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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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About four o'elock yejterd morning bunrlars ettected an entrance int. No. ('" he s' I he.f No, th dwelling house of William T. Bailey, State street. Cooper' Point, by forcing up tinnfl nllhAuln.litwa Thoir lm-tuil tftyct.hfif Silverware which lmt.nam rt to have been felt on th uel table, sucb as nai.kln rlmrs, forks, jpooas, fcc Ii'i removing the cover from the plaao tney upset the) stool, which aroused the familv, and the thieves) tied.

Mr. Powell, private watchman at the Shack.v maxnn ferry, saw the bnrclars leave the house ami gave them chase. He fired several shots at them. one oi wiiicji, ne ininhs, iooit em-c, as a wo-iiiiien mnnwnsspen running down Second street and! crossed at the Federal street lerry juit in adranot 1 ot his pursuers. Watvr Wokks Enoini! Yesterday ifl 1 I I I serious accident occurred to the Cornish engine of the Camden water works at Pavonla, by the break-lngof the receiving valve, which will o-cupy a week in repairing.

Fortunately, tha bas'ns were I full at the time, as the only pumping power that ltt can be used until the repairs are competed Is the small Worthlnifton pump and englni. R. T. Dun- ham, chief engineer, cautions the citizens of Camden to particularly sp iring In the use ol water until the engine is repaired. Is A man who claimed to ba a grandson Daniel Webster was given lodgings at tho pol stiitlon at Trenton a few nights ag i.

Ha gava name as A shbnrton Webster, and stated that bad lost his all in Call furnla, bought a ticket. New York, where his money nave out. and had Till of lor tramp It to I hlladolphla, where ho claims to have loa, sister living. Hkvpiii.ic ajj Pbimahv Et.ETro!f. Lvt evenir the Republicans In the different wards of Camde under the Crawford system, voted direct for cand ifer-datt for cltv and ward olflcers.

The tickets wei jjcjj li ng, and at' this writing it had not been announce who were nominated for mayor, recorder, receiver Wer taxes and assessor at large. aire As lMroitTART Bill. There is ponding in tr New Jersey Leirislature a supplement to the act relation to capital punishment, which provides th In all cases ot conviction for murder In the first gree, when thejury the prisoner to mercy of fbc court, the sentence shall be imprl uient for llie. It is believed that the bilL- Jj passed. day afternoon James Bradley, emp.

works or the American Conx' 1 Ivlsion street, Camden, was caught In tv ot the machinery, and had both of his fee. Injured. He was taken to his home in Camden. Cnii KBxs Stole. On Wednesday nighta nl.

ber ol chickens were stolen from Kphrlam tlloviy, at Mount Ephraim. They were yesterday found In the possession of Ueorge Tulles, and Juatica Curtis committed him to answer at court. in AMUSEMENTS, MUSIC, ThbFoi'htii Jarvis Concert. The fourth das- 't sieal soiree of Mr. Charles Jarvls was given last JJj Saturday evening at Natatortum Hall.

Itopenedto with a line rendering of the organ fantasle and fugue of Bach, in minor, arranged for piano by Liszt. In vigor of attack, clearness of enunciation JS and variety of expression, this effort surpassel any previous interpretation. ef- A strong centr ist to the maspive fotce here dls- ne nlnved wus iillordcd in the execution of that deli-nd cioi'S 'Scliiummeriieu oi on vv eoer vaiso eiaoo-rated by which was a marvel ol delicacy and he I. in two peculiarly eiiaract-erisiio maz-uumtii at charming valse by Chopin, Mr. Jarvis showed a- keen appreciation ol the monds ol this mo a nc-ing witchlngly moody cemposer.

Previous to these wet auuo lor two pianos, -li rseua vrnsoiois, Keinlcko, in which Mr. M. M. Warner took the.J cadinir Instrument. Also, three beautiful ro-- mances by Schumann, originally written for planolum and oboe, but given In this case with clarionet in-coai stead of oboe, was finely performed by Mr.

Schneider. An aria from the Seaioni, "Behold along the dewy grass," and that loveliest of Schubert songs, "Der Llndenbaum," were Ope. sung by flir. max Hcinricn, wno received a we deserved encore after the latter. We could hay n(j wished that he had adhered to the original dermal ve) The closing piece of the concert was Schumann Ll A In Tul-wia KIQUIVUIIUCIIU III n.

uiiiiui, iu iiimi -mi. a often belore, greatly distinguished himself. hia mtht jar. tin our dis- tb tout ing, IUL ll te 1- the 1 Mark Hassleu'b Fopi'lar Concerts. Mr.Mar.uyf.

Haesler, who needs no introduction to a Phfadel phla audience, has organized an orchestra whicl will give six consecutive Saturday afternoon pe" fol- formances at St. George's Hall, Thirteenth Arch streets. Mr. Hassler is well able to makt AN IMPORTANT COMMERCIAL MOVE. APPITTONATj HATl.ROATl FACILITIES ON TUB RIVER FRONTWHAT COLONEL SOOTT PROPOSES TO DO BUILDING A ROAD NORTH TO CONNECT WITH THE PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD DLTOT COMMUNICATION FROM MERCHANTS AN1 BUSINESS MEN.

