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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 7

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rilEPHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEM HER 18, 1874: Consolidated Coal, 47 100 do b.t, 47 10 8 Ex, OUfi NEW YORK LETTEB. A UCTIOS SALES. IIOM A.S A UCTION VAl Nos. I Wmd 111 Street. 1874, WHOLESALE JAMES, KENT, sr 235, 237, 239 241 itoRTh: thibd street, PHILADELPHIA.

IMMENSE STOCK OF BOUGHT FOR CASH. Now Full and Complete in Every Department, and will be sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES! SPECIAL. Sole Agents for the "JUNIATA" and "TIOUA" Prints which wo are now selling at the very low price of 7 cents Tor Juniata and 7'j cents for Tioga, by the case, lor regular assort men t. Special selections Yt cent higher. We invite particular attention to onr large stock of Philadelphia-made Goods.

RAILROAD LINE. PHILADELPHIA AND KEADLVi Railroad. MAIX 1,1 TV On and alter Nov 1 r.iiu.i will run as follows from Hepot, Till ItTI.KN TH and CALUlWllil.l, Streets: H-idin; and Potivi 7 :0 a. m., liarrishuru and I'oitsville Lxprccs, 915 a.

m. Way Train for Rcadine and branch nnxls, 1 p. m. R-adinir. 11a rrisbu rjf and PotUviile Eipn-s -fW m.

I'oitsville an 1 branch roads, 1 Acci mni.lition, 515 p. m. Reading, IfarrUhurn and Allcntown av, 7 15 p. m. Through ears to and Willi un-port.

SUNDAYS Relmg and llarrishur, 7 15 p. m. PoitHvill and branch 8 a in. and 3 15 p. m.

PARK TRAINS (daily, except Sunday) leave Seventeenth atreet and l'eninyhania avenue. For Belmont, at 8, 9 -JO "and 11 a. p. m. le ave Belmont, at 8 15.

10 and 11:10 a 3. 5 25 p.m. UKBTIAMOHS AM NO HBll TO VYN BRANCH. On and after November 1. 1-S7 1, trains will run as follows.

From Depot, corner Ninth and Oreen UERM ANTtj W'N AND CHESTNUT HILL Uave Philadelphia (Kipre si 2 3 45. 4 .0 and 5 4.5 D.m.; (Wav) 6, 7, 7-J0. JU. Sn6, 10 a. nu 12 noon, li.

6 3li, i. 8.9-4,5. 11 and 1140 p. for German-town only. 715.11 a.

2 4'i0. 5.5 25.6,815,10-30, U'30 p. in. Leave Oerniantown (Kipreas) 8 07. 8-25, 8 17, 9-26 a Way 1 6.

25, 7, 7 21, 7 4 8 iw. 8 19. 10 15. 11-15 a. 12 05 noon, 1.

r25, 2 5, 3 20 3 40, 4-45, 6 05, 5 45. 5 55. 6 15. 40, 0 5 7 45. 8 10 4 30 10 10 1115 p.

m. Leave Chestnut Hill 810.7 05. 7 50, 8 30,9 10 11- 51) a. 1 10. 2 20 3 25.

43J.540. 6 25. 6 40, 7 55, 9 15. 9 55. 11 p.

m. SUNDAYS -Lne Philadelphia 7-45. 930, a. 12- 50, 2 15. 3 05 5 20.

-30. 8, 9 30 n. for Oei mantown OL'lvat 10 30 p. m. Leave Cheat nut Hill 7 50,9 05 a.

415. 5-25, ti iO, 8, 9 p. iu. aud from Cieriuautown only at I 45 p. m.

MANAYl'NK. CON8HOIIOCKEN A NORRISTOWN Leave Pliilail. lphia at 6-o5, 7 8 05, 9. 1105 a 12-05, 1-30, 3 00. 4, M.

4 45, 5 05, G-25, 8 05, It) 1, I I 4-1 p. and for Manayunk only at 2 20, p. m. p. m.

train make no slops between Philadelphia and Norristiiwn.l Leaves Norrlstown 7-30. 8 10, 8 20 8-50. 1010. 11 15 1, 2-30, 3 30. 4 6-U5.

7, 830. 1015 p.m.. and from Manayunk only at -25 p. a m. train makes no stops between Norrbtown and Philadelphia.) SUNDAYS.

Leave Philadelphia 10 Of: a. m. I 3(1, 3 00, 4 10, 7 15. 9 25 p. ni.

Leave Norristown 7 30. 815. 9. a. 1-30.

2-30. 5. 7 15, 9 15 o. in PLYMOUIII RAILROAD, laave Philadelphia 7 30, 11-05 a. p.

in. lnc Orelauo 7, in a. 3 15 p. m. iive Philadelphia 9 a.

4 10 p. in. (Ireland 7 a. 4-2(1 p. FOR POINTS DEVON I) NORRISTOWN.

For Reading and way ints. ito p. in. For roll.stown uud way pointw. 4 30 p.

m. For Ikiwnin-ton nnd poinls on Chester Valley Railroad (daily, uxi-ept Sun lay i. 4 15 in. For Phd-nixville (oatlr. except Sunday), 11 05 a.

p. m. On SUNDAY 410 p. m. for Phienlxvllle, Potts-town and points on Pickering Valley and Colehrookdale Ilranehes.

CONNECTIONS AT GLRM ANTOWN JUNCTION, 'n ave Ninth and tireen for New York at 7, 820 II a. 1 30, S-15. 4 hi 5 25, 7 p. m. For I'ittsliurir and West at 12 05.

7. 11 p. ra. For Washington and South at 11-05 a. iu, 5 25, ll-lo, p.

ni. Leavo New Y'oik at 7, 8-40, 9 30 a. 12 30, 3, 4. 410, 5, 7, 8 30 p. m.

