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The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 7

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LMEITES FROM TIM PFOPLF AT a ieepeaslble for ome of Vite viWs etmpreued in the communiations lnlder this head; but no communications will be printed exept from responsible A BE.PNCE OF CARL SCHURZ. Edistr Democrat-I do not desire to defend retary Bchrz's policy in regard to the timerprosePutions in this and atiolning States. nta.t,Ib lleve that he committed a mistake. ftso much in regard to the general principle fitbe but in the selection of his subordlnges. many of whom are utterly unfit for pr sitlensundr arespetahole and high-minded adminletration, and Dp'rsonaliy obnoxioes as well Iniiical to the comunities among whom fegy have operated.

Iat I do protest against your intemperate and incessant attacks on him personally, his record and his nationality. I weltl filnt leAve this task as an act of grvwfnal jusllre to some native American, and have no eeoubt there will he -many who at, a romptng. ltewever slight. would gladly and oonso rtlllousty ruth to his defense. Sefretary WShurz does not deserve the violent nd ceaseless animosity you exrli.It gaitullst him.

Is sincere In hits opltulon on, poi ltral ad social reforms4 and is Ithe outspoken ftoe of a rings, all iorruptlt n. all favorlism and nepotsm. loadlmlulnters his department to evident difgest of thle ex rei.lts of both political parties (which is onry a proof that he pursues the "golden but also to the evident satisfac ion of the people at large arnl of moderate and conservative every whbre. But one short year ag.r, as you may rmeember.the country-weary of eternal trife and turmoil-looked up with glad and hopeful astonishment when Hilavs announoled to a bewildered Senate the namles of his Cabinet, for confirmation: and the press of New Orleans earticularly eonsidered tar- nomination of Ivertas and Schurz as he harbinger a better time. of a mor and tcontsiderate feeling between the estranged and as the promise of a purer admlnis ration of the intoior Department.

St.urz has not eisappolnted these expectations. lie hus ate) all long consclentiously aind on principle: he nOws no North, no Stoth; but on the contrary ethas advocated at the beginning of his pr, sntofloial career ttre recognition that very State government whore ofIleid. and private Orgaltthe DItMORAT is known to be. II Secretary Schurz had siled with Rherman 'in emauding the recognition of Packard's ive Is well known that Evarts and ave followed his lead in that ma in that ease, where wou 0ov. his Legisl his organ, and the 4esV1 peace.

trantuiillity and Lprsperity of e' a and -oin lenab? I repeat, however, what I saId above, that he has in my opinion erred in this timnber butlaess. The condition of affairs in our Gulf States-at Calcasieu. at I and scegoula fives. Pensawola, different from that existing in Montana and on the Pacifil slope. -d In the selection or proper subordinates ne has been woefully deceived.

But the btst of en are liable to be imposed unon. to your violent abuser poor 8churz's naivity the many German read rs of your usually very sensible and fair.minded pape.r no dobt pass it smillngly by. and attribute to the heedlessness engendered moe or less every hotly conducted poleitical eliseusl leole will sometimes say hasty things when thei are in a passion. You are an admirer as I happen to know. of allatin.

and his wonderfully sute e-sful milnistration of the Treasury Department. tis lofty patriotism. his incorruptible honesty and purity. Oan you point out any material dfference between him and Carl Does not the latter tower equalrty head and shoulders above his fellow citizens in all that onsltitutes true great ness? Would to heaven we had more such "political trampsl" truly. F.

HEIDERHOFF. LUITrE FwROM CHIFPo O'CONNOw. Nzw Ot.EAN.Se, Mnrch 3s. 1879. Rdtlor Demorat--In your journal of Monday last, the twenty-fifth instant, a communication appeared etttled "Chief O'Connor and the Slip Tornauo." signed "Proetr." I have purIosely deferred my reply tc that and other arGeles until to-day.

