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The Pacific Commercial Advertiser from Honolulu, Hawaii • Page 4

Honolulu, Hawaii
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

in 4ti.ll rv.f Tbt I I irj All ill. Ba I out run rows fro woas Kia ITuS Mi coat ti nv tt I. if irx Cf In Aa wk tm: cl Ml Ci 11 ti cK of Tt Ml cl in da 1 ft vs. fr i i hi Ji (I I STEWART, CARRICK CO. MERCHANTS COMMISSION AGENTS, 27 Maiurie PUc.

BYDN EY, S. W. AoJ 31 ft. wlthins Lo LOS DOM, fc. ttn.

b- 3o WILLIAMS, BLANCITARD Shipping Comataion a. 219 Callfarala Slrcel. mn23 8 AX FRANCISCO. A. P.

EVERETT. Forwarding JL CoDimision Merchant 105 FR05T FTREET, CORSER CLAT, SAX FRANCISCO. Part.ewlar attention pail to Consignments of Island Prodaca. oM lj "t1 H. V.

SEVER.1XCE co.u.uissio 40 FRONT ST. Corner of CUy Street, SAX FRANCLiCO. k7 ly W. Coasrrr, aa Fraocisco- DoSlLB M.CIS.T. 'Kiiti Mi'Liir, Portland, O.

CORBITT MACLEAY, Importers, iVhoIcsalc Grocers and Coii.tiii.eii JIercliaiit, Shippers and Dealers of Oregon Produce. SAN FRANCISCO One 108 Callforala Street. PORTLIND, ORECOX 13an4 13 FlralKl. W. C.

RMm, Eq Bank of haa. dcKa, A. rTeafcianl fl. F. At Maara.

Croaa A Mra. La-M A Ttlloo, HaaK of BrlUnS Columbia. ii a. L. Ii kinihh A CWU, ratlin A t.o.

BUbop A Co-, Bankers CaalaMealar IalaM4 I1 8ai Fraitciaeo cugar Co. isaa frucitra Franciaco Oregon Portland, OregO OrcA-oa Ofjoo raUuce DAVISSOaV, AIVD IMP0RTEB3 OF YANKEE NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, MILLINGUV GOODS. White Goods, Perfumery, Pocket Cutlery, EOaiERT, ZEPHYR WOOL, Ac, e. HAVING IXESIDEVr" BUYERS IX THE Kaat awl la Europe, and beinf In direct comraanicatloa with taa manufacture. ara eoabled to get tiuwla oo Uie bmt term ami to aoeorjinglj.

Our Stock is the Largest on the Pacific Coaat, and we lnita the Etpecial attention of Ilonolula Merchants to an eximlnatloa of the tame, articular atteotioa girea to OrJcr. TOBI.t, DATI830X A CO. Comer Satter Eanaome Street, I Sua Fraiclaca. Cala. FLINT, PEABODY Shipping CoDiniiion Merchants, Agents of Pacific Barrel and Keg Company.

An PairianD to Finish Ktg sad Carrtl Shoots la iny Qaaatlty KIQCiaiO, 'And IUsptctfulIj solicit conslrjnmtni of Sugars asd ulaxd raoDcri. 27 REFea TO Staatra. BUImp A Co. Ilooolala Mttera. II.

IiackMd Co Ilooolala Meairv CaaUe A Cooke UoDoluIa OFFICE: 408 California Sareet, Ban Francisco. JalO ly m. WiPIIKA, Port lan W. K. IITUINI, 319 Front St.

ao Francisco. LEVERIDGE, WADHAMS CO. Wliolosalo GroccrH AND Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PORTLAND, OREGON. rirtlcilar Attention paid Coasinmeats o7 Sn4wlrh lalwd Pre dace. ly McCrakcn -Sc FORWARDING AND aUCKCUAIVTS, rortlnril, Oregon.

HAVING BEEN ENCAGED IN OUR PRE. aent boaineas foe upwards of aarea years, and beinf I icatcd la a Are proof brick building, we ara prepared to roreiv and dispoaeof Ijlaad staples, mcb as C'oaVe, to adrantare. Consignments espeaially solicited taa Orern market, to which personaJ attentioa will be paid, and apoo wLieh caah adranees will be made when required. Sax Fanctw Bsrsasscas: Badger Llodenbnrger, as. Patrick A Fred.

