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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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He sold a large store named the White House. 56th and 3d, New York, a larsre mm Worth out for half and quarter. To-morrow we start the meet at their headquarters, 142-144 North Droad street, at half past 10 o'clock tomorrow -morning, 'and. will -make short street parade through the Tenth ward, air ter which they will serenade The Philadelj phia Inquirer; Tpey will leave' the Heading Terminal by special tfain. at 1 -o'clock isharp.

They have engaged rooms at Harrisburg at the Hotel Columbus. They will serenade "the Governor-elect to-morrow evening, and will go to Reading Tuesday after the parade as the 'guests of the Pen rose Club. They are scheduled to reach home at 4.45 V. M. on Wednesday.

The other Philadelphia clubs going, to "the inauguration are the A. Harmer Club, Recorder of Deeds John Virden, marshal; the David Martin Club, William M. Geary, marshal; and the United Republican Association of the Twenty-ninth Ward. Lieutenant Lyons, marshal. SHONEMAN BROS.

LADIES' OUTER GARUEIITS A POSITIVE CLEARING SALE. Every Garment has met-wlth a-price-marJt that will Insure rapid selling. Afl Indies' AVaists. Special WliUU saie at 2 o'clock to-mor-. row afternoon.

All-wool cashmere, tine mohair, serge and all-wool Flannel made full blouse front, corded in very becoming styles or cluster of tucks, lined throughout with best silesia, bound seam 5, yoke back, detachable collar, all colors. black, brown, royal, green, garnet among the waists. Sold at S1.98 to S2.50. QCa Indies' Separate Skirts. 500 vww striped camelshair skirts in black and blue all wool series and fancy silk lustre brocaded mohair dress skirts; all fully 4 yds.

wide in new circular shape, well lined, velvet bound. On sale one hour only, commencing at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Cut from $1.98. i for Ladies JjUO Suits, 1 3 tailor-made unit of English cheviot; black, light and dark gray, etc The latest circular cut skirts, finished in black with buttons and silk loops. Reefer, silk, satin rhadame, lined throughout.

Price cut from $10. QC All imported Venetian Cloth Suits. Worth i to go at $7.95. a it VSf, as lot of goods, but found out that they were about to fail, and he replevened his stock. Our buyer was there when they came back and he made them an offer on 1000 Ladies' Eim emu Gowns, which was accepted, and here they are at Adjutant-General Thomas J.

Stewart, ACgk for choice Mother Hubbard tww Gowns, high and surplice neck. SI? The low price STRESS will be the LEVER to draw the thrifty buyers to this store in countless numbers. 0) fl 7 nrnC will flow-like rushing waters there will be no stopping them. $500,000 Vorth of New, Bright Llerchandise Not an article in the entire sale but that has the style of 1898 and 1899 shining forth. yoke of embroidery and tucks, neck and sleeves embroidery trimmed, then a lot of Empire Gowns, embroidery trimmed.

Choice of 10 styles, the wholesale price being 75c each or S9.00 dozen. I 9 1, ft aud Square Neck Corset 1 '2w Covers, embroidered trimmed THEN OUR REGULAR SALE OF A Ijadies 49 Tailored Coat, only about 150 of them left, and these are Persian astrachan, all-wool boucle, Whit nicely made, equal to any you can buy at 19c TKr ladies' ww Knii size White Muslin Skirts, Cambric umbrella flounce Goods will start again to-morrow with a showing that will gladden the hearts of our resrular natrons and make manv new friends, as'the selling prices are so very The qualities are correct, neat, dainty and complete, and the styles snrl nnttprnc art nf thf sort. JJ and 8 inch embroidery ruffle; a regular S1.25 quality. OC. Infants' Cambric ci: i kersey and covert cloth coat; double-breasted or flv front, notch or high storm collar, silk lined, well tailored.

Price OflO vard Nainsook and ery vokes. neck inimiian' jSS 7c yard. 40-inch liordered THE KID GLOVE SALE OF THE CENTURY yard. White Nainsook Checks for school aprons. A 9c grade.

Everything for making Infants' Out Cambric Embroidery and tion divided into seven lots, N.VYV nr fits India Linons, fine white Persian yd. Choice of lot good pat-' as ilS Lawns, Nainsook and what else is cutSOandSS. OfJ Indies' Tailor-made Kng- 'U lish single Top Coat, raw edged seams strapped, siik stitched, velvet inlaid notch collar; castor, green, royal, brown, etc Silk, satin lined, perfect fit. Price cut from $10.00. Qfl All-wool Oolf Cape, full 27 WWiwW in.

long with a hood lined with terns, cneap ai needed is here and priced lower than anywnere. 5c yd. Choice of lot elegant j. wearing" paixerus. aprons.

