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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, SATURDAY; AUGUST 12, 1865. JXY in 87 7 dull. Reading Railroad was moderately active, but with scarcely any change In price; 63 was the opening price, followed by a decline to 53, and an advance again to 53, closing at about 534; Pennsylvania Railroad was more In de Regatta on the- Delaware. A grand regatta will come off on the Delaware river on Monday next. It will be composed of gilllng skiffs, each carrying thirty yards of sail or under.

It will start at 11 A. from Kensington. The first gun will be discharsred at 10 A. NJEW CHE8NUT STREKT THEATRI Ohesnat street above Twelfth. THIS (SATURDAY AFTERNOON), Amr.

12th, FOURTH GRAND FAMILY MATINER FOURTH GRAND FAMILY MATINEE OF THK SUMMER SEASOX, Ticn the GREAT IRISH DPAMA, A RRA Il-N A-POtJU ARRA1I-NA POGUE, Will be presented, with all its 737 tss 1 .2:17 127 4M 6f 1 ,001, loo -JO we shall have resorted to a draft for part of this. It seems strange even to me, but it is true, that the Government is now pressed to this course by a popular demand. Thousands who wish not to personally enter the service, are nevertheless anxious to pay and send substitutes, provided tney ean have assurance that unwilling persons, similarly situated, will be compelled to do likewise. Besides this, volunteers mostly choose to enter newly formed regiments, while drafted men can be sent to rill up the old ones, wherein man for man they are quite doubly as valuable. vou ask, "Why is it that the North, with her great armies, so often is found with inferiority of numbers face to face with the armies of the South?" While I painfully know the fact, a military man, which I am not.

would better answer the question. The fact I know has not been overlooked, and I suppose the cause of its continuance lies mainly in the other fact that the enemy holds the interior and we the exterior lines, and that we operate where the people convey information to the enemy, while he operates where they convey none to us. I have received the volume and letter which you did me the honor of addressing to me, and for which please accept my sincere thanks. You are much admired in America lor the ability of your writings, and much loved lor your generosity to us and your devotion to liberal principles uenerally. You are quite right as to the importance to us? for its bearing upon Europe, that we snoula achieve military successes, and the same is true for us at home as welt as at road, "jet it seems unreasonable that a series of successes, extending through half a year, and clearing more a 4 Keligious Intelligence.

LCTHEBAN. 4jcr's CtiurcTu This church has been closed 'several months, during which extensive re- HDd alterations have been maae i- it, Hiof riT L-''nZi ruction of beautiful spireon the west iidmg' Among the improvement the structure, wnicn -j- creat distance, lie v. Dr. Krotel. the pas-: has been quite successful in his eflorte to up the congregation in numbers.

The will be ready to reoceupy in about from the present time. rrr Stork This divine has just returned 1 1 in New street, to-mcrrow aioruiug. T7MOS. Vtvon viw7. The service at the Union will 1m run till III iHilltlUCU'il to-morrow anernoon uy ivev.

run. 11 of the xneoiogicai semiuary, The subject cuosen is "ue Merteisuurg, 1 sitv of obedience to the will of God Stork, who has just returned te res- from uev- 1 in the llall some time -jdi-i tlie present montn. f'hurcn. i.e v. Seventh street, above Brown Extension of the Water Woeks.

The Extension of the Philadelphia Water Works, 'authorized some weeks since by Councils, em-traces ttie erection of two new reservoirs, one at Matmyunk aud the other in West Philadelphia. 5'ropositions have already been received from arties who desire to sell the city land in the Vicinity Rox borough, for the locution of tlie new reservoir, which is to supply Manayunk, loxborough aud Germantown. The works are ko be located on the Schuylkill, at Fiat Rock pain, .1 short distance above Manayunk. Here coruish engine, with a 7-incn cylinder anu Vj-teet stroke, will be erected. The engine is Calculated to pump gallons daily to a height i 85U feet.

A Ctornish engine, of the ame size and Kiwer, and reservoir, will also be i retted at the AVest Philadelphia Water Worts, ffhe reservoirs at Kensington and on Corinthian avenue nre to be united, and the manufacturers i water mains have been asked to send in their rruptifiills IJl luruisiimg a owiutu maiu mi nic toove purj ose. Tlie pipe is 10 be lo.laSleetlontr, Hid will weigh about 2X0 tons, including the Necessary castings. When all these improve ments are cotupseteAi ine enure worits or vne it-y will ie connected, and Philadelphia will be et ter wnu water man any omer ciiy 1 the land. Girard Avexve ox Sukdav. The residents r-f Girard avenue, in the neighborhood of Filth jireet, were much annoyed last Sunday, by the icjii'iuct of a number of unruly men and boys.

Ipany of whom were intoxicated. The lager eer saloons were nearly all thrown open and free sale of liquor appeared to to have taken ace in them by the actions of those who were itind there. As an evidence of that fact, at tine of the bars young men could be seen freely Indulging in drinking, whether the drinks eie jdven to them as acts of friendship is not known. Complaints Cave been made of the evil ius rraciit-ed, and it is hoped thatitwill not be -iteated. Toward? night, about two hundred urn and bovs engaged in acts of lawless ness, and a fiuht took olacein one of the saloons.

force of VKJllce is neeaea itie ioc.iiiiy luded to, as the evil has grown to be one of rious annoyance to the well meaning ana or lesidents of that locality. Disgraceful 'Conduct. Before Alderman lassey, yesterday morning, Frank McGinnis, eore Krause, William Wood and Jacob L. aylon had a hearing upon thectiarge of assault fcnd battery and inciting to riot. It appears fiat the defendants, with several others, went Tito a lager beer saloon at Tenth and Ofrden reets, on Thursday mgiit, and had a drink 5hevall went out without paying, but after wards came back and wan tea more beer.

