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The Pacific Commercial Advertiser from Honolulu, Hawaii • Page 2

Honolulu, Hawaii
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ITUMDjr. mil. 14. 1aa. Tha aaiy aa4icaalaW b-atwra af laa weak kaa kaaw a cawlU aabr.

by fJ. M. bWlaar. dry (mm, crara and bacea, at lha atnra 4 Mjaara. E.

IMarkr(vr dt Ca whir acrapW Wedaralay aud Tbara-day. Tka rda vara aat aa ta aaaail kaa, aad adl M4 (a ap aaer Tka kirma af aala aara ntraaKty Uberal tOU, raab aaar aaaaha aaar 4 Mt. Ihrea aaadha I aver ua kair aanfba awr $IJUK a aatha aaer a aaaMka. Tha aartk-a axat klrraard la tha dry aad anrh( ara aatt alMal al(h lb aula, ('oalg nates cira au4 aJtoarra fma aa rram bwa bat ap. allh orlcra ii and atn abfcia-klerwd.

On arlwla af aalaral kl la bacca a artea kt llowdttla. 1 19 Jb-rraiurd rat. lb. Othr I at bring chars'. U' kara tki aarlara ara ba iaf flm ia Haa raaraw-a at WawkaaW ra.U aka, wUk lha latralaa Ibeat at aac.

taat kt Ik c. a lorae a 01 uuly letal fcraak da aar alraady aaark4 atarbet, and kwy haa-a ataat Uaa. The 4laM'a ruaimeirtal articla kaa Ibe t0nm tag para- BTua)t i i Tba writer lualala lhal om duateatU eapatta ara lacrraaita; Hi jaar Jrar, ha laa faca ml la- figure af ih Uaml i KtaartaM- Ihaa 11.1139. 91 1 1 1 Ktuarta IM4. aUporWa 1-wtJ TktlMlkCwwl Baikal Warfnraday at, at Buco, Uklog a aais frataat, a sautO Battue Uaf.

TW prlaclpal artir h-a af ka car ra 'MJJ gaUana Muhwt lidA fca mhct. uJ it rt Tha AawntM ftarh Main tV arW-J Irnaa Mm Frao-ClaaaWalonaday aAaranoe), aauVr charter lo Val uuh at alurr's Ulami, suil aaiknl tha nasi Uy. TlM Erllta 'P Aaaarf Lmm arrived Wadneaday Croat lluaflaod'a aMia; hum shore, ffca will fca Lv eVxra rvira. I aa aara aaraaas arriaa jaawwiaj. Ta iwrxaa appr sbip J' wUI aail Near Bnifurvl aa Wtdaaajny aaxt.

Tae will Mil Aus frans-lara oa Malarday next a tail Iraigal iwl) a br. Thm D. C. Mmrrmy will cot rlU wvt Ub bmaMtlala 4pua 8m rnaclacuk TIM IUftiiM Wt MM A r.MriwJ WrUnnKUj Im BAat Iriamt, an a Irdioaa mm! Vmj ptnst, COM the i A I. ITEMS.

Oa-tatAl UM uw rniMUHil kt lb wU tm Bulla (row Wta. Tk awnlfranM kvmM Turk ha IM? Mnlm KtWk MiwwsBi-ta 1SW ptfrrtf In lk Hli Miaauori wwlw wUwmi nw i r4to 4.UOO,uw aiui aa mt mrnrnf kMjf bar In ara jaara. twln la aailk of rlHher, IW7. cwf. ciii.

Um aa uwartiNt niw EnffiMMl. eat. a vax-k caoar twa laa LuUmt IHaMa, cnl. Iraaa Braatl. cat.

(ma m4 frum MrUMa) liMka. Mac La. TW tTallrrf ar mmmm ITJ.iiO afrra a awfctta Ina4 ana al which aaryn4, kul awax ef It aaacr aaaa a chaia. Taa anal. If aa4 pmymr calttmlnl, weaid arrai huaUral aUtwa haaaaa hiu la adtaraca.

A aFaartamaaa from Hall, EnrlaoJ, rrf triiic taawVatrae-llvatcta ai laa raeaa fa-a. Taara an ahoat aiS naatU BaJnaciKf te Urn aart waarh aat Uaa (slra, aaul uf ajhMrh aa arraant haa ywt an htmnt. Aauat mm hiualml aarf 1A af Ihaaa vaaatla arta) aarlai laa week, all amr or Waa ilaataf ar kavtua; aiaat al their craw bgonii. Mlrlal aanh ahaw ttou th aaajant of frricbl. Jurin( yatana( I Ha Brat af Jaa laa.

Iraaaportn acraaa lh taato af lulaiaa ky tha ratiraada, which aiaoant aaa car-rani HMwar4, ja Iv3.W dm, vaiacd al that M(ao) ajaataanl waa IJM'UMW luea. aalawl at A41IjWail0uUl Tar amaaat la aaarty Haal la Iwa-UurOa ml Urn onm (urci(B twaiawrca af tha enuntry. Dr. WUia, Iha Mala fmtneiaf of Inwa, haa diacorml bnla af prat ta Muacall na ami Liua Cunnlara i il aaa r-irl-iintnf; laa handrail arrrra la Cbalna Coaaly. aa I ha haa af lha waaura Uatlroad, aouajt laa and half atiica Maalbwral of Cauuua uaa aw Mr.

WklM kaa alao adlnl iw lha rcaatfCea of tawa aaautvr vaiuabMi ta furmaf a raat rrcaum bed aaar rrl lwla. Oaaia Oota is Ciuroim-A fcw jcara aco ar-ruwaa vara auala la Haa I randan by taccivUif impa-tnl grain and aiatribiaiu( If Ibruafh lk MUla. I'urluus ara aw aial by rxpnrxiug gnim fruia 0aa rraociaro, la Carupa lea years aa lory knaw CaUlueiua oojy aa lha butd af fufal bal already aaora CaUomia graia la aUM la atsl to ilorwia lba Cauiurnia gtad. Rl Yoaa Mnciitm-TM) fotrrnal rarrnua rdamaof lha aalaa af arraral af to taaOuitf hoaara awltoiut I he grorral buatneaa depraaatua la Uwl cUy la laa aaal aix aawilha. Tha aalra af II.

aV Ctaaia at Cow ktat year vera kaa laaa uu, and lh.e af A. T. Mlewart la tha whulraale, wra a UlUa awira lhaa a tIUn aoTa Mt Uata ana Uunl Iruta tha aaWa ol WV. The iuWw ina are laa relarua af ather kadina hoaana d. JaiTray 6uU IUtrop, Ladlsatua 710Mn Aalauay MtwA-, (iaorga UUaa Jliwt Ucurga A.

icka Co-, t-iMOlri U. rUllaadea Caw. $1vS0VJt illiam raaka Hreavr Cat, llojt, Cas 7MKAUA; Beaaard 4t Uatlua. aOUL Shilpa Maila. Toa Ktc Par Kaaa racket, Tacaday.

oa Saa I'saaciacw Pa CchtaUa, Mat onlay, Slk inaU pout or HOUOLULU. II. I. ARRIVALS. AprU II Rear 0 1.1 Fctlaw.

fnwa ItawaiL la drar UUn, (ram Muiukai, la Lakt, a I lanakrl. 1 Vhr Aanar, aUbcwck. fra Hawaii. 14 ttchr Aifcuna, fimt Sl.dukai. 11 iVnr Mary RUra.