Sells everywhere as high as 12Jc 5c yard. Special lot on Aisle Tables. Rem-v nants of Plaids and Stripe Lengths run from? 1 to 10 yards. Price of any from piece, lOc yard. Soft finish Nainsook, sheer and fine.

Retails generally at 15c. Then a lot at 1254c, that usually sells at 19c. OSc dozen yards. Chamois finish 9c yd. "Choice of lot new, choice Gloves purchased from H.M.PEYSER&C0-532 Broadway These well-known and reliable- glove importers retired from business, placed their entire stock in auction, and we bought the pick at less and sleeves, embroidery trimmed; regular price Kic i 4C Children's Mother Hubbard ww Gowns, neck and sk eves trimmed with Cambric rutile.

sizes 2 to 12 years, any size 25c; woith 50c LININGS AT GUT PRICES yd. Light and Drab Gray Rus-ww tie Tafteta the 6c kind. vd. Yard Wide, Fast Black 2 Selesia the 10c grade. yd.

31-inch Wide Black and ww Gray Imitation Hair Cloth. Sells always at 10c yd. 36-inch Wide Black Sele-ww sia. Regular price, 15c "7f yd. French Elastic Dnck, in ettects.

tneap at jlc heavy black satin duchess, high storm collar, weli tailored, black and blue only. These are good values. Our prices were and $10. 12'4c yd. Choice of lot for flouncing, pillow cases and shams.

Usual price 19c. tfS MATTING AHD CARPETS Ijong Cloth. Sells always at $1.25 per dozen. Nainsook Edges, fine neat beading and at it: I2'.

if unA Cn pair. Ladies' 4 large pearl WWW button real Kid ti loves, in tan, brown, oxblood, navy, green, heliotrope, black and black with colored embroidery-' Kvery pair guaranteed. Regular retail price CQ- pair. Ladies' 2-clasp real Www Kid Gloves, tan, black, white, green, blue, mode, ox-blood. Regular price $1.30.

Eft- pair. Misses' 4-button. www prime, quality real Kid Gloves, tan, brown, oxblood and white. All sizes. Regular price 75c.

IQljLgk pair. Ladies' Fleece fc2w Lined Cashmere Gloves, fine grade. Regular retail price 25c. Oa pair. Ladies' Cashmere ww Mittens.

Regular price 15c. en. Ladies' Real Kid Gloves, In wUC white only, lace tops, all sizes. Regular retail price 83.98. 7c yd.

Choicejof lot Nainsook in discussing the military display to be given at the inauguration, said yesterday that he expected to have nearly 5000 men in line. General Snowden will be in command, and Colonels Schall, Magee and. Miller will be at the head of their respective brigades. The regiments participating will be- commands mustered in, since: the breaking 'out "of the1 'Spafri, including jthe seventh Regiment, Colonel Mmer, of Wilkesbarre; the Eleventh; Col. Watres, of Scranton; the Seventeenth, Colonel Logan, of Pittsburg; the Nineteenth and Twentieth, Colonels Bosbyt shell and Leland, respectively, of this city, arid the Twenty-first, Cojonel Lelah, of Oil City, and the Second Governor's Troop, Captain Meek, of Harrisburg.

There will also be in line the McKinley Veterans Club and members of the One-hundred-and-eighty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, the regiment with which Colo-, rel was identified 'during the Civil War. Congressman M. E. Olmsted, who is chief murshai of the' parade, has matters in splendid shape, and predicts a very successful demonstration. An immense amount of work devolves upon the members of the Inaugural Committee.

Matters have never progressed more smoothly, however, than under the direction of the present committee, of which Senator James G. Mitchell, of Jefferson, is chairman, and Charles F. Ettla, of Philadelphia, is secretary QUAY MEN ARE HAPPY. There were no sensational developments yesterday in. the canvass for the United States Senatorship.

While the friends of Senator Quay have promises of support from several other members of the Legislature who did iiot participate in the joint caucus, they were not ready last night to give out any public announcements from the members themselves. The supporters of the senior Senator read with gratification yesterday a statement that Colonel Quay was contemplating a trip to Florida, starting on Thursday next, and that he was already making up a party of friends who will accompany him. ''It maes me smile to read some of the stories about Senator Quay's worn put and worried appearance, that are sent tlown from Harrisburg for publication in the Wanamaker newspapeis," remarked Representative Thomas F. Slater, of the Second district, yesterday afternoon. "Why, I called upon him when we were up there this week, and I never, saw him looking better.