Iken. W. T. Coteoaa A Stereos, Baker A Co. Pobtlaso RimiiCM: Allea A Lewis.

Ladd A Tilton. Leonard Jt Oreeo noaoLCLO Rsrsaucu: aeU Walker A Allen. ly j. c. Hsaan.1 JVUX CKaKIS J.

MERRILL Commission Merchants and Auctioneers 201 anJ 206 California Street, San Francisco. ALSO, AGENTS OF THE San Francisco and Honolulu Packets. Partlcwlarattentlongirentothe sale and parhae ol mer rhaadlsa, ships' whalestips, negotiating exeban ge, A c. lr Allfreltrht arrlring at San Francisco, by or to the Ilooolala Line of rackets, will teforwarJed rasa or coauiasios. X7 Exchange on Huoolula bought and sold.

asrsssscs Messrs. C. I A U. I lack fold A Co O. Brewer A Bishop A Co Pr.R.


West of England Finest AH Wool Fancy Tweeds, suitable for Summer Wear. AISO, EXPECTED BY THE STEAMER, A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF TTIOSK HEAVY PRINTED WOVEN LINEN DRILLS, for Gent's and Boy's wear. "VVh-ite Linen Duck! FINEST AND MEDIUM. White Linen Duck, Heavy Cord. Tbe abTe Coodi will be Sold at the Lowest kle Eates.

i HamfJet Smt to the Olhr Jslamls if baa Foreign fit 75. Illuming 3totrtismtnls. TO LET A IIU KI.LIXJ IKII SRIS THE REAR iA the Krsilettce of N. FLUrr. Apply F.

W. P.E LEY. or aur.I In H. K. FOR SALE OR RENT.

-4 THKDKSIHAIILK lVEI.LI. HuVStt fq lately oreapml by C. II. LEW ntulol ou Kuaui ANntt. ir ethnic LEW Kit DICK.OV.

TO LET. v. A COTTAGE ON KM MA STREET.OP- V-'- rmroa Stuart-, pam.ily lurnis'ied- 'Pl of D. DOLE FOR SALE OR LEASE ov KAVORiiir.t: rtt II'L'I1K ai! iiiv.iir. a i a r.

1 ua Lipoa j(r--t. Kapalami, fj5 iel Leonard MitcheJ. pr- i ill laVty oem; tirulars apply to the und-rsgiird W. C.JOSU. aax Ziu TO RENT.

1 A. XIIXKItl lU.ti lint SK by V. L. (if-n. Kaq Also, the Moose sn-1 Pirtuifc-s No.

149, hii-Mng Aip yto C. K. WILLIAMS. 5 Or J. II.

WOOD. FOR SALE THE I'll KM IS KS LATELY Pl Kl W. Ffhrr, on ll.fl cirrtt. foiyll; Kniiiie of J. II.

PATY. TO LET. A TWO STORY IIOCSE IN SOTTII Kin t'twt. ith a fj-aciotu yard. Kitchen,, SO'I Cuai-h II ki- and back entrance from AU- Hrrtt.

Inquire at 1 King s- ltn A STORE TO LET. THE STORK OX Carrier fori from the lt 4 iki. lr. (Jy'A3in) Apply Ui J.O'.NLILL. HOUSE TO LET A IIOLSK OX MAL'XAKEA STREET.

n-ar the Il -uoiulu Iron Works. artM (sliwoci) K- UILLILA.NL. FOR SALE MTIIR LEASE OF THAT DESIRA-ble Dwfliing House and Lft on Kicbard hire-t, ag ffrmery o-rpiet t-y thf ontler.inrd a. a iri- le rriiiracc. TNe l-a of the bo rerols has eleven years lo ran, and will lie dixard of on favorabl terms.

For particulars, apply to II. U. fcWINToN. aei s-w tf At the OlCce of the up't tf Water Works. TO la-ET Under tho Odd FclIows Hall, Lately Ofcajilfd by DllllDzham i.

as a Hardware Store It is Completely Fitted with Shelving, For further particulars sj to C. A. CASTLK, or W. C. PARKK.

se20 TO LET THOSE DESIRAIiLE PREMISES, X. lu5 Nuuana Arenae, at present occupied by Mr. ror particulars apply to JAS. 8.