Tlie fn -prietor quietly reitiseil to give them any. men tney became auusive. Aietiinnis, 11 is ai-1 broke a.chair to pieces, while Krause is Idd to have urned out the eas and knocked i iwn tlie ife of the proprietor. The pr prietor 11 came behind the counter and was bullv lejUoit, The defendants were committed in defa ult of $1000 Dull. Morb Octsages.

Yesterday morning, while dog catchers were in the act of capturing une dogs in the neighborhood of Beventhand 'itzwater streets, they were assailed by a party if young ns-en, one of whom attempted to use a tu i'e. i hree of the Fifth Ward police, Messrs. renrsfin. Terrv and interfere! for (hp of the catchers, and wrre in a-s- I nl'ed hytlip rnflinns. Carney was b-aten so i-ily tliatlie is not aide to goon duty.

Pearson tiiseoat torn from his back, and his i-eut. Tcri-y, al-o, haxl his head K.onie 'mv ri)n are supposed to have been fractured. I flie -r suv--eIol in capturing one of the hut at the Alderman's oitiee the out through the back door and ty'iuu'd. Swindling Transaction. AJeF- an tailor has been getting a i'li- garments for soino time I 'St i'-ii-n different wlxilesale dealers In this I 'J'.

tin Thursday one of the dealers bad his i'ispieiiis aroused, and two wagon loads of -jps, which hal been Ijoxcd up to eiii New Orletins were recovered ami en to tlie i'. utral Station. The ntnn who i the.ut-outirarmcnts had tin tin. r-Uy 1 ore the fraud as iliscjvered. i I Mini.

i iwj com nl if who remainel to I'fi tr nt roo Is. was taken In eu l'ty oili. Johnson. The prisoner will have I ia Monday next. 1 Passing Counterfeit United States i.uAnjiiV Notks.

Two young men, who gave 'iuf William Dougherty and Philip -'ichluder, were arrested on Thursday aftcr-)on, at Germantown, on the charge of passing mirjierfeit 520 Treasury note at the store of Main street. ahov RrtteiitmiiKf j. 1 miii iiv some. woolen shirts. Thev II i.ient:riu by some in the lowe 1 lip c-ity.

'i he were commit! 'fiinan flwuias. During the hearing liy mem ir soine.woolen shirts. Thev uvi er part ted by uMii dioppedu the floor some bogus fifty cent McMichael, Assistant, has reo-utly received two of Lleutenaut-Oolonel aud the her of Colonei for Rulhtut conduct. Major Michael served through th early campaigns W.n .1 iill of General it Assault and Battefy-A yong man wa8 "rted und taken belore Alderuian llibbard sterduy inornintr.on the charge ot assault arid ryunu carrying conceaie! lie hearing lietavu the name of Ji.nies i'd. The Aliiernian lield hi 111 to answer.

K'iicket Match. A game of cricket will bo -1 ins alternoon at one cluck, beiweon I iist Eleven of Ashland, and the Second x-ii 01 Olympian cricuet iiuu, 011 the the Ashland, Hide avenue above 1 b.a avenue. JIBLEDAY COURT-MAHTI AL. The 'int was, in secret hessioii yesterday morning, in reviewiiii? the testimony in the case iiam Neal. Colonel Foster; Judye Advo- EwoKtur Act.

Sallie J. Docterman, tie r) l.iU3 JUDb I1C.U 1UII a tK1 realized five dollars. Tin; money Mayor Henry this for the Til Jt hillelphia, after an absence ciatxmt our -during wiiieh he lit occupied the position If nM.l'-s.i of one of the principal theological i 1 tin Southern States. He will preach 1 Vi Hi I l.nm-iin'ihe pulpit of this churcn curing ffie' VK Sector. Ilev.

Mr. Talmnge, will nre-cli there to-morrow morning and even-rHe1 eloquent divine and an able ex-f truths. The church is in for a lone Army of the Cuinbei lw.V, ,1. aa Aid-de-caup- S'f aiader, coinmuudiiiK this Depui ttnent. mand, and sold up to 57, an advance of Cata- wissa Preferred was a fraction oft, selling at 25; Camden and Aniboy sold at 123, and Lehigh Valley at 65.

Canal shares and the other stocks on the list were not much in demand; Oil shares were flat with one or two exceptions, and prices were very irregular. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES August 11, lbtiou Before Board Corn Planter. St. Nicholas Oil 100 1 1'4 500 00.. 1 Between Boards 200 1 City 6's.

New. Dalzell Oil. 400 4i A fter Bortrdx U. S. 10-40 Bds JlSiHl Jti: Phila.

Erie O's ieWW tii City tr8, New. $100 iH)J. St.Tteo's. 11000 3d- 90X Reading RR. 500 800.

