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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIUEH, TUESDAY, MAliCH ltf, 1888. IBE BLIZZtRD. grapns and that is the main reason" whv FREDERICK'S KBIUKN. I admikistratios's hand i RELATIONS Willi MEXICO their system does not pay Interest on outlay and expenses. The system here will Show fa the right to National Delegates not cost the mvernment anvthW Ufc GEBMASl'S OPS0R AT TBS CHARIOT- ad Prominent Oltiseaa Talked of for Electors, 50,000,000, it will have no competitors to TENBUKG CASTLE.

N0 WAEBAST F0S THE PUESUIT OF CBIHims ACKOSS THE BOEDER. Senor Romero's Comment. The political sensation yesterday was there. buy out, it will be able to establish a system which wlU have no opposition from the time of Us establishment, and it will Reception by Bismarck-Enthusiastic port that the administration had resolved to take a band at tbe primary election to-night do a business with which the telegraphing of the easy-going Britain holds ne compari Weioome by the Populace No 111 Results Apparent from tbe Long Journey, Recent Arrest of an Arizona Posse-The Americans in the Wrong. in tne contest in tne xnird congressional district for delegates to tbe National Convention son in volume or in the resultant revenues.

At last Philadelphia and an extent of surrounding country which, is entirely indeft-nito at this writing, have had practical experience of a genuine blizzard. It la found to be a phenomenon by no means to be despised, and not at alt to be desired. All the characteristics attributed by the news writers of the West to a first-class blizzard wen-present in the visitation of Sunday nigh' and yesterday morning, except that the flying snow was not quite thick enough to obscure the vision and bewilder the traveler entirely. At its worst, one could see flCtj yards before him, and in this respect i must be confessed our blizzard fell short o' the mark, but all the other features were there; the thick, line snow, thefuriou wind, the intense cold, the stranded trains, the dismantled telegraphs, even, it is to b. feared, the fatal freezing, were all present.

Tax Deceiver Clay and Harry Hunter were de- Washihoton, March 12. 8enor eiarea io tne iavorites of his Honor In this figtt Tbe ward committees met throughout the city last evening. It was Mexican Minister, was asked yesterday If ha had any advices with the regard to the arrest at Janos, Chihuahua, of an Arizona posse pursuing Into Mexico Stein's passenger train roh-berf. He replied that the only information he nuam ntn hmm (aacom mtUH WILLIAM W. HABDIKe, INQUIRU BuUNMk CHESTNUT ANO TENTH STftECTcV Isaerved tosubacribera at TWWlCBBBftWBdt, payable tetbecarrler arapnta 8eodof(a week or month.

Br maa for fitt com ft KoothiOnOutu? fcr tiro BKntbs, or SU JXaiMper variably in advance. AnvavngiMi Kates. Fifteen Cen per Una. Thb sqrniER III be sent free of posag to sub Titers in the United States. TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1838.

av All city orders tor Til iHqmaia sent by postal card or through telephone will be promptly served by the camera to any addres. Subscribers are requested te notify the publisher II the paper la not regularly received. Isow is tho spring of our discontent. This is literally the worst we ever anw. 1 To Dakota: Call off your blizzards and lel'a be friends.

hoped tbat tbere would be harmony brought about, at least tor the present, but Chairman Borke'a efforts that end bave yet to bear good fruit, lhare will be few other wards In wbloh much Interest will be taken In the election BCBTEBBANEAir WONDER. An Inquiring reader asks the following question: My friend declares there are salt mines In thW oountry and I dispute It, claiming that tbe fine table salt la obtained, as at Syracuse and Ballua, from salt water evaporated, and the resultant product la then purified. What are the facts7 During the late civil war some Confederates, while boring for water near New Iberia, in Louisiana, discovered a salt mine, which bas been worked ever since, but the salt contains some magnesia and lime also. to-night. iuii subject was what appeared In tho newspapers, and that evn supposing It to ba fPlL''tWappearthattho Arizona potee Bzblih.