LKUON. FOR SALE. MTHE PROPERTY SITUATED AT soj the foot ot MAKIKI VAl.LKY nrar lunahou. eAJ eooUining FOL ACP.UUF LAND, one-third blng Kalo Land nnder culliralion. A U(H) COTTAUK containing foar rooms Cock llou-.

Fowl 1 loose, on the premises. Two streams of wafer run through the land. For further particulars, inquire of W. O. WOOLSKY, Firm of J.

M. Oat failmakera. FOR SALE OR LEASE THE STORE AM) PREMISES XOW occupied by the uodersiKned.on Maanakea Street. The premiiea are in good order out houses, govern ment water laid on. For further particulars, apply to augI0 3m A.

CIXOKK. FOR RENT OR LEASE. THOSE VERY DESIRAIILR PREMISES on Beretania St. st present ocenpird by II. K.

Hitchcock, Inspector Oeneral of Schools, and adjoining the premises of Ber. Walter t'resr; the house contains au elesant parlor, dining-room, three bed-rooms, pantry and kitchen, bath h'ttse and serrants houfu, stable, and is located in a pleasant neighborhood, and surrounded by garden and pasture grounds. Enquire of (oh) TIUGO STANCES ALP. Properties For Sale or Lease THE CELEBRATED SUGAR LAND OF II A KA LA U. in the District ofllilo, Hawaii.

ALSO The I.and, House, Pasture and Prenises of ACATKEAE, Kooa, Hawaii, eontaiuing about 700 acres. For particulars apply to scU Y. L. GREEN. A FIIVE CIIAIVCE rilll t.M l.Mi A AliUSUill of money, or of securing 0SE OF THE MOST ELIGIBLE DWELLING LOTS In the CUy of Honolulu, Is now offered by the Undersigned.

He is desirous to dispose of that fine and healthily situated piece of Land adjoining the Government Garden, and fronting School and Fort Streets at the head of the latter. Any one wishing to purchase should apply soon, as the Lot. will be sold at a low figure. oc6 J. b.


CHASE, Proprietor, TnE L0GEST FHOTOCK APIIFK IS nOSOLULC. PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN IS THE LATEST style and with all the improvements in the art, and ALWAYS ON THE LOWEST TERMS! FOR SALE Photographs of the Kinrs, Queens, Cbicr and other important personages. Also, the Largest Variety of Views, Cards, Stereoscopic, Ac, Ac, AT LOW PRICES. Frames, Slcreoscojses, dc, Cfieapcr thou ran be found at any place in the city. Having all the conveniences doing out Unnr work.

Views or Ecsidences, will be taken Better and at Lower Prices than by any other Gallery in th city. If. L. CHASE, BOOTS lSPTS ir BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS JUST RECEIVED EX D. C.

MURRAY. JOYS SCREWED CALF BOOTS. Baya Screwed Calf Oxford Tie. Baya Screwed Calf Batniarals, Mi. ara Calf Balmoral, (acrewed) Mfs'i Calf Balmorals, (acrewed) ALSO, A F1SEL1SE0F BENKERT'S SHOE-WARE! Also, a fall Assortment of GENT'S CLOTHING! AND SUPERIOR FURNISHING GOODS Which will be Sold at Prices to a i the intra! A I M.

MrlNERNYS, o4 3m Corner of 'ort and Merchant Streets. Just Received ex R. 0. Wylie dlnl For Sale ly lie Uiulersirpinl: JEFFREY Ai CO'S EDINBURGH ALE, a quarts and pints. German Ale, Key brand, quarts and pints.

A small inroiee of tba celebrated Norwegian Ale, in cases of 3 doseo quarts each. Genuine IloIUnd's Gin in glass snd stone jugs, Csses Rhine Wine, Liebfranen Milch, Cases Aromatic Schnapps, Allasb Poppelknemitrl, Cases Assorted Bitters, One Qallna Demijohns of Alcchol. II. HACKFELD KCO. 1 BURLAPS, FOR tjaiT) OR SALE II C.








ZINC, pOR A BY C. BREWER ft Co. HAVE ON HAND 3-8, 1-2, 3-4. 1, 8 AND 3 INCH COPPER TUBING, In lengths from to 15 reel; Galvanized Corrugated Hoofing. 2Cx84 inches; Cases Tin Plate, all sizes; Sheet Lead, Brass and Soft Solder, Galvanized Tlain Sheet Iron, 1C to 2C gauge Sheet Copper, tinned and clean, all hizes; Lead Pipe.

