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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 8

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE GALVESTOE DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1933. SEVTKTEEN Financial Marts Lower With Bond Exception; Cotton Down COTTON UBcrml tl taw Ulcmt ralM coUoa to or mold ca mn4 W. L. Moody Cotton Co New York Cation March comracts which up to 10.1 fee early, eajftd to 10.0 1C and ai thil figure, the General market laid alter repo nt about (he pre-bureau figures. Thla evidently a dliappolnlment to lome holder worke nf rontracis, and the market worked urad- ually lower later under scattered (Mlinp prcmoied Ly the Indifferent of thr whrnL an mftrkftd.

STOP-LOSS SELLING IS FraillEITDlOP Curtailment of Speculative Buying Also Causes Tumble of 2 3 8 Cents a Bushel. Chiraeo, curtailment ol flpeculalive buying, logiUier wlin coa- ildtrablc idling 10 itop lossei, tumbled wheat down a maximum ol 2Sc a buihel Friday. Price Keibarka were In the of unofficial esUmaies that 5.000,000 of dQ- nitrillC wheat territory would afford no wintii pbaiurafc. and thai ihe Southwest demand for feed train would consequtnily be liuahela greater lhan normal. Doubu rcgariiJnc the monetary illuailon looked upon by numerous traders ai ihe main foci or In refusal of ihe wheat market 10 respond to conainicilve news.

Wheat cloitd unsteady at virtually the rtay's bottom level, ISc to undrr yei- lerdays finish; corn 'io to off, and nvlsluns 2c to 17c up. Reduction of general speculative demand almost nil iiood oui ai a dlMlnguUhlng aiure of ihe wheat mirkfl. About ihe only rallies That look place were associated predleilooB o( mo temperatures ktt al no time above yealerday'a Jin- Ifh, and ihe loweii prlcti reached wera Ln ihe laic dfallnca. 'Jncmalntles engendered possible drastic Iraie In a rational code for grain exchange) acted aa a persistent drag on valuta- Corn and unit displayed relative strength. though affected lo a noticeable degree hy -ympsthy with wheat Cnld wave predictions helped somewhat to allmuiaie fee-dine and shipping drmand fcr corn, and NKV York reports late told ol some export bust- i through.

revisions wtre re.iponalve lo Iranilen 1 upiurni of hog values. Ojir July ing bales would probaby aout 400.000 leu than the Indicated yield in batei of 300 pounda groii. Exporti today. 46,590 baled. maktnR BO far this season.

Pun receipts, 46.200 balei. United Slates porl ilocks. 4.097,391 bnlee. Spfll Cotton Middling Cloilnr. Qatveston steady, 3 polnti down al D.SOc.

Huu'lop ilrady, polnti down at B.7Dc. New Orleuis steady, 4 points down ai B.84C. New York quiet, points down at lO.lOc. Liverpool itiidy. 4 points up al 5.23d.

Pulurt Cotton Clarke Is Closlnr QuolaUons. NEW Orleans barely Heady. 2 10 3 poInU cbwn from Thursday's close, New Ycrk barely jieady. 4 to 7 points down from Thursday' close. Liverpool quiet and unchanged from cloie.

Rfeplpti. Gilveiion, 3706 bald. New Orleani. 13.293 bales. El.

van nth, 2M baits. All United 9 1 ft Its ports. 67.S20 bnlei. Eami day lait year, 52.223 balei. Difference, 14.403 balrs Ksllmntrd Hrtelpli rur Saturday.

anU-tal(Ti, 13,000 lo 1J.OOO lialri, New Orleans. 4000 to 6000 btks, -46S Dec (7'i May 53S July 53 .55 .3311 Dr-r 35 'I 35 4 34 U. 31 35 36V Dec .56 July BIS "-MK -JB 4.42 5.10 3.10 Dec A2K May 48H July Jan. a.10 May Jon 5.16 ftiii Gnlveiton GraJn Receipts. Ince July 1 400 Last year: By T.

N. flalvi-ston futto lalea. Hy Hy JiJ By C. 6 1970 Uy T. 4 N.

0 H7 By B. It- 1 1845 Total 6708 Clulieiion SlocL ill ait-men I. On Thin day vnany. Last year. For Orrat Flrlialn 11.000 11.000 for Krance Ji.uyO 5.3UO For i.lher Tori-Inn ports 40.000 30.500 For coastwise poria -1000 2000 ComprcjieM and depoli Total iloch 863,741 Gal veil on Dally Statement.

Thli Tills Friday, weeh. eea-on. aeaeon fieceli'H from interior 4,034 70.CIS 1.33P.S31 1.269,399 Oih. I'll. 1.1172 3.0J8 33,651 26.117 Total 1,298,318 Exports Gr.

Drli 32,021 12T.572 122,071 Francr 11.216 133.S22 121.822 Conlln'nl 37.aH 323,156 Jnp-Mrx 15.f,37 251.011 276.123 Total 00.9SS SOD.767 843,171 N. VnrK 711 10.245 1,671 Old. pis 1.376 40.33S 35.S23 liy rail fl.SiU 1,253 60.632 31.760 Tot. exp 99,077 930.390 674,651 Halvealon New Orl. Mobile Hav'nah Cliarl'lon Wllm'ton Norfolk Eaitlai're 01 Ion Clly Ilouelon BTunsw'k, itj mi all United This Friday, week.

5.700 73.909 1, 15,293 BO, H5 2.885 1,630 200 fll IJflfl B.6B3 B.BB3 ll.gas 07,377 1, 8, 00 a BIB 31.B7S S93 2.0U J3Q.31I 98.701 15.159 28,722 13,008 lifo'iH ,694,862 21,178 S9.045 306,712 139,112 132,112 1.296,310 636,647 158,030 104.813 115,12.1 33,336 33,601 7.8S3 303 137,034 1.760.971 28,031 28.721 Toll I 87.820 271,001 0,002,096 5,191,738 but yr. 83,333 306,000 S.191.736 Dlfce 11,403 35,030 120,610 Kxiwrli From Unlied SLnln Forti. Tlili WteX ThU yr. Lnul yr. To GreaL IlrlUln 0,474 0,623 To France 11,330 8,908 To ConllnenL 13,9.13 31,131 To Mexico and Japan 11,093 21,072 Slnrbi Hi L'rdleO Sin In Ford.

Frldty 4,120,900 Thundty 103.025 flnme day lail year 4.772,511 SPOT The GnlveiLon marKei lor spol colton bald f. o. Friday; Thiirsciny, "no balci f. o. b.

The dually prlci'i: Low ordinary 8.B3 Ordlrnry 7.CO Qood urillnary fl.03 Birlcl Rood ordinary 8.00 Lav; middling 9.1U fllrlct low mlddllnjr 030 MliAllIni: 9.SO Strict middling 10.15 Good mlddllnp 10.30 Birict Rood middling 10,40 Middling fair 10.33 Houston, llouiton, Dec. collon cloned ilrady. ft down. 41 halei IPOI. The closlnR prlcn; Krlday.

