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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


1 3 RE COAU ATIjDWKsTraTO -I delivered any part of the city. Careful slirage a siiecialty. EMiinates cheerfully given forauy kind or size coal, either for domestic use or st-ain DANIEL L. Hl'TCHlNSON. 32'.

alnnt street. Telephone TM. Yards. I.MS to allowliill Strceu and Arch street Wharf. Si huylkill.

mmwmmm 001TEST We have combined our WAREROOMS and FACTORY, and have increased our facilities for the manufacture, repair and sale of Carriages and Harness. We have on hand a full stock of Well LPLPD OF THE VERY LATEST DESIGNS. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. of Patrick and Annie Mullin, at her parents' resilience. 634 Christian street.

March lrtW, Ann. daughter of Patrick and the late Bridget Murpbey, aged 21 years. The relatives and friends of the famllv are respectfully invited to attend tin funeral, on Monday alteration, at 2 o'clock, from lier father's residence. li Pearl street. Services at the Cathedral.

Interment at the Cathedral Cejnctery; the 31st Jlary wife of Alexander Neelv. The relatives and friends of ttie family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from her husband's residence. Fatrmouin avenue. Interment at Mu Jloriah Cemetery. O'BRIEN.

-On JIareh CS. 1S33. Margaret O' Bi len, widow of the late Timothy O' Brlen. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 7. 30 o'dk.

from the residence of her son, Dennis J. (VJirien. 65 Nortli Ninth street. Mass at Church of lle Assumption. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery.

O'CONNOR. On the Cfltli Darby O'Connor. The relatives and friends of the tamilr are respectfully invited to attend tha funerrf. on Monday, A. Irom his late resilience, Conestoga street below Lansdowne aveirue.

Solemn requiem mass at the Church of Our Mother of Sonows. Interment at St. Dennis' Cemery. OPPEN LANDER. On tho Frederlcka Oppeulander, wife of David Oppenlander.

aged t3 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday. at I o'clock, from her late residence. IXH North Fourth street, Interment at Mt. Vernon Cemetery.

FAKKER. On March 31. ISM. 'Willie beloved infant of William t. 2nd Naomi Parker, aged 11 months and days.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the fuueral. on Sunday afternoon, at -f o'clock, from his parents' residence. 4S5 South Fifth street, caiudeu, N. J. Interment at Harleigb Cemetery.

KOF.UNEK.-Ou March 29. Js93. George A. Roeg-ner, ageel 51 years and 7 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on isunday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock, from Ins late residence.

No. H3t! South Second street. Interment at Sixth Street Union Cemetery Vault. KYAN. On March 29.

189J, Thomas son of Ellen Kyan. in his JKtb year. Relatives and friemds of the family are respeet-fullv invited to the funeral, from nis mother's residence- Kuttonwood street. -Mount Holly. N.

on Mondav. April 3, at 8 o'clock A. SI. solemn requiem mass at Sacred Heart Church, at 9 o'clock A. M.

RUSSELL. On the 3ist at the Masonic Home. No. SS3 North Broad street, George H. Russell.

RUTH. On March 31. Richara A. Iluth, sou of F.lleu and the late Rutli, aged et years. The relatives and friemls of tlie family are respectfully invited to atteaid the funeral, on Tues.

flay morning, at 8.W) o'clock, from nis late residence, 1K17 South Eighth street. Requiem high mass at theCli iirch ol the Epiphany. Interment at Oid Cathedral cemetery. SCOTT. on March 31.

1S93, Mary, daughter of Benjamin and the late Eliza Scott." in her isth year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her father's residence, 1413 tavery street. To proceed to Palmer Vault. SCULLY. On the 3ist Dennis Scully, in hispid year.

The relatives and friends of thefamilv are re-siectfully invited to attend the funeral services at his late residence. No. 14S North Nineteenth street, on Monday, the 3d -at 2 o'clock. Interment private. SEVER.

-On March 31. wife of Wil-fiam J. sever and daughter of Joseph and Susan Finn. The relatives and friends of the faanilv are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tueday, at 2 o'clock, from her husband's residence. 1429 Euclid avenue.

Interment private. SH AWCROiS. On the M'tli ultimo, Andrew Biiawcross. in tue 4tsr year of his age- The. relatives ami friends of the raroilv ar respectfully invite 1 to attend the funemj services, at his late residence.

Mount Vernon street. West Philadelphia, on Monday, 3d instant, at 2.u0 T. M. Interment at Fetnwood. SICKING EIU On March 31.

ISM. Elizabeth, daughter of Elizabeth and the la'e Philip SicKinger. aged 7 years and 3 months. The relatives and friends of the fam1lv are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her mother's residence 4423 Thompson street, Maiiav-unk. on Mondav afternoon, at I o'clock.

Services at St. Mary's Church. Interment at St. Mary's Cemetery, Roxboruugh. SIM the 30tn ultimo, Eliza Simpson.

Aged 69 years. The relatives and friends or the family are re-Slecttully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoiin, at 1 o'cIock. from her late residence, l2l Wharton street. interment at Mt. iioriah Cemetery.

Pedricktown. N. oa 29. lSftt. Captain William I'.

Soiiier in the 67tU year of his age. The relatives and friends or the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning. April 3. at 10 o'clock, from his late res FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. TdDOTEl MMD OTEnTOT J) ILQ LEj ulJvy)n vlUUVI vUiyjn OP has established tho following IP TOWS.

Sixth sntl Cumberland Jt S. W. corner. Mteltzer'a Pharmaf y. Fiftn and Snqarhana At X.

corner. W. II HutNin'n Pharmacy, lntb and Komenrt N. W. corner, Kamael T.

Ilambrrc, Pharnuriif, Trntli St. and Montgomery K. corner, J. C. Sandfruin'i Pharmacy.

Fifteenth SI. and t'olambla E. earner. F. J.

Pcrdac'i Dra; More. Colnmbla 2113. W. F. Seller" Fharmary, Twelfth and Tine S.

E. corner, C. Ct. I'rnncrl'a Pharmacy. Twentieth and Cherry StM corner.

If. K. I.ippineotta Urns Store. DOIVX IOHS. Twenty-third and Sooth Ktw, Dr.

Holland's Pbarmacy. Nineteenth and Chriatian Sta X. E. corner, lr. Milier'a Fliarmaey.

Thirteenth and Itirkinaon St, S. W. corner, Smj ucr'a I'harmarjr. WEST P1IIL.AUEI.P1IIA. Fortieth and Lanraatfr S.

E. corner. Sin; aer'a Pharmacy. Advertisments to be inserted the next day should be left at lirancli Ofrices before 5.30 M. All advertisements will be charged at regular oilice rates WElTSIEEtt3TS That may be inserted iu The I'hiladelpuia iKtK at the rate of ONE I'F-NT A WORD.

