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Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 1

Evening stari
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Anting Stu i i i 1 i WASHINGTON. D. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1866.

4.282. fi Oc THE EVENING STAR It YUBLI8HED DAILY, (SX01PT fUSBAYj AT THE STAB BUILDINGS ST W. D. WALLAOH. Tho STAB aarrad by flirmri tAatr abaeriben In lAo Oity.

ud Dlatrtc at Tss Citn rn mx- Uopioo at tAa coaatar, wttA witAoat wrappers, Two Omu aaoA. Puoi sottti, Om DaOar mU Cmtt; Mx thru Wtert; im tmt, Am Ho papora art Nit fro? tfca offlM longer tAaa paid fur. Tk? KEEJLY om ITMajr gniMg- Omt DtUm ami a Bmif a Tear. PERSONAL. TH1 WASHINGTON HOMOEOPATHIC PENBARY.

Bo 314 Street, tetw-en ail people will rnvift MMadtnct Md at tha laatttavlea. Opstd ilallr, Bntdtyi Im.T YBRD1. from ltol p. a. Oh 0 S.

VERDI, from 2 to 3 ra "I ST SCOT ION OM THE P1ASO -A lady who 1 ku itudied music VBdir the best ia a Aaiahed performer on the Piano, and who hu a good of experience a teacher. will glee PlANu LI880N8 to alew pa pi in or out of the Tl? kttof Far tarda and call upoa Meeara. A CO. Mutlc Btora, or Oftiae Boa 7 94. who haee la jtred or certain aacret wblch unfit tbem for pleasure, or th-s dotlearf married life; alao.

middle aged and old men. from the of youth. or other a debl'ityin advance of their helare placing under the treataent of oae. should hrat read "The Hfcrct fiiend Married I earn of iaportnacby peruaing "The Secret to any In a sealed on of iWcenta. Vt.

Cli AB A STVABTA CO Boston, Mw? not-ly BKIPAL AND CROSSES. ANCHORS, A preeerved In nktnrri form WAX FLOWEBS, A IK rlOWKKl and BBMKINO. by FR1K8. late ot Boetnn H.u? removed to No. 4JV nth atreet, between and II.

oc 3 IAP1KB WBO ARB 0F A. ful anil aerompliat.ed Phvaiclan, con alt Dr FiKNKY MnRTON, 194 Park street, tear Richmond afreet, Baltimore. Md. Dr Mor tcn'n aertices may engact ib Washington or ny othercity by addreaataaaa above. AMIS GUILD.

Iftmi'r in kami Old Furniture Beup bolstered and Varnished. 11th and the Highest price paid fof Second-hand Fnrnitnre aa 1 vrutn.1 C.r.p:aci. LAW OFFICE. BLACK. LAMON A and at Law In the Supreme tbe Untied 8uim, the Oourt oC the of the Dlatnct.

the Kxecctive and of Congrv a. Oil ce, 4i?" atreet, (directly opposite de CLOTHING, Ao. I) ADVICE. a it that a it! Joat listen a bit From at Hall a wcrd of So aonnd and Tot the preeent of Fall. Button yonr coat Fr to yonr throat.

A ad aec that you re clad. Or with cold in your head Yos'll be tick la your bid, Wtieh will be dlnzly bad. Ai.d you II atay ia bed With tbe cold la your And apdlled to Till you're ba-l enongb Of the atuff. And all -ortiof aick folka diet Better Aad taUe rare To preperly clad for the Kali, In Juat rich aa tluiee hicb are aold at Smi th a Oak Hall. SMITH BK'Mi A MBBOHANT TAILORS.

ak-. rx OENTh RNlalllMti C.OOD4*. CAE HALL, Stvairn Strict. Jad rtctiied tbe atock of PlhCE OOD8 the city of n. nctire4 the artiata in city, me are prewired to ap in tbe tine-t atyle.aaiat )e i prices then ahy otner ment jna 13 tf 8 A (XT VOL A a.

MtftUHANl TalLOK. owner Jm oflith mil ieania ppoeite Willnnia1 tel. -d iLi of Clothe. ChinchlUm and maa, for yfy find a ceneral aaeortm-nt Farnlahlat He baa alao to nia a aplendid lot of rlaa? Cuatom Clotnli New York, at lower prltee than can be bad iu tbta city. Re iarites triads and the public to cfT' him a call, as! ritirw hia aluccre for liberal patroBiitre.

HllHIBOIk, Baccaaaor ta H. S. Leadou A mm C1T12EX AMD MILITARY MERCHANT TAILOR, Metropolitan Hotel, lata Browa a. CT avauue momtrni avenue, tan "'r ta DeMutryMfMSSm Eitrmtui WtikoMi All Pf I won Id adriae them LEWlBU ofBce, and Hare them aa Rubber. Gold and w7j? In erdpr that all peraona ahould Sffbid ptfAu araaaa, between 19th aad 13U S.