Weal, knot Maoi. 14 fVhr Kaaa racket. Marckaat, Cruot lUwatL a ar ima atuai 1 -kr Mary. Mika, Croat Kaoai. a ana; aaateauaataa Btoaa, aw aa ra rraa Bakar'a laland.

1 kark lUIra Ikwrw, Chmpbefl, from crniae, with Kl bblaavarnv IS-Aat kark lUlUa ti. UaO, flak, ti diya from Man 1 aril ahia Robert ILane, Martin, 41 da 7 a fruai llw-ktad'a (aland. Id Aaa wb aktp Tkna. Dickaauo, Jeraagaa, (root cnuae with 174 abta aperam. 17 dchr Mara, Cram Hawaii.

11 Br bark Cekalia, koapp, ii days fm Haa rraocUcA, OklPARTLTUaUi. Aprit 10 SVhr Ifanie, Kaoai. Wrhr Maaaakawal. aula, Maaf. 14 Hatr KiUuea.

Mciirrgr, WtndwarJ Parta. 13 Mckr Ka N.d, rwera, I MaL -Vhr Kale Lee, Crxar, ix MaaL barb CalhM, Bmaa, cralac 14 ckr Maribla. bVmU. aa- Hawaii. kaeh Caaaat, Anbntl.

ta Sta Fraaciana. 14 Veh Warwick, (a- Mahdiai. Id-Ant barb llaiua li. Hail, lak. Oaker'a laUoJ.

15 SVhr kamaikr. A Jama, MuiukaL 14 Vkr Lata, kaaai. l-dcfcr I hid ''Uw. 4a- Hawaii. "car Matlia MaiiII.

Laatkert, a Kaoai. lWkr Starj, Nika, kaaai, IS 4Vbr Mary Rllrw. Weat. MaaL kark Janoa, Mmilh, to rraia to wratward. Aaaa, aabcuck, irao llawau.

KM OKA DA. Rdgaart frawa ram Mgaaoi kara lha adiuwmg report Aaa. ep autoo, at Jaaa4ry, tjua kbia rperm Am wba akip Jaa. rraack Bora, with lluil bbla a-erm Amwbale bark A kaa. Barker, with MM bbla eperm A at a hale abip Bart.

4WiaU.waA 060 bbla aperm 1 tog bark Rube Towaa, 1 bbajapermaU. CSrORTS. Worn Baa Fa tsciaco Per Caaaet. April 14th aaanaa. S7 Paha 4JM7 Bsau hak-a.

1 Utajar lla J2li -4 ta pag iJt 147 1 51 FORTH. Paoaj LLaaa Per Rvbert I Una, Apnl 15 Cuaaa. kaa lm PiMKXCKIl. Foa Wiaawaaa Poara Per KUaaea. Aprd 13 ilia Ja wwmT tmm njog.

mwb Maignt, 111a Li ja urranfrr. Ilia t. -ida Vartgay, win? aad a i Mct.rrw Rer 1 Hakiwia and Parra. Uaxla tiakn. A McDonald, Ckaa I abmaa.

A Larca, hVtrr, Maml Bepk-y 7. Psow l.taa-Per Robert L. ta, ArrO 1J Wm Byaa aad ana, and 1 Hawaiian 3 VIK.V. Sttltotntaa-Al the Qae-n Hnapiut. AprU 10th, Cbaa.

-ai. a(i-vi at, avatuw. M. Is order to try tLe rrtnlu rf the French International MoneUry ComniUaion. which sal at ir.e Ministry of Foreign Affair, for the purpose of aaerr-talnioif, if uaiforn coinage coul.l Ua atlopknl by alt tliar civilUeil a alio us of the rartb, a jcoht piece had just Imn strnck aa common stamUrd uf B9aw la France, Ejijcland and th L'nitvtl State.

th biarre ia tlx rtniry tf the jnpror Njpi- Uaa. erowueil with Unrri. without any inacilption. I a aut pui- ia aiaor the- yalr if art riIi-b sover- aakaaauTaratporl I-1 lhao UaTc qor- fstUit-J, Some JoubteJ the roi rictj of the UIe trraf kt-t y-r puwuctl hut tlwj Were iiiiimiliaulr VM that aaa atp ttUlng lid the rariaa lha awl Ike I at. W.

araod. aa kao.1. bat au eleavd hy lha let braa brlakd. tlC colllIAny J.1ircl a PuIwUt fnlll the JoTem-taa rataraa wmki kaa aVa aa efraa. Tkrra hea adUiig a laka tha year thraa.

but not atarb. The nitnt, Uiattera UlUftt Le WOrat-l tiiut tJ. la-l l--a tlwt if the inU-IVktd of CUtnluerce laKfVaTanMftff Tka writer Iblnka Ikat a UM laa rarj aa aaated bad bra h- in thid rHli detliairk-J ftl-nin tint iHti'XI. awl in cktdadlalka laet U. retarna, Ikat Ike m.mkl orJt.r thal mlt J.

BUPtaild-J, ari-tanre from daaclracy kaa luatw la aearW rw alMpprra kearva thai mUft tJ ohtaill aui tl aueiFafaaaraa'laaeaMBptolWrrjaf 17. Vh to 1T for CuJa-hlr, MinL-UTB OT Tv. rck fharrati. Or iLUebrami. fi.iie- their inuxlrf to gr on tlie trip.

Tlie next laorninz WldeWMaao. atertin. Haley. Waa Hut- 9 kaiay. Ed Kelly, Adama, Mat aJcmaaa, Caw Muter si 11 placard was posted around town, notifying the tjV (n.

baring THE PACiriO Commercial Advertiser. SAT CK I) AY. A PHIL IS. Tut action of the Minitci, iu tl cue of tlie Ktluura, UtuI fine to quctti ii vlietler tlie bent in U-nta of ntcaiu inter-ii-LiixJ navigation ar lenfl It Iiiri the inl ao o-injJrtelj utvler the control toe CJ-cnniit aixl ita frictnls. The frte of iu nj'K'ut ia at every turn by the if of the Kanc- 'f t'11 u'tT i-u.

