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Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • 1

Richmond, Virginia
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ri -v Laugh With Warner His Seeii-on-the-Side Column on Editorial Page Did You Lose It? Get It Back Through a Times-Diapatch Want Ad 69TH YEAR Mil LME(9 NCMBEB 44 RICHMOND VA THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13 1919 PAGES HSST" -CLOUDY PRICE THREE CENTS HARSHER TERMS FIXED FOR HUN IN ARMISTICE MUST BE JUSTICE Modifies Tax Collection Ruling Tor Convenience of Corporations On Billy Sundays Trail TO-DAV Ido A Billy Sunday will apeak to eltlaema of Aablond and aludeata of Haadolph-Maooa College 1 II A MUi Grace Saxe Bible frarher with the Saaday party will apeak to tbo people of Gloter Park al "Watte of the Theological Seminary 1 liJW A 'Business loneheoo begins la the annex of Seventh Street Chrlatlaa -Church Mrs William A alter of tho Sunday party will addreua a moving crowd of young women until IiM I3i10 Hubert Matthews private secretary to Mr Saaday will address a shop meeting of men at the Seathera Hallways Shops Hlaer will address a similar meeting at the Tredegar Iron Works and Pltacr will apeak fa tho employees of the Montague Maaofae-taring Company 2 Bill Saaday will preach to everybody 1 at tho City Auditorium i Mlao Grave Saxo will eoa-dart her regular Bible study class a the platferm of Asdltoiiasa 3 as I Mlaa Flo re arc Kinney alU speak -to a gathering of beya and girls between fra and flftera year ef age at Haaover Chrlatlaa Choreh 7iSO Billy Saaday preaches te an only fram the subject "Dr Jekyl and Mr at the Auditorium Mias Saxe talks to the people Pf Barton Heights at tho Barton Heights Presbyterian Church German Authorities Must Submit Figures on Battle Materials Ready for Use WOULD CHECK UP ENEMY'S X1 POSSIBLE PLANS TO the taxpayer The taxpayer wIlL hawever aat ha relieved af tatereat af aeh auoaat aa his pa yaw at aay fall short of tho tax faaad later 1 be dae aa tha basis af the Baal veteran "Shoold the payment oa March 13 ef tbe estimated tax be greater than tha tax evrataally faaad ta he dne 1 the excess payment aatsmatieally will he credited ta tbe next Installment which will be dae aa Jane IX "Prevision for handling thia aew-feaiure will be made la the return blanks for corporations Tbe oew form will be a combined Income and excess pro St blank embodied la which la a detachable letter af remittance A ay corporation which fads that for xu Wriest reasons -it rennet complete Ita retarn by March IS may detach and SU aat the letter ef remittance aad forward aaata ta the collector an ar before March IX together with a eheelt money order or draft for the tax due aa that date A statement la writing ef the reasons why It la Impossible fer the corporation to -complete the retaro by the peel Bed date mast accompany every aarh Individual taxpayers will be gives similar privileges la eases la which It la made clean that tha tlase available la not aaffieleat ta enable them ta complete their frtaraa by March IX Na reason exlots aeeerdlng la tho lateraatlooal revroao officials far delay la Sling af relams af In-dlvldaal IneoaMs except la aaaaaal-ly difficult cases Economic Assistance for Foe De- -pends Upon Test of Good Faith '-i WILSON PLANS LEAVING FRIDAY Report of Acceptance of Intcrnationnlv Army System Denied by Lord Cecil V- -s' 'IW 7 I (Br Associated Prasal PARIS Feb) Tha supreme wur council met -at the Foreign Office at II thia morning for thepur-Ji I poae of reaching a final determination of tho new terms of the German ar-or- mist ice There were present In add I tlon to President Wilson and the For: sign Ministers of tho great powers-'' I Marshal Foch Field Marshal I Marshal Retain General Fershlng and General Diax A full agreement on the terms waa re sen ted Inthe report from the sub-' fc committee embracing military and economic members Tha report waa 1 vl unanimous including tha adherence the American members General Tasker Bliss and N-rman Davis in-v WK dicates that eeonomie measures figure in the new terms equally with mil-itary measures WAR COUNCIL MUST APPROVE AGREEMENT- I The report must be approved by the I supreme war council before it becomes I effective tfi" I The German authorities have bean asked to furnish information confirm-' ing the amount of their war materia I cannon airplane and 1 other A I ment This question cams-up in racent aesalons of the war eouimiLlupSil whqa the exteot-of thia' I warn admncad'aS Yeaaod effective So Declares Senator France at Republican Club's