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Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona • Page 5

Arizona Republici
Phoenix, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ABIZONA REPUBLICAN: THtJBS DAY MOKN1NG, FEBRUARY 1898. lM ADYERTISlNGr 4 We try to reach the people, knowing full well that we can tatisi them with oor prices, our reliability, our courteous treatment and the frisiiuessef our tot of druss. Is that we mska good customers anl hold them. Your neighbor trades with tis: why don't you? T. F.

HUDSON PHARMACY, 26 Washington St. Bishop McCabe, one of the most irilliant lecturers on the American platform, will deliver his celebrated lecture on "The Bright Sido of Life iD Libby Prison," at 'the First Methodist church Saturday evening, February fifth. Come and lear him. You -will get your money's worth and more Admission, 50 een'ts. Reserved seats, FOR SALE.

Good tough team and mouniain wagon, with top, and harness. Suitable for trip. Inquire C. this office. Are you going to Company B's mask ball at the Elks' hall February 14.

1898? Feuerstain'B music. Dr. Ward, residence the Cole house, east of city -water works. Office, GoGd-ing Block, room 4, ground floor, corner Center and Adams streets. Telephone, residence, 189; office, 296.

FOR SALE. A modern home at a bargain. Terms to suit. Apply at Room 8, Porter block. For cleanliness ana economy use the gas heaters and cook stoves.

Call and inspect them at No. 18 North First street. Dr. Cole, office 23 North First Ave Save money by heating your house with a gas heater. No.

18 North First street. Bishop McCabe's leclurei cn "The Bright Side of Life in Llbby Prison" lias been heard with delight by thousands of people in all parts of this country. The Players' club, under the direction of Fred B. Mussey, will appear at the opera house on Friday night in the popular drama in four acts, entitled "In Old Virginia." The play possesses a plot of thrilling, unflagging interest, abounding In stirring scenes, thrilling incidents, and funny comedy. The full cast of characters will appear in these columns la morrow The popular rendezvous is at Wake-lin's pharmacy, the coolast room in town.

OPEN ALL NIGHT. Coffee Al's lunch counter and ladies' dining roa-m. Oysters any style, including coffee, 25 cents HORSEMEN, ATTENTION! Boydella, the King of Arizona trotting horses, record 2:14, fin a five-lieat winning race will make the season at stock farm a-t $25 the season for a few approved mares. No horse of his quality ever stood in this county at the price and we don't believe one ever will again. Durango Chief will make the season at the same place at fifteen' -dollars, with return privilege.

Maiies cared for during season at $2 per month. Arrangements can be made with owner at office, corner Jefferson St. and First avenue. To Cure Forever. Take cs Ouiiiv

lOccrSSo. If C. C. C. fail to -are.

UrUw-isL-. n. f-jiul nw-iey If It's In Market "Yoa'lj Find It at BUT0N'S. This has become an old sa. ing with the people of this city.

During the past three years we have demonstrated that we are, wideawake, up-to-date people, a'ways on the alert to secure the earliest and best products to satisfy the dsmands of our ever increasing trade. Nothing is too good for our store. Peer goods we refuse to buy. At present our FISH AND OYSTER BUSINESS is booming. We handle the celebrated D.

C. Berwick Bay Bulk Ojsfers Hhe largest, most toothsome ibivalves that money can buy, and sold at regular prices. We are also the exclusive handlers of the Eagle Brand frozen oysters dn cans. In our fish department we always show a large assortment, comprising the test varieties of Pacific ocean fish, lobsters, crabs, shrimps, etc. In each of our several lines you will always find us leading the procession in assortment, quality and price.

BUXTON CO. Fruits, Vegetables, Pouliiy, Fish and Oysters. Tel. 122. Wholesale and Retail THE RESULT GUY HD COUNTY IN BRIEF.

Smaii Paragraphs of General Interest. The News of a Day In Phoanlxand Its Tributary Refflort Presented In a Nutshell Doings of People and Other Matters. Born, to the wife of Juslfcice Heniy of Buckeye, on Thursday, January 27, 1898, a son. Weight, 12 pounds. 1 Bernardo Romel wai3i yesterday on a warrant from Jat'ce Kincaid's court, charging him disturbing the peace of Victoria Parra, a blacksmith on North First street.