I do not see why this irate young nran should have been saved by me frind from such a display of errors and as you made for him. Why he ou ddloeato his business organ in gnawSsioS anobdurate file as he found the New engaged upon. It is too clear that he as Uaware of what he was about to admit. of his being an appropriate object for to make eonsplenous by this notice. I will hence merely give him som' information which.

if half as intelligent as he seems to be learnew, he'lnlgbt haveobtailned for himself before puttiig on his buckram suit for the show he makes in your journal. But this young man-I trust I am not in error in suppoeing him to be a young man-while airing matters which the New Orleans Times did know, appeared intent upon outdoing the 2-ees by the display of other matters which he di4 n't know himself. In the first place he should have found out that "the fire department, chief and all." re not in the employ of the city of New Orleanswbhi faetgreatly disturbs the very edifying counsel with which he proposes to aid the United tftates District Court in uisposing of the salt. The fire department, with all its property and Daraphernala, belongs to the Firtmen's Charitable Association. "The fire department, chief and all." are employed and paid by that assoolation.

'The association, by its contract with the city of New Orleans. agrees to furnish the services of the fire department to the city for the sum of per annum. tayab.e monthly, whioh price, untortuately, the city has not for a lonlatimebeen able to pay. In the meantime, with the city for years past in habitual default, the department has provided for itsilf. Iris.

perhaps, second to no department In the United States in emiciency keeps up with the tmprovements in vogul moderately well, and pays pnotually the sums due for the support of the widows and orphans of its dpceasedl members. In the light of these facts. I sire you again to display in type the following bi.tter contained in the young man's commulcation: "On the other hand, they have forfeited fifteen days' pay from the city of New Orleans on the broad, equitable ground that no service was or could be rendered by them to the city whilst they had abandoned their engine-house" to perform the uninterrupted and ezhausting fffteen service In pumping out the ship Tornado. as alleged under oath by their chief. "Again It does not seem to have occurred to hier O'Connor thit a less scrupulous chief than himself mightbe temp'ed to flood and sink a vessel, with a view to pump it out for the bagatelle of The dirt of these italics, and the indecency of the whole extract, will be tilli more apparent after a little additional explanation.

The services rendered, under my direction, to Capt. Ellis re rendered with the full knowledge and approbatio, of the Firemen's tharitable Association. Nobody or individual else had any concern in the matter. There is no pretence nor affirmation in my petition that there was an uninterrupted or continuous service of the twelve engines mentionedI during the period stated. Here are the words of the petition: "That during all this time those persons whom petitioner had employed to assist him have labored incessantly in raising said ship and saving her cargo; and that during this time petitioner has been oblige I to emplov as many as twelve steam engines and two hook and ladder companies in order to furnish the necessary relief without eloping the work of pumping out.

and that this work and these services were rendered up to March 15. 1978, at 12:40 p. as aforesaid." There was no time while this work was in progress. thatthere were not engines enough, and more than enough. In readiness for any emergency likely to occur in the way or fires: while any extraordinary eme geney would inatantly have secured the measures requisite to meet it.

I will simply take leave to and that all my personal interest in this demand is the sum asked in my name. If I had not been confident of proving It to be reasonable and just it would not have been claimed. Your obedient servant. THOMAS O'CONNOR. WORK FOR WOMIEN.

Edaitor Democrat-Seeingalittle of everythIfn in your columns, would you find a place to sound public opinion as to the best method of opening modes of employment to women, as it certainly must strike everybody the number of honest. respectable ladies advertising and anlyingtfor employment, many of them refined and cultured. and all meeting with the same respone. "there is nothing to do." But it Is only in the same Fens, that Flora MacFlimsey had nothing to wear. na there is plenty of work a woman could do.

ouly there a prejudice in 8oathern cities agaln't employing her. except In teachina and, for which the supply far exceeds the demand, and is I'terally a drug and a drone na the market. In the meantime, in this city. there are many with aching hearts and hungry stomachs, not knowinug which way to tarn. 8ome philanthropist now has an opportunity of (ditinguisbing himself by suggesting some feasib'e plan of operation.

Bear in mind I am not one of the trg.minded women who want to go to the polls. (There are old women and fools enough there already.) What I want is to see work aven to deeri a ng women who h've to make tithir own living. JaIn Europ. the telegraph broken th lad and flinds It works well. wat hb es onters might follow.