Ba'ae collected and delivered by Philadelphia and Head ini; Kxprem or Union Transfer Company. Ouiile Bunks, with full particulars of trains, can he obtained at all ticket offices and stations of thii Com- TICKET OFFICES. No. 838 CHESTNUT Street, uuder Continental Hotel; St. Elmo Hotel, No.

317 Arcn street; Nos. 6:14 and 732 CHESTNUT Street. JOHN E. WOOTTEN, Oeucral Superintendent. DRY GOODS.


1210 Chestnut Street. X. II. I'iauos and Organs to Kent. RAILROAD LINES, PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND Baltimore Railroad.

Heotember 28. M. Trains from Philadelohia will leave Denot, corner of Rroad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Chester 7. 10-30 a. mM 12 3L, 2-30, 4, 4 30, 5 15, 5-30, fi, fi-45, SO, lPWp.

n. 1030 a. 12 15, 230, 4, 5 15, 5" 6 4a. 9-30. 11-30 p.

Itaitinior, m. 4. (5, 11 31 p. m. Wsshini'ton.

8 3Ua. m. 6, 11-30 p. m. The 12-15 p.

m. train irom Philadelphia connecti for FortrrgsMonroe aud Norfolk. Trains v.ill leave W.t Philadelohia fT Raltitnore an-t Washington, m. 12-10 p. m.

(L ini-ted Ei pre a For lime of trains for way stations, see posters and me 'ables at Ticket Offices, No. 700 Rnd 835 Ciiettnut str4'et. and a' the D-rol. Trains for I) laare Division will leave for New Castle. 8 SO a.

15, 515 p. m. Kairinatoti and Way stations, ti 30 a. m. 5 15 p.m.

Delnia and Way Stations. 8 30 a. m. Trau for Ptiilaleljihia II leav iltimore as fo'-lows l'rui lent t'et 7 a. m.

2 in. Charles stre.t, 1035 m. LimitidE 10-51 tn. fdailv. SUNDAY TRAINS Will leave Phila'elpliia as for Lamokinand Intermediate stations, 100 p.

in. Wilmington and intermediate stations, 8 30 a. 9-30 p. Baltimoreand Washington 1 p. m.

Will leave for l'liiiaili'piiia a-s IoIhjs Lamokin and intermediate stations, 915 a. m. Wilmington. stopping at way stations 4 00. 6 30 D.

Baltimore, stoppunt at principal siaiions, p. m. Throusti ttcketa ant ileepiog car berths may he procured at ticket offices, 700 and 838 Chestnut street, during the day. KaeRaie' checked at resi- lences by tbe union rraesrer ompanv, H. F.

KENNET Superintendent "WfEST CHESTER AND PHILADEL- Ph phia Railroad. On and after Monday, October 12, 1871, trains will run as follows: Lf-ave Philadelphia, from depot, and CHESTNUT Streets. Kor West Chester, at 7-50 and 10 a. 121'J. 2 4 40, 7 and ll p.

iu. For Media and B. C. Junction 6 15 a. and 4 and 5 30 p.

m. For Philadelphia Leave West Chester at 6 30, 7 So and 10 a. and 12-45, 2 45, 455 and 6 50 p. m. Leave B.

C. Junction, 5 25 and 812 a. and 6 20 p. m. A train will leave Weit Chester at 5 a.

m. on Mondays. The 7 35 a. m. from West Chester and the 4 40 p.

m. from Philadelphia stop only at stations from Media West (except Greenwood). Ail other trains stop at ail st.itioti". ON SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia at 9 a. 2 30 and 6 45 p.

m. Leave West Chester at 8 a. 12-30 and 4 10 p. m. li.

K. SMITH, Superintentk nt. rtAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RA1L- V( ROAD. On and aft'-r Octotier 15, From foot of VTNEStrcet. Philadelphia, KOR ATLANTIC 1TV.

Mail, including SUNDAYS, 8 a. ui. A'-commod tion. 315 p. m.

Freight, with px-semtT car attached, 7-30 a. uj. LOCAL TRAINS. For May's Landing. 8 a.

p. m. For Williauistown, 15 a. 3 45 p. ru.

1'or Uainmonion, a a. 3-4-5. 6 p. m. For Atco.

lu-15 a. tj p. m. For HaddoiiBeld, 8,9. 10-15 a.

3-15, and 7 p. m. from Philadelphia, ai ir .0 p. ni. from Camden.

TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTIC till'. Accommodation, ttrio a. m. Mail, including id NDAYS. 3 20 p.

ni. 1 reiuhl.WitbpXNjeUjicr caratt.u iie.1. 11-50 1. m. i- U.

MLNDV, Agent, 1874, EfcCO 100 Ad Fx 03120; UK) On Hud SWdn ltr. 500 S3 10H4 700 do S3 102U K)du lll2v; 4(K) Erie IC29S 2y; lOOdo bSijtU 100 do 700 do 29ii 2n0 do b3 200 do l3 25 Del, Lack nd West WM; 100 and St Jos b.t 27; 100 do pf MY loo Chi, Bur and 104 lOOCIeve and Pitts BT'X; 400 i rac 1700 do 35; 2iio do b3 Hfi: mdo siodu s3 400 do 35-i: 1100 do bit 400 do 3.rv7 300 do b.1 36 600 do 36 300 do blO 800 3o3t) :700 31 500 do 31 100 do b331 400 do 31 4 fil 0 Kk Isld 101 200 do S3 200 do u3 a i cen, 10'i 60 Pitts, Ft (, 4u i iiuinc oi Mn, 40J4 100 fit I ZV 100 Mil St Paul, 36V, 1200 do s3, 36U; 800 do oy do 03, 600 do, 36'i 200 do (. bi 300 do, .1. 100 I 6r; 100 Michigan Cen, 77 1900 i oi, wao Sc West, SiK HOO do. 325: 300 do.