Thirday. Good ordinary .1 01) 8.0.1 Low middling 0.00 9.05 Mld.lllnR 11.75 B.80 riouri middling in.l.'t in.30 Nrw New Orlpann, Dee. cotton rlo-cd Rteady. 4 polnlx iloivn. Hnlrs, SH holes Thn cloilnp IHICPB: Ordinary 7-W r.doA ordinary fl.4fl mlrtnlinp 0.19 MlrldllnR O.fli fiocd ml'Id line 10.29 Middling ftlr 10.49 Nnw i'nrk.

New York. Drr. 8. cotton clnicd quli-t, ft iiQlnts rlown. H.ilrs.

none. The in-line price: Mid Aline 10.10 IJtrrpofii. Liverpool Dee, 8. filioL cullon clontd nlpndy, 4 up. ImjHirln, 111,000 hnlei; Amrrlcnn 8200.

The cloalnn prkrn; middling Middling S.23 3,641 Ml-lilllnr fnlr 0.33 NCTV York clmnl linrely uleady, 10 7 polnti down Th.imday's cloie. Nrw fiiiurei cloned imrdy tmily, 2 to 5 polntx down from Thnrs- I.lvtrnonl fnlurci cloned qnlel nnd un- Irom PnC York. Oiicn. iriph. Clo.Nr.

Tlin-dny Jun. B.lld 10.113 II.HI! U.flU 9.D6 Mnr. .,10.14 10.1K 10.04 10.04 10.10 Mhy ...10.27 10.30 10.17 10.17 10.23 July ...10.10 10.42 10..11 10.31 10.3. i-JO Uri. .,.10.37 10.nO 10.41 KMfl-lt) 10.03 ll.OH A.0(1 P.fiO D.KI-05 Nrw Oprn.

llrRll. Clour. Tlm-dny. Jnn. P.PMi P.tll B.flS P.BR 11.021) Mnr.

..10.11 10.02 10.01 Id.OH High. Low. Cloie. 6aS GRAIN 1'RICES. Fort Worth.

Fair demand continued today lor all on ihe Fort Worth cash grain market. Prices ranged QB rollowa baaLi Carload a on track ni Furl Worth, freight paid lo delivery polnta: Delivered Teiaj pilf pans, ejcpon rate, or Teisi common potnti: No 1 hnrd. Harley: No. 2. nominally.

SOIjGJc; No. 3. nomlDally. 39360c. No.

2 mllo, per 100 pounds. iminally, Sl.02Sil.Dl; No. 3 mllu nominally. Sl.OOiJTl.02; No. 2 kafflr noirlnBl- P5STS7c; No.

3 knfflr, nominally, i3 SM. Delivered Texas common points ir Rroup 3: Com: No. 2 mixed, fi 1 61-llc: 2 while. No yellow. 64 No 2 No.

3 rrd. Chicago, aMes. 2 mixed. No. 2 yellow-.

No. 2 while, New 3 mixed. No 1 480146'Ac; No. 2 while. a white.

3ltf36Ue; No. 3 while, Kan.ias city. ower: No. 2 dark hunt. noml- lally; No.

2 hard. No. 2 rtd. namlnatly; cloie: December, 76Mc; May. 7flKC: July.

77Mc. Corn: inwer; No. 2 while, 46Mc; No. 2 yellow. nominally; No.

2 mixed 46c; close: December. 41Sc; May. 484c- July. 49T.c. OnlJ: Unchsji ed lo We lover; No.

2 while. 30if37c. nominally. Mllo iniLlir. EOJrSSc, nomlnallj-.

KHfir. TSc. Rye. a7ii3Bc. nominally.

Darley, 40ff41c, St. Ijj'uli. 2 red, 87Hc; No. 3 red, BSc. 2 yellow, 30c; No.

3 yellow, Onia 2 while, 37c. Close csmber at BJc. ilny at DUI.UT1I FI.AXSKF.D. Duluth, noxaced on track, 11.70- December, l.Ofl; Miy, J1.73; July, ll.79*i. NKVV YORK METLS New qulfl; electrolytic.

ipoL and futures. Sc. Tin aleaUlcr" ipol and ntm-liy. J33.00; fuiurei, J33.50. Iron qulel, Lrad steady ipot New York, 4.13c; East Bt.

Louhj. Zinc dull: Eaal 91. Louis apoi and tu- lurei, i.aOc. Antimony, apol, T.33c. NAVAL STOnES.

flavannah. firm 42Wc; iilei, 751 caikB receipts. 291; ihlp- menti. ft; mock. I7.fl9i.

nosln firm; tilt 1121 barren; receipts, 1145; itock. 101.068. Quoie: 13.30^3.33; J3.SOfil3.fln; E. 53.60fi3.624- S3.M- 0. II.

S3.72Sfr.1.73; J3.77iKi3.60; S3.BO; H. If.ID: (1.13; WO, 11.30; 1VW. 14.00; 11,65. May July Oct Dec. ..10.23 .10.30 ..11.31 B.SOb January March May July October December Month- January February March April May June July September October November December 10.28 10.1^ 10.17 10.30 10.27 10.3,) 10.55 10.33 10.47b Chltnto.

Open. Cloie 10.02 9.95 10.30 10.33 10.45 ID.fl] 10.02 Uverpool. 10.14 10.26 10.40 10.36 R.93 3.05 0,08 Cloi 3.02 3.02 3 03 3.01 B.OTi 0,07 c.oa 5.00 3.10 5.11 0.02 10.22 10.32 10.3Gb D.53-S; Thu'day. 6.95b 10.10 10.30 10.41 10.00 6.67 Thu'day 5.02 5.02 3.03 3.04 0.03 5.06 3.07 5.08 A.00 3.10 S.ll 5.02 11:30 a. m.

Did March May July December York. 0.93 10.10 10.23 10.33 Orlcnna. 0.80 10.01 10.17 10.37 9.83 NEW nm.KANH COTTON. New Oritnnii, KM un- quirt a crop-rtporL dny today id Ihe eftccl of the Kuvrrnmenfa final illmBie of 13.177,000 linlca on prices waj -fKllrlblc. The flpirc wni very cloie irndo oxpccuiiloni and viluti afler A rise Inlpr rncur with ftrnlni.

