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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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VztiYJi A A A A A A i A V4 Sin'sll 0m PIlILADELrillA, TUESDAYQCTQBER 10, 1871. iUCE TWO CENTS: -ESTABLISHED 1829. spread to the west side of the north branch of THE BURNT DISTRICT OF CHICAGO. i 5 -4 fc Li i 5 liii everything from the Chamber cf Commerce to the lake and the river. Tbe whole of tbe business portion of the city Is in ruins.

The mayor of Chicago bas called assistance and supplies from all quarters. The fire is still raging. Water has given out, and the firemen are exhausted. Tue loss will be more than $500,000,000. Belief Meeting; Cincinnati, Oct.

9-Noon. The mayor of this city bas telegraphed to the mayor of Chicago, offering the services of our fire department if needed. It is reported that many bouses have W9L 5S 155 hi I TT i I IT fTt Mm Iff 11 obsslM' rs si IB 1 1 jlk BnSsll is ei Depots of Illinois Centra), Bur ington and Quincy nnd Michigan Central, on Li Salle streets. The largo grain elevator at mouth of river. Depot of Pittsburg and Fort Wayne, corner of Madison and the canal.

Large grain elevator along north side of river. Palmer House, corner of Stale street. i IN-: RUINS! FivoMila or Fire TEN THOUSAND BUILDINGS BURNED 150,000 FeoplG Homeless THE LCS3 ESTIMATED AT $500,000,000 Nearly All of the City Destroyed BUT FEW BUILDINGS REMAIN STANDING Tlic Flames Still Kagriiig MILLIONAIRES REDUCED TO rOYERTY The Water Supply Cut Off GAS WORKS BLOWN UP Citizens Fleeing for Safety THE RAILWAY TRAINS CROWDED Streets Filled with Famishing People THE MAYOR APPEALS FOR SUBSISTENCE Quick and Noble Responses RELIEF FROM SISTER CITIES, National Government to the Rescue HOW THE CONFLAGRATION SPREAD Block After Block Rapidly FIREMEN FROM ABROAD ARRIVE Shipping in the Eiver Destroyed CHAIN ELEVATORS WRECKED Buildings Blown Up 'villi Powder HARDLY A BUSINESS HOUSE LEFT Banks and Hotels All in Ashes ALSO THEATRES AND NEWSPAPER OFFICES CSreat Ixjss of Life reared THE FILL DETAILS OF TOE CALAMITY' Chicago, Oct. 9-8 A. The fire is still racing, with a heavy southerly gale.

The water works are destroyed. The firemen ean get no water and tbe fire bas full sway. Nearly five roilei of the city are in ashes. Express and news- i paper office, banks, court hnnse, six grain elevators and other important buildings are in ruius. The loss will exceed $60,000,000.

Assistance is badly needed. Food and water are wanted for thousands of homeless people. Tho suffering 1 is Intense, and there is no telling boa the flames will be subdued. An Appeal for Food. following; message, signed by tbe mayor of Chicago, was sent to lbs mayor of St.

Louis this morning "Send us food for the suffering our city is in sihci our water works are burned." Ten Thousand Building! Burned. Chicago, Oct. 9-10 A. Tbe entire business portion of tbe city is destroyed. All tbe banks, express and telegraph offices.

Tbe Tribune" building was saved. Six elevators and lbs water works are burned. Not less than ten thousand buildings have already been destroyed. Tbe fire has burned a distance of five miles and is still raging, and tbe wind is blowing a gale. It will be almost impossible to get any reliable particulars for some time, as there is only one telegraph wire working, sod that from the suburbs.

Tbe water works, the court bouse, the Sherman House, Board of Trade, custom house, all tho railroad depots and the Western Union Telegraph build-ine, new edifice just completed, are all in ashes. Fully thirty blocks of buildings are now burned. Tbe Cily II boat Wstler. New York, Oct. Chicasro fire is atill Taglng, and rapidly spreading south.

One of the railroad superintendents tsiegraphs that the fire bas reached Wabash avenne. His location is three miles south from Wabash avenue, and be expresses the opinion it will reach him before night. Tbe water works have been burned and no water is to be had. Government Aid lo the offerer. Washington, Oct.