Lincoln Day Dinner HAVE VICTORY WITHOUT PEACE Philosophy Would Demand Closer Co-Operation He Asserts I Br Associated Press 1 NEW TORN Feb "There can be no satisfactory league of nations and no permanent International order until there Is first secured In every nation participating a national stability founded 1 upon soeial United States Senator France of Maryland declared In an address here to-night at the Republican Club's Lincoln Day dinner "If Lincoln were to return to earth to-day" Senator Franco said' "he would find without peace "The nations stand upon their ho continued "but what an armistice! Unrest misunderstanding hatred revolution riot bloodshed and all the ancient greed lust snd ambitions of men and nations unsated yet by all thia feast of blood menace the world with further dissolution" LINCOLN'S PHILOSOPHY WOULD DEMAND MORE philosophy Senator France declared would demand in a league of nations "closer co-operation between republics already formed particularly those on tbe Western and later "formulation of an international policy to be carried out by an association of republics for that reclamation of the waste places of the earth snd that progreaa and advancement of ail the peoples which would tend to cure that injustice which is the principal source of the immediate but ultimately removable causes of wars and Tho Unitod States should begin this program at home Senator France declared by the ending of "lawless and bureaucratic restoring to private ownership tha railroads ccftn-munication lines and other seised utilities and re-erecting "those two in-dispenalble pillars of free government freedom of speech and freedom of the press" NICK LONG WORTH TAKES FLING AT PRESIDENT Representative Nicholas Longworth of Ohio another speaker characterised President Wilson aa "a partisan Democrat with powers so autocratic that even the Csars of Russia of the old days -would have hesitated to wield them" be declared "has no place for an autocrat It has no place particularly for the solitary autocrat who scorns advice and who consults with sons except those who fear to express a hostile opinion Above alk i America: has ap- Plaea forLaaautonraW directly or indirectly is responsible far tbs spread at homo and abroad of internationalism and Bolshevism i "Understand im I do not assert that the President or any one connected with the administration is responsible for the doctrines of the Bolshevists but I have failed to observe that any definite and radical steps are being taken to put a stop to it by any one in high SPANISH MORE DEADLY THAN ENTIRE AMERICAN WAR LOSS Deaths From September lo' January Greater Them Men Slain in Nineteen Months WASHINGTON Feb Spanish has caused more deaths in this eountry during the last four months than America's losses by death in ntneteen -months of war This fact was revealed by figures made public to-day showing -the extent of tha soourge and las companion disease pneumonia in this eountry The figures oompiled by the public health service disclosed that in forty-six cities of this eountry alone there nere 1355(2 deaths from September to January' These figures do not take into consideration any of tho army camps or rural sections of tho country or any of the smaller towns or cities It is estimated that a complete census of tho ravages In the United States would disclose between 250000 and 200000 deaths in the Sep-tembcr-January period New York led the cltiea in which a census of death vai taken with a total of 273(2 In point of percentage San Francisco suffered most having III deaths per 100 of population COMBAT DOMINATION BY FORCE EBERT SAYS New- German President Saya Nation Will Reaiat Coercion From What- eve Soorce It Cornea WEIMAR Feb 1 Friedrich Ebert President of Germany in his speech accepting' the presidency said: "I wlA administer my office not as the leader of a single party but I belong to the Socialist party and cannot forget my origin and training The privileges of birth already have been eliminated from 'politics and are being eliminated from social life "We shall combat domination by rerce to the utmost from watever direction it may come Ws wish to found our slate only on the basis of right and on out freedom to shape our destinies at home and abroad However harsh may be the lot threatening the German people we do not repair of Germany's vital New Addition Is Made to the World's Granaries tatlt tbe war bmtngbt It to the atteetlon of the world little waa known a host the great grain-pm-darlag territory of Mesopotamia New It la looked uaon a sac of the richest