He knows I am an inveterate fisherman, and instead of talking about the political fight he never once referred 'to it, but began telling me about a big tar-r pon he caught cn his last trip to Florida. Concern about the Senatorship seemed to he furthest from his mind." And such was the experience of many others who talked with Senator Quay recently. There can be no doubt that he is entirely satisfied that he will be re-elected, Senators Quay and Penrose expect to be in Harrisburg to-morrow morning. They 'have been invited by Governor Stone to be his personal guests at the reception at, the Executive Mansion on Tuesday evening. State Chairman "Elkirf, wTib is to be the Attorney-General of the Stone adnifnistra- tion, at.

the JIoteL.iWlto all day yesterday. -and was in close, touch with the Choice of 3000 8 1 254e Xi yards fine Japanese and Cambric: dainty embroideries. Worth 10c and 12vc 39c. Worth from 3 to 10c yard more tnan our asking. 19c.

vd. Choice of lot Short 25c. yd. Hemstitch Swiss for in- 10 to 12 8c yard. Another lot on AislC Tables consist ot tine white dantt Dimities.

Swiss Plaids, Lace Stripes and Lace Plaids; choice selections. Cheap at 12 and 15c. 49c yd. 45-inch wide Embroidery for infants' long slips. A bargain at 69c.

Then a lot at 75c and 9Sc that would retail from $1.00 to $1.25 flouncing, 7 to It) inches wide. A bargain at 25c. fants' short and long slips. A value Black. Regular price, 15c.

No mail at order. 25o. yd. Choice of lot Skirt than half regular. On sale to-morrow, CQ pair.

Ladies' 5-hook real Kid Gloves, tan, black, mode, gray and all popular shades. Splendid quality. Regular price $1.25. 35c. yd.

67-in. French Organdy, Houncmg, lo incnes wiae. a ooc grade. as hi wmie lor evening cresses. A 50c grade, and a grade at 40c that retails at 65c Inserting to go with any of these lots.

A quick Clearing Sale of UPHOLSTERY GOODS everything marked away down. i.inen arp Damask, carpet l'at- terns.great variety colors, close weave, all reversible. Never retailed under 25c. and 35c vd. I each.

260 Tapestry Carpet I yw Hassocks, round and square shapes, full size, rightly made. Cheap at 50c 9 Em yd. Extra heavy half wool fcwtt filled Ingrain Carpets, the very best designs, all handsome. Regular price 40c No mail orders. GREAT CLEARING SALE OF ALL OUR WHITE ENAMELED BEDS The Best Offering Ever Introduced CO CQ Fine finished White Enameled Beds (like cut).

$1.98. A QUICK SALE OF CORSETS WILL START TO-MORROW, Tlie Muslins and DRESS GOODS All desirable colorings and weaves marked to go quick. As well as the Blankets and Comforts will disap This clearing saie will attract big pear from here to-morrow. See how we have marked standard and staple makes lower than was ever known. mm i yard for 25c.

31 yd. for 55c. goods. I 42 in. wide Gran- srrade ot in.

Fru WeaveTapes-try Portieres, all raised designs, both side (rich designs, copies of $25.00 Silk Curtains), 50 inches wide, full length deep Lambrequin fringe at top. Reduced from $6.50. ite Cloth, all the most sought after color-ings and Qflii each. Bleach and www unbleach Ready-. made Dallas Sheets, yds; regularretail price, 45c No mail wide Wool Whip Cords and plain' Henriettas, black and colors.

-On sale at 9.30 lo-inorrow morning: and will continue 'til entire 'lot; is The JS or mal Corset Spring New York, had a fire. The underwriters took all the damaged stock. and the company retained the materials, so after the adjustment of the affairs they, made up yd. for 35c. goods.

I9c t-oaieu irun best enameled solid cast brass balls and brass caps, and chilled, all perfect and all sixes. Reduced from $3. 95. Bine and Black. 43r yd.

At 9 A. M. to-4w morrow morning we will place on sale 1000 yards ot Genuine Hill Muslin; full yard wide, worth 8c yd. No mail orders. 6lr yd.

12-inch 2 Heavy rd Pillow-Case Muslin; sells alwavs at 10c yd. Storm Serge. 42 Indies wide; suerbquality. 70c lor' choice of 200 slightly Soiled CIKS GOOD I cleared away. Xo mail orders.

IQ vard. for 50c goods, wto 42 inch wide all pure wool Mixed Cheviot, Spring and Winter col yd. for $1 50c 10 I5C each. lOOO Short ends Lace Curtains Spreads; have been used in decorations; were 8c, $1.23 and $1.50. No mail orders.

54-in. wide Black $4 1C Extra finely finished En-I ameled Beds (as cut), sweet Mohair, bright brilliant black; only a linii-quautity. Early comers all stock into corsets. We stepped in and took pairs at a snot cash price. 2000 BLANKETS ors.