If the a-nt. TutTi imrtte-, who make a Hii'Iy ail huMtir, art: not ahle to run the lwit to al-vantar, i.t it to le fti'vej that the hcuil uf a Iotrtiurnt the eminent, or hi tlcrk, cun furnish the irwirjr brain. AS the time the -rerent etxk ooiuuny was ta.i.le. arul t)aL, arV a ww wj rmm-r-mm-m waaw cringe to Miriitrjt to ohtain uj irt for an enterjTirc, he utaiiK-l jt j.uMic gooJ, out of uvonejn which thej contrihuto fur that aim oxxl cnJ? We liave a ruhniily hut we douht the jrj rietj of ruhUiziug a lajat at the public exja-iioe, in which the Hihlie liave no righto wortii nfccting. If the cuijnnT wlx run the boat rewire a auboiJj, it will le for a cjiiaidcrutioii anil it will he the duty of the Government to Dee that tle equivalent i rv ndcml larforo IJnp the money ar.j.rtjiriaUil further tlui thm the Government should lave no eoiitnJ.

It ia uite time, for the uhlic intentn, that a line wa drawn aa to where tlie Jveriimciit niajr interfere in the eontrol of ltuaineiaj TIk-j now manage the Mmm towage, wat.T a riitiiig ofiw-e, in'r-uLiul luviatioii, find to aotue extent the lirjuor bu.iiM3td. What id to prevent than from ticing in the Treasury to etahlirh a lank of dimxwnt? It iiiaj be urgd tliat no private individual or eoiDjany could run tlte I'eU, except at a Iumi. Tlicn aMiittt tlie cntcrrire witii a eubtid, instead of toting an appropriation which may or maj not be consumed fr tlie urnjne which vrua intended. In tlie care of the Government printing olUce, itd support workd in opjiooilioa to rivate enterprlte a injuatice and wtiat benefit accrued to the public? The Gazette id the vehicle by which an irate Minister may launch abuc upn private individuald, or by anecn anl inucrxl innult oifr-iald of a friendly jxjwcr, which course may lead to eompIition of a kerious nature. It id the old r-tory of children playing with edge toold.

As to the water workd. If handled by a Company, would they wai-te time and money in writing twaddle by tlie column about a much needed suj.jJy of water? A comjainy would keep tlie supplj up to the demand, ad it would be for their intcrcet to do so. Numlers of r-sonn are in search of site upon which to erect a homestead. Tlie lower rt of the valley being settled, they munt look higher up; but they are met by the query what slall we do for water? Ami there are other portions of the city, or suburbs, which would te settled but for the bugbear of a water supply. Id not the Government an incubus upon such enterprises.

We are told by jortie that capital is plenty and lying idle. Why should it not be made use of by investment in enterprise which are considered safe and legitimate in ot)er countries Tlie desire evinced by the Ministry to overstep the power verted in them, to domineer, should be checked at once. They should be made to hold aloof from traffic and enterprises which do not come within their province. They should be beld to a strict accountability for every rant of the public revenue. All underground connection between heads of departments, and their clerks, with different mercantile liouses and liquor saloond sltould be ruthlwc-ly sundered.

We arc confident that at least one bouse id ad well on Cabinet measures aa the Cabinet itself. Are our taxes so light that no or.e has an in- terest to inquire a to the why and wherefore of expenditures? If so they sliould be raieed at once, if merely to create such an intero-t. The action of the laor recent in regard to the badgrt of tle Government and the appropriation bill, has been a perfect farce. The appropriations are jomxJ, no item being aeked for, and the total votol with a cliaruiing Dun-clialance which would provoke mirth were not tlie sijlyency of a people at stake. I low long would a private enterprise tf any magnitude flourish were it direi-tor or directors to show such apathy.

Sjuic of tlc Lrgitdaturc, from a senc of duty, id led to tl int of rising and asking pertinent qutftiotia regarding when be in by the riaing of some toady, acks tle price of tea," or some otlarr question cjuuSIv foreign the subject. Tlie member yields for a time, but, with the best intentions, rires again and brunches the mutter, when la? id met by a frowning ir wordcl menace from tlte Ministry, and seeing no ho of aid from a fellow reprvacnLithe yieldd in sltcer di-pair. UnleM some change is made in tlie administration of Government, our correspondent will continue to gather recruiu under hid annexation standard until they are power in tlie land, before which tlie throne may totter and fall. I there no halm in Gilead? No cure for the illd under VrkiUi we lanuih? Sunday lat our usually quiet town 2U at "rt-ing hand-bilU Mtvd about the town, intonnmg the uMie tlat the steamer KL'auea would leave next duy for a trip along the ci-t of Hawaii, jiift tlie new lava flow, where it id running into the sea, around the south point to Kaalualu, and along the neighboring coast, lie re the late earthquakes have la-en tlie most severe, and lack again the following week, at a charge of forty dollars to each ireiigcr. On the strength of this, some enond made np diartcred the Steamer Ailuwa, for the next two "'C tXCnTrvm ta the Lira flow, advrr- tired OH Saturday, (Sunday,) i postponed As near as we can gather, the Minister of the Interior prnptwed in Cabinet Council on Saturday, that the Kilauia should be sent to Hawaii to convey clothing and iod to such a ihv1h1 relief, ami Mis Majesty immediately signified hia aiHmjany the exjolition, and as a conc-quenee tlie first jajster wait iutil.

Tlie next day the Minister of Foreign AfCtirs ptvjajecd to issue invitation to the I'nited SiaU-s Minister; tlie ISritinh and French Conim'tssionem, and others. and, as the Minister to together wi th nu- rrio ui ui iiayc a. miti vxintroioii. jaisl eriwjiicnily tlie roHnl jmrcr was anl the d-ar )ublic were told that the excursion whK-h tliey propnd to participate in waa jemtponed for two weeks." If the expedition wa entered ujoii for tlie jmrjo alU-viating thdi'tm iT tlte temr-Mrii ken reid-itst of Kau, it nt certainly a laudable prujert, aial tlie in irterof the Interior i entitled to thecoiwiitttMUti jn oi the and we have no doubt but what the scantling, blaukvts, clothing and provisions will gratelully received.

Uut thelisapiintol I exiurioiiti may very i-roiarly aek, would the (ait that telmcr carried twenty or thirty pru-rengers, more or less, lrond Keiilakcakua, preeut the coiu-ummution of the humuue work? When the agents are aj to, they fall i back on tle Civil Code, and say ti at by its pro- vi-ionu the Minie to rd may tuke any vctel of tlie C'justing fleet for tl public servn-e. The Civil Code does ray The said Minister (of the Interior) 44 may, at any time, impress any licensed exuster into the public service upon a jurt cotu-nration, to Io afterward arMx-eu by the Court of Admirality of thw KingiJoin. Were the public or the Ministers lict servcl in thid instance? Ms. EniToa ly soiue reuirks in a recent number of your paper I infer that the doctrine may be held that, if the constitutional reiuircmeut of a three years residence is requisite to render a subject eligible to be a Iteprescntative in the Legislative Assembly, the application cf the oSth Article of the Constitution would exclude any member of the Ministry from sitting wh) has not resided ia the country five yearn. This I apprehend is an It is true a roan cannot be appoinlel a olle until he has resided five years in the country but the Minister may not be a noble at all he only sits as a noble ex officio.