'A $100 91 1000 1-iiO 1200... fll1 Cherry Run. iReadingfi's 1870. 300 i first Hoard. D.

Cl.Os. U. S. 7-30's T. N.

H00 90 WiMaple Shade. U. S. 10-40 Bda. SOO 1YA City O's, Nei jPhilada.

Rank. ew. 38 133 S5000 91l, i St. Nicholas. iteaaing kk.

100 W3l 500 1-56 Lehigh Valley, Caldwell Oil. 1 bo 100 214 Sen. Nav. ITf. Sutrar Dale.

200. 700. ls 5.5 100 bo- Jiw 5. 3oo Sugar Dale. 3X) iyA 200 b30L 24 Heading RU.

ecsmirusts. 100 53 tRiO. 53J4: 100 53i 9 77 Big Mountain. Ilestonville K.R renna, tilt. 10 5fl 37 30 57 3 57 Catawissa Prf.

100 10U 25 luO 5 50 17 liixxm. I New Creek CI U. S. 7-30 T. N.

I 100 1 $7000. t9J: Reading RR. sstate Cp. s. l(.

$1000 92 I 100 Lehigh Val.Bds 8-XI00 944 WO 5: 100. 25. u. rs. iu-4u lias.

PKI 53 Fulton Coal 9b- 53'-s 100 0.. 53 '8 100 6.3's PHI 4 6 C.t A.Mt-68'tO. Maple Shade O.i $-000 4 "00 fe Am.Kil SbU 17 s30 7J8 Ches. A Walnut i 100 71 24 49J4i 100.. 53" ....85..

iZ 3-l uaizeii uu. tUeaaiug rit. 20S 41? -iCKj; St. Nicholas Oi l. 1 100 533, 0U0 Is.

1V 100 53'V SALES AT PUBLIC BOARD LIBRARY ST. First Call. 1 Roval Oil. (Mingo Oil. Keystone Oil.

7u0 '81; luo sd 2-C9 s30 yA Six) 'Si Big Tank. b30 lU'CurtinOiL 50 i 20O 1JI! I0ii 8 Crescent City. 200 li St, Nicliolas. 20 boo. IV4 Excelsior Oil.

200 0.. AXJ r) '56, Keystone Oil. 1V. r.i)i) Win. Penn 200 Hoyal OiL ID City 6's.

New. 100 IK McClintoct Oil 2" rSO- I0U 3d 2 Montgomery. 1X strvry Farm Oil. 200 -5t fll4 1-411 Dunkard OiL hw bx. 81 Walnut Island.

Dunkard OiL 7 UW .1 1-lb ftJ0 yA Caldwell Oil. Keystone Oil. I 100 joo 114 rench Cr'K ,1 lonesta UlL ljd Cherry Run. I 700 b'Ot. Reading RH.

10,000 Walnut Island. 100 bi.53 3-16J 500 1 At tlie Philadelphia Gold Exchange, oM quotations were at the following rates: 10- S0A. 1 P. Hl'4" 11 A. 141V 2 30 P.M 141? 11- 30A.M liOii 3 P.M 14 Hi 12 141 1 3-30 P.M lil'A 12- 50 P.M 14 P.M 141 De Haven Jt Brother quote as follows: Sellfno.

14U American Gold A merican Silver, 's A. i's. Dimes and Half Snanish Oaarters .141 .132 .127 .127 di. 1-10 Pennsylvania Currency f-6 dif. dis.

New York Kxchance 1-10 par M. Schuitz No. 16 S. Third street, mate the following quotations per steamer City 0 JWtt York Ixinlon. 60 days sight 151 lxtndon, Paris, till days sight Paris, 3 days Antwerp, tit) days siirht Antwerp.

3 days si-rht 8f. 64 6t (O 112 113 Bremen, t0 days sight Bremen. 3 days. Hamburg, HO days sight Ha burg. A days Colotrne, Leipsie, Berlin, days Amsterdam, 60 daj-s sight Amsterdam.

3 days Frankfort. V0 days sight Franklort, 3 days loo? Market unsettled. The following Is the amount of coal transported on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad during the week ending Thursday, Aug. 10. 7bn.t.

Crf. CO Tills week Same week: last JL 9 Increase 5.1i2 00 The following is The amount of coal transported over the Schuylkill during the week ending Thursday, Aug. ln, This week iJ (Same week last Increase 00 A New Orleans correspondent of the JJosion savs, under date of uly 'Jit: The "receipts of cotton the last commercial week were tales, of which were from Louisiana und Mississippi, much of it from ttn-fiequented avenues lately reopened. When ail the water-courses mid railroads ar- opened, wo shall find the stock of old cotton in much larper thu uenemliy supposed. Texas we receive oniy in

1111s 1- 10 fact that fM-oper revenue, ofTu'ers w.o not at once appointed, and all export and iinuorttrade had to le done through mililary machinery. These appoint ments have now been made, and we hope hereafter to receive a larger supply of the Maple from Texas. The s.ll Francisco Bulletin, reviewing the past six months of CioM ami silver mining, says; "Our regular emi-annual treasure siatement shows that -the receipts of treasure at this port from ditierent sources during fit last six 1 'tt i I I I moiltil.s nave ix-rn e.j,i,w.n, im vi.ii;ii iuui'iiiii Call lorn ia and Nevada contributed 1.792. 1 T1.0 nr.iln..i nf i-oliliinrl Kilve.r mines on ttiis coast he tirst six months of last year was estimated at so we have here an Increase of while the increase this year over the same perinl in liHl is The receipts bv private hands from the interior, sometimes estimated at to twenty per cent, additional to those manifested, are nut included in the total given above. If we add to the amount returned for LStij the usual estimate for receipts by private hands, and include amount of ores sent elsewhere for reduction, we shall find the total product of the preeious metals on this coast for the past six months, so tar as it passed through sail Francisco, to be not less than 10,000.

