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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 1

Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JANUARY 20, 1915, ALTON, Eightieth Year. LONDQN IS GRIPPED MUST Partly cloudy, toniflht and noririwtt porilfln to- colder ndrih, portion Short of Alton OK SHOOK. THIS Mdnx- OAK- CAL. THAT BMOLAND is TitAt Wtilttt our plug a TI the loth morning. iu-t JUBILEE TELEGRAPH: lOc.

PER WEEK cin bewe or 1 on. Btch time the A nnd eguH of the ally trips for tr lps bacK when Trlppeer, 'off tho make room lh Rn confidently latest comer older man, Morgan HI nXo this morning to take the place of who has been acting of conductor for a number.of months. was in charge ago, but weeks, lie man of the after asvlngthe Job for three turned over to another. qp He did not like the ffl nln lino of tho Big Four left Mr. Morgan without ft passenger run.

Wer will go over to the. 1Mill of FOOT -here he work. for the present. He has teen the only man who Denied (o hold Hie plug run us all others gave uciiig too troublesome, Holding It for a short time. AB result of.

the seniority rule about Ihe conductors have been in chnrgo of tills train from time to time during the past year. Some ot them have held Ihe run for as long as a month before turning ft over to anqther man, but the majority have been satisfied that they, did not want the place after holding It for a week' or two. Mr. Trlppeer has held It'lcnjrcr during the year than all the oilier conductors together. WILL DEFER Because ot tUitbfe No Will ttb Held lint litinatloiis He necfJivcfl on That Itnte.

Fifty years ttgd oh February Idth tHe St. Hospital was in Alton in the biiliding at the' corner of flotttral 'aventte an.J aecbnd btreet and on this date, next iiionth, the fiftieth anniversary of hbspitali the Mdtlier' Superior ahil Slstars of the hospital will accept donations will go toward the al- TAX RATE WILL BE LOWER THIS YEAR TAX BOOKS ARE HERE. ISSUING BONDS, Sljjecn Thousand Medlars Ui Claims Filed Against Alton Server Contractors Koi- Unpaid ftillH. It wits learned from city officials to-day tliat the bonds duo C. E.

Van Wormev for the completion of the Upper Alton Sanitary sewer would be Issued until such time as claims amounting to over $16,000 have been puld by the contractors. This amount oC cTSims have been filed against the contractors in the office of the City Clerk. As the city Is In a way responsible for the settlement of these claims the city officials will look for the contractors to the claims before the bonds are turned to thorn. According to the state law In Improvement cases the contractor an 1 tlio city are jointly responsible for any work done on the contracts. If the creditors should get damages against the contractor which Ihoy vwo unable to collect they might sue Hie city.

The city In turn would have to sue (he bonding company wlilcli would make It rather expensive for the city especially if from thirty to forty such units Were started. It learned by reporter for the Telegraph to-day that the civy Intends to take no such chances'. Prom time to time certificates have ten advanced contractor on tH? writ but there IK still a certificate of over $17,000 due the contractor. It is understood that the hanlt which Is holding Hie certificate Is not satisfied with the five per cent Interest wlilch they yielding nncl Is anxious to turn them over for bonds wlilch they will he nblu 1o dispose of. "cprcspiilallvcN of the bunk have taken ii imud In tlio mutter and are to get i' i-iHtlemeut for the peo- ))lt chiliim iijialnst the con- levintloh bf suffering of those-Who they may minister to In the hospital.

fritty year ago when the li'ospftal was established Alton was eVen then a busy city, it was just at the-tlme of the Civil War and the need of a hospital here was great. There were three niters In the'hospital when it opened, Sister Ignatia, Sister Joseph and Sister Honbrtne, all goue to their reward many years ago. But the splendid Institution they laid the foundation for, is to-day grown to a great usefulness and thousands of unfortunates in fortune and health and thousands of persons who neede't expert care In times Of accident and illness have been ministered to. It had been planned to have a fitting celebration of the golden jubi' lee of the hospital but this morning the word was given out tliat because of there being much distress in our vicinity because of the lack of work and the hard times' lust passe-1 through that no celebration will be given. This, however, will not cause toe annual donations' to the hospitad bo forgotten.