As will be seen by our Council report, an ordinance introduced into the Select Branch yesterday authorizing the River Front Railroad to occupy and use certain streets for railroad purposes was referred to the Committee on Railroads. The bill in question reads as follows: Whereas, A large and influential portion of tha business men and linns of the city of Philadelphia have requested the Kiver Front Railroad Company to extend to them greater rati facilities for conducting the business of the city with the northeast and west, and Uiusrcdu09 the oust of shipping from and receiving (roods at their and hereof, Tlie said River Front Railroad Company has. by its Hoard ol Directors, and In compliance with the requei-t so submitted to them, and undor and by authority of letters patent of date May 6, lS7d, and ((ranted underact ol Assombly of April 4, IHoH, and supplements thereto, asked the consent of the Select and Common Councils of the city ol Philadelphia for thoir consent that they, the said railroad company, shall occupy such portions of certain streets In said city of Philadelphia with thoir tracks as may be necessary to form tho connection deslrtd; therefore, 11 Section 1. The Seloet and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Rlver-Front Railroad Company lie and the same Is hereby authorized to occupy with a single track railroad, tor ordinary railroad purposes and uses witli suitable turnouts, the following streets and avenues, to wit: Delaware a enuo, lrom Dock street to Shacka-ii h.mii Mil oil Sh it KnuiiiMin street, from Delaware awnus to Ui aoii 61 cet; liencli street, from Sliaoka-ii sTt ct to Columbia avenue; Columbia avenue or II mover street, from Beach etreot to and a i-s I-liinKli i.i avenue, and to much of Left) stieit northward ot and acres Harrison streot us limy be necessary to reach and conneot with the trucks of the Phil -ulelphia and Trenton railroad northvard ol said Harrison slrect provided, the irithn i snid tricks pon said streets a id avenues thnll conform to the established grade there- i f. shall, as to chancier and plan of track, be ii PI roved by the CMel Engineer and Suryjyoro the citv of Philadelphia ani further provided, ti nt the city ot Philadelphia shall be at no expense wl.itovt-r cons -quern upon or growing out of the la I Mr ot Dip miIt" ii tra-lis hereby auhorl'ed.

Section 2. That the Girard Avenue City Passenger Railway Company be and they are hereby au-tliorl'cd to occupy and use the line of Otter streot, lrom Palmer to Shackamaxon, Instead of Beach street, ns now used, and that the Second anil Third Street City Passenger Rail way Company are hereby authorised to change the position of their track on Delaware avenue, between Laurel anu uoates streets, or Fairmount avenue, as may be necessary to accommodate the new track hereby authorized; and to facilitate this and prevent any unnecessary obstruction of the highway, tne wuitn oi tno loot-wavs upon said Delaware avenue, betwoen Laurel street and Fairmount avenue, is hereby authorized at ten feet. Section 3. That the said River Front Railroad Company shall have full power to lay Its tracks over and across the curb and footway where tho fame is absolutely necessary, lor curving from one street to another; provided, that the said company shall pay for any damage that may be sustalued by the property fronting upon said footway so crosed; and said company snail also Keep up and maintain tlfwtiack heieliv authorised to be laid, as well as the paving between the curbs and the carriage-way occupied by said track. ncciion t.

max me cost oi auveriiviuir uiuunn nnnce, as required by law, shall De paid Dy tne River ront Railroad company. Accompany ine the above ordinance was a communication addressed to Colonel Scott, and fioned by prominent merchants and business men, urcinff him to provide additional railroad facilities to those already established alone the Delaware front, from Washington street to Dock, so as to make a northerly connection with the Pennsylvania Railroad lines, and thus save time and expense to those shipping to or reeeiviue goods from Mew Jforkana tne west. This communication rresident acott auuucs to in his letter to Councils, which is as follows OFFICE OF RIVER FRONT RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia. Feb. 28.

1877. To tho Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia Gentlemen: Accompanying this please find an ap-nllcation which has been submitted to this com pany, asKing inat increaseii raronu inciuuuu iuhy ie afforded to the Delaware front of our oity. And, as the necessity of suoh a road is made evident by the large number of influential business houses that it i iu. i. nave nuuserioeu wieir luinieo wi iiie impei iioiemtu presented.

I am authorized by the Board of Directors of this comtiany to say that tho con sent of your honorable bodies is alone want ing to enable us to proceed witli the construc tion of a railroad upon Delaware avenue, north of Dock Ptreet: Boneh street, and such other streets as Councils may assent to, in accordance with Dlans to he approved by thorn, so as to make a connection with railroads from the north and east concentrating at the Kensington Depot of tho Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company. This railroad will aliord improved facilities to our merchants and citizens lor the shipment ot tne com merce of our port to the lnurior, anu win euoei a largo saving of both time and money In its quick despatch throughout tho country over the extended system ot railroads witn which tins line win oo connected, thus cnablinir our merchants more success fully to compote with other business centres that nae or win nave piiunar iaeiuues. Ti icreat convenience and economy which have resulted to our community from the construc tion of tho railroad unon Delaware avenue SJiith of Dick street, is the strongest argument in favor of its extension northward, tho first being especi ally Pdnpted to tha southern and southwestern trade, while that now projected is essential to the noithi rn and eastern tr.ulo. This tbcreloro, respectfully asks that your honorable uodios will, at un early day, grant permission tor lis to lay tne tracks mat are now a-iu have so long been earnestly demanded by the enterprising men ot our community, doing business on and along the line contemplated. Very respectfully, Thomas A.

Scott, President. The Clerks of Councils. In Select Council chamber yesterday after noon there was held a meeting of the Joint Com mittees of Finance and Printing and Supplies, with Mr. McCullough in the chair. The object of the meeting was to consider the ordinance making an appropriation to the clerks of Coun cils for 1877.

This matter came up Jn December last before the old Finance Committee and Councils, but as no action was taken thereon it fell. Another ordinance was introduced after the first of the year, and that fell. Then Mr. McCullough offered another, the one before the two committees yesterday. There is a dispute over the matter between the Chambers, and each time the Common Branch has defeated it.

Air Wagner moved that the advertised proposals called for in the ordinance be referred to the Finance Committee, in conjunction with tho Committee on Printing and Supplies. Mr.Caven submitted an amendment providing that the Committee on Printing and Supplies be stricken out, but this was not agreed to. A lengtny discussion ensued relative to the motion of Mr. Waencr. in which the latter was rather personal in his remarks regarding the action of one of the clerks.

The matter was lurtuer uooareu oy Messrs. Caven. Eno and Cochran. Mr. Wag ner's motion was then defeated.