Boardinct Rooms. oga anil Birda, Hants, Miscellaneous. Set aolid in agate t. pe. S1TUAT10XS ANTED, r'lVE CENTS A LINE.

HELP WANTED FREE. 5" All Advertisements under the claa-ki'icailon of HELP WAMED Will be inserted in this column FREE, with liie cxcpplion of Agents Wanted, for which 1 1:. tKNTS per line ia charged. In Answering; Advertisementa Krnliun "The lnnirer." EL II A 3" TED. Please lAfiE.

AGENTS WANTED THE PEN. NOCK ELECTRIC COMPANY. Electric Light. Electric Railways. Electric I'ower, without dynamo, steam or deadly overhead wires.

WHAT THE PEXNOCK SYSTEM CAN DO. The Pcnnock Electric Light Svsteiu can compste with Ras at 5 cents a thousand feet. It can produce loon Incandescent Electric Lights cheaper than the Dynamo can pro luce ten lights. The Pennork system can put .0 horse-power in a heat and deliver ion horse -power yes two hundred horse-power at the profiler shaft. Think 01 it: The PEN NOCK ELECI KH; SYSTEM can rurnish the power for $1 an hour to run 100') Elec-iric Eans, furnishing a cool breeze to every room iu a 110.

ei. SOMETHING GREATLY XFEDEIl. PPT OCT THE O.UESTIOX WITH THE EXTENSIVE DYS.vUd SYSTEM. Ml Nl YOU. ONE HOLLA AN Hoi (we may do It lor Ten Ceurs) for th entire lot of fans.

The one thousand fans, if worked from a dynamo, would call tor an output of l.vx) horsepower, hut the Pennock can do it with but 10 borse-iMiwer. The H90 horse-power is furnished free over the Pennock phaurom circuits. Without doubt the creates: Invention of age, and the Pennock Electric Systems are yet iu their infancy. POINTS TO INVESTORS. Sell every sliae or Gas or Dynamo Electric stock lH(ore you lose, and invest the proceeds In the Pennock.

It will imv Hundreds ror One. A limited amount of the Pennock stock is now offered in lots to suit investors ac 0 per share. Stock only good when signed by M. Cowperthwaite. Treasurer.

Kivrton. X. .1. Address. PENNOCK ELECTRIC COMPANY.

CHICAGO. ILL. ALARY OR COMMISSION TO agents to handle the Patent Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil. The most useful and novel Invention the age. Erases ink thoroughly in two seconds.

Works like mag'c. 2fxi to SOi'per cent, profit. Agents making per week. We also want a general agent to take charge of territory and amolnt suli-agents. A rare chance to make money.

rite tor terms and secimen of erasing. MOXRoE EUAshR MEG. 3. La Crovse. Wis.

C-J. AS COOKING STOVES. We have just received our new line of GAS and Oil Cooking; stoves. We can please you. as we have a largo varietv to select from.

Will sell yon this WEEK ONLY gas stove for 'M. GEORGE W. HULMR, 12 North SEVENTH Street. JJABY CLEVELAND -9 Night Lamps. on w.nit one for vonr ball or bednviin.

Thev look handsome when" liglueil. Hum kerosene oil. wri hang or stand. Price. 50 ceats.

ILLIAM K. HCLVE. 12 -North SEVENTH Street. COMPOSnORs" TO SET plain matter and finish their trade: must have one year's experience. Mocum 123 N.

Fourth st. PAPER HANGER TO GO TO CO UN-try: one who understands also house painter. Apply or address Joseph 'lest. Lock Box S3. Salem, N.

.1. X7 A TE D-PASSEXG ER A BO builders. Apply Manager Pullman Car orrs. Pullman. III.

IOYS" WANTED FOR STORE, living near Twentv-seventli and 'olumhla aTeime. lianiels 4rt North Eighth streeu lO WANTED FOR STORE living in Kensincton. Ilanlels 4 Nor Eighth street. GOOD RAG CARPET WEAVER. XV None but a first-class workman need a plv.

Address John F. Kelly. Box (Hi. salem. ERRAND BO ST LI town.

A. L. Bitting. 101S Chestnut 1st lloor back. SJMALL ACTIVE BOY TO errands: best of referenc viinlrMl on Sou 111 Eleventh streeu App.y after 10 o'chx-k.

A YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN MAY i. JL- II hear of an unusual opportunity to learn teleg- ijiij uuiiie.vsiug jiorse. w.t. r.igntu street. TJOY WANTED TO FEED PRESS.

Apply Filbert street. Room PRESSMAN AT 912 FII-M liert street. 7 work. s. Eleventh 2d floor.

IOY AB7iUfrT5YEARS, IN STORE, Call at 14 Hank st. FREI GUT CA BU I LD RS, 5a A P-ply Manager Piillmau Car Works Pullman. III. IOY WANTED FOR PRINTING XJ Oflice. 152 Soutli 1 hird street.

FEMALE. ATLANTIC exiierienced. CITY. WANTED AN tidy nurse girl tor children. xo washing or lrouiu liuiieriaL G.

W.K.. Hotel ri( GIK1.S RUN SEWING MA-steady work. M. Enirance 011 Eva- tfJ chines; steam power: VI lllOKIir, 248-245 south third, liua street, fourth floor. CIRL WANTED FOR PRINTING oflice.

Xo expei leuce reiuired. 152 south '1 hied street. ABOUT 14, -IO ASSIST AT general housework; small family, low wages and a good home. Apply 124 Xorth Third street. SALESLADIES KJ all (iepartiuents.

Ei-'htU street. WANTED Daniels FOR 4G Nortli FOR DRESSMAKING; GER- inans preferred, 4-'6 South Hfth. CHILD URSE WANTED, WOMAN for child's muse. 1911 Glrard avenue. II ANDS WANTED 2019 North Eighth.


OR CASHIER. Satisfactory reference as to ability and integrity given. Address W. 10. Inquirer Oflice, JIONE1' TO LOAN.

M' "ON TOL( ANON URN IT RE without removal, in any amounts, terms to snit: and to loan 011 real estata in sums of $100 and upwards. M. WOLFF. Real Estate Noto llroker, 114 North ELEVFZNTH Street. ONE TO LOAN ON FURNITURE A'Jl aid other collateral In use without removal: easy weekly payments.

Room fifth floor. JrJ CHESTNUT su Take elevator. Crtfk TO 50 LOANED ON HOUSE- hold goods whhoat removal. PHILA- iii.i. phia ci filbert street, room J.

i oulidential: easy payments. Q4 KCi fC( 1 TO LOAN ON ALL vy Goods of value. U. b. Loau ZL7 Si.