Final quo- tnllnns were 4 lo ,1 polntn net lower. The opening WM itcady Llverpoo 1 came In brtlcr Lhnn due and ilerllng wai needier. Gold reran In rd unrhftTiged. Man- rhrMer wnlrt clolh und ynrni were slow. Fim trAden-licrc rliowrd drcllm'n of .1 to polnlj and JuiL before Ihe fiovprnmenl'i c.illmale wan Inminl prlceJi were at 10.12~ for Marcli and lO.aflc for JJay.

or 4 point ilinvp Ihf pnvlou.i After the Inirtau wnn iioglnl prlccp advanced lo 2 polnla more will Mnrch nt nnd Mftv 10 2Se Th mnrltet laur off mod era lily on icll hi fi hy rlna on lha larjtv yield 200.4 poun.lB per ncre. Murcli dropping LI nnd Mny to down 9 lo 1 Kilnlfl from Hie hlnlm nnd 4 lo point milrr yeaierdny's clone, Aftrr rallying 4 in in the eatly iftornoon, llic mnrket npnln rrncird with (rains Lo 10.02c lor March and nr Mny, or 11 Ic 13 polnLi under Ihe ilehi of I tic mornlne. and fl In 8 polnu DIP cloir. Aft(r a nllcht recovery Mnrrh nt in oic, down polnm net nnrt May fit 10.17c. down nrl.

Llvrrpcol li due on New Orltnni (oma unchnnetil to 1 penny point down. Port rrcelpti. htlti; for wee 381.173; lor lehnnn, lnL nemo A.lnn.DIR. Kinum, 4I.KIO for VJft for urnricn, .1,395,78.1: Innt (ifnun 3,411,581. Port KWMf, 110,214 link yrnr, Cnmblnrd Klilpbnni ntnrli nt Nrw Crlrnnn, bnlrn; yrnr, 105,13 Rpnl nl flrmllirrn mnrkcti, 17,41 tin If yrnr, SPECULUM WHETS Prices on Financial Mart Lower as General Rule; Bonds Maintain Firmness, STOCK AVEHAUCS.

(CopyilRbl. 1933, Bundard Blatlitlci Co.) Dec. 6. 1933. 50 30 20 BO Inrts.

fllU. Uitla. Tor. Fnday 42.7 63.4 60 2 Thunday 83.8 43.0 65.9 fil.O Week B(c 90.9 10.1 66.2 MonUl AEO S7.9 41.4 71.a 71.S ago 52.8 fl7.1 31.7 Three years aco. 123.2 95.5 160.3 Ell Yttri liO.t H2.1 122.6 129.6 HlED.

10:.1 68.0 113.1 BS.P Low. 1933 12.3 23-3 61.3 13.9 HI h. 1932 72.3 111.0 73.9 Uw. 1932 35.1 13.7 31.8 33.0 nifb 1931 1402 106.2 203.9 111.3 Low, 1931 60.0 30.S 92.8 81-3 marmu lacked Initiative Friday and final prices were generally lower, though many bond! maintained Ihe current week's record of firmntis- FreisLire acalruii shares was HBbl and appeared to represent prom-taking. Losiei were moderate all around, being largest in Isautj which 'had recently been favorliea of buyen.

A few apfclalllei itlll clung in the upside, but In general leaders were down lo around a point net. The average dip wai elehl-lenithi a pol i. In uheai save itock tradtri a poor example. However, UH prlcei were above the lows and this tendency to resist offerings did not escape notice in many epeculexlve qua era. Government bondi traded narrowly at mixed changes as Wash- iDgton announced a heavy oversubscription for the new treasury Tbe cotton report tallied closely with forecast! that market did lltile.

Dollars, with the gold price at 134.01 for ihe seventh successive day. lagKtd alur early iicadtncu. Doubtlu It wu Bpaumcd by ome Itiat Ihe RFC' Quotation would be due for a rhe with placement of the forthcoming security li- flue. eipeclnlly If fomrnodli.y levels lac. primary purpose of the gold policy belnc ta aid ilapleg.

However. exchange! were ij-jici. In tbe iloclt list American Telephon Unlied Blaiei Armour nilnolfl preferred. Auburn Aulo, Owei Illlnoli Qlaia, Palhe and leveral other amusement Issues found favor, 8aim of a point or two. Elsewhere drift wit largelj downward.

United Etnlfi Steel. Bethlehem. Union Carbide. Allied Chemical, Du Font, General MolorB, Chrysler, Kennrcoit, New York Central, United ELnlej BmelllnR. Case, Boeony-Vacuum ana Slaadkrd Oil or New Jersey eailng moderately.

Electric equipment were firm. Bales totaled 1,343,040 shares. Sales. High. Low.

Close. Air Reduction 21102 300 Allefheny 31; Al Chem 27148 An CBJI 094 9SH 98K Am Car A Fdy 23 23H Am 4 Fnr Pow 11 10 7 S'i Am Locnm 5 29 2S Am ileial 9 19H ifl in 1 Am Had i Si 211 14 fi Am Roll Mill S6 19 Am Smelt Ref 73 44 43 -I3K Am Steel Fdra 15 IB 1 Am Sugar Ref 3 sty. 53V. Am 4 94 117'i Tobacco 3 74 74' 74 Win Wha 23 1SH IS Am Woolen is prd 41 eiii agii eiii Anaconda Cop 44 13 14 Vi 14 3i Alchlson P'e 01 S1V4 3371 Atlantic Refln 3014 29H Aubum Auto ill 49H AvlflMon Corp 22 7 Baldwin Locom 19 12 11 ii lall A Ohio 04 24S Dun 20 .6 BendU Avian BMhlehem Steel 83 34S 354 Uohn Alura 34 32 5 Burden Co 23 21S SOS DrlECS Mfc 15 10H Uurr Ad Much 23 16H 16U ICH Cnlir Puck 6 22 21 22 Calumet Hecla. ..10 4tf Cnn Dry Ale 13 27S Can Piurlflc 97 13'i Caie Co 38 7.1 71 Cerro de PR.ICO 38 36 24 33 Chesap Corp 3C Chi Ri fc pf 14 g-i; BH Chi Kk Isl Pac.