The figures for the past three years show a growing ratio in the metallic prixiuct. and fully sustain asserlio is previously made in this paper on that score. This fact is the more interesting when we remember that I he exports ot treasure for 1805 are about $7,000,000 less than thev were for the same period iu imi, indicating a marked accumulation of In connection with these facts we may add that the deposits at the Branch Mint yesterday aggregated about IO.00O ounces, representing a value of about 8300,000. Letter from President Lincoln to Contit de Gasparin. The following letter, addressed by President Lincoln to the Count de Oasparin.

one of the warmest friends of the United in Europe, who had written to the President concerning the state of the country, will be read with interest: Executive Mansion, Washington-, Auar. 4, Ighi To Oount A. de Gasparin Sin Your vwy irptable letter, dated at Orbe Canton de Vaud, Switzerland, 18th of July, received. Tlie moral effect was the worst of the affair before Kiclimund, and that has run Its course downward. We are now at a stand, and shall soon be risins again, as we nope.

I believe it ia true that, in men and material, the enemy suffered more than we in that series of conflicts, while U. is certain he is less able to bear it. With us every soldier ia a man of character, and must be treated with more consideration tl an is customary In Europe. Hence our great ai mv or fdisditer causes than could have prevailed net has dwindled rapidly, bringing the Ticeessitv for a new call earlier than was antici-rvT'ed We shall easily obtain the new levy Erj.vever. iie not alarmed If you shall learn thai when the captains will meet to draw for chances.

The second gun will be discharged at 10 o'clock. This will be the signal for the boats to take their proper places. At 11 the third gun will be fired, and the boats will start. The following rules will govern the regatta: First. Tlie boats will sail from Kensington wharf, around the block-house and return.

Second. All boats starting in the race rvill take all the crew they wish, and may let out as many as may desire. Third. Any boat caueht in the act of paddling or propelling their boat iu anyway whatever, will be overruled. Fourth.

Tlie first boatcominghome will round the buoy boat from the inside, and her prize will lie a chamoion flag. The second boat will ninU the buoy boat in the same manner, and her prize will le a suit of flags. Fifth. The last boat about entitled to the stretch. Sixth.

All the boats entering this regatta will pay an entrance fee. Base Ball. Active vs. Camden. The Active Base Bail Club of New York played their third and last game in this vicinity yesterday afternoon, their opponents being the Camden Club of Camden, N.

J. The game took place on the grounds of the Carnden Club, and the Active's suffered a defeat. The result was nn-looked for, as the Active's on the previous day defeated the celebreted Athletic Club of this city. The score yesterday was as follows: ACTIVE. o.

2d 4 Van Ie Wrrken, I. f. 2 Slock man, 8. Jt. o.

i Millimeter. I. 2 3 F. Kmirht. 4 2 Fisher, Jd 2 1 i 9 3 2 f.

Evans, 1 3 I.umbrist n. Isl 1 3 S. H. Knitnt, r. f.

5 1 Albenson.3d 4 0 Burgen, c. f. 5 4 1 4 3 4 Oeorce. 3d 3 Roifera, r. f.

Kb liils, c. f. Kooiley, 1st 3 2 Keliv, Walker, 1 22 27 171 27 INNXKGS. 3 4 6 0 0 7 1 0 jht, of the 1 1 Wri AetJve 1 CSi-ncten 3 17 Ball Umpire Mr. Wrixht.

of the Olympic Base jo re rs Messrs. C. T. Willianwin and Browning. Fly catches made Active, 14: Camden, 11.

Assault and Batteky Case. Yesterday af ternoon, three young men wore arraigned be fore Alderman Beitler, at the Central Station, charged with having committed an assault and battery upon Mr. O. R. Pearsol and Mr.

Lewis J. Craus. The above named gentlemen were attending a picnic on Wednesday evening at the Schuylkill Park. Mr. Pearsol had his wife with him.

During his absence two of the ac cused went to the table where his wife was seated and insulted her. On Mr. Fearol's re turn he was apprised of the conduct of the I conduct of the young men. He remarked to I one of them that thev had better leave. About half an hour later the accuses! returned with several others and commenced an attack upon Mr.

Pearsol. He was struct on the face and on the back of his neck. Mr. Crans, who was but a short distance away, was also as.saulted. The accused were bound over to answer.

Friday, Aug. 11, 1865. From the downward course of the gold premium during the last two or three days, it would seem as if the "combination" formed some weeks ao to keep gold up to 11a had dissolved partnership. Yesterday the premium fell off 14 per and to-day it declined 1). per cent, from the opening price.