A good serviceable weave. OC. yd. for 50c. goods.

42 inch fcwG wide Woof Wack and white, all the brightest colorings. ted Bone andxorded -bust Nursing Corsets, are sure to get the bargain, i and Curtaiu Corners, great variety patterns and designs, lto 2 yards long. Worth up to 25c $1 OC pair. Extra fine weave I WW Lace Curtains, handsome Renaissauce, Irish Poiut and CIu-, ii ey designs. A-tina hard wood 5 ft.

pole and brass trimmings with each pair, without extra charge. Curtains reduced from S2.75. toot finest coating of white enamel, solid brass rods, foot andj head board, heavy cast brass balls and vases, with extra spindle in centre. Reduced from 24c for 39c goods. wide Black Figured Mohair, massive and.

sipallj neat A grand quality, i No mail orders. OCa yd. 2800 yds. of Fancy Jw Colored Imported Table Damasks, Inches wide, fast ool 6 lositively; reduced from 30c. yard.

33 yd. 1000 yds. of good Cream 4 Shaker Flannel and Unbleached Canton Flannel. Worth 6c. yard.

QQf each. Fancy Flounced wDw Flannelette Skirt Pat-, terns, with ruffle, 2 yds. wide, .40 irucleep. Reduced from 59c. yd.

for 75c: goods. 42 inch wide Silk and ool OTeltis; then a lot with no silk, but all wool, stylish and up-to-date weaves- 30c each. Half-wool single ets, gray and tan; regular price, 75c 60c pair from 89c Blankets. 70c pair from 9Sc Blankets. 80c pair from $1.25.

Blankets. OOc pair from SI. 50. Blankets. 95c each from $1.39.

Comforts. $1.25 each from $1.75. Comforts. $1.49 each from $2.00. Comforts.

each from $2.75. Comforts. each. Japanese Silk Lambrequins, Abdominal (and Misses Corsets. To close out quick divide In two lots, 35C Pa'r fhoice of lot So.

1. JCpairfor choice of lot No. 2. ww The regular retail value being-75c. to $1.50.

All sizes. tJUSlC v- 15o Bre4 in OU Kentucky. 15c Evelyn Waltzes. 12cGeorgia Camp Meetfng. 95c with double gold bullion embroid yd.

for COc. goods. 52 inch wide All AVool tiadies' Broad Cloth, black and all the most wanted colors. Sponging free. See display 8th Street window.

S7.S0. 7C. Choice of 250 Children's JO High Chairs, oak finished, cane seat, embossed top, panel and front lifting tray, all turned spindles. Reduced from $1.25. 9 Eft eac1- Children's" Couches, Wv nicely stuffed, extra large ruffle all around.

Reduced from S1.00 to close out quick. yd. for 40c. goods. AH Wool Silk Finished Henrietta, 40 infctt wide.

All the desirable colors and black, r-. ered in rich designs; deep silk fringe. Reduced ID A Onr entire stock of 50c. Win-ww dw Shades, to go at 18c each. Oil painted, best colors.

All with best spring" rollers; size of curtain 2 yds. long by 1 yd. wide. (is as J3ICTITH AliCll TREtTSfT EIGHTH STREET For the Weary or the Wicked, WE ARE NEITHER though Bus' i very Day been given' over for another scheme proposed and favored by Provost Harrison and various trustees Of the University, to SIXTEEN YEARS OLD The Five O'Clock Club Enjoys Its SENATOR HOAR wit. a co-operation in- the erection of a memorial tower to the dormitory system CANAL BILL HEARING Advocates of Various Schemes to Be Heard This Week Special to The Inquirer.

Jan. 14. Advocates of IT'S TO GOOD PURPOSE Solid Va Cak anj Mahtigany Finished PARLOR TABLE, Highly Polished 20x20 Inch TOP 1.25 worth $2.50 24x24 Inch TOP 1.65 worth $3.00 only guests present were Ellison Van Hoose and E. L. Rains, of the Ellis Opera Company.

Before adjourning the club took occasion to pay tribute to the memory of ex-Judge Brewster, its only honorary member, and to make arrangements for the sixteenth anniversary dinner at which It Is proposed to have present many of the prominent men of the Nation. at a cost oi some roe memorial gate was' to 'have cost but but the present committee is to be assisted in rais-j si tuatiou He had a number of telegrams and fetters from leading in fierent sections of the all of which -ought assurances that canvass tlie interest of Senator Quay was in excellent shape. The election of Horace T). Gaw to the presidency of the Young Republicans has been followed by quite a boom in the affairs of that popular ilr. shbridge and Mr.