327i 700 do b3, 32: 100 St pf, 2 1700 Lake Shore H2 Sik do 3, 8 do, 300 do uo, niu ao 82 too do, vm do, 82 Stocks close follows: New York Central and Hudson, 101K102; Erie, Lake Shore, 82a-H2'4 Cleveland and Pittsburg, 87S7U Northwestern, 4l42; preferred, 60)rto1i Hock Island, lotiglOOV; Pacific Mail, 4I5U St. Paul, st, Paul preferred, Ohlos, Sl W'l'i; Western Union, SO; Wa bash, 3lWV.Zi Union Paciflc. aim i.u., waiv; ranama, inyH'anb. OF THK ASSI8TAHT TBgiSORFR OF THB UNITK1) STATUS, Kkw XOE. Nor.

17, 1874: dold receipti tofis 9-7K Oold paymeuu 91 423-10 flold balance COU-29 Currency receipts 819,028 68 Currency payments 97191296 Currency balance 62,824,475 19 Custom! 298.000-00 HarkeU-Noveinber 17-8 P. M. Cotton. The market is nuiet and easier: Quotations unchanged. Salej of 1023 hales at U'o.

for middling uplands, and 14Uc. for low middling. Forward do- urtiries uecunea i-ihc. 1-lour, Ac The Flonr market is steadv. with a fair export and home trade demand.

Sides of 14.900 bll at for aunerfine State: t4 for eitia do 8.1-15(45-20 for choie 85 for fancy 4 50 for superfine Western; t4 7ft(510 for common to medium extra Western; J5 15(dH-)i5 for choice 85 85 (a ti-25 for common to choice white wheat Western extra; for common to irood sliinninir brands rxira rouna noop utno; for trade Orands; 10 for common to fair extra St. Louia, aud J6 15(g) lor gooa 10 cnoice do. Southebs; Is firm, with a fair innuirv. Salei of 1600 bids, at KV90(5-85 for common to fair ana si-bums 20 lor eojd to choice do. RVK FlOLB li Sales nf 480 hhls.

at u)KMut-n stoady, with sale? of 400 bbls. at 4-104 5 for Western, and $5-10 for Brandywine. itRAiif. he wheat market is steady, with a mode rate exDOlt and home trade innuirv. Kile nfd.fiuifl bush, at 81-0GM1 08 for No.

3 sorinir: S1-09mi111 'for flo. 2 I uicago; for No. 2 Milwaukee; 8115ra P20 for old No. 2 11-17(21-28 for No. 1 soriiiL': 81-00(51-27 for ungraded Iowa and Minnesota sorinz: iHi-zi ior winter rea western: tvntM'M) lor am ber and 8l-30(Sl-40 for white Western.

Kyb Is quiet at 9ic. Bari.EY Is scarce and advanclnir Sales of 19 500 bush. Cansda West at hush, fo ir-rowe 1 State, to arrive, at 81-55, aud 40,000 bushels to arrive, i ei oi ior uanuuian, ana jrtu lor rencu, cabley malt is quiet and firm. Cokn Is nuiet and heavv. Sales 48 010 hiuh.

at 94c for Western mixed afloat, aud 87(g)89c. for new Western mix cHi. uats AreaBhade firmer. Sales of 39.000 bush, at 6ti7c. for mixed Western; 66(oi69c.

for white West ern; G7c. for mixed Slate, and 6S)c. for white do. Provisions. The nork market is firm at 82050 (3)20 75 for Western mess: 817 50 for extra nrime.

and Qiwwiv ior prune mess. Bfef Is unchanged at J10-50ll for plain mess, and 812-50(013 for extra mess. Uekf Hams Are unchanged at $21(3)23. TlKRCR IiKKF Is firm at S20dil21-50 for nrlme mess and 822(423 for India do. U-T Mkats Are Arm at 7Vc.

for citr nickled shoulders, iu bulk, and UJllc. lor do. hams in DUIK, Middles Are firm at 11c. for long clear. Lard Is nrm, Sales of 100 tierces at 15k'c.

for Buttbr Is firm at 2038c. for Western, and 28(a)45c. for State. Chmsk Eules firm at 12V(ai5Sic. for common to prime.

ajuh Arc quiet and unchanged at 86-50 for pots. Whisky. The market is lower. Sales of 200 hhls. at 81 -03 1-03 gallon, aud 50 bbls.

Alcohol at $1 O8I3 proof esllon. Molasses. The market is dull snd nominal for full loU. Muscovado is quoted at 4450c, and Port Rico at 44(a65c. S(jar Still rules hoavv.

with a limited demand. Fair to good refining is quoted at prime at Kick. Rules unehanged, with a limited inquiry to ma naue. Carolina is nuotea at lor lair to prime, Louisiana Kaugoon at 6ytWMc Cokfkk. The market is firm, with a fair demand.

wequoto Kioal l520e. gold, and Murataibo at gold. Hidrs Kule firm, with a fair inqnlry. Buenos Ayres, 21(5 20 ths, at 2526c. gold, and Itio (jrande, 20 igtii us, at 2c.

goia. Lkathkr The market is steady, with a moderate inquiry. Hiulock sole, Buenos Avrea light, middle and heavyweights at California do. at 25 and common at 25(c2c. Naval turpentine is quiet and unchanged at UoiS'c.

for merchantable. Kosiu is quiet and heavy for strained. Frbiohts. To Uiyerpool, market is firmer. Cotton, per sail, per steam, 1-Ui corn, per steam, wheat, per steam, 6 d.

Included in the engagements are to Liverpool, per sail, 200 bales cotton at Liverpool, per steam, 100 bales cotton at 20,000 bush, grain at 66' jd. Loudon, per sail; 2200 bbls. flour at London, per stoam, 16,00 bush, wheat at 8d. Glasgow, per steem, 24,000 bush, wheat at 7d. A vessel ol 3U0J quarters to Cork for orders at 5s.

IRON AJSD JtlACUIXEIilj OFFICE OF THE PEET VALVFCO. Mannractnrers or BRASS AND IRON VALVES, WATER GATES, BOSTON, Sept. 18, H74. For the convenience of our customers we have appointed Mr. HhNKV C.