Many of the sales, to-day, were at HI, and from present appearances buyers will be likely to get all they want at much lower rates. In the absence of demand for export the speculators calculated upon an absorption of gold to pay customs, but the sale of the surplus gold belonging to the Treasury interfered very seriously with this arrangement, and the only hope left was to yield as philosophically as possible to fate. The New York IXmes of this morn-iug says on this subject: The cold speculation is weaker, not only in price but in the apparent conlidenee with which the movement is conducted, and the brokers in this clique have Iwn lending out their gold since Monday with more freedom, and paying all the way from four to seven perceot. interest to the party borrowing, and iisinn it in place of lending free of interest, and exacting a small commission in addition, as in July. here the gold, or cert ified checks representing it in the Bank of New York, are withheld from use iu the market, the chief engineers in the speculation, who are understo.1 to be strong men.

have paid and perhaps are still paying, as hitfh as twelve per cent, premium for moaiey to carry over the operation tiiirty and sixty clays." The Stock market was rather fcea-vy to-day, but there was scarcely any change iu prices. The volume of business at the Stock Exchange was about as large as that of yesterday. Government Loans were steady, the Ten-forties selling at 93X. and the JSeven-thirties at 90-4. Five-twenties closed at 105 t)id, and the Sixes of 1SS1 at 100-i.

but no sales of either were reported u-t the IJourd. The following is a statement of the receipts and expenditures of'the United Htates for tiie qu irter ending Marcli SI, 18tJ5, exclusive of trust funds KCF.l From Customs From sales Publ.u l-aiiil Krom I 'ir. Tax oiii Int lievenue From Miscellaneous f20.5ts.SR2 Iir2.0l0 ,1.714,ia Totiil. exclusive of loans. fcc From fractioiiii.1 curr.

ncy, Jiarni a. li.i From six percent twenty year bonds, juiy 17. em temporary hj.ius. per acts I'itS'Z certiiiCi.tes of indebtedness, per acuj From six iei' cent. Issi bonds, 1-mm teu-iriy ooi.d From six pT cent, und interest notes Fr iu live-twenty yeir ix 1S.H SO.l VvS '4 3.l.t47 12,01 12.S0J 68.0110 M.lCl.'i") 6.

0 7iK v.txt) From seven-ihirty three year Treasury notes ira.lM.! Amount total KX I'KN OITURI-S. Civil, forelftn Intercourse and niiscellaneous 1 nierior (Pensions and Iniiians) 6.4t5,".8tt War 1WJ.K3S.673 jNay Inieieol ou tue iublic debt On aecount of the principal of tlie public dehU Payment of Treasury notes of March, l5I Jtedemuiion of 1 reusury notes Retiemption of three-years' coupon bonds of podlajje and oilier IteOemi of treasury notes. Iteimbm eiaent 01 temporary Redemption of cerlilicies 01 p.e 01 Ira. t.onal currency Redemption of one-year three per ceuu 1 rea- R'uemi-tiou oi'twu-year uve per cent, lrea-suiy notes- ReUempiion of inree- ears' six per cent, compound interest notes. Re iemption 01 three-years' -10 per ceiit.

coupou Treasury notes 17,200 5 14.U50 (All I 2,921,140 I2.145.6C0 Total amount of expenditures. tr'2 Btaie and City loans were steady at the ad- I vance not. yesterday. There was not so raucn doing in them, but holders were nrm in uieir views and unwilling to operate at figures below yesterday's quotations. 1 A statement of the financial condition of the city of New York has Just been mae punlie, from which it appears that the funded debt of the city on the 1st of February, 1865, amounted to The amount of Investments held by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund on account ot the ruud for the redemption of the city debt was or more than one-fourth of tlie whole debt.

This fund, with its aceumu-; Jations of interest and the annual revenues to I tbe fund, will be ample for the redemption of the entire present debt as it becomes due, and leave a large surplus in the fund to provide for any fnture loan for purposes. 1 here was more activity to day ln Railroad eljares, though, several on the list are atfll yer 1 1 GRANDLY MAONIFK EN'T EFFECTS. ADMISSION TO THE MATiNEE. CENTS ALL PARTS THK HOUSE Children 25 cents. Doors open at li o'clock.

Per. formance to eommeno; at 2'i o'clock. THIS (SATUKOAV) NIGHT Will be presente.l, the new Irish Drama in three acts," by Dion Boucicatilt and K. 11. House, styled ARRAU-NA-POGCE: Or, Tlie Wicklow Veddin2.





WALLIS, Mr FOSTER. Miss ANNIE GRAHAM and Mrs. SOPHIE GIMBER KUH her first appearauce since her re cent jnaisposition. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF JllSIU THE FESTIVAL OF PEACE. "The nations hear, with rising hopes possessed.

And peaceful r.rosneots dawn in every breast." ON MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, Aug 14lh and 16lh. and SATURDAY AFTERNOON Aug. 19. POWERFUL ORCHESTRAL AND CHORAIt STRENGTH. Sale of Heats to commence on Thnrwlav, Aue.

10th, at the Academy of Music, Trumplers, S. E. corner b- venth and walnut 6treet.s. and Kis'ey book siann. Continental.