The Finance Committee voted in the negative, and the other committee voted in the affirmative. The com mittees then adjourned. The Warehousing Business. According to the annual report of the Phila delphia Warehouse Company, the business of the institution during the past year amounted to 10,440,000. This business consists of advances of money on warehouse receipts showing given quantities of merchandise In store.

Oa this business the net earnings were 502,003, the capital of the company being $1,000,000 full paid. T. Charlton Henry is the president, Beauveau Borie Tthe vice president. Although the orlgiaal plan was to erect warehouses and grain elevators, nothing of the kind has ever been done. The Pennsylvania Warehousing Comnanv has a ereat warehouse and does a large business in storage.

No details of its operations, however, have been made public or are accessible. There are several large ware housine companies in v- and the busi- house, to go to the van and receive the prisoners, and at least one officer shall be detailed for every prisoner who shall be delivered at the door by the van. mnt be understood that the court positively prohibits officers to take out of the van more than one man per one officer. If there are more prisoners in the van than there are officers, then the officer who Is in charge of the van shall remain In charge of the van. and lock the van door, until other officers return tor the other prisoners.

Moreover, It Is by no means necessary to bring the prisoners into court as gentlemen, but tne officers muBt bring them In In actual custody. Th it is thoy mutt have hold ol them bring them in by the arm. Thus ended the matter. Maggie Haggert, convicted of the theft of a watch from a man, was sentenced to three months. Samuel Haywood, convicted of maintaining a disorderly house, was letoff with the payment of costs, as he had abated the nuisance.

George Bromall entered a plea of guilty to having fraudulently made and uttered a deed for the convcyarce of a dwelling near Eleventh and Walnut sti eets, the prosecutrix being Catlia rine Quay le. Sentence deferred. Kdward Barr, a man pretty well advanced in years, was Indicted for having committed an aggravated assault and battery upon his son-in-law, Win. Krwin. In 1H6 the defendantwas arrested for hay-ing committed a felonious assault and battery upon his daughter.

Ho was released on ball, and, pending the trial of the cause, he fled tho Jurisdiction. He ronialned away until recently, when ho returned and found the young woman married. Ho quarreled with the husband unit drew a revolver on hiin, and the latter resented the insult by throwing a knile at tho other. During the present term the son-in-law was tried for having assaulted tho defendant, and the jury acquitted him. This suit was then begun, and yesterday there was some tall swearing ns to whether tho parties were related to each other at all.

The defendant denied having assaulted the young woman at the time mentioned, and said that lie did not think she was married to tiie prosecutor. He mie whoiher the girl was his daughter or not, but lie knew that she was the daughter of his wile. On the other hand, the supposed gnn l-inother of tho girl, as well as the girl In rsolf, donio the paternity. The jury convicted the defendant ol' aggravated assault and battery. lhe pidge said that theollense committed wai rather an nssault without the battery, and he ak''d defendant's counsel If the prisoner could give security to keep the pence in the luturo.

Tho District Attorney said that the defendant was to to tried shortly upon anothor bill charging him Willi receiving stolen goods, and that ho had not liirnlslied the $1000 bail In that case. The deiendant was then placed In the dock ag iin to await tr'al. Alderman Kdward Shano, or tho Eighth Ward and William J.Kelly were put on trial charged with conspiracy. The allegation of the prosecution was that some time aito a traveling salesman named William S. Wolf, representing a Khode Island firm, called upon a Market street merchant In this city for the purposo ol selling soino dry goods by sample.

While the merchant was ex uu. lnlnir the samples William J. Kelly entered the establishment and asked the salesman If he had a lloen-e for selling the iroods. The latter admitted that he had not. Kolly then exhibited a warrant for his arrest, and bad hlin taken to Aiitorm in Shane's olltce.

The hearing was postponed at tho request of the salesman, and whilo ho and Kolly were standlnir in front of tho alderman's olllce, Woll asked Kelly If the matter could not bo Set tled. Kelly replied tnat tue penalty ior uie onnie he bad committed would be a lino of and out of that ho. ns inlormant. would be entitled to iflo.i, nutnewus wi lnir to Bettie uie manor no wru paid $60. Wolf agroed to this, and they went to tne aiuerman and saiu mm nicy nau uiucu um case.

The alderman then wunnrew tne sun upon being paid ti for costs. Shortly aferwarl tho al- diriniin was sumuionea to appear uuiotu numnor alderman to answer the charge of conspiracy, and he, together with Kolly, was held to answer at court. The alderman si egelthatho was not gu ity ot any collusion with illy in tne matter at first time he saw him was when he cvme to his office and asked tot a warrant lor a man who was selling goods by ranipie without a license; the parties, when tney appearou teiore mm ior a hum-W. desirtd to settle the case, and as it was a misde- meiim Hie hud a perfect right to permit It, and re ceived nothing in tne tiansaciion uui anu cusib. The inrtu-B at this olnt said that there was no thing against the alderman at all, and he instructed the iurv to acouit him.

The jury did so, and the judge then held Kelly in $40J0 ball to answer for having attempted to extort money unuor tno coior of a legal prosecution. Court of Oyer and Terml uer Judges Mitchell ana lerKes. The trial of Colombo Koscaxzl. charged with the fatal shooting ot a colored man named Henry (JHbbs, in a saloon at Seventh and St. Mary streets, was coucluded yesterday in the new court house, on the part of the defense it was alleged that tho de-defendant had always been known as a quiet, peaceable person, and had never become Involved In any difficulty before this ooourrenoe; that on tha day in question Olbbs and a companion had bjon in the tavern some six or seven nines, aim eacu uiuo raised a disturbance thera and threateced to whip the prisoner because he refused them drinks; that the last lime ne entered ne reacneu over mo oar to aeta bottle, ard the prisoner ordered nun away; (lilibBthcn picked up a tumbler and hurled it at, the prisoner, but the latter dodged it, and it broko a mirror; Oibbf then renewed the assault, and a-i ho made a pass at the prisoner, believing that the man Intended to do him bodily harm, picked up a pistol and Btiot mm, Mr.

