelli.

to wa: llnli-r in the mill. After a re lield at the bride's home, left Monday for a honevmoon I to eastern cities am upon (heir rcl.irn. they will resid, at (Iznin- 1'nrk, 'island when Mr. Al lianis Print of New York city. WATER STREET npl, iif? til' 1 M-hnol repr ShiiffeisvilJc rt Milile nt Har-list IVo- iilf'n Viiinn at At Tiptdii- nt Kvrrylioily wel- "cri'ini Liitheran, lirv.

llairv Mrltnitl fil. rn. II. hir, .111.1 llie Simple wilh Knnl." Morning wf.r- Mhip nt a. in.

SMijvH find." af, p. in. In- Mrs PI. (1. Topic fin "My In HHiiry and Tcjidi- Snl.jcd, seivici-H nt Sah-in in the nonit.

MliI.w.-.-l; w-rvin-fl nt T.rt't. I'M'piiriil01 (o 11n Imly 11 in i 11 I'riilHV cvrriny at ivlrlirnted nesf, Sinidny. A cordiiil invitn-1 inn cvtiTidi-it to all uc- hire tn vi'illi us, hi.lit ami II. nt. f'- hy Mf.rnint,' ji'el, "The.

IJrM'hiiHiring ('In isl." r've- iiinu, "A Living Kin l.ivinp Surulay at H-lfl. Junior KiKlcavor at Senior Kndrnvor nt AM lire, invftcrl lo emiic nml worshiji M'Mh us nnil von will receive a vvurrn welcome. NViv will re- del ViWlj ijliiin'h'rtT'tlio I'lrellnen, Kev. flnlcu IllfiUKh, at lO.lo n. in.

ond nt p. in. Sy paMor. Snii- day fldwifd nt Christian AVork- nicoling ftt 0.30. Mid-week jray- ij Hcrlj, I'r Coiith, Wnrrni Davis, Ehnnld Kfllv, 'IVnnis, I'auli KslVllii IV-irh- Illni- li'fi Klvn Oroi'iu 1 Jwni ami Cntliiiriiu! Wils Mn.

loachrr. Slisii'rVrrivilh 1 prhiiHry: r. (it Ftnlh Mierhn-, Lily Annie Jlfniirhe Trwr, -Vellie l)ani''l Aii'lers, (irnrye Amler.s, Ke ha ml tlv fair as: ilircct iriatic Kittell. Ira llracken and Uiiviii Bn Aitiong the features of I lip iwnnis rneciling held here lit nt the Lincoln tea room wei moving pictures of the Cninuri inly fair, taken hy pliotoj-raphe eck'Lane. Mr.

Lano'luid iiuuiy fin be. upH of Iho finish of rnecs, tli crowds the agricultural 1ml il in (he. paddock, alsu a piniafOini of the tlninsauds of automobile on the space nnd tli triiEfie in and out of tli nber of splendid omidn. A i irt-a wore sh Fa of M. Si thn of dirretor ociation A.

li. Jliimilfo i Dotmhl nyitcr, Tlfleitmn, IJoist, inirl Mis. William Hilcnmn, Hole Snyder, May Allowny, Kdnu arley Irene -Sciilel. S. A.

CofCey pleasantly enterlnined of Che Men's club of the reshyleriun church at liis home, 21-1 fivoium on Thursday cvpniiifj, (ho nianihly business ami so- la 1 meeting of the club. After it riff business period of so- la hi lily wua tnjovfd. 1 At the close the evening were Mis. Thomas Folk ler nnd soti Fred, Hjjeudijiij a week visiting friends i New York slate. Mr.

an il rs. corge Rl lowers nd of Junialit were-guests Monty al Ihc homo of Mr, and Mrs. Wil- ft guest fo of Mr. and Mra. C.

T. wji few diiya lit tho Iior William Clapper. Alii-o Kenyan of Huntingdon is Miss Heliecea Mr. nnd Mrs. fieorge.

Kelsliner am Mr. attd Mra. Karl Keppte are spending i in Cireciifiburg attending the Tlit flotden Hule Bible eluss of tin Jyswen Sunday school will hold thei 'v'cnhuj at the home of Mrs. C. A.