Tickets su cents (no extra charge for reserved eeats). amily Circle 25 cents. The Twenty-eiKhth ami 'l wentv-mntn Kesriments, P. V. (White Star fuliy euuipped.

will ap pear iu the Tableau. ON CERT HA LI FOUR NIGHTS ONLY. Commencing WEDNESDAY Ev-KNtNG, Aug. li Tlie original ano oiilv BRYANTS MINSTRELS. From No.

172 New York. DAN. and NEIL BRYANT Proprietors. THE EXCELSIOR TROUPE OF THE WORLD, Whose performances during the last ten years in the city of New York have mot ith a success unprece dented In the annals ot oublic amusement. Aoniissit.ri cents.

Reserved Seats 50 Keserved Seat Tickets for Kale at Music store, corner ot Seventh and Ctiestiut street. ani at Continental News Stand. Open at 7: commence at 8o'vlck. JOHN P. SMITH, Busii e-s Manager.

AIRMOUNT WATKR WORKS (WIDE BRIPOE) AFTKKjN(X)N CviNCFRIS EV DAY, From 4 to 7 elock. by TJASSLEirs liKAND MILITARY BAND. Pregramine of Music issued daily. The Arch. Viae oad Callow hill streets Cars ran ai-rect to the place.


Free Concerts, by the beat Orchestra, everv eveum HORSES, CAKIIIAGES, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. AJiKAif fe SON. MANCFACTTRERS. No. IM DOCK STREET, Below Second.


YOI'K LIFE IS IN DACit-Jt wben riding over ebejp Axles and sprinsrs. MOW It 'S CELEiiKA 1 Jh-JU AA1-TO A-IXW SPRINGS are b.raie bv J. O. RO USE A CO N. W.

eoruur KVJURTH and A KCH Streets, rHlt APKLPRIA. Referenee. by periuiu-n, WILLIAM T. ROfJKRS, fRjTtace 3WjLKer.No. and 1011 CHESNUT Street, muaoei; SPFX1AE 31CLFX Thr United KALE States i OF GOVERNMENT ill sell at rubric Auc- At Champion's CStv B-iEaar ainl Tttersalls.

RACE Street, between Elever.tli and Twe.fth streets, Phi-Uideiphta. DURING THF. MNTIl OF AUGUST, NIKE Hl'N DRKD MULES. Tbesc luiei aae all eervU-eable. and ftoldonly for wantofufe.

Buyers are invited to examine them ac any time, and every laviiiiy will be iven lor a thorough iruiiiection. Room sheds ar provide for protection from sun ajcd raun. ONE HUXDRKD MULES Will beso'd ooeaeb WEDN10SDAY' and SATURDAY tfcrounhout the moiitbi of Auuki, coiauitaciug at 10 o'elock A. M. lYriiw tt Government fund.

By order of Iirigadier-Oeiverl Kkin. AliiKRTS.ASHMF.AH, OarlHin nd AxMiant liuarteraiacler. Oftiee, No. Til iio, FRENCH ARTIFICIAL wWf' received, from Paris, a larg lot of ihe finest U4i French Bowers, for tbe lull trade; also, the ne tvjes for the hair, wholesale und at No. il N.

I NTH street above Market, est sib. 1 KMOVA L-BKNKDItT MII.I.FR. I'M JLV Manufacturtr. has rm4ivi to fiN.SlX 1 It St. CAST-OKF CLOTH I NO, C.

A tore. II iKiies-t ii rpkts and runxr Call or addru J. MOli- CAS, No. 1314 N. SKiroNi stree- IRIZE MONEY, BOUNTY MONEY, Pensions, mil ail oi her war claims HACK PA Y.

K'-eedily col lected. Full ot I rem commencement ol the Ai ply to F. Kllil-TKU Alloriicy, 140 S. SIXTH si: Philadelphia. I CI A S.



LEWIS, s. CON. Couuseiiors at Law, 1K2 BltOA DWAY, Post Oilice Box No. New ork: City, attend tu ail business in tlie United and in the liepariments nt ton. Esj -ia! alii n-tion given to Internal Revenue und la claims agraiust Foreigii l.ioveruments as w.

11 as our n. Judire exierience a Oininiiii iHT of Internal Revenue, and CHARLF-S T. l.KWls i'i'iT-ience as IVsmy Commissioner, will be a guaranty of thorough acquaintance with the Revenue lawi. Mr. with ihe Committee of i'orelgu A Hairs in Con press, and his h.tig membership of the Natio'iai le gislature, insure a tt.oroug.i know iedge of iesisiut.on and practice in tbe IV ptirtmeiit-.

"IHIR CATSKILL MOUNTAIN HOUSE. STATE of New Y'ork. commanding the finest view on the continent, is now open. I BEACH, Proprietor. FLORENCE It FIGHTS, N.

J. A FEW YACAN-cies at this private summer resort: ai-c-es by river or raiirxad. Apply at the Height's No. 6u3 SANsoAI Street. R.

SI MKIN, Vrf rietor. ICA BATHING, CAPE MAY. CAPE ISLAND The National Hotel. Ttim large and commodious Hotel, known as the National Hail, is now receiving visitors. Price per week, i.

Children and servants half price. AARON GARRETSON, ProprieUr. It I A POTTS 1 E. Schuylk i county. U.

B. NISWCOMER. Proprietor. This House has recently been reoiened and in micb style aud character as will merit first-class patronage. LONG BEACH.