9. The fire at Chieago ex eites general interest throughout tbe city, and especially among gentlemen from that locality. Ia addition to the press telegrams, General liytr, of tbe Signal Service, bit been receiving despatches irons time to time regarding the con flagration. Kaarhi-T have vested neavily in Chicago Provlalou Forwarded from Cloelnaatf. Cincinnati.

Oct. special train leaves tonight with a committee of citizens and four carloads of provision (or Chicago. The donation of provisions continne. Large Conlribatloaa. 8t.

Loris, Oct. 9 The mass meeting at fle Merchsnts' Exchange to-dnv was the largest ever held her. People of all cLsscs and conditions poured in to express sympathy with and contribute aid for Chicago. Nearly tTO.OCO was raised the space of an hour. Committee hav been appointed to ennva Ihe city for money, food and clothing.

By night there will probably be cooked provisions enough, to load a train. Tho Merchants Ettbang'; tub-scrlbcd 110,000, and rrnnv (inns and individual contributed $500 to 11000 each. Bnbatantlal SJympatby from all Stnnrler. Up to the time of (foing to press this morning, we aro In the receipt of despatches from many of tbe large cities of the Union, stating that meetings have already been held, snd that others are in contemplation, to raise funds for tbe benefit of the suffering people of Chicago. Already liberal subscriptions have been made and large quantities of provisions forwirdert to the destitute people, who but a few short hours ago were living amid plenty in their comfortable homes, which are now naught else thau a Leap of smouldering ashes.

DfRCBIPTIOM OF CHICAGO. The population of this city Is 299.2.17. ItN tho metropolis ot the Northwest, the largest ciiv In Illinois and the county seat of CooK county; situated onthtnuthwesl shore of Lake Mlchigau, uuiicou nine irom me extreme southern p'lioi. and at the mouth ot the Chlcaeo river. No city upon itie iiobe can boast ot more rapid or subsian- .111. tuiiu v-nicaRO. A few years ago its urwnt site was but an In. alan village. Ma)or Lour his expedition to examine th sources of the St. l'eter's river, thus speaks of it: -The village pi esuuts no cheering' prospects, as.

notwithstanding its antiquity, il consists of but a few huts, Inhabited by a ibUerable set of men, scarcely equal to the Indians from they at descended. Their log or bark houses are nlthy and disgusting, displaying not th least trace ot comfort. Chicago Is perhaps one of the oldest settlemenis In the Indian country: its name derived from the 1'otawatomie tongup, signifies either a skunk or a wild onion: aud cither ot these significations have beeu given it." Mention Is mude of the place as having been visited in 1671 by Terot, who fou "Chlcano" to be the residence of a powerful chief of the Mlamls. The number of trails centering all in this poiut, snd theirapparent antiquity, 1 ndicato that it was probably for a loug period the site of a la gu Indl in village. On March 2, Congress granted to Illinois every alternate section of land for six miles ou either side of Hie line for the proposed Illinois and Michigan canal, to aid in Its construction, from Chicago to the head of nav'gatlon on the Illinois river.

The State accepted th grant, and on January 22, 1829, organized a canal board, with, power to lay out towns along the line. These com missioners employed Mr. James Thompson to survey the town or Chicago, and his first map of now In the recorder's office, bears date August 1830, lo J831 Chicago contained about a dozen families, besiue tad somiersio rors Dearborn. The town of Chicago wa! organized by tbe election of flva trut-iees, August 10, lKj3. 1 beta were then tu ail xsvolert, ot wiioui9 arestai nvios in the city.

On September 26, ltio3, a treaty was signed with the chiefs of olawatomies, 70U) of Iha trine Deing present at me council, anu on uciooec I they were removed west oi tits aimiss.ppi. ire first charter ot th city was parsed by the legislature and approved March 4,1857. The tirnt election was held under the charter May 1, 1U7. Tho first census na taken July 1, when tli en the population was shown to be 4170. The city llieu contained 4 warehouses, dwellings.

29 dry goods stores. 6 hardware stores, 3 drug and 19 grocery and provision stores, lo taverns, 4j groceries, 17 lawyers' ollices aud 5 churches. In 1848 theie was no railway lead in I to or from Chicagoi Th whole St .1 had but llfly-live miles of railroad, extending fj-oin AieredoaU, on the Illinois river, to Spi iucrk'ld. Ihe Illinois id Michigan canal had just been opened and gate tho first real aud gieat Impetus to trade and nsici Ity of the city. Five days was then quick lime in the summer between York and Chicago.