CaJ of 212 Coleridge, iivonue. Mrs 'illluliniiRlj iiTid Mrs. VreA Unnh.p wil Mr. and Mrs. Jamefi of i avenue aro I eks visiting wilh relatives in Indiana.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kane and ehil itri-ii spent tho woek-enil visiting ii and Blair new 1'iosidcnt af tUc, ahsoei; and other offiuiiilH and out of Cambria county. Harrv K. Thaw, Thaw mid Ira.

William Than-, who were- siiond- the fiuiiunor months thoir honifi L'jir l.orelto. spoilt si-vernl days in atlnifliii" ovory i.Erform- lieu nt the fnir itisfl -Tune llavt-a of Somrrsot conn- and Itiisscll Laney of Itiitlcr initcd in iimrriji-itt here hist Sntur- lay af the ccre im perfonih-d hy Hov. li. F. Tleany, sitor.

Aftor a vvcilding dinner MTV- the IL of the bride's, si ti- Mrs Homer, of IMio, the Mr. nnd Mrs. John LVOIIH chil drcn, Mrs. -Scider and Mrs. Lyons UiiioTitown were quests for few day al the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Lcst'c thews. Mr. anil Mrs. George Zimmcrfl an were guests Tuesday at tli home of Mr.

and Mra. Robert. Heritif, Mr. ami Mra. Stilt of 24 Aid-rich avenue, spent (lie week vis Miss Louisa Wilson of Rncmlirig dome tinio visiting at tl home of lier Bislcr nnd hrother-m-lfi Mr.

nd Mra. William The. officers nnd teachers of 11 Sunilny school will liol eEr mniithly business nippting r. oiifiay evening at the home, of Mil Tflu Hoover, a Whitticr ava le. Mrs, Krnnm Taylor of Mount Unio visiting her daughter ami son-m-ln r.

and MIH. Robert Avenue l'rertbyleriiui id Coleinlyn -Vvcnin tt, pastor- at 11 a. m. by pastor and at 7.HO m. th'c istor.

Sunday school at D.M. 'itnlly ay services in all departmcnts. Y. C. K.

(i.30. Mid-week service a in Itutler. nnd Churles Ilirir h-n "Miiilh, l-oth of Colver. vvcra united marriaire here by of Hie oe Cliiirles 1'. Holland at his in the They will tn in t'olver whoru Mr.

Smith oniplovwl by the VAwns- Coal conipativ. trli's M. ScliwnU who lias liern Hie Mimmer months at his in left for'Xnw York where lie Mill occupy the SehwaH lie WHM by Mrs. chwab.

Mr. nml Mrs. John L. Seelih-r of the Metropolitan hold arc sp duvs viii-adon M-ith fiieiid-i in eastern" part of fie staLe. Hovvnrd I'.

MeUilliams connfv 1 in spending several diiys relatives in Mrs. Usury I'run. lives in the eastern part of the GREENWOOD IIKldll II) nf. il. wil IIP.

i- nf Mr. and V.pini". lieu- IPO tlic- l.iilh.-rpii. jiml Ipciiu. (ifnl mill vouil i.ry H' i.Ilii-era nf til rlilllTiiiiiy lire In til nf'lV OllcrliVin (Siiilil i.f vvnod fiiilcd llretliren Urn lirlu (lu- iVstivul on Thinsihiy nn Mr.

an.) Mm. C. I). Ainielt nn.1 so Merve Ilir.Pl tn Cnn wcek-i'iul. A.

K. VViiilo T). -fi liy lie lime CITKUIIV-III'ISNS. liriviiinnil I viflpl lijllf-iiiiok nf ri.l p-liili, Miss lio-nnna llnrns, dniiRli- Icr nf Mr. uliil Mrs.

Sloping Ihirns ni-lhrnnil, inpirrii'd in 'I'vrnne l-'rhliiv c.uinlij- l.y (i. SII'U-VIT, ppiUnr ilup I'irsl. li. A((cr l.iur of r-jislcrn I'ilim Ilii-y ivill in I. Mr.

t'lu-rrv ift fnvornlilr kiinwn in o-nfral liriiFp) l-i and Tim gnnil wislip.i nf a IiOHl of frion.lri Ipolli in tht-ir venture, lip-rlaml, M.I., for llu- il r.HO Hy lln puslnr. -n He Hlill." an i-ol. "Sunn Day Ilk- lim Will lln Hi. I'iiiil." Siin.lav nl O.r ,1 X. slip, .1 Srnii.r rlirisliim i.L'p.