'Dr. W. J. Murphy, who cai-ne here last September and. afterward went to Colorado, has recently returned and will establish himself in practice.

He is a relative of Charles; and William Coon. Mark Poole, traveler for a San Fraccisco house, spent yesterday in the oity. During his stay he mat Mr. Charles Benjamin, who is visiting Phoenix. Years ago Mr.

Poole- was associated with Mr. Benjamin's San Francisco house. He lef for Tucson last evening. Articles of Incorporation cf the Alice Mining comp-my in Yavapai county were filed an the office of the tea-ii-torial secretary. Tie incorpora ors are L.

M. Wilson, H. D. Wilson, Joseph Hook, W. T.

Smith and James Irving. The principal place of (business is Prescott and the capital stock is $500,000. AlttorneyG-eneral Frazier as chairman of the committee on transportation appointed at the lae convention, yesterday wrote to the -officials of the various roadsi of the ter ritory asking for the lowest possible rates to delegates to the next convention, which will meet here on the first Tuesday of March. When the case of J. H.

Mills and Violet Jennings, charged with stealing a trunk upon which Martin Djumo-v-ich had a lien, was resumed in Jus tice Johnstone court yesterday, neither of the defendants ipp-eared. Officers reported that nothing had be. seen of either of them since some time on Tuesday. The matter was still fur'ther continued. The San Francisco Examiner, which came to Phoenix yesterday, con a'ned a long illustrated eccount of tte killing at Central park, San Frajicisco, last Sunday of 'George Slankard, one of the most noted vaquejos on the coast.

The killing occurred in the course of a jubilee wild west performance. The vaquero's norse fell tack-ward upon him. The dead man was a cousin of -Deputy Sheriff Charles Slankard of this city. Not much progress was made in the crusade-, against sin yesterday. The cases of two women, arrested last Sunday night, charged with soliciting, were taken up, but on account of a misunderstanding as to the date cf trial they went over until tomorrow afternoon.

Jesus Orosco, changed with being a mac, was next called. He demanded zs witnesses the members of his family aid other persons. His case was continued until Uoday. Major Mllsaps-, editor of the War Cry, and the pioneer officer of the Sai-vation Army on the Pacific clcast and the Hawaiiani islands, will cond.uc: meetings at the army hall in Phoenix on Saturday, Sunday an Monday nights, February 5, 6 and 7. He is accompanied by Ensign Taylor, It'he junior soldier staff secretary for the coast, who will give a s'terepp ieon exhibition on Saturday evening.

The ensign is an accomplished cornet and vocal soloist and will "be able to give something that will interest ind benefit all who hear him. The semi-anoiual session of the Mystic Shrine will be held in this city tonight. Thirty novices have teen dieting themselves and otherwl by prayer and meditat ion have been preparing for the tortures of this night. But their tortures will be succeeded by ethers, of which thtir tormentors will be the prey. Each novice h3s to pay a fee of $40.

The Shrine wi 1 therefore "be enriched ty $1,200. It is a rigid rule of Ithe order that no money shall ever be put into the, eas ury. It will consequently have to be spent tonight. Hence the tor.ures of tomorrow. Mrs.

William Burns died suddenly yesterday aftemocn at 4:30 o'clock at the family nesidenc; on iSouth Firs Her husband, who is travel ing for William is somntwhere in either New 'Mexico or Texss, tu could not be reached last nig'nt by telegraph. The funeral wi 1 take, place this morning at 10 o'clock from Ithe Catholic church. Mrs. Burns had lived in Phoenix for somethingi more than a year, having come here soon after her husband. Judge Burns, who was detailed as deputy collecto- of internal revenue for Arizona.

During her brief residence in this city she made many warm friends. Zanjero Wolfley did Washingion street mora good yesterday than bad ever happened to it before in the same length of time. Realizing the almost worthlessness of hobo labor, he applied tfo tha council for permission to hire a half dozen reliable meii. He began yesterday morning and began -upon a theory which seems to have never occurred; to Phoenix street menders before. It is rather and is as follows: Water rests contented on a level and will Trot leave Its location except by the! process cf evaporation, unless it has somewhere to go.