One square from Fortieth -st. Statloa. P. R. It.

First and vtcnud floors tiulshe 1 iu qaartoredot. Has all modern Improvements. J. H. VIUKLElVJiuilderaud Owner.

Oflice. EOUrY-SECOXOSt. 0 FOR SALE La 4tK9 Lancaster avenue, 10 rooms. I'arrisli street. Hi rooms.

42ot Westminster avenue, grooms. 2mj0 4-V22 Westminster avenue, rooms. 270i s.Ti N. E'orty-sixth street, 7 rooms. 240 4vJ24 Fcx avenue, icetowu, 5 rooms.

15 0 5- 3 June stiect, W. otooms law Also a line grocery store, the property, goKl-wlll and fixtures, and a large nunilxT of other good investments. Ap. to Win. Powers, 4 Lancaster av "IOR SALE THE "TWADDELL l'laco" on Italiimore ward.

extendintr from 4-lth to4sth and containing 25 acres. Th-a estate is near st. station aud is ripe for immediate development. Applv to lr. I H.

TAV AO-DELL, 4iil and RALTIMOilE Ave. E1V Kit SKY. BUY A HOME SITE AT GRENLOCK, X. .1. Only per mouth.

50xl7i; 12-foot alley to each: best locality no malaria: high and dry: line lake: steamboat, sailboat, plenty row-boats, sood fishing; all kinds amusements at me park: only ID miles from or chestnut street ferries. Information cheerfully given at city office, S01 Dickinson street. General Agent, oihmi 7 A. M. to 10 P.

M. NOUYOOI. NORWOOD, PA 10, 12 AND 14 ilk rin. Houses: nice Improvements; 30OO W. II.

WOUDV AISI. -4 WALXUT SUBL'RBVS. OAK LANE SALE MOST DE- Sirable bllildttitr lot h- ftnlv Ke tnira loot: cliatire for your home. JvlUliY, S34 South FIFTEEN li Street, mFOR SALE HOUSli STABLE and half-acre: five miles out: near station; Kw cleai. MA li I IX 70S WALN UT St.

COl'XTKY. yjTUST BE SOLD BY JUNE 1, FARM iu 12 acres in Bucks cmuity, along turnpike, near lostoftice: iiouse, good Iruit. water; will rent aud pay more than ti per cent, clear. Adilress i. Inquirer Office.

HEAL ESI ATE EOJl iiB.VT. CITY. FOR KENT XO. 1109 MARKET Street, two doors of thn Readim; Tariui- ual Depot, first floor and basement. JoxlaO teet to limner street.


Near 3ti. anil Walnut lfi Hrt.B7 on 47.50 41. (17 40. IU 40.0 I 00 So, 0-. Chester 1.1 rooms 30 South st.

(occupied). 12 rooms North 4oth 12 rooms Kit hand Lancaster 12 rooms 4i2fi Chester 12 rooms 4J30 Chester 12 rooms St. square, 12 rooms Fifty-second and Columbia 12 Pme 12 room Pine in rooms south 44th rooms 4i. alnut su rooms 2 Oil lit. 00 00 li.O') harles terrace, rooms su Lex su.

rooms 28 Xorth su. 7 rooms 5103 Walnut su. 7 rooms 5129 Walnut 7 rooms 14.00 1.1.50 75.00 40.OO 33 South 7 rooms STORES. Near 40th and Market 12 large 352S Market St 14 Xorth 52d su. 7 rooms 42lO Ludlow st Call for list of otliers- 17 00 10.

(.4 JOHN S. SKELLY, 433 N. 35TH ST. a-i WJ spring Garden. rms.all convs Spring Garden.

12 rooms all convs. (in. no al7 spring Ganleii. corner. 12 rooms, all convs.

Vow 33-1 Ilanulion su. 10 riKims all convs 4'. ui Havei lord rooms, all convs 1512 in st. ''Oiiis. conveniences 84 4 Wallace rooms, all conveniences Hi nsnns.

all convs Sic North With rooms. all conveniences. M4 Xorth 0 rmims. ad conveniences. 670 Xorth aith su.7 rooms, all conveniences.

:7.50 31.00 22.1M 21.10 iiiitiv su. roomc. all conveniences 4H4 Warren 5 rooms, all conveniences 710 Xorth 37th rooms S7!) W'iota 5 rooms, all conveniences. 22:2 Pearl riins22d and Vine ii22 Orion st. .5 Kx.nis al.

and 45 Lancaster avenue. 4 rooms 15.10 15.00 1.5. HI 13.00 13.00 12.00 24(1 Madison r. le.24th and Cal'hll 11.50 I OREs. 372S Haver ford and all 27.50 raEMT-GHillHi and CONNECTED RESIDENCES.

Forty-first street entrance to the Park, near Fortieth Street Station. P. IL K. six minutes to 15 road and streets. CAKE.


piete order: larg.f orclies. balcony, fruit, shadn. slirublieiy: lot fmmslie.l iinruruisheu. w. h.

woodward. 5:4 wai.x streeu FOR 1ENT-GERMANT0WN7 Ui. Nos. 51 and est Johnson Street 9 rooms, bath, all conveniences, reflect order, large lots-8 minutes from L'psal station. Chestnut llifi Railroad.

Apply premises. SII1U1U5 1X. FOR RENT OR SALE-25 Ai. acres, with stone mansion. 12 rooms, hall 1 j.nd open siairwav: fruit in varietv: elegant water-large barn, outbuildings niiies cut on New 01k division of p.

suitable for truck faim and summer boarders. JOEL H. HrVICTOR. St. HEAL ESTATE WANTED.

WANTED ALT KINDS OF a. houses for rent escially large ones; brisk demand; applicants waiting. JOHN S. SKELLY. 433 N. St. FO KXCII A xgi: FOR EXCILNGiTf0R PAYING itli city or near-by sections tine Oakota land on Red River and R. U. nrlc very low H. OODW 5'4 WAL I St.

MORTGAGES. gage, $100 and upward for judgment notes. Rents collected. C. H.

LARGE. 227 S. Ninth st. ROOMS FOR RENT. A CE ST.

2020" A- ti Two good rooms, second-story and third-story front, with coard: a few other vacancies. YEE WRITE liS. TYPEWRITER COrTNGTREDU-plicating: superior work at reasonable rates; the franklin and other typewriters to rent- mio-plies for duplicating and typewriting price list. aGEXC FnANKLIN TYPEWRITER 724 CHESTNUT Street. THE YOST WRITING MACHINE! Unrivalled: no ribbons or shift key usj lur-iect and permaneut ali'mnmnt.