Cassidy, in opening the defonso to the jury, raid that as tho prisoner was driven to the wall, ho could not retreat, and he was entitled to stand and hold his own at all hazards, and furthermore, If the prisoner had reason to believe, from the conduct of deceased, that tne man intended to no nun a gre ii Douny harm, aitnougn no migut iinvu uccn uimuv- lrAn vol Ilioja nrpl hn Wlllllll Jll, instilled 'if he acted upon what he bellovod to be tne real eonuiuon oi auairs, auu. uuui muu iu mo tracks. A number of witnasses were called to substantiate the ai ligations of Uie dofense. and the court ordered the jury to acquit. A verdict of not guilty was accordingly rendered.

Common Pleas Courts. KO. 2 BOOM HA11K, P. J. Washington Butcher Co.

vs. A. F. Cheese- trough, llolore reported. Verdict for deiendant.

Samuel B. Caiilov vs. John Pomoroy. Partly reported. The defense averred that merely the genulnenoss of the voucher and of the signature to it were guaranteed by deiendant, nn I that ho did not guarantee its payment.

Verdict for plaintiff, HO. 3. ROOM B. LUDLOW, P. J.

John Mills. vs. Lewis Shallcro3S. Before re ported. Verdict tor plaintilf.

$1164. Scott vs. Stetler. Before reported. The defense called no witnesses, but rested upon the testimony for plaintiff, which showing that the plaintill hal sold the straw to the party who had directed him to place It In defendant's stable, and dofendant havinsr paid that person, rather than take a verdict plaintilf asKed ior and was allowed a non-sun.

Mrs. E. A. Lane vs. David Boyer.

An appeal case from a magistrate's judgment ai half cost ior a party lenee. jnn-suit. Cliver Uoldman vs. William Wcightmau. An action to recover lor paintinir a house.

Tho defomi ant maintained that he did not employ plaintill. but another man, who had engaged the plaintiff to do the work, and that plaintilf must look to him for payment. crdlct lor piaintiti, a-ii. BOOM FINLKTTKR 3. The executor of Robert Cabeen.

deceased, vs, John P. Verree. Before reported. Verdict for plain- titt. E.

D. Whitney vs. Patrick Brady. Appeal by de f'eudant on a magi' judgment on a elatm for a balance of a book account due for ale. Verdict for defendant.

Andrew Danvcr vs. John McCorralck, bailiff, ftnd Abel S. Small, landlord. An action in replevin lor iroods seized for rent, erdict lor plaintill. Charles W.

West vs. William I). Hutchinson. An action on a book account. Verdict for plaintiff In answer to the rule upon Osorge Mc'lawin Folvard E.

Dciran and James Cunningham, three certificates of the appointment of overseers of eiec Hon were surrendered anu were eance.ed. KO. 4. ROOM O. PRIOOS, J.

Beckman vs. Maddin. Before reported. Verdict fur Plaintill. 200.

Schellbe vs. Burns. Before reported. Juror with drawn and caso continued, as the plaintiff's proo ditlered from his declaration. William T.

Brown vs. The Philadelphia City FasseiiKer Hallway Company. An action ior dam aires for Injuries sustained by a fall from one of lendants' cars, on Belmont avenue, above Girard nvennn. The plaintiff averred that when In the de tendants'car. at the point named, he called to the conductor to stop the car, but, as no attention paid to mm, ne puued toe.

uen; iue uriver uiu uui. stop the car, and plaintilf made his way to the reir platform, when he was forced off the second step by the crowd upon the platform while the car was lu motion, and, falling heavily, ne severely injured nn wrist and tmgn. un tnai. Orphans' Court. ROOM MO.

1 O'BRIKIf, J. Estate of Uriah Mlchener, deceased, Franklin MU-hanar. administrator: audited. Eitate of Margaret Kennedy, deceased, Bridget Haggerty, administratrix; audited. ROOM HO.

DWIOHT, J. Estate of Louisa, W. Desher, deceased, Howard L. Jewell, auminisii 11: auuiiou adminlstr conspicuous is that of the new departure of Mr. Wanamaker, who since the first of Hie year has had a portion of the large Depot Building shut off from public view, and a hundred workmen are employed in fitting up counters and making the extraordinary accommodations required for the ladies' business, which he is now addiug to his establishment.

We understand that dry goods will be the attraction of the new departure. The vast area covered with beautiful goods will be not only a charming sight, but the convenience of having everything on one floor must certainly be appreciated by lady shoppers, who may enter not only on the Thirteenth and Market and Broad street sides, but also from the grand entrance now being made on Chestnut street, between Thirteenth and Broad. In one week, it is supposed, the new dry goods-department will be open to the public. AT THE CENTRAL. THE CASES HEATH) YKSTEHPAY AN ELECTION PtFFlCTLTY ASSAULT AND BATTEIiY, LARCENY, ETC.

Committing Magistrate Carpenter at the Central Police Station yesterday afternoon disposed of the following eases James Glldey, of No. 431 Jefferson street, was charged by Mary Ann Reach, of No. 2 Painter's court, with assault and battery upon her. lie was held in $500 for his good behavior. John Sampson was charged with the larceny of an overcoat, the property of A.

M. Fink-burner, of No. 405 North Tenth street, during a ball at National (juarda'llullou the 12th ult. He was held in 800 bail to answer. The coat wus recovered at Sampson's house, No.

012 filbert 6trcet, and he acknowledged to stealing it. Peter Kotnnson and James hariy were charged with the larceny of a gold watch and chain, the pioperty of a man named Robinson. The art! is were left lor sale keeping with Henry Shreve, a bartender, at No. 140 North Seven teenth street, lhe accused were each held In S10C0 bail for a further hearing on Monday. John F.

McCutchcon, engineer and michin 1st, residing at No. 425 George street; Henry Myers, home, rear ol No. ma Martin street, ua vid Jones, No. 1034 Leithgow street, and John Bnttmyer, No. Wooster street, were arraigned for numerous acts of outrage which were committed on the last election Police Magistrate Kerr testified that on that day Elwood Jordan, a colored man, was brought before him by MeCutcheon and Myers, who sworethat they had arrested him for illegal voting at the Twelfth Division, Twelfth Ward; that he was an unqualified voter.