It Is desired that those, who can aid hospital as much possible'this'year because, of culiar condition's Ijiat 1 a heavier expense there, according those in charge. Dpnatlpng of.ojl kinds will be acceptable on thej By United Preii. Jan. "Zeppelin 1 chill to-day gripped London as -tin result of air raids on a dozen const cities within lot) miles of here laff. night 'Which even threatened London itself.

All the aircraft are believed to have escaped. The raiding fleet numbered six, it la believed, all aero- platies. Reports from. Hunstanton, near the raided area, that one aeroplane captured there bv coast airships. It was stated on the contrary an ae-rclplone winged Its way across the toWn to-day apparently heading for the German aircraft base near Cuxhayen across the Prom Amsterdam that three aeroplanes were stght'-tt there this morning flying eastward.

Mrs. Dazeley, a widow, and a youth riamed Goat were killed at King's Lynn and three are known to havd been hurt there when their dwelling wore blasted. From Yarmouth cttmo reports that five had been killed, among them Samuel Smith, a shoj- Uiaker, and an unidentified woman; News that aeroplanes and not Zeppelins were engaged in attacks eased the public mind to a certain extent. The Yarmouth poilce assert they plainly saw the forrini of aero- planes sllhoutted against the The government was silent regarding the raids. It was reported that from three six' aeroplanes were engaged in the raid, It is not known whether tbv bombs" aimed at Sandrihgham palace, evacuated' by the king and queen a few C.

Plllsbury, residing on Central received shocking tidings Wednesday morning In a tele- feraro which Wan sent by the authorities at Oakland, tilling the father that.his,son, George PUlsbury 1 ad been murdered nt that place. No details came in message. Mr. PlllSbury oaia that he telegraph at once to have the body of Us con sent to -Alton for burial. The young man was 24 years of age and was married.

had been living earlier, struck their mark. about 25 miles ftom Saw Francisco, and his father, can not account for his being murdered In Oakland. was well known if Alton. He enlisted in the United States navy and served a' term of enlistment there. After, his discharge from the -navy he married and settled doAvi? recently to make his Lome ir Calfcfprhla.

'tfe leaves ber.ide his parents, In, Alton, one sister. His parents, who, are well known In Alton, are crushed by. the sad tidings that came They coulci not believe the message wljeh It came, but finally they rea.llzed. that their son- must be dead began planr. for getting the body sent Mr.

Pillsbury is a very estimable man with a jarge number, of friends. The faml- are very highly esteemed 1:1 the t.eighborhobd they live. The young man sometimes wrote home whiie he was in the west and Ms letters were delightfully entertain Ing. There Interest in his ta.nilly and affionfi his friends in the btaita of the ktlUng. lew UOU1B A The known to be bombarded jjQIlSES THAT LXJ03 Tfinfc'a' Shear- are Yarmouth, Lynn, en jubilee February' sixteenth, which will be the third Tuesday February.

The Mother Superibr and Sisters in the hospital noV- express heir appreciation of the aid that has been given and state that it is needed this year more so than oVnr before. 8ton; Bee'ston, Dersirigham and Sand- rlflgliam. Italian Freighter Sunk. By Mine. A yoiing man CULPRIT C.

A. Suicl to lie DissatisfleU With Mude of Wheat Stealing Case, was caught in the" eastern part of ttoe city stealing wheat from the C. and A. railroad several days ago has been released by the police according to the best information that could be obtained the representatives of the Telegraph. The young man was caught in a wheat cur by S.

S. Winters, a switchman. At that time he sack partly tilled witli wheat and car from which the seal had been broken. Winters closed the. door of the qar and telephoned for the whp Italian freighter Varez to-day was reported to ha.Ve been blasted and sunk off this Austrian naval base of Pola In Adriatic, All aboard were drowned German General Dies in Action.

By trnitod Berlin, Jan. Gen. Oinp- te'da, has been killed in the western While leading his brigade in ae- tion. Mine Sweeper mown Up. Brest.