LEWIS, M. Deatlat. Till 1 LOOM IS. Patentee of Lee MIS SEAL 'lata TEETH, attaada parroaally hla office la thia city. Many cuMB wear teeth vho caanot wear ad no peraoo caa wear who canaot wear Peracna eainaa at ay oMoe be aeooaaadated with any atyTe aad price at Teeth they Ire, but to thaee who are particular, and wiah the anreat, cleaneet, etroaceat and moat perfect fcrt MIS SEAL TSSTB will be more fully warranted.

Booaaa la elty-Ko Peaa'a aeeaae. "Xh Alao. Arch street, Philadelphia. or 1, pOEl ABLE STEAM embiainr the maaiaam of dnrahlllty, ad with the iciumm--f wngtit and price. They are and knoaa, than KOO teiDir ia All w.irrante'] or Deacriptire cirtalara aeat ea Application Addreaa J.

C. N0AOLSY A MteeSu Xiawrt uce, removal removal. DEN NTS, COACHMAK4CK, Beft to lalora hia net and tbe pohlle toal he bee frcm. Ok? atand va atreet. tn ae I atreet.

between l.ttli aad Uth treeta. aentb aidecf Uatilaaveiiaa.and Ororer Theatre ere freater i ban i a hia obi I -rati aa. do rIjJi; all 1 r.tnrhea and build new work CHEAP, DURABLE la an UOSD STYLE aa oay oadunaker in the conttry. He mg bat flret claea nn baxioa and ualng tbe beat material, together with atrict Mteaiioa to to toerit raceito a fair abare ot aep t-ota DA Mb EXPRESS COMPANY. OSKTS aid PB-WA AFFVf'E.


Valuable-of all dispatch to all of tbe country. OF NOTES. BEAFTS, and BILLS la BOceMibia he Citlted SUtea O- DUN B. ah tf aebiaetea. D.

O. 'I'llB fjRKAT REBKLLION. by Joht, Mia I Cbara irr eud ilea, by if 1.74. of Kriak. fer Haiitr, Time- of Ja-'het.

by Wni te The Sanetv A of tbe at. by i 1 hla- ug tite Red, A Vj.el. by rjienta. Race by II Riddeil; a i 17 FKASCh TAYLOR. BREAEFAST BACOS -Bright iv Elag Place.

Cor. at. aad 1434 ttraet LAVING CAR Mouared Bart a Lin Eagle r. Wf and other rarietlta A lao. Cv-? FEANCE TA Wb A.


(late Peaaaylvaala near Hotel. 1-LET J. Spaceman Manager. DA EVENING 2. pemag of the Winter Beeun i MONDAY EYENIN NOVEMBEB Fiiat appearano of hr who will ierr en ale BUB ACIU.

in BicBard 8fc'TiiMHi' of Tnc RIVALS. I After J. Mormn'e ol A mOl'LiH FIX. With Jefferaon aa HI GH DB I NO MAT1NEK TUVB8 AHEBNOQN.Not JS. tta I AT ODD FELLOWS' HALL, thanksgiving BIGHT.

NOVEMBER '29th. rtM, Ccojuienclog at o'clock i the Benelt of THKC1ILRCH AND 9 UOOLS TBB IM MACCLATE CONCEPTION TICKET3, OHE DOLLAB. Gratid 1'imo hw Ueo BiuBlv icauail Jobs K. Eliia. JC IVin'i atenaa.

no t' 3t WALLS OPERA I i i At'VCITIN DA LI '0 sutesmul dramatization i 11 had a gbbat novel. i BirriTU A 4 Vi ill be produced the OHEN1SW P1EGB OF THE SEASON. Under tbe peracnal euparvlaiaa, by the GREAT UTOt'K COMBINATION, DECBMBEB 1, BOSB EYTlNGE. AMI) MR. JOHN MORTIMER I Appearing id I 1 THB1B ORIGINAL HOLES i I i CATHARINE I A Wl? GRIFFITH GAUNT.

Aa played by them at the New York Tbaater, with nntenaded -nccea, fer KIX DTIVR WEEKS na 26 tf metzerott hall. GBAND OPERATIC CONCERT THE RICHINGS CBLEBBAfBD ENGLISH OPEBA TROUPE CAROLINE RICH IN GB. TKBiS Will ppear for poaitlrHy one night only on MOBDAY EVENING, November 16, at tbe aboTr-naanart hall. twl preeent eame of their gem- from th- followluv operas FRA DlAVOLO, SlClLLIAN YES i MARTHA, ANNA BOLENA KABBEK OF SEVILLE. LINDA, BBTLBY AND DON PASUI ALI.

Dii actor DIETRICH of on Thurnday morning. lu oVIock, at a Music Store, where aeata can be tern red without extra 21 fit J. W. A B. I'.

KUK1S DANCING At'ADKMY. Penney Ivania avanae. bat. 6th 7th ate Opp Metropolitan Orr la a for the rer ptien of 1 Pcpila. A erivrt nit toriuiuii froiu a a clock, r.

ran be ladtlJ.F. XlUa' aud G. Uet4. rot! A Mi -fc The Bajl ba rented for Bolreea. Ac.