I ho route was by steamer to Albany: thence bv rail to iJtifftilo: by steamer from Uufl.ilo to Detroit theuca by tho Michigan Central It.tilway to Kala mazoo thence by stace to bi. Joseph, and steamer thence to Chicago. xiucit uuici ul tne uA.euj runway were opened to Cottage Hill in aud Itieoi eu of tbe road to tlgiu on the iltl ot January, jS-'ai, was a grand, flair. The Michigan Southern was the tint rosdi lo reach Ihe city from the east, in February, lbn'2, aud the Michigan Central was opened some llireu or four months later. lo-Jav Chicago the west ern terminus of the Michigan Central, the western em terminus ot the CHicatto and Michigan Lake Shore (via the M.C.

tr.iCK from New Bulla o). Hit) northwestern terminus of the Indianapolis, Tern and Clilcaito (via thu M. C. track fioin Michigan Cny): the western terminus of the i.akeMiora and Michigan Southern; the north westero termi-imsof ih t'ittsimig. tort Wayne aud t'hicugn, and the Pittsburg, Uneiiuiuli and St.

Louis: tho northern terminm ol the Louisville, New Albany; aud Chicago, and tiie Chicauo, Danville aud Vin-cemies (vU the I'lUslmru. uuciunati nnd M. l.oois tracK); the northern tei minus of the Illinois Central; lb northeastern torminusol the Chicago and Alton, and the Chicago, llurlingtou and Quincy (with ber eleven branches); the eastern terminus ot the Chicago, Rock Island aud Facitiu, and the convergiug poiut of the eight distinct lines of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad (anil radii 12VJ miles of road in The leading newspapers are the Chicago Tribune." the 'limes' the Republican," tho "Evening Journal," the "Evening I'ost," tha ''Daily Evening Mail," the Illinois Sta.uszeitung," the "Uallvoad Uazait," the "Railroad Review," and the "Prairie Farmer." The chartered bauks are as folio a Aaif. Capital. Merch.

Sav. L. ST. Co ll.5U0.0nO? First National J.ouootOi Third National 750.0COI Union National 750.000; Manufacturer' Nalional 500.SCO Conimereial Bauk S00.W.D Fifth Nalional 500.000 State Savings Institution SOG.OCQ Nortliwestrrn National Cvu.uu)' Merchants' National Look County National Corn Enchane Nalioual Mechanics' 250.0CO City National German Nalioual IfcO.OOO atiooal Bauk of Commerce ih nm niiiiii4nu' Traders' National 2uO.0OO Treasury Bank 166,000 Second Natioual ltaiuni Linou bloc xarU Nation 1 100,000 There are in addition lu the regular cbarterttt nanus twenty nine private oauaiug arms. tit.

insries nauuuipu. secretary oi tna board or Trade, tu bis annual report of the trade and commerce ot Chicago tor tbe year euding December 31, 1870, gives the following statistics: Elevator, capacity, 11.5S0.000 bushsls. Corn received during the year, 20.1S9.771 bushels; wheal received. 17,354,409 bushels; head of hogs received, 1,953,372: bead of cattle received, o2.964: vessels cleared during the year with a tonnage ot 2,983,2. The value of taxable property returned wat The Bureau of Statistics at Washington gives 343 as the total number ot vessels on i northern lakes, with an segregate lonnag el be great Importance of the lumber trade in tea Northwest involves a financial and commercial interest beyond computation.

For ffaoy years Chicago hai been the largest lumber o.arket io tho world. Tbe total amount rce.vdduriug tbe yeai 1870 was 1.150,000,0011 fact. The Wholesale gale of Chieago. total ot M00.00O.aiO In 1869. warn total I ot "ni woiotAOOO.

bogti price, averaged Hi to 15 ier iit lower, chiefly in sympathy with toe declinlo fold premium. Aewdisl the census returns of 1S70 it baoL iu4 manufacturing establishments, employtngj i20 1J6 operative tad representing a capital eft lie river, and tbe inhabitant of streets nearest tbe river are already moving to places supposed of greater safely. Temporary Telegraph Th Western Union Telegraph Company have now six wires working East and South, running into a temporary offico at the corner of Slate and Sixteenth streets. People Fleeing from the Clly. The Northwestern Railroad Company ore run ning trains on both its branches, which are crowded with fleeing citizens.