H. II. 17tidfl-ivovl Jt- v. Iff: Kdiuniu.i u. 1 nua.

itepairs to orl'ss and other steam engines a seciaity agents for st. John Self-Adjusting Cylinder Packing. Cylinders HE-BORED IN THEIR PRESENT POSITIONS from i to 110 niches iu diameter. I'tK HAXGERS. WATT Pi PPP BARGAINS WHITE II Allll 1 nl nit Backs.

4c. Gold Papers. He. THOMAS M. DUDLEY.

811 and PASS li NK. Avenue. SA PLI- SENT FREE. WALL I A PER. Gold Embossed, only 12 and lo cts.

per piece. Fidelity Wall Paper 12 N. nth. Phila TRUSSES. WORTHY OF CONSIDERATION.

Professor Gross In his "System of surgery" says: -Of all the trusses now before the profession of this country 1 give, from personal experience, a uecided preference to tlie Hard Rubber Instrument, haviug found It to answer every puriioso tor which such contrivance is needed. Combining lightness with elasticity and strength. It does not fret or chafe the skin, does not imbibe moisture, can be worn without detiiment In sea-bathing, and retains its good (jualities much longer thaaany other truss wu a wnicii 1 am acquainted Get the besr, at SKELEY'S HARD RUB BER ESTA Kl.lSltMENT. 2i SOCl'U ELEVENTH STREET. STEAMSUir LINE.

MUNSON'S STEAMSHIP -i-Jcim LINE, lor Havana. Cuba The A 1 S. ft. Itavenslioe Is now receiving cargo at PierM South harves. For balance of irelght api ly to JOHN B.

viiEU Ji. Room 10, Lxchango Jialidliig. niOXTIO FOR MEN ONLY, THE greatest developer and restorer known. AH men with weakness or iu the back, TON TIO will cure yon. Success guaranteed or money refunded.

Price Call or send for scaled circulars. DR. IOCS ARCH StreeU rpOXTI FOR LADIES ONE BOTTLE of glorious TONTI will develon vour bust 4 indies in si days or money refunded. Will also de elop the client. rice, only Send for sealed circulars.


L. 0. FOR PARTICULARS JJ ADDRESS 11, 1 NQUIRER OFFICE. HTtlPI rfp your carpet with alker's Grins: three on a step hold carjts without tacks; as harmless I'ods. sold at tarpet stores.

DK. WEISS, GRADUATE IN MID-wilery. wis x. mtli 3l years exoer. in lei lale complaints: sure cure: confidential: infants ade pted: ladies boarded belore and during contiu'u 1AHI1 1 positc ES, USE "WI5.D GRAPE SUP- ositories.

Viryvnivi if it. renlny-1! i -vt act on; just what you want: wriie for Ol F1KLD JIHHCIM. ICKi 1 Street. Di. ALBUKGER'S CATARRH AND rheumatic remedies ara a positive cure, no matter how long standing.

Price 50c. prltottle. Advice free. 72G a'ld 2234 Nortli SECON D. FiOSTAGE STAMPS OF A EE NA-tious bought and sold.

Columbian stamps wa ited. Good prices for collections. 1245 North TENTH street. MRS. HOFFMAN, BUSINESS CLA1 R-voyant.

tells names of li -r visitors and tlie naiies in full of one you marry. 5n5 Franklin st. Ioans Matlo Upon Insurance Pol- .1 icies: easv payments: same purchased. Wtlliver. Walnut street.

s. Pa. roiiRER's keystone'musiard and pickle woiks: saner kraut. rpnr sauce, chosvinixtureaiulspice.l tripe. US St.

MA DAM L. RUSSEY, DOCTRI and graduate mid-wire. 24-1 JEFF EKSON Str-et: ladies attended to durlii! confinement; iioine comforts: moderate terms. A TTENTIONLADiES! "Emma" Bust XI. Developer will enlarge vonr host 5 inclies.

iunr. Sea ed instruct. 2c. 0124 pase illust. cata.

6c. ov mail. Emilia Toilet bostou. Mass. 1 1 ABIES A I) II I LDR ENBTtY NG ti'-i Streeu lor lino on itoraiins, at loz 'n.

Dll- DE GRAY'S PENNYROYAL SoldatSd x. Sih. Sll E. Thumps'ui and 6th and Dickiusoiu send stamp for particu-lars. l)e ray siiecilic North Broad.

Tj" CZEM TETT ER," PIMPLES, ETC. Incuralile cases wanted: medicine supplied. S2.r Sortli 2SU street and 122S -North 44th streeu CATHOLIC GOODS AND NOTIONS AnyOocly comics to my place will find what he waits. 51. AliDAI.I.A, XIX I'll St.

STUDIO, 1220 ARCH k7 sTHEl-T. Water olor Landscapes copied or enlarged for the trade or private parties. ARRIED LADIES send 10c for Royal Xo drus; no fraud: every lady 1 lieeilslt. Ladies' Emporium, St. Eouis Mo.

I TT F. II' Fills P. HEINTZELMAN'S Female. il per box. Sole affeucy.2conlUDGE av.

REED'S INFALLIRLE CA- tarrh Remedy a comi- cure. 901 N. 111. I A DIES buy your iiieuicmesi at IN'l t. The doctor jrlves advice free.

TOg cure suarant'd. li. Ulli-, No opera' u. lol rch I'ml JANS NEGOTIATED on iurniuireor real estate: easy payments. 126S.

XlXTHst. SfT Genuine imported trouser3 in all If styles, ti' Oil. UieTailoi. nco VIX Su Q1 Englisli checks and plaids; light and dark. CiOOl).

the Tailor. VI NE. fancyScotch latest spring shades. the Tailor. VI St.

A I ASS AGE AND MEDICATED i'J. Jat 200 baths: exchanged hands. x. st. DRESS SUITS TO HIRE FOR halls, wed.

and funerals. 7iSOL'TH St. PRESCRIPTION 2211 Cures Dyspepsia nithout fail. LACY, Aiothecary. M0 Ureeu st.

OFFICE ADVICE FREE DR. H. ltlfOWX sr. Cloud riiarma'-v. 7th A rch sis.

L'MMEJl llE.sOUTi Ef 1 0 DBil ft) CD FOREST SPRINGS HOTEL ill reopen for the winter and spring season AT TJRDAY. FEBRUARY li. For terms, apply to GEORGE PFE1KEER. RROWX'S MILLS. New Jersev.

LAKEWOOD. N. J. Handsome brick and stone hotel, all conva-nlenc 's. first-class: terms.

per day; weekly. $17. 60 to single. $28 to 4U double. J.

R. PALMER, Lak-wood. N. J. -J INSLOW 'I Ion.

X.J. In the Pines: steam heat anil gas: vood fires; billiards, bowling, free to guest i. THo'aIAS NOBLE. "YI7 EN IN BU FF A LO'OPaYtHE Genesee. iagara Fallsforty minutes away.