I'M-nini; at rlinir i titn 'J liurp.ihi,v at 7.K1I n'r-lnrk PETERSBURG The prayer will 1 i-UiiLvh tli H-iiiiijj nl 7.3(1 IIIK! Mrs. Ilpirrv nf linn fiiin.lm- 'wilh Mrs. l.nnp nml Mrs. nr liy frienda fr.pni J'itlsln R)ien(, Siinilny n-illi Mrs. pjirents, Mr.

uinl Mrs. C. C. HolTiiia Mrw. M-vci-al ilavs lllis her Miss Hli Orhisoniii, Mrl'nrl (if llninslpiirj was a p-ilm anuiiij reUtives on Visit.prs at lln- licniu- of Mr.

mnl is. ,1. F. Mallern i.n Sniuluy were ted Mm tern mnl finiiily ami Mr. nnd rs.

ol Iteavertnwn id Mr. mnl Mrs. and in, lliuhurd, (if Miss Lydia Smith visileil relatives i Altoinia iliirini; tlic week. 1-alward ia visiting aino-ij- is friends liere. Tlic nf Maple Iti-ln-U-ili nlgc Xo.

I. O. 0. for (lie ni- i.erin were itistalletl at its lar inc-etiiig nn Fri.liiv- evening liy the listrict Deputy President of Conntv Mrs. Kiitlierine llnin ol Hnlltil.

Kloanppn- l.nvotn-, Violet Dells,-. Mary (ior- innlr- null is sniiu- linir- with frion.U in Vpidiinili. Ky. tn return Mr. ntul Cordon iiniiiiijihain anil I wo spi-nl I lie I tho linnio n( llui lalti'i-'a sislcr Mr.

Ir. mid Kdn-ill Kirk nf llva.ld'.ik (lark nf mis -Siniiliiy of in town. Mr. anil Mrs.

(harks Wnrrender nml in nf lliu "in-sln of filtlH'V A. .1. Nni'l. Ih.ra Roily Weilncsiliiy Elornrpon fii'onils ill UarnoslinTip. A.

.1. Noel nn.l fnmily vv-oro Sundny Mill, frioinls in Allonii.i. I'tolp-hor nf St. llom-diot isih-il fru-nds in Tuesday. The followiiij! woro ppf Jlr.

Mrs. E.lwunl C.issidy on Knndiiy anil Mrs. Km iii.iinl Slvors and eliil Iron nnd Mrs. Mnrnn of AUninin Scrnard Cussi.U' of S.nilli Fork Marpjnrot Punish nf Crosslin. Tlio Misses Ilolon Moore of Unrnos PVIP.

Ida anil li.isalie Kicirdan Ciinl irin llflln MeN'olis ppud T.orrninp foll Tliey I'. Hello Smith; X. (i. kiui Barclay; V. Ivstlier E.

Hooper- or.n.lin)! Matpel OVonnor iLanoiai secrolnry, Wnllie hiliooji; Irens iriM-, W. Iruatcc- Iloniiotl; li. S. N. Eiiinn L.

8. X. (... Znrie Wnke ield; Lol tin llniley; wnrderi Carrie llniley; H. A.

Annie jninerv; L. Cclin Daker; oluip ttin, A. Doll; U. 8. V.

Lil .11 S. V. Esther Hooper Ilonnott; J. Ainii EAST FREEDOM Mr. and Mrs.

A. J. Slarkey of Dnn- innon wore AVcdnosrlsiv "XK-Kls of Mr. ml Mrs. H.

Jl. Waltnr. Air. ilrs, Jerry HolTnor of Mu- Kcc re rent visitors Alex Ciarlicr aiul fnmily. Mrs! A nil IT Hiliprt, Mrs.

Mrs. KUc'rsok- and FOII of Clays- were guests of ISast I'rccdotn fricnila, Mr. and Mrs. TCHlcman and iti atid Mr. J.

MLCIarvciy of HooiiR wcri! Tuesday visitors at the lionie of It. B. Walter. ThaU 11. Linpcnfclter of AHoonn af leriiooci here ivith hifi Bisters, Mrs.