If ht it a minitUr it is a purl of hi duty to tit in and deliberate with the House as much as to perform any act in his appropriate d-partiuent. If he does not sit as a noble, he negliicts a of the duty confided to him by the Constitution. If he is not a noble by appointment or inheritance, he has no right to sit as such the moment he ceases to be minister. He is not a noble. Not so with the noble.

The Hon. Mr. Uishop has the right to kit as a noble, whether be hol-ls a ministerial appointment or net. He it a noblt by appoint men and his rights as such are not inquired or a flitted by his not being a minister. Hon.

Mr. Phillips it not a noble. He only sits as a nohle by virtue of his tilk-e and a pu of his official duty. When he ceases to hold an office with this duty attached, his rieM and duty to sit as a noble eeawra. This seems perfectly clear.

The qualification of resilience seems equally clear in regard to a representative. Three years is the period designated but tba teiiqiorary absence from tlie Kingdom of Mexsrs. Rhode and Knudsen an absence of less than a year upon a viiif, their usual pursuits going ou in the nieuutime cannot, in any reasonable or fair construction of the residence qualifier ton, affect their eligibility as legislators. So whilst it seems to rue that the two latter gentlemen are constitutionally qualified in the matter of residence for h-girlators, and that it is both the right and duty of Mr. l'hillii to sit and act in the House also, I ennnot sec how any one with a residence of less thau three years can take the oath required to qualify him to sit for the oath requires his support of the Constitution, which itself cuts him off by its non-provisions.

If any election has not been fairly and jusliy conducted if fraud or violence have been used let everything puwsiLle be done to correct the wrong. This is the irh of every fair and good man, whether it be for or against his own personal views and preferences. Success to the right is the motto of every right-minded man, and I hope this Legislature will look at measures and not meu in their action. P. S.

I would a-Id, (hat Ait Legislature being created by the Constitution of must be A is Constitution to which the members make oath, and cannot by any osihility be interpreted to be the Constitution of 1SJ, and therefore the qualificationa of members mm-1 be those set forth in this Constitution. They can Only be altered by amendment iu the way provi led. and no anient Uncut on the qualifications of members Can affect this Legislature. Tlie discussion of a subject like the abov is of very little practical utility. The validity of elections and the qualifications of members, are questions which belong exclusively to the Lcgirla- tive Assembly.

The Civil Code, in section 7 I -age l'JO, points out the mode fully and definitely, and to tlie exclusion of all other regulations. This section of ti cod.e was amended in 18(i2 See. Acts of. lXo2, page 3 but the provisions remain the same. The umciidmcut only extended to tlie costs of a contested election.

No tribunal outside of tho Lcgiiduture can detennino tlie qualifications of a member, and the discussion of such matters before the public can avail but little; for the questions are abstract ones, and can never come before the Legislature except, in the projcT way. liut we arr not holly convinced by the reasonings of tlie above communication. There arc nine-tenths of the thinking people of these islands wIkj believe that the Constitution 1S52 is the Constitution Je jure of the IIawaiiak. Kingdom. That Constitution required tut onof year's residence as a precedent qualification for a member.

They regard the Constitution of ISO k'j merely as a Constitution de facto, cxistif ig only Ly the sufferance and forbearance of the jvoplil. That Constitution requires three years' domicil, the l.ot year immediately prcfding the election' Let us examine tlie de facto Constitution of 1S64, ami inquire if the very nature of its provisions d'Htf not contemplate that the Ministers sliall bo Noble, and Xolus ayjJoiittuI by the King, with all the nei-ctwary quaiilii-niiotix, and Uutt no man can be a Minister without the necessary residence to constitute him a Noble. lSy tho o7lh Article of the Constitution cf I SOI, the King is empowered to apoint tlie Noble. By the 5Sth Article, the qualifications are sjaxiGed 44 No person sliall lie appointed a Noble, ho has not attained the age of HI years, and resided in the Kingdom five years." And by the 43d Artit'lc it i declared, that the Ministry hold scats, ex-offirio, us Nobles in tho Legislative Assembly." Tho 45th Article declare tliat the 44 Legislative jawer of the three Estates of tho King" loin, is verted in the King and the Legislative Assembly which Assembly shall consist of the iVoot appointed by the King, and tlie Representative of tlie cople, sittiug together." Now, if a residence of five years is a precedent l.i., i. i.

Cencral take his seat us a Noble the Legislative kttcr frora Koala, unlcr date of the 14th. says Assembly? How eould lio lai legally appointed For a veck Jist iiAnj iias Deen quite at a Minister when that very appointment const i- to-day agaii we are agitated by frequent earth-tutcd him ex-officio a Nt.blc? He took his seat quakes. Immeoe volumes of lurid smoke and steam laet session, after a residence of a few months are passing oveour mountains from the direction of only. No objections were made. It may be said Mauna Loa, an completely envelope us." it was a eom-cssion to tlie Crown to the First Captain Fat, of the Hatlie G.

JIall, says that Estate. If such be tlie case, why not make con- ccsfions to the 'liird rotate to the ajle also? As it regard the eligibility of Messrs. Rhodes and Knudsen, the onlv question is in the construe- r.f Wi 1 t. ijI1 nn.l cil. In regard to donucil, we understand that Mr.

Jones left the borders of Mexico more than three years ago, with the intention of emigrating to these islands. In pursuance of tliat intention he came here, and bos resided here evcr since. Ac- cording to legal in the highest tribunals, his domicil dates from the tin? of his departure i with the intention to tlKe ihluinls, and i IiA iat inBiVili At if I Ii 1 1 1 aP ami i.ri Kl nriilnp rKl rilr tution of 18GI. i As tliel, ature lutts tolay, they are the only I-nver to d. or thoe if they elwmld lebr.HiShtrroIa,rlyni,dle1;.l,,atelylJerure tlani.