Also, Few STOVES I At Old Prices. ALSO- Just Arrived per R. C. Wylie I Barrels Sheet Zinc, Cases Sheet Tin, Block Tin, Also, Expected per Ceylon! FULL ASSORTMENT OF STOVES. Rivets, tinned and black, 2 to lbs.

EXTRA 3 PLY AMERICAN RUBBER HOSE! WMch they can warrant to be the best article made. Plain and Hose Tibb 1-2 to 1 1-2 in. Sink and Dath Tub Pings, House Water Closets, Sprinklers, Hose CoupMngs Nozels, Deck Screws, Tatent Can Openers. Tinned Tacks, Cast Iron Sinks, Galvanized Elbows, Union Couplings, Ac. Douglass Lift and Force Pumps Douglass Lift Pumps, 0 to C.

rf ichich they Offer For Sile at Reasonable I Frices. ST Staves Pnrrhasfd at this Establishment Set np I Free of Charge. Having a large stock of Coj'per Tubing, Sheet Copper, and other Materials in their line, they are preyired to Jill Flaniation atui other orders at prices satisfactory to bvyer and seller, at No. 9 KAAHUMANU STREET, jj8 JCST ABOVE THE BANK. notice.

ryiHE UXDERSIONED BKIXB I leave tha Islands, has ven JOIl THOM AS Vunior. nd HENRY WATER HOCSK. each full Poe5Vm t0 WATERHOUSK. tiix: FAcirio Commercial bbcrfisr r. SATURDAY.

OCT. 20. The Hawaiians an Oceanic Race No. 3. Whenever I recur to the origin cf the Hawaiians, proofs multiply and crid upvn u.e that tht-y are not from the west.

i The Arabians to extend their commerce un-, dcr Al Maesu, I. and under bis successor AI llajchid. who was cotemrcrarv with Chrlemn-e. The Malays were a piratical parasite growinz cut of that commerce in the In liau ArcLipeiago, anl on tdeir first appearance were concerts to the creed of Mahomet. They were zealous Where is there a trace of Mahomed among the of Oceanica? Is there the remotest evidence of aCnity in any t-elief, rite, form, or cere- Tl 1 xaony religion superstition call it you will, leases the most iudelille trace on a race of men, and where is not the faintest ehadow of a resemblance between the creeds of two widely separated peoples, we are bound to conclude that they are not cognate, jr sprung from the same stock.

If the supporters of a contrary theory fill back I upon tbe aboriginal inhabitants of Java and Sumatra, tetore the origin cf the Malays, au maintain that they may have sptung from there, I will reply that they are net or the same race Oceanics, but physically different. as the people of They are a small, yellow people, with flat noses, high theek bones, slight beards, speaking a language original in its character, diUeiing from the Malays, but possessing some Oceanic words, which may bare been introduced by wanderers or Colonists from the East, and who mixed with the aboriginal races. No migration took place from these Islands to the East during the Hindoo supremacy, which was before the rise of the Malays, or we would have had some trace of their language as well as of their religion, but we have none not a particle more trace cf Brahmanisin and UhiiJ Jism, than we have of the Mohammedanism. One of the strongest trace3 of an orisinal race and one that lingers longest, is the names of places. mountains, rivers, natural ot jects.

Man's past his- i tory shows that successive waves of conquering races may roll over country, sweeping away all the aboriginal inhabitants, and their memory still lives only in the names they have left behing, and which the red tide of war and desolation have failed to obliterate. They are the Idas ami Olympias of i language, exhibiting their Cyclopean forms amid all I the changes around them. Where among all the names of places in the Indian Archipelago, can you find one with a purely Hawaiian or Oceanic name? I Where is there the name of mountain, river, eea, island, cr town that would show an archaic trace of i the Oceanic, or Hawaiian language? Not one The force of this argument is apparent. The idea is preposterous that the original inhabitants of Oceanic.i came from the west ngainst winds, ocean currents, and the mirratory march of man. The Phoenecians were princes cf the ocean, but their furthest ventures were the Isles of Britain, and the circumnavigation cf Africa, under Necho, the Sovereign of Egypt.