5 aii 3S Chrysler Corp 482 50'i Coca Cola fi 98 97 98 Col Sou .20 32 31 Colum Cm El 67 11 "i iitt Coml Solv 90 32-1i 014 32 Sou 121 IS Ih Congol Nairn 3 23 23 COD Gas 96 37 37 Con Oil 90 114 1114 im Cont Bak 2 IS ConL Can Cl 75's, 74 73 Cont Mot 5 iv, Conl Oil Of 82 IStf Corn Prod 25 75 73 75 do pfd 10 136' Coty 2 4 Cunis Wright 22 2S Den Rio pf 1 Du Pont de 155 9114 stlH 90 F.antmnn Korttlt 17 83 Eaton ilfg 15 13H F.Iec Pow i LgL 12 5 Fox Film A Freepon Tex 21 Gtn Asphalt 43 17 17 Gen Electric 271 2m 20li Gtn Foodi 18 36H 36 Gen Gu 1 Elec A 9 Gen Mills 12 05 6.1 Oen Molon 332 34 33 33 Oen Pub Berv 1 Gillette Hazor 88 10S 10 Gold Dust 10 IS Goodrich Rub 12 Goodyear Tire 30 38 3flH 3714 Graham Paine 23 2S Great Nor Ry 68 31U Great Weil Bur 38 4 3d 14" 37 Qmnow 378 li Hoi Oil i Hudson Mot 45 144 13 134 Hupp Motors 27 4i; 4 Illlnola Cent 100 31 Id 30 Iniplrallon Cop 5 4 Int liniment 41 Int Hydro A. 3 6Vi Tnt Nick Can 80 22 21 Ihl 50 13K 13 13V. Johni Mnnvllln 101 G3 61'4 Kan City Sou 3 12 12s Kelly Springfield 1 2fc 34 Kelvlnator Corp 13 nvt Kennecott Cop 97 20H Kre.ige id TB 13H Llbb Gl 78 334 Llgg My 24 88-ii 85' WllCB Bin 5 Lorillard Co 23 17 "4 Louis Jr Nash 13 MOH 48Vi Muck Truchs 6 3flH 384 Math Alkali 39 McKecsport Tin 3 B8H Miami Cop 2 4 Si Mid Con Prl 1314 Midland Steel 7 13 13 Mo Kan J2 gu Mo Pacific 3U Monl Wird 1 6 Murray Corp 17 64, NT 3D 254 24H 244 Nail DIsculL 29 49U iBTi 4D Natl Cash 35 igij i flu 1G Nail llnlry Pr 115 13U 13U nv ss tf is 1 Null filctl 22 47K llnv 1 Htld 53 nil 17 5 Am 8.1 15 us rionhern PRC 44 23 34 o'no on 3S fii; isii nit Pac Can Elec I'Acknrd Mol Penlck Of Ford Prnnfy Co 17 53,4 93 jj 3()H 20M jj Pclro Corp 3 iou I'hllllpi Jone. i BU Pel 17 ,7 on jj Procter A namhle 4 ii pm. sin- ci 31 3,5 5jj lladlo Corp flij fl nmlir Keith 311 2' nemlnitton Ilnnd il 74 711 '7'4 nopuniic sieci fa ins IBU lUynnldH Tsb nn i 7 lloyal Dutch 3014 fit TJ Snn 2 "at Oil as' iiw flrsn IloHmck 13 41K 13H Union in aii Snco.ny Vncuum IDS 18H Hoii Cnl Ed 7 I3 tl Lvij Pacific Srt 20 flmi Rnllwny 2S fitnnrt Krand.i ai 3.1 33 fUnnd GUI A gv gu fl 1 mnndnrrt CKlirnrnla 42 41U New Jersiy A7 47S 4KU j'fl Slcwnrt Wnrn i ou Slona A Wthilrr 20 7'A 'iit aiurirhdkrr Corp ifl Trx A rnc Ity ft 20 IB if 20 Corp 2S'i an Onlf Hul 10R -11 42 Trt Pnc A 23 3S Tex 1'iic I.

Tr 3 7S 7M 7H IN SELECTIVE CIHIEL losing Results Show Narrow Price Range Among Metals, Oils, Utilities and Alcohols. New Market trading wai rilher selecilvf Friday. ClOBlng re- iulii jhowtd narrow price variation am ODE meieis, uUllllra and aleohoU- A lew induiina) ipeelalilea met favor. Novadel-AEeoe. waa bid up more than 4 polnu, while Safely Cir HeatlnE EOl up in a Usht Iraiufir.

Pioneer Gold, which las rtctnily been churned about In heavy acllvlly. nttrly a paint. Heutfl unchanged to friclloni hlehtr Included Coniolldned Gaa of Balii- mort. Hiram Walker. Oulf and Humble olle.

Technicolor and 4 Elec- iijc. Luke Shore Ulnei and Commonxrealta Zdhon inch lost or so, while smaller receulooa occurred In Electric Bond A Share. Newmont. Swift Co. and Stand-trd Oil of Kentucky.

Transfers approximated 241.000 compared with 230.000 Thunday. Snlen. High. Low. Cloie.

Marnralba Superpower 61 2H 2VI Service 60 2 Cojren Oil 1 2 i Elec Bond Share. Wi 14 13U Ford Moi Lid 1 5V Gu'f Oil of 31 5Sli SSV, lumble Oil 22 30211 lUlii 1021i nd Ter ot III 3 Mid We-L (Jill 3 Vi NlBg Hud Pow IB 3V1 5Vi Ohio Cop J6 Et HtglB Paper 6 2V- Stand Oil of Ind 40 32ft 32H Eland Oil of Ky 9 15 15 Texon Oil 6 7 Unlied Founders ..47 fc Unlied Gaa SB Ll Fow A 38 2fc 2 2hi New lost tome of iheli early ealns In laic trading Friday, but managed to finish with moderate advaj Dtallnci were quiet, aalea to- illne par value, against 513.730.000 Thunday. The avrrage for 00 do- neatlc corporate edged up one-1 en ii if a point. Unlied Elates governnenL securities -were again somewhaL unEeitled despite announce- meal thai Ihe new 4950,000,000 rertlflcatpi offering had been oversubscribed about three limes. TnniacllonF In the unlett to aome 12.400,000.

Treasury i and 4s held advances of l-32d and 3-32Q! of a point, respectively. The called fourth liberty 4 were also up l-32d. Liberty sagged 4-32ds and the mulnlDg treasury Inues declined 4-32dfl 22-32ds. The ralU as a whole were filrly sleidy jLwllhslandlng profll-laklng and a more lhaji eensonnl decline In carlosdlngs for Ihe ended Dec. 2.

Galnera ol fiactlons Ic point or more Included Borne liens of Central Pacific, Canadian Pacific. Ohio, HocX Island. Cincinnati Union Terminal. Erie. Great Northern.

Louisville Nashville Soo Line, Mlsiourl Pacific, New- Haven. Northern Pacific. Fere Marquetle. Southern Pacific, Wabtsh and Western Maryland. Bonds of Con.iolldB.ted Columbia Cos.

Sliell Union Oil, Warner Brolhen and neslown Sheel and Tube Improved, bul utility and Industrial trends generally were Indcclilve. American Telephone convertible H.i lost 24 points. The prlnclpnl activity In Lhe forelcn rtlvl- Flon in Auslcallnn loans, all ot which showed calns ol more Lhnn 2 nolnls. Obligations nf Du -h Ind'es. Frnnc-.

Norway nr.d Ihe United K'Tcdom flrmrd along with the cun-nncle-; of B5 Poland 6s DOMESTIC. American I Chemical American Smelllni; 5s American Supar 5s 1 Sits 1 A 3 en Js A 0 I 5s 53 Balllmore Ohio rf 5s 07 Bethlehem Slerl rf Ss 05 Canadian Pacific deb 4E perp 80 Chesapeake Corporation 3s 96 A- 4U 4s I 4 21 Erie 75 rf 4. Imp 3s Goodyear 3i BSV GreaL Northern A Hudson A Manhallan rf 5s Humble Oil 5s 1 InLemaLlonnl-fireat Northern adj 6a. Int A cvL Kaniu rf 5s 6JM LoeWa Inc fis 81 MliBOurl-Kflnsas-Teias adj SB 42 Missouri Pacific pen (s 11 Nallonnl Dairy 82 New York Central rf Imp 3i B5 Northern Pdclflc 6s B34 Pbllndclphla Petroleum 5Via 90- 1 Sinclair Oil col 7s 102V Soulhem Pnrlflc 6S Southern Hallway con 5s 63 Texas Pacific SO 5s 57 Union Pacific 87IL United Slatea Rubber as 6SH WcaLero Electric 5s 0 1J. S.