Help women to help themselves an you do a Chritian work. as a acase in point of what I am now talking about. I have tried for work from the Governor down, as regards politics: then tried the church: then the laws, and every letter in the alphabet of friends, from A to Z. and there was only one answer, "there is nothing to do" As a last chance I appeal toDublio opinion for a more favorable answer to the unemployed widows, Aunt Betsys and ye gods. the spinsters of this city.


The Commissioner has flied his report in the case of F. vs. Steamer Eva. Benj)imin Andrews vs. ship filed for si', for work done on said wvssel.

Wm. 11. Ellis, rnastr. and others vs. cargo of ship filed for freight and tisbursements.

In the case of the Hnate vs. M. Carr. after Whitaker h'id overruled the plea of jeopardy filed by defend Idnt, th- testimony was resurIed, and at a late hour the court adjourned until Monday at 10 o'clock, at whih time the case will be resumed. SECOND DIATRICT COURT.

HITECNRA)TON1 OPENED. Robert Wade Ogden and Wm. Luhman. A. Karstdndlek PROBATE OF WILL.

The will of Mrs. Rowe was admitted to prohato yesterday. hhe leaves all h-r property to her huhsband, who will have the nsufruct of It till his death, after which it will be rivided between a few relatives and friends and different religious societies here. THIlD DISTRICT COURT. THE OONROLIDATED BOND ('ARE.

IRule for new trial fix, for Wednesday. third of April. FIFH DIBSTRICT COURT. The Premium Bond Injunction. In this court yesterday the case of Routhmayd vs.

the city of New Orleans, to -top the drawing of numners issued in exchange for railroad bends, was argued ad clob by Wm. Reed MIlls. attorney for plaint fT. The argument made was that the principal of the bonds issued by 'he city of New Orle ne t. the railroads under acts Nos.

o08 and 10o. of 1854. is not due by the city. becnuse1. The acts of the Legisla'ure rf 1.52 (the city charter consolidation act), and the stat to of isht were prohibitory on the city of New Orleans; enai linhat no ordinance creating a debt or loan shall be valid UNLEtR such ordinance shall provide ways and means for the punctual payment of runnrinr Interest, and for the full and punctual disc 'a-ge at maturity of the principal, anud the acts 108 and 1o9 made no provision for the principal (except the stock in the railroads.) 2.

Article itt of the constitution of 18562 ncntained a similar restriction on the State Legislature, and as the city derived its powers from the gislature, the latter conld have no power to relieve the city from this restriction. Hence the acts of the Legislature, and the ordinances of the city nuthorizing the issue of bonds for the railroad stocks and providing for payment of interest thereon ONLY. (and that conditionally) precluded any liability of the city fr the principal of the bonds. 3. That the by the acts 108 and i09.

and the city, by ordinances, so interpreted the character of the bonds to be issued, is evident from the fact that another and distinct mode, other than taxation, was provided for the payment of the bonds, namely: "That the stocks of the said companies thus issued to the city of New Orleans shall remain forever plediget for the redemption of said bonds;" which position was sustained by Judge Billings in the ca-e of United 8t ates ex rel. Morris hanger vs. City of New Orleans, and which was again maintained in the mre recent case of City of New Orleans vs. John A. Morris, in the same court, in the Bazsr Market case.

Replying to the argument of the intervenors of their being innocent third parties purchasing for a valuable consideration, before maturity, Mr. Mills simply referred to the recent decisions of the present Supreme Court in the Shreveport bond, and other cases. which have settled that argument finally, and adversely to Intervenors. Mr. Mills spoke but one hour maintaining his position by numerous decisions in the State ani Federal Supreme Courts.

and submitted his case to the court which took the matter under advisement, and will soon render its decision. State ex rel. J. A. Woods vs.

Recorder of et ale. Petitioner prays that a writ of mandamus issue against the Recorder of Mortgages, directing him to erase from his conveyance book the sale of a certain property sei'end for taxes. which property had been sold in a partition sutilt in 175. Writ issued. SUPERIOR CRIUIMAL COURT.

MOTION FOR A NEW Grand Larceny--Rosine, alias Mary for next SBaturday. CONTINUED INDEFINITELY. Murder-Roman Marloaget. August Labatut. Thomas Houlihan Thomas Pickles.