CiRKFN, No. 622 COM-MKRCK Street, Philadelphia, our Sole Airent for the sale of our Valves, Water Gates, Ac, in Philadelphia and vicinity. Mr. Green will keep in stock Valves (both Brass and Iron) and Water Gates, and fill orders promptly at Boston prices, freights added. PLKr VALVE COMPANY.


OFFICE OF ACTINO COMMISSARY of Subsistence, Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Nov. 15, 1874. Sealed Proposals In duplicate will be received at this office until 12 o'clock December 1 rt. 1874, for furnishing the Fresh Ileef required by the Subsistence Department U. S.

at this station during the next six months, commencing January 1, 1x75. Information as to conditions, quality of beef, payments, Ac, can be obtained hv application to FRANK H. PHIPPS, Captain of Ordnance, U. S. A.

('. S. TliVSSES, JOSEPH MILLER7 MANUFACTU-rer of KOKtR'S ELASTIC TRUSSES, Prates for Club Feet, Bow Legs, Knock-knees, and Weak Ankles, Spinal and Abdominal Supporters. Repairing attended to. No.

718 RACE Street, PHILADELPHIA SUR-geoos' bandage Institute, No. 14 N. NINTH, fl tint trnvtl ilAra aUBU ket; 40 years' experience, li. C. EVERETT'S Truss has curtJ rupture of 58 years.

Elastic Shoulder Braces Crut hes, Supporters, Sus.wnsoriei. Cheapest aud oldest Store. Lady attendant. TRUSSES, ELASTIC bandages, Ac. Ruptured persons can keep their body cool, cleanlv, yet pcitectly safe aud comforta ble with SEELEY'S IIAf.D RUBBER TRUSSES.

Never rust, break, chafe, soil nor move from place. Used in sea bathin? Always reliable. Establishment No. 1347 CIIEsTNUT Street. Large assortment.

Correct adjustment. Lady in attendance. M. at No. 201 1 Wiinu trt Ef.Ki.ANT Kt Ml ijilK.

MoRNIMt, Novenioer Is. at lo ciocn, uy catakiie. irold hr ral'lle drawina; roo suit, wr.h c. ains Vi mitrh-euihroiderpd curtains, cabinets, mant'l mirrors', maroon leather dining room jorn and ch ii-s, e'en' sion talilos, elcjant clock, with armorial carving 1 ihrary dwarf Wwk' as vry eh ijjnt chauiwr iorm. tore.

Ai.husa in, A i initer and velvet carpet.s ehm-delinrs, The furniture made to order by Volmei A Irf-jainhra. ly he so -n on Tuesday from 2 till i o'clock. Extensive Sale at the Auction Room. HAN DSi i.M PARLOR, LIBRARY, (HAMRLR HALL AND DININO RIKlM KURMTHRri PIANOS, MIRRORS, WARDROBES, BOOKCA.SH.S. SIDEBOARDS, EXIENMON, AVI BOI TABLES.

II I A A'I i.i nior, ot-tio; Fl Rli BRUSSELS, AND OTHER Ac. VELVET. CARPETS, ON THURSDAY Nor. 19, at 9 o'clock, at the auction r. otu, by est, logue, assortment of fina hnusahold fiirnt'ur.


Ac. THIS MOUNT N(i. At 10 o'clock, by catalogue, in ir second-ttory mI-ii. room, No. 1110 Chestnut Invoice of urki-b rus, to be sold by order ol imptirti r.

AI.o. a larire as-orlment of Japarei." and East India goods including handsome cabinets, mantel rases, to. let sets, card receivers, lactpiered enods, Ac. Also, iivoce ol fine plated noods, table cutlery, Ac, to be sold by orde of a Chestnut tired huu-e. (ioods may bo examined Tueilay afternoon and early on the morning of sale.


street, below C.illowhill street, tna surplus household furniture, carpets, Ac. May be examined early on the morning of sale. SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Ac. ON THURSDAY EVENING, At 7' i the au tiou ore, will be sold a collection of valuable miscellaneous hooks from a pri vate lihr.iry. FINE ENORAVINCS.

Also, a private collection of tine ensravings, rom prislnn many valuable works of celebiated nvst atalngueacaa be had at the auction store on Wednesday. rn lTaSUBRIDUEA AUCTION." JL ears, No. 416 MARKET Street aud No. 451 MERCHANT Street, LarKu sa of Hoots, Shoes and Rubbers every Wednesday morning nt 10 o'clock, by cat aloo Sanpl-s 2000 cases of city snd Eistern nunutaciure, to which the attention of the trade is call d. Ko.

1212 CHESTNUT Street. rp A. McCLELL AN UUT ION Elt A. Concert Hall Auction Rooms, No. 1219 CHESTNUT Street.

Household furniture and Merchandise of every description received oil consignment. Personal attention given to sales at Dwellings. Br ALFRED M. HERKNESS, HORSE and Carriage Bazaar, NINTH and SANSOM SU. Sales every Wednesday and Saturday Carriages aud Harness at Private Sale.


TTUMPI1REYS' WITCH-HAZEL, THE -A a. Mai-el ol Healing. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL is the ready cure for all injuries, bruises, contusions, strains, cuts or ulcerations. It soothes the pain, staunches the bleeding, arrests iutlammatie.n, reduces the swelling, removes discoloration and heals the wound like maejo. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL is the prompt relief and rapid cure for burns, scalds and suuburns superior to every other remedy.

HUMPHREY'S' WITCH HAZEL is priceless for all bleedings or hemorrhages, nose bleed, bleeding gums, spitting of blood, bleeding lung or stomach, HTMI'llREYS' WITCH HAZEL Is the always sure and unfailing cure for piles or hemorrhoids always curing, never failing. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL Is the prompt relief for toothache, earache, faceache, swelled face and every form of neuralgia. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL is the ready and valuable resource for every form of rheumatic pain, lameness, soreness or stiffness. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL is I he grand remedy for quinsy, sore throat, inflamed or enlarged tonsils always reliable, always efficient, HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL cures every variety of soreness, excoriation, chafing or chaps however caused or wherever situated. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL is Invaluable for the cure of gravel, renal calculi, kidney complaint, strangury or other similar disorders.

HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL is a prompt cure for simple diarrhoea, and has cured the most obstinate cases of chronic diarrbwa. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL is invaluable as a cure for catarrhs, leucorrbceas or other debilitating mucous discharges. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL ia uneqnaled as a cure for ulcers, old sores, boils, felons, corns or bunions, and tumors. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL is invaluable for stable use for sprains, soreness, breast or harneus) galls, contusion, laceration or other injury. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL relieves, like magic, chilblains, frosted parts, mosquito bites sod stings of insects.

Nothing like it. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL is Invaluable as a toilet article, for shaving, bathing, relieving soreness, roughness, excoriations, Ac. HUMPHREYS' WITCH nAZEL is an oldstab-lishcd remedy, prepan-d by an experienced physician, and will perform all its promises. Price nt. bottlea, 50 cents; pints, tl quarts, 81-75.

Ask for Humphreys' Witch Hazel. Take no other. JS. B. Full measure guaranteed.

Bold by all druggists, and at No. 61C ARCH Street and No. 259 N. NINTH Street. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO, Nos.

602 and 817 BROADWAY. N. Y. COAL. COAL.

Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company PRICES FOR NOVEMBER. Tn Ynrtt. Broken el.T ton (2240 fbsl 8-40 Uirt H6-35 Ntove Small Ktove Hfl-IO htnnt S5-455 83-40 tllt-OU 81-12 Fesi BEST QUALITY. THOUOICIILY SCKKENED A.D PICKED. Orders by mail, or at the followiug-uamed offices of the Company in N.

corner NiutU aud Oirard avtsuue. No. 624 Chest uut slreoL n0. 207 A Fourth street Spruce Stieet harf Delaware). St.

Elmo Hotel, No. 317 Arch -t No. 3oi Race street. S. E.

corner Front and Willow streets. N. W. corner Thirecnth and Callnwhiil Greets. S.

W. corner Twentieth and Hamilton streets. S. W. corn -r Ninth and Oreen nrwu.

Passenger Station. Ninth and Columbia aveuue. Passenger Depot, Oerm.intown. No. 4J04 Main eruuuiown.

Pa-scng liepot. Chestnut Hill. Arniat sireet andtreimantown railroad, Gernuntowa, N. W. corner N.nm and Berks strrets.

N. E. corner Richmond and Cumberland streets. i. K.

corner Thirtieth anil Bridge streets, Fjirtuoual N. W. coiner Tw nty-third and Arch street, Taker Street Whari'tlvlawaaa No. 214 Wxhingion avenue. N.

W. corner Eh-vfiith and avenue. No. Market street, Wt Phila.1 Iphia. Pasenirer I laud.

Oertnautowo Junciion rrankiora aveuue and Readiui R.ulroai E. corner Nintn ind Master streets. South street wharf, Dclware, Th MIIU Trade-Salt Against Judge Bene- Jlel-Wlsrhtaiaa'a flight -The' Nplnn Barclarj Liabilities of fttoekholders- BrMklnK ap the Binge tulholle Fricul'i iiDirnl Sytaial Qint-sputdtnce Inuirr. Nbw York, Nov. 17.

The milk sent to this city from Connecticut dairies is sold to dealers hare at (our cants a quart, and is retailed at eight and tea cents. Some of he fanners are trying to combine and deliver the milk to consumers without middlemen. Co opera tiou of some kind is the plan contemplated, the possibility of securing purer milk at less cost being held out. The suit of Edward Lause against Judc Benedict, in which lie claims $50,000 damages for false Imprisonment under circumstances which have been repeatedly published, came up for argument to day in the Supreme Caurt, special term, before Judge Van Brunt The case is still in progress. The book keeper, Wightman, is still a refugee, no success having attended the efforts to discover bis whereabouts.

No new facts of consequence bave been disclosed, aside from the commence stent of a suit by Mr. J. D. Townsend, as eounsel, against the officers of the bank in behalf of a Mrs. Sutherland, for an an alleged trespass.

The lady named was supposed to have in her possession per sonal property of some value received from Wight nan, and her apartments were visited. UiP.ce the action; damages claimed, $10,000. Detective Folk, of the Brooklyn Central Office, has ai rested Thomas M. Lane on suspicion of being Implicated in the robbery of the Manufacturers' Bank of Williamsburg. The bank was robbed on the 7th of April by two men.

One of the thieves engaged the attention of the cashier, while the other seized a package of bills amounting to H80. Lane was seen in the company of one of the parties, and hence his arrest. He has not been identified, and It Is said ill not be held, He says be had nothing to do with the robbery. Ten of the crew of the ship Xeptune are still in Itayinond street jail, suspected of complicity lu the attempted murder of the colored boatswain. The bridge eompanys expenditures the past month were J03.500.

New York lias paid the balance of its tenth installment, while Brooklyn has paid only part. In the c.ise of Albon Man, receiver of the Eighth Natioual Bank, against certain stockholders of that defunct institution, to make up deficiencies in paying off its liabilities, Judge Blatchford, in the United Hiates District Court yesterday, overruled all objections, and directed the jury to find a verdict tor the plaintiff for the amount of the assessment, $54 per share, with interest. There are three cases of the same plaintiff, which will probably be appealed. Stockholders In the late Central Bank ol Brooklyn fared no better. The funeral of the Kev.

John C. McSweeney, who died on Friday last, took place this forenoon from St. Theresa's Roman Catholic Church, in Rutgers street. The body of the church was filled with a large and respectable congregation, comprising many of the prominent residents of the Seventh Ward. The remains of the deceased priest, which were attired in the priestly vestmf nts lately worn by him, were enshrined luarich casket, richly ftilvftrinounted.