ami we refrain fnau i.uik.n- furtlier re- Ittfarmaliaai 'Wauled At Nosth Iliuo, ob Noarn or IIilo, April, 1808. Ma. Ktiiroa Miy I ak sme civil questions? thualj Wlu'ii ropIe living north of Uilo town vitt liilo town, why tltouM they be de- I ttioel there d.ijs and dajs together to the ruffling of lncir tempera, the exhaustion of their hntnor and the jQteuae dis-ut (if not acuable suspicions) ot their families, larstuse, like Sterne's starling, they can't get out? 21 Does Hilo District ty a road tax Is the tax to pay storage room for rotten bridges? Are the rotten sticks allowed to lay alongside impassable just to aggravate travelers? Don't the people north of Hilo town pay the biggest part of the taxes 2d Is the amount of road tax paid by the people north of Hilo town sufficint to keep bridges in repair and replace rotten ones? If not, was there any appropriation made by the last Legislature for the construction of roails and bridges on Hawaii 4 th How many years is allowed the Minister of the Interior to sit alongside a rotten bridge, before the idea reaches his brain a new one might be agreeable oth Has IIilo a Road Supervisor? Has he another SupcrvhKT ever him and his works and if so, is the latter a brewer, a baker, or a butcher, or is it posi ble that, by some dreadful mistake, that he is engineer? Gth Who is the Supervisor of the Supervisor cf th Road Supervisor, and from what department is the pay of these three very useful officers drawn 7th Was It the Hawaiian Government, an Hawaiian individual, or somebody or something that isn't Hawaiian at all, which, what or who gave order to the United Stvtes steamship Iacka wanna, when she last visited Uilo, complimentary to the American Government, but very detrimental to the trade of the town? 8th If the Hawaiian Government wasn't gentlemanly or cou-teous enough in 44 dictating its terms to the Government of the United States of America to do the thiig through the commanding officer of the United States steamship, might he not have found vehicles of 4nore highly distinguished consideration" to carry through the interesting operation ltb And Ustly H-'Afr was tho Minister of the Interior, and vhat was he thinking about, when he ermitted our Island to be shaken to pieces? Was he in confennce with 44 the fathers (those old grandmothers of whom he is so fond,) or where? Has be dismixscd the engineer who had charge of Madame Pele'f safety valve Whr.t is he going to do about it Ily answering these queries frankly, intelligently and impartially, you will confer a delightful favor on one 44 Who wants to Know, toc Know." We snriuk from the task imposed upon us by our correspondent Our friend the Gazette has more advantages, aud we trust will improve them by an attempt, at least, to satisfy our North Hilo friend. Mr. Editor: Is there any impropriety iu asking that the Treasurer of the Cemetery Association make, now and then, an exhibit of their pecuniary standing.

The charge of ten dollars for the hearse, ten dollars for tlie grave, together with the fact that the lots have been previously paid for, must show, a respectable balaice sheet A. B. C. NOTES OF Til EEK. aaaaaaam XP It is an omen of evil when the departure or arrival of the ling fails to elicit the enthusiam or applause of the people.

No resident of these islands for the past foir or five years can have failed to notice the waning of the eclat which used to attend such occasions. We notiecd that the Lackawanna did not man her yards on Monday, as usual. For this lack 1 of courtesy there must be some weighty reason. Capt. Reynolds has daring the post year always been among 1 the first to salite His Mijcsty on the occasion of His arrival or departure.

The question naturally arises, wbore does tho fault rest? Ia it for any act or acts of His Majesty? We think not, but rather a want of action. The Ministry are alone responsible for 4 1 the feeling which exis's. In order to arrest the decay of i i i loyally 10 mc luroic witC ati.oii ia miiT-wrgr in 1 I- Al 1 i tlie auviscrs oi ins uirvugu a nose counsel the bloodless rev oluf on of ISCi was brought about, and by whose ad via; justice has since been denied, Sjwtivjsponsible. 'Great excitement prevails among our residents. larly nuives, concerning tne news from Haw- i.

Large crtwu asscmuieu on me wnari last naiur- a aa day morning obtain the first news by the Kilauca. A particular iitrrcst seems to attach to all vessels arriving from orgoing to tho scene of the earthquakes, and lava flow. We have seldom Been so much excitement as was slown on the arrival of the L'ona racket on Wedncsiay last. The drawing made on the spot by Mr. II.

M. Whitney, attracted unusual attention. Mny copies were made from it by Hawabj iaus, some of wiich exhibit unusual taste aud ability; Our 44 extra" tas issued in time to be put on board the Comet for SanFrancisjo, and the news will no doul4 be flashed ove the wires to tlie Eastern States and Europe within i few days after its arrival in San Frorf- fa.i aUB Statk arriace or ms Majesty, which will TPear to-lay has len thoroughly refitteil and ap- pears as if pel telly new. Some of the work aliout it tbe evcr in thLj The 00,11 1 of arms on the loors, for instance, which were iiaiiit-' ed in San Franisco, ia conceded to be the richest and i most artistic wrk of the kiud fhat we nave. Wedo.

not think thcies another coat of arms to be found here that will euipare with it. The trimmings were executed by M. Adderley, the silver work by Mr. Costa, and the minting of the carriage by Mr. Park, whosc taste in fis hue is well known.

ith workmen capable of turnag out such a carriage, which though quite old, loobas if new, Honolulu can compare fa-, Worably with tfler and larger cities. (j i Foa tub LiA Flow. The A'oia Packet is ad-i' vcrtised for ai excursion to the lava How, to sail on Tuesday next. The rate of passage is quite moderate, twenty-five dcars for the round trip. Passengers will be landedi.t Kaalualu or at other points on the coast of Kau.

Tlie vessel will remain on the coast for i inree or lour oi-s giving ample tiuie to excursion isrs i i to visit the flow, and other points of interest. Those who intend takig advantage of this opportunity 11 do well to registr themselves at the office of the agent, at or before fou o'clock this afternoon, in order to secure com fort ale quarters. We have made a trip with Capt- Marhant, and have no hesitation in recommending hiuus every inch a sailor, and his steward as very oblijng and attentive. Eartuqcakin Tlie Mary brings news that the earth was still at Hilo on the 14th inst. A the day he leflSan Francisco March 24th quite a heavy shock wajfelt, and our telegraphic news notes shocks felt in St Thomas in March.

bevetl residents of the valley remarket on Tuesday monng, that there were a large numlier of birds of some sort flying in and about the valley the night before. Some believe that the birds have been driven hitLr from Hawaii by the furious vol- canic fires of Mana Loa. Others incline to the be- lief that the nortavest ducks and Dlover are inifrratincr to the north. Agentlcraan who has been shooting pa81 nioui, saj-s mat on iueiay ne uia not single uoJiwest duck, while they ha-1 been fuUe ulns the month previous. EST 5500,4 Monday night, a bon-fire was started on te hill on the west slope of Punch- It was tncornmemorate Easter.