granaries In existence and sac cf tbe war's greatest perms-seat roatrlbatloan ta rlvtllaaf fan In a soli so rich that two or three crops cos be gathered each year by merely scratching the carfare there Is aero woaderfaf poaalhllHIea under the development af modern acleatlBe gricaltaral method There are market rlase at hand and auieudld waterway make the trasepartatlan problem see af atmpllrtty Germany knew all af Ibis which other nations had overlooked and It was aae af the reason why tha Kalaer east Ms-eyes aa looglagly toward the East A aplrndld description of these fertile Mesopotamian plains In gfsra by Teddy Wfek Is na article which will be printed la Tha Tlmee-Dlapatrh ti Says Bolshevists Would Have Operated Railroads Better Than Government SENATE WILL VOTE TO-DAY Conferees Report on Six-Billion Dollar War Revenue Bill Certain of Adoption WASHINGTON Feb Final action -on the conference report on the $(000000000 war revenue bill was deferred to-day by an early adjournment of the Senate in observance of the birthday anniversary of Abraham Lin-1 coin This unexpected move came after Senator Penrose of Pennsylvania senior Republican of the Sehale conferees had precipitated in a general debate with a three attack on what he termed extravagance and waste in appropriations since the war began WhUe promising the revenue measure his support the Pennsylvania Senator said taxes the country about to the breaking point and asserted that the American people were "alarmed If not by Congressional appropriations He aald money had been "poured out in a kind of debauohery" and be sharply arraigned the use of appropriations for the Shipping Board railroad administration and other government agencies The Russian Bolshevist he asserted could have operated the railroads better than -they have been operated by (ho government-' WILL HAVE TO BOHROW TO LIMIT OF TOLERATION If the extravagant expenditures by the various departments are continued Senator Penrose declared "money wiil have to be borrowed to the limit ef toleration on the part of tho taxpayers to met government Senator Smoot declared "the people of the country will arise in Uieir power and might and drive out every man la public life wbo approves these extravagant appropriations" if they continue to be made Senators Lewis ef Illinois and Thomas of Colorado Democrats came to the defense of the administration The former asserted the precedent was established by previous administrations sad that Senator Penrose waa unfair in leading the people 1 to believe that the bills he had cited all of which carried appropriations have beea enacted when "as a matter of fact of tho great number presented but very few even ran the gauntlet of tho committees and reached the floor of either house DECLARES PEOPLE LARGELY AT FAULT Senator Thomas Insisted that the difficulty waa with the people that ap-propriatloao being every eroaa-roods an everp stream 7 MSB Isa 4IhIb BMMC "to broad for a-mas lo Jump across' and that when a the 'people demand economy they will get it During the discussion Senator Lewis suggested that the obligations of foreign countries to the United States contracted in loans advanoed during the progress of the war be oonverted into bonds and the money derived from their sale -which' he estimated would be about $7000000 be applied to meeting government expenses relieving the tax burden to that extent Senator Smoot replied he had under preparation a bill incorporating a plan similar to 'that suggested by Senator Lewis and hoped to be able to Introduce it in a few days ADOPTION OF REPORT TO-DAY IS ASSURED Senator Smoot declared blmseif so "alarmed over the condition that I cannot see how it is going to be met unless the strictest economy is Senator Smoot will continue his discussion of the report to-morrow which will practically conclude tho debate Adoption of tho conference report shortly thereafter is assured SAILOR INHERITS $4000000 Is Created Twenty-Day Farleagb te Be Present at Court Proceeding Regarding Estate CHICAGO Feb Daniel IL-' Telman a $I0-a-inonth at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station was granted a twenty-day furlough to-day on request of the Surrogate Court of New York that he might be preeent at court proceedings there in connection with an estate of $4000000 bequeathed him by bis grandfather Daniel Tolman founder of a string of loan brokerage offices throughout the United States Tolmsn first learned of his forthcoming good fortune from newspaper clippings requesting him to communicate with a Philadelphia law Arm He was when the