Kinsey, nominees on le Republican city ticket, are both active Continued From First Page various schemes for an interoceanlc canaF UNTIL JANUARY 22nd iS 9. 50 BEST If TEETH ES? ARTIFICIAL TEETH THAT FIT DOUBLE SUCTION PLATE $ri0 will he given to any one whose mouth cannot tit mith artificial teeth. 0 We- guarantee that you can eat with A cur teeth and that they will NOT faU down in jonr mouth. 5 Plates' fitted where other dentists fail. Gold Filling 75c up Silver Filling 25c 22k Gold frowns S3.

OU 1 Bridgework S3. SO are to be heard next week by the House Committee of Interstate and Foreign dor. be paid out of the contingent fund of the House. It had not been Intended to have any Resolved, That the sergeant-at-arra of Birthday Anniversary Mayor Warwick presided at the sixteenth annual dinner and business meeting of the Five O'clock Club at the Hotel Bcllevue last evening. A statement of the club dinners of the past year was made and a financial statement was presented, showing the club to be ia good condition.

Ofhcers for the new year were elected as follows: President, Henry B. Gross; vice-president, George S. Graham; secre-tary-lreusurer, J. Hampton Moore; Executive Committee, William J. Roney and Col-; A.

London Snowden. The speakers at the social session of the meeting included Attorney Graham, City Solicitor Kinsey. Colone' A. Loudon Snowden. Rudolph Blankenburg and Judge Abraham M.

Beltler. Among others hearings at all by this committee, but it PAST AND PRESENT Striking Contrasts Presented by Dr. Da Costa Before the Medical Society The Philadelphia County Medical So- liienibers of the ioung Republicans. A cimpaign Committee of One Hundred will) be appointed during the week to assist in the House be authorized and directed to take such steps as may be necessary for properly carrying out the provisions of this resolution. was found Impossible for a majority of the members to even agree upon the lines on which the work should be done, and at Ing funds for the dormitory tower by alumni committees, to be named by Provost Harrison.

The alumni committees will be expected to raise by far the greater portion of the amount needed. The tower is eventually to be erected at Thirty -seventh and Spruce streets, on the occasion of the extension of the present block of dormitories, and thus the Houston Club will acquire the honor for the work, and the tower will become a memorial to the stiidents and graduates of the University who participated In the late war against Spain. The present club committee will now devote its energies to erecting In Houston Hall a memorial tablet to the lnte ores-ident of the Houston Club. John Scott, who died of fever contracted on board the St. Paul while off the coast of Cuba last July.

ie canvass for their election. The purpose of the new administration in the Resolved. That the clerk communicate the last meeting it was decided to give these resolutions to the Senate and trans EXPERIENCE three hearings. affairs is to arouse more general en- clety's semi-centennial celebration was opened at the Hall of the College of Physi mit a copy thereof to the family of the trest the affairs of the Republican SKILL deceased. Resolved, That as a further mark of re cians.

Thirteenth and Locust streets. iasi evening. When Dr. J. Chalmers.

Da Costa The Kimball Art Collection organization. T.b club house, at 221 Come and brinq spect to the memory of the. the deliveredjnoration upon "Now and Then, Couth Jiroad street, is very handsomely a ppointed. House do now adjourn. your friends and The well known collection of pictures and other high art objects, laces, The Speaker announced the following reviewing, oinereuce in ine status ui affairs in the country in general, and this city in particular, in when the society he Samuel H.

Ashbridge Association. formed by the late Sarah M. Kimball, of you will De pleased. present were "Ailliam II. Staake.

Tax Receiver William J. Roney, H. B. Gro, Franklin Smith. William Henry Sayen.

o( the Thirteenth ward, raised a banner, $59 for any tooth we c-omot extract without pain. Cleveland. Ohio, and which she intended at one time to present to the projected Robert Stewart, Hon. William A. Redding.

was formed, and tne present time, mere were many physicians present, among thein ixlo feet, at their headquarters. ol-t DR. TARR'S DENTAL PARLORS museum in Cleveland, is to ne sold at auc committee under the resolutions: Messrs. Houtelle, Payne, Dolliver, Evaus, Hilborn. Clarke.

X. Bailey, Dockery, Bell and McClellan. At 12.20 I. as a further mark of respect, the House adjourned until Monday, when the funeral service will occur. Eighth street, on Friday evening.

of New iork: J. R. Jones, ex-fpeaker Heniy F. Walton, ex-City Treasurer Richard G. and James Pollock.

The Adam Rchrach. 36 years old. of Prospect and rcn.hoM atn.t. HnvrMimuch. was aeriously some of the most noted in the city, but the pleasure of the occasion was marred by the absence of Dr.