He accordingly made a ditch on the south side of Washington street, giving side of the street a well rounded He is expecting some who is satisfied with the- evaporating process to come around and ask fcim to level up the street again. Mr. iCharles Benjamin, who was a member of the- San Francirco board of supervisors during the- Sutra regime, is in the city, his first vlnt to -Arizona. In thirty-two years, at time he passed east Mexico oven the rente now covered the Southern Pacific In former years Mr Georee H. N.

Luhrs was one of (Mr. Ben jamin's customers, a fact which led that gentleman to mane his headquarters at the Commercial. During the war Mr. -Btjnjimin served ucder General George Custer. The gentleman Is agreeably surprised at the changes in places visited.

Thirty-two years agio his party encountered Indians, and it was by great good luck that they got through their journey, made into Mexico at the time Maxi-millian met bis fate. Mr. Benjamin is making a pleasure trip and will remain here several days, being (thoroughly pleased with Phcenix. -He will visit Tuos-cn and El Pas3 and Mexico before returning to ii -Francisco. McKelligon-s.

wTJtre you can get tha finest kand made sour mash, bour-oa and Pennsylvania ryo nrhiskiee. PERSONAL MENTION George Gray of Prescott in the city yesterday. Mayor John W. Francis of Flagstaff is in, the city. Mrs.

M. Q. Higoy of Cincinnati. Ohio, is stopping at the Ford. J.

E. Dunn, the Los Angeles ca tie buyer, was in the city yesterday. Ex-Congressman Charles N. Orgum of New York is a guest of the -Ford. Willes Porter and wife of Cot'orado Springs are stopping at tte Fowl.

Mr. Clinton Stewart and wife, of Chicago are registered at the Ford. Among yesterday's guests in- town from Prescott was Attorney Rets? M. Ling. Fr.

Dickey and James J. Dickey of Baltimore -are guests of the Ford. Henry C. Daley, Miss May D3ley, New York, are laite laiTlvals a. thi Ford.

Henry Megus, a comme ctal man from 'San Francisco, is a guest at th? Ford. O. H. Jackson of the Sa Jba Fe. Prescott Phoecix railway is a late arrival at the iFord.

Judge J. H. Wrightt of Prescott was in tlhe city yesterday cn busine ia the supreme court. iMiss Manzo, 'laughter of the pro fessor of music, has been quitei ill, tut as now recovering. S.

P. Behan, livestock agemt cf the S. F. P. came in from the n'ttrth on Tuesday night.

Hon. H. J. Cleveland, agent at the Sacaton Indian reservation, was in the city yesterday. A.

B. Pitcher of Wichita, ar rived in the city last night. He is a guest of the Hotel Adams. X. E.

Burns of New York returned to- the Hotel Adams last night from a trip 'to the northern part of the territory. W. A. Drake, chief engineer cf the S. F.

P. came in from the north last night. He is at the Hotel Adams. George H. and Jotham Bixby of Los Angeles arrived- in town yesterday morning are guests cf Hotel Adams.

Mr. W. H. Smith, the popular! purveyor of Salt River valley beef, was down yesterday from Prescctt on one of his purchasing trips. Col.

John C. Martin, editor of tha Journ-aJ-Miner, was in the city yester day on his way to Tucson. He left for the south last night and will return to Phoenix on Friday morning. Adolfo Arana of Glebe arrived in the city yesterday for a short visit with friends. Mr.

Arana has been connected wi.h the mechanical department of the Silver Belt for sixteen years. Attorney Pierce Evans returned yesterday morning from a visit cf more than a month with relatives at Oakland, Cal. Duping most of this time he was- conifinadi to his bed by ill ness, ia the course of which he lost much of the embonpoint which has distinguished him for years. JOE MULHATTON TOWN. An Eminent Contributor to the Current Literature of Two Worlds-.

Joseph Mulhatiton is in town. For nearly twenty years the name of Joe Mulhatton has been bcwsehold word in f(v-ery newspaper office in the United States that takes telegraph. Mr. Mul hatton has for two years been engaged mining Arizona. His public ca reer was begun and maintained for, years as a hardware drummer for Louisville, (Ky.