March 12 Emperor Frederlok III has written a letter to Prlnoe Blsmarok confirming hW policy, and has also Issued a proclamation to tbat i Ceot. The Emperor's Journey. 3etilin, March 12 Tbe Berllnese have had a cbanoe to show their love (or Unser Fritz and enthusiastically they have availed themselves ot It. Thousands found their way out to tbe Castle of Charlottenburg an! awaited In the chill night air the arrival of tbe special train. The castle was Illuminated, and, while this attracted thousands, thousands more surrounded the railway station.

Tae Imperial Guards were posted everywhere, but were not needed to keep the loyal crowd lnordfr. Tbe Imperial train oa Us arrival at Lelpslo at 6 38, was met by Prlnoe Blsmarok, Count ttegardtng tbe national delegates, tbe only doubt, outside o( the Third district, Is whether Charles A. Porter will retire la favor ot Wil liam in the Fifth. Tne Third dl- It was a blizzard such as few people In this section have ever seen, such as still fewer trtet comprises the Tblrd, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, can soli rights ot sovereignty which Tare Eleventh, Twelfth, Fourteenth and Seven- cluslyely vested In the Mexican authorltieV teentb wards. will ever care to see again.

Never before has a snow storm caused Ex-DfDutv Sheriff Hunter's boomtnc ot in iiolaton, Virginia, there is a small salt mine of great purity, and, therefore, of Mayor Fitter tor the Presidency Is the foundation npon wbloh bis friends base their claim auch a complete suspension of business. Trains have been impeded and travel oi tne support of tne administration. Tax Ue- great value. UntU within six months or so ago these were theTonly two Bait mines stopped for a few hours, but never before, Herbert uismarci, all the Ministers, General Aibedjll and General von WUtaorlsky, chiefs of tbe Imperial Military and Civil celver Clay, who baa tbe district well in hanl tor himself, will do all In bis power to make Jobn Hnnter, of tbe Fourth ward, hie colleague. Commissioner Btulb and tbe ex-Deputy Sheriff are training together.

the Minister "that the United States and Mexinn -i agreement In 1883 toallow theses pecdve reg nlar trooDS tn nrns infn ow reg- uouni uuienDerg, grand master of ceremonies. The arwoanh to rhn ataUnn at rhia since railroading became the exact science that it is now, was travel between this city and New York entirely cut off for a whole day. Telegraph wires have broken down and whole ''circuits" have been rendered useless, but there was always a way to get 'tlmewsB filled with an enormous crowd There was no official reoeptlon by the local in hot pursutt of Indians The' common" enemy of both countries, but ttatimS could not cover In any eaea tte nSnmrf criminals, either by military efX0ffla2L( and besides it ended bylhnlSJos lorn year ago, and bas not since hJ sat horl ties. Prince Bismarck: entered tha it is said that the congressional dlstriot conventions on Wednesday. In addition to naming the national delegates, will also agree upon tbe two electors and alternates from each district John Dobeon will probably be determined npon as Philadelphia's choice far elector at-large, A number of prominent business Tug "big fellow" Isjjust about dime museum size, UOW, Tut battle of the bills three tariff aliout to begin.

Mr. Havdai.t. bad tbat bill in bis inside saloon to street tbe Emperor and Enoresa. Emperor Frederick III stepped quickly to wards tne door and repeatedly embraced so tbat in the resent condition nr Prlcoe Bismarck. It was noticed that the ana proreseionai men are mentioned for tbe district electorships.

even tbe regular troops ot theTJobed Wea pursue news In some direction. We might have to communicate with New York by way of Chicago or with Tittsburg by way of New Orleans, but somehow we always managed to keep up at least partial communication with all sections of the country. Now, Emperor stood quite erect with tbe Empress by bis side during the conversation wl'h the Chancellor. Tbe Empress also greeted the xne selection ot tne latter may be postponed, however, until the meetlmr of the State Con Chancellor most warmly. vention.

worthy the name on this continent, but about the time mentioned the most wonder-ful salt mine ever known was discovered, and is now being operated very profitably, and as all information concerning it has been scrupulously witheld a brief description of it may not be out of place. The only salt mine in the world of greater purity ia at Wieliezka, near Cracow, in Austrian Gallieia. It has been worked for eight centuries. This remarkable salt mine is situated at Piffard, on the Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia Bailroad, about twenty-eight miles south of Rochester. The salt deposits are located about eleven hundred feet below the surface of the ground.