UOVKK.V.MKNT BONDS. (Dollan and thirty-seconds.) Tn Bales High. Low. doae 3143 3J-47 440100.4 99.29 99.30 4'is 33-47 61 101.2 101.00 101.1 lei JUs 32-47 5 T00.2H 100.2B 100.26 4lh 33-38 35 101-18 101.15 101.17 4lh 33-3BCI 51. 101.7 101.4 101.4 4'is 47-52 55 105.26 105.20 103-20 4Ui.3i.js 43-5-.

4W 96.00 95-20 98.20 4s 44-S4 54 102.16 102.12 102.13 46-56 41 10028 100.22 100.26 40-43 June 53 99.5 90.2 90-2 43-17 5 09.00 09.00 99.01 3-Hfl 41-43 Mnr 71 09.00 99.00 3Us 11 401 96.16 98-9 9S.9 do 48-49 110 63.27 95 10 93.10 3s ft-55 1ST HI.12 DI.OO 94.2 CERTTFICATF-S OF INnF.nTF.DXF.53. (Courtesy of J. Moile Co.) Bid. 3 BB.16 98-2. g.

i-4i 98.8 98.1 lOoitt c- -or. 8. TRKASURV NOTES. Bid. Asked.

100.0 100.2 3s 5- 2-34 100.18 100.21 8-15-34 99.15 P9-2i ii la 8 1.34 100.9 100.11 3s 101.0 101.8 IHi- B- 1-35 99.0 69.S 2ft 99.16 9B.2 3 B- 1-36 100.0 100.1 98.29 99.S 3a 4-15-37 99.0 99.1 9-15-37 98.20 99.3 2- 1-38 96.2S 97-1 6-15-33 97.10 97.2 C- KEHEn.AI. LAND RANK DONOR. Bid. Asked 41 1, 1957-37 SO 1 a 1. BO 61 -Mny i.

1442-J2 98H 8711 or July 1. 1953-33 82'-i 33 1, 1955-33 S2M 83 1. 1C53-33 SB'fl 5t or 1, 1941-31 93 1 94V SK or Nov. 1, 1911-31 64 COTTON SEED OIL. New collon seed Oli WB.O Eleidy early today on covering on ihe itendlnesi ot Urd but cised inter unde liquidation and local relllni; influenced the eauler Rrnln market.

Flnnl prlcn wer 2 to 4 points nrl lower. Oovrmment col ion crop eillmale plaulng ylild at 13,177,00 bnlci Of Dec. 1, 13,100.000 bnle mnnlh Bfo. Inrprlj dlsconnltd. Sales 75 con true l.i.

Dlcochhble rpot nomlnnl December closed nl 4.29c. Jnnunry at 4.33c Mnrrh ft I 4.6lc, Mny aL 4-Tflc, July a 4.97C. Uct AT Tlmk Roll Bear CnrbMe Un Oil of Cnl Un Pacirk Unit Aircraft Unit Carbon Unit Qni A Im 8 Krrlfim (lypium Iniltii Alco rinhljer 3 Etecl Util Pow LRI A Vanadium Corp Wnrncr 1'lct Wcnon Oil dt 8 WrU Union Tel WeailnR Air Wfsil A Woolwor'll Co Wrlgley Jr Yellow Cnb A Tr 10 4'i 4'i 18 23 ITS 47H 46 7,1 20 19 Vt 1 liai.i 1 138 34 .13 i IR 45U 16 81 ,19 21 190 4QM 45H 37 23 22 74 20 10 flfltt flSlk 1 3 M.i 104 30'), JH HOUDAV OHDKRED. New York. Dec.

The board of managers of tbe Cotton Exchange today declared the two Saturdays preceding Christmas and Tear's a holiday mid ordered the exchange closed. Slnilliir action was taken by the Coffee and Sugar Exchange yesterday. LlfllTCIinLESUPPH StNTTlSTEfflLffi Lack of Demand Fails lo Hold Prices Dowa as Salesmeii Send Scale Up. Fort Worth. waj no Sroad' demand for ilauebier caule at Fort Vorili Friday, but with light BUppilfS saleJ- ntn seni Lhcm 10 the scales ai iiuady irlcei.

The quality was mostly plain and common slaughter grades thai came In mixed loads and in iruckfc. The exception 10 waa two loads of weighty aieere and a tew ol led yearllogi. fiiocker auppllea were lacklnc. Hogs made a of 15c. with a top ol 13.73 on arnall killer accouni.

Suppllea In Die alifep yards were very light and trading was ai steady prices. HOBS -Receipts, BOO head, Including 590 directs; truck hogs to Email killers 10Q-15C higher: few eales to packers steidy; no roll hogs offered; lop (3.73, paid by small killers for choice medium weight buichera; packer lop S3.50; bulk good 10 choice 190 Lo 230-pound truck hogs al J3.655>3.70; Good Ighl weights and mixed Rrade butchers at BS6 3 40; packing sows steady, mostly J2.73ff3.00. 500 head; calves. 700; DOl enough calile or calves on sale lo make a market; scattered Bales various elaeseJ about steady; some common killing sleera at 52.65 and (wo loads good heavy fed ateera held around 56.00; butcher cows o-rouna J1.73; low cutlers al 75cQS1.00: locker trade pracllcally nominal: lew Rood hesvj- fat calves at 53.23; two loads fairly good mdes at cull Sl.50fli2.00. 200 head; lambs steady; practically no yearllngi or welher.i nffcrtd; jdd head medium IP Rood wooled fat lambs 55.uO«?P.OO; wooled lambs to feeders al 14 00''15 00 Aflvnnce estimates Dec.

Cattle, 200 head; boga. 300; Bheep, 200. MIDHTSTEHN REVIEW- Kanaoa City, S. D. Cattle trade loday maintained a aleady with sales of fed alsers and yearling listed at I3.90&5.50.

mippllH being it all markels. A few sales of hl mixed offerings and long ycarllntB came In at SB 00ff6 40. Short fed steers predominated tattle suppllej Lhli week al varioUH mar- and were under preseure on most ees- alona. although In some Inslancea near the close an upward Lrend reaulted In partial or complele recovery or early lotiei nur. lo smaller receipts.