Arson-Luca Rabita, In Washington, D. nearly 10 per cent of the population are without employment or means of support, and the city is overrun with beggars, principally colored. The greatest distrese is among white women, many of whom were attracted to the capital in hope of getting government situations. WASHBURN'S PHOTOGRAPH AND ART GALLERIES, No. 100 Canal Street, Corner of Exchange Alley.

THE CHEAPEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN TIIE CITY'. THE MOST STYLISH AND DURABLE READY MADE CLOTHIIING for et-n, Youths and AT VERY LOW FIGURES. and all warranted to be of the BRqT MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. Our assortment is the Largest, the Cheavest and Most Veiled in the market. You will save money by examining our stock before purchasing elsewhere.

LEON ODUCIAUX, 81 and 83 Canal street. Special attention paid to country orders. m'31 Im A CARD. Mit. JOHN MILLER is our authorized agent for New Orleans from this date.

C. CONRAD Importers of Wines and Liquors. St. Louis, Mo. NEw ORLEANS.

March 30, 1878. I hereby will notify my friends that my office Is at No. 2 Jackson street. mhbl CORSETS CORSETS Just received. 3 cases of French Corsets.

direct from France. Hand-made Cotil Corsets, 152 bones. superior quality, at $5. worth $8. Hand-made Coutil Corsets.

6 hooks 18 inches long, at $6, worth $10. Hand-made doutil Corsets, 5 hooks, at $3 and $3 50. Hand-made a la Sirene Corsrts. long and short, at $1 75. Abdominal Corsets very stout, at $2 s0.

Handmade Stpoon Busk Corsets. 4 side steels, extra long, laced all the way through, at $4 15. Robert Werly Corsets, extra long at $2 50, and upwards. Thomson's Glovefitting Corsets, from 75 cents up. Nursing Corset4s, from $1 up.

Handmade Embroidered extra long side steels, at 50o. Satin Corsets, 25c. 75e and St. and thousands of others, from 16 to 38 inch waist made of the best whalebones. 5o per cent less than former prices.

A perfect fit guaranteed. Corsets made to order, cleaned and repaired. Ladles in a'tendance. Remember the French Corset Emporium. No 65o Magazine street, only one door from corner St.

Mary. SMOUIES HEIMAN, Importer and Manufacturer. P. orders pomptly attended to. mhn31 tdo Offlee of the Creseent city Live Mteek Landing and Slaughter-House Company.

No. 20 Carondelet street New Orleans, March 25, 1878At a meeting of the Beard of Directors, held on the twenty-first instant. a dividend of two dollars and a half (SI so) per share was declared. Daryble to the stockholder' on or after MONDAY. April 15, 1878.

J. N. AUGUSTIN, mh27 ap16 Secretary. mflee of the Loulstana Levee Company, No. 19o Common Ftreet.

New Orleans, March 26. rePuiar annual election of twelve dlrectnrs of this to serve as snch during the ensuing year, will be hold at this office on SATURDAY. April 6, 1575. between the hours of 11 a. and 1 p.

m. M. A. TARLETON, mh 26 td Secretary and Treasurer. Offee of the Factors and Traders' Insnlrance Company, No.

37 Carondelet street, New Orleans, March 23 c'nformlity with article six of the charter, an election will he held at this omeo on MONDAY, the eighth of April next, be woen the hours of II a. m. and 2 for twenty-five Trustees, to serve as such for the ensuing year THOMAS F. WALKER, mh23 td becretary. Offlce of the Merchants' nMutual Insranco Company.

No. 104 Canal strert. New OrI ans. March 13. is hereby given that the annual election for eleven directors shall hb hIeld at the office of this company, on MONDAY, April 1.

1878, betwieen the hours of o0 a. m. and 2 p.m. G. W.

NOTT, mhl4 tapl 4-cretarv. Cetton Reed Orleans, February 27. 1878-Sellers and shippers of cotton seed are hereby notlfied that the price for good sonnd seed received here ox and after the loth of March will be $11 per ton until further notice. All damaged.mixed and trashyor holly seed will be subjected to arbitration, and the price for same fixed according to quality. ltespeetfnlly UNION' OIL Co.