M'f Hontr of Tyrmn For Ladlee. Mi-w- Maac -ri. Taeeday and 1 TliaraAay afteraoana. frot? to 6 cl'xk Gentleaieii'? Olemea.TnaadAy Thureday event frrm to 10 clock. Kor further I format ion.

dnriac the houre of tuition, or addreei a nore to the Acaaamr. Qnarter cowinf-nctnx ith the leeaon. 10 A I I FASHION ABLE" DANCING Hi ACADEMY. AT aa MABINI 8 ASSEMBLY F. and -trceta, Thla la opfti ter the UflBk 7 tioi' of pcpila.

itad konra tnilion for vonnv la ntlo-narid t. Ttuirs and from tot rn i G' ntlrm. trvtu to 10. Pri'vaU inatmctlon tflven to solt the converleore of tha aapll EDUC ATION AL. I' ST.

HALL. HE datlea I- institution will be resumed ea 8cat. UM For terwa, tl. ie ii1 cfrnler at principal took of tliia tba erterlpat. an 31 E.

Md STOVKS. Ac. PREPARB fQB fin Al to YD 5. thMreet, JgA i WP betnr-en and E. i oc i't rt-p Iri lor all W1n of Ntovea, j.uii Mjltli celt ANOB9 for aal" r'ooklDff aud STOVES In OL1) PTOVKS taken part pay B.

Sealer of Walgbta acd BOREBT BOTD. 4 7 9 Mb afreet.bat. DjiM B. I. A.

INFALLIBLE A'lt'E a ClRR. vhn wl? iiiul ratiil DI CK- tl ETT A RI'CKJI. Nu betv eo ajd id tragauu 1 .1 SPECIAL NOTICES. I A D'? 1 PAPMf OOLtAE AID OOFF8, To he bi4 I A I 8 A fi A If 8 1, oa v.V*" 8th for Mbinf O. no J5 I iBu (Otd I I PHALOB'S BI'iHT I Ikft tour I kH I other for thf hand- I T.eTy a Buu aide el tbe I to mac Sold everywhere.

JUPNiUm GBCAT BdECMATK lhf remedy ever th-nablic. A gentleman ef this the of hlelimb-i. and had ff? over monthe. hu Un com- I ads "tV, I FOBD, MEDIAL INHTITOTB FOB 8PB01AL oasbb. Be 14 Bond tract.

Hew York. wlth 1 send.for tlUm, I edTeitt.lue phy in WltboBl rtftrmr, 1 I w. trusted. Enclose a stamp il -i'OOtto DB. LAWBBNOB.

NO 14 Bond street, New Yerk. neMDAWly rwo BAD OA 818 OF P1LBS OF BED BY DB PlLB BIMICUY. I fe8viile' wrltee for I L.2 aufferwUh the Pllea, tbat be 1 tronfelod for Htkt years with an trim? Pllea. and hla brother wan dlecharged I imi being qnlte para- I lyaed with the Pllee I Both I Dr 8TBICKLAND 8 Th? "mmmJati of thean sen Umenbeaide the daily received i J. tocooTiaeathaM sutler- I that tunst aggravated lirenic of Piles MwC i Pile Remedy It is n'i wry where.

Sotd by Pai avenue and 9th street. ocMly I A hUPEBlOB KEMEBY. recommend these I I DK. 8TB1CBL A Nl) 8 HELL1I VOUOH BALSAM. I It (rivea relief alaoott and la wttb loabt birt Mt Halaan la one of I tbe preparatlona in tvaa.

and ta all that ita I dnrinf week. (onad from a mast 'a prepared by Dr 8tr? klan hjaiBora atreat rinrlnnatl, Ohio, and Tor aala by Drpuiata Hold by HAlkN A CAA8. FHMHTIHl'g, 117 Pa. aTpnue and S04 Ninth I neatly BVMKL STSABIL 8VCCK88PULL KXTBAOT BDOBO CVXIIM I tiny oaaa of Kidrst Dusasb. I UhatkLi Ukinast and I Id tb? Back, Pbmalb Oowuim and I arliiag froaa Bicmu of aht Bihb AFFLIOTIPI TBY 8MOL ANDBB'8.

TAKE NO OTHER BUCK9. by all Apothecarlea Price 81 ABBES Jt New York, and BABBK8, WABDAOO Orlaana, Boot hern BUBLEIQH A I WholaaaJa Brnfflrta, Boaton. Maaa General Aiaata. fat POLOATFB ABOMATIO VEQETABLE 80AP A anperlor Toilet 8oa.f, prepared AroBa reflaad OiLala combination I tor th" of Ladiw, and Ita la and waahing pxopartlea anrirailed. I For aale by all drngglaa.

fe aolT h-- DIHBASKrt' aR IT Qi t'j thti rnuat I dfCf Ibe i I two Tour daya, an-l I In twenty four bonra No mineral no rfur' Only tea pilla to be taken It want t. who 10 VI 83. an CiiLlBACY, Sfea Vl? nuSlif InttracUon for Yonng the whloh proatrate BALLS. BBOTtilBUOOD. jgT I JL i 'iBank TflANKSOITlNO BALL oy THt UIBOLE, AT ODD YELLOWS HALL.