news came Daniel Tolman Sr grandfather of the young sailor died February 12 1911 after disinheriting the father John II Tolman leaving no di- recti on a for the disposal of the fortune VIRGINIA SOLDIERS REACH NEW YORK FROM FRANCE Itramshlpo Santa Tctvaa and Feerlesa Arrive With Itrml lasasl Companies IBt Associated Press 1 NEW YORK Feb The steamship Santa Teresa with troops aboard and -the Peerless with 157 officers and enlisted men-arrived here to-night and will dock to-morrow The Santa Tereea brought home from Bordcau fourteen detachments of convalescents Casual Company Thirty-one (Virginians) and two detachment of medical annuals for duty in Virginia and Georgia TRADE RELATIONS OPENED War Trade Itsard A naan aces It Will Issue llressca fer Exporting ta t'seehs-Plavakla Itepablie WASHINGTON Feb Establishment af trade relation' betwren the United State and the near republic of Cxecho-Slovakla traa annuunecd today by tlie War Trade Board Application for licenses for exporting or importing ail commodities a ill now received BORDEN TO BE AMBASSADOR Canadian Premier Offered W'asblxgtei flare According ta I-aa- don Press lie port MONTREAL Feb Sir Robert Borden the Canadian Premier who now la In Paris In attendants at the ieace conference ha been offered the post of British ambassador to the United States according to a report In newspaper circles in London received by the Canadian Press here- Christian Associations and Red Cross Scored for Permitting Dance' i BRANDS CHICKEN STORY AS AN INFAMOUS LIE Declares Scoundrels Peddled Scandal About Him Were Prompted by Devil xo OBJECTION TO DOPE" Yield to Request and Will Preach Famous Booze Sermon To Morrow Afternoon Mr Inlih aerorau Will m4 C4 and Kaavr Ilia will ki faun on MS 3 of this Issue of The Tives-DI patch Tha A has beea dipping its colors to the devil and the sans according to Billy Sunday who told the Lord all about his opinion of the JL tt'A theTW A and the Red Crete in the characteristic prayer at the close of his sermon yesterday af-' ternooa at (ho Auditorium RodeAeaver champion of the waa not present I "Even the A the CL I A end the Red Cross have comprised with the devil by opening their doors to donees snd trying to camouflage" prayed llr Sunday "And thin is the reason there is so much criticism "But I'm not going fj-do it" ho promised vehemently If they dent like It Lord they esn go to tbo devtL" In bis prayer ho referred to the origins lore of the "chicken story" which hao been widely circulated la the city at who "peddled infamous scandals" about him and that It was "tho name old at work BRANDS AS "INFAMOUS Tho "chicken etory" was started during Hr 11 rot waek in Richmond and was generaUy credited Bob Matthews private secretary to the evangelist publicly denied tbs story from Mr (Sunday's platform yesterday Tbo trory was to tho effect that Mr Sunday called two frivolous female of the typo up to hlo platform --and then asked If there was a butcher in (ho audlones "A buaky cJttsen stood up i i vTake- these two chicken: out and fz dross them" Hr Sunday la reported to have said' Tbs story was branded "ad Infamous jj tie" by Mr Matthews J' Tve got Just as good a right to 1 bug some Jana ad you have" Mr Bondi said In tbs course of his sermon yesterday afternoon speaking of Christinas dancing sad playing cards "But i got more respect tor mo because I dost have my arm around some -woman on a ballroom floor 1 had my arm around but one woman la thirty-one tho evangelist went on virtuously "and her name Is "Nell" is Mr Bund ay "1 tall you a better Christian because play cards than If 1 did" Mr Sunday declared OBJECT TO LITTLE "When you oay Just go to one more dance sod then you're giving the devil a dare to- come and take you No man who is lit for tho kingdom of heaven looks back when he puts bis hand to tho plow oo you see low much some of you will weigh on the scales outside the doors of Billy 8undar said ha lilted 1 to see folke "doll snd look their best a little red dope on your cheeks mskeo you look better put It on!" laughed tho evangelist "Why if some women took off all 1 the hair that isn't growing on their heads look like humming bird in a rain storm But that's all right!" he added comfortingly while laugher- ter swept the crowd snd tho cheeks of many women present burned a deeper pink than rouge had supplied emphasised the speak er "Is a for i he Lord Lord help you-: to yet to the place whore you bo failing off the fenee all thd time" WHOLE TRIBE COMING TO MEETING Directly in front of Billy Sunday so lie made hts'Ahrusts at the armor of