Albert Stllle. the tion at the art galleries of M. Thomas Sons, to-morrow and following days, at 1519 1 4i.nri cKrr thA lwwiv veAterdav heiuz caught Formerly Boston Dental Parlors. 1204 Chestnut Street. Open evenings till Sunday.

10 to 4. Bo sure you arc in the rljjht place. Chestnut street. EVERYTHING IN READINESS one survivor of the organization's projec tinner a mass oi irowu mrri jmmi The collection contains some remarkably fine examples or the old and modern I'rcparations for the Inangnratijm schools of tine art. including paintings by two tons, wmcn was uisiuuaeu mim a pm-which he was working at the American Paper Manufacturing Company's works at Manayunk.

He was taken to St. Timothy's Hospital. tors. Dr. Stille was unable to leave his home, owing to the weather.

Dr. DaCosta's contrasts were very humorously drawn, and In many Instances did Constable, Courbiet. 136: Courtair, 14; of Governor-elect Stone 1U1, IKS; corot, 3'A 73. 121, 205, 244: Clays, Deshayes. 12.

40, IK). 185. 257; Dela RLIiEH B. RORHE croix. 142; Dnpre, Jules, 43, 13W, 239 not renect credit upon tne present, inis was particularly true with relation to the city administration, whose methods, he thinks, are widely at variance and infinite Special to The Inquirer.

HARRISBURG. Jan. 14. Preparations CONSULAR -REFORM Good Chance for Passing the Bill This Session i Special to The Inquirer. Jan.

14. During a conference to-day with Speaker Reed and Representatives Henderson and Adams it- was decided that there was a good chance of passing a Consular Reform bill at this session of Congress. Ilupre. Julien, 223: Diaz. 00, 71.

138, 207, 22ti, 241, 250; Dow. 137: Daublgnv. 124, 143, 228, 246; Decamp. 140: Fortuny, 128, 141, 219: Korti, 243; Gilbert, 61; Hogarth, far the inauguration of Governor-elect Women's $3 GontraetoFandBaildefi EXTRA QUALITY SOLID OAK EXTENSION TABLE SS.90 Heavy Turned Legs SfH Worth S10.00. Stone are practically complete.

The Ss-Cind Governor's Troop will do escort duty cn Tuesday morning prior to the Inaugural 308 PHILADELPHIA BOURSE jacque, izi. 14, 03. 235, 247; Jor-daeus, 158: Kneller. 62: Lely. 53.

147. 236: Leys, 111; Lawrence. 129. 201; Meissonier, 155. 233; Millet, 150; Martin, 8.

64, 82. eremonles and parade. The troop will Mioes ft ly more corrupt than the regime or former days. In a retrospet-t of 1849 the Doctor said that Louis Napoleon was the Prince-Vresident of France: gold had just been discovered in California: there was an immense expansion in coal mining; oil had not been struck in Pennsylvania, and whale fishing was an immense industry; organized labor was just making itself felt, and thousands of immigrants were on their way to America, driven out of Ireland by the famine; Francis Joseph had just become Emnerof of Austria; Queen Victoria was rcoompany Chief Marshal Olmsted and 110, 181; Mauve. 148.

242: Rnbens. Rem Heynolds. uosseau. Snyders, Stuart, HANN LAMP eniers. erooecKnoven, an aiarcke.

Wat Art Club Elects Officers The Art Club held Its annual meeting Welted ti-' Stitched teau ana many otners or the lirst rank of 50i lis staff to the Executive Mansion fscort Governor-elect Stone to the Capital, snd will then take its place in Hue for the I arade. There will be no free-for-all lunch-f on at the reception at the Executive Man Pl'T TP IN ANY FA ET painters. OF CITY. yesterday and elected officers as follows; President, Daniel Kaugu; vice-presidents, James Sword and K. Burgess Warren; MANTLES, 5 cent Serious Family Quarrel The following used uprights taken in exchange for the Blasius anil Alhrprhf are for sale and ar WrelsDacn Lamps in eai- ed boxes sion Tuesday evening.

This will prevent treasurer. Robert E. Hastings; secretary. $yo repetition of the rude and disgraceful Leslie W. Miller: Executive Committee, During a quarrel in the borne of James tie ud posu.1.

HANN, 239 H. 9th Street scenes witnessed at previous inaugura Meehan. 47 years old, of York and Edge- tions. Carl Essner. of the Philadelphia Walter H.

Bryant. Dr. Thomas H. Fenton, Clifford P. Grayson and Dr.

Orville Hor-vrlti: Library Committee, Dr. M. S. French, mont street, Patrick McGory, whose address is given as the same as that of Itnnrse, will provide a luucheon- nt the Mansion, however, for the m-mbers of (t! fl the Governor' party and invited guests to A. Lawrence WetheriU and Theodore H.