His commercial business dad noit occupy all his time, so that he frequently had opportunity to correspond with various newspapers by tele-graph. Fortune 'favored him, for she always Drought him into some locality where a phenomenon, the like of which 'iad never -tepn hear cf, was going on. Once, fur instance, he was in en -Iowa town where a. well had just been dug. The daggers struck an extraordinary vein and Ithe- water gushed out, fillinjg the well and flowing oat of the top, at first a small stream, and then a roaring flood which threatened at the time Mr.

Mulhatton came upon the scene to develep into a. mighty river rivaling the Mississippi. People were moving to higher ground and cursing as they went tha men who dug the well. The next day readers in distant parts of the country aross early to get their morning papers and learn the latest about the great new born Iowa, river. Many of them are wondering yet wha; became cf it.

But those who knew Mr. Mulhatton did not wonder. In his busy life he never has enough time 'to telegraph- twice about the same subject. The latest discovered by him was crnated two ye. rs ago by a monster aerolite wh'ci fe'l near the Ripsey mine in Pinal cu-'y this territory.

It was such an -Dirt1 as bad never before hcncrel t' with a vsit. It was a bank barn and i -ouree demolished Ithe house a r'nc'i-man. killing all the; mem-bcr? of his family except two or three w' o-n Mr. Mulhatton had mercifully Ic a'ed a.t a The of oa Ities Included 124 shec-p 2nel thirty -seven goa'ts which were 'feeding in a valley just below the house. The tragedy was printed in a oesup'e of papers the nexiu morning and on the following morning through the agency of the Associat'ed Press and the United Press, was published -in every Urge city in the United States, and was even cabled to Europe.

Thus a great deal of attention is attached to Arizona. It is said that one New York paper began organizing an, expedition to come out a.nd: get -the aerolite, which, according to Mr. Mulha.ton'3 dispatch, was buried in Ithe ground and graudally cooling, but which was still so hot that the tem'p-erafcure of the country for a mile araurad was perceptibly heightened. Before vhe expedition left New York the paiper had wordi from a less enterprising and Jealous aorrespondenlt that Mr. Mul-hatton's story -was involved in -dc-ubt.

Mr. Mulhatton says that in thus giving rein to his imagination he is doing only -what novelists of all ages have done. He. is giving the reading public what they want, something to read, and he claims for his literature what many novelists- cannot claim, that it can-not possibly do any harm. Into the serious business affairs of life Mr.

Mulhalt'toni never admits his imagination. He is as reliable as any body else. CATARRH IN THE HEAD, that troublesome and disgusting disease, may be entirely cured by a thorough course of Hood's Sarsaparilla, tha great blood purifier. HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, sick headache, indigestion, biliousness. AH druggists.

25c. IN OLDEN TIMES Peopl overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcom habitual constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives which act for a time, but nally injure the system. Buy the eenuine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. LOCAL BREVITIES. If you want an family bible go to G.

F. Lampeiy, 526 W. Washington street. Go to the Arizona Nursery yard on Washington street and) see what good' clean trees look like. Bishop McCabe is one of tie most eloquant and brilliant orators on th3 American platform.

Hear him at tha Methodist church Saturday night. WANTED To buy a good second-band baby carriage. Address this office. ASH FORK ARRIVALS. Ash Fork, Feb.

1. Arrivals yesterday F. M. Evans, Los Angeles; H. -H.

Wheelcck, St. Louis; John C. Kipper, Winslow; D. R. Gillis, S.

F. P. P. R. F.

V. Williams, De Soto, A. Greig, Prescott. FOR RENT A new brick cottsge on Centra! avenue; strictly modem. Carriage furnished if desired.

Apply at the intelligence office, 16 North Center street, 9 to 12 m. Will you meet me at the fountain? At pharmacy, of course. Phoenix trunk factory for repairing. FOR SALE Household furniture, a.1 330 East Adams street. CALL FOR CITY WARRANTS.

I will pay upon, presentation the following numbered city warrants of the issue otf 1897, interest ceasing this 31st day of January, 1898: Nos. 546 to 569, both, inclusive. I. M. CHRISTY, Cilty Treasurer.

No-To-Bac Tor Fifty Centsw Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong. blooCa Dure. 50c. SL All druggists. Behind the times you axe if you don't use Star Bakery's "Gluten" bread, itihe great health bnead.