It is no more than lir to our to We them notIce of ntention to Jebrate churchlays of which but ft.w l.ere are r-l. TI.e fire belN rang furioimly and the cr.inpan.4 tumr-1 out promptly. W. ID A aaamaaaaaT T. 4.

ttaWI An Oli LandMbk Gosr- The building recently occupied by Mr. Godfrey Rhodes, to oil residents known as the 6tore of William French, is being torn down to make room for a fine building cf mixed stone and brick. We do not know when it was erected but one party says it was standing when he first arrived in 1S3S. Some of- the timbers are in an excellent state of preservation. In this connection we m.y say we are glad to see Mr.

Osborne about again after his late mishap. Stirring, intelligent master-mechanics are not so plenty, particularly in his branch of business, that we can afford to lose them. Mr. Osborne will direct the erection of the new building. From Howxanp's Island.

The British clipper ship Robert L. Lane, Captain Martin, arrived at this port on Wednesday last, from Howland's Island. The Robert L. Line left here in January last, and made a quick run of nine days to the island. During February slipped the buoy and went to sea three times.

March 4tb, at noon, came to the moorings with wind to the east at half past ten P. the wind fell away calmafter which had a light air from the west and the ship swung on shore, carrying away the rudder pintles and splitting the rudder. Fortunately, at half post one the next morniug, the wind blew fresh from the east and the ship swung ofl. ship will be hove down for repairs by Messrs. Foster Co.

bpabtckk or tub Steamer. The ICilauto sailed londay evening for Hawaii, on an excursion to the lava flow. His Majesty and household embarked at five o'clock. His Ex. the Minister of Foreign Relations, wife and son Miss Widemann.

His Lordship Bishop Maigret, H. I. M. Commissioner M. Beran-ger, and Mr.

B. Holladay, accompanied the Royal party as guests. Others took passage for way ports as far as Kealakekua. We learn that the steamer did not touch at Lahaina or Kalepolepo, but went around to the northward of Maui. Mr.

H. A. Widemann was also on board, as the agent of the Interior Department, to dispense lumber, food and clo th iug to the distressed. The Sitreme Covet. This body adjourned its session of Monday on account of the preparations for the embarkatiou of His Slajesty for Hawaii.

On Tuesday and Wednesday the case of E. O. Hall and Son t. McCandless, Paty, and Mclutyre, was taken up, and a verdict rendered for plaintiffs, and agahist the firm as including the three members above specified. This decision will probably hold good against the same parties, in the other cases which were mentioned last week.

Ou Thursday the question on motion of arrest of judgment on the civil suit of Maku-lu rt. Petero was overruled, and the Native Jury called for Monday. Shakspkrian Readinos. The Olympic 1111 was crowded last night with an appreciative audience to hear the Rev. Mr.

Mason read portions of Shakspeare. The reader was fully up to the task, and the audience gave frequent evidence of delight. Tlie proceeds will go towards liquidating the debt incurred in building the Hall. The members of the club are under many obligations to the public who have so kindly helped them. EiT" It is reported, on good authority, that the peculiar talents of Mr.

William P. Ragsdale were called in requisition the past week to nominate the Committees of the Legislative Assembly. As it will no doubt be necessary for the Ministry to consult Mr. R. frequently during the coming session, would it not be advisa- ble to engage quarters nearer the Court House square for his accomodation.

Parliament. The Legislative Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands will be opened to-day at 12 o'clock, Wa-ta-vwa VkVP 1 1 1 1 tfC a ti IS I4! ITlkl Ft 1 IT Af i 4IWU 'J a7 a a maw a'ava Kekuanaoa and His Honor Elisha II. Allen. This session of the Legislature is, to our niiud, to be one of unusual importance, and we trust that all business brought before it will receive the attention which its importance demands. 27" We have been requested to ask employers to pciuit their employ u-es to close ou Saturday afternoon, at Iwn nVloi-k.

aa was customarv last Summer. We learn that the base-ball clubs will resume their games tnuii at an early date. Remember, 44 all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy." C2r Rumor has it that His Majesty has conferred two patents of nobility the past week. We hear the names of Mr. J.

Makalena and Mr. F. S. Pratt mentioned as the parties honored by His Majesty. Our thanks are due to John Cobb of San Francisco, for latest dates per CeUttia.

There is no vessel telegraphed, or in sight, as we go to press. A Tans correspondent says that Louis Napoleon is very fond of gambling, and has lost one million of francs during the past three months. The fashion now is at church weddings to stretch abroad white ribbon across the aisle up which the bridal party pas, beyond which none but invited guests are allowed. Disasters happened ta ships and 500 steamers durine the first half of 18(17. according to the returns of the London Loyd.

Of these 107 ships ami 37 steamers were totally lost, with human lives. Tennyson, annoyed beyond endurance by vulgar visitors" pryimr about his pretty place at Farring-ford. Isle of Wight, has sold out. and has bought a residence near llasleinere. There is no railway station near it.

The Dead Sea is one of the most remarkable bodies of water known to geography. It has no visible outlet, and its waters are supposed to ex- hy FH.dfic gravity i finch that the human bodv cannot sink beneath it surface. No one lias ever been known urown in peaMn who predicted Ibo death of tlx- Czar Nicholas within a vear. has made the same predic- t5nR Cwe Alexander, Th former monarch indignant and imprisoned the offender, but the present Czar heard the prediction with equanimity. VJin-eii Isabella is frequently insulted when she makes her appearance on the streets of Madrid nmv- n-dtys.

Even her stupid and rascally ftthcr, lVr- lmanl. was not so generally loaiuea ana iiateti as hIh is. Tin French Corps Legislafif has rejected all the liberal amendments to the Press Bill. A clause permitting the fre ndmiion of foreign papers and tUe unrestricteu saie oi rencn journals was rejec i ted Caribaldi has taken to the painless dissecting of animals, using chloroform as an ana-sthetic. lie is getting over his wounds.

He rises at six. takes a up of coffin, and then to the bath tub. At nine he on wine, meat and cheese lunches ul noon, dines at six. and goes to bed at nine. A newspaper on a novel principle has been started in London.

It proposes to insert, free of charge, advertisements of reputable simp-keepers, being paid by the latter a commission on the amount of purchasers by readers of the paper, ho will receive from the sellers check, on the co-operative system. entitling them to share in the distribution of a re- serve fund. 15 ice I Sice Kice aaaaaaaaaaaa. yaro. i choice polished rice, and i.w, No.

2 COO LIE RICE. For sale hy C21 ltn AFOXO 4r ACIITCK. A GREAT BARGAIN. Chelsea for Sale Horse, wagon, out-buildings jixd everyUiiiiK connrcUd with the luoes. ftT less than one third its drat cost.

Pirate call at the Laundry and sea U.e proprietor. TERVS CJSH. til 3t B. II. LTOM.

Best Portland Cement CD CD FOR SALE, It 5IoJrrate Trices, by ea THEOD. C. HEUCK, eJ CORNER OP T3 03 0Q Fort nnd Merchant Streets. 621 JAXUJRT, 18C3. 3m :::::::0 J.