Butler; trustees of the Att Fund, Henry W. Cramp and C. NT. Weygandt. not offered as "bait" to induce people to call at our establishments.

They are in good order and guaranteed perfect. Arion Upright, large size, 7H octaves, mahogany case, rolling fall and duet desk. Cost CITE STEAMERS FOG BOUND Meehan. was pounded over the head with a hammer, and. is confined in St.

Mary's Hospital suffering from a contused skull. the number of about 300. There will be to wine at this luncheon, coffee being the strongest liquid served. AS Thick White Mist Holds New TorW and his face and head literally pounded to a Jelly. Meehan was placed under ar Parents Arrested The police of the Eleventh district yes on the throne but five years, and Gladstone, then a young man, wa making Tory speeches in Parliament; Dickens was completing "David Coppertield:" Thackeray was at work on "Pendennis;" Hawthorne was gathering material for "The Scarlet Letter;" Whittier was attacking slavery; Edgar Allan Poe was rushing to a premature grave, and Edison was two years old.

"The United States Senate," continued Dr. Da Costa, "was not a millionaires' club, but a body of law givers and not a body of law sellers: Philadelphia's City Council was a different body from the collection of men there now, and the bar was a thing to wonder at." After detailing the peculiarities of Philadelphia In those oluen Tays, mentioning incidentally that there were duck ponds on Broad street, a wood whre Poplar street now runs, gas lights on the principal streets only when the moon was not shin rest and locked up at the Twentv-fourth This $1.60 saving you'll (7 1 tJ As $300; arked wn to district station house. The story the po terday arrested James Mallou, 37 years old. and his wife, Maggie, of 2805 East to Sf-hmnanii ITnHsrht. laree size.

Shipping In Its Clutches From Tie inquirer Bureau. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. A wave of to; enveloped New York in a pall of gray mis thin morning which effectually preventer lice have obtained Is that.

Meehan Insists that McGory assaulted Mrs. Meehan. York street, and they will be clven better appreciate when you see the shoes. Worthy of mahogany case, rolling tall and duet desk. Cost 8300: marked 1 A hearing this morning.

Two children, one weeks old, and the other 3 years old, are In the care of the matron. Agent Wat 4y a lr down to SPECIAL VALUE In Tapestry 58c Worth 90c VELVETS S1.15 Worth $2.00 INGRAIN 40c Worth 75c any of the blir nnert leaving their moor ing and rendered traftic on the rivers dangerous occupation. son, of the Society for the Protection of the proudest foot. You'll need be spry if you'd share Governor and Mis. Stone and Miss Stone vill arrive Monday noon from Washington vith their friends; and the balance of the Members of the Governor's family will reach here from Pittsburg soon thereafter.

N'obody will be allowed on the big decorated platforms at the Capitol but the (Governor and. his party, members of the tupreme and Superior Courts, the Joint inaugural Committee and their ladies. Members of the Senate and House and 1 heir ladies and press representatives. Vhese persons will wear badges of rd, while and blue, with a medallion picture Governor Stne attached. It is 6tateI hat Governor Stone has expressed a le-tlre to have Justice 'Williams, of the Sn-l reine Court, administed the oath of office.

Children from Cruelty, said yesterday that The ferryboat North Sidp and the bid Decker Bros. Upright, large size, 71 octaves, semi-colonial case. Cost $430; I A marked down to 1 it was toe most extreme case of neglect he ha4 ever seen. in the saving, for there's but ing, and that Philadelphia hospitality was proverbial and extremely alcoholic, the Doc steamer ity orcester narrowly capd a big smash. Down the bay dozen of jesiwls are fog gound.

their captain not feeling safe In venturing on thel Journeys. Smith Barnes' Upright. LOCAL NOTES rou- 2v medium size, mahogany case, ing fall and duet desk $175 i aiong the ocean vessels which wer! tor toucned upon tne scientinc enu oi tne city's history. He said that from a standpoint of actual knowledge the graduate of to-day knows more about medicine, than Cost down to A si'gut tire in tne tvo-story dwelling or William MoTer'n'tt. of 2547 Dakota street, yesterday afternoon was caused bv a child the Governor having read law in Justice UUf to arrive to-day and which had.

no pt In an appearancf" at the Hook wer tie Cluden, from Amsterdam: the Mar qnelte. from London: the Brittauia. froi Hard man Upright, medium size. 74 octaves, mahogany case. imams otfice.

Kev. nr. teorge S. Dr. John K.

Mitcneii ana ur. ueorge a. Wood ever did, although they were powers In a time when this city was the home of medical Instruction. folding fell board. Cost Oil ft For the Grip Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Best Medicine Money Can Buy.