Or Muinaji Ottglit To Be Muz ALTON'S Clf AMP DAYS ARE DAWNING IS EVANGELISTS BJELIEF COMjKCTOIl HAS UK- Ot'X GKTT1XO IN UKADI- XfcfiS TO URCKIVK 1'AVMKNTS OF TAXES. Alton township taxes will be much owor this year than last year owing a reduction In some linen. The ssessmentB were raised In many In- tahceft but they were not sufficient overcome the reductions In the tax ates. Tax Collector Frank Bauer har. re- elved his books and is now working them to get them In readiness, le reports that he will be ready to login collections in about six weeks, office will be on the seofcnd loor of the Alton Hanking and Trust company building.

He has given a bond of $440,000 ind it has ben signed by S. H. Wyss, H. Scger, Dr. .1.

N. Slmff, John P. Bauer, August Luer, C. Jacoby ind H. O.

Toncor. Figuring his as half of he hum for which boud Is given, Ills will make tbe amount of taxes be collected this year approxl- atcmly $220,000. Last year Mr. gave bond for a half million dollars. Mr.

Bauer has not yet HB- ired up the exact total of the taxes Is to collect this year. The state tax last, year was TO tlvir. year 48 cents: the county tax was last year 45 cents this year same; corporation tax last year $1.54 4 year $1.26.: court louse bonds last year 8 cents, this SAYS THAT MK 1IKUKVKH CAN. D10ATIOH I'MSnOK TO ChKAX- IS MEANT, THIS T1MK, IX ALTON CAMPAIGN. Blerterwolf frequently, almost nightly, averts to the subject of a clean-up of Alton.

Lnst night he made a slsnlflcent statement nfler reading a platform which had been Issued by Kdmond Reall. In effect he said he noticed eom'-j eandidntes were making good promises, and while ordinarily he did not give much for pre-election promises, in this case he believes the promises are meant, lie discouraged any attempt to make a wet and dry til'lit In Alton because of apparent legal obstacles Ai thnt time, hut he did believe that much good could be ac-tomplislied by nn enforcement of the law and he urged the people to vote for a candidate who would do It. The ur.ual day of rest from the CHBCK IN CURIOUS CONTROVERSY Who Removed Check From Counter of Store and Then Cashed it a Second Time? ftank is Sued. meetings in the big tabernacle was tuken Monday, But last evening the people of Alton went out; through one of 'the bigsesl. snow storms of tho year to attend the.

Tabernacle services. The powerful sermon vhich Dr. Biederwolf breathed last Wening on the' beautiful subject of appears in the Telegraph Although wan cold and un- pieosant outside tho largo stoves on tho inside made it as comfortable UK nuy building in the city and the meeting proved to lie very successful from every standpoint. At thn iuauy came forward to grasp thr This Is the story of a suit being brought by the. holder of a check against the hunk upon which It IK rlrnwn to compel that bank to cash the check, when tho bank stands ready to cash the.

check at any time it the company drawing it will permit It. The company, however, stoppe 1 payment of the check for the reasons given below. The check was drawn by the Alton Brick Company in favor of an em- ploye, Charles and wns for Mr. Williamson on (ho last pay day presented the check to Finnic Gisslor, the North Side shoo dealer, and told Him to take out hn (Williamson) owed and give the balance in cash. This was done, but later when Mr.

fllssler hunted for tilt; check he could not find It. had disappeared He notified the Brick Company and the lat- ler called up the hank, stopping payment 'on the "cheek." Later that day a man dropped into the Princess saloon on ICnst Second street, near Wolgler, nnd asked the proprietor, 0. P. Petlman, to cash a check for him. Tho check was drawn by Alton Brick -Company favor Williamson and was for $20.88.