STBEET, EH DAY, i Thankafclring tt. Senator M. rrlBon and othar prominent Fai.l 10 pr' Pieaaant tltaa la The aanatc will be under tbe direction of Pro Mnloney-aiid tnoxt popular jSl ill be a. lirared in hla inimitable atjle. Ticketa.

admitting a and ladien no TuifniTf iuni ball A TWBNT1BTU UBAND PIC NIC THB VODNO I'NITEH CLUB, be (ft ren at THE WAbHlNGTOtf CITY I HAN Mil VINO DA1T, (Thoraday,) Not. JH. 1 be I'Injure Clnb, which haa rt.a i.rM.t MUli Plc NIC. Will recn'ne a Oiul 1 "ctl" bat. No Inritatlons I kM the oc odock and keep ttDU, man a-id By order of THE CO ITTEE Oa Tli A 8Q1 I NO THE F1KST QKAND BALL A AMERICAN KAOLK Ml ba viT, at FOBBED HALL.

Oh UEDXKSUAV, Not. V8. LrHtcil win I tana la ensaged for thun-elaea to aaara rJ? "or to make this one of th? I the IM Biwfl. 1 and Sl'U 8 o'F 1 a 8 7 wialitng to nd cl at 1 hie eTetiinit. frw fr-m nelwy dUtnrban e-.

ill not rail to he at the I i KlHel BALL LA or LIKABTk LOD4.B. (knighla ol,, elveu at FELLOWS HALL Nav? Yard 0-. BF'N KHDA EVBWIBf i ron Minis 01 iko I bi- a social and tb cherac 1) uil! in nre Kii.VfHa I Kklh AtOLl.AB. luiauaiu; a tan linlM-e. 0-? Malhieaoa.

Wrn M. KNtlly. 11 Bd' IL, H.U on. II NiHa, iVgg, Alton. 8 I i I.

11 I I HE i I ill -lve their I TFNTH OR AN BALL. iA ATJfLAMD HALL. A On MoBDatV 10. WBW YeeM rfAmy I Life a tha Border Illustrated. Annual Oy- I i lepedta tor ltd.

Uoldain Smith's on I he of Hlaterr. Summer Kaet by Qalt Ham I SS.bZZJiTzk,?,u' JUI babcb taylob. TELEGRAMS, fct. Some vwki aiwce, in a case befora the Circuit Court of Aim Arundel county, edge Marruder relured to allow the evidence of colored woman to be rreciwd, itttitf tmt according to tbe laws or Maryland no negro testify in aaj cam where one of tbo parties to tbo stiit waa a white person. lAe also declared that the civil rights Mil was uaeonMlUtiossl On Saturday ho was talo before United States Commissioner Brooks on the charge of violating the provisions of this aet.

Ha declined an examination, and to await the action of the United States pud jury it December. It is iatended to make this case a test question as to the constitutionally of tbo civil rights bill, as Judge Giles' decision will be appealed from and the case taken to the Supreme Court. The steamer Liberty, from New Orleans, via Havana, on tbe SOtb, Has brought to Baltimore Captain Harris and the officers and crew of tbe steamsbip Kingfisher, of Messrs. Morde. cat Co Baltimore and Charleston liae, wbirb left there on tbe but foundered in a severe gale sixty miles southeast of Cape Hatteras.

I be officers and crew and passengers, tbe last named three in number, took to tbe boats, and, after being exposed for some hours to tbe mercy of tbe storm, were finally rescued by the United States steam frigate Susquehanna, which was conveying Lieutenant General Sherman and Minister and the Secretary of lepatian, Mr. E. C. Plumb, to Mexico. All were rescued except four colored men.

Tbe bill define tbe qualification of jurors has passed both bouses of the Tennessee Legislature, taking effect from and after passageThe bill provide? that in trials, civil or common law, is any courts in shall be good ground ot challenge for cause as to competency of anv jnror that such person is not a qualified voter of ihe State. Tbe bill provides (hat a convicted or a rape as now defined by the Tennessee shall suffer death by banging, but tbejury may commute punishment to imprisonment for not less tfcau ten nor no more than twenty years. A terrible tragedy occurred in Omaha, Thursday night last. The fire and burglar-proof safe in tbe wholesale grocery store ofH. R.

King Jc Co. was robbed of a clerk named Higgins recently from Pennsylvania. wasmurdered in is bed. and the buildin? set on to cover the The porter named Bates, wbo slept with iu the store, was shot through tbe arm. This man, however, is supnosed to be the perpetrator of the robbery and murder, and is under arrest.

The clerk, Higgins, was killed with an axe. a tearful gash being cut in bis bead A special dispatch from Chicago the following: Tbe glad news bas beeu made public of the virtual completion of the Lake tunnel fcr supplying Chicago with water. Tbe workmen are within thirteen inches of tbe lake end of tbe tunnel, and the city inspector at four o'clock this morning bored an through to the other side, clearly showing that what was supposed to be au operation of great making the two ends has been accomplished with beautiful scientific effectiveness. A special despatch from to the N. Y.