professing Christie ns and plead for practical Christianity was a striking figure Chief Cook of tho Pamunkey tribe of Indians on tho Pamunkey River near Lester Manor Chief Cook io a full-blooded Indian with the copper color and -the uncut straight black bair of the American aborigine With true Indian stoicism ho listened with absorbed attention to Mr Sunday displaying no emotion whatever but- Mo keen black eyes never left the face of tho evangelist To Mr Sunday ho said that he would like to bring his whole tribe up to Richmond to hear him preach There are possibly 300 Pamunkeys loft on their reservation Kodeheaver was in Newport News yesterday To a question regarding tho current rumor that was going into grand opera Mr Matthews eaid: "There is positively nothing to WILL PREACH BOOZE SERMON TO-MORROW Two lone Individuals of tho male species stood -up In tho center of tho Auditorium last night when tho count was taken to determine public sentiment In- Richmond for- and against Hilly Sunday preaching his famous sermon The two men voted against tho sermon being preached in this city The rest of the 4100 wanted to hear the sermon Therefore Billy Sunday will deliver his sermon On boose at tho afternoin uervice to-morrow I might as remarked the evangelist resignedly seeing how the count went "then you'll ail let me have been begged and importuned to preach this sermon here" Mr Sunday explained "hut to mo It scorned Imoasso now that John Barleycorn was strapped In his death To-morrow -light and Saturday afternoon tho sawdust trail evangelist will preach tho soma sermon of Modern Society" The change in program was brought about by his sudden decision in the matter of the booso oernton Mr Sunday has also decided to preaeh four times again Sunday "But you will have to let me ar-riwge the hours wo that I will hare a (Continued on Second Page) measures against' the of warllka actirmes' I Before detf rmtsiag on any'such tmp it was considered desirable tb Information both aa a -memo-dealing with the subject and a testing the good faith of the enemy in diacloalpg the status of hi military: equipmcnv WOULD PLAE GERMANY 80 WAR IS 13IPOSSIBUS '4P? Tha Havaa Agency understands that the council decided first to place Ger' 1 many in i military 1 situation wtaurav'v35 it would be impoeuiblo for her to re- i commence hostilities It is pointed out that the enemy countries arc pre-serving war material permitting I to equip very rapidly smarmy of at 4 least 3000000 men Tha 'council' do-'-' 1 elded secondly according to-'-Hava" "to make Germany realise that wa are the conquerors and that It is not a white peace' that we are sacking fo V'tMl impose on I In case Germany submits with good grace continues Havas it is possiblu-that the entente would facilitate the- resumption of the -work of' peace for the benefit of Germany Tho 't '1 council also had to examtno the do-' mands of the Poles that a clausa be introduced into the armistice that -the agricultural machinery stolen by the enemy should be restored v'Hi 1 The program also talned questions of effectives and the raising of the blockade concerning -Turkey snd Bulgaria WASHINGTON Feb Althoogh loterual Reveaoe Commissioner Roper has refused to graot an extension of time for Sling the Federal tneome tax retains dne Merck 13 he has approved new departure la tbo matter of tax collection that makes possible aa ealeasloa af farty-flve days where corps ratlea are aaahle to complete their retarae by tbe epecISed date If a corporation Hade It Impossible to complete Its refers by March 13 It In te be pcrotiltrd uader thia new ratios to make a retain af the estimated tax dee aad make payment thereat ea that date It meet however file Ita reaaaa with tha pay-meat aad If the reaaaa la faaad satisfactory the collector la te accept payment of the estimate tax aad agree ta accept the revised aad completed tax retain within a period of "not mere than forty-Sve Isyse "Uader the plan adapted far corporation peymeata aad aaya atatement leaned by the eommia-aioaer "the government will be able to collect approximately the a Blount af tax dae aa ar before March 13 thas Bwetlag Its orgeat aeedai aad earparattaaa aetnnlly requiring farther ttaae far the preparation of their complete return will be granted ample tlam la which ta do on "One of the adraatagea af this plan (a that It relieve the taxpayer af eae-half af 1 per coat Interest per aMBth that would attueh ta the payment af the tasca uader aa extrusion granted at the reqaeat of TO DISCLOSE ALL TREATIES TO CONFERENCE Tokjro Government Orders Head of Its