The man' who presented th.u check said his name was WlUiamsoV and that he was owner o.f the. Mr. Deilman cnshe.i it but; tried to get his money back; -from tho bank ho wns told pnyment stopped. visItS'd; the plant Amsterdam, Jan. officoi and lour sailors lost their lives today when the Dutch naval sloop wna blown lip by a mine in the Scheldt river off Nleuversluis.

sloop was engaged in sweeping for mines when it struck a mine. Berlin Reports I'rosress. Bf United Berlin, Jon. Oermans ad- Tho dulniii HIT iltvldud amongst ftirt forty ov liny persons. The lav? 1 chiiniK IH for for work tl'c loli nnd Hie smallest claim (r lulor 1-HI, story Denied.

IIP with a very 'oose Jointed Blurted Htory four or f'vo days 0 affecting an Alton HUH Wlln HiipposHd to be In took the young man to llce station. Agent George, of tbe C. A. railroad said this morning that company stood ready; tp makfc e.harge'n against' him put he had been Informed that the youhf man had been released. It Is understood that the detective department of the railroad has taken the matter in hands.

One of the A. detectives wan iu the city today but he refused to say whether hfe anything 'to do with the case in (juestlon or not but intimated that might look it up before the city. vancod'aOO yovdB, capturing trenches in the Argonno, latter repulsing an attempt to recapture them, according to the war office. The Oer- mails captured trenches, priraneM aud guns near l-oretto Dame Ue Lo- re'tte; and also progressed in Senh- forest. Vuvnmuth Attwsjc.

Yarmouth, -Ian. There were. no Zeppelins In the air party thnt hurled death from the sky here last night, the police asserted to-day. The aeroplanes appeared at 8:30, dropper! a -number of bombs and flew -wo on the Persona Lively To Kscape Eqnine's TeetU, There aro some horses in Alton tached to delivery -wagons of on kind or another that ought to muzzled else taken out of servlc on the streets. Left; stand ing th streets by curbing these horsel" 1 sjic suddenly and savagely at passersb and there are some narrow cscopp or pe-destrlans observed.

Peop! walking along sidewalks are not a mind readers and cannot-know tha horses on the street are going after tliom und fasten their teeth in their clothing or fles i that Is what some delivery wagon horses do. Ono of these horses af tached to one of the big oil delivery Wagons is just Liich an animal and this morning the horse 'snapped at a ilftle girl who was passing along Second street, and her cloak ha.I not been loosse she would probably Ijave had tho horse's teeth in shoulder. The snine horse a few days ago started to follow the writer up on ihe walk, when its mout'i missed grabbing him. the first daMi. Of course he could npt mount on tho BidewalU but he seemed willing an" anxious to do FO.

'MANNING IS. PER- SISTENTMAN. He Is Fourth Effort to jrear the same; mothers' pension evangel at alld to pro last year 2 cents, this year, -i cents; city parks last year 18 cents, this year 20. cents; school tax last jear $2.21, this year total tax rates $6.18 last year, this year $4.80. 80UP HOUSE IS HELPING GROGEftS Antt Meat 'Market Conductors who previously Wer6 Bothered Greatly by for Food Corttrl- buttons.

The soup house is helping the business of grocers aud meat market conductors, according to themselves, in that the applicants calling at these places of business asking for crackers and cheese, bread, sardines, sausage and other eatables have decreased very noticeably in number since the soup house was opened. Tho grocers gave away a groat denl of stuff to hungry more than the public has any idea of the meat dealers did the same. It Is hard to refuse a person who nsks for something to cat instead of asking for money, and the business rule lire not hard hearted he r.ilso to live a Christian The ur.ual songr. were sung by tho big choir and the National Male Quartet', sang arid Mrs. Brake recited in her pleasant way.

Me- I'lwan sang one pf his beautrfiiV songs and was well received by the audience which nearly filled the ta- heriiacle. The violin solo which was -pmyeo by young Mitchell "Petruzza was un- usually well appreciated by the au- i (Hence and after he le.ft the platform he was cheered for some time nnd tin attempt, war. made to call him back, but Prof. McEwan said he would like to have the young niair j.lay again but the time was limited. Potruzza is a splendid musician for a boy so young.

The male quartet sang the "Little Brown Church" by special request. This is one of their best songs and they have sung It a number of limes nince the meetings have been In progrcr.s. Kov. W. T.