Condition of the Water Works. It is now positively asserted by some that tbe water works are still intact, bu th water bas been shut off from tbe Southern Divisions on account of the quantity being used on the north ido. A reliable gentleman, jutt arrived from the North Division, brings the joyful Intelligence that the water works are uninjured. God grant it may prove true! Extent of tbe Con flngrnllon. It is impossible now to give even approxi mately a correct statement of the loises, but a faint idea may be formed when it is stared that every hank in the city except two small savings inititutions, one on Twenty- second street, in South Division, and one on andolpU street, in est Division, are destroyed; all th wholesale stores, all retail establishment the post of fico, court house, Chamber of Commerce, very hotel In the South Division except Michigan Avenue notel, which, standing on the extreme southern limit, escaped, although badly scorched aud every newspaper office.

The "Tribune" Building Succumb. The "Tribune" building, which was supposed to bu fire-proof, having finally succumbed, every theatre, six of tbe largest elevators, the Immense depots of the Michigan Southern and of the 111 i nois Central railroads, both tbe passenger and freight depots of the latter, more than a score of churches, and much of the shipping in the river, are sll destroyed. Millionaire Fennl I'M Human Being i enan. Men who were mill onares ye stcrdsy morning are nearly penniless to-day. Bui more terrible than all is the certainty that many human beiugs have perished in tho fluncs.

II ow many no one can tell, perhaps no one will ev er be able to tell; hut it is known thtt some nvo perished, and there tire otny ncartsicKcning uars tuai tue vie tluns may be couated by scores. Horte and Cattle PerUh. Hundred of hones and cows have been burned in stsbles, nnd on the north side numbers of animals though released from "onfinenjent were CO bewildered and confused by the sea of fire which surrounded ibem that tbrv rushed wildly toward the fire and were scorenca ana kiiicu. Any at tempt at a description of scenes of the opualllng calamity would be the simple fact, that the once great city of Chicago is destroyed. Hundred of Million of Capital lot.

That hundreds of millions of active capital here have vanished, and nearly one-third of Chicago's Inhabitants are dependants, are enough-Any attempt to embellish would be mockery. Belnforcemenl of Firemen from Other Citle. As this awful day draws. to a cloce thousands anxious eyes watch th clouds of smok which still roll over th burned district with evident dread that a sudden obaoge of wind may turn the fliroiM upon that portion ot tbe city yet spared. There seems, however, littia causo for apprehension, and tho reinforcements of firemen from other cities are constantly arriving.

The Helping Hand of Hlndnet. Colonel J. J. Wilson, superintendent of the Telegraph, it in receipt of despatches trom the leading cities, annonncing tbt aid IS being provided for the sufferers. Colonel Clwry, of St.

Louis, telegraphs that 170,000 tve been snb-sciibed by the merchant there. Cincinnati promises 1200,000 and Cleveland is proportionately generous. All thU nnrt a prett. deiil mnrA will nitAeri I relieve the immediate pressing wauls. Every thing is being doue by lcnerai stager aud his asaislsnts to keep up communication for the citizens and prew with th world outside.

About threo-fourlhtof tbe United States ill was saved and taken posseniou of by Colouel Wood, of tlm post office seivice. tioveruiuent Property Deaf royed Great Anxiety. Washington, OH. 'J. I he officers of tho government, includiug tho President aud heads of dcpiriments, have been eager for information from all sources, and a very large number of despatches hayj been received aud eageriy read in the hop that they contained some indication of a cessation of the terrible ravages of the flames.

Among tho latest despatches received this afternoon ws one from General Sheridan to ttie Secretary of War, stutiug that the army office there had been destroyed, with all tho public records. Other despatches give the particulars that have been fully detailed iu thi despatches to the Asso-c is ted Pros. The I'nlted State gnb-Treaiary. The amount of go eminent money lo the v.ultsof the sub-Treasury at Chicago it about $2 000,000, hilf a million of which Is in eold, and the biianca in paper. No repo rt have beeu received at the Treasury Drpariment concerning either the Sfifety or ths losi cf this amount of government funds.