Paris Delegation to Reveal Unpublished Pacts XO INTENTION TO INTERFERE Members ef Chinese Parliament De- maud Fuller Information Concern-lug Relations Existing Between the Two Countries 1 1 rtly Associated Freak LONDON Feb Baron -Kobuxkt Makino head of tbo Japanese delegation at the peace conference ha bssti instructed -to disclose all tha un published treaties between China and Japan says a Reuter ifllapatch A Tpkye dispatch say: Kljuro Bhldehara vie foreign min -later of Japan speaking regarding the publication of Chinese treaties with Japan aald tha latter had 1 "simply called to China's nttantion tho established procedure according to which neither government has a right to publish confidential correspondence without' previously consulting the Shidehara apoke for Viscount Cchida foreign minister who is suffering from pneumonia has no intention io interfere with any demands or contention which the Chinese prefer to present to tho peace conference he aaid Peking and Faria reports to tho contrary are absolutely DEMAND FULLER INFORMATION OF RELATION WITH JAPAN (By Associated Prcu1 -PARIS Feb 12 The Chinese delegation to tho peace conference has been advised that there have been many interpellations in tho Chinese Parliament from members representing both the Northern and Southern provinces demanding fuller information concerning Japanese and Chinese relations aa laid before tho conference The Chinese delegates say they are ready to aubmlt all secret agreements with Japan to tho council of tbe live great powers which probably will consider the matter at the end of tbs present week The delegation la receiving many messages from societies and individuals in China in aupport of their activltiea in Paris A message from American and European Chlneae students signed by Henry Chand secretary of the organisation aaya: "We American and European returned students of China declare that we fully support the views snd attitude taken by you and appreciate the services rendered by the Chinese delegates at the Paris peace conference and further demand that freedom of action and of -speech of the delegates shall not bo In addition to tho secret agreement between Japan and China relating to Shantung Province and Tsfngchau the secret agreements between Japan and other powers made ainoe the beginning of the war and before China became a belligerent have been aaked for by the big five council Great Britain Italy and France are reported to have entered into an agreement with Japan similar to the Lan-sing-Ishif agreement published by the United mates The American agreement was made public in 1917 immediately after Viscount lshit now ambassador to the United States but then on a mission to that country returned to Japan and before China's declare Ion of war on the central powers The agreement acknowledged Japan's special interests in China because of geographical propinquity CLAIM CAMPBELLS SOLD CHILD FOR COW AND $30 Keeyer of Gesrgla Orphans llaate Held an IIjtM Mall aa Craelly Charge MARIETTA OA Feb Cf-mpbell charged with his wife Mrs Naomi Campbell of cruelly treating the little inmates of the orphans home operated by the latter waived the commitment hearing here to-day and were held (or toe Cobb Connty grand Jury ia default of (3000 bail An additional warrant charging cruelty was sworn out to-day against Campbell by Florence of Atlanta father of two cf tho children In the horns Sollcitor-Oenrral Dorsey declared a searching Investigation would be made of tbe allegation that Mrs Campbell had sold a nine-year-old girl for a cow and a $30 donation to the home Both the Campbells denied this charge Virginia Soldier Killed ATKR MASS- Feb The body of Trivets Maynard Padgett was found on the Camp Devens rifle rang to-day Camp authorities aaid he had hot himself His horns was at Pera IS PLANNED SAYS HENEY Asserts Packer Expect to Have Con- trol of Supplies la Five Tears 1 MONSTER SCHEME IS OUTLINED Attorney Sajrs Blg Five" Got Fine Start Toward Domination of Market by Railroad Opposes Regulation gad rices Ownership WASB IOOnT FeK 1 L-Vraacis Honey (armor connsel for tha Federal Trade Commission testifying today before the House Interstate Commerce Committees declared that within tea years and probably within five the flv leading meat packers would control tbo entire food supply of the country end be able to charge whatever prices they desired Mr Heney said the packers had extended their activities into so many fields they had become a menace to the ceuntry They now control tho cheese oleomargarine and butter markets he said and