Cline opened the ser- by praying that God would lianif-'on as the for he; cashed tho man witiv', him says ho recognized also as. being the; man itfoney froin Mr. Dedmaii. I'arls Cliilms Wccoyepy of lost vnitta yffss. Paris, Jap.iao.-— Oerwftps captured tranches In the La Orurle forest but; ward.

Later a "Viator over, damage toward the sea. is estimated at inly to the ho Get Roses to Grovf but Is Determinad. men us persons. Sometimes, now, the Telegraph is informed, stores and meat markets are not bothered by the hungry men on thn roixd for three or four days at time, aijd then by only or two. Previous to the opening of the soup house, applications were HO numerous BS to become burdensome and great many applicants had to refused, as the and meat dealers could not Rive away nil of their stock, no 'mutt how much they would have liked tc nppense the hunger of the pllcnnts son, was nqt in the evening after giving it to Williamson has lived Ihtlje.North Sldejfoifu; long time and' hears an titatioii.

Mr. liedman consulted -a. lawyer, it is said, and Brought against' the bank tu compel payment- and the case UP Friday In Justice Gorman's court. Somebody took the cbec.k, it Is supposed, from the Gissler counter while the latter was busy with customers nnd as -Mr. Williamson had endorsod it, it was an easy matter to get cashed.

Mr. Dedman cashed the check for accommodation wholly, as tlio man offering It did not buy even a cigar. He did, however, (ell Mr. Dedman to keep the "extra eight liless Dr. Hlederwolf and all those In rlnu-ge of the meetings and move .,11 the unsaved to come forward and load a clean life In the future.

The Junior Order of American Mechanics attended the exercises in I'ody. Or. Blederwolf delivered a fc-w words of welcome and said that, thlr. was a great organization for ood nnd ho was well pleased to see them In tho tabernacle; This order stands by the American flag nnd is favor of keeping the Bib'f in the public schools ami taking an part In the latter. Dr.

Diinler wolf said that he felt like the people i Alton were going to to the polls i iht! olertion in April and -put men In office who would see that the I UIWH were enforced. He stild I hut Mutu 3 Annual Meeting. too had the dM The nnnusl nieotlng of the ofllcen. another vote to cents," he retaining $20.80. the balance.

To By United Prow. Ft. Smith, Jan. Six union miners, among them Peter K. Steward, former union official, ami Fred Holt.

Socialist candidate for Governor of Oklahoma in November, pioadml guilty to-day to charges 01. conspiracy a the overnment. Similar imiiinst 14 otheva many sermons hut the great evon- IH to the an.l nnd directors of the Minors' Mutual and dry in was held nt Alton war. Impossible the Co. For thri'i' yunrn M.

I' 1 bend bvlcU jnsson of the Miinnlnff. Blnndnrd 011. ttennery at Ulver, hus been lu fwco 0 a banquet in-ralsa Carolina without ol( noun toiiay a trylDR to raise Carolina Twenty OIK: men includinn: the and the iiipinber, 1 of tho of- lit the ami this time he nuts hod roans they are cnught by the ws flnuuclul mraltn. Strange the reached un- 11 'his afternoon whon the little Of IPHB tllttU P. hud grown into a wild rumor that would not be The WUB aenounced that tin wew tbt rn of WaUI "8 'or the Fronuh them, additlorfnl -ground, was.

atnted otflolally this afternoon. The Germans are. on the offensive in the woods und French have nbandoneil tUe pf foiislYe in Uvo Welz region but are the Oerpuna In The Artillery battle oontimiBB vlolantly. The Fcenon race pavillion. Two bombs were found this moming- Helns Must Give Heavier Bond.