I hereby notify the Publle 'hs' I will not from and after this date pay any debts contracted by my wife. Pauline Iose, as she has left my house without my consent. C. W. BOSE.

Donaldsonville, Feb, 22, 1878. foe2 RELIGIOUS NOTICES. Ames Methodlat Pplscopal Church, corner of St. Charles and Calllipe stre-ts, easily reached bye ra on Camp. st.

Charles and Baroune st, eets--Preahing at 1t a. m. and 7 p. m. Su(lnay school at 9:30 a.

m. Weekly prayer meetings are held regularly In the chapel on Coilliop street, on TUESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINOS of each woek, beginnin at 7:30 o'clook. Rev. J. H.

D. pastor. All are welcome. BSeats free. js -utf FOR SALE.

FLOR BALE-FOUR ENGINES ONE FIVE' horse power, one ten. one fitteen and one thirty-five, with good boilers to sult, shafting rullies and hangers; also Morse Cotton Gins, Presgos. Belting. ete, Apply to H. RILEY.

No. 375 St. Poler ttreet. mhb1 7t FOR SALE CHEAP-THE STAR RICE MILL complete and in good running order, ready for immediate use. For particulars apply to M.

SCHWARTZ fe19 tf 149 to 189 Magazine street. LOST-FOUND. i OST--ON THE TWENTY-NINTH INI stant, between 12 and 2 o'clock, either on Bourbon street between the entrance to Holmes' stole and Canal Street, or on Canal street, between iFyme's and Dazigers' stores, one pair of FIEAVY GOLD-MOUNTED SPLCT a.LES in a Morocco case. A suitable reward will be paid for their delivery to JOS. E.

EALER. No. 99 Camp street. mho3 LOST-BY A GENTLEMAN. A MOSAIC Scarf Pin.

It benlg an old relic, the finder will be handsomely rewarded by returniong It to the counting room of the New Orleans Democrat, No. 109 street. mhto 3t OFFICE U. S. BONDED WAREA house, No.

151 Fulton street. New Orleans undersigned hereby gives notice thai negotiable warehonse receipt No. 2r9. for sixty packages EARTHENWARE ex-steamship Borussia; and also negotiable warehouse receipt No.23 for fifty-two casks SODA ASH and 224 csks SODA CRYSTAL. ex-steamship Texas, have been lost.

The public are hereby cautioned against negotiating for the same, as duplicates have been asked for. CHAS. A. THIEL Proprietor U. S.

Bonded Warehouse. No. 161 Pnlton street. ia9s tf -BOARDINO. PRIVATE ably furnished front rooms can be obtained, with or without board, by the day, week or month.

by applying at the elegant private resi. dence No. 14 OCarondelet street. Parties in search of home comforts will find this a rare opportunity A fine bath-room also attached to thahonwit's sy'hrsnosni. taro SMALL-POX AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES.

The LUZENBURG. the exclusive Hospital for indigent cases, is on Elysian street, Third District. Humane persons are requestod to so inform the destitute when attacked. Those who come at an early stage mostly all recover. The Workhouse furnishes conveyance; any police station will telegraph for it.

Private cases: Wards, private rooms, $5 per day. Physicians may attend their own cases, and are welcome at all times to visit and examine all the patients in the interest of science. mht lm 2do" MALAKOFF BITTERS, The best stomachic and tonic sovereign remedy for Dyspepsia. Excellent for an anti-malarial morning beverage. Low Price-Pure and Reliable.

For sale in all quantities by ALPH. WALZ, Sole Manufacturer, l1al ly 2dp No. 26 Contl street. New Orleans MOET AND CHANDON EPER.NAY, DELICATE. SUPERIOR AND PURE CIIAMPAGN E.

SILLERY MOUSSEUX SUPERIEUB CREMANT D'AY BLANC. The house of MOET CHANDON Is one of the oldest and largest in France. Established in 1743. Mesern. MOET CHANDON are the larges OWNERS OF VINEYARDS in Champagne.