A shaft with three compartments has been sunk, hoisting and crushing machinery aie at work, and the mine is now yielding about 500 tons of salt per day, which is sold for chemical nurnoses as well as for O'vll Bervlca Commissioner Lrmnn. z. mucu less could olvll officers do so in pursuit of common criminals. Mexico and the United States have an extradt Pro'ldingaway jn wbloh criminals or susrcts ot crimes committed In one country, who take refuge in the other, can be arrested and delivered np to the offended conn- Eerr voa Puttkamer and the other Ministers and Count Herbert Bismarck were then prer sented to tbe Emperor and paid their respects to blm. Emperor Frederick now appeared at Philadelphia bas been isolated for twenty bulled States Civil Service (Jouiuno.a- Charles Lyman arrived in this citv vesterdav four hours, and for one day we have been tne window of his carriage and bowed to the to superintendent tne departmental examina forced to realize the condition of things tion.

assembled people on tbe platform, who re that prevailed in our grandfathers' time, uniy a few days ago it was reported that Mexican soldiers had crossed from Pierim. A number ot applicants tor Booolntment at ceived him with the greatest enthusiasm. On Washington as stenographers, copyists and copyists and resuming bis Journey at 7 o'clock the Em' wncn news bom puuuc ana private was similar positions took part in the peror again appeared at tbe window and was Neprag to Eagle Pass to arrear. as -as alleged! examination, a -esetter and tbat Mt mJtpfo this eountry as a violation ot the wnicn wiu ne continued to-uav. received with a perfect tumult of oheerlns.

carried by slow and infrequent mails and the most rapid means of communication Commissioner Lyman was at the Continental hrnnnni wblcb continued as long as the train remained eovere-gmy trne united B'ates by Mexican soldiers. It officers ot the UnifA 25 Hotel last evening, and. in response to la In sight. Prince BUmarck remained In the was a horse. pocket, i Didn't Ibe free traders know? i la no loss without some suiall gain.

The storm' decimated the sparrow colony. Piusct William will never show more than one fine band in European politics, anyhow. If the telegraph climbers should strike now there would be few ready to take their places. Who would have supposed the appearand Itundall'a Tariff bill could raUc etich a storm! A J'Ai rEB suddenly found himself worth thousands yesterday. Ifs an ill blizzard that blows nobody food.

I.cvpkinV famoua slave pen has been torn down at last. Chicago oiijrht to build it up thi re beside Llbby Prison. said: "There la nothing specially new saloon until tne train reacbed Charlottenburg, wnere it anivea at 11 id r. u. To those who have oomfirtablo homes nnd can afford to stay in them this rare to say about the commission.

We are preparing onr annual report, which will contain sta territory breakers Ot the law In their country Mexican officers could certainly exercise the same rights la the territory of this country; but. In fact, there Is Arrival at Oharlottetenbure. tletics and other matter relating to our work. freak of the elements has come rather as The assembled crowd manifested their de packing meals. A noted firm of manufac- we will probably refer to the light at his return In a way that deeolv an agreeable diversion thun anything else.

unworn iuh two countries au in Philadelphia make use turing chemists of It altogether. investigation in mis city as well as tnat in tborlalng any auoh proceeding Chicago, and one report will contain certain Benor Bomero further said The. rr TV further aM h.t touched tbe Emperor; bnt It was all Importaut tbat he should make no unnecessary exertion. It is a new sensation; something to talk vA recommendations and comment, of which. about and compare notes on.