The coffin was placed in front of the altar, in front of which were seated a number of clergymen from this and the adjoining cities, Including Very Kev. Father yiiinii, Fathers Boyce, Brand, Farrell, Ward, Farrelly, of St. James; Melivoy, Baxter, Lynch, Flood, McCarty, Flattery, Prumgoole, Perry, and many others. A solemn high mass was celebrated by llev. Father McLaughlin, assisted by Kev.

Dr. MeGIynn, of St. Stephen's, as deacon Father Burtsell as sub dea-con, and Father Kearney as master of ceremonies. Not only are the police captains rotated in the several precincts, but likewise In the street craning bureau there has been commenced a general transfer of the inspectors of dumps and the foremen in their employ, with a view of breaking up tbe "petty The failure of Erastus ft. Brown, of Broad street, involves no amount causing the least disturbance.

Mr. Brown was formerlv of the old firm of Rmwn 4i Cary, and at one time, before the present organ-izaiieu, was president of the Corn Exchange. Monatary and. Commercial. Messrs.

Olendlnnlng, Davis Amorv quote asfol-lows: There was a decided chanire of front in tin railway and miscellaneous shares to-day, and in- steau ui um limn anu uuovant, tone wnioh characterized the closing dealings yesterday we have 10 report a ivnsn aim unseiuea speculation in the forenoon, with a weak and downward tendency to prices in final transactions. At the opening the market was steady; during the first hour there was a decline of A of 1 ft part of which was recovered later, the market ruling steady until after two o'clock, when a brisk selling movement carried down prices all around, but noticeably in those shares which have of late been prominently dealt in. A conspicuous feature of the market this morning was the sharp rise In Missouri Pacific from 41 to and Atlantic and Pacific preferred from lix4 to lt with later sales at 4t and The local money market has been a tritle firmer, all loans being with exceptional loans as low as 3 f) cent. The market for iner-autile paper is unchanged, choice selling very low, particularly if short date, and being very scarce. Second-class paper abundant and passes only at high rates, considering the condition of the money market.

The last quotations are now current. The Foreign Exchange market was less active and lower, and after opening at the full rates of yesterday the leading drawers reduced prices to figures more nearly representing those at which business has beeu done of late. To-day's rates for business have been ittti4 m)i and 4 Wi4 SWli, the new nominal rates being iMlim 90'. Gold opened at 111 and rose to lil but after the reduction in exchange, decliued to 111 and closed at 1110111. In the Gold Loan market there has been a turn against borrowers.

The opening rate on gold loans was 1 cent, for carrying. The course of rates was then, nil having been paid by borrowers, 1, 2, 3 aud 4 -fl cent, per annum, l-u'il-32 per day, 2 cent, perannum and flat. Government bonds have been firm on a smaller volume of business, though prices did not advance In a ratio corresponding to the rise in gold. We annex latest quotations: United States ti's, 1HS1 coupons, 19'iG)118-i; United States 5-20's, W' coupons, United States 5-20's, called, 11H4; United Stales 5-20's, 1864, coupons 114yfJ114; United States 52U's, 1865, coupons United States 5-20's, 1S65, coupon new HSUSli; United States i-20's, 1867, coipons, lpW 11H: United States 5-20's, m. coupons, 119; United States 10-40's, coupons, coupons, mHll'i'A; Paciflc 6's, ll8ai 118.

Tiiere was a very large business at the board in State bouds, and a good set of prices was reported At the close we quote Georgias at 78 to 80; do 7's at 90(891, and gold bonds, 75 to 80: old Loiiisianas are 27S bid; new, 25 bid. Missouris were strong the dIhIiiB's selling at 9'M. and closim? at oi A ft the St. Joseph description being 94 bid Old North Carolinas sold as high as oVii'MVi. closing Old South Carolinas rose to 30 bid and the July and October series being 21 bid.

Teniiessces were strong, old being up to 76 bid, new leavirie off at 75 Did; ex-coupon old issues sold at 57'i closino new, oi paid md bid, and new series, oori'Mssies). uiu ana new Virginias ad vanced to.5l lid, and consols to 57 paid and bid deferred selling at closing at Kailroad bonds were active and in liberal request at advancing prices. Upwards of Pacific railroads of Missouri firsts sold at oigSUiftSoU against 83(w)S4, yesterday's quotation. Chicago and Northwestern gold consols rose to 85 paid and bid. Pacific mortgages closed as Westerns, 85r.

Union firsts (ffiOO'i; Union land giants, 8888 'g Uniou sinking fund, iti(j. STOt'K SALES GOVERNMENT DEPAUTV RNT. 2800 5s '81 eg, 111 100,000 5s 10 10s ref 8 SECOND BOARI1. 91; 5000 Tenn6s new ex-e 57; 5000 Pacificist, do, ttS1 looo Pacific 7s 0, 1400 Pacific 7tV 9inhi Shore Coo lui; H.k.kj Morris Kss 1st, )06; 31 -on Cleve A Tol I06: loOOChcs 1st, 50; 11 0O1) Cen 1st cpn. 111U; 2000 Ft 2d.

Con cpn 8476; lO.OoO Tol Wab 2d, 72 1000 it I Pac 7s, 107; lo.Ouo Mich Southern 101: 2000 Cedar Miu 1st. 82-20 Bk of Republic, HH: 3o0 Wet Tel W'-100 do Hlrt 2Ufl do, 80'-H 3200 do b.3, 81 W) 81 IihrI do. 800 do S3, 807ji 300 do, 50 do 81 1100 do. 80 400 do, So do b3, HI 2n0 do S3, WKI Pacific Mail, 4." 190u do b3, 45 do, 1 do 46; 400 do, 45J Slip do, 4fV 200 do 12111) do, 45: 4K) 110 2o0 Norlhwesteru, 417s; ZHK) rto, 12(0 do 41 '4 42; 800 do. 42; 1.100 do, 42'i; 100 do b3, ftoOdo, 42; lunO do HiOdo.42; 1100 do, 42' 400do s3 do S3, 42; 800 do, 42; 300 do 42; (m do 42' 500 do, 42' 2u0 Northwestern pi, 200 do, 5'.