The sea-born Grecians, with the best constructed vessels of antiquity, generally sailed in sight of land, and their furthest voyages were Sicily and Africa. About the year 1000 of the Chris iau era, the out-lawed Eirek, the Red, with the bold and adventurous Scandinavians, felt his way by Iceland, through its bays to Greenland, which led to the discovery of Vineland, (America.) Those spasmodic efforts died away without any great results. In 1480, the Portuguese bad doubled the Stormy Cape, but it was not until some years later that any one dared to venture out into the broad Atlantic. Is there any plausibility in the supposition that the aborigines of Java, Sumatra, or the Malays, ventured in frail canoes, or in later times in large vessels, over the wide Pacific, before Columbus, with all the knowledge of his time, guided by a high genius, mnde his bold venture across the Atlantic? That they peopled these Islands in either ancient or modern times by design or accident 'is a preposition in itself improbable, if not impossible. It could not have been done by design; is there any plausibility in the supposition that it was done by accident The Hindoos were never a maritime people.

During their occupation of Java, they never extcuded their maritime dominion. Prior to the 15th century, the Malays had little maritime knowledge or skill. True, they were pirates from their first appearance in the Indian Seas, but their depredations were then, as now, confined to the coasts and in insignificant vessels. From Celebes and the northeasterly Islands of the Archipelago to the Hawaiian group, is about 7000 miles, nearly three times the distance Columbus sailed in crossing the Atlantic No vessel possessed by any of the inhabitants of the Islands of the Indian Archipelago, before the 13th century, could have been watered and provisioned for such a voyage in unknown sea9, without chart or compass. In fact, it was not until some centuries later that they ventured as far as the outer Islands of that Archipelago, and not until recently have they advanced as fur as Timor and New Guinea or Papua.

It is absurd to contend that prior to the modern improvement of navigation, they could have peopled Oceanica in their light primitive vessels. What would avail a few bananas, cocoanuts and calabashes of water on a precarious voyage of months, perhaps years, in a frail canoe at the mercy of the winds and waves? Then the whole distance would have to be performed against the ocean currents and the trade winds, eternal and restless, blowing in the teeth of a vessel on a direct line from these Islands to the Celebes It is begging the question to argue with the Rev. Mr. Williams, Dr. Lang, and others, that they might have wcut Irom one island to another and from one group to another, without having a greater distance than 1100 miles between the most distant points.

There never was such a fortuitous coincidence of ac cidents as to produce such a result against all the forces tf natu'e. Accident would not invariably carry them from one island to another, always selecting the nearest. And if not carried thus by accident, it would presuppose a geographical knowledge of the different islands which the ancient Javans or late Malaccas never possessed, nor do they now possess it. The Malacca pirncies in times past, as now, were confined to the Indian Seas. I might here remark in opposition to the theory of accidental drifting from the west, that there is no tradition among the Hawaiian people that anything was drifted to these Islands of any kind or character whatever, that can be identified as belonging to the other islands of Oceanica or from the Indian Archi pelago.

And the same msy be asserted of the nearest Oceanic Islauds to the Indian Archipelago. It is true that in recent times Japanese vessels have been I borne here by the Japan current, but these started and oarae north of the trade winds and the equato- rial current, as I will explain hereafter. Against the proposition of the accidental pcopleing I of these Islands by the Javans or Malaccas, enn be urged tbe argument, that all the islands inhabited by the Papuan race intervene, from New Guinea and the several groups connected therewith, the New others; thai Vxh rece; found on ihe Islands Hebrides, Lramonga, Tanna, the till groan and have very recently migrated, and are from the ic ivom migration i Toogan or Friendly Islands. The migration has beeu from the East and not fora the West. The ear'y navigators, Captains Cook, Bougainville, D.

Forster.and others describe the Tongans as having a tooting at Erronau and others of the Papuan Islands. Tbir contact with the Fijis, and the impress of their language are so evident that all the rudiments of Fiji civilirttion can be traced to them. Then there is the physiological difference between the Oceanic man, and the Malay or man of the Indian Archipelago. The pure natives of Oceanica, in form, feature, development of brain and moral characteristics, approach very nearly the Caucasian type. They are susceptible of a rapid and high civilization.

They have accomplished more in a half century than the Javans have accomplished in 17 centuries, and more than the Malays have since their i i fr i 1 origin, as a people. aney nave ueveiopeu a capaciiy for self government, of which the races to the West are incapable. Their Legislation after only uO years of contact with civilization would do credit to any people of Europe. They are law abiding, easily governed and exhibit the highest qualities of the i i Aryian races. toe otner nana we nnn tne and inhabitants of the Indian Archipelago, of a totally different physical, mental and moral form, They are Indo-Chinese in form and feature, with oblique eyes and the yellow lemon complexion.