ATLANTIC CITY. JTLANTIC CITY, N. J. THE WAYERLY. Has all modern improvements.

Sea water baths on eai fio r. Perfect drainage, etc. L. T. BRYANT.


OPENS FEBRUARY 1L Eiecti ic Elevator. ew Steam Heat. IE GRUBB. RS. A HOTEL TRAYMORE.


THE ALBEMARLE, COR. PACIFIC nd VIRGINIA Aves. New and modern: flrstsi ason: strictly highest class; near the lieach: steam heat; every convenience. The terms are reasonable. Seud for illustrated booklet.

Now open COPE RAX FORD. THE BALDWIN. REACH HAVEN. N.J. The Baldwin will open early in June, having added an annex of 120 feet to the building, with all modern improvements.

For rooms address the Proprietor. F. A. HARDT. 1S14 MASTER Phila.

THE RADNOR, 112 SOUTH CAROLINA Avenue. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Tern moderate, ear beach. H.

W. rpiIS ROSSMORE, PACIiTC Avenue, corner cue. (pens March 18. M. J.

of the iTlorida House. of Tennessee Ave-ECKERT, formerly TH -3 NEW SENATE, i'i nest view of the Ocean: large sun parlor: passen; elevator. II. B. COOK SON.

OPEN TI I BERKSHI IN piointiiients complete Virginia Avenue, ueartl.e lieaclu MRS. M. A. Late (i rove House. TH1C LEHMAN.

OCEAN END OF Pennsylvania Atlantic City, N.J. F. W. LEI I MAN ir OTEL PORTLIN, NEW YORK ivenue. near the beach.

.1. W. HASL Proprietor. LA FONTAINE, KENTUCKY AVE-Hue, near beach Xow onen. All modern iinprov eiiients.


ClUltM's MrGLADF, DANCING. pRC Fra ASHEPC" Broad WalnVt Cfiss Tues. and Thurs.evenings. Parties every Friday evenins: children W'eiLsnd Sat. afternoons.

Private lessons dailv. New book on danciug 50c OJi SALE. FOB SALE" FoirCASirONLY THE Paint orks, on Pcniisvivania Railroad. Retzwood. Pa.

Good Ktock 011 hand and gou route. Inquire Fru A sent P. li. IL, BcizwomL lor particulars.

UNDER THE ACgrlCES OF THK WEELEIIat Ml Mil GERM AN TOWN, PHILADELPHIA. S1AKCH20, 1S03. COXDITItiN Tires privately punctured by a (Uninterested person in a place and manner uuknowu to the owners. Tires then repaired iu the presence of the club members and their guests. THE THREE LEADING BICYCLES WERE REPRESENTED.


Puncture discovered, permanently repaired and tire inflated ready for riding in XUREE MINUTES. r. "second. Punctured tube removed and new one inserted ami inliated readv for use in nine minutes. fPunc-lured tube not repaired.) "Hosepipe." Distanced.

Puncture discovered with the aid of water aud repaired in is minutes then left half an hour to dry belore it could be inflated. The first two tires were ridden home that night, but the single tube tire was left to dry. THE RAMBLER Was not only repaired permanently In one-tliird the time oi its nearest competitor, but it is the only lire that couid have been as quickly repaired a second time in case of a similar puncture live iniu-tves later. Xo extra inner tube is required with the G. A J.

Tire. THE ItAMIW.El! wheel was the only one repaired in the frame, the others being removed from their rrame before being punctured, tor convenience in handling. WE CAN FIT G. J. TIRES TO YOUE OLD MOUNT.

HPT we are just as much ahead on bicvcles as we, are on tires, ami It will nay you to exchange your old bicycle for an up-to-date AM ULEK. KAS. S. S7IITII A Jxo. A.

Wells. Mgr. IOOI Arch Fliila. iiDDD ILoaaaDOnDg As shown by our line for this season. We coyer the field 1th our FIFTY differeut patterns and sizes.

COLUMBIAN our leading and Inchest rade maclilnes. embodying the latest improve- lllenls at I5M.C0. I 0 00. J110.00. HA RT FORI IS i05.oo.!iv j0.

WA VERLY sCORCHEP, lOO.on, the surprise of the season. Other patterns ranging from to 15.00. We open the season with the most complete stock of second-hand machines that wn have ever offered. All the machines in a condition that is nracticallv equal to new. Many with pneumatic tires, some cushion tires, aud a few solid tires: the latter at very low figures.

We wish to give you a few POINTERS regarding second-hand bicycles. First We carefully examine all second-hand machines for imperfections, and thoroughly repair or refit as needed and refiuish them. Second We guarantee them. That's worth much to the buyer, as sometimes imperfections develop in use mat cannot be discovered when repairing. Third We fix the prirm according to the condition and tank? of Hie machine.

The following clipping from the Gazr-t is quite apropos: "You can tell more aliout a man's character by buying a second-hand wheel from him than you ran by hearing him talk a year in prayer meeting. stand readv to be ffW' by the public In this respecu and when weighed In the balance we'll try not to be found wanting. HART CYCLE COMPANY, Sll ARCH STREET, OLDEST, LARGEST, BEST EQUIPPED. Yr.u want our catalogue, of course, us yonraddress and you shall have It. Kindly send BIG BARGAINS IN SECOND baud wheels, taken In exchange for pev ones.

One Pneumatic Rambler onlv 80: oniv one at mat price. ictor Cushion, (i0. Co.uuibia Pneumatic. '91. $S5.

Quadrant Pueiimatic, only JT1 any others to select from, all ar.d see onr new wheels. Ramblers and Victors. They are neautles. are est I'hilx depot for L. A.

re airs. Repairing a sieclalty: also hlgh-grale wheels to hire. We learn all purchasers free in our large riding school. Ladles" first lesson free. CASE CYCLE SS LANCAS TER Aye, IF YOU WISH YOUR '93 mount to lie a perfect one.

with combined beauty. and strength, filled with the createst of all tires, the Gormully Jetfery. secure a have a special light Roadster that scales 25 minds that we warrant for road use. They are eauties. You will want one.

J. R. RICH CYCLE 17017i4 North BROAD street. WM. TR AFFORD, CYCLE MA- chlnist, S.

F- corner Tn ELFTH aud OX- OR I) Streets, Sole Agent for RAMKi.KK AND yUIN TOX SAFEITES. Now is the time to get jour Safeties repaired or pneuma'ic tires and cushion tires fitted on Clearing out a large stock of second-hand maclilnes from 15 upwards. PNEUMATIC SULKIES BUILT TO ORDER. EXTRAORDT A CH A NCE 1 mi to Epi'iirn a cpciinil.liainl or cost. have not maiiv.

but what we have are rare bargains. Here are a few of tliein: olumbla, solid tires irfect order Vuadmnt, I tires. '90 per. 50 Ijiiudrant, l'-cushlon tires. per.