U. BASSETTI. Agent, 70 and 72 Peters street, near Poydras. mh17 Im cod STATE TAXES 1878, CURRENT YEAR, SETTLED AT LIBERAL BATE OF DISCOUNT. W.

H. BARNETT. Broker, 38 St. Charles street. opposite St, Charles BoteL oC7 ly 2p 33W ADVWZ TE LR LMZTW, Mme.

J. VILLIO, (Successor to Minme. Vve. Fablo,) No. ChnrtreM Mt-re et, Is in receipt of the latest novelties in Spring and Summer Hats, Bonnets, French Flowers, Ribbons, Fancy Ornaments, Mourning Hats, And is prepared to furnish her customers and public in general with ELEGANT AND TASTY WORK.

The Ladies would do well to visit my store before purchasing lanwhere. PRIICEK TO HUIT THE TIMES. Al country orndrs prom ptly attended to. mh31 2m2 ito Bu Th lIME. ROSA REYNOIR, No.

Chartres street, Having received the large and beautiful stock of SPRING MILLINERY selected by me in New York and Baltimore and ordered from leading Parisian houses. I respectfully Invite my patrons and the ladies in general to call early and make their selection while the assortment Is complete. My prices will be found lower than those of any other first class house, and my stock the most fashionable in the city. The GRAND SPRING OPENING OF FRENCH BONNETS AND NOUVEAUTES Will commence on Monday, April INMS. ROSA BEYNOIR.

mh3l taps 2dp No. 9 Chartres street. JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING MILWAUKEE Dunbar's Bethesda Water. WM.

PHILADELPHIA ALE AND PORTER. Gennine Northern Cider. Ginger Ale and Mineral Water (Pop.) In bottles and barrels, In any desired quantity. delivered at stores and dwellings on receipt of order. L.

C. AINY, 20, 29 and st ..26. 28 and 30 mh32 Mu Tn 3m 2do Black Grenadines JUST A 7TIUI.L AnK.OITME.NT or BLACK GRENADINES, IN SILK AND SILK AND WOOL. I). II 156 Canal, and 15 Bourbon Sts.


Guns. Pistols etc. Also on Stocks. Bonds and other collaterals, in large and small sums, at as low rates of interest as any chartered institution in this city. PLEDGES KEPT ONE YEAR.

Hart's Loan Office, 4 (Opposite the N. O. Gas Co.) MAURICE J. HART, Agent. N.

not being able to call in person will receive prompt attention by communicating with the abovef ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. The business at No. 48 St. Charles street, known as "Hart's Broker's Office." will be continued as heretofore. ja20 lv2do SPECIAL TO SPORTSMEN.

I will load U. M. O. SHELLS at the following prices; I00 NOo. 12, 8, 1 40 10o No.

12, 8. 1 250 l00 No. 12, 8s) 2 60 100o No. 10, 4.1 oo0 No. l0, 4 1 a 3 Each Shell guaranteed.

Orange Powder and New York Shot used. Pink edge or felt wads in each Shell. WALLACE WOOD, Agent Laflin Rand Powder Company, jas 2dp No. 5 Tchoupitoulas street. H.

N. SAMORY, Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, Nos. 45 and 47 Decatur Street. New REGULAR CATALOGUE AUCTION SALES -o-BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS, TUESDAYS AND THUIRDAYS Of each week. Liberal cash advances on consignments.

jail 5m2d PINE APPLES. reoclved, an invoice of FRESH PINE APPLES. In 2 l8 tins. AMOS PATTEN 3t 2D No. 3s Tchounitoulas street.

CARPET WAREHOUSE, We are receiving large additions to our stock. We now sell at and under prices charged before the warAXMINSTER, WILTON, VELVET BODY BBUabELS, TAPESTRY. THBEE THBEE VENETIANS, HEMP. FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS. WINDOW EHADES.


mhl7 1m 2dp A. BROUSSEAU SON. JERSEY AND ALDERNEY MILK. MXILK. MILL Pure and fresh, from the country, to be had Corner Carondelet and Common streets and Branch.

No. 69 Canal the Custom-House, North Side. The only places In the city where this cele brated milk can be procured. Pure, rich and sweet Jersey and Aldernei Milk and Buttermilk, at cents per glass, re ceived daily on Ice, via Jackson Railroad, from the famous Areola Dairy Farm. Said stock Is from the well-known Fowler's Importations of Jes and Alderney cattle.