Jos. Kobison, residing in the rearot No. Ui Lawrence street, deposed that he knew Jordan, and that he lived in the rear of No. 908 Lawrence street, which Is in the said precinct, and that he had resided there four years. He vouched for bim, and saw him taken off to pri son for illegal voting.

The evidence further showed that the defendants conspired in the matter of the count, In order to obtain the reward offered by the Reform and Union League Clubs, lhe defendants were held under MdUO bail each, for conspiracy, assault and perjury. Jones was required to give bail additional lor an assault upon xraucis J. Sulvely, of JNo. 1046 Lawrence 6treet. Andrew Haberly and Louisa Morris, arrested on Monday at No.

812 Lawrence street for being concerned in robbing Connelly's trimming store, No. 832 North Twenty-tilth street, ol a nnmber of articles, were up. A number of the articles have been recovered, ine accused were eacu held in f00 bail for court. Joseph Rodgers was charged with defrauding George T. Buel, of Norristown, and conspiring ith some unknown person to obtain $i0 by fahe representations.

The latter testified he vifeited the William Penn stable, Tenth and Filbert streets, on Thursday, to buy a horse. He secured one lrom tho accused, which was represented as sound, but which proved to be worth less. The accused was held in $000 bail to answer. CLOSING EXERCISES. KIGUT SCHOOL FOB ARTISANS.

The closing exercises of the Night School for 'Artisans took place last evening at the Central High School, corner of Broad and Green streets. Mr. George Inman Riche, principal of the High School, introduced Professor J. F. Holt, who de livered a lecture on the eye, illustrating it with colored diagrams and models.

lie said the Iris had the power within itself of shortening the radiating fibres. The waves of light come with tremendous velocity, and come tapping on the retina. It is frequently better to use glasses than to 6train the eye. He referred to cataract over the eye, and said it could not be cured with medicine, that the only remedy was to remove it. Professor Rlche then read a report, which states that the school was formally opened November 20, 1876, and the 6es6ions have been Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of each week.

As many as could be accommodated were admitted, and two advanced classes were formed of those who had previously attended. The term lasted for fifteen weks, and the number registered was 508, with an average attendance ol 210. lhe age tor admission was eignteen years and over. Last evening closed the eighth tearon. An address was then delivered by Mr.

George W. Ritrbv, one of the students, in behalf of the students, thanking the members of the Board of Education and the faculty lor their eiiorts to make the students better mechanics, and thus ennobling labor. Mr. Riche said he was glad the students showed such an appreciation, but the great point was what tangible results they carried away with them. If fifty or twenty-five men could say they were better workmen than they had been, the time, labor and money of the past winter would have been well employed As men, they did not wish to look to being presidents, but to being trood workmen.

Several members of the Board of Public Education, including the president, Mr. James Long, were present, and an address was made by Mr. John Sheddon. Fast Mall. A fast mail train between this city and New York commenced running yesterday, leaving thf er city at 4'25 A.

the hour at which it will icave there regularly hereafter, arriving at Jersey City, 4 35; Newark (Market street) 4-53; Wavcrly, 4-58; kElizabeth, 5 03 Linden, 5'08; Rahway, 511; Perth Amboy Junction, 5-12: Union Town. 5'16; Metuchen, 5-21; New Brunywick, 5 20; Monmouth Junction, Princeton Junction, 5 51; Trenton, 6 07; Bristol, 6 25. Taconv. 6-42: Frankford Junction, 6 4ii; West Philadelphia, 7 05. Between Philadelphia and Washington, however, the train ceases to be in any sense a "fast" one, reaching Baltimore as late as 11-20, and Washington at 102 P.M.

This mail will supply New Jersey, Delaware, Eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland and the Dis trict of Columbia. The negotiations which re sulted in inducing the Pennsylvania Railroad to restore the fast mail service between this city and Philadelphia were brought about by Gen eral Superintendent i. N. Van, oi tue ro3i Office Department. Lost after a Chase.

A sneak thief found his way into the butcher hon at the southeast corner of Twelfth and ananlntr ond hplnPlI him- self to the till. As he was leaving the proprietor discovered him and save the alarm. The fugitive van chased Into a neighboring stable. from the roof of which he dropped to the ground and ran, thns gaining on the officer who was searchinc for him in the loft. The thief was still pursued, however, down Twelfth street and into the market houses on Girard avenue, where he wag lost tight of.

John Daily, the prisoner who escaped while being conveyed to the court house on Wednes day last, bad been, two or three days previously, arrested and taken to the Twelfth District Sta tion House, Tenth and Thompson streets, for the larceny of eighty-five dollars worm or lead pipe from a house in Fifteenth street. While the sergeant was being called np from down stairs Dally walked oil, and a young man named E. Booz a short time afterwards observed Daily looklne at the numbers of unoccupied houses In Marshall street. He followed hltn and saw him go to a house on Eighth street and obtain the keys of an unoccupied house in Eleventh street. When Daily was about to enter the latter place Booz called the attention of some officers to him, and he was arrested.

Daily is part heir to an estate of 10,000, which is now in litigation in the courts. The Lumber Trade. A gentlemen from Williamsport, largely interested iu the lumber trade, in conversation with one of our bank presidents yesterday, stated that business in his particular lino wa quite brisk, with the prospect of a good trade this spring. Prices are low, but nevertheless the market is in a better condition than it has been for along time. MATTERS IN THE COURTS.

Supreme Court Cases. LIABILITY l'OB MKSNB Miller vs. Henry. Error to Common Pleas of Berks cout.ty. Tins was an action of trespass for meme prolits against Henry and hi mother.