(W ijuadiant, G. .1.1. tires, iverrect order. 75 Ariel. M.W.

tires, "ti: pat perfect order. 75 Triumph. Dunlop tires. '92 pau, perfect order. warrant our second-hand wheels .1.

H. RICH CYCLE 17)2 and 1:04 X. liitOAD street. 100 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN bicycles It will be to your Interest to examine the Cleveland. Looks aud riding duali ties you ran Judge of lor yourself.

You have the guarantee of the manufacturers, a firm worth one million dollars, that there is not ami cannot be a sujKTlor wneel in any respect to the Cleveland. It has few equals. The leveland thread pneumatic tire Is iK-rfectlou. Every rider praises it. The hoacst opHsition cannot find anything against Iu also sell arwick's.

You know what they are. Bargains in worn grods. Riding school ami repairs. EX IRA CYCLE 1724 and 1726 Xorth KKO A Street. UNION CY CLES.

WITH AMERT- Acan Diiulnp tires. A few nearly new at SIUU: several cushion tires. Wa are mitttntr these pneuiiiatic tires on old wheels and inaliiiig them as "(1 as new. stolen. March 17, 1)3.

a Liberty Rlcvcle. S757. A suitable reward wi be given. KlffK BROWN 1406 South PEN SQUARE. PATTERSON'S CY'CLE 2117 jN.

BROAD. Full line of wheels of all kinds: -onie great nargains. an and examine. rJA y9s SJlGA XSm CfTrQ SPECIAL PIANO BARGAIN. lit UL.ltliM(jr A1.TH.KA 1 ION'S.

100 EW UPRIGHTS from to $500. 25 U-Ei) UPRIGHTS at yso, JIUO, JI15, $125, fl50, $175, etc. SECOND-HAND SQUARE PIANOS at $25, $5. 5 l. gfiO, J75.

10i). S125. I50. etc s.teinwMy. Weber.

Chickerlng Decker Itrur-, Siei-lc. Schoinacker, Gabler. Miller. Brad bury, iscne1', Some ol these pianos are nearly new. DUG AN BARGAINS.

Mason and Hamlin, Ks- t-y. Burdette, 1 areuier. Crown. Worcester, llcox Jc hite au'i others at 815, $.0, $25. $10.

J.5U, (in. S75, etc. New Pianos, $.0. I2. monthly.

Pianos S5. and SU' monthly. 11 for ratalo lies of new Pianos: alo a circular giving a complete description ol all the second-hands, with prices, terms eic. No Agents. Canvassei or Collectors employed by this house.

Buyers gut tho benefit or the large commissions paid to these men bv dealing direct Willi us, GEORGE R. FLEMING ft 1220 and 1231 CHESTNUT Street. ED ZJVA TIONAL. TiinT BERLITZCI WOLOFLAN-guages CI I EST I'T street. Branches In the principal American and European cities.

Best and most practical lessons. CJPEXCERIAN COLLEGE OK BUSINESS AN I) lollTHAND. Chestnut street. Day aud Evening Sessions. RAWING.

LANDSCAPE PAINT- lng taught; 9 to 4. 1 71 ICoL Ave. R. H. LIR.

I3ALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1709 Chestnut. The best school. Call or write for cir. RASE HALL. BASE BALL.

Monday. April 3-PHIL A. vs. PEXNA. Wednesday.

April 5-V ALE vs. A. Thursdav. April A it A RD vs. FENN.V.


50c. Grandstand. extra. Tickets tor Yale and Harvard games now on sale at jxo. t.

bailey naj market at. ASE BALL. THIS WEEK. Philadelphia Ball Park. Broad and Huntingdon.

April 4 Philadelphia vs. Richmond April 5 Philadelphia vs. Swarthmore College April and7 Consult daily paiers April a Pennsylvania University DYERS AND SCOTJUEES. W. Jones, 240S Germantown Ave- NINTH and VINE and lOldCOLUMUlA Av 1 F(DB3 I ESTABLISHED 1S46.

BUILDERS OF 5 Standard Styles in Stock, including BROUGHAMS, CABRIOLETS, SPIDERS, WAGONETTES, VicrORl AS, PHAETONS, SURREYS, FOUR-WHEEL CARTS, BUGGIES, BREAKS, BUCKBOARDS, EXERCISING CARTS, MANPFACTOUY AND KEPOSITORY, Jccond-band Victorias, Surrys and 5 curtain rockawavs. Cheap for cash. -Michell, Schwarz A Broad. RAIN OR SHINE Commencing at 2.30 P. M.

sharn. Boats leave South Street Ferry every Twentv Minutes. Comineticing Saturday. April 1st. 1893, the steamers Sylvan Dell and Sylvan Glen will Leave Arch Street Wharf every Half Hour.

Weekdays first Boat leaves Arch Street 10. 30 A. M. last Boat leaves Gloucester S.OO P. M.

Sundavs first Boat leaves Arch Street 9.30 A. M. last Boat leaves Gloucester 6 P. M- Excursion Tickeis, 15c. Goorl on Both Korries.

Wagonettes and Dog Carts ot the latest designs, quality and styles unexcelled. Michell, Soli war Keachliue. iJS X.liroad. T7OR SALE AT ONE-QUARTER the handsomest gentleman's value, one of oad and family horses in the city; bay la color: verv handsome aud stylish: not afraid of steam cars or street obstacles and safe for a lady to drive; will be warranted sound in every particular and to tro, a mile iu 2.:: also very gentle and handsome Hainbletoiiian bay mare. 7 years old.

16 hands high: has trotted in 2.6: not at raid of steam or street obstacles: can lie driven by ladies or children: is slightly tender in front feet from constant use over the stuiies; will make a valuable mare for breeding purixises. as She Is standard bred. Also Park phaeton Brewster sidebar top buggy and Stivers new top road wagon and harnass. all as good as new and in perfect order: will be sold at a great bargain to Immediate purchaser, as owner is leaving the city, having met with a serious accident. Cail at private stable, rear of residence Arch st reet.

English Surrys very latest patterns, cheaper than ever be ore: natty and neat. Michell, Scbwarz Keachliue. 3:9 X. Broad. JJIOR SALE AT LOW PRICES.

First-class Kentucky Break Carts. Aim, 4-YEAK-OLD PACING HORSE; very fast. Also. PAIR 4-YEAR-oLD BAY COLTS. Well broken, sound and kind, and warranted in every way.

ii LIVERY. SALE AND EXCHANGE STAPLES. JfiOo-S-10 South EIGHTH Street. Ciutunders and Doctors' Wagons that cannot be beat for quality or prire. Michell, tschwari KeachlioAiUS X.