Tribune says that the Morchon City reports that the Cheyenne council had been closed, and that tribe? are concentrating at Big Creek, on the Smoky Hill route, and their chief told the employees of the overland Company tha' nothing bad been said in any ol tbeir treaties about tbe Smoky Hill route, and they should uot be permitted to use it. A special messenger who recently arrived from Ireland, states that the Island will soon be in a state of complete insurrection. Large quantities of Springfield. Enfield, and Speucer rifles are hourly arriving at New ork, which are being constantly -hipped to Ireland Massachusetts beads tbe movement in subscriptions and don of arms, and all tbe latter wbich were intended for service in Canada have been turned over to Stephens A sun been commenced before the Supreme Court of New York, by John H. against General Butler, charging him with false laid at ami with fradulent conversions of property? damages, Lester received a free pass from Secretary Stanton during the war to bring his family North.

General Butler disregarded ihe permit and imprisoned him. The Chippewa Indians, on hunting expedi- i tions. are molesting tbe settlers along the frontier. A partv consisting ot David Ellis, Mrs two yonng ladies, names, unknown, an elderly lady, name also unknown, and a little boy who left Knoxville, Iowa in October, for tbe purpose of crossing the plains, were captured, and all but the ladies were murdered by tbe redskins. A prize-fight was on Saturday arranged between Johu McGlade, of New York, and Sam.

Collyer. ot Baltimore, for from one thousand to six thousand to take place soon at some point between New York and Baltimore. Ou Sunday, tbe I3tb the Susquehanna arrived at Havana, where General Sherman and Minister Campbell were received with marked attention by tbe authorities. It was understood that they wonld remain in Havana one week. Fifty -even Radical Senators and Representatives of Tennessee publish a call for a State Republican Convention to meet in Nashville on the of February next, to nominate a candidate for Governor to represent the Union men ol Tennessee.

The Presbyterian General Assembly will coutinne its eeesion at Memphis this week It has been largely attended, and the greatest harmony has characterized iu deliberationsMany eminent divines are ia attendance. A Paris correspondent in a communicatiou ot a late date states that tbe alliance betweeu Prussia and Russia, ami tbe counter alliance between France and Austria has been There is news from Acapalco of the landing of tbe whole armament of the Western at lloca de Tronaga beiore the arrival of the Imperial vessel sent to capture her. The friends of Governor Swann assert that lie has determined uot tocou veue the Matyiaud Legislature in extra session. It will meet in regular session on tbe loth of January. A number of Republw an? in Baltimore are making arrangements to visit Washington on Saturday next to join ia tbe welcome toCougl'e-s It is slated that a large number of men have duped by a concern in New York advertising free passage, homesteads and religious liberty in Branl.

At a banquet to General Nelson T.tylar be Mated iu bis speech, tbat he should uot coniert ihe seat of John Morrissey iu Congress. Colonel Kelley is now in charge of Feniaii Mr. Stephens having evidently left tor Ireland. The New York Yacht Club have riie ocean sweepstakes race ween yachts esta. Henrietta and Fleetwmg.

A special from Little Rock, says the Arkansas legislature bas elected Hon. John T. Hbillip? United States Senator. Tbe Monit' se.ys rhit tbe budget and die army is to be increased as preparation for likely to occur. Tim Mkthodimt Krin contributed to tbe Methodist centenary lund tbi? year already amounts to nearly millions dollars.

The Christian Advocate is that tbe aggregate will reach five millions. Mr. Daniel Drew. 01 New York. Heads 'be list of subscribers by the gift of half tmilliou Among the donations from single lurches or individual members we Una th" names of lee Clad of llopkinton, tchueetts.

put down for and bis -ou. Lieutenant Governor William Clafiiu, lor Broomlield Street Church, Boston, UTU.CMi: and Canton. Ohio, Christ L'burch, Pittsburg, down for Meriien, Connecticut, hus already sent ia md more Is to follow Trinity Churcu. Ciainuati. contributes and North Ad.un?, ilnssachusetie.

Sl3.l*Xi. Tbe mention of numbers will show ou what a gigantic bis work Is going forward. sisters named Berry were married last week at Rockland, one uj a Mr. and tbe otheT to a Mr. Suow Blackberries" and WAi Orrington.

during tbe gale af Friday lust, Mr. Nathan Phillips, sixty even years of age, bad jest cloaed torn loor, when a terrific gust of wiod burst it ipsn. and it struck him with such force that ne died from the of the blow on Monlay. I i wi Dilirtctfal ia a Riiulin Ckirrk L'1 EMltMl. Tbe Hndgewater (Kngland) Mercury re counts the particular? of a nn.ffui acene i whtcfe occurred ooe Sunday in October in Nor thmoor-green Church.

Mr. Huat oom- J1 MOD after eleven clock, and proceeded for a time in ordi nary way, when it was suddenly interrupted by a great com mo ion being observed near the door. Immediately followed by a loud buret of tn, fanghteranda stamping of feet, tbe evident intention being to create ma as posaible. Tbe cause of thu tumult was the entry 1 into the church of two women and four th? men. attired in what they designated their vestments." These consisted for the most i part of several pieces of paper, either pinned or sewn together.