Army Ballon for th Needy, On the receipt of the telegraphic intelligence at tie Signal Office, by the Secretary of Wr, this morning, that tbe Chicago au tborities were nukitii? for nrovialnn mr the a9'VH9, tut resident at once directed that the commissariat of the army be in readiness to forward rations from the medical department to the famishing people oi thai atllicted city, aud lint before any iormal application had reached the departmeot. Temitoroev TeWraphle oaire afemuitnned i -southern Ponton of the illy Ifoomed. I Nkw York, Oct. 9 Midnight. The telegraph offico improvised in the southern part of Chicago, supposed to be beyond tbe reach of tne flames, lias been abandoned and communication with the city is again suspended.

It is expected that another office will be opened during tbe sight at a point two miles south of the I st place of refugo. The operators, before ieaviog their instruments, reported that tbe wind bad veered around to tbe north and was driving tbe flames back and southward. The fire had already reached the neighborhood or tbe office and the men were compelled to fle. Their lail word were: "Their now appeal no hope of saying the southern portion of the city." A private despatch from Chicago states that among th heavy dry goods bonses burne are John Farwell F. M.

Hamlin Field, Seiter Brown, Hart Winslow. The laiuraaee (laeation. New Tona, Oct. 9 lo this city insursnce people are grtaliy exercised over tbn appalling new irom cmcagn. At tbe Mr underwriter the greatest tpprebcosioni are entertained of tbe in wm.

CHICAGO. superior HURON MARIO OHIO INDIANA 13 StI MlICHELf 1 B.B. CR0UND5 The above map thaws the wards of the city of Chicago which suffered most by the conflagration. The black portion of the engraving represents the blocks of bouses entirely destroyed by the flames. Loenllon of Some of the principal Building Destroyed.

Conrt house, in tbe square bounded by Wash ington, Randolph, Clark and La Salle streets. Tbe Sherman House, corner of Clark and Ran dolph streets. Tremont House, corner of Dearborn and Lake streets." Briggs Honse, corner of Randolph and Wells streets. Ogden Home, on square bounded by Jackson, Clark and La Salle streets. Depot of Michigan, Southern and Rock Island Railroad.

destroyed. The finest blocks of dwellings and nnoti Duuaings in me cut are in asues. fireman In tbe city is called upon to do duty. Nearly all tbe Bridge Across the river are burned. Ail is terror.

Excitement in Boxon. Boston, Oct. 9. The terrible fire in Chicago causes profound sensation among all elasses of people. It is tbe all-engrossing subject on Change and In business circles.

It depresses business of all kinds. Owegoa Contribution. Oswego, Oct. 9. The members of the Oswego Board of Trade have contributed $2000 to the Chicago sufferers.

Aid Fnrnlahed by Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Oct. 9. The great fire In Chicago monopolizes all attention, and business is entire ly suspended. The great calamity moves every heart.

A citizens' meeting at tho Chamber of Commerce was largely attended. Committees on transportation snd finance were appointed, and subscriptions and cash paymeuts at once received. The Chamber of Commerce gave $5000. Many leading firms gave 11000 eicb. At twelve o'clock 125,000 bed been subscribed.

The Hamilton and Dayton and Indianapolis and Lafayette Railroad companies have offered to transport all supplies free of charge. Ia ac cordance with this, Mayor Dvis sends a despatch to all cities snd towns along the railroad to collect supplies lo be taken free. Biaukets and clothing will be collected and sent to-day in large quantities, also cooked food. A committee will leave for Chicago at five o'clock this evening. At a preachers' meeting this morning resolu tions of sympathy were adopted, declaring that tbey would caii on their congregations to cooperate with the authorities in affording imme diate relief.

Liberal Offer of I lie Erie Ballroad. New York, Oct. 9. The followins: communica tion Mseut Mayor Hal! to-day; Hon. A.

Oakey Hall, Mayor of New York -I have a telegram purporting to come from tbe mayor oi onicaeo, giving a report of the lament. able destruction of life and property in that city oy fire. I take this opportunity to notify vou that I have a force at our depot, foot of Tuentv.third street. New York, and will there receive and forward, free of charge, on fast trains through lo Chicago, all contributions which citizens of New York may contribute in aid of tho sufferer. jAT Gould, President of the Erie Railway Company.

Cooked rood Wanted. Cincinnati, Oct. 9 A despatch from Super intendent Wilson, at Chicago, says: Cooked food will be most wanted at present At least seventy-five thonsand people are on tbe streets. The conflagration is unabated," Boand so Help la Time of Meed. At a meeting of both boards of Common mn-cll, held at one o'clock to-day, it was unani mously resolved to appropriate 1100,000 for be relief of Chicago, deipite tbe legal inability to VX msK ifcsss Kit JOC-Jat mmmmB ei ia si Mm bM JBIIIIB2S2SS MONROE 1 A III adam'.