We will offer on MONDAY. Aprils, 200 bead ot fresh selected Western Horses. ONE CARLOAD Illinois Horses, consignment of .1. T. Pigg.

They comprise drivers, draughters, streeters and general business Horses. ALSO One carload of Indiana Horses, consignment of T. Mushberger. They comprise draughters. weighing from 140 to 1600 lbs.

per head, Special mention is made of white hearse team. ALSO One carload Missouri Horses, consignment of G. Payne. They comprise drivers, streeters and General business Horses, ALSO. One carload Missouri Horses, consignment of J.

T. II ay nes. I'liey comprise draughters, carters ami all purpose Horses. AL0. One earload Western Penna.

Horses, consignment of S. Greenawalt. They comprise some good uiaujuras, sireeieis ana general business Horses. ALSO, One carload Pennsylvania Horses, consignment or George F. Killer.

They comprise drivers, streeters and general business Horses, sjieclal mention Is made of bay trotting Horse. 5 years old. 1 5 hand high, sound and Mud; can show 2.40 gait ou dav of sale. ALSO. One carload of Penna.

Horses, consignment of J. R. F.yrich. They comprise draughters, knee-acting coachers and general business Horses. We hare always on hand from 75 to 100 head ot fresh Western Horses for private sale.

All Horses sold must be as represented or money will lie refunded. OCR MOTTO IS SQUARE DEALING. Sale days every Monday and Thursday during the year. WEBER ft SULLIVAN. Auctioneers.

We have about 20 second-banded car. rtages that need repairing and doinft up that we will close out at vour own price. Michell. S( Keachltue. 329 N.

Broad. Cnt-t nders. Phaetons. Doctors' Traps, Spindles, etc Ball Bearings fitted to Carriages. J.

Sill WDLSON Broad and Button wood. I have a stable fill of first-class horses suitable, for all purposes. If vou are looking for a horse cail and see me and I will show you some of the fiueoC horses in the city. 3807 MARKET West Philadelphia. TV- NOTICE TO BREEDERS AND a.

a ti -s living In the country The fast-trotting and road mare. Lulu sired by Kentucky Volunteer, dam Sweeiuess. with recort of 2. 's. she by "range Blossom, sire of orange Boy, -MSl4.

and many In the x. list. Lulu c. trotted, when purchased, three heats at Woodlawn. in 2.LI71;.

4i.M: has been used tlie past year as a road mare. She is 6 years old. hand high, handsome in appearance, with fine style, and can trot now better than 2.xti. She Is sold only on account of being tender in front feet: perfectly gentle in all harness: not afraid of steam or music. N.

B. l.u'u C. will b) old very low to some person that will take her in the country and give her a g.xid home. Can be seen at 114 and 118 Keltoa street, rear 141s Race street. C.

MONROE. nPHE OWNER OF THE FAST TROT-JL ting stallion Xelson. 2. iu), writes, under data of February 'u, I8 r.t: Send me five dollars" worth of Shults' Veterinary Ointment. I have used it for more than two veart aud find it is the bet thing of the kind I ever used.

C. H. F.LsoX. Sunnyside Farm, Watervllle. Maine.

Shults' Veterinary ointment is sold by dealers aud at 426 WALN streeu FOR Hois SALE PRIVATE TEAM, orse. Buggy and Harness: crood as new. Bay Horse. 15. soitnd aud Kind, can trot better than 3 minutes: warranted: also .0 head Draughters.

Roadsters, ta Idlers and general business Horses. NORTH PKN JU NCTloN HOTEL 2701 Nortn BROAD Street. 5T HEAD OF STREET CAR HORSES tyJ and Hire mares In foal. These horses are not so.d ou account of bein? worn out, but ou account of starting electric cars: they must be soll quick: no reasonable oiler relus-d for them. Apply 2110 at.

FOR BARGAINS IN PITT'S. bum cut-nuders. surrevs. phaetons. buggies, spindle wagons: also very fine line of kti! Prince and Kenslugtoiu NOVELTY CARRIAGE 144 N.

Broad St. RIDIXG IIOOLS. rec RLZE 20LES.SON TICKET presented for the best essay on Horsemanship, eived before May 1. Program and date of uexs exhibition will be published iu due time. Powel ton avenue, Cor.

Tiiirty-eighiu, BROsSMANN. INSTRUCTION DAILY TO LADIES, gentlemen and children: perfect horsemanship guaranteed; evening cUss for gentlemen: horses trained for saddle, stiti CRAIG. 33fe MARKET. DE A FULL SET OF TEETH. J5 and un: broiten sets repaired; painless fid- lug: gas tree.

DR. I.HiH ILL D. (... IKS N. FRONT beiow PAINLESS EXTRACTION NO GAS, ether, cocaine, or danger.

Dentistry iu ail lis branches. Di. E. Y. Wi-BB, 2W.

ilth. UfflTEST MIMM WMMEB'S mUDHRSE SMPPLY 245 and 247 Xorth Broad St IT The property formerly occupied by ns been sold, we were compelled to remove having to the above location, where we shall be pleased at any time to receive our friends. OUR XEW QUARTERS Will be fitted up at great expense, and will be the MOST COMPLETE ESTABL1SH.M ENT OF THE KIND IN THE COUNTRY. The location cannot ne excelled, as It Is right in the center of the city, within five minutes' walk of either Railroad station, la our HORSE SUITLY DEFARTMEXT. 111 be found a fine line of all the best Horse Remedies, none of which will be offered for sale until thoroughly tested by ourselves and found to have merit.

We also make a socially of securing all the latest and best Novelties in the 'Horse Line. In our FARRIER SHOrS VS have only the best MECHANICS: men who have Iieen with us for years and who have proven to be "second to none" in the country. In this department we have no "iet ideas "hut will shoe all horses as the owners may desire. At the same time we are always "looking out" for any Improvements, or systems that experience of others may susgesu In our HORSE SALES DEPARTMENT. We make a SPECIAI.TV of selling "private" horses on commission.

Our stables will accommodate 32 Worses, aud will lie the best SALES ST A BLE ill the city, being light and plenty of room, with the stalls so arranged that it is almost impossible for a lioiseto lie injured. In every stall will be water, so that a horse can drink whenever be desires. '1 his is a faatnre of the greatest importance, and one that has been overlooked bv horsemen generally. In this department alwavs found a number of desirable hor-ts. and purchasers may rest assured they will Iu every instance receive FaIK DEALING at our hands.

A CORDIAL INVITATION Is extended to all to call ar.d see us, whether they may bo purchasers or not. W. Y. WARNER. One second-hand Vis-a-vis.

2 Victorias, 1 standing top cart. These are distinct bargains. gPEED, DraiiEhters. BUSINESS HORSES AND I will receive this week from W. Hall, Centreville, Iowa.

1 CHUNKS. DRIVERS and carload extra BUSINESS HORSES. Al-o from D. W. P.erry.

Decat ttr, Indiana, 1 carload extra heavy draughters, weighing from 1.100 to 1600 pounds. This load cannot be beaten anywhere aud 1 advise you to see them. I have always on hand bead of the best selected stock that is shipped lo this market. And anyone In want of a horse will save money by buying from me. And every horse must be as represented.

Train P. R. V- to Westmoreland. P. and R.

R. Norrlstown Branch, to Twenty-second stieet. AXDREAS MEXG. Sale and Exchange Stables, TWENTY-SECOND and CLEARFIELD Sts. ver one hundred new and second hand vehicles of all kinds, which will be dis posed of at prices never heard of before Michell.


One fine pair of bay cobs. 6 years old. lo'' hands high, good actors, a fine family team: two fast pacers. one can pace in 2. 'JO, good pattern: two gioa trotter, well bred and family broke, several flue single horses, good knee action, the balance are all good size and good actors.

Hories can be seeu to-day at the above named place. ISAAC TYSON. Loop Phaetons, Buggies, Kensingtons, Surrys. ladles' pluetons and doctors' wagons. MichelL Sciiwaiz Jt Keachliue.

3U9 N. Broad. rv IF YOUR HORSK HAS A worms. Is a ravenous feeder, thin In flesh, or has dry blotches on tlie si; In or sweats and tires easilv. get Dr.

Readinn'R Vermifuge and Blood Purifier: sold by Miiith. Kline French 4-tl Arch st, and C. N. Crittentoii 115 Fulton street. X.

Y. our druggist or storekeeper can get iu Take no substitute. One box cures the horse ot worms. idence. I'edncsitow .1.

M. Church. 30. Interment Friends Cemetery. STAMHF.llUEK.-On March an.

Barbara C. tamberger. daughter of William aud Ella C. Stamlierger. aged 2 years and 3 months.

Funeral Sunday, at 3 i. Horn residence of parents. 2915 Herman street. STEWART. on the 31st ultimo, Andrew Stewart.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon. A mil 3. at i o'clock. from his late residence. 6n Heddiug street.

Interment at North-wood Cemetery. STIRLING. On March 30. 1S93, Gertrude, youngest daughter of Archie and Elizabeth ti, -ling, aged 17 montiis. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the funerau from her parents' residence 3229 North Nineteenth street, on Sunday, April 2.

Services at I o'clock. Interment at Mt. Morhih Cemetery. THOMAS. en March 31.

George Washington, sou of George and Lizzie Thomas, aged IS years. The relatives and friends are respectrullv invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from the resilience of his brother-in-law, George Fisher, 113 Morris street. Interment at iorthwood Cemetery. THORNTON. -On March an.

Catherine, daughter of Patrick and the late Ellen Thornton, aged 17 years. I he relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the luneraL on Monday moraine, at 8. -to o'clock, from her father's residence. 243i North Third street. Requiem mass at St.

Edward's Church. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. Third Month. 30th. of pneumonia.

Spencer Tomlinsou. in his USth vear. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral. Second day. Fourth montli.

II A. from his late residence, Biisiletoii. Interment at William 1'enn Cemetery- Carriages will meet the 9.55 A. -M. train from Broad street.

VAI.i-KK.-At Washington, D. on the 31st tilt. Colonel Frank Vallee. in histiTth rear. The relatives and friend of the family, also Ivan hoe Lodge.

No. 419. K. and A. Edward K.

Gay Post. U. A. Survivors of the. Eighty -second P.

V. and the Tyx graphical Union of Philadelphia, are respectfully Invited to atteml the funeral on Monday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, from the residence of his son-in-law. Sherman Reese, No. 2134 orianna street. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery.

Von PHI.L.-On March 31. 183, Henrietta, wife of William Von Phul. The relatives and friends or the family are respectfully iuvited to attend the funeral, on Mon day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her granddaughter. 20i5 Berks street. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery.

WARREN'. Suddenly, on the 31st lilt. Richard 1). Warren, iu the 67th year of liis age, WELSH. on 27.

ISM, Catharine, widow the Ute James Welsh. The relatives anil friends of the family are respectfully iuvited to attend the funeral. "on Monday morning, at s.iio o'clock, from her late residence, rear i2 Brown street, high mass at the Immaculate Conception Church. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. WILLIAMS, on the 29th ultimo, John D.

Williams, in the 64th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re-speetriilly invited to atteud the funeral services, on Sunday evening, at 7.45 o'clock, at the residence ifliisson. S12 North Thirty -eighth street. Interment at Millersville, Lancaster county. WOl.L-dn March 31, 1S93.

Luther EniiHus. son of Adolph and Annette s. Woll. aged 13 months. Fuueral services will take place on Monday, at 9.30 a.

at the parents' residence. 2 1 OS Hancock street. Interment at Mu Vernon Cemetery. the 30th ult. Martha Marv.

daughter of John and Rebecca Yust, aged 19 months. The relatives and friends ol the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday atternoon. atl o'clock, from her parents' residence. No. 4.

rear of 2217 1 are street. Interment at Jit. Moriah Cemeterv. UXDER TA ii EL'S. iCHUYLElt LSTAii.

ltoa FROAI) and PHMO.VO. fclXTH and DIAMOND, ELEPHON ilil. ERINGHURST, 3SN. ELEVENTH street-Telephone No. ffit 3IOXUMEJTS.

OR ONUM ENTS ANDMlJrERY work apply Marble Works 20M Oxford sr. CEMETERIES. orthw Sod cem eter a ic -i-l Lane. Train Ninth and Creen and Third and Berks. City office, 227 South Sixth street.


The undersigned lias this day taken possession of the property and effects of the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railroad Company as of said corporation, appuinted under orders of the Circuit Courts of the I tilled States for the Western District of Pennsylvania and the Northern District of New York. The business of the company will lie conducted by the Receiver, and all officials, agents and employes of the company are continued In their respective positions. sAMCELG. Df.COURSEY. Receiver.

PHITjAUF.LrHIA. April 13(3. IS VSIXESS i ENINGS. Bull: showing how to handle ocks on margiu 'mail, on application to RoUILLoT 125 a. THIRD St.

margin, 10 shares: $20,20 shares. etc. SPLENDID opportunity for energetic man with yyp. Stanley. Chstmit.


1629 and IKil German-town above Oxford street. Few gooa ccauU-iuad uuio a hauti. ielciiliyuo SOU..

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