It apiidrod that Joseph Henry, fathor iJennc Ille, had occupied the premises and died In slate, leaving a widow, and a son ami dmg'i-ter, the latter dying soon alter her father, leavhm an in'ant sou. The widow inado no defense to ejectment, never disclaimed title, and remained In tne occupancy of the premises till ousted by the nantre lacins. llie writ in tno present cane wi? is sued lienneillle and M. The fOi-mer sub seiiuintiy died, and the suit was prosecuted against alone, fin 111 il the pnliro admitted evidence to show that had occupied the house only on tho invitation of and as housekeeper for her son had never claimed any interest or received any of the rents and profits. The admission ot the evidence Is assigned for error on the ground that It contradicted tne record oi tne ciectmont suit, mere Deing no dis claimer of title by M.

filed. It is also claimed that the judge below erred in charging the jury that if tney believed that the deiendant uvea in premises In question only as above mentioned sue would not be liable in the prosent action. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF TAX ON POllEION INSUR- ANOB COM I' A NIKS. The Germnnla Life Insurance Company, plaintiff in error, vs. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, defendant In error.

Error to Common Pleas ol Dauphin county. This case involves the constitu tionality of the tax ol three per cent, laid upon the premiums received by lorelgn insurance oompanies doing business in this State by the act approved April 4, 1873. The case was tried Detore juitga Peareon on an appeal from the settlement made ngalnst tho company by the Insurance Commissioner and State Treasurer, as providod by said aot. The exceptions to llio Settlement sunmittod to tne court below were: Fitst. Because the act of 24th of April, 1874, pro vided that taxes should be sottled against "every company now or hereatter incorporated ny any other SNitoand doing business la this Commonwealth which Is taxable under the laws of this State," by the ofttecrs named therein, to the Audltor-ueneral and Mate Treasurer, ana said act repealed the act of 4th of April, soelion 15 requiring settlement of taxes against insurance companies by the Insurance Commissioner and state Treasurer.

Second. Because the Insurance Commissioner and State Treasurer had no power to make the settlement. Third. Boeause the Constitution ol Pennsylvania, Article 9. section 1.

provides that "All taxes shall be uniform upon the same olass of subjects within the territorial limits of tho authority levying tho tax, and shall be levied and collected under gono-ral laws, and that the act of 1874, in excluding from Its benefits foreign insurance companies, violates the provision, because insurances companies. whether incorporated in other states or In this, and dolnir business hero are In the same class of sub jects, within the meaning ol the Constitution, and that tho company was taxable undor the general provisions oi tne actoi April, ibi. The court below held that there was no such In consistency between the acts of 1873 and 1874 as to make the latter operate as a repeal of the former and that tho provision of the act ol 1874 complained of was not In conlilct with the Constitution, inas much as fore inn and douiestlo insurance companies were two distinct classes of subjeots of taxation, and entered judgment lor the amount of the tax, with penalty, $3713-8S, for the Commonwealth. Tho errors assigned are the rulinifs of the judge that the tax could properly be settled by the Insurance Commissioner and State Treasurer; that it was within the power of the Legislature under the Constitution to discriminate for purposes of taxation between foreign and domestic Insurance companies, and sustaining the constitutionality of the exception io the act of 1874 excluding foreign insurance companies from its benetits. The case is ncing argued ny non.

vvayne iuao-Veigh for the Insurance Company, plaintill In error, and by Lrman u. unncrt, uepuiy aiiorney- geneial, and Hon. George Lear, Attorney-General. lor tne commonweaitn, ueieiiuani in error. EKPKtT OF BOOK ENTltlKS.

Mishler vs. Wolff. Error to Common Pleas, Berks county. The question to be decided in this case was howllnr tl hocks of a party kept bv his aaent In his office, which entries he testified he never saw, could bind him. The court neiow noia mat suou entries eonoluded bim.

and also that a payment to a party on the statinicnt of his clerk that such an amount was duo. concluded him lrom Inquiring altorwards in the amount due anu paid, ineso runngs are as signed lor error. United States District Court Cadwalader, J. In the case of William Boone, colored, charged with attempting to pass a counterfeit $.20 noto In a saloon at liarrisnurg, oeioro repoitea. tue jury ren dered a verdict of not guilty.

In the case of Thomas Mitcnen, enargoa wun making counterfeit cuius, the jury rendered a vor-diet ol iruiltv. James Prior was put on trial upon the charge of Peing an accomplice in iUlicneu ouenna. was found at the Mitchells' house when tha raid wa made, but nothing oonneeted with the business was disclosed on him. The court instructed the jury that it would he unsafe to convict upon such slight evidence, and a verdict ol not guilty was rendered. Thomas Key was tried upon the charge oi counterteit money.

It was testilied that ne gave several hall dollars to his nephew, a Doy, woo, in attempting to pass them, was told tuey were coun terfeit. One ol them, wnioh the boy had passed upon a lady, was produced In court and pronounced a counterlcit. Another, which was passed by the boy, the deiendant redeemed, it was also in evi dence that he bought a segar at a tavern, gave a ha dollar, and received ehange in goon money. Shortly alterwards he returned to the same tavern to treat Bomo menus anu onereu auuuier nun mil iar, but itbeinsr handed back to him as bad he paid other money and redeemed the first one. The defense ett up that he was intoxicated and did not know tint ths money was falser Jury out.

Edward T. Steele Co. Vs. Nathan H. Kiee.