Put to those One of the wonderful features of this it.7nnnipreTtar9t.0'xPr''!,g opinion bus, oowiog nis tnacKf, ne at onoe entered yon will understand, it would bj premature tbe earrlsee and was driven to the castle. for me to make mention at this time, Here another ovation followed as tbe earrlsee Mr. Lyman, it will be remembered, with drove through a lane formed lu tbe throng by CemmissionerOberly. maintained tbat depart- ment beads should keep a resord of the cause tne guarae, ana long aur ne naa retired to seek tbe needed repose the people lingered, hoping that be intent apper at a window. for all dismissals, but President Cleveland took just tbe opposite view ot the matter, He stood tbe journey fully as well as bis physicians hoped, but much uneasiness Is felt agreeing with commissioner KJgerun.

A New Candidate la tha leeond 3eotlon. as to tee enect ot tne cnt.npe of climate and mine is its purity, Professor Chandler's analysis showing that it contains in its natural slate 90.84 per cent, of chloride of sodium, which is virtually chemical purity as against the Virginia mine containing 00.55, aud the Louisiana 98.68 of salt. It Is crystalline, almost translucent and absolutely dry. Another remarkable feature is its extent, borings made for one square mile around the present shafting indicating no lessening in the depth of the deposit, accurate computations based on which show that if 1000 tons were mined daily it the great excitement attending his return. There bas been a shifting around In the con tZlZH 'viwOTiumw mo mextcan courts in this case, as they are reported In tbe news-L8ine) t0 21 reasonable would require thorough knowledge of the criminal E55h? would not be just to express an opinion with regard "Pen tbe supposition that P.bih?J,tale,Kb' b0 ERifch common law, whatever may be tbe merits or demerits pared 8I8tem of le81slaoa when fairly eom-PoeBt Appointment.

Mr. Albert Belyes, ot West Port, has cWeI ,01 Redemption division ot the treasurer's office, vice Mr. J. 0. Polnton, deceased.

Mr. Belyea is at Present employed in the New York Onstom House. He Is an old school friend ot Treasurer Hyatt and has had his confidence for test in tbe Second section for the position In FRIENDS OF THE PRISONERS. the Board ot Education vaeated by the death of Dr. Robert Memnger.

William u. Dutton, ot tho Board ot Health, his withdrawn from One Bandrrd and firt Anniversary of the who have Important engagements which they are prevented from keeping, who arc unuble to reach their places of employment or, being there, arc unable to get heme, or who.bave no defense against the fierce wind and the bitter cold, the blizzard is a disastrous visitor. Doubtless, men will be ruined by the failure of trains and telegraphs, certainly there will be great losses through Inability to da business, surely many workpeople of both sexes will bo put to serious ineonv. nlence and many will contract illness through exposure and privation; while as for the poor, they will suffer as they always do in such caes. And now, having experienced a bl.zzard, the people of Philadelphia will wonder more than ever why anybody should voluntary go and live in a country where such are to be expected, not only every tae dclii Pennsylvania Prison Society.

Tbe 101st anniversary of the Pennsylvania. avers d. Harrington, ot No. 520 Federal Street, who is still In the field, has a new com- Prison Boolety was ot lebratedjat Olivet Presbyterian Church. Twenty second and Mount Tns storm embargo of yesterday carried back to thedaya of long ago.

Distance lent no enchantment to the WnnKiwas the oldest citizen with hi sUiry about tlio inows when be was a boy whero was he yesterday morning? i Tn ()fvcrnor of Mississippi holds illc gaj pas- oa all the railroads of the Slate, and thi-rt f.iic one legal pass to jail. Wdl be go? Tgi.rnpMa were like lovers yesterday. They took the way. One went from Wilmington to Baltimore by way of etitor in the person ot Dr. A.

W. Duvail, of itth and Christian streets. The fact that tbe Vernon streets. would take 500 years to exhaust the yield Dr. William H.