The mental power is of a lower grade, incapable of development. Like all the Asiatics of Indi: and the countries contiguous, they are marked by a crineincr pervilitv to rower, are lncapauje oi sen i i litical ideas, or Legislation. They are cruel, inhos- pitable, blood-thirsty muck "-runners, revengeful, implacable and unforgiving. While we find that the people of Oceanica are mild, centle, cenerous, hospitable and forgiving, it is im- possible that such opposite characteristics should be ine supporters Ol Uie tneory Ol migrauon irom me west, refer to languages as their strongest argument. finnlorrir nf lnnona rrta aa thi wenl-pst nf I oil xehh tr.,nl afflnitipa 0 when we find the physical nn 1 mental characterwtics widely different. Philologists in their enthusiasm for their favorite science have placed too much importance on a similarity of sounds and meaning in the corn parison of languages. Unwritten language among a barbarous people is subject to great imitations. Tribes of common origin, living contiguous, have, in a few centuries, so changed their language, as to be wholly to each cilier, a. the Seven i Moquis towns of tbe pueM.s cf New I Mciioj: wli' ilo comruuuilir nni ctiii ostiun have changvU their language to that cf the cunquer- ors or the conquered.

I can cite, for iusUnce, the i ir.sxy nAtiens conquered bj the ILmiAtis where the aboriginal languages give way to the Latin. Also, iu I more modern time. I can point to the Franoo-Ger-i mana, who conquered Gaui, the Gutbs. whoconquerevl Spain, and the Normans, who conquered Ecflanl. The inhabitants of the Fiji Islau Is are ucqaeationably a Papuan people, yet they have borrowed their nu-j rneraia and many wrh in their langusjje intra the Tongans.

The foltecan, an Axcecan nice of Mexico, have, in three centuries, lost their own language and 1 adopted that of their conquerors. The instances that can be cited are so numerous, that the presumption cf an aiSnity i races from the resemblance of language. is of tbe weikest kind, unless there is a renemblancw of physical form and mental characteristics. Of the of Africans in the United State, probably not one knows a syllable of the African dialects, and because they speak English, would you class them with the Auglo-Saxou race? The most that aftw words io common can prose, is probably that there was a contact of races com-mercially, or otherwise. We might as well contend that the Anglo Saxons are all Gauls, because we can point out a tew hundred words in the English language which have been incorporated from the French.

Aud ecause the Malays and Javaiuses have box rowed a few Oceanic or Hawaiian from casual immigrants cast upon their shores in ancient times, are we to call all the inhabitants cf the Indian Archipelago. Hawanans or people of Oceanica? 1 have carefully examined the vocabularies of Alfred I Russell Wallace, and others in some 69 languages or the Indian Archipelago, and I find the analogies few, and the resemblances more fancied than real to the 1 Hawaiian language. But I will dismiss this part of my subject, and if not too busily engaged will give you a number next I week La Paz. H. HACKFELD CO.

OFFER FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING GOODS! just HAW'N BARK R. C. WYLIE! 122 DAYS FROM II It EM EX. PRINTS, LAWNS, MUSLINS, White and Blue Cottons, and Drills, Blue Denims, Burlaps, Mosquito Netting, Blue and White Flannels, White Moleskin, Assorted Bed Quilts, Assorted Silk, Cotton and Linen Handkerchiefs, White Imperial Linen, Assorted Towels, Socks and Stockings, Assorted Threads, Assorted Shawls and Plaids, Woolen Blankets, red, white, green, blue gray, Fancy Fianuel Shirts, Fine Cloths and Cashmeres, BEDFORD CORDS, LININGS, for Tailors use. Fine Silks and Woolen Goods for Ladies Dresses, Bunting, assorted colors, French Merinos, Veil Barege, Assorted Perfumery, Lubin's Extracts, Assorted English Saddlee, French Calfskins, Paints and Oils, A full Assortment of German, French and English GROCERIES! Rhine Wines, Champagne, Scotch Ales, German and Norwegian Ales, Gin, Sherry, IIARDWARK Butchers Knives, Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors, Perforated Brass Centrifugal Linings, Babbitt's Metal, Bauca Tin.