An issue to try whether iu December last the defendant did. within he meanimr of the bankrupt law, pro cure Isaao Uo dsm th to issue execution iroiu tne State courts and levied upon his (luce s) goods, un trial. Court of Quarter Sessions Thayer, J. Yesterday Judge Thayer summoned Oltleers Laws, Errlckson and Hevine belore him la rcler- pnee to the recent eseane of a prisoner from the van, and said that ho had retteeted upon the circumstances of he etc-ipe, and had cometothe conclusion that all the officers who wore dotailod to bring the pr soncrs Into court were respmstote I-r their custody. However, ne uiu uuuhiuiuih moj had been irlfiltv of any extraordinary negligence.

and, upon the whole, It appeared that the prisoner got oil tnrougn some iiiiBiinoerowiuuiii u-imuwu Uttleers Dovine and Errlckson as to who had tliu custody ol the man. Officer Devlne thought It His duty to remain in ensreo ui mo uu imine it toseethatno prisoner remained In it. and the other officers thought it was merely their duty to take their prisoners safely into court, and. mure three prisoners, theoffleersancad ot Uin cer Devine thought that he had hl3 prisjner, and ftiit nut inv much attention to him. Tim f.nerotu labors performed by the court officers were appreciated by.

lew outsuie oi me court, and, In justice to them, he would say that he had et to hear of the first thing alfecting the official conduct ot the oiltcers connected with the escape. The escape might, under the same condition ol things, have happened to any one, and, whilo he did not say that the belief which these o.fijeT labored under as to their duty was right, yet he would acquit them of all Intentional neglect ol duty. In order to prevent a similar occurrence again be would prescribe some rules for the guld ance of the officers. A suifieient number of officers shall be detailed, from those oa duty in the court LOCAL SUMMARY. Mr.

Fhillp J. Laubcr has returned fro.n a trip to Bermuda. The number of arrests made by the police of this city during the past month was 2'2S7. The Franklin, and Dot the Atlas Hotel, is to be taken to Seaside Park. The Frankliu is a much liner house.

Fermits were Issue! during the month for 1G3 new buildings, 48 alterations and additions, and 18 back buildimje; total, 22S. Yisterday morning the body of a male child found in a seer at the uoriheast corner of Twelfth and Callowliill streets. The fourth anniversary of the Cathedral T. A. B.

Society was held histeviuat the school house, on Wood street, above Eighteenth. The number of vessels which arrived at this port during the month of Fchruary was 273, 18 of those being foreign and 208 coastwise. George Jenkins, colored, was arrested in the Twelfth District yesterday afternoon for larceny, ond locked up for a hearing this On Wednesday evening the residence of Oott-lieb Mossner, No. 1302 North Twenty-fourth street, was entered and robbed of a silver watch. Mr.

John O'Neill, appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury as special agent of the Treasury Department, is a brother ot lion, cnaries O'Neill. Two steam fire engines dashed down Market street last evening. The liremen were deceived by the rising moon, whose light resembled the red glare caused by a fire. William K. Moore, colored, was held in $000 bail vtsterday by Alderman Carpenter to arswer the "eliarge of assault and battery on Sarah Mvers, who resides nt No.

720 Lombard street A lurjuc i nd very interesting temperance meet li was held last evening at the Central Coifee 'ectuie room, being addressed by Mrs. Fartiiigton, of Maine, and Mr. William Mott Jones, of this city. (in Y'dii'riav evening the closing exercise of the Mifflin Night Sch 10I, at Third and Brown 'trcets, look place. Addresses were made by M.

Hall Stanton a-id other members of the Board of Education. About half-past three yesterday afternoon George Britton, residing at Front and Dauphin streets, was run over by a car at Broad and Cumberland streets, and seriously injured. He was taken to the Episcopal Hospital. At noon to-dav, before Magistrate List, Superintendent Cattefl, of the House of Correction, will have a hearing on the charge preferred by Mr. McClcrmont, of opening letters directed to himself and other employees of the institution.

Vcsterday was St. David's day. The Welsh Society held their usual banquet, at which a number of prominent gentlemen were present. Representatives from the Hibernian, St. George and St.

Andrews Societies were also in attendance. The County Commissioners of Montgomery county have offered a reward of $100 for the arrest and conviction of the person, or persons, causing the death of the unknown man, whose body was found at Elm Station, on the 20th of February. The steamer "Columbia," which was repainted and fitted up at Wilmington, made the trip from that city to Chestnut stree'. wharf io one hour and twenty minutes. The "Columbia" goes on the regular line between this city and Bristol.

George S'ook, a constable, aged forty-four years, residing No. 010 Taylor street, was shot in the head while passing Sixth and Dickinson streets, making a scalp wound. His assailant escaped, and Slook was conveyed to the Pennsylvania Hospital. Oflicer Tyler, of the Fourth District, arrested Andrew Smith, last evening, on Trout street, below Fourth. He is charged with complicity In the robbery of Trieilcld's jewelry store, No.

330 South Sixth street, last Saturday night. He will have a hearing to-day. The carpet weavers employed by Robert Car- eon and Robert Huston, give notice that they have received an advance in wages oi one cent per yard. Stinson Bro. have also advanced their wages one and a half cents per yard.

The weavers in the shops of Robert Givens and James Boles have declared themselves on a strike. The newspaper room of theMercantile Library was reopened yesterday, and will be kept open from eight A. to six F. M. Books that are out can tie returned or kept until the library is opened without the imposition ot the usual tines.

The total number of books Injured so as to render them valueless will not amount to over 40.000. The large discount for the prompt pay ment of taxes drew a crowd that filled the steps and pavement fronting the Tax Office yes terday morning belore the doors were opened, and the oflice was afterward crowded up to the time of closine for the day. Policemen and de tectives were present to protect the crowd from the operations of thieves. The bridge on the Township line turnpike, near the "Punch Bowl," is in a very aangerou condition, owing to the removal or falling down of the side fences acting as a guard. There Is a stretch of 200 feet with the sides wholly un protected, and if left so any length of time must result in accidents which will cost the city many times over the cost of a proper guard fence.

Officer George Clopp, of the Twelfth District, has been presented by the Ladies' Needful So ciety, of the Twentieth Ward, with a set of resolutions, handsomely engrossed and framed, in testimony of his valuable services. The society s-ave an entertainment recently for the benefit of the poor, and in its aid Mr. Clopp succeeded in disposing of over three hundred and fifty tick 6t 6 The Chief Commissioner of City William F. Dixey, states that some unautho rized persons have been sending communications to parties having goods on deposit in the National Independence Hall, to the effect that the museum would be closed on the 10th of May. when they would be required to take thefr eoods away.