H. WICKE, A ES ISKT ,11 A It IZ ALAKRA TkKKT BBLOW TBS TBBATBB. Furniture wade an.l r-ired at reasonable prices. 621 ly Lovnox, March 6. Late dispatches Trom China and Japan have been received, via India.

CivU war in Japan raged with great violence, beverai combats had taken place between the partisans of the Chigon and the Damois. which were attended with great loss. Great excesses were committed on both sides. In consequence of the insecure condition or the country the rs of foreign powers have all left Osaka. The Archbishop of Algiers has published a heartrending description of the sufivrings of the native population.

Tens of thousands of Arabs have already died from starvation, according to his statements, and the number will reach hundreds of thousands before the return of the warm season, unless relief be provided oa the largest scale. The Archbishop makes a fervent appeal for help. A petition has been presented to the French Senate, pravh.g fo- 4 the re-establishrnent of a Roman Empire," the government of which should be confided to the Kiu-; of Italy. In exchange for the States of the Church the Pope to receive a property, i either the Island or Sardinia or the ancient County of Venaissin a rertile district ot Provence and an annual revenue of The trowel prepared for presentation to the Puke of Edinburgh, on occasion of laying the foundation stone of a new town ball at Melbourne, is made entirely of gold, both blade and handle. Where the two join, the trowel is ornamented with pearls and turquoises at the other end, the handle has on it a duke's coronet, set off with diamonds and emeralds.

Salmoiia Columbia River Red Salmon ARRRbS GUARANTEED TO CONTAIN full -0 tba of Uh. XJNT For aale by XXXXJVEJE3 C. BKKWKK A CO. Blankets. Ulankcts ALES SCARLET.

GREEN. BLCE AND WHITE ENGLISH BLANKETS, C. BREWER If CO. For sale by Refined Siisrar! JOSTOX CRUSHED SUGAR, Button Granulated Sugar, Boatoo PowJered Sugar, BoaUin Loaf Sugar. For sale by G.

BREWER CO. GroccrieSa JJOXES BEST CODFISH, Kill Tongues and Sounds, Buxes Spices, Cast- Preserved Meats, Cases Salmon, Cases Oysters, Cases Lobster. For sale by C. BREWER a CO. Cumberland Coal.

ASKS CUMBERLAND COAL, For sale by C. BREWBR at CO. Saddle, Saddles. ASES CHEAP AMERICAN SADDLES, Cases Cheap English Saddles, Cases Cheap Side Saddles, Cases Best English Saddles. For sale by C.

BREWER CO. lry Goods. SCALES CI1EAI UEMMS, Bales Brown Cottons, Cases White Bleached Cottons, Cases Cheap Am. Ticking, For sale by C. BRKWER Mt CO IVests 'jpHIREB HOOP IA1LS( ftesta Psiuted Tubs, Nesla Tarnished Tubs, Tainted hoop Tails, Nests Market Baskets, Oak Covered Baskels, 1 Bushel Baskets, Clothes Baskets.

For sale sale by p21 2m C. BREWER CO. Temperance Legion. 74 1 A I EST ED TO CA LL i upon the Trrasurr (at the othce of the riend) anil ay in tbeir Moutbly Hues. By order or the 1'rt-sitleitt.

UKOKUE it LAKE, Member of Investigating Coinaiittre. Honolulu, April 3. IStU. 619 3t FO It SALL. 500 ACRES FIRST-CLASS LAND, SITUATED IX THE DISTRICT OF IIA.MAKUA, Inland of Hawaii.

The above laud is suit abla (or a farm, and is well-known as splendid bottom land. Price. Due Tbouaand Dollars. A ppty. Box 1 10, or to CIS Ira WOOO lr Market.

FORBID ALL I'KRSOXS TRUSTING M. my hustMiiil, named PA UAH I KEEKAPL'. on my aceuant. 1 alo f'irllid KorMlHiras, I'ortuyueiie, Pakes and II aides fmtn Kivitu any kind of soon liqunr to him, aa I will pny no iWbts or that aiuil. VM LIUA KKEHAri; AMI AFTER TUESDAV.

APRIL 14. 80S, a dividend of Fifty per cect. will be paid to the cmntors oi n. KyrrriU, at the omce or SJO gt A. F.


1301.11.1 afc OO. II ATE RECEIVED PER LAT2 AnilIVALS. PER STEADIER IDAHO, OUR USUAL SUPPLr OF FLOUR. In hi and quarter sacks. Also, Per I.

California Lime, and a l.irge amnrtmeut Paints and Paint Oil, Manila Cord? a'Virtil tiz- frutu inches. lcr Hark Wilbelin, Hubbard's Patent iue Paint, Beat Boiled Engli-h Paint Oil, Paint Brn'het. 615 2in Whitewash Brashes, Ac. COTTON CANVAS. FROM NO.

1 TO NO. 8. JUST ARRIVED per ship SYHEX, at greatly reduced prires, by c5 BOLbES CO. JAPAN TEA. RECEIVED PER IDAHO.

FOR SALE 1614 2ni BOLLKS A- CO. PIE FRUITS. CALIFORNIA TABLE AND PIE FRUITS Just received per lliAHO. For sale by 201 bOLLES ft CO EXPECTED PER DREAD; C.m of California Pilot Bread 1O0 tins of tunrtl l'r-t all or which will be bold at low prices by BOLLE3 ft CO. Sauce Pnns.

CASKS ASSORTEdTiZES, FOR SALE Bl Ma lm Bul.Li ft CO. Golden fiafe Hills Flour Bakers' Extra, Extra Family and Superfine, Its Q.ttarlcr Saeka. iiR ECEIPT OF TH A ROVE -febrated Flour, by ev.ry Packet, direct from the Mills, and warranted or the best quality. For sale by 8u BOLLKS ft CO. ARR 12 31 NT BLANKS.

BLANK FORMS OF AGREEMENT BE-tween and Servants the jnr authorized lorm Prtett Vl.OO per Dasra. aale by M. WniTNkY California, Oregon nm I. Steauilii San Francisco ad Honolulu The Ctmptty't Fftte A 1 Sleaawahlp "IDAHO!" F. CONNER.

Caaoraiaciarr, 117 run bettcein Honolulu and San Francisco by the following Time Table: PKraSTTBCS. ABUVALS. Fmtn Honolulu. Prom Pranciseo. Krotn CO' At Pan Praociaco Mir la lS'At Honolulu -Z April Sj At Sao ia Frvm San April 22! At Honolulu from Honolulu May Sj At Saa Franciaoo 4 Rates of Passage have been Seduced TO SO CABIN, $30 STEERAGE.