In the form of a loafc. vid intended to representa cape, to'nut worn by Mr. Hnntin his high ar The paper wa? of vanoas th. of strip- of On the back, in iD, the fay est colors, were of paper ar- of ranged in tbe form of a large cross. Fiecos ol i large placards, printed on different colored paper, pages of illustrated periodicals, fastened together, helped to complete the cos.

tume. One wore ahigh "cardwiAl hat," rn made of yellow paper: another had strips of colored paper attached to his cap, in imitation o' tbe ribbons of a recruit, and wore in front su an immense placard, L.ue ranee, while behind was another large he Celebrated Hippodrome a-' The two women are named Ellen Sweet and ofl Ann Bird: and the fonr men were Kobert Tothlll. John How, Edward Kltch, and Far- fit son- Immediately alter the entrance of tai persora there wa? a large to con- clj gregation of people who had followed th- nj? There was a complete in'er- nn ruptlon to the service, and Mr. Hunt call, a Tl constable to himselt beside ihe poipu. On thi leaving the pulpit Mr.

Hunt proceeded to where himself in hi? popish tu and again came forth, preceded by his server, who bowed low in frout of the N. altar table each time he it. The Ft having lit the candles Mr. Hunt knelt down, l'j When there immediately ensued a loud noise 1 canned by scottting and stamping or feet, and coughing, and some langh'er. Incense mi was next burnt, and directly this was com- on menced the uproar became great.

Some Ft pnt on their hats. The bulk of the mem- In bera ot the congregation, no longer content Dr with stamping their feet, began to hiss and El hoot, and got very excited. Cr es were also raised of -Fut it away!" and to Home-' Ft In concluding the service, and before parta- king ot the "consecrated Hunt fr? lifted the vessel with both hands over head, upon which some hissing pla-e to Himself and his ser were the ouly commu- -et Most of tbe congregation, after le sb ing ihe church, remained outside, and wared for aome trme before Mr. Hunt appeared, when he was saluted with cries of to Rome tb have 'ee sent to ee Mr. 11 nut was escorted from the spot bv is three constables.

1 ap Virginia In Rockbridge county, last week, tbe carriage ot Dr. Watson, containing his wife and 1,0 family, was met in the road by another car- Ci riage driven by a negro man, who drove against Hi I)r. W. vehicle, breaking it and endangering the lives of those in it. Dr.

W. followed the driver. tiring ai him as he tail, bull took effect, inataatly killing the negro man Uc W. gave himself up. and was held to bail do in On.

bn On one day of las: week, several negro m-ti employed in a tobacco factory in ltanville hn poisoned themselves by drinking of a prepara mi tion used to flavor tobacco, known as the oil off mirbane. They being iguoraut of Its poisouous lo? quality, got tasting pretty freely ot it, and wl in hours every one was prodtia ed from an its enecte. wo of the men died. At the meeting of the stockholder? of the bu irginia CVniraJ a to nit subscribe to the stock of the Tredegar Iron col Company elicited a lively debate, and was withdrawn; but favoring a chacge in the cAarter, so as to a purchase if m) necessary, of the Ohio and ttovington roai, was pauM. The negotiations between the Ki ver iV.

and Kanawha CanaJ and the French ao- tear to have a point beywnd which they get no further. Kliis, tbe Fresident of tns ompany, does not think that the ronsumma- tion wished lor is any nearer than it su months ago. The Fetersburg people have made arrange menta to have a charity b.tll there soon, ar which each lady is to wear a calico dress. be given to some poor woman after the ball Jt' The fields of growing grain allev re, present an fine appearance. The tTn wheat has come up well.

Ml-1 A Ncn-osEn "A IN Fobtsmouth? A H'We ram Ut. C)n Tuesday eiening tne inmates of the family of Mr. Wm R. Bontwell, residing on South street, in Fortsmoutk. partook of snpper.

'he principal dishes of which con- on sisted of hashed beef and sweet potatoes The an' -arne night, Mr. lloatwell. bis wife, Sallie Boutwell, and an old lady, Mr? Ann Critten- dea, were all attacked with the most violent purgings and flu of vomiUng, dreadful and all the most positive and unmistakable symptoms of cholera. Medical aid was called in, but all three of the sufferers contiuued to gTow rapidly worse, and all died within a few hours of each other, and were all laid ont in V. th sane room.

deceased composed the entire hotisehoid, death makiog a remorseless aweep of wife, aad the aged ladv 2 who bad her home with them i naim. to cri Tna 1 zyrogaf. Fowir or thi Krdan, correspoBdent of the Farts Temps at I Florence, confirms the report that an arrange. sat inert is contemplated by which the various Sti powers are to guarantee to the Fope a small Wi of the territory which he still retains tb( W'8 mHn-T convinced. i and the Roman vrevolutionary; committee and the Italias government, among others, ihat the no only practical settlement of the difficulty i- leave the Fope the absolnte sovcreigntv oter the Leoline City and a strip of territory, exeluding Civita Vecchia, but Including the port ofFalo.