31 N. FIITU ST. CAITTAL FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COLLARS. Assets January 1, Assets Jauuury 1, 03 Increase in 1873 Losses since the oruaiiizatiun of the Association. 20, which bt en promptly paid.

This Association insun from loss or damage by fire buildings of all descriptions household gooils and merchandise generally. UIRECTtiKS. William T. Butler, Stephen Smith, A. Loudon Snowden, Alfred Smith, Joseph R.

Lyndall, Christian Stiver, Jesse LiKbtfont, Alfred baniher, Uahlon H. Dickinson, Charles H. Charles Yard, Ellis Stokes, William B. R. Selhy.


LEX, Secretory. WILLIAM 8. WINSHIP, Assistant Secretary. WILLIAM E. LITTLETON.

Solicitor. 1829 CHARTER PERPETUAL. 1874 Franklin Fire Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No.

421 WALNUT Street Capital $100,000 00 Accrued surplus and premiums (il Realized assets January 1,1874 3,00,718 61 Premiums, interest moneys, dividends. Ac, received in l7 i.sw to ii Losses paid in 1S73 The Assets of the "Franklin" (all Invested in olid securities) are liable for the hazard of KIRK only. The business is scattered throughout thirtv-lhree States of the Union; mouerate lines solely are written upon carefully scleHed risks, which are examined once every year by competent inspectors. leases promptly settled wnen aeierminea. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms.

This CoinDanv issues oolicies upon the rents of all kinds of buildines, sroiiud reutu and mortiiaees. Losses paid since 1829. neatly $9,500,00000 Alfred G. Baker, Isaac Lea, George Fales, Alfred Eider. Thomas Sparkl.

William S. Grant Thomas S. Ellis, Gus, S. Benson. Jaw.

W. McAUisiet It. Dale Benson. OFFICERS. ALFRED U.

BAKER. Preiident THEO. M. KEG EH, (jEORiE FALE3, hecreury, vice rresinent. SAML.

W. A JAS. W. McA LLISTEK, Assistant Secretary. becoud.

vice rresiueui. I71AME INSURANCE COMPANY, No 1 809 CHESTNUT Street. Incorporated 185G. Charter perpetual. Capital, $200,000.

January 1, 1871, as sets, 36. Fire Insurance exclusively. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, either by Perpetual or Temporary roiiciea. Charles Richardson, Robert Pcarce, William H. Rhawn, John Kessler, William M.

Seyfert, John W. Everman, John F.Smith, Eiward K. Orne, George A. West, Charles Stokei, Nathan Hilles, Charles Hacker. CHARLES RICHARDSON, President, WM.

H. RHAWN, Vice President. Williams I. Blanihakd, Secretary. THE PENNSYLV ANIA FIRE 1NSUR-ance Company.

incorporatea vnaner rerpeiuai. No. 610 WALNUT Street, Opposite independence bjuare. Jhis Company, favorably known to the community or damage by Eire on Public or Private Buiidimrs, either perniauently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods ui Merchandise generally, on liberal term.

Devereux, Thomas Daniel Smith, Jr, i Henry Lewis, Isaac Uazlehurst, J.Gillinsham FelL Thomaa Robins, Daniel Haddock, Jr, Franklin A. Comly. JOHN DEVEKEUX, President Wll.G.CROWELL, Secretary. PERSONAL, SHOW GASES, Dniggists', Jewelers'. Confectioners'.

Sesar and To bacco Cases, all styles and sizes, on hand and ma4u to order. Also, sole manufacturers of the Patent Riva. Show Cases, superior to any in use. Manufactory and Wareroom, No. 223 VINE street, Philadelphia, Pa.

A.B 4 W. S. GROVE, Ordersby mail attended to. Casea caraiutlv uacked trausportatioo. NO 2 ICES.

AJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT John Vt. Ketly, John Stilz, Jams S. Yaniall. Jacobs W. Scuuckers and Charles (i.

TiH, and their associates, intend to make application for a charti fur an incorporattd company, to be known by the nameof the KE1XY MOTOR COMPANY, pursuant to an act of be General Assembly of the Oinimon-wealth of Pennsylvania, approved' April 29. lt74. en titled "An act to provide fur the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," the purpose and object of which said corporation is to be the pur-basing, holding and selling of patent rights fur the inventions of Johu W. Keely, aud lor other invention, and the nirnulacluring and selling ot machines and apparatus embodying ia whole or part such inventions. TESTATE OF WILLIAM J.

WARREV, deceas'-d. Letters of administration having been granted the undersigned, all persons indebted to the sai 1 estate are request -d to make payment, and those having claims to pn sent tlit to HENRIETTA WARREN, No. 174a W(X ID Street. Or to her attorney, WM. HOPPLE.

No. 221 8. FIFTH Street. 1820. PENNSYLVANIA IIAILKOAD-ON and at'U'i Siiiuiav.

November 15. leave depot. Thirty-second and Market. Ktrei'la. MAIN LINE WESTWARD.

Paoll Accotn. 6 20, 9-O0 and lo'SO a. P10, 1-45, 7-10, 9-00 and 1130 p. m. On Sunday 7 30 a.

1 and 7 45 m. Elmlra and Lock Haven Mail, except Sunday 8 00 a. Mail Train daily, (on Sunday runs onfy to Hiirrlshur i 8 00 a. ni, Fast Line and Iiu except p. Harrisburx Ace.

daily, except Sunday 2 30 p. Lancaster and York Acc. daily, ex. 4 00 p. Paikeshuri! Train da'ly, except Sunday 5 30 d.