J. R. HORNER WOULD KB fipeottully call the attention ol the puoiic to his delightful summer resort by the sea-side on 1tng, Beach, opposite the village of liarnesau The bay in Uie; vicinity is ce.ebrated lor its sheep's bead tisbing. Boats lor sailing, tishin? and gunnins xcureiona are provid d. and everv attention will be given to protnove the pleasure und comiort of his guests, Oystera.jigb and clums are always provided.

ITIX SP RIN OS. HIS DELHI TFU RESORT, Xj eituulel in the Moravian village of Liiiz. on the lino of the Heading and Columbia Railroad, eight miles north ot the city ot LancaMcr, is now open lor the reception ol guesis. Owing to the liberal patronage this resort bus received, the hotel has been much enlarged, while ad modern hotel conveiu nces have been introduced. Accommodations lor act) guests, hot and cold baths in the buiMiiig.

Terms moderate. oe particulars, address S. LiCH'I KM HALER it SONS, Liliz. Lancaster county. Pa.

mi i HOARDING HOUSE TIiE house an1 grounds are provided with all things. nectssary lor tne ojmhoi i. miv rest as-si r. that toe utmost order and will be piercrv.Hi, and every attention paid convenioirc'- mul com lort. tbe)rcon As SCATTERGOOD.

Proprietor. Passengers lake (no ferry-tioao toot oi Walnut street wharf at a o'elix-K Camden, from thence by ears to Burlington. uut Holly and Pemberton, vJiiere the proprietor will have stages in readiness foi Brown's -tills. JOHN HAVENS, Propr.eioroisui.eii, 1 Tormer patrons and of -out oy the Brown a (amily, at Broif ft Ul "are informed il.attl.esubsc.-iber. beiof ke- t-ingibesaid house, and is now ready to accommodaie Ll who will lavor him with their CO I '1 than a hundred thousand square miles of couu-try, should help us so little, while a single half deteat should hurt so much.

But let us be patient. I am very happy to know that my course has not conflicted with your judgment of propriety aud policy. I only say that I have acted upon my best convictions, without selfishness or malice, and that, by the help of God, 1 shall continue to do so. PKase to be assured of my highest respect and estetm. a.

Lincoln. A 51 VS KM E3TTS. Arrahna T.gvr, continues Its unpreeedenieHly tac-ce-slul career at tlie Ssw Chsssct stbect Theatric. Tlie house is nightly tilied to overllnwing, and tlie public interest In this reat piece cuntiunes unabated. No piece ever performed in this euy has but-pa-sed Arrah na offiw In public interest or the superior manuer in wuich it is placed uin the Ktuge.

Notwithsuuidia the lad liiat the production 01 the piece cost the management a very targe sum of money it has up to this tiuie paid handsomely, and before it is w.tbdr.twn. we venture the asserliou that it will prove uot only one 01 the most expensive and splendidly produced pieces, Ir.i a so the ti.ot-t remunerative uoe et placed on liie stage in 1'hiladeSphia. A criticism of ie play at this time would ue snperiiuous. The Festival op Peace. One of the most unique, teautHul and interesting exhibitions ever fciveu in this city, will take place a.t the Academy of Miiawt on Moi.daV eniiic.

cons htitiB ol a series of living tab leaux, entitled the festival of lo'f. A number of seenes connected with tlie preat Rebellion will be aced on the stage iu most artistic maimer sad with life-like fidelity to nature. A spletKlid orchestra, under Iir. Cuait'ngtoo, has been eusased and the veteran regiments, Twenty-eighth and '1 wenty-ninth Pennsylvania, will appear 011 the staae in full uniiorin. Those who visit the Academy on onaay evening will witness one of the most a iraelive performances ever seen in this city.

The Festival will be repeated on Wednesday night and the fo'duwiru; afternoon. Th it Bkyant's Minstrels. Concert Hail be the scene of indesrrible merriment aud hilarity next Wednesday and fjr a limited number 01 nights at terward. caused by the excenirici-ties of the f. real Kihiopian Troupe, Bryant's Miustrels.

wbo commence asbort season In this city at that time. Bn-anfj Mirvstrels are known ail over the country asbeini; the most talented company of the kind in existence, ana Coneert Hall will scarcely now u. pefiple who will nightly rtesire to enjoy a hearty laugh at their comicalities, or listen to their Bupertor music. For teu cars they have stood A No. 1 in the profes sion.

Tskw American Varieties. The Nw American Varieties in Walnut street, above Kuruth. is eetung to be one of the institutions of tbe city. The place la nis-hilv rrnailwi and the nerformances are Of the mt ulea.ine character. Tne man cement is deter mined to make the Varieties a tirst-class pla of amusement, and thus far the effort has been attended wnu romplete success.

A constaat 8ucv.fS6.OU ot novelties will be prrwiuo-d. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCK- tfrSS holders of the liiobeoil IVmpany will be heid on Wednesday. August i(, at 4 P. tor the purpose of makinij au a.stvsiueDt on th Meek. Iy rrder of the iKtani.

M. El I'Ei PreBiil-nt. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, PHILADEL-rliia. Auctist Sill. To avoid 1eteiiion, parties boldin thirty or more Is.

veu-thirty Coupons, due Austist trJi, are requested to leave mem fur examinaUoii prior to that time. Checks will be ready lor delivery on the mornintjol" that day. H. Pr-sutent. -k STEWART GOLD MINE COMPANY OF NORTH CAROLINA, tjflice WA EN street, Pliiladt lphia.