Ales kept on hand. Mead. Soda Vichy. Ibn. eral Waters, Home-made Pies and Pastry leaulti- jDVERTIsEM1ETS.


1000 SACKS CHOICE GALENA OATb. COW PEAS, Clay, Red and Mixed. For sale in lots to suit purchasers. GE8 CRANE mhal 3t tal Poydras street. NEW FURNITURE STORE.

AV'NG A LARGE STOCK OF FINE FURlNITURIt on hand, and my stores, 171 and 173 Poytras street, being too small. I have opened one of those fine stor.e undnr St. 1 atrick's Hall, on Camp I shall he pleased to show my 1uruiture at very low rices. mhal WM. F.

NOVEL. AMERICAN COTTON TIE COMPANY, LIMITED. NTOTICE I4 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL I persons having any claims on the above named company are requtred, before the seventh day of 187, o. send their names and addresses and particulars of their claim addressed to me, James Jennings McComb, the I quidator of the said company, at my office No, 26 ary building. Water street.

Liverpool, or in deIfult thereof they will be ex' uded from the benefit of any distribution of the company's assets. Dated this thirtleth day of March, 1t78. mh31l J. J. McO vlR.

TAuiotllfor. GOVERNESSES' AGENCY. 129 129 ADIES WANTING GOVERNES ES. COWl- panions, had better call on Miss M. S.

HILL, 120 Ca-ondelit street between thehours of and daily, as she will have a list of well qualified ldids to select from. Those wanting situations had bhetter eahl and see Miss Hill and state their qualifications. All orders from the country filled. Correspondence solicited from neighboring States. mh31 A.

GABERT, DRUGGIST AND cHEMIEr, iSuccessor to L. Tebot Corner of St. Charles and Washlngton Avenues, WT ILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A fresh and assorted stock of DR CHEMICALS. PERFUMEiI-I S. etc.

Ptronage respectfully solicited, and satisfaction both as to price and qunality of goods given. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully prepared at any time. mbat It DR A. BETANCOURT HAVING RETURNED FROM HAVANA, TO which city he was caled hby the dangerous illness of his father, Dr. G.

A. Betancourt. takes pleasure in announcingl to their patients and the public, that his father's return to perfect health enables them to resume their practice of Dentistry as before, at 173 St. Joseph street, between (amp and St. Charles.

mh3t IS PURELY VEGETABLE AND CAN BE taken without fear of any injurious results by the delieate as well as the robust in constitution. It purifies the Blood, stimula es the Liver and Kidneys, and eradicates every vestige of the above diseass. Price Sold by all druggists. Pamphlets containing testimonials and valuable advice sent to any address. N.

JENKINS 00., Proorietors. New Orleans, La. Finlay Thompson, General Agents. mh31 SEE When you want to purchase that you get THE BEST, and you will find it THE CHEAPEST, WHAT Does a person want? A good reliable establishment where goods can be purchased fairly, WITHOUT ANY OVERCHARGE. YOU Can buy with us: Ladies' Foxed Button Boots at $S1 50 a pair.

Ladies' Berge Slippers a pair. Ladies' Leather Slippers a pair. Ladies' Leather 811ipper 6G a pair. CAN Purchase the VERY FINEST SHOES at our establishment. Our line of BUTTON BOOTS, NEWPORT TIES, GAITERS.

SLIPPERS. is unsurpassed here. BUY Nothing but first-class shoes for your children. Our sales of common shoes are made AT A light advance, and all on consignment. This enables us to undersell even wholesale prices.

THE ONE PRICE SYSTEM is a strict rule with us, thus avoiding to customers the of asking for reductions. We deliver shoes free of charge to any part of the city. ONLY FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN EMPLOYED at the RED STAR, Corner of Customhouse and Bourbon Streets, ONE SQUARE FROM CANAL BTBBET. mhbo Im 4 SIIFATIolS WANTE-W JUALYtw. ltahsm Cteks, Wrsesr, or.