Short-fed sletra were comlderect ui.evenly steady lo 25c lower for the week, while choice long-fed kinds maintained about a steady hanla. Extreme jht becTfB were Blow to move al all and In BOme cnaeB prices of averages 1450 pounds and above were listed i low any lime thla season. IJRir around 900 pounda and belo' jnllnued to meet a ready outlet and good to choice kinds closed steady lo 25c his' Salea of Lbeie llfihl bulchf-r coltle i tiiiile numerous al 55.75^6.50, with up to 36.75. Butcher cows met a i demand all week and closed unevenly 15c lo 40c lower. Cutter (Trades dropped back lo October levela of Sl.005.f-l.73.

Supplies or slnckera and feeders were rnUier Emnll this week and celling levels for ihe most part ranged steady lo alrong with alockers 25c higher aL aome polnLa. Mostly eleady prlccB prevailed on hogs Loday with a (op of 53.60 paid freely In Cnlcfljo- LarabB were rated aL aleady lo 25c lowei levrla, most belter grade wooled kinds sell- ins around while Bhora orrer- lugs nBde S5.75'!?6.23. CARONKAWAY BEEF CATCH. Nobody will qnltfe believe his eyes when ho sees this picture but there Is positively no Here arc just, a few of the redfish which Dr Johnson, local vetcrlnftrlnn, nnd party caught last Sunday ti week ago down at Caronhaway Reef. There are 68 reds In the picture, according to someone who undertook to count them, but Dr.

Johnson staled that they cnught a lot more which they ate. In the picture, left to right are: Dr. Fred Green, slate milk Inspcc- JOB Robinson, Dr. Johnson and J. J.

Mansfield. Local Produce Sales and receipts were of about avr.mi volume on Ihe local produce markeL yci terday. Arrivals, included beans and other vegetables from ihe Rio Grande Villty. VeieUblea. per hamper.

Bleck-Eyerl per ham per. MG'TOc per doze: bunchei. 33.25^3.70 per Twas, 25Gl 30c per dozen. per 25 per dozen. prr cwt.

Celery-Caliromia. 90cifEl.25 per doten bunches; Colorado celery ott market. Florida per box; calavds, 53.50-ii 3.25. per 2n-pound box. lug.

S1.50ff2-00 per bushel per pound. per row. OKra per bushel. Sl.20jfl.35 per Mck; White Texas Bermuda, 52-25Si 2.35 pe crate; California onions, Sl.753il.90 per sack. per dozen.

per bam pi Peas, per hamper. Plmenlo per pound; 51-50 per bushel. Burbauks, 52.400 n.30 per Colorado spuda, per Idaho spuda. Sl.GOG-2.OQ ytr Cwl Sweet a bushel. per ilozen.

per pound. per bushel. per pound. Tomatoes -California, lug, SJ.S5iT2.OQ. bunch.

35iff-lQc pei dozen. Frails ind Berries. Jonathan. I2.25fij (2-50 per box; Washington Delicious, 12.25 02.75 per boi. per pound.

per dozen. S2.50fi3.50 per hox. 51-65 1.75 ptr lug. per crnte. per box.

Valencies, 53.25(5 3.50 per eralc. Foullry nnd 3 6 fit 17c per pound per pound; old rcoslera. 7fl'Bc per pound ducka, 13ffl5c per pound; EUlnens, 40O30C each; Reese, 13(pl3c per pound; Lurkey hens, Hffiec prr pound; gobblers, per pound. Jresh candled, SB.0008.25 per cose; stamped Infcrllle, SB.50 per caae; 10.00 per case. CO1INTHY PnODCCE.

Chicago, S. D. toes slwdy; United Slales No. 1, Wiicon- Bin round whiles, 51.22 1.27 W. few hlcher; Minnesota.

Norlh Dskola Red Rive Ohloi. heal, mostly tl.20ffl.25: Idaho HUB sets, Sl.60^1.65, few higher and lower Combination gi.ide. JI.33ffl.45; Colorcdo MfClures, few aalta. SI.00. Butter Flcady specials (93 Bcore).

10p20r; flrMB (68 to SO). sec ends (EO to 67). standards (90 ce tmllicd carlola), 20c. Eggs eleadj. chnnperi Poultry slcady; hens.

SfiK Lcphoni hena, 7c; HocU sprlnRS. 103 lie colored, 10 Vic; Leghom clilckeiis, 7c roosters. Cc; turkeyB, fliTHc; ducka. GJTDc gecar, Be. Dressed lurkeye steady; young 17lie; old herm, He; young torn: IBc; oM.

13e; No. 2. Si. Lou In, unchinRed. BOSTON WOOL.

Boilon. 1 S. D. ernl anlea have been closed on nn finer French comhlnR LerrlLory wools. Bulk average French comblnp Biaple wool In orlplnal hags tirinf; SUgSIc.

Bcoured hasln while grndtd French combine wools hrlnc 8lff63c. Short French comWns Ols am finer lerrllory and Blmllnr ilyle wools good character have hern noM In orlglnn 80(0 Sic, scoured basis. lower. Sales, 4000 htiea. No.

7 unchanged lo 2 hlRhcr and unchanged to point lower. Knles, 7-tc, inrmorr. ipol coflee qiilct. Bfitnoa la Rio 7s Redfish and No Fooling Comb, Jack Sharp, and Reese; 86 Ibs. iroui and reds, Monday night; Charles Reglnl and Joe Soir.sler.

15 trout and reds, Saturday r.ight; Walker and Bill Houston, trout and seven reds, Monday nlghti Fishing and Hunting on Treasure Island NORTHER HELPS BAYOU FISHING Bayou and bay fishermen got what they had been waiting for Tuesday night when the best north- er of the season blew In, bringing with it results in a fishing- line. Activity around Offaib 3ayou has been considerable since Wednesday, nnd B. large number of anglers were on the Job yesterday. A number ot very good catches were reported made. Fishing In the bays was not B3 good aa In the bayou on account of the extremely low tides.

It was better after 4 m. nnd nt night. Trout, and reds -were also said to be biting along Qie causeway at night. Thursday the commercial fishermen picked up some very nice reds around the jettica, and a few speckled Lrout. The bayou trout were biting on both artificial bait and live shrimp.

AND STILT, MORE TROUT. One ot our scouts, A. G. Wegner of Gist and Broadway road, reports that Roy Taylor and party of Baytown landed 28 large speckled trout in the bayou Wednesday on live shrimp. They weighed from five to six pounds.

Another party, composed of Roy Row, Roy Staffinger and C. A. Nichols, got 19 trout Thursday on artificial bait. They ran from three to four pounds apiece. WILD LIFE RKFOGE AT DAM.

A wild life refuge is to be established in connection with Boulder dam, now under construction on the Colorado River, under the jurisdiction of the United States biological survey. It will cover about 620,000 acres, of which 132,000 will he the artificial lake created by the dam when completed. Now sugar wai easier loday and although no Jresh reporter were available al lasL paid prices or 3 25c for spote. while shipment Philippines were offered aL 3.15c. with rumors of Humus al 3.Hc.