It is going like hotcakee. A CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. Dr. Joseph Hirschfelder has euccese-iully destroyed the tuberculosis bacilli by an entirely -new method. now being administered to a number of patients by Dr.

Clymer, Rooms 6 and 7, Porter building. Oald and consult -me aboult the new remedy. SPRING IS HERE. So is John J. Quinn, at Commercial hotel, with the finest line of spring samples ever shown in Phoenix, representing Chicago's finest tailors.

MURPHY 195-197 Clark Chicago. Gai only costs $2.59 per thousand It's the cheapest fuel for this country. Call and see those gas heaters and cook stoves. Office No. 18 North First trset.

KLONDYKE. To parties who intend going to Alaska, we are now prepared to fur-ish transportation through to po at? in Alaska via Seattle. For rates and other information call oa or address, E. W. Gillett, 44 West Washington atreet.

A PURE GRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR POWDER DR; Awarded Highest Honors, World's Fair Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair CREAM A PHOENIX This headline has a buteharous mate, beneficial killing, causing no trouble except a short walk to Davids east or postoinoei, where you will ing week a lot of pictures, mirrors, other nice useful thines at nrlwi t.imr window with, its wonderful customer A Genuine Sacrifice Sale. Of the Irrine Company Book and Stationery Stock. BLANK BOOKS And Office Supplier all go at 25 per cent Discount 136-140 East Washington Street. L. L.

PLANK. Assignee. CITY AND COUNTY PROPERTY! Knch property from 10 to 6tO acres surrounding Phoenix, Alhainhra, Glendale, Peoria, Tempe and Mesa City, 1 have spec al inducements to Cish investors. THOMAS A. ORE, THE EYANS LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO.

Paid Up Capital, $50,000 (Successor to J. W. Evans, Established im 1885.) FINANCIAL AGENT. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED. Offers unequalled facilities to leodera and borrowers of Has an ex teasive list of improved and unimproved city, suburban and cauntry realty.

O. SCHIFFER, Secretary. J. W. EVANS, President.

Nos. I and 3 West Washington Street. EASTERN MONEY rSU A special fun on band at lowest rates ever effered In the valley, when Duties are abla ta reduce loaas. 0 OANS Kade without ela.v find wih Hrht Tnnc0B IutftresU cared for end interviews solicited with i-7 iLik7 JL VyXtO those having fund fr investment or consider- me rel uw.oni d. POR RENT' 5 Room Brbk House with Bath $25.00 per month, bj the year.

J. ERNEST WALKER, 26 South Second Avenue Miners Delegates to the Miners' vited to make their headquarters with HOADLEY, TURNBULL CO, GENERAL BROKERS, MEW GOODS FOR AVS Figs, Valencia Shelled Almonds, Black Walnuts, Hickory 1 Bulk Queen Olives, Fancy Neuchatel and camsmbert Central Market. Ti2 P. T. HURLEY, BUTCHER.

Fish a il Ursters. The Largest Refrigerator In Arizona For Coll Storaee. Bacon, Hnmi ai Uri. Beef Cattle Bought for dniDment, Hides, Wool and Pelts. The Best Brand of PAINT on the market is Harrison's Bros', and the enamel they recommend for THE CHAIRS and wicker furniture that vou have ON YOUR PORCH is the brightest and most durable to be bought Sold only at 0.

H. BDRTIS', 31 and 33 E. Washington St. Full line of Paints, Oil, Varnifh. Glass and Brushes.

Own Mak! Ill Advertising 'lliese Shoes Lom Eelt Want We will fill Ke these shoes are known all on t-e world r.s ihe best 2 50 shoe on tbe market. We are the sole acents for Phoenix. NEW YORK STORE, Home Store for the People MURDER. look, but it means a harmless, legitl-itearte except those of joq and no find in the sfhow "window for the com-silverware, boudoir clocks, china and mean- murdered profits. iWatch onr winning oners.

Real Estate Broker. Uoodwin Block. rLKD. Koom in Fleming Bloci. flibbard BaiI(Bu: Convention are cordially in Adams Hotel.

Chester Raisins, Sage, Roquefort," Cheese. flotie Iuseles. The action of each one must ba da-tsrmined before glasses can be properly fitted. Don't run any chances bjr using cheap, ill-fitting glasses. YOtTA EYES EXAMINED FREE.


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