rapidly are obtaining a monopoly of a large number of other food products Through their large capital and their special privileges the witness declared they -were -able to smother competition tl' i PACKER RECEIVED FIRST START -THROUGH REBATES Mr" Henry said the packers received their first start towards domination of tho food markets through -rebates granted by the railroads- This gave them each an advantage over their competitors he stated that thay booh obtained control of meat and megt products Tho ueeond step taken by the packers he asserted was the obtaining of pedal privileges from tho railroads for their refrigerator cars Intended originally for perishable meat products alone The packers Mr Heney said now use refrigerator ears for perishable and Imperishable goods silks and at such a great saving In money and In time of deliveries as to destroy competition Government ownership of refrigerator ears snd stock yards was advocated by Mr Heney as tho only means of placing the packers on an even footing with possible competitors and he said that even this could not core entirely 'the "packer -SAY REGULATED SOON APPOINT OWN REGULATORS Government regulation of the meat industry he characterised as Inadvisable because regulated have a habit of soon appointing tbs regulators He also said government ownership of the packing plants or extensive licensing probably would be unsuccessful Testimony submitted by the pack ere during the hearings was termed by Mr Heney as a virulent and unjustified attack on the Federal Trade Commission He said the packers had made many misrepresentation and called particular attention to their atatement that they had not been allowed to state their side of tho case during tha Investigation None -of the packers requested that they be heard at any tims the witness said Mr Heney also denied statements that the commission had made misuse of the prekere correspondence flics and that much of its evidence had bAi secured from uninformed persons or disgruntled employees of the packers- TOTAL COST OF WAR IS 193 BILLIONS FOR All ALLIES AND FOE Secretary Baker Quotes Figures and Says More Destructive Weapons Were Planned WASHINGTON Feb The toUl coat of the war to all belligerents including the central rowers was placed at $192000000000 by Secretary Baker in aa address here to-night at the American "victory This estimate the secretary said was based on figures Just compiled by the war college New inventions in the process of development by the associated governments and the enemy Mr Baker said would have made the fifth year of tho war twice as destructive in human life as all the four years that had gone before Other speakers at the dinner which was attended by women from all parts of the country were Madame Catherine Breshkovskaya known as "the grandmother of the Russian revolution Dr Anna Howard Shaw Miss Julia Lath rop and Sirs Charles Robson of Ottawa TAFT INDORSES PUN He and Heavy Yen Dyke Speak lo Favor of Wilson Mean Ceaeen-lag Leasee of Nations IB? Axsoeimtrd Press 1 MINNEAPOLIS Feb Former President William Howard Taft and Henry Van Dyke formerly minister to the Netherlands at the League to Enforce Peace Congress to-night Indorsed President plan -for a league of nations and took Issue with those who have declared that the Constitution of the United States forbids American participation In such an international arrangement ft FEDERAL AGENTS BEGIN RAIDS ON RED CENTERS I ff Headquarters fat Chicago Combed for Agitators by Detectives PLOTS FORMED IN BIG CITIES Leaders Planned Strikes and Disturbances in Windy City and New Writ of Habeas Corpus So 1 cued by Deportees CHICAGO Feb 13 As par: of tho plan to rid tha eountry of Bolshevists and agitators Federal agents to-nirht started raids on headquarters of tha organisation have been arrested It is'iiBderstood the -raids wity kg' continued -nnlilaU uipsota of whom- 'there arssald 'to begboijt daChlhsfdvt have heea apprehended Federal agenta say' Chicago is tbe hatching place of all plots and strikes in America and even some of tho Europe agitators The Seattle and Butte strikes were plotted In Chicago according to Philip Bary head of tha Federal Bureau of Investigation here "The heart and brains of America's anarchists Bolshevists extremists and destructive SoelUats ate in aaid Captain Barry "It was here that the leaders who were responsible for tha strikfe in Seattle and the outbreak in the Butts mining trouble met to mention only tha more recent outbreaks of the Bolshevist -movement In WniT OF HABEAS CORPUS -SECURED BY MANY DEPORTEES NEW YORK