A of the Suckholders will lie hold Oil next Tnurbdav, 17tb instant, at VZ o'citck M. J. 1). REM BOTH, Secretary. -v-, PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHE-ftfj mtstry.

The laboratory of the subscribers is open daily from a A. M. to P. M. for analvsis of re.

Ituawis, Waters. Ac Also, for Uie of flu-denis In Chemistry. ami Geology. Opinions piven oa Chemical questioiks. Sjecial uutrucUuu in asyiog Gold and Silver ores.

JAMES r.OOTH. THOMAS II. GARRETT, No. 10 CHANT Street. Tenth, below Market.

COLGATE'S HONEY CELE- brated TOILET isOAP, ln such universal de- mand, is made from the CHOICEST materials, is I I LP and F.MOLLI I-TXT in Its natnre.FR-4.GR-. NTLY I FCFJSTIZD and extremely BF-MIIFICTAI, iu its ac tion upon the skiu. For sale by all druggists and faxicy goods dealers. DIAltllHffiA AN1I DYSENTERY. A sure remedy for the worst cases of acute or clironic Piarrluva and Iiysontery is Dr.

Strickland's A Mixture. Tliouaands liave been cured ty it. Our Go crntuent u-es in the hospitals. 1 1 I hii' cured ma'iy of our sol.liers alter all oti. or means faile.i.

in fact we have enr.uiili prool'of the efiicacy of I this valuable preparation of aMruscents, absorbents. I stimulants and carminative, to advise every one of i our reed to i-et a Httle have it in readiness, and toilKwwiio try it directly. t-s'i by Uruspists everywhere. Abi lur Dr. l'ltXCKLA D'S Auli-! t'hoier i Mixture.

lost. AND STOLEN. ST. A HHK.AsTPlN.-UI.vTON THE urn IJT ON THE IN- 1 lireastpin, -arl seaiiie, iUi like iipss. The fjiKierot the above will ret'eive a liberal reward by reuirnimr it 10 No.

115 I XJM UA RO Street. CITY AND COUNTRY ATCIIM AK Kl Z'i and Dealer. The largest and newest styles of 2i XV inches mid Jewelry. Plated ware, Hpeesacies. I and see the lowest prices in the citv.

11. MOLLI-GAJS'. Iso. 652 N. ShX tlMi s-Sreet.

Philadelphia. JAMKS BARBRR'S WHOUKALK A' Retail 'lock Establishment, K. corner IX ON and CJIFNUT Streets, Philadel- pliLu Agency lor the Patent FxjUaliKing 1 liu'ty Day lock, a very tiesirabiearticlelorcnuicies, hjteis, banks, Ct.iinlii!r-iiouses, pasloin, tc Also, ma riu fact urer of tine ti old lVns. Clocks repaired and warraiited. Clock of every alwavs on IISOIV ASM MACHINERY.

1X)R SALE. ON FIVK-HORSK Ktiiriiie. with Oovernor, complete, fcECOND Sslreet, Philada. OcCILL MINtl Apply No. i2u YfOItWAY RODS OF VEKjY SUPKRIOR l.

quality for horse shoe nails, ami 5-nx3-l, just received in biore and lor sale at lowest market rales. AI.BKKT FOITS, N. E. corner TniRD and WILLOW tstreeta. "VTORWA SHAPES OF THE VERY BEST JAI quality for carriage and other work, all sizes, just reieived 111 store and lor sale ut reduced rates.

Also Norway tsquares. ALBKRT IOTTS, NE corner THIRD and WILLOW Htreetg. RIDES 15 URO MACHINE WORKS. OFFICE. No.

fio N. FRONT Street. Philadelphia. We are prepared to till orders to any extent for our well-known machinery for cotton and woolen mills, including all recent improvements iu carding, npiu-ninsr and weavmsr. We invite the attention of manufacturer to our extensive WorKS.

A LFKKIt.IF.XKS SO V. 1UMPS. FATKX lWUliLirAOl-Uk am now prepared to niiiiiu ncture the moit durable and etticient Pump in use, oi the following 2-inch, 3'4 -inon, 4 inch, 5-inch, 7-Inch and lu-inch bore. All sold with the unlerstuiiJiu; that if they do not give satisfaction the money will be returned. Send lbr a circular.

State and county ril.t3 for sale. No. 1710 BA It IvEIt street, Between Market a.nd CliesiwU 1)ORT RICHMOND IRON WORKS, P. MORRIS, TOWN fe steam Engine Builders, Iron 1-onnders, Boiler Makers, and general MachiniHts, manutat-iure every description ot heavy machinery, including Stationary and Marine Steam Engines: Cornish Pumping Engines; lXmble and Single Acting Pumps, and Bucket aud Plunge Pumps, of every variety, for mining and other purposes: Biow- iiif JHIH.UI 1 -v. vi i vr anu iiii i proved eonatniction; Rolling Mill Machinery, Sugar! Mills, Saw Mills, This establishment comprises 1 tools of the largest capacity aud most ellicient character: and also a great number of patterns of miscellaneous descriptions, and oilers great lacUities for tue execution of every kind of work..

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