Itollin Biirlcet ami son 3 were recent visitors frioixls in OUPCH. liev. C. K. Bcrkcy iind MHI ol" Mcivvry wero in town Tltnrsdnv jtt'foruoon.

Tin- Rev. ami Mis. H. FJglit nrnl ciliililren woro edtcrtiiinod Tlmrsday nt Hie home of folvvard J)pnton. Mr.

juid Mrs. CEmrlcs YitLglins ami danplitcr spent Thursday in Iledford. Mrs. CljarTes Slronp and KOII Friink nttd Mrs. Mary Stroup ivcrc recent visitors in Altoona.

Mrs. Albert Kooti and son Oporto of Cross. Kays are visiting Ubir Jlobso of F.ihlio Aroliio Chnrlson llolp ll.uni McKoc uinl Kddie 1'i-(ev Ilnslings "rounds Siiudnr nllornni Mrs. (ioorgo W.vatt 'ho liva 3f lln; week with friends in Juliiislov nul She was aoennipani Lunne liy l.ollio Illnir will spei Mr.

and Mrs. ifnicollns Tlrpiss lorry-tree were Snndny visitors Mr! anil Ii. V. Unyet nf Irvnn are pvpendinj; sovcrp.1 ilay.s nt tlic hn nf the lallor's inircnls' Mr. ami Mr- James Sprm-p.

and Mrs. X. I'lniumer nf Tiidinnn nro nL the home Mrs. Callioriue Arthur MaoAlarnoy nnd Cnr! Rhan Arradia Iho wi'ck-onil at (I' lioiuo of former's relatives Mr. pin Mrs.

Cenunnns. Mr. nnil Mrs. C. D.

Killen and so William Charles, nnd William Beliwood spent tho week-end nt tl CI Kir tea Simpson home mi Heav rctt. Mrs. Oaines Sjioncc returned to In home here Saturduv cvcninjr from tl Altoona hospital she imderwci nn operation several weeks Mrs. A. StriUmatlcr, Mrs, ward CJrny and son Howard, and dm of Altoona were gnc3 of and John Iticordan ul tli mine in Enst A- na.

Item, f.i Mr. Mrs. J'rod son. Tuesday Mrs. Crissnian pind daughter nnd Miss Kalhleon Ilnekard were UPOIIII viiilnis Mon.liiy.

Mr. and Mrs. Mjair' Whelatonc of MVulo, X. railed on Mr. Whe(- inie'pi nun her Mrs.

Sara WhoUtone, onday. Moses lUifTnlo Mills frieinls hrre. Mr. Mrs. 11.

1 linohnmir nnd con to 1 heir hnine in Uinepister flor spending the past nmnth's Mr. ami Mrs. C. Aroh Smilli and rs. Herthn Sinith Salnrdny in Mis.

(ieorpc M. Osier nnil Mr. nml iry. llie former's ni, nt Sliitc college on Mrs, lioy Ilntler of AHooim is with lirr molluT Mrs. niit K.

Mrs. Clinrlcs of u-d called on Mrs, A. 1J. Conrad on Henry Clousn of Wmidhnry called i friends here on Saturduy. Mr.

and Mrs. Chrem't-' MOOTC nnd Clinrles. Sara nnd Mrs. Mnry Moore of Mere Sunday afternoon callers at the home Mr' and Mrs. Arch Smith.

Luther Meyers of Mann's Choice the Sunday evening "nest of Mir mil Mrs. Hrnee Croyle. CUester tlio woek omL with Mrs. KanlT- parents Mr. anil Mrs, Clarence of Alum Jtank.

Mr. an.l C. Smith spent Sunday evening nt Bedford. GEESEYTOWN 1'IiL- Lnthernn Rnniluy selmol will Itallv dav on Hiinday. SorviccB it IK30 ni.

ati'cl p. m. A good hcen arranged ami BJIC- 'ial music will lie a feat are at the morning Rorvif c. Mrs. Anna Cessnn nWl I).

I-loyd Clayeomb of AHooim will bu the speakers, For Uic afternoon Kev. T. Staoy Capers, pasifor of First Preshvtcfian" church, Holliflayslmrg, and linberl. C. Potter, secretary of tlio Y.

M. C. llfdlidnyslmrg, will tha oratorfi. Tlio Sundiiy sehool oreheslra of fifteen picc.ea will play special Kvery one is cordially invited anpl their Vernorij nl i ipystcr supper on Thursday evening. Mrs.

Irvin Kenslnger of Altooivi spent Wednesday with her friend an.l Inriner schoolmate Misa Kansas Little. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alhert M. Bnwera an I (phildrcn Wcldin and Clyde, of Altooii: onlloil recently on Mrs.

Dower'a Henjamiit Xewcomcr. -Mrs. H. Harding and childre i tnrlinra nnd Warren, of Martinabur: on Thursday on Mr. and Mr-.

K. Wineland. Mrs. Jnhn Dielil spent Friday in Allonnii visiting her scjn Iliehl nnd fnmilv. Mr.

and Mm." Ira and Mr. nnd Mrs. lletlitcl of Koaril Spring were guests of Mr. and Mrs. reecntly.

Miss Mitrinn AVincland, Miss (iuycr iiiiii Joe Wineland were in AI toonn on 'I'hnrsday evening to Bee tin' of their favorite huok. (iirl of Ilin Timberlost." The frost was on the pumpkin f-pi hard yesterday that killed not only the fiiiiiipkin hnt everything elao thn: luid esi-aped the previous about here wears a wintry aspect, the Bummer flowers al'-! much of the foliage being Tl home door yards whieh ivere beaut. liy riotous wealth of flowers a. denuded of everything except chrysanthemums wliicli are only bu-l ding. Tho fnrmera arc busy apples ami cutting oft com.

Some have wheat to eow, this beliiy -tho latest seeding in years. LOOP JJTATION Tlic home of Mr. and Sirs. W. wna the ecctio of a very ih-- IJghtfnl surprise party on day evening, Oct.

8, in honor of ilr. VLiifjlinp's hirthdny. The home Itraiitifiilty tlecoratcil for the occasion Tfiu innin' (eatnre was vocal and instrumental TOUBLC. Ai a late hour vor delicious clnelcen inner i sorvcd. The host was the recipient many lieantiful gifts.

Those preaen' MARTINSBURG Mr. ami Jfrs. C. W. DTord, made to on Sunday.

John Wisler, tncpvp-d on Tuesday from in Fred Stern properly on "Snulli Virkot slrcet to dm property lie re- mlly purelniscpl from Mrs. Maltie piitllniiin on the snnic street. Melhodist, Albert S. Luring, iinclay Srhool jtnllv wilh -Kiilar sessi.pns at B.4S lo 10.M. foilow- 1 by lially scrviora.

whleh will inelinlc pcereisns. sjireinl ninsie and nclclressi-s thnrlos- Campbell of Ilolliitaysbnrg nd (he Let, us b.ive a full at- -ndsnre. al .110 p. in. l.y llie pastor.

All cordially SI. Matthews I.iilln-rnn. 1). L. nt Kl.l.-p by pas- or nnd nt 7 by pnstor.

snb- icl, "The Sp-i-rc-l esiis." Ivvening snhjeel. "Tin- Hie hnreh." Sunday seh.pol pit II.IHI--Uppllv lay. Mid-week servic-e, Weilnesch.y al Clinn-li of (lod. Snndav sehool at Wenching at Christ inn En- nt U.HI). al- 1'reiieliinn Wn'- Sunday seliool at llenriel Saturday evening a m.

school at 11. in linker f-'niumit Union Sunday sr' it in. Conic! and wit'll us. V. I'.

Sipe. pastor. First llrflhren. .1. I.

Hall, pastor rrcnehing al by and at. py Mc.rniiii! sulije.t, "A (Vow For the Knitliflll." r-lveninj; subject Lord's People in l.inn of Sundny sehocd at Chris! ian Kn al liil.le Kliiply nud praye laeeliiiu'- c-ai'h Wedni-siLiy al 7.BII. S. Kc-fornieil. Key.

II. tnorniiifj iially Day in llie Sundny nchocil a ial program. Prof. Harrett wil niakp' tin- iiiidress. Thnrschi)- al, lecture, "Tke (fraud Cai VPHI of the Colorado." Salem Hi-Corn id, --Itible si-lnpol al at, p.

in. Weilnes diiy p-veaing, Irettir "'liie Caiiycpn of Colorado. NEWRY Mrs. Kidie nnd chililri- (iegis iind (Jerlnnle, motored tn I'cter. Ipurg CPU Sunday.

l.nthenin elinr. h. Charles llerke pastor at a. m. I pastor.

SninLiy si-liool at a. I p-urvii-e. at 1'oplnr at p. in. prayer scr- at p.

in. family at tlieir ho tin: neur rk's Ott nnd family of Altoona ere recent visitors Willinni Oil; i.l fnnnly. Emma Burns, Sam Dnrns and nd cifstake ami of HoHtilays- irx and Miss Atary Dolozior of Klad- n( the IIOIILP of I.nther league pit i Missionary society, Til' ROARING SPRING St. Luke's Lutheran K.lwan] E. oshoiti, pnstor.

Jtihln at 0.20 ilv rorntnnnion, Huiiflsiy, 10,30 and '--iv even: at u-ilh Mrs. J. K. llitehnv. Iji- tint chinch at cschiy evenirif- at 7-10, a on "Our AVf.rkers." nine anil POO them.

oJTermfr will IIP recuiveil. od. flciv. Howard W. iirpti'i Kully flay and ELDORADO vVmhcr Sidler of Third avenue enterlnined a number of fr lends in tiouoi- of her birthday.

Tlio evening wus very inpny one for the young folks, ninsie nii oa making the lime liy A birthday lunch was The second repiikr mootinp frir October will UP lirld by Uie. Scotch VaUey Oranjjo on SatimUy, Oct. IS, at o'clock. Lilcrary progmin at 8.30 in. follows: Singing; Scripture reading, elmplain; jinncr or talk, "JTow (n iimke the OL-tober meetings interesting instructive," Robert Itapshnw nnd Mary Crissnmn; vocal duct, the c'OiTier ivhore you are," Mra.

Jllanrho anrt Harriet Miller; disci IPS ion, "An iitenl fjirin lioinp," M. C. and J. A. hornet decree Miss il ler rti cci veil vc ry hcauti nl ml (he best wishes of cvcry- (iim The pai'ty hwludcd Misses Dorothy Hovce, Dorothy Wng- ncr, Viilma Taylor, 1'ht Itautnan, V.r- ilene.

Sidter, Anther Irvin Knotts, Wtiiler Norns, Jack H.iover, Murion Willis, Wilnior Willis and Ivniv SitlLcv. Tomorrow harvest bnnin services will be celchriitod in the Fifty-eighth Street Methodist clniich. Spct-tal sermon 3 rnnsif have lieon iirratified for the diiy. Kvcvyliody cnnlinlly 'inviiod to attend. Sundny at 10 o'clock; nt 11; league nt 7 o'clock nnd eve- nirip worship at of the Donnelly Itiblfi class the Fifty-eighth Htrdrf, Methodist i-hnrch nro planning very active winter srasnn.

The has obligated itHelf to riiiMs the funds for the Di- oisliifi Prof. Deokcr of rd ehn llie city sclmol bonrd, ill be 'the rnlly f-peuker. Mr. nn nf Altonna ill inimhi'M on Unto, riiristian 11.30, Mr. Rcplot-lc, "Our fhurdi, Its and Fifty-eighth street At, a me cling held on Tiiewduy i ling SHlt), the amount necessary In close Ihr was raised.

On Oct. (be Indies having a roast beef din- at Lh nuin uf on the evening I Oct. incinhor-'i of tin lass nre Utisily occupied 111:1 kin-i; lion aprorm nml other reeit'ifioti, Leonerc (om singinp; "How best til eserve the health," K. S. tl Mra.

M. U. Iscnljcrg; rceEtation, home, Mae Iligshnwt voea.1 diiet, 'ho He-nielnna of Hesivcn," Mrs. irie AVulls niid Alire II. Slifflcr; or reading; rollcalU singing, Knndny is lially day here, in the vtlvcrnn r.Vmrch.

A' imnib-'r of nhle cakerK from Altcona anil llilloilay-i- are expected lo he present. At ft rej-nlar of Sccle-h Orange, nu Sutitrday the hjcct of roudi wfiR very ahly d. The section of roaU leading from runkstnwn (o Hast boin-j Uie asi? of remarks. Those patllcipnlinj; the discussion were J. 0.

Haprshfiw nd Fred UallcB. two of the road Hiiper- sors of Ihis township, and A. Iscn- nrjj, who owns opcrntcs a Ttik, M. C. nnd 8.

and Walla. Alf agreed mt the- rond is iti a deplorable ti-m owinjj to llie ninutint monov it wouhl require lo build id niair.tniTi at Hint ace, and the lack of funds with vliifh i bnihl, it was ilrcideil that cuopora- on on the part, of all tax payers nnd 1 hers, two nc members, Mrs. (J. flarvr'st Ho thnt ur serv Uriii to lie sen, lo 1 hi l'hn iC'cial serv Clioir day Mi-thndisf, A. Dnvall, ima- Hally Hay in MK- Snndav Tnl-lir wnivliip mid scr- inn by O.

hf-s iiiPPlinjf for nrtd by Itcv. I'niilsfiiu (l.r.f) Kim-orth hu a rruerva- in llie center block oi (he church Myers ami Mrs. W. M. (Wle, whilfi Kev.

C. K. Mr. arul Mrs. Ross Hook were presnn.

Xov. f. to will preacli 1 Sto scr- icon ench f-vpninp during tho wcrk -Siilnnliiy cor-liiilly invi(rd. LAKEMONT of flod-C. Xonenniker, pnstor.

II and liy llie pastnr. -sulijei-J, "A ')nes. lion an.l subject, "Him to'Him." Sunday sclmnl at (,. Christian Kndiainr. Cbris- tian Gmlrainr at CRESSON Mra.

H. nf Wilnirnlinij is veiling licr bister Mrs, John lln rkk, EAST END OIIP nf the piipjils from Km Cmuuir a Ji.ui.i, rh-itth iilmnt. I o'rl'ic when, rt-hirr liis hoiiu- wilh Mher the hn! a ivlii'-h vv iis rlnvvti Ki'lf fr.nn Hill i'c. 'I'll linl not run over tli" li WUH 1-iiiM'kotl aside, nnd, not lukin the driver Inirri-d tli the hospital, ti ro i 'vva uns lint hurt-, ivan 1 flu home. Tim rhild is of hitP llilnv.

Tnid-il Ilri'thn-ri I Oriiifitr.n. piipior. I'ri'iU'liiiifr Jit 11.1 il Uy HIM jjaslor. Moriiiiicr anl. of Clirist." s.ihjoif, lo 1 10.

Class, n. m. inv ilc'I In jitlinul will Iind a rnnlhil uwail ,1 riml (hat tli ico lo I lie imlh iihiiil. Sulf-m Kcfiiriiiod ItVv. Yirlnr Srrxi.vs and nt hi'-li Imm'ft holy i-'irrniiniiion dislrif'iiU'il.

At' ovfiiiii-j hni there will ii sjiechiL -nifi mi hcrvicc. iiiiiidiiy tuhuol i wore Mr. and Sirs. Jolm M. Mrs.

Grant Snnljergcr, Sir. and Clair llodson, Warren Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira Dichl, Mr. and David Dodson Mrs.

Harry Yinglin-f, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M'. Yingling anil (limphtcr Betty, Leo Dodspn, U.

YingHng, Miss Rose Yingling, hticlnda Snoherger, Miss Hannah Yitiy- Hng, Miss Ciraeo Tingling, Raymnurt Snolicrgcr, WaYrcn Yingling, i Yingling, all Knst Mi Mnrie Claar of Newry, Mr. and Miv. J. A. Evana and daughter Martha n- Hollidaysburg, Mr.

and Mrs. 31 Kvans, 'Mrs. John Kaphamer, llr. Mrs. Michael Kuphanier, and Geor- livnna of South Altoona, Mr.

and ili- M. Yjngling anil fiona Gerald Donald of Roaring Spring, Mr. p.iv Mrs. JTowiird Yingling and sons jind Clnir, Mr. and Mrs- Itoy Yin: ling and daughter Hazel, Mr.

and lh Charles Yingling and aon Orval, Iv i Yingling, I.nurrt Yingling, Eflle Yin. ling, Beatrice Yingling, Yingln: Homer 1 Marion Yinglhn. Huyscll Yingling nnd Mrs VT. J. Yingling, all this pTaee.

Mra. Simon Adams ol" Duncansville calling on Miss Jessw Coiutv Thursday. Mrs. Charles Simmina nf Inirg wag calling on friends here i-n Ttinrsday. Mrs.

Harry Iscnhcrg of Sonlh mont was calling on friends Lcre last vvhereUv siuh it ruiul could he I'r id ay. PATTON CLAYSBURG Divcly Mr. ami Hurry lh- i'arenfR ill huur tho arul Mrs. Ciiincron anil imilv nf Onklnlici. who lire 1'nriiv of ami lira.

Frank Miwm On Monday evening weiner T0 was lie.lil at tlie Valley Slieehnn lionieslentl. It tho secno of enjoyment nnil frolic. A cafeteria lundi wiis served to the guests who mun- Ipcrccl about 100. Among the people wlm attendetl were Aileen Karllieim, Crtrrie and Florine Ri- 'jicr, A'gnes 1'iirabnugli and the Georpe Kanibangh, Clarence AlbriglM and Ralph Dnnepan. Mr.

unit Mrs. William H. Dentinget of West Magec avcnno apent Saturday in Altoona. Misa Kutlilcen lloiialiue. visitnl Hastings Sunilav.

John I'alelio. visited friends in Moran, Cli'iirnelil county. Tliorese Ilnmitz, daughter of and Mrs. Andrew llnmiU, lias returno.l from a visit with Xnnt-y-Glo frjcnils. Mra.

Barbara Jacob and son An- Ireiv liavn returned from ft witli loatzdafc relatives. John Oagliardi of Jeannettcr, a forin- rrsiili-nt of Nation, visited Pattori -clutives over the week eml. Mrs. Jobn Shirley unit son Joe have returned lo liome in Natit-y-Gln ifter srieiiiling some tmo witti Tattoo cm Hull- Lucrolm IMurk, from hn Klahr church is jittenditi" hn Siatf Siindiiy M-lmol i-tniviintifju a I his Mr. fiinl Mrs.

H. K. Miller and son u-i-n- Snmh.v vi.MlorA at. lEie of Mr. MTS.

1). K. Bnnu- 'l)r 'riurh-f 0. AV. IX rutd M.

Miss Mnry DclivJer of DuiiPansvillo irL'iniii fJroeiifi on -Saturday, is very nicely ,1 ihc IKMV iruilion pii'dnc-, hmiso, hriii" Iniilt hy Cnlviu Pioht. Mr.R. (U-ni-Rp'SliHik at tin Criw. at iili-aviir nt at 1.30 C.ItU. will IH' COR iLiK-tinl every vn-ok, Chiirdi of Ilio Urclliri.ii--l!<>v.

Miller, jiiislor. Sunday at liunli al Il.ihrrlv. IHIB- (or. lav al O.HO. at Jiniiipr at li-iiK'ie at Snmlnv nt at r.nllir-ran Tlertey, eeliuul at 9.30.

i on Katurilay afli' RM'orincd-'-Hev. Cathsirinft Little, daughter nf and Mrs. Walter Little of West avr-niic, hiis resigned licr posi- lion Iho Patloi) company. Thn viirum-y is hoing fiHfil liy daughter nf CUicf-of-rn- 1 iind Mrs. Gili of Palmer avenue.

Wi-akLnnl. daughter of Mr. A ml Mrs. 'Sum of the Ptilnior iltiiuy RiiliHtifnfe teiirhhig in the Second Want PclionT. (iunihliiH; Donaluic,^hter of ami Mrs.

Hnnry Dritinhue hna lioon forcod yostponc ln-r course of iratn- at Iniliana state normal srhool on acroimt nf ill hcaKh, Miss Krtfhryn Ovorbrrgur nttsndoil a firldge and lu-slioro mi Tuesday. Harvcv Mulligan visited Spanglcr 'on Sunday. Ki-tly Illair, of Mr. anil lllnir of KVeiisburg friends rcc-'nlly. ASHVILLE Mr'.

Ilanford KuriH was a recent vis- ili.r in Alt.Ninn. Mr. Mra. MrKinntiy anit 'I'l-nt SunJnv otrt of town. Walter Conr.iil anil out of town last Mrs.

Cvril lihoili-s of 1'illslmrgli visited U.T 'pan-Ills lu-re. Mr-. Maud Shingh-r ilied lit her homi- lierc on Monday aFpout dentil from cancer..

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