Boblnson. resident nhvst- appointment bas been so loag delayed bas clan ot tbe Eat tern Penitentiary, made an a 7h Iork of 157,000,000 tons known to exist there, and it is believed that the same kind been tae occasion or considerable comment. address. In which be stated tbat more atrnn. President Steel, of the Board ot Education, is tlon should be paid to tbe young than the old said to be desirous of the election of Mr.

ot deposit extends further. A projection of shale prevents the ingress of surface ana cnuouceu prisoners. Harrington. warden Michael J. Cassldv.

of the same In Politics FaratrsphetJ, water. atltuilop, was particularly expressive la his langnsge opposing tbe marks made at the There was a lively time In the Twenty-ninth tn course it will be understood tbat Abti-uonvict jiSbor meeting at tna Academy iy announcing tbe finding of the court of inquiry tbat recently made an inves- vhod dlD huslnesV la vogue at tha New York Navy yMd naturally excites comment and affords an opportunity to the geeslpers to tell what they know abow DeParlnent is indirectly re-sponsible for gwat variety of conclusions fnt'hf aibX K0ffl8ere wh nae no to the record of the proceedings of tbe court. Borneo! these are of the opinion that tbe court treated the affair quite lightly, and only found that certain transactions were ot winter but several times a winter. tutre is no subterranean water in the vl I im'ayo. ward last night la preparing tor the eontest at the primaries this evening.

Tbe DlBstonltes, as well aa the regular Ward Committee, met ot Music on last Saturday evening. He spoke of It as being a fallacy to oppose the labor of tbe convict, that tbe deprivation ciuity. Thnt would reduce the salt to brine, and it is the general prevalence of and arranged for tbe Issue on the basis of no ak exchange headline reads ''Ideas for 1 tub fiis-tai. tklkoraph bill. compromise, xne sectional eohooi Hoard ad wattnntho earth that makes saltmines Congressmen." We hope some one basi The much-talked-of postal telegraph bas found an inexhaustible supply.

The de. 1 flnallv crvstalli.ed' in the. form nf a hill journed without electing a suooessor to A M. Blrtler, who declined the elactloa for an un was cerramiy tne greatest punishment that could be InBloted on a criminal. He made tbe startling prediction tbat should such a system evea occur a majority of our convicts so rare.

Once dissolved in the eround. expired term. in and is which the Committee on Commerce has re the salt water will then unite with the sur- Tbe Mcuieiian memorial Association met a. would become subjects for tbe Insane asylum Of the 11G4 prisoners under bis aara bnt tbe Amerious Club home last nlghand, louiiuiiigaepositsor nme or magnesia or npon motion of Thomas Carey, of tbe Oonti iron and become impure, reouirins refin twenty two have learned trades and but a tew are men of general edocatlon, the rest being comparatively Illiterate. Tbe services con It the liquor sellers can take a hint, a good many of the applicants in the License Court will Jook around for some other busL ncss, without waiting for the court's deci- ing.

The mine is the property of an incor nentai Cino, adopted resolutions of condemnation of Senator Ingalls' allusions to Mo-Cleilan and Hanoook in bis recent speech, and commendlrg Senator Blackburn for his porated company. cluded with a benediction, pronounced by the itev. i reaerick avans, pastor ot tbe church. reply. An engrossed copy of tbe resolutions will be sent to Senator Blackburn.

The HE FRENCH Iff TONQVIN. Those who hold this opinion are those who claim that the upshot of the Investigation win rfi tacbJngn0K.eaJ Adm'ral Gherardl, Captain Cooke, Chief Engineer Moore and Pay Inspector Stevenson from the yard. Another set ot officers who claim to base thelc opinion on Information obtained from a mem-ber of the court are eonfldejit that a court-martial baa been reoommended. They argue that the long delay In making the matter public is sufficient proof that the recommeadatlon of the eourt is a very serious one. Ths court-martial et a commandant ot a navy yard aud bis three principal assists nts at tbe same time would be something novel.