"I had the grip for several consecutive winters and it always left me very weak and nervous and with dizziness. I always had recourse to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which toned up my nervous system! After the last, severe attack I concluded to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. and Hood's Pills until the effect was entirely gone. Since then 1 have had no return of the grip. I am now well and fleshier than I have been for years." ORTHO PEXNOCK, 427 5th Street, N.

Washington, D. C. Remember ALL CARPETS SEWED. LAID CD ETC AND LIKED I 11 LL BUSY-TIMES IN OUR Chambers, pastor of Pine Street lan Church; with which Governor Stone 870 pairs in the lot and buying will be brisk. Softest Kidskin, both lace and button, all sizes and widths to start with in the morning.

OUR SHOES ARE ALWAYS CETTER THAN OUS AD SATS Gibraltar; the Germanic, from Liverpool fhe State of Nebraska, from Glasgow: th stepping on a maU-n. Tbe loss as By a fall from the steps of his home. 127 McClellan street, yesterday afternoon. John Coiv Dey. 41 years old.

had bis left kuee hadlv sprained. He was taken to St. Acnes' Hospital. The unknown man who was stricken with Raralrsis Friday and takec to the Rpiscnpal oKpltal. was yesterday Identified as George E.

i nd will probably identify them it. Louis, from Southampton: the Trini S425; marked down to. i7w Steinway Upright, medium size, 71 octaves, modern style of case. Cost S700; Oft 5 selves, will make the prayer, and the Citizens' Band, of Steelton, will furnish the naa. from Bermuda; the Weimar, frou: ureoiem the I'icqua, from Gibraltar; th lansia at this ceremony.

Highway Commls- hjrig Department; marnea aown xo Island, from Cbristiansand: the Orizaba from and the Martello, frou jioner Lynch put a force of men to work this morning cleaning the slushy street XXUIU ever which, the parade, will move. SECOND FLOOR 4 SATURDAY TILL 10 P. This evening the society will hear Kev. Dr. Kerr Hoyce Topper preach upon "The Ideal Physician," and to-morrow night its members will attend a banquet at Horticultural Hall.

MEMORIAL TOWER University Men. to Remember Comrades Who Died for Country The January smoker of the Houston Clnb of the University was held last night in M. Against Local Option Also the fallowing Squares: Kranlch Bach, cost 4); onr price. lto Schcm acker, cost S40O: our price Steck, cost f40; our price, etc. Send for complete list of these and many other phenomenal bargains.

Pianos Rented. Pianos Tuned. Thf Libel al Laws League has decidcJ MR DELAY FOR MRS. BOTKIN Attorneys Will Ask for Postponement of Her Sentence to tieciare war against the aim of th Anti-Saloon League to secure tbe passag Smith, of Emerald and Tioga streets. John Endresg.

30 years old. of 1039 Fernon atreet. was thrown from his wagon aa It turned from the car track at Twelfth and Arch street yesterday. The wheels panned over bis body, rausinx a compound fracture of the left leg. He was taken to tbe Hahnemann Hospital.

William Porn. 52 year old. of South Bethlehem, an agent for a large dairy, was struck by a passenirer trnin at American and Nutria stieets yesterday afternoon, sustaining concussion and lacerations of the He was removed to the Episcopal Hospital. The funeral of Thomas Watt. 62 years old.

of Richmond and Pratt streets. HrldesWrK. who died of Rrixht'a lltate, will he held to-morroW. Mr. Watt was one of th best known residenrs of Rrideshnnc.

He acmmulated considerable wealth from a profitable machine business and retired several years to to to to to to to to to to to vi Hx-ai option law ana win noia i mas meeting at Liederhain Hall. Secon Houston Hall. Besides the regular business and McKeau "streets, to-night, to diseus SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 14.

When Mrs. P.J.Hallahan&Co. Ilorth-East Corner 8th and Filbert -Streets Cordelia Botkin appears for sentence for ways ana means or the campaign. HUUU parilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. Sold by all 1 023 MARKET ST.

CASH OR CREDIT meeting in the auditorium an aquatic entertainment was held in the swimming pool and light refreshment were served. At the business mewtlng the War Me 1 he murder of Mrs. John 1. Dunning, ot her attorneys will ask that be postponed for one week-. What dmgeists.

Price si. uet only flood s. Be earefnl what yon spend ymr money fori A cileal ubtirute fro. stnlMnt 1101,1103, III3 Chestnut Street morial Committee reported that the work ever action her attorneys may take for Hwtsl'c Dillc are tne best after-dinner article may turn out to be a costly purcuaW Insist on caving tbe genuine goods. of raising funds for a memorial gate naa siuvu i pjijg; ajd digestion.

25c delay will be opposed by the (state..

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