The only ultB cun- rirmed were two concluded me yesteraaj IncludlnR 25,000 Daga ot Cuban far prompt shipment nt 3.25c and 20,000 ba tnr January shipment aL 3.20c. Futures were lower unde rlncreascd tied BE Ailing, promoled by the less active In the Epot markel with final prices 2 lo 4 polnls Sales were 11.800 Lons. ahorls and trade LnlereEl noiiBht on Initial decline which wai sufficient to hold prclts steady for while, but demand railed lo Improve and Ihe markel showed further loesei during middle at the day under Belling against new crop rappllea and acotlcred liquidation. January con- iracli sold off from l.l9c lo 1.16C and ifnrch from 1.23c to l.lOc. or i to 5 polnls lower.

Lale covering caused partial rallies and final prices were a. polnl or vo above the lowest on mOEl positions Range of prices: Hlch. Low. Last. rcember 1-13 1-15 1.35n unuan- 119 "1.16 1.16ft 1-23 1-19 1-21-22 1.26 1 2T-28 juiv 1.33 1.31.

1.32b Serlember 1-38 1.36 l-37b b. Bid. In refined Uicre was no change locally with line granulated quotrrt al 4.50c, bul It was reiwrled lhat concession ol 10 polnu were being accepted In Southtrr, territory. DemHTid wns llent and only of a hand-to- moulh character. FOnFIflN rXCIIANGE.

New Foreign eicbange firm. Great Britain, demand, 35.15^4; cables I3.15M 60-day blllB, 55.11^- France, demand, 6-lSc: cablei. 6.i5c. Italy, demand, fl.20c- cables, 8.29c. Demnnds: Belgium, 21.83c; Gemuuiy.

37.50c; Holland. Norway, 25.DOc; Sweden. 26.60c; Denmark 23.05c; Swllierlond. 30.43c; Spain, 12.85c- PorluEHl A nominal- Greece, nominal; Poland, 17.65o. nominal; Czechoslovakia, 4.67c.

nominal; JugoilavlH. 2.17c nominal; Aualrtn. 17.70c. nominal; Rumania. nominal; Argentine, 33.33c Brazil, 8.38c, nominal; Tokyo.

3l.25c Shanghai. 33.fi7Hc; IIongkonB. 37.50CI Mexico City (silver peso). 27.84c; in New York, 101.23c; New York In Montreal, 98.81 NEW YORK New 1 money stemty; 1 per cent all Jay. Time loans ncady; 80-EO days, 1: 4-9 monlhs, IQ-lVi per ccnl.

Prime commercial paper, 1 Bankers' acccpunccs unchanged. CHICAGO COTTON. Chicago, sllEhl upliirn Iti cotton today was lost In later business. Closing prices on the Board of Trade were 2 lo 4 polnls lower on the active Mnrch and 1 to 4 polnls lower on the remaining months. The opening wag 1 to .5 points up on helter cabin lhan due nnd all phi further Knlna were made in early bunlncEs.

Liverpool closed unrhanged. The forc- cnsL Is for clear In Lhe Easl, and cloudlneia Oklahoma nnri Tcxu. nnv GOODS. New Roods agenla today were rcluclanl ID sell ahead without protection of a contract clnuac covering ihe rlEk of further leElalntlon, especially ibu posjibiniy of a 30-hour week In the next congress. Prices held firm.

Rayon were moderntc in volume for Janunry- Februnry deilvtrr. Bilk goods are BtlllnR In urn nil loli. Burmpa were aleady, more fnqulrlrs for nhlpment goods being cnhlcd to Cnlcultn. Wool goods nre firm with builnru hl. MINNEATOUS FI.OUR.

Mlnneapolln, nn- changert; ehlrnirnli, 21,234 barrem. Piirt hrnn. Sin.0(1 li 13.50; itan.lard mlildllngi, OYSTER SUPPLY SAID ADEQUATE DESPITE DAMAGE Although the local oyster crop was severely domziged. lost summer by hirth tides that accompanied tropical disturbances in the gulf, there Is no groat shortage this year Galveston mny rest nsaiired of a plentiful supply lor the holiday season, according to the local growers. It is estimated by some of the growers that at least 50 per cent of the crop in east and west bays was lost In the tides.

Prices this year arc at approximately the same level as last, the better ones selling for about 53,50 per barrel in the shell. The quality of the oysters is sairl to be Improving steadily. WEATHER HURTS HUNTING. Scouting- around among our friends who are duck hunting ad diets, we have heard one continual moan about the weather. The ducks simply aren't flying-.

The weather Isn't right and hasn't been since the opening- day of the season. A few have been Hilled on the Island and around High however. The tides have also been against the hunters. As for quail, very few local people have hunted them this season nnd those who did failed to get maTiy. The supply is scarce for one thing, and the weather has been too hot Lhus far.

Nobody seems particularly interested at the moment, but they probably will be a little later. FISHING CODE HEARING. Hearing on the master corlr for the national fishing industry is scheduled in Washington Monday, Dec. 11, after having been postponed from Dec. fi.

Congrcs5man Clark W. Thompson will represent the Interests of the local Gulf Shore Fishermen's Association, of which he is an honorary member. The code will become effective on the second Monday following its approval by the president of the United States and the secretary of agriculture. Subdivisions of the industry will operate under special codes sunplemental to the master one, which provides that no employe shall be permitted lo work more than 90 hours In any two consecutive weeks with certain c-ceptions prescribes minimum wages and prohibits unfair trade practices. 0 TO SEEK CHANGE IN IAW.

Among the various provisions of Ihe law enacted tby the last legislature to reRulale the fishing Industry, which was a compromise measure, is one which limits the mesh of fishermen's neta to inch from knot knot, making a three and one-half inch mesh. Local fishermen contend that the mesh la far too large and that It permit a trout weighing two- and one-half pounds to egcane. For that reason, according to J. E. Bierman, president of the Gulf Shore Fishermen's Association, an effort be made In the next session of Ihe legislature to pet the law amended.

They have no objection to the other-provisions of the law. COMFORTABLE FISHING PLACE One of the local projects on which CWA workers arc being employer is the cleaning up and levelling of the grounds surroundlsrr the municipal Incinerator on Offati Bayou Mr. Blcrmnn is superintendent out there now. He advised us this week that an attractive and "comfortable" fishing should prove especially attractive lo worn en being fixed up near the incinerator and all visitors are welcome. Some nice reds caught out there Sunday.

DOWN AT FRKUDKNBUnG'S. This department has received flood of letters this week telling about catches made last week-eni at t'reudenburg's camp on the wes bayshore. If we weren't a trusting person, we would be suspicious. 11 T. Bnnkston.