Pitteburn Express daily, except Sunday 7 00 p. incinnati Express daily 8 '20 'acltic Express daily 11-55 n. in Erie Mail, daily, except Saturday Express 12-08 a. daily. Tickets must be priK-un-d aud bai'iiage delivered at No.

116 Market street by 5 p. m. new york DrvisroN Express fo' New York. 2-40, 715. 8-30 and 11 a.

(Limited New York Express 130 p. 1-35, 330 4 3D, 5 0 and 7 0. m. and 12 midnight. On Sunday' 2 40, 3-3').

a 4 81, 7 0. ni. antf 12 midnight. Kiiiierant Train lor New Vork. 11-40 p.

m. daily. Express for Lone Branch, P35 p. m. For Trenton and iiuiberiville.

5-, p.m. FROM KENS1NUTON DEPOT. Itustlctou, 6 Ho a. 12 noon. 5 and 7 25 p.

11). Way Train for Bristol, 8-25 p. 111. Trenton. 6-55.

1015 a.m., 2 30, 3 30, 4, 5 5 and 8-20 p. m. On Sund ay 9 15 a. ni. and 2 30 p.

ni. FOR RELV1DKRE DIVISION. Express for Trenton, Lambertvillo, PlillllptburK, Easton, Water Can. Scranlou. 4c.

0 55 a. m. and 3 30 ti. in. Accommodation for BjlYldere, 1015 a m.

ior Lamhortvilie lemintfUin ana PenuinKton, 655 10 15 a. ni. and 5-15 ni. AM BOY DIVISION. FROM MARKET STREET FERRY.

Accoin.forNcw Y'mk via Perth Arnbov ii-30 a. m.and 2 p. aud via Juinesburgaud Monmouth Junction 6 10 a. m. Acc'im.

for Trenton, connpcting with Express (rains Ior New 1 oric, aud in a. 12 noon, 3 3 1, 4-30 and ti-30 p. in. Way Traiu for Burlington. 8-flip.

and on Thursdays at ltr ,0 p. in. On Sunday, 7 30 a. in. and 1 Wav Trains for Bordenlown.

11 30 n. m. For Kinkora Branch. 8 a. 2 md 4 30 p.

m. For Hiifhtstown, li. 6 30 a. 2. 3 45 and 5- UJ p.

m. For Don? Branch and Tuckerton. 10-30 a. m. For Melford.

6 and a. S-45 and 6 30 p. m. For Mt. Holt and Pemlierton.

6, and lo 111., 315, 5, and 6 30p. m. For Mt. Holly. 1 aud For Mercbantvillf.

lu p. Tuesdays, Thursdays TlsSAliRIVE'r RTVIRST AND MAR- From Piltsbur 3 10. 40a. 111.. 7 p.

m.dailv 6 50. m. and 4 15 u. ni- dailv. extent Monuav.

From Erie and Wlllianisport.vio'a m. daily, excont Monday. Front Butlalo and Niagara Kalis, i-30 p. m. daily, except Mondav.

Fiom Locit Haven. Elmira and Wiiliam. p-jri 7 p. m. From New York.

12 45. 4-38, 104:1 111, 12 06. 12-45. 6-5i. 7 25.

Vt-. 10 40and m. On Sundav 7 46 10 40. 1P45 D. 12 m.

1 rom Eastou. i'hilliohurir aud Laiurwrtvillo, arrive Depot. 10 a. 4 55 and 10 45 p. 81 ticHets can he had at Br.

a sn-l Chestnut st. and Depot. Thirty-second and Market sts. The Union Transfer Ciimpanv will call forsnd check Baegaae from Hotels and Residences. Time Cards and full Information can be obtained at the Dejotsand Ferry named above, and at the followme ticket offices: I Jul, frir, ell' illllUl rtiNK THOMSON, D.

M. BOYD. JR. General Manager. (ien.

Passenger Agent. rpHE PHILADELPHIA AND JJALTI 1 more Central Railnmd. CHANCE OI On and alter Moudav, Ort jbcr 20, lb run as follows: trains will I Leave Philadelphia, from depot of W. and B. Riiiroad Company, comer Broad and Washington avenue, lor i'01 1 Di pjsil at 7 a.

ui. and 1 30 p. m. For Oxford at 7 a. and 4 dj p.

ni. On Sadir-davs only 6 45 p. m. For liadd's Ford and hester ('ret It Railroal at 7 and 4 p. ra.

Saturdays only, il p. in. Train leaving Philadelphia at 1 a. coonccts at 1 ott Deposit with train lor Baltimore. I Train Ic iving Philadelphia at p.

m. connects at 1 Chadd's Fotd Junction with the Wilmington and K-auiiig nanroao a a. r. ra. conoetuai Jiv.nt-rl ilh Pencil ILjliwav.

Trains for lpbia Leave Port D- at 5 45 a. rn. and 4-25 p. m. Oxford at 6-4M aud 1015 a.

in. and p. m. Chadd's Font at V10 a. m.

and 12 30 and 619 n. ni. Tuesdays and Fridays only, at 410 p. m. On Sun lays (rain leaves' Oxlord at 2T5 p.

111., and Cbadl's Ford at p. 111. for PhiUdeljihia and all in. tcrruediatc HENRY WOOD. Central Superintendent.

rEST JERSEY Coinmcncinx THURSDAY, Sept. 10, 1S74, Trains will leav as follows: 8 15 a. lor Wijodbury, SweilesSoro, Port Noiris. Salem, Viiu'land, MilUi.le, Cape Mav and all wav stations. 1145 a.

lor Weno-nali. S'151 p. Mail I'm Caoe May and all stations below Glasaborn. p. Passenger for Bridgeton I Port Norris.

Swedesboro ami al! way stations 1 5'30 p. Passenger for Bridgeton, Millviile, swules oro and way su.ious. (i-O Weuonah Ac (omuiudaUou. W.vL. stWELL, sunt.


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