Collector Joseph Heine of Wood Hlver township, will be required lo Blve nuK'h heavier bond this year than last year owing to the fuot that the amount of his collec- jus IH much greater. His bond hint year was $124,000 and the bond he niust give thin year, ha- fore be begins the collection of taxes in jilarch, He must gUe a bond for twico tlio ofli'ly frost lie gets a ehuuee to shoots the wachlne gun fire ft port, 6Vfr capture Rear ch till AI 01 amount he collects, He has received Jilu' books und on them to gel them In shape to pegln collfloUoun at 'ah eariy J' 1 Manning of Orafton nnrt fr, of Qulncy are guests i clergy of 8t. Patrick's phuroh. tJiQin In (ind the young avo bllglttrMi, Ho bolloveii In the inotto, "Try, try nfenln and you'll BuqceeU at last." and ho HI.VS ho is ucliiB continue his of- forts to propagiit" these southern whitdi are of an good (inullty and of unusual beauty tind frugniiue in Illinois soil. Me ban went a number of places for uml wilt sot them oul this spring.

Tho plants Ue has ordered are very hardy, and he hopes to bo able to report to his friends that IIB is sucffHHl'ul this year, and ho imp promlDi'd thorn all uf tlio blossoms. Mrs. WUH followed by the roRiilur the coming ycnr won! being cH'cted thlu afternoon and ether routine business svlll tic transiu'ted. AuuiiH', the men from out of Ihe ully who were present at (ho luncheon and Immiuol which followed V. P.

I'ltlsflcld; T. L. Ueuter, of NaBhvllle; A. rrus'in', of New N. Bauer, of Kvuntivllle, W.

K. Meek, of Mnrlfsa, W. L. Sholliiburgt-r, of Decatur; C. uf Chuiiter; K.

I' 1 SrbronliiB. of t'oltimblir, .1. .1. of thlni! to do was to fleet for thn viirloiiB city ol'tlftw. He closed his remarks on this siibji'-'t FiiyluK, "You are never (tolnn your town dean until tlio are kicked Into hell from wl.vncc tiioy came.

When you bury the BII- looii bo sure and make a Komi Job of Waterloo, 111.: f- II. Seybt, of St. Henry Scliuriuann, of lleorgo- town, aud JulliiH I'oslel. of tnh, II. ratiinmd home from Torre Haute, whoro spent the past two Advertise In the John Is anollior Alt')" oarjiontiir who will work In Anna on the Htato building bnlns creeled Ho loH yeHloi-diiy for thai there.

place. tilt were saved were by burying it face downwards ami It it will lie everyllmo nnnror home, lint If (be IHWH wero oitforcod Iu Alton ux they should be tlicro would lw a marked inenl In llm moral condltlDiiH nf city." The li'xl wus taken frdin the I 1th chiipter of "I to pri'imn- a plac.e for thee." He uroached turmoil Sunday night on hell and at that tlmo promised to preach on heaven last evening which he Ilo does not announce his all the time und when he does re nerves the privilege of withdrawing thorn If he dealim Burnt) Umor. lie dees not know himself whut sorroon IH goliiB to preach until a nhori tlmo before tlmo lo begin. It requires powerful uilml lo proftcn never falls to luvM the uttontion 01 the viif.f KO to lie tuber each night- BlortcrwoU by Pleading, with to put rlglH with tJhrlst. All who full Hkc- they asked to stand up ami hundreds rone lo their feet.

11 then aslif.1 those wf.x, wero in Hi- tiiidlenci- who felt like thvy were un- and lUslrfd to chanfie thoir 11IV oHtaiiil up ami many rose. There war. men's meet- tug iu.i.,1 in HIM Y. M. r.

A- 3 Indiiy nnd it atKMlded. saiil ibat almost man Bhould 1 hlmm-lf hii'i- iieHH man am) he wits Rhul were in the Y. M. C. A.

at noon I.lliichtHili was si'i'Vi'd tin 1 I 1 1 Hnptist cl.Miri'b from 11 1 today and will be nerved morrow. IK for wbii wurk down Itiwu and all them arc urged tci iilu-nd Tlu' male iiunrti'i always UniUc I- "ii hand few lo ThlH iifienioiiii linmi'hed in Hit' on Klibjcci of "Tin- Then! re," and wiP li.morniw nflenioun on C'l rial li.ii and l-'riday noon t.u "The Holy SplrK." Arr.M.B.'in'-nlH an- Mug 1 11 bit; Siiiutay School earl, liarado Satnnla.v afternoon and will not bo postponed.

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