Feb Writs of habeas corpus sought by a group of radicals In an effort to prevent deportation of forty-nine of the fifty-four aliens brought to Ellis Island from the West were issued here to-night by Federal Judge Knox The writs are returnable to-morrow llios Caroline Lowe of Chicago a lawyer headed the group that obtained the writs- summoning Judge Knox from a Lincoln Day dinner which he was attending in order to make their request The application followed number of conferences among New York radicals which began shortly after news res received that undesirable aliens from Koattle Chicago and other Western cltiea were on their way to New York under a heavy guard DEPORT 1 PRISONER CONFINED AT LEAVENWORTH KANSAS CITY Feb Warren Long United States immigration commissioner here announced to-day that he waa working on plana to deport all Industrial Workers of the World prisoners in the Leavenworth prison who cannot establish previous citizenship or flva residence in this country Most of the Industrial Workers of the World prisoners are from Chicago although twenty of them are from San Francisco Fifty will be started to Ellis Island to-morrow SPARTACANS RIOT AND PLUNDER IN OUTSKIRTS OF CAPITAL State of Siege Prevails in Ham burg With Government Troops in Control COPENHAGEN Feb A thousand deserters and Spartacana are rioting and plundering in the outskirta of Berlin according to a dispatch from that capital late to-day Government troop are in control of Hamburg and Erfurt In both cltiea the Spartacana have been disarmed A state of aiego prevails in Hamburg At Wesel Spartacana stormed the prison and released convicts Many factories are closed beeause of lack of coal PERSHING TO REVIEW TROOPS AT COBLENZ Arrives To-Morrow 1 Pee Thirty-hr read aad Farty-hccaud Befata They start Hauir I i i ra I By SMecletsd Prsas1 COBLENZ Feb General Pershing will arrive at Coblens Saturdar for a visit of aeveral diva He will review the Thirty-second and Forty-second Divisions which according to present plans will bn the first two divisions to start homeward possibly by way of the Rhine No data has been aet for tha departure of either division but both are making preparations so that they may be ready ia start as soon as orders come HARMONY OK ALLIES APPEAR TO BE RESTORED BY JAY JEROME WILLIAMS' PARIS Feb The lirut definite accord was reached to-day at tbe so? premo war council meeting through an understanding on all points for a ro--newal of tho armintice Tha agreement indicates Ahat har- raony has been restored between ths French and Americana and augurs well for future harmony between these two nations whose Interests have clashed -so many times In the past few weeks It indicates further that President Wilson's departure from France will be rauoh more pleasant than the Amer-lean commission a few days back thought it might be a The terse communique give no de- fails but these will be forthcoming la -a few days 1 PRESIDENT PLAN TO LEAVE KniDAY NIGHT The President Is now trying to get away from Paris Friday night because he does not like to begin travelling Sunday When he arrives ia the United States' the baggage may be take' fee that ef a prima donna In addition to numerous trunks there wt'1 be boxes which carpenters at tha Mu rat mansion have beet) busy aM day io making and the number of which ready has reached the thirty mark la these the Preeident and his wife will carry hack home the souvenirs gifts and the like which they have -received since then- arrival in Kuropa and during their visits to England and Italy' FRANCE DEMAND MAR DISTRICT FROM GERMANS VIENNA (via London) Feb The newspapers here publish a report to the effect that France demands as a condition for allowing German Austria to join Germany that the latter cade the Baar district to France and Posen and Danzig to ro'and and also surrender to France all the Rhine steamer a well as all ship 'now building mm LEARN ARMISTICE MEET HA BEEN POSTPONED AMSTERDAM Feb The Ger-man armistice commission according to a Berlin dispatch has been in- 1 formed that the armistice conference baa been Indefinitely postponed The armistice between Germany aad' the associated gave rumen ts expires February 17 the day ef President Wilson's scheduled departure from Franco Marhal Fecit was understood to have gone to meet the-German' armistice eommtesion for the purpose of arranging a further renewal jfv BOIBGKOI9 CONFERS WITH OSCAR PARTS Feb Leon Bourgeo-s French delegate who introduced ta amendment for an international mil- I rsr tt.

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