BHSfl lS22SS3Sli nsoSiiilBltt gsMiiim 12 sisk a ws i i been blown un in the effort to stem the tide of the conflagration, but without effect. A mass meeting is being held here, presided over by Governor Hayes, for the relief of Chicago suf- Icrcrs. Excitement in New York. New York, Oct. 9.

There is great excitement in Wull stroet aud ih roughout tbe city generally over the Chicago lire. How the Fire Commenced. Oct. 9. Tbe following particulars of tbe great fire at Chicago have been obtained from Mr.

J. H. Crittenden, the operator of tbe Western Union Telegraph Company in Chicago, who has just arrived at Eaglewood, seven miles southeast of Chicago. Mr. Crittendeu left tho city ou an mgine at half-past eight this morning: The fire commenced about nine o'clock last night, near the corner of Jefferson and Delavnn streets, and swept everything before it, Inking a northeasterly course, through the central part of the city.

The court house, Western Union Tele graph oflice, hotels, banks, apparently everything within half a mile of tho court bouse, and as far south as Polk street, and probably west of State street, and perhaps east of that, are all destroyed. Tbe fire now rages on the north side, cast ol Wells street, extending up to Chicago avenue, in a northeasterly direction. It Is being checked to the windward on the south and west sides. The wind seems to blow hard and to be changing towards the south. He thinks the fire reaches towards the great Illinois Central Depot, and that it is probably destroyed.

The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern and Rock Island railroad depots, city water works. Tremont House, Sherman House, Crosby Opera House, are among the buildings destroyed. Tbe elevators on tbe main and river streets must have been burned, as tbe firo was raging on both sides at seven o'clock, when he was there Thousands of people are houseless, and the loss Will exceed 150,000,000. Ten Thonaand Building Earned. Cincinnati, Oct.

9. The following telegram has been forwarded to Hon. 0. H. Palmer, treasurer of the Western Union Telegraph Com- "Chicago.

Oct. 9. One-third of the city is in ruins. All banks, insurance offices, warehouse, and elevators have been destroyed. Fully ten thousand buildings burned.

Tbe fire is still ragiog and tbe wind blowing a gate." On Uair of tbe City Destroyed. Edgewood, Ten milts from Chicago, Oct. Si ll A.1 M.Tb work of devastation continnes. Mora hsn one-bslf of tbe city is already destroyed, and the flames continue their ravages almost unopposed. 1 The One Works Destroyed.

About one o'clock this morning the fire crossed the river at tbe Adams street bridge and soon de stroyed tbe rs works. Tbe fire then spread in every direction, At mis nonr aimosi every building from Harrison street north to the Chicago river is destroyed, including all the insurance offices, banks, hotels, telegraph offices, newspaper establishments (with the single sx- eetitlnn of the "Tnhnne" Office, which Is fire proof), cc-mt house, Shermau House, Tremont House, Palmer's New Pacific Hotel, New Bige-low Hole), and, in fact, everything else is swept cleau. Oue Haudred and Fifty Thoaisnd People Homeleia. In Chlcsgo more than one-half the population are now rushing through the streets in vehicles, which are obtained at enormous prices, and on foot with their choicest household treasures in their arms and on their backs, in utter confusion, not knowing whither to go. Fearful sufferlug must follow, and immediately fall on one hundred and fifty thousand people, at Ibis moment homeless, houseless, not knowing where to lay their beads or get anything to aatisfy the crav ings ot hunger.

All the heavy business houses In the city are destroyed. ueip inn bi, iiuuii, St. Lodis, Oct. 9. Mayor Brown bas received a message from Chicago, asking food for the suffering people of that city.

He bas called a mass meeting of citizens at the Merehmta' Ex change, at twelve o'clock, which will be largely attended. Tbe sympathy here is nniversal, all classes expressing the deepest fee ling of sorrow for the suffering people. Mayor Brown bas a special train ready to start with fire-engines. Tbe streets in front of the newspaper offices are thronged. Liter despatch just received from Chicago, asking for fire-engines aad men.