Tin Plates, Fence Wire, Galvanized Iron Pipes, Sheet Zinc, Best Refined Irons, Assorted Qualities Net dies, Silver Plated Forks, Spoons and Ladles, Combs and Brushes, Fancy Goods, Toys and Riding Whips Assorted Cordage, Portland Cement, bpt brands, Blacksmiths' Coala, Tar and Pitch, Fire Clay, Fire Sand, Fire Bricks, Oak Boats for coas'ers, A Small IaA of Superior CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE Consisting of Mahogany Sideboard, with Marble Slab Mirror Ditto Dining Table, Rosewood Centre Table, ditto Sofa, Cane Scat Folding Chairs, FINE HAVANA and GERMAN CIGARS in full assortment and at various prices. Music Boxes, Glass Beads, And Many 0ther Qoodg tofJ Numerous to Specify. tep7 tf New Cigar and Tobacco Store. rfsflE CXDEKSIGXEH BEGS TO NOTIFY the Public generally that he has opened in the alKre business at the More at 44 FORT STREET, Where he will keep constantly on han I the best brands of CIGAKS ANL TOBACCO, MEEUSCIIACM AND OTHER PIPES, A large assortment of the latest styles. Soda Water and Ginger will sl90 J(! foaiM ready to pire his prompt attention to orders in his line as a Machinist and Engineer.

jus if Thomas lack. VAIALUA FEMALE SEMINARY! There will be a Fair Exhibition HELD AT THE A I A LUA PROTES. TAN Cll L'RCiI, f-r the Benefit of the Waialna Female Seminary, -ON- FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20th. All interested in tbe KducatPn i Hawaiian Oirls. are cordi ally invited to favor us with their presence.

We will endeavor to off-'r sale such articles as will attractive for Clirist xxi. fv 6 C3r i ft The avail, said Fair will expended in the purchase of a SEWING MAC11I'E, that the pupils may become skilled io its use. Th Teachers of the waiaiua remaie Seminarv would re- anectfullv so icit aid fmra the Merchants of Honnldln, in the of KTiA en1s," that thry can spre towards Fancy Articles the FAIR which th-y contemplate holding in le- rnnhrr next. PerhaDS our ladv friends may render as aid in the matter. All articles collected, may ne sm io e.

O. Hall's store, from whence they will be promptly forwarded to aialua. s-21 Im NOTICE. HAVING RECEIVED THE APPOINT. MEM- as Agent of he Mutual Life Insurance of er iork for the Hawaiian Islands, I am prepared to settle with all having nnv insurance business with the former (o." HASI'LO.

WILI.rR. HAYSELDEN 4 WtaW4 L.AIli:s' L.M.I1T AiI I. AIIII.S' WIlITi: A All ASSOKTF.D S1ZI.S, UtVli The nhove is mi Assortment ol mid Imported hy us direct SILKS, SILKS, SILKS, ri AYS 1Z ISIV SeT C. E. WILLIAM'S BUILDING.

FORT STREET. STATIONER AND NEWS DEALER, IVo 19 Merchant Honolulu. KEEPS COJVSTA.VrrY OIV IIAAI A FILL SUITLY OF Plain, Flat and Congress Paper, Ruled Congress Cap, white blue. Packet Post, Commercial Letter, Congress Letter, French Orerlaml Letter, Tacket Note, Commercial Note, plain srvl ruled; Lailks' Note, plain and rull, white and tinted; French Note, various figure patterns; Mourning Note, aud Hill, Pher, Packages Initial Note Paper and Envelopes, Cap Acoount Current Commercial Letter, Account Current Paper, llroad and Long Hill Paper, Music Ruled Paper, Black Lines, Tissue I'sper, (iov. rnui.nt Com men ial.

Letter, Note, Lillet and Cloth Lined Jtnvelopei. Bronze, Grlass and Fancy Ink Stands The Host Inks in Black, Blue, Carmine. Red and VloP-t, Cap and Letter ipying P.iprr. Oiled Copying Sheet, Copying Brushes, Bahbitlonisn, Washington, Medallion, Olllott's and Knsterhnxik's Steel Pens, fluid Pens, Quill Pns and Quills, Sealing Wax, Pipi'r Fasteners, Ruhbcr, Faber's Pencils, Nos. 1.