According to this plan all that part 1 ot Home on the left bank of tbe Tiber and the of 1 rastevere, as far as the gate ot For to Santo ra' Spirito, would become exclusive Italian. The I I-eoliue City walled in. and F. pe could thus feel himselt at un po L.KG1FIATIOH ik ermont I Legislature, at its recent session, changed the ma distribution of the school funds, bv which third, instead ox one-fourth, as heretofore, will an be div ided equally letwecu the comtuou school districts and the remainder in proportion to be average attendance of scholars A law was passed allowing parties in court to testify a in their own behalf. An act was lim- iling the liability ol the State bank-(now being closed under the operation of uational law-) for the redemption of their currency period of one year, commencing trom the pub- lie at ion of due notice, which publicauon must continue tbrongh the year.

The salaries of the ju.lgesol theSupremeCourt wereio reased by -WW, n.akiug iheni All effor to increase the efficiency of tbe militia were 1 unavailing l'i Ktnr.HR writer from Faria of meeting a Parisian coachmau. to misfortune baa given acnriouace. lebnty. Sometime since a caucer in his tongue rendered its hjiipntatioa This oper. ation was performed by the surgeon of the Hotel lJieu.

who shortly afterward replaced CP the lost tongue by one of gutta penha. Al- Uo though he cannot -peak, he tastes, swallows, art tmok. his pipe with apparent en Alter be t.ik*s out his one takes out a aet of false teeth? leau it, tint betw. en bis repasts he generally linds it more coiivenieai te carry it in his pocket. Wj Akkajus is a ti' ery gloomy state ot affairs exists in I iau and rai that the protection which promised hr tbe f7, Covstitntion and laws to all cltiien- i- uot practically given In tbatTerritory Thusta of Is said.

long hup; and a prominent ciuaen of that Tern- ir tory predicts tbat Um aovernmeut will at ao distant day feel it due to a large portion of the people there to declare auUioritati rely whether Yo la a part of tbe Unitrd States, subject to 'f1 Its lews and sovereignty, or wtMMber it to be He given up to tbe Mormons. STTbere but oue revolationary pension. Cat er bow litiag, Samuel Dubb, who enlisted On from Mew Hampshire ai.d bow live, New lioi Cbhobs tbat "Ooae" should oloee th- air list. tba rojiemaker named prestoa. ft rssidinc iaFiBdlay.

buag himself Ian day "because ius oaaghwr ord to prevent hut going to the tavern to driak swi 4 Entomn wwi. the Atlantic cable I Not rbe onJition nipirr is ib? topic the coatmeut Tbe Trieste siaeolibe ftl The London Sunday ilar-Me rcorti 1 rg the royal otu Btrair.y laws will nas. Crawn wib Ik af i conimiMioa. Among nvmbrri rd HeugDton. Sir Kcundeli Sir K.

illimore, Dr Tmm. and W. H. are vaf report- ibf liox-roin-ii rode to twenty m.iitia to land. johdom, 24 An editorial writer the awsot tbia motaing tin m-ror iximillan has actually ahdicat-d.

the Intervention of th? verament at tb- aext st-n a aauer irtf. bat will luliov L- that 40 trm-poria will tioai eet to bring home tbe innektely tbe arrival of the ma iu Not i'l-Noon. f-mu agitation Ireland still Mmi) ai rests of and wixur" of inci bare bm ide An American named to suspected ol being aa apn' of the aians. arrested a' Iiablia to-day and prisoned. Many others whom the mues have spotted will be immediately ar i red raaarm.

Park, Not. rumored to-day ha Imperial appointed con ler tbe reorganization ot tbe reu ti army II report in favor of adopting tb- Pruattaa lltary spstem. nrmarv Lonuoii. liiet adopu-d ad tbe Kroperor ol Anuria asking t. rest.

rati, of the laws of IM-, aad protnisr tbe Uiet -will con-ider The tbe Lmpcrur in bi? re -u: rr ript. (By Steannr.1 Ntw VniK. Not. frp? Mtbimpton on me uth instant. arted.

The vbolera dimmi-hing in London. Intelligence receded at from lies that It hv deci led at a 'tat it tbe Pope be oblig-d to Home will seek an asylum in Malta Tbe acolaaiIleal authorities ol Maltabate recened yai. ictal nct.flration of this decision The Kmneror of France invited Prim ipol-ou to uure part in ih- labor- or th- mil organization comnuacf. Tbe Frvucb irotiid squadron ia ordered to be ready for de. rtnre on Instant.

It -'at-d to brim ba, tbe French from Kotae le Coiisututionnei tbe statement in Memorial I'iplomatique that Mr Ode II bad spoken of tbe withdrawal of tbe Home, and bis authority from tbe Hritash jvernment to oiler hoopitality to btc cholera rt-ported Paris. Tbe Lmptrvr, and the Prinze linprrlal left iri? for l)otri? gtie I'be P.tri* i denie-tb? made by tbe de tnat ttie bad broken out iu Kar.eloua. I ly plot bad discovered at iblic order bad oat been Liau-r EtaUa tbat ie tranqntUty evailt in Saragoaaa and tbe ArKou and Catalonia. Ry tb treaty ot be ween Austria and nssiri tbe latter bad nudertaken to restore Scbleswig in aofarastbepopulaUon. by 'e voting, pronounce tbeuiaelvaa in faTor ot cb steps.