Shell building, Houston, writes that he and Mrs. Bank slon got 105 trout and reds last Saturday and Sunday, and a Mr. and Mrs. Glnaa of Houston got 52 reds and IS trout. He ailds that he landed a big drum which he brought ashore and found weigh pounds, but that he replaced him in the water.

Air. FretidonbuTR himself writes that fishing is gc-od nlong the bayshore after the tide starts coming In around 4 p. m. He also advises us that the, tide comes In down there about two hours and minutes later than It docs nt 20th and wharf. Over 500 pounds cf lisn were brought In hy anglers at the comp Saturday nnd Sunday, ho said.

Here arc some of llic other catches reported there; DIG WEEK (AT LL'CAS' CAMP. Lucas 1 camp, located on Offati Bayou near Teichmana Point, re-: ports thai It had had a rushing business all week from both Gait veston and Houston anglers. Many beautiful catches of speckled trout have been landed. Here are a few of them: Earl Blssonet. Houston.

20i specks, Tuesday; Miller and Be'nj Mazze, Houston, 14 trout. W. R. Livingston, 13 trout, Tucs-l day; C. Cheek and H.

J. Spence, 25 trout. Tuesday; J. F. Towers, F.

Green, J. K. Fry and Joe all of Houston, 20 trout. day; Pete Waters. 30 trout, Wednesday; George Oplesbee and C.

Dreyer, Houston. -10 trout, Wednej-, day; W. D. Sawyer and R. Galveston.

25 trout, Friday; nnd L. Ledbetter, Houston, 75 trout, Frl- dny. LOGAN'S CA.SlP GETS PLAY. I Logan's Camp, also on Offata Bnyou. has been petting Its share o( Ihe customers thia week.

Dolph- Rogers during the week has gotten seme 35 speckled trout. Buddy Henipcl got 10 one day. Al Ludgnte three Thursday, Bill Haines nlnfe Thursday, nnd a Mrs. Walters several more. REDS ARK CAUGHT.

Mike Gavranich and Harry Ol-. sen, Lhe old reliables among ths commercial fishermen, made a nico' killing of reds around the Jetties. Thursday, we hear. Mike got morfr than 20 reds that averaged around: eight or nine pounds. Harry got several and some speckled trout were also caught.

GULLS LTKE DREDGE BLASTS. Miami, The sea ulls, 10 doubt, wish the decplnlng cf ilainl harbor would go on forever, 1 or It has giveji them a big feast. Each dynnmite blast set off to; dislodge submerged rocks klllefl." cores of fish and the gulls waated. 10 time In learning how their ban- net was spread. They parked themselves on th'o: icarest dock, buoy or jetty and; vith each geyser thrown un by thfr XDOSlon, swnrmed tnwprd It and; he mass dead fish floating- iff- he surface.

HESTEITB STATEMENT. romporlsciLs arc lo actual dates, not to" IOBG of corresponding week For week Year ago Two years ago For Uic monih Yenr ngo Two years HEO art For scaaon Yenr ngo 366,000 487.000. 391.0UOT 694.000: 8.925.000 8,7 62,0 00 9.847,000 5. OJ 4,000 5.255.UUO Two years ago iverlnml lo MUIa and For Benson Year a 283,000. Two years BRO 296,000 southern Mill 2.152,000' Year ago Twoywn-B nlerior Stocks In Exce 2.033,OffD" Foreign Exports Year BEO Two years a ED Northern and Canadian For week 1.380.

Offo 1 1,178.000: 274,000 3,596,000 3,318,000: 41. OOO' 317,0001 e29.000J For Year agq of spinners' takings of Amerl-: in cotton throughout the This week 299,000 Year ago Two years ago Total since AUK. 1 5.931.0UQ Year ago S.5B6.000. Two j-fnrB ago 3.3fl7,fltfO' Statement of world's visible supply: jlul T'T This.week 11.431.OOt)' Week ago Year 11,039.000 Two years ago Tolal This week Week ago Year ago Tvro years ago ll Olher This week Week ago Year HEO Two years ago Visible In United Thb week Year ago Vlalhli; In Other This Year 9.749.000: I.BBB.Odd'' 1.643,000; e. 7,684,000: icr Countries i 1.4SI.OOOf 4, 305.000; NOTICE TO CITY If you dp not receive your NEW6- prompUy each morning, phone US" before 10 o'clock-and a copy will" be sent you by special Transportation No.

Kftosaa Cltr. Oklahoma Clly, Fort Dallai. Colo: nnd California 9:30 uft- LIU. Snort Line, Union Depot 3 p. No.

Chicago, KanEaB Clly, WlcnltiM Oklahoma Clly, Fort Worlli 8:13 p. No. Oleander, San AJilcmjo, Dallas ForL Worth. Kannu City, 8L( aa; Mlnonrl Pacific Prom St. Lou La.

Memphis. LJltli Raniai Cltj and polnti Norto md Sunahlna Bpeclfii .0:30 pm! Boailien PicUla UDM. Daiias. Anioolo en. aJio New Oriennm.

Waco, Sbrtvepart mid Valley conDecll6nj.9:*0 ad). DCPAATTJRE8. QDir, Toinnido Fe. Mo. Short dally, Union Depot, a.

Sal. Worth, Oklahoma Kansas Clly, Chicago 7:00 a. nt." No Fort Worm, Cllj, Wichita. Kansas City. Chicago and; Colorado ana California .7:43 pnv UI-.

Fon UlAHonrl Paclflfl LlDM. No. Special pm- ..10:00 for BL Lrula Memphli. LIUH Kanua Clly and polnta North aaa Boa I hern Pnclfle Lines. No.

Oleander Ban Auicnlo, No. Dallu and Ban sleepers; alw conneciltni to New Stirevepori, AiuUo. Waco and nolDlj 7:00 pm; UalTCilon-nonihiD In to-urban. can depart dally at 8, 10' i. 12 noon.

2, 4. fi, 0. 10 and p. m. Can arrtvo at 6:30.

9:30.: 11:30 a. 1:30. 3:30. 6:30. 11:30 aad lam Al It WAYS.

Paieenger pi ana nun Houston, Dallaj; and aarlh conneclloD arrives p. and departs 4:50 p. m. dally. vestoo Uunlclpni Airport.

nns HrriKDifi-t HfBiimcmi Ptiri Anhur- Leave 7:10 ft-i and 2:40 p. m. Arrive 11 a. p. Jenn Lalllle Hotel.

ou si on (via itvm) Leave 10:30 a. Arrive (. UD Saturdays ana Sundays eilri 4ft 8:45 u. Interurboo: Houilon (via Dickinson) 13:30 Arrlvi 10:13 15 I lerurtifto station. nbnn iraini at Texni Cllj tranirei jOIVfiion from i until 10 tn ai 11:20 p.

Connections ano iimund inif. train) ai Cliy. Rnllvnr Frrrj. Leaves Fort Point every hour from i. m.

Lo 6 p. m. Leaves Port Bolivar sviryi hour Jrom to 0:30 p..

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