2, 8, and 4, warranted; Faher's Artist Pencils, Faler's Wax Crsyons, Card Board, IlrlxUI Board, Perrrled Board, Drawing Paper. Tinted Paper Tracing Paper, Tracing Cluth. Rodger's Steel Erasers, Wostenholai's Pocket Cutlery, A LARGE VARIETY OF BLANK BOOKS! Nuchas: Ledgers, Journals, Cah, Record. Waste. Index, Fcrap, Letter, Trial Balances, Invoice, Memoranda and Pars Honks Shipping and Money Receipt Books, Note Books, Bill Keoeivahle Book.

A Large Variety of GAMES. Mechanical and Mental! Toys, an assortment. Alphabet Blocks, Toy Books, Fsocy Paper Lanterns, Christmas Candles Traveling Writing Companion, Traveling Toilet Cases, Work Bags, HAWAIIAN AN 13 AMERICAN TOY IP A Stereoscope views, Stereoscopes, Photo Views and Photogrsphs, Chessmen, Checker Hoards, Ilonilnocs Crib Boards and Boxes, Albums, 1XU MANY OTHER. ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO M'KCIKY. HEW YORK STYLES OF FANCY PRINTS JUST RECEIVED BY CASTLE COOKE.

-ALSO VAINEST A ND MF.IIILM EMil.Illl A 1 If AMKKIUA LUXU FINEST IIO. i nie Black Silk, Medium quality do Finest Black Machine Silk, also, assorted colors and numbers. New lot orrs A McNaught's, and Taylor's Superior Machlua pool Cotton, Ladies' Israb Uoe and Lisle Thread Gauntlets, Bilk Klaatic, Black, brown, slate and buff Linen Holland and Silesias, A assortment of Pesrl Dress, Vest and Coat Buttons, Fancy Neck Ties, Finest Blaflk Crape, Hooks and F.yes, Black Alpacas, all qualities. Urey and Brown Mixed Alpacas, Black, brown, blue and scarlet Coburgs. all qualities.

lute and colored Brilliants, Fancy Piquets, tc, A-c -c. A.lso, Expected by tlio Steamer, A LARGE ASST. OF MERCHANDISE SUITABLE FOR ALL Consisting of: B.3NrC7Sr C3s-OOXSa SuoH asi Fancy French Corsets, Silk L'ndershtrts. Lisle Thread Hose. Marseilles Quilts, Merino do.

Fancy Work Baskets, Fancy Plaid (llnrhams. Manchester White do. White and Brown Linens, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, ladies and gents. Finest Victoria Lawns, Grey Blankets, White Crib Blankets. Pi IVTO VTV ATT Tins Chrome and Paris Green In OH, I.

2. and at lb. tiosi tins trench XS i i I WUiO Yellow Burnt aid haw Cmber. Boiled and Raw Oil, Castor and Neats Foot Oil, White Leal and Zino, Carriage, Furniture and Coach Varnish. rirp i CP LeWer n1 Note Envelopea.

Faber's Iirawing and Carpenter's Pencils, 1 'Jl Jjlll Oiliou's. Easterbrook'i and Washington Medallion ry 4 T) Till7' TT7 rawlng Knives. Mortice Gauges, Hammers, Chisels, Tabla Cutlery. Pocket rlAltl ilillJ CVvy. Cutlery.

Borers Soo's make; Sail Needles, Heina Twine, Farrier Knives and Hammers. Emery Cloth, Best 4 in. English Belting. JUST RECEIVED PER ATLAS Burlaps, Saddlery, Haop Iran, Bar Iron, Yellow Ochre, Freurh Yellow, Drj Pare Lead. From New York and San Francisco Hunt's Axes, Ox Bows, li, II and 2 in.

Vokes, Fquara and Hexagen Nuts, Spades, Fhovels, Tin Plate, A One assortment of Files up to IS inches. Bras and Iron Screws, Best Leaf blue, Dog Chains. ON HAND, BEST GOLDEN GATE FL.OCR, DOWSER'S KEROSENE OIL. fcc, Vc, Vc. Aic.

JLc. See Wllsf EI.I TO THE TRADE AS LOW AS LOWEST. myll BROS 4WV a IM.CY COLORS, 11 Choice. IIIsACK, AftMtrtrd; 80 Dozen iiintle to our order from the or Paris. IN GREAT VARIETY CRITERION IIOUHE,.

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