Our been dire thi? object Denmark iu tbe projioaed Element ot tbe qne-Uou proof of ihf of I 'Eat are ways by whicb men meet their death, but bave heard of one more singular related by tbe hnglith papers, from which i' pears that a skiliul burner took the wl game lie had int. uded to destroy, and watiially shot and killed, not by tbe band, but tbe forefoot of a deer whicb he bad buuted wn. Tbe unfortunate waa on teur Scotland wounoed a tine s'ac. and tbe animal to by wav of a narrow gler 'qubart was stauoned at the glen to ad him off, but tbe powerful animat. frar.w itb the pain ot mortal w-iunde, rusbad wn en him.

and compelled him to defend by using the butt of his as a club bile thus in combat, the deer laxbed oat with lore leet so suddenly as to strike tbe hair TS of tbe double-barrelled piece, breaking tne and causing the other to discharge the id straight throairb the body the hunter, 10 said quietly. am into sis of companion, and died about twiligti dear fell dead almost a' tlie same bad first avenged its death, ar.1 ol my another monarch of the bills. In a moUipleie and extraordinary oiiort asid Small t-ensible, it not tasteful, innov-a-ion of biou is wearing ot abort aad ry small Concerning the la ter, there i comical state of consterna'iou among wuinkmd. inly one of adr skill can manage to sit down In them in an sra seat, a pew. a car utterly bside.

The trouble la that tbe lower dispor-ionately large for the np per Ku tbort dress hoops are and pliable ie dress is of proper leugth for walking, and ien in modest colors is very appropriate fen it purpose. ust now these are madgay as possible, so that tbe wearers, in their 1 petticoats, look like Some. ies the sleeves and skirt are ot 11 the waist and overakirt of uiirctniiig and conspicuous combination. 4orkihli sibcalar case ot rrlcide bas just been brought to light iu tbrnsblpof May tield. Ohio.

It appears tha tbe tjd instant, a man named Carpenter. i his eon. a young man of t3. were proceedr te a ponton of their tarm with a team, and tbe ronte tt was for the son gbt, to remove a pair of bars. In passing horses one of them hit at him.

when the urg man commenced lolently b-atiug the The fhther remonstrated aad a quarrel rued daring which the ton struck the father oa the head with a stone, fram rh? of lich death entned in a few The nily. aot deairing the arrest of a rderer. Te. natil a few days, repreaatted tha: the I man came to his death by a fall, hat flnallv iTded. from feelings of personal inform the authorities of the tacts, and the minal ta now in custody.

'rawcts Wilmington (N. Journal rs that the peanut crop of that of the ite will be about half as large aa before the ir. The average theu waa aboat eighty msand bushels. Win a county in Georgia there ia a place lere the track of the bear, deer, iioa aad rse are imprinted in aolul rock. de Beau voir, just dead, in Parts.

koned that be bad spent iu chaingne during bis faat career. Wit Is Mid tbat the Pasaamaqnoddy tribIndians, in Maine, is now the te of 20 per cent, every year. WButter ia coming down at St. AJbana. other things ia other places, and sold (herTuesday for thirty and tUirty-tlve cea.s per and WA crinoline manul.teturer in Saxony ideduru the last tea ao leas then i.TM.OUi hoop skirt spriuga, or enough to go ttmcl the world tbirtet-u times and a half WA bep on tbe "ligb', fantastic toe may pleasant, but aot when ou bop on the faaUc toe of your neighbor.

WTbe Huffalo I'omm-rcial says the people that city are a great d-al more for nigger nstrels than for profound and eloquent letres. Tbomas. who has just returned ma Soutb-ra trip, 'hat almost ev-ry rtbern man engaged in cotton planting has money. WAt tb- rat- ot progress we have forty years past tbe population ot touted States will be one hundred in tbe year WA Krencb of tbe tashioas iiv? interdicted in Spain, oa tbe ground ib? pictures of the dresses worn in Paris at the esem day are indeoeut. WHall Journal ol Uealth tbe mion tbat bnckwbeat cakea contain more urnisbment tor les? money than ant otLer Icle of food.

regret to announce the death ol ddy. King of Aqunpim, Weet Africa, a man and a brother, aad Inncb-d missionary, when iu season, with gr-v. uiarlty WAt the bearing with regard togas, b-fir Bo-t. ti City Government, It wasstat-d tb it coald be furuished at l-aa than tii p-i Dt? cubic et. Tynor, Sergeant Sixteenth R-g ir.

was stabbed and lled by a soldier, iday nigbt, at Chattanooga, at a low daire iaei In a qnarrel aboat a prostitute prnei yin May. a Mr Kimball, of N-w rk city, fell aver a tamp post wht'b w-n ng on tbe sidewalk and v-tured bf sued tbe corporation for damag-s. aad a awarded him as.hum A Marra'h of rohna. bas written a l-vtey to intavor of tbe adopuoa ct tbe t'jotb alalAmindment by tbe Southern leasure of rwliei, and the wiaeat poll -y for maaaes. is nouced that a large iat mortality ia Naa I nuirare toHown aa er from tbe local auihoritiee aUMisbiag II milk.

4 a 'If I' 4.

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