Throuph Freight to Portland and Victoria will takea al reaaooable rales, and LIBEB1L IDVAXfKS MADE 0V ILL SIIIPSE.YTS PEC STLAMLK. Insurance guaranteed at lower ratet than by sailing ressrls. Particular care takea of thipmeuts of Fruit. try All orders for Hoods, to be purchased io San Francisco, will be received and fil'ed by return ol steamer. 613 3n H.

HACKFELD ft A genu. Ifiiwniian Packet faitrc FOR FRANCISCO THE A 1 CUPPER BARK it: KNAPP MASTER, Will Sail for the above Port, on Saturday, April 25th. For freight or passage apply to 621 It WALKER It ALLEN, A rents For Bremen or Hamburg; THE HAWAIIAN CLIPPER, IX. WOOD, II. JACOBS MASTER, Will be Dlspatthfd for either the shave Tertt, Imaiediotely on her return from San Francisco, And Sail on or about the 15th of May Fur freight or iaasare.

having superior Cabin accomaiodt tionn, apply to 1018 2roJ 11. 11 ACKF ELU CO. C. BREWER LINE FOR 1TEW BEDFORD. Tha A 1 A its.

Clipper Sltlp a 9 PERKINS MASTER, Will have Quick Dispatch for the above Port Having a large part of her cargo already engaged. For freiKht or passage apply to C. BREW KB, Bid Market Wharf. Good Potatoes at ff.ast I rF.CEIVED THIS DAT. PER SCUR.

MM, KA MOI, from Maui, a Choice lot of Carefully Selected Potatoes. For aale at the Family Grocery and Feed Store, by 3t I. BARTLETT. McCOLGAN JOHNSON, Herthant Tallers, FORT STREET, IIOXOLU LV, U. 613 Opposite Theod.

Heuck's. Iy DR. J. MOTT SMITH, Dentist, Office corner of Fort and Hotel Street r. eisi; II.

FISCHER, Merchant Tailor. Fort Street, opposite Odd Fellow's Hall. Honolulu, II. I 618 ly Internationa! Hotel and Restaurant THIS POPULAR HOUSE IIAS 1JEEN entiivly renovatetl, and is now uuder the manaseaient of JLmk. VINUKK, whose long experience io the business enable hlui attend to the wants of his pauvns ia tha jot elBclent manner.

Board, $5pr week I Rooms, SI 50 per week HEALS FROM 7 A.M. TILL 10 P.M. 613 3m A. 8IXOEB, Proprietor. Administrator's Notice.

ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE late Rev. J. S. Emerson, and all persons having cliims awn tlie aatd Kev. J.

S. Kmersoa, are rvueted to call opon U.e underaiirnrd without delay. 8. N. KMKKSOX, Waialua, March 23, 18dS.

JB1S lro Administrator. FIIVE ARTS. WE HAVE NOVON HAND A VERY xiensive and Choice Assortment of Engravings, Chronios, Lithographs. MOULDINGS AND FRAMES Or all descriptions. Wins-ir ft Newton's Oil and Water Colors, Canvass, Drawing Papers.

Hrawing Ktudie, Sketch Bonks, Books on An hiu-cture ami Ornamental km. Brushes, Pencils, Patrl Crayons, Bristol Boards, fir Wax' ing, tc aC, all of which we offer ai the lowest rales. SOW Ai ROOS. 219 Montgomery street (Ruts Block), 52H Eansome street, 427 Wasliiuirtoo street, Sau Francisco. 619 lm Rare Chance for Investment THE UNDERSIGNED to disoae of WlSHESfijft The Lease of the Pelley Premises SITCATKO OX HOTEL STBF.ET, Together ivilli the Furniture The hoase Is centrally locutod, and coc'ains seven finrt-ciats Romans, suitable (r peutieniea dwiring a quiet hooie.

There is also aitaclird to the premises a rol Bath Boom, Baibs, Ac. The hHie has recently been thoroughly repaiml, and is now one of the niuet succesglul and favonte Lodging iloows iu tha city the rooms liein)! r-arely vac-ant. To a pbrty wishinK to enpaKe the alxive occupation, this preaeuls an opportunity sekhuj Ti hnute hot heretofore and is now doing a gxol paying business, and ia rolin-qoishfil toll ly on account of tho preseiit proprietor desiring to lesve the KiliK'lom. XT Por further particulars apply on the prendre to CIS lm fc. C.

KOWK. W. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Kin Street, Opposite the Selhrl. Honolulu, II. I.

620 ly FOURTH. A FEW CHOICE LITHOGRAPHS OF His Late Hajesty Kamehameha IV. The finest an.l moet eornt-t likenrss ever printed, can be had by early application at the Bookstore of 620 at H. M. V.


Ii 15 A SHIPPING AND Commission I71ercliaiits AX. FRAN CISCO, AL. We will attend to the Pale of Surars, and all kinds of Island iYoduce. Also, to the ra-rrliasr and orwartlin of 3If rfhandlsf. fCT Cuth Advance mad on Conignmet.

619 tax COPYRJCJtiT. BE IT REMEMBERED THAT. ON THE 1st day of February. A. 1H58.

J. W. II. A WAUL of Lahaina, Island of Maui, hat deuusited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in U.e words following, to wit: Kubiknlil a Kanakn Hawaii. Now, know all men bv thee nresents.

that L. Kamehameha, II. 11. Mininter of tlie I oterior. In accord ance with a resolution of the Kine in Privv Council, besnng date the 15th day of February, and hy virtue of the aw uioriiy in nie vesleil ly tirction 1st or the seneral pmvitiuii.

Article 4. Chapter 7, of the Act to organise the Exrcutire De-partnx-iiu laws 1845 and 146 do herebv rrant onto the said J. W. II. Knuwahi, hia executors, administrators and asirn the sole riht and liberty of printing, repriutinc, pablisliiog and vending the said book of forms iu the Hawaiian Islands, rr the term uf ten years from the day of February, a.

1858. In testimonr whereof L. Kamehameha, Ilis Majesty1 Minister or the Interior, have caused the seal of the In-L. 8.J terior office to lie hereunto affixed this 18th day of "-ruary, A. D.

1S5H. L. KASlfcHAMKHA. Be it remembered that, on the Hav af Pebrasry, A- 1H08. J.

W. II. K.n..hi M.ui. in aceor" ance with Section 3d of an Act ToVncourage learnine ia lb tviDgnom, tiy securing the copies of charts, rasps ana the authors ami nmt.rimr. annraved aa IB Slst day of December, 1864, has drp ilei! in thU ofiice a COPT of bis book, entitled, "KCIIIKVHI KE KANAKA HAWAII," The rlphts of which he claims as author.

In testimony whereof I hava hereunt4 set my Il a 1 caused the seal of the Interior Department a'" 1 I Hnnnlnln A IliftK. FERD. W. HtTCHI50. 620 2m li jnisler of the 5 .4.

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