A OERMAN WOMAN WANTED TO wash and iron for a small family. Apply, by the first of April, at 378 Baronne street, corner of Thalia. mhal ANTED--By A RESPEICTABLE WOMAN. a situation t- sew-by the week or month, or to nurse children. No objections to travel.

Adtdr ps J. 0.. this offie. mh31 8t WANTED BY A NO 1 OPERATOR ON Singer Mach.l., employment in familieq by the day or week or would do housework andl sewing. Address WANT.

this office, mh30 9t ANTETD-BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. a situation to do housework or nurse. Willing to go to the country or travel, Address 449 White stre t. mhiaoat ANTED-BY A COLOBRD WOMAN A situation as chambermaid or nurse. the beet of reference can be given.

Address at this rfflco. mh2e SITIUATIONS Clerks and Salesrnen. A WHITE M8N. A NATIVE of this city, writes a good hand and very correct at flturos. is very anxiou.

to get employment of some kind 'r other that will afford him means to tike care of his family-warehouseman. watchman. drive a wsgon. or any. thing that oWmes to hand.

Address W. this offlee. mheo 4t IISCELLANEOUO. L(UITE OF ROOMS WANTED. FURNISHED Lk or partly furnished, with or witnout board, near Canal street.

Address X. Y. this offce. mhe 3t ANTED-BY A GENTLEMAN, 4 FURSnihed room in the vicinity of the Louiflana lee Works. Address box 477.

mh31 ANTED-FARMER THAT CAN SUPPLY himself, to cultivate thirty or forty acres in cotton and corn, or corn' Good house. team and implements furnished; or two farmers will be employed for wages. Apply, with referenees, to "PROPRILB OB," at tis office. mh3o 3t $1.50 OBR PIANO TU NIN-BES WORK no Magazne. D.

soir, Pianist. 1'ra FOR RENT. FAOR RENT-A STORE AND THREI ROOMS. on street, near Franklin. tlent $18 per month.

A Pil next door. or to W. Q. corner Third and Annunlcation mh31t FOR RENT--i. ONE THRIE-STORY 329 and 31 Decatur street.

corner of Barracks street, containing a largo store, eight large rooms, kitchen tterworks, etc. 2. ONE THREE-STiORY HOUd. on Decatur street. No.

30., containing stores, four kitchen waterwrks. 3 ONE FOUR-H PORY HOU4E on Decatur street. No. o. fronting on Peters stre-t, No.

78. ApDIy at No. 377 Char res street, between Frenchmen and Elysian Fields. mh3a 1St MME. A.


CB ARTRES STREET S.W NEAR CUSTOMHOUSE. No CAarm. mh29 St TO ALL BUYERS AND CONSUMERS. FLUR. You are hereby notified that the law requires all Flour landed here for sale to be and when found pure and sound, and the barrels of lawful weight, to be branded by an innspector, duly qualified according to law.

As we have reason to believe that Flour of unsound character and deficient in weight is dally sold to unsuspecting people, we publish this warning for all whom it may concern. Country papers please copy. BOARD OF FLOUR INSPECTOBBRS. G. BouLON.v, President.

mhls tw MEETING OF THE STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Tooxs STrAmT OSTrAL Coxxtrr Jemocratic Conservative Party, New Orleans. March 16, 1Ml Y. There will be a meeting of the State Centrat Committee of the Democratic-Conservative party of Louisiana on the FIRST DAY O7' MAY. 1878, in New Orleans.

Country papers please notice. W. PATTON, President State Central Committee, mhl6 td CITIZENS' SAVIN6S BANL, (A Bank for Small Savings) OBUNEWALD HALL, --masrene LEGISLATIVE This Savings Bank will receive on deposit pay Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per an. on such small sums of money as may from time to time be offered therefor by mechanics, clerka, minors and others, thus securing protecS from robbery, accident or fraud, and also Ing a means of profit on savings by the sew' annual interest paid. By speelal provision of law, married wma and minors can deposit money in their name, and it can be drawn by themselves lY Such deposits cannot be controlled bhebands parents or tutors.

Apply for harter andL N. BEENNEB. Cashier. Pa -LOUIS BIJUIiALIX.

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