He wishes it under stood that such is not the case. The inquest in the case of Frederick Neumann will not take place until Monday next, and the a jury consisting of three builders, two firemen and a sixth citizen, will examine Rocers' carriage building, where Neumann re ceived his injuries, to ascertain whether it was sound. Before this can be done, however, the flimsy wall will be down, the flimsy joists carted awav and nothing left to indicate the flimsy character of the shell. If the Coroner wanta evidence of the sort of structure It was let him examine the firemen, patrolmen and others who saw the wreck of it on Sunday morning, immediately after the fall of a small portion of Its roof, carrying everything under it into the cellar as if it had been built of glass. Also, svJ'pena the members of Hie firm ofren and all of the irvrkmen, who knew of the condition of the Duilding.

The engineer of a Richmond (Va.) steam en cine company has made an ingenious arrange ment by which the horses of the hose carriage and engine are unhaltered In case ot an alarm The plan is somewhat similar to that adopted in other steam fire-engine houses, except that the wire, which is attached to each halter, is not operated by electricity, but unhitches the halter from the stall by a more simple and less costly arrangement. There Is a bell attached to the first stall, and that bell gives the alarm to the horses; for even before the city fire-alarm cong has recorded a single stroke the stall-bell has given the alarm, the halters are loose, and the horses out of their Btalls and on their way to the apparatus. From twenty to twenty-five seconds is the time allowed at that station to "hitch un and eret out." The Incoming spring will stir business houses everywhere, and the hum of trade has already begun. Great preparations are on foot In every db-Actinn in retail business. One of the most these concerts artistically successful.

He has en- gaged as soloists Miss Florence Davenport, mes74 soprano, and Mr. wiutam stou, vionnisi, inw concerts will begin at half-past three o'clock. Tht hull is certainly one of the hanilsomes. In the city. The programme next Saturdny bo as follows: i iveriure in ilT 1 it aim iittijoi.

Song "Bliss Forever Past" Balle Violin solo "rantasie yieuxiemps Waltn ''Midsummer Night Dream" Straus) Grand selection lrom Verdi's Mong "The storm'' tiuuaa r-oiaa rrancaise "wiiiiure nira lal.ino Inalmmontgl Mim ItHI arch A merica LI ne" Tint Swedish Lady Quartette. Last evening- 309 this very talented organization gave a second con-the cert at the Academy of Music, which was well filled in for the occasion. A number of interesting Belec-1 tions were sung, and tho delicacy, refinement andjeg accuracy 01 tne singers were very iiuuceaoiu. as, belore, the finest eliort of the evening was Scha-S tnnnn's exnuisite "Wassermann." whieh h.u rccn sung tieiore in i niiaueionia nearly mirauiuj bv this ouartette. Miss Selma Boi-r, who is ami prominent advocate here, of the claims of irthern', music, appeared in tne cnaraoier 01 leoiurr musical director.

Tho lecture would have be mil) proved by a less frequent uso of the first p3rsoi I pronoun. The orchestral leading very only the selections were thin and ot nctie rausi-weight. II Finland can oiler nothing mora so than tliis iindeniaiuy quaint anu pretty m-isic, 1 claims will not be likely to affect the grand in-xl? Gi man school. Mme.'8 Concert.

List evening 1 Association Hall was crowded with a brillant a i encc to attend the entertainment announced Mme. Eleanora Senate Montejo, a very capible prano singer of this city. The concert, If we Pra thus entitle it, was inierspersou uy reciriuoas (--i Miss Ida Sternbcrtrer and J. H. Brown, Esq.

)f Sternherger's recital of the scene betweeu v'-i bcrf and the "Prince," In Shakspeare's King Jon was finely conceived. Mme. Moutejo sang very a fd'l era ten if II fit 4 1 it' SI r. ceptably and her Dalian method has been evident! well cultivated. Her voice Is sweet and true, I not remarkable for power.

The lady was asshjov by Signors ItHccei and Lencioni, tenor and bks tists. lir. jonn iitgson, pianist, announceu as pupil of Liszt, made his first appearance and ere ted a favorable impression. Mr. P.

Ron linellawr the accompanist. The audience was excee ingly demonstrative, and the floral 'o' and abundant. In rbs ponse to a general and urgent Hamlet will be given once more at the Arc-Mr. Booth's present engagement, and the actor appear this evening as the pB Dane, "lis "Hamlet" Is considered by mi best part, and even those who cannot feelt with the i personation do not hesitate to I picturesque force and careful finish. 1 afternoon Mr.

Booth plays In DonCasari and in the evening T7I Merchant of Venic repeated. We have had occasion to find thesupport. It is but just to say that all ters of the company, from Miss Clara downward, palpably do their best. They scientiously, and with an evident desire that merits recognition. The Kellooo Opera Seasos.

Yesterd ing at nine o'clock the sale of seats for thej anees of the Kellogg Opera Company the Academy of Musio and at Magee's 808 Chestnut street. The representation limited to four. The first of these is to be Monday night, the Marriage of haf we'd chosen lor the openlDg night. On niiiht the Flying Dutchman, by Wagner, Is for the first time here In English. Mis: will take a benefit on Friday night, and day afternoon she will appear in her fam, popular personation of "Mignon." The is identical with that which recently appea.

and its members all well known. Atthe Chestnut the revival of the Tico is, as it well deserves, meeting with a Ur. of public lavor and ratronaae. Although what unequally acted, the leading charact reprtsented In a munner that it wonld be beiter. Mr.

Mackav, as "Pierre," Mr. Ra "Jacques," Mrs. Phillips. as "La Frochan Miss Conway as "Louise," all play in a stj leaves little, if anything, to be desired. piece is so admirably put on the stage.

With completeness and artistic propriety, that, all thlr. considered. It will be strange if the Two Orplu. does not have a lona and suooissful run. Matin to-morrow at twoo'tloek.

The continue the performance or earlier Us weoh. nees done t1" i -1.

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