They will be sent at once. Tho Whole WtH Aroaied. Cincinnati, Oct. 9 The mayors of nearly all liio c.i.uo Ltd proucioii rciiel and as sistance to tbe mayor of Cblcago. The chief engineer of tbe Cincinnati Fire Department, with three engines and nose carts started for Chicago, A mass meeting ot railroad presidents and prominent merchants aud citizens of Cincinnati is now being held at the Chamber of Commerce to take measures for the relief of the sufferers.

Mining Belallve. It is not known whether any lives were lost, bnt tbe streets are filled with people, many mourning missing relatives aud friends. Washington Madison, Market, Clinton, Jefferson, Buffalo and Gr is wold streets, and all that pert of tbe city, it a blackened mass. Thousands of peop le in vthi cles are on tbe roads from tbe villages to aid the people in Chicago. Tbe policemen and firemen are working like heroes.

The fire bas extended over a circuit of three miles, and both sides of Chicago river are in ruins. Great exertions were made to save the court bouse and gas boose, but in vain. Tbe latter exploded with three report, but no lives were lost. Tbe city to-night will be lu darkness. Thirty or Forty easel the river are new burning, and many more ore Field, Seiter fc Co.

dry goods store, cost 1500,000, and south of it, on State ttreet, were the msgniflcent book stores Of S. C. Grigg Keen, Cooke and the Western News Com pany. Custom bouse and post office, corner of Dear-born and Mooroe streets. i Adjacent to tLis building were the principal newspaper ofllces, including the Chicago "Tribune" office, the Knest newspaper bnUding in A merica.

selves individually until legislation to make it legal can be had. Th Esd Kst YeS. Chicago, Oct. 9. The whole business portion of the city it In ashes.

From Harrison street north to Chicago avenue, and east of the river to Lake avenue, the fire sweeps a distriet three miles in length to a mile or a mile and a-half in width. Every hotel, bnk, express office, telegraph office, theatre, and newspaper office, with oil tbe wholesale honsos in the city, is totally destroyed. Eirly this morning the wind was blowiug a perfect gale from the southwest, with the iky of brass. No one can tell what the end will be. The only salvation for the remainder of the city is in the wind keeping in the present direction.

Fifty thousand people are homeless. Most of them are in a destitute condition. Uuburned streets for miles are lined with household goods. No one dare think what the loss of life may be. The flames swept through the city with the rapidity of a prairie fire, and many must have perished.

The Western Union Telegraph bas succeeded in getting up a few wires from hastily improvised offices in the southern part of the city, establishing communication in nearly all directions. Munificent offers of assistance are comiog from every quarter of Cincinnati. EVENING DESPATCHES. Tbe Flame Sweep Kverything Before Chicago, Oct 9-5 P. M.

The awful work of destruction still goes on with relentless fury. From Harrison slreetln th south, to Division street lu the north, several blocks above Chlcajo avenue, and from tbe river to the lake, an area of four miles lonir on ILd have swept everything before them. Tbe IloaaeleM People. It is estimated that ai least one hundred thousand people are homeless and in a suffering con dition. The streets in the districts still un- burned sr lined for miles with sach houiehold goods ss bave been saved from destruction, tieneroa Offer or Aolalanre.

Th must generous offer assistance in money, food or anything wanted are coming in from almost every city aud town throughout the country, by telegraph. The mayor bas responded to several offers, ssklog that cooked food bs provided as soon as possible. Firemen are on their way here from Cincinnati, St. Louis and other cities. Tbe water works are entirely destroyed.

Buildings are now being blown np on the liue of the fire to attempt to arrest it progress. Tbe Whole north aide Doomed. Latb. It is now believed tint the spread of the fire southward bas been stayed at Harrison street, but In tbe north side there is no diminution of its fory, and that entire division of the city is evidently doomed to otter destruction. The Wwt Hid Threateaed.

On reeding then this morning President Grant requested Secretary Belknap to telegraph to General Sheridan, saying it was tbe President's wish that Gsnsral Sheridan issue provisions and clothing to the sufferers, from the snpplirs be bas at his disposal, and, if these prove insufficient, to call on the military authorities at St. Lonis for tbe same purpose. Reported I.ol of 850 00V.OOO. Chicago. Oct.

9-1 P- M. Tbe firo Uu swept 1 make) such appropriation, bat pledging lb I mere are gnu a in tLat ine flames may i.

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