Cleveland' Health. Seme time aeo a wen tnnan r.nviinin FREE TRADE IN DISGUISE. tiuilo a spirited discussion took olace ported to tho House of Representatives, adducing reasons which seem to us incontrovertible why the bill should become a law. It provides for the purchase of rights of way aud construction of Hues throughout the country and offices in every place of over fi00 inhabitants, under the supervision of the Post Otlice Department, and specifics the rates of transmission as not more than 10 cents for SJ0 words for 500 miles, and press despatches for 1000 miles or less 1-8 of a cent per word. It makes an appropriation of tor the first association will go to Trenton on Memorial day to visit tomb.

the other day In the French Chamber of Philadelphia Manoractorars Kxpress Their a petition win do presentea iu court Opinion of tha Mills Tariff. tor tee division of tbe Twenty-eighth ward, Deputies concerning that old bone of contention, Tonquin andAnnam. One of the The meeting ot tbe Manufacturer's ntnh was that portion north of Susquehanna avenue to held last evening at the club-house, on Wa': do anewn as tne lninv second warcu it le members uaged tbat Tonquin was only a costly and useless possession, and that the out street, oeiow tsroaa, xoomas Dolan pre siding. Tbe Mills Tariff bill came up for con "What will follow Kaiser William' death?" asks an exchango. Very likely It will be another death, though even that may not ensue as soon as Prince may hope, frioHioN'ihai been arguing that the pulpit and the stage ought to be brought luto closer relations.

It is not likely tbey will 1m, however, so long as Sardou's plays re iu the ascendant. also proposed to renew the request to divld tbe Twenty-fourth ward at eltner Forty first or Fortv-tourtb street. sideratloD, and was severely criticized and sharply condemned. wisest thing to do would be to abandon it It out that tbe Presldent'a nhvkinui innnrin The police and otner department employees was liable to give way at an unexpected mo and the next wisest thing to erant it "au ine reduction which It makes In the various ment, xne publicity elven tha uratnmnnr terns ot the tariff were prononnoed ruinous. are expeoted to turn in tor ex Deputy Sheriff Hunter in the Third Congressional district to tonomy," which means that France should and the opinion was freely exDressed that it brought down on tbe doctor' head tbe wrath of tbe medical fraternity lor violating medtoal etblee.

It is probable tbat another dnntnr Kill content herself with maintaining a Minister year's- work. The bill speaks first of the great question underlying the discussion of the measure, whether at present we are not in the hands of a monopoly that not only has a charter night. wonld be tbe death knell ot tbe prosperity of oYcijr luauuitiuiurer vuo was interested in tne m-viueni at iianoi ana retaining the risbt to protect Tonquin against other aggrcs- materials snooted by its sweeping changes. Mr. C.

H. Harding made tbeopenlng speech PALLADIUM CMES. Very Llka What. It looks a little mora like Sbsrman aa the days sors; out that beyond this Tonquin should on tbe MIL Charles Delaney spoke ot tbe duty on curled bair for tbe manufacture of go by. nave us own government and its own army and should provide for the expenses mattref see, and J.

li. Trultt made soma ex tended remarks on the wool question. oi lis own administration. Neither Probable. Scranton Truth.

n. m. uuuerwortn reaa a protest Which bad teen sent by New England manufacturers to Congress, eomolalnlnff in em. nunc the conquest and occupation of tbe Phil Sheridan save he would rather be that hot and malarial country bave only Tug succulent bivalves vt Delaware aters are templing the palates of English-rtirn. Ist year nearly 100,000 barrels of oysters were shipped to Europe, mostly to Kngland, and the cry is still for more.

Tin man who bas tied from bis Alabama tome because be imagines himself a defaulter is a rare character. The man who leaves home because other people consider him a defaulter is too numerous to attract attention. father of twins than President. pbatto terms ot the Mills production aa a free trade bill. Tbe Randall bill was scarcely loucuen npnn, out win oa considered when arbitrarily, but can crush competition whenever it encounters it, and can cen.

trallze a tremendous power for oppressing the people. The fact that over Die toon, sands of miles of the country there is only one telegraph line puts the whole community at its mercy, and a careful comparison made with European systems demonstrates that, making allowances for distance, the average rate for telegraphing In this country is higher than In Great Britain and In most European countries. Tables of comparison fortify the correctness of the assertion. Tbo allegation of Dr. Green that Congress has no power under tho Constitution to tne ciud meets expressly to consider It and He la Traatad Tary Well.

Buffalo Times. We do not believe tbat anything can be xalned been a burden without any compensating gain to France, the withdrawal of the French troops would be bitterly resented by tbe Frenchmen who have already set-tied and begun to open up trade there, and canvass tbe measures demanded by tbe situa tion. by treating tioveruor HU1 shaboily. 'SUNNY REFLECTIONS FROM THE SNOW." wouiu be succeeded by their exodus and Height Not Given. Cincinnati Commercial, Jiiilff cannot win nnlees ba declares -Is this Dakota? the destruction of all the commercial pros Philadelphia rapid transit yesterday- legs.

pects lor which France bas struggled for blmseii' In favor ot tarltl high enough to pro t---u Hurrah for Wiggins and the crnnnduoo' two hundred years or more In that resion. mey you so. France sees more compensation in glory, though it costs fearfully and returns nothinir. The snow, the snow, the beauMful saow. Tha Ides! Boaton Berald.

Wa guess th Democrat must be fooling. that drifts about our door! Oh, most wise and gentle hog, we honor mai any other nation in Europe, and that is all she bas ever got or ever will receive tbee deeply-(about three feet), deeply. Amu seven months of idleness the Lehigh miners have decided to resume work at the old wages. They have had a pretty thorough course of Instruction in the school of experience, and it ought to last them for the rest their lives but It won't. What a pity there isn't a mountain range boundary between Mexico and the United Mates.

So long as Mexican and Texan boys can pick national quarrels by sitting on the banks of the Rio Grande and throwing stones at each other, there will always be danger of trouble between the two from her Asiatic possession. But she can- "Beware tbe idea of March," was spoken Bat Raw About Maw York? Indianapolis Journal. Nominate General Harrison for the Presidency tor tne man who bad to tar shovel and not retire with honor or eain. Anarchy and he will carry Indiana. scraper.

would Immediately follow and the renewed get b1mell In a simitar snap It the atory be true. Not lorg ago tbe President determined to Insure bis Hie In an Eastern Insurance company for a large amount. He applied tor a policy and bad the necessary papers made out and sent to the company's office. In due time a physician ot the company "examined the President and soon afterward reported adversely, declaring tbe President was not a good risk. Tbe reasons given were akin to those stated by Dr.

Savers some tima aim. The President was, of course, very politely informed tbat the company had determined not at present to assume risks for large amounts, and tome other plausible ex-cusoa were added. As three parties only are concerned In it, the leaser one, whloh happens to be the doctor, is blamed lor tbe betrayal ot confidence. Dentals will be In order all round tor some time to come. Watehmaa KUlad.

rorrsTowH, March 12 George H. Christ, man, aged about t5 years, watobman for the Beading Bailroad Company near Sanatoga station, two mile east ot Pottstown, was Instantly killed this morning while walking on tbe track a short distance from his boarding house. Beading Bailroad Coal Train Brakeman Harry Dlers, of Lee? port, while standing on bis train as It was shifting ears here last night, fell and was run over. Tne sufferer was taken to Beading, where be died at 8 o'clock this morning. At the Historical Society.

A meeting of the Historical Society waa held last night at tha ball, Thirteenth and Locust streets, Brent on Coxe was nominated for i Cialg Blddie, honorary vine president-. Clurles J. stllie endBaxuel W. tennypacker, vice president; Gregory B. Keen, corresponding eecietary, and William B.

Bo tie, recording sec et pry. At tbe con-elusl not the nominations t. Stone read an n.s W2 on Dr- Cutler's visit to Phil-adelphla in 177 during the aesMons of the smuuoa.011 ad0P'e the Federal Con. the Wrong Kottlo. Bit BMor, March 13 John Doherