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Wilkes-Barre Weekly Times from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • 5

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


From Increasing Rates More Thain 19 Per Tear tn Whit Haven. The Boroura of White Haven and A PXZIECT FOOD a oat mm DeZiwVa." WALTER Trimmer. George W. Moyer 'and 1 BREAKFAST COCOA otners nave nled equity suns against were sentenced to pay cost. Sentence the White Hatea Water to tn a few caaea waa jstponed until neat restrain the water company from in- Saturday and a rule for a new trial waa ereaaing the water rate.

The question rgued before Judge Lynch la the case la aa interesting on and the plaintiff 0f Win. Dane, a young Junk dealer of ar rpreeted by atorney J. T. Lea- the Height, who wa convttted in a ahaa. F.

McHugh and S. J. 6trauss. ca(s connected with stolen bras. An injunction I also asked to rt'nBaJl was forfeited mthcass of Davy the White Haven Water Company from Potu aBlj garaj, Ooidsworthy who did actlnc under the provision the Act pot when called for sentence to of Jfth April, 1874 and It supplement pMy cosu.

Hu (teed tfc test ef am clusss.aad far purity aad I Costs lata than ONI CINT a Cup. Trade-Mark on Cvary Package. WALTER OAKER CO. LTD- irura nuouui iBj vn.iia capt those whieh it obtained Its original incorporation under the Act of February XI. IMS.

restrain the said company from Increasing the water rent in the said borough the price of 110 per annum to any private f. 1 tenee before Judge Woodward. Bulford fri" 'J. 1 but 20 rw old and had been recom-from 7.VhJL ti nal mercy- We wa. sentenced to uDch f.ed tcTh ot 125.

costs and Imprison- pay auch lncred rate count tail for four month. PENXSX AND LEHIGH. Lehigh Valley Climb to and Pennsy to CS. The eye of Wall treet were directed upon two prominent stock in the Philadelphia market last week, namely, Lebtgto Valley and Pennsylvania. Both were very actlv and strong, Lehlg-h VaUey advancing ta tt1, the higheat recorded price tn many months, and Pennsylvania rising to 69.

It wa conjectured that the movement ia these aharr as due-tew single cua or rumor, as report had it that the Pennsylvania was seeking control of the Lehigh Valley. Nor did an official denial by Pennsylvania official carry any weight with It. for the reason that similar denial technical, of course-were made regarding" th deals recently consummated with the Baltimore A Chlo. Chesapeake Ohio and Norfolk Western. It I probable, however, that In this instance the denials are sincere that the Pennsylvania does not seek control of the Lehigh Valley, but that the New York Central after it.

Thl latter view seems the more plausible, when the fact is recalled that the alleged agreement, made In November last year, between (resident Caaaatt and William K. Vandertrflt, provide that the Pennsylvania should control the toitumlnous coal situation In the East, while the New Turk Central should be the dominating factor in the anthracite coal rectona. That this agreement wa really made ha never been admitted, but all th deals made recently tend to support the view that it exists. The Baltimore A Ohio, Ctietapeak A Ohio and Norfolk Western, in all of wtikch the Pennsylvania is now a powerful factor, are known as soft coal roads. 80 Is the Western New Tork and Pennsylvania, an offer for control of which th Pennsylvania has only just made, Jbe Vanderhllt-Morgan interests, on the other hand, are found in the hard coal roads.

Including the Reading, Lehigh Valley, Delaware Hudson and Lackawanna. 1 These facts, therefore, tend to confirm the belief that the agreement or understanding between President Cassatt and Mr. Vanderbllt includes a division of the Eastern coal territory, the anthrlcite going to the New York Central, the bituminous to the Pennsylvania. The heavy trading and advance In Pennsylvania Railroad stock, therefore, were not because of the deal, but due to the rumor that the stockholders of the company are about to tie treated to a pleasant surprise. The directors meet next Tuesday to act on the seml-nnual dividend.

If the rate is not increased to 3 per cent, (it is now i) or an extra dividend Is nut declared, Wall street will have missed Its cuess. A prominent New York firm yesterday bid 2 per cent, for the next dividend on any part of 6,000 shares of Pennsylvania iDl rectors of the company aibeohitely refuse to discuss the matter, -but It Is a significant fact that they have made no positive denial1 that a larger disbursement would be made to the stockholders. The Pennsylvania Is also continuing lis plan to consolidate Its various lines. Under the terms of an agreement, which has the approval of the Boards of Directors of the respective companies, the Nescopeck Railroad, the North and West (Branch Railway, the Pennsylvania Schuylkill Valley Railroad, the iSunbury, Hacleton and Wllkes-Barre Railway and the Sunbury and Lewlstawn Railway, all corporations controlled In part or In whole by the Pennsylvania, will be merged into one corporation to be known an the Schuylkill and Juniata Railroad Company. Under the terms of, the agreement the capital stock of the.Spnbury Lewis-town-la valued at 670 per share in exchange for the capital etock of the new company, at a value of $50 per share.

The stock of the North and West Branch has been rated at $105 per share MURDERED NEAR HAZLETOX. An cmfwyp mb mb nab An Italian Junk Dealer Is Shot His Throat Cut and aa Attempt Made to Burn Hi Body. Another foul murder baa been added to Luterne county long list of crime. The murder was committed tn the Haxletoa region oa Thursday, the murdered man being Joseph VI or an. 46 year old.

wh wa found lying elonx the public: highway with a bullet wound in the head aad his throat cut. The body was discovered by Henry Schaffer, a local Installment agent, and George Patterson, a traveling man from Ashland, who wer on their wjy from Freeland. Finding a horse attached to a junk wagon standing- in th roadway they grew suspicious and, making an Investigation, came, across the remain lying at the bottom of a mine hoi about lx feet deep and, ten feet from th roadside. Th body 'had been covered with dry stick of wood and wa burning when found, which wa done, no doubt, by the murderer or murderer to conceal the crime. There waa what looked like a gunshot wound In the right temple of th man's head and bl throat had been cut from ear to oar.

Either revenge or robbery was the motive, almost everything pointing to the former, aa Moran bad only with him when left bom and th greater part of thl he apent during the day for rcg and Junk. A man of swarthy complexion and resembling aa Italian waa seen on the seat beside him as the wagon passed the- Drif ton- school house -on Us--way to Hailoton. and a na one of the description metlonad Has been found yet, th suspicion prevails that he either knows a great deal about the matter or Is the murderer. Officers spent all night working up clue. "The theory of th officer la that Moran wa first shot and that his throat was cut afterward.

There is brush on both sides of the road on which the murder occurred. The scene of the crime Is about a mile distant from Drlfton. The murder occurred on a lonely part of th road. There are two theories regarding the crime, One Is that the unknown man who accompanied Moran did the killing, and the other is that Moran's enemies, concealed in the woods, waylaid and then murdered him, and that the unknown man escaped. The condition of the wagon, however, would lead to the belief that the stranger killer Moran, because there I blood only on the right aide of the aeat.

which aide the dead man had occupied. The hat of both men were also found In the wagon, where evidently there must have been a desperate struggle. "The wound in the temple, according to the view of a physician who examined the body, entered the right side, and If that was the case then the shot came from the woods and not from the man on the aeat. Tho latter may have become so frightened when Moran was shot that he got oft the wagon as best he could amid the excitement and, fearing the fat shared by his friend, ran away, escaping the murderers. It Is strange, however, that he ha not yet been located.

Moran's hand satchel, containing what money he had left after paying for a wagonful of rags, Is missing. If he waa murdered for hi money the same was not worth the risk. After the murder Moran's horse was tied to a tree and hi body was dragged ia the cave. Into which It was thrown. Sticks of wood were placed on the remains, which lay face downward, and a fire was hastily lighted, after which the murderer or murderers fled to the woods.

Danato Sauducl, an Italian junk dealer, waa arrested in Freeland shortly before noon yesterday on suspicion of being the murderer. He wa taken before Alderman Heldenreich of Haste-ton, for a preliminary hearing, and was rn petition sets rortn tnat tne wnue Have Water Company wa incorpor ated under the Act of Feb. 27, 18S3. and wa organised, managed and governed a provided by the general taut of 1857. At the time when the aald de- fendant company wa organised, the Ser in or near th limit of th said borough, from which it supplied itself and it cltlsen with a sufficient supply of water.

By the said Act of February 1S6L the defendant Water Company waa Jncorporatedupan -condition that. lh Mia company snail not cnarge any private family more than ten dollars per annum for water or the use thereof, and aa part of said Act and upon the same condition, the said company wa directed to purchase and the Borough of Whit Haven was authorised to sell the said work at a price to be Axed by three disinterested persons In th manner set forth in said Incorporating Act. It therefore became a condition upon which th aald water works shold be held and operated by the aald company i that the trie and charge for the use of water in private famines in said borough should not exceed the sum of ten dollar per annum. Th borough of White Haven is a stockholder in said wateroomipany, being the owner of eighty shares therein. Without giving any due and lawful notice to Its stockholders as required by th several Acts of Assembly under filch tho said defendant company was governed and without anv notice whatever to the borough of White Haven, stockholder as aforesaid, the said water company on October 4th, 1899, at an alleged apecial meeting of the stockholders of said company, passed a resolution to adopt the provisions of tiie Constitution of 1872 and to accept the provisions of the Act of April 29, 1874, P.

I 73 and its supplements and' certified said resolution to the secretary of Commonwealth. Whereupon the Governor of the Commonwealth caused to be iBsued on the 11th October, 1S99, to the defendant, letter patent declaring he said corporation to 'b? a tody politic and corporate, in deed and in law, entitled to an tne privileges ana tower conferred by the Act approved April. 184, entitled. "An Act to provlde for the Incorporation and reju- latlon of certain corporations." Since the said letters have been lamed, the defendant. In violation of its original charter and of the condition upon which It purchased the wktar works formerly the property of the borough of White Haven, has' raised the rates of water rents in the to rough of White Haven to the several citizens who are plaintiffs herein and to a large puiiiuerui urruuKu.

uiuu u.u uoo a of a schedule which make tho maxl mum dwellings iig.oo per year In. correction with the the onmnanv "haa ldaued tn the several nrlv ate famliles, consumers In said borough, 9W Just a little oil oa the engine at the right time cay mean the difierence between pie and death to the, passenger and crew. oil ia to the friction of the delicate parts of the engine, Dr.irierce's Golden Medical Discovery is to the deli- cate organ of the body. It eases their labor, pre-( vent the loss of power and waste of energy caused by friction. Many a man who wa all run down, whose limbs ached when be walked, whose back ached when he laid down, who breathed witi difficulty, and coughed constantly, has bees perfectly cured by the use of Doctor Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery.

It purine the blood, strengthen the stomach and heal weak lung. Accept no substitute lor "Golden Medical Discovery," nor any medicine, called just as good" by the dealer. Mr. Chaa. Hun wick, of Lenox, Macomb writes: I have merer felt better la my life thaa I do now.

I have takea Dr. Pierce's Coldea Medical Discovery right aleag. I caa sow walk qaite well with a caae, aad hose to throw even that away before long, aad as I haTe had to ase crutches tor nearly two yean, I think I am doing a. I do not cough now and I caa sleep like a school boy. Yon rouat know that I have been treated ia two hospitals and by three doctors besides, and reneWa no beacat; as I think your medicine th only medkin for me.

Dr. Pierce' Medical Adviser ia paper cover, ia sent free on receipt of si one-cent stamp to pay expensi of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V.

Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. SUICIDE AT WHITE HAVEN. Unknown Man Walke Into fh Lehigh River and Is Drowned. A well dresed stranger, evidently a Lithuanian, supposed to be John Kolt-na, of Port Oram, N.

committed suicide at White Haven by drowning and his body was later recovered and taken to Undertaker Kocher" establishment, where it wa repaired for burial, awaiting the arrival of friends. What drove the suicide to commit this rash act will perhaps never be known. He was a stranger in White Haven, and Judging from hi appearance waa evidently in comfortable circumstances. He was well dressed, of handsome appearance and wa ly of more than ordinary Intelligence. When he arrived at White Haven or where he came from is not known.

None of the residents tave any recollection of having seen him 'before his lifeless body was recovered from the Lehigh river.t a short distance from where he entered the water. The point where the suicide took place la near what is known as the new dam, about one fourth of a mile above White Haven. Several young boys who were gathering dandelions In a nearby field were the only witnesses of the man's rash deed and they at rlrst were too horrified to do more than stand helplessly toy and with horrified gaxe witness the struggle, of th drowning man. The boys say they were gathering dandelions in a field a short distance from the river between 12 and 1 o'clock yesterday, when they were approached by 'a" good-looking, well-dressed stranger, who accosted them with "Well, boys, gathering dandelions, are you?" and who being answered in the affirmative, stopped and chatted pleasantly with them for several minutes, and then saying with a wave of the hand "Well, so long, boys," turned and walked away In the direction of the river. The 'boys say that upon reaching the bank of the stream he stopped and remained for several moments a if lost In meditation.

Then throwing up his head as -If he had just come to a defi nite conclusion, he looked about him, glancing up and down the river and at the surrounding landscape, and walked deliberately Into the water and continued his progress until a point was reached where the water was quite deep, when he disappeared under the surface, coming up several feet away, only to sink again almost instantly. He made no effort whatever to save himself and disappeared for the last time, The boys, as soon as they recovered from the horror of the scene they had just witnessed, hastened to the town and made known what they had Just seen to several citizens whom they met, who hastened to the scene of the tragedy and soon succeeded In recovering the body. A search of the remains revealed nothing by which the dead man could be Identified, there being nothing on his person by which Identification could be made except a postoffice box receipt, issued from the Po.rt 'Oram postofflce of New Jersey. Some of the resident of White Haven telegraphed to the postmaster at Port Oram, asking to whom the receipt had been Issued, and were informed It' was Issued to John Koltna, giving his address and the address of relatives. The latter were at once notified fey wire, and replied they would be at White Haven at 1 o'clock to-day to take charge of the remains.

The coroner was notified and decided to hold an inquest, and the following Jury has been selected: John AKeck, Charles L. Leacht, James Miller, J. C. Transue, Jessie L. Smith and Iran Earnhart The dead man was about 30 years of age.

PROMINENT WELSHMAN DEAD. T.Cllcenan Evans, a prominent Welshman, died at his home at Scran ton on April 27, aged 61 years. Deceased came from the village of Cilcehan, Wales, to the United States tn 1862, and settled In Scranton, where he worked at his trad as a blacksmith. He wes a man. of pronounced literary attainments and read the -best works of the best authors.

He was at his 'best in poetry and Welsh papers of the United States and of Wales for the past forty years have published scores of his contributions. Mr. Evans leaves his wife and two children Allen Evans, who resides at home, and a daughter, Mrs. H. Craig.

look at Your Fica And see if it is reflecting health or disease. Karl's Clover Root Tea beautifies the fac and complexion, and assure perfect health. All druggists, 26 cts. and 60 cts. Money refunded If re-cults are not satisfactory.

All dealer on a guarantee. "Dear me!" she said, "I wonder what has become of that household journal." He didn't say a word. "There was another recipe In it that I wanted to try." He smiled, for now he waa assured that he had done wisely when he burned it up. Even a good-natured man may grow weary of having experiment tried upon him. Chicago Post Oiling Up BAKER years' sum gall worth to BnaeuaUad." DORCHESTER, MASS.

finger, and started up the old Gordon press again, but Snagga bad heard ef the accident. cam bustling kito th composing room and as saw Pna bandaged hand he yelled: "Here. Denn, this i no place for yott. I thought nature had endowed yen with every day, common horse sense, Th Idea, of a man trying to feed a press with a hand like that! What you want te do is to get home, and get home quick. Go on, now, right away." Poor "Jim" got no cash that night, for "Billy" Doran finished the Job.

delivered It -nd-6naggs wa magnaai-mous enough to give him permission to collect the money and keep it Sunday was a great day for "BlU," for I apprehend he felt like a millionaire a he proudly walked home with hi little two dollars and a quarter ta his Inside pocket. I could go on and reel off mlnlscenses without number concerning thl quaint old newspaper character, but th few which have appeared in the Leaf column ar sufficient to show what printers and newspaper men had to go through In thi city twenty odd years ago, I've a tew more Incident of printing office life which will coma occasionally later on. FIFTT YEARS A JUSTICE. Benjamin Evan Ha Just Received His Eleventh Commission, Benjamin Evans, aa. aged realdant of Nescopeck township, ha just received hi eleventh eommlaaloa a justice of th peace) tn that township.

He served fifty years contlnuoualy in office, and 1 probably th oldest Justice of the peac In point of service in the State, gqutr Evan la now near hi eightieth year and 1 tlll spry and hearty, and enters upon hla eleventh term with a much vim ami confidence a hla rst His cornmiasiona make an lntereetlna collection, as they bear the names of eleven Governors of Pennsylvania. Mr. Evan received hi first commission In mo. when WlUlam F. Johnson waa Governor.

HI second commission, tn wa signed by Governor Pollock; th third, UfiO, by Governor Packer, and the fourth. In was signed by the famous war Governor. Andrew Curtin. Governor Geary signed the fifth commission in 1879, Governor Hartranit th sixth tn and Governor Henry 34. Hoyt signed th seventh commission tn 1SSQ.

This has additional interest from th fact that it was also signed by M. S. Quay, who wa then Secretary of the Commonwealth. 3'he eighth commission was Issued by Governor Pattlson in the ninth by Governor Besver in 1890, the tenth by Governor Hastings in 1895, and the last which he has Just received, ia signed by Governor Stone. HARRIGAN SAID "DARN IT.

And That Mild Cuss Word Gar im Dead Away. Say a peclal from New Tork todays A man who gave hi nam aa James Harrigan and said he 1 from Wllkes-Barre, obtained a situation aa bookkeeper in a Broadway store pretending to be deaf and dumb, working on the sympathy of the manager. After working four months Harrigan discovered an error he overlooked and was 3 mortified that he Jumped back, ex-clalrrting. "Darn it" The manager wasAhunder struck and discharged Harrigan on the spot He went to Btaten Island where he yelled all day and vented hi pent up emotions of the last four months. He says ha 1 going back to Wilkes-Barr where ho will work at his trade for a living.

QUEENS BURT'S WILL, rne win or tne late iora yueens-berry Is characteristic of th man, and chiefly bo in the codicil. "At my death," he wrote. "I wish to be cremated and my ashes (rut into the earth Inclosed In nothing, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, in any spot most convenient have loved. I particularly request no Christian mummartea or tomfooleries to toe performed over my grave, ut that I will fee buried as a secularist and an agnostic It it will comfort anv one, there are plenty of those of my own faith who would com and sav a few words of common sens over the apot where my ashes may lie, Queensberry, 23d January. 1S95." Then at a later date he had added: "Places to lay ashes: Th summit of Chlflel or Queensberry In 'Dumfriesshire; the end of th terrace overlooking the neiw loch, Harleyfordt Bucks.

No monument or ton necessary or required, or procession, aa ashes can fee carried in one person's hand. Failing these places, any place where tb star shall ever shed their light ana the us hall gild each rising morn." Londoi Star. IS NOW COLUMBUS HALL. The Loomts building on North Main treet has been leased for a term of years by the Knight of Columbus and Is being thoroughly renovated. Th council Is fitting up cosy club and lodge rooms and will have a permanent home In the building.

The name of the hall has been changed to Columbus I tall, and promises to be ln great demand for social affairs 60 YEARS IJIiMl ft, DtSIONS ft COPVarONT As. Anrone ndtn tkateh an fmne.fV. OuU-Uf ascertain our i.n.toa fre lumntW Is probably ouoihl. CeiRt' tlbMttrictlTOonfiuec'lia. kiok rt.u sent rrM.

OViwt itiy tor Patent t-tkn NUna Co. nr sptetai MtoM, wKVxH ekuwa, la ta 1 A mtaomely lllr 4 wHt. rrt nlutl Ot iU80 fa er lour montlu. ii, bJmA 1 jMtM 1 Last Saturday was sentence day tn criminal court. A number of litigant Fank Bulford and Georxe Kester.

tn two young farmer of K-s township who were convicted of robbery in steal, ing a dollar from the person of J. H. Lenning and talcing four fcaga of grain from hi wagon, were called for sen- rufr. Kester. who had been in trouble before, uffered a sentence of IZ5, cost and six months imprisonment In the county Jail.

In the case of Airs. France Hunt against Carrie Cartoees for assault and battery, which was tried before Judg tun uiKi umg tciutci va, cuiity and directed that the prosecu- trix pay th costs. Some of th litigants called to pay costs did not appear and Judge Woodward directed that the be instructed to bring them in. He said "the defendants ought to be here. Forfeit their bail.

The court is getting entirely too polite to criminals." THE SURETT LIST. The surety list was called this morning and of the forty cases on the lUt only two showed revenge enough to appear to prosecute. The rest had ap parently been amicably setled between the parties and peace reigned Instead of discord. The judge remarked on the incident and said "The spirit of the Parish Priest seems to prevail here to-day. Annie C.

Reed charged (Michael Suc-hoskl with threats, said he threatened to "twist her neck" and called her bad names. The parties reside In this city and the trouble began by the woman objecting to a crying baby at the man's house. Suchoskl gave his own recognisance to keep the peace. O. E.

Edwards charged Geo. H. Hart-man of Freeland, with threats. The trouble began over a butcher bill, the prosecutor owed the defendant, and the former said that Hartman came to his house and challenged him cut to fight because Edwards would not pay the bill. Hartman entered into his ow recognizance to keep the peace.

The following other surety cases were dismissed: 'Bridget Duffy vs. Mary Mc-Hale; RoEaona Jones vs. John Jones; Grace Scurry vs. David Scurry; Josephine Bucher vs. galamay Honest; Jno.

mils Ice vs. Joseph Parda; Mary Gal-aghcr vs. Margaret Flynn; Mary Colesa vs. Mrs. Joe.

Weiss; Oeorge Mallnick vs. Joe Tomlavage; Mary Malants vs AjaxKle Melner: Steve ilurka vs. Mike Lavlnskie: Mike Botovitch vs. John Ke- vloskle; Kate Pickett vs Johi John Pickett; Frarik Fleming vs. John Cunningham; Mary Martin vs.

John Martin; Thomas Peuegh vs, John Cawley; Joe Powleskie vs. Joe Soskie; Thomas O'Brien vs. Michael O'Brien; Chas. Seudzak vs. Adam Budamltas; George Blaine vs.

Thomas Appleton; Peter Birutsko vs. George LkU'ards; Mary A. Griffith vs. Sarah J. Davis: John Vyotski vs.

Andrew Llm- duskl; Michael Sneake vs. John Smith; Fanny pent vs. Jennie Jluffley; Ellen Ropr v. John Thomas; Wm. NoientiK pnl vs, Michael Butkanchos; Michael Cabana vs.

Patrick Mundy; Thomas Rooney V8 Morrl Ryan; Stanley vs. Anthony Qrocholsky; Samuel wniteman uross; tioisman vs, SOME COURT NOTES. Stephen Tormey has been appointed Thirteenth irict ni-le township in 1 0" in place 01 A decree in divorce was granted day in the case of Masters vs. Masters. Ira E.

Hart well. Daniel R. Reese and R. R. Van Horn have been appointed reviewers on a private road in Union 7 register assessor for the First district, Sixteenth ward, City of Wllkes-Barre The bond of Edward J.

Keating, tax collector of Plttston In the sum of $23,000, with the American Trust Co. as surety, was approved by the court. The bond of James D. Perrlgo, tax collector of Trucksville, Was approved in the sum of $32,000. ORPHAN'S COURT In the case of the estate of Louis Landmeeser an appeal from the Orphan's Court on the distribution of the estate, the Superior Court In an opinion by Judge Porter, received to-day, affirms the decree of the lower court and dismisses the appeal at the cost of the appellant.

In the estate of Silas Sutton, the appeal to declde the right of Alvira Sutton as one class and the other appellants in a second class, the Super'or Court, Judge W. W. Porter, in a lengthy opinion, reverses the decision of the lower court. A MARRIAGE LICENSE. Sherman F.

Gilpin, of Philadelphia, and Emily R. Heft, of Trucksville, were granted license ta marry to-day. DWARF ARRESTS A GIANT. T. iBonham, of Hunlock township, the smallest constable In the world, arrested a giant bill poster In the employ of Sells Brothers circus, in this city last week.

The giant, while posting (bills on Soutii Main, street stuck his paste barrel over the fence and a bicycle rider who happened along ran Into it. The latter was enraged and caused the warrant issued. When the constable approached the bill poster the top of his head reached the latter's knee. The bill poster reached down and lifted up the constable and the mission of the constable was made known. The tall, muscular fellow informed the constable that he would offer no resistance, but those -who were about had no end of amusement at seeing the two trudging off to the alderman's office together.

The bill poster was released on promise to pay the costs. WILL ATTRACT MUCH ATTENTION. A contest which will attract much attention during the coming conclave of Knights Templar tn this city will be that for three beautiful United States flags, purchased by Dieu le Veut Com mandcry, and to be presented to the three commanderies that show In the parade the largest percentage of membership In line. This will give small organisation a chunce to secure one of therhandsome' trophies, as based upon percentage and not number. bUls ruflnv of which are In excess of ten SarnUl'Hartman; Jane Myers vs.

John Jirfa8 wttC James Mitchell Gebrge aid bl. notice that water rents fi Robert, vs. Albert Moss; tt fc-WtbJH? Bryden va- WUliam Sanger; at the offic ol the M-ctor on the JJwt Mlke 0nest va Henry and Josephine f-her; Cha. Voitu. vs.

Steve Fender- a man a 1 1 Jito lha Ur vs, Meyer ignats established 1780. STRAT LEAVES FROM A REPORTER'S NOTE BOOK. We chatted last week of Snagg. th spindle-shanked ar.a bilious looking publisher of a local weekly and daily, and haw had to work a corkscrew overtime In order to extract money from him that la, money which had earned In th old-fashioned way by the eat of our Individual "brows. At th actinia the newapapcr twslnes in IVilkes-Barre.

so far as Snagg was concerned, was passing through a most embarrassing period, as waa also every man In hi employ. A my mind reverts to thi fact many highly humorous Incidents come back to me, though my boyish mind could not appreciate them at the time. There were "Billy" Doran. the ex-circusman: "Pete" Baab. "BUI" McCarty.

"Pete" Hines. "Shorty" Campbell No. 2. th tourist, "Jim" Denn. of old soldier fame.

"Doc" Innt. "Jim" Pursel. "Ben'' Johnson, and many others, whom memory falls to recall, for It must be remembered that as Snaggs rarely paid any salaries he, in a most alluring way, gave employment to any and all kind of printers and writers who drifted into the dilapidated old print shop. As my memory drift to those old days, with all their sacrifices, self-denials and all that sort of thing, 1 recall the Saturdays which arrived and departed, bringing with them not the lightest suggestion of salaries or wages or money or whatever you choose to call it. On th final day of th week we used to gather in bunches several times, ay many times, and ask each other tnat oft-repeated question: "Is the ghot going to walk to-day?" Quitting tlm eventually eame around and Mien we'd all gather In Snaggs'a disordered and cobwebby sanctum, where would Invariably -And htm grinding out Democratic editorial thunder for the next issue of the official meiodeon of the county.

Each employe sought out some comfortable seat and prepared to wait, for he knew a long period of what we call time would elapse before Bnaggs would be inspired to ask why we didn't go horn. Those were long hour for us, and I apprehend a good many of us lost what little religion possessed in (waiting for Snaggs to fiuish the editorials, which, apparently, mutt be given their final touches alwavs on Saturday evening. I am not exaggerating when I say that many a time 10 o'clock came and went and delinquent Snagga had not yet given us any evidence that he wa aware there were any persona In hi exclusive sanctum hut himself, I referred above to "Billy" Doran, he of the blonde curls and prominent nose. The prominence of th latter tradition, or "Billy," I fail to recall whlchf-or-whom ald -wa eaused by being struck by a falling circus pole when he was boss canvasman for bis father-in-law, the late Porte Hart. Sometimes the old Court house clock would peal out the hour of eleven before the spirit would move "Billy" to Interrupt the train of Snaggs's editorial thought by asking, aa he approached the desk where the great editor was scratching away with his old goose quill pen.

"Mr. Snagga, can't you let me have a quarter of a dollar thl evening? I want to buy some bread for my wife and boy." And then Snagga would quit work. The quill pen would be given a rest. Its tall and bilious looking owner rise up, thrust his fists Into both pistol pockets and after three or four laps around the room he'd else up the gang which was doing the patient waiting act. Then Snagga would say, and there wa a tone in his voice which seemed to give the impression that be waa offended: "Have you seen Felix; he'a got a whole lot o' Felix by-the-way waa hi son, who did the collecting and who also filled the position of general financier about the old shop.

"No, sir." Billy would reply. "Felix was here about 4 o'clock this afternoon and that was the last I saw of him." Then Snagga would give us an exhibition of his ability as a sprinter. Instead of three or four laps about that musty den of his he'd make It ten on the double-quick. A he ducked under the wire at the finish It was his custom to strike an attitude and say, and a he aid it he seemed to convey the Impression that he was the greatest and most important thing In the newspaper line the world had yet produced: "That's the way it goes. Everybody about the place, except myself, is neglecting everything.

I'm sorry for you, Doran, but I haven't any money to gi ve you to-night. But, say, come to think of it, there's a way out of this. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll give you an order tor three loaves of bread on Mr. the baker.

He owes me money and you can get it Just as well there on the order as you can elsewhere for the money." And then old Snaggs would dash off the order with a flourish which Indicated that he'd gone down in his Jaana and disgorged a cool fifty dollars for "Bill." I remember- one Saturday an order came In for a Job of It was a rlght-a-way Job and "Jim" Denn was selected by Snaggs to do It, for the money was coming in directly after the work was delivered. "Jim" was hopeful that be would he sent with the circulars and that Mr. Snagga would tell him to collect and keep the money. There was a line on the circular which read, "Pure Drugs," the cap of the first word being large letter of somewhat elaborate construction. Denn got the form on the old Gordon press and begnn to kick oft the sheets at a great rate, Lis industry no doubt 'being inspired by the fact that he faintly saw visions of something la the way of cash ahead for Saturday and Sunday.

What got the matter-with either "Jltu" or the press I don't know, but I've always thought that the prospective but somewhat doubtful cash inspired "Jim" to kick the press faster than he could feed It, the result being that his left hand was caught between the platen and the form and that big letter jammed through his middle firmer. was though, for he had been au old staler and was used to suffering pan In array days. He wrapped up the injured 4 ordered locked -tin- for- a further-hear ing. THE RVINE SHAFT SOLD. To the Pennsylvania Coal Company for $50,000 Was the Property of the Newton Coal An Important deal has been- cm-Bummated between the Pennsylvania Coal Co.

and the Newton Coal Co. by which the former secures possession of the latter' Ravine mine at Pittsten. The main shaft Is located on North Main street in Plttston and another shaft Is located on Parsonage street and both are used in hoisting coal. From a reliable source Is Is learned that the eonslderatlon was The new owners have not a yet entirely perfected their plana, but It is their Intention to mine coal aa well as to use th shaft for th purpose of pumping water which accumulates in No. S.

i and 10 shafts of the Pennsylvania Coal Co. This water may be drained down to the Ravine and pumped out of tht shaft. The company has also purchased an additional tract of land from E. Pat-terson, whose land adjoins tb Ravine, and this will give the company access 1 to a large araa of coal and will enable I It to reach coal land already held by It near the river. Mr.

Patterson would isay nothing definite regarding the pur-j chase of a portion of his land, but It was definitely learnt that the purchase was made. It Is not the Intention of the company to hoist coal out of the Ravine shaft, but will have the eoaHrom the Ravne workings transferred underground to No. 10 shaft and hoisted from there to the breaker. This will necessitate the employment of more labor. The Pennsylvania Coal Co.

owu a number of colllerle In the Pltts'on region, some of the best in that sectlcn, and the recent purchase will not only Increase Its output "but will glvs it access to a large area of land already held by the. company. The people are well eatlsfled with the company's d-Icy. It has no company stores and th employes are paid In cash and are at liberty to deal wherever they please. It Is said that Improvements at the Ravine will soon be commenced and that In addition Improvements will be made at other properties of the com pany.

The Newton Coal from whlcl. the Ravine was purchased, owns the Twin shaft, at which a few year ago fifty-eight men were entombed. ACTIVE TEXAS RAILWAY BUILDING. "Reference has been made to the pronounced activity in railway building In Texas and the probability of a large Increase In the mileage of that state during the present year," says the RallWay iAge. "In addition to the-list enumerated in our Issue of December 1, 189.

Is the International Great North. em. which Is about to undertake the construction of a very Important line jin that state. Under the charter of the Calvert, Waco wrazos vauey, a line fifteen miles In Ierwth was built last year fam Lewis Switch, cn the main line of the International Great North ern, north to Calvert, and contract have now toeen let for extendlrg thl road noth to Merlin. 28 miles, and from liewls Switch southeast to Bryan.

23 miles. The northern extenmton will be continued to Waco and thence to Fort Worth, while the southeastern extension Is to fee a connection with the nresent Palatln-Houston line of the in exchange-for-that Ml the new com pany at a par value of $50. While the ratings of the stock of the other companies which go to make up the consolidation have been determined upon they have not yet been announced. WANT GOTTFRIED EXPELLED. Papers of Peru Join In Demand That the Man the Revolutionist Tortured be Expelled.

A despatch from Lima. Peru, via Galveston, dated April 27, says the press of Trujlllo, capital of the department, of Libertad, together with the papers of that district generally, calls upon the Peruvian government to expel from the country Edward Gottfried, formerly United States counsular agent at Trujlllo. The demand for expulsion include his bbother also. Edward Gottfried was formerly a resident of this city. He was appointed United States consular agent at Trujlllo in 18S5, he was seised by Peruvian revolutionists in the summer of 1893 and sub.

Jected to torture, his house at Huama-chuco being at the same time sacked and destroyed. He protested and declared his immunity as an American cltlsen, but his assailants demanded that he produce 6,000 soles (between $3,600 and $4,000) together with 25 rifles within a quarter of an hour under penalty of chastisement In what are called the "flying stocks." On replying that he was unable to comply, he was knocked down'by a blow from a un and overpowered. Afterwards he was subjected to torture. FUN FROM FROZEN SEAS. Wherever exhibited Including a whole most successful winter in New York City, the only trained school of Alaska Sea Lions and Seals bear living, amazing and amusing witness to Captain Woodward's genius, patience and magnetic influence as an Instructor of the wtldestrxlumstestand mosttimld of strange amphibious creatures.

These polar pupils now form one of the rare attractions In the Great Adam Fore-pautgh and Sells Brothers' Consolidated Shows, wihose date of exhibition In this city is May 9. Provided with stubby, slippery flippers only, to Supply the place of hands and feet, and naturally moving with the most ungainly efforts on land. It is really marvelous that these queer amphfbta have ibeen raised to the artistic plane of grotesquely sagacious mimicry, melody and mirth. They have been taught to drill, smoke, pitch, catch, play upon musical Instruments, discharge firearms, sing basso profundo ballads of the sea, and to successfully imitate other accomplishments of buman kind. "Leo," the monster marine clown and mischief -maker, alone furnishes an ocean of fun.

It is an entertainment to delight everyone, from the oldest to the youngest. The cable of the Western Union Telegraph Company, which run under Lake Champlain from Tlconderoga to Larrabees Point, has something of a history. It was made in Europe and wa first used in connecting opposite shores of the Red Sea. From there it wa brought to Hilton Head, wherp it used In connecting that place with Tybee Island, near Beaufort, 8. C.

At the close of the Civil War it was taken up and carried to this city where It re mained for several years in ina company before It was placed where it now ia, Mudge 'Don't you believe In man's superiority to woman? Wickwlreh-HSuperlorlty In what? In using a hammer or a hairpin? will turned off without further no tice. Said, hills were rendered on the first of Aprjll for the six months then en- VI npifi iur me mix. iuuuuu men ulng arid the dafedant threatens to cut Oft the water after May 1st from the several -consumers- who failed to pay -aald bills In excess of five dollar for one-half year on or before said May 1st. Such bill have been rendered to S. W.

Trimmer. Georfte W. Moyer and many other citizens for rums In txcess of five dollars per hairyear men dollars per year, and such action for non-payment has been threatened against mem. Upon the basis of ratea charged by the said U9 to this time In purauanc of Its original charter where, by no private family paid more than J10 pef annum for the use of water, the said company has made large profits and distributed large dividends to Us stockholders. Upon this statement a preliminary Injunction was issued and the outcome will be awaited with Interest by Whit Haven residents.

DRIVER BOY KILLED. Thoma Carey, of Plymouth, aged 17 year, son of Thomas Carey, was killed while at work in the No. 4 D. 11. mine at Plymouth last Saturday by being run over by a mine car.

How the accident happened will perhaps never be known. He was employed as a driver boy and it is suppoed he was riding on the front end of a trips of cars which he was pulling from the airway and in some manner fell from the cars on the track. His mangled remains were late found by his cousin, Martin Carey. Death must have been Instantaneous as it was found upon examination that hi neck was The remains were later carried to the home of his grandfather, artin Carey, of Harris street. Coroner Mcftee was notified and will hold an inquest.

DEATH OF DANIEL S. DAVIS. Oaniel Davis, a hlgftly and re-fpected cltlsen of Edwardsvllle, passed away Saturday at 2 o'clock p. m. after a few weeks' illnees of a complication of diseases.

The deceased was f5 years and months old, and had been a devoted member of the Welsh Congregational Church for a number of years, he also took a deep Interest la the Cynonfardd Society, and will be grratly missed by his many friends and relatives. He Is survived by a wife and the following children: William T. Da via. of lrksvllle; Daniel E. Davis, of Kingston: Mrs.

William Parsons, Thomas B. Davis, Abigail G. Davis, Frederick C. and Lenord all of Edwardsvllle, DEATH OF JOHN JAMES. John James, a retired rock contractor residing on South Main street, died last Saturday aged 64 years.

He leaves his wife and the following children: Harry. Mrs. W. H. Hoskings, Edward1.

Mr. Cyrus Weiss, Mrs. John Green, Dr. Uriah James, Miss "Henrietta James. Mr.

James waa one of Wtlkes Barre' ibest known residents and for many year was engaged In the contracting Jbuslness. having sunk the large South Wllkes-Barre No. shaft; No. 11 at Plymouth, the Buttonwood and other In this section, together with four In Indian Territory. He was also a foreman for th Lehigh Wil-kes-arrt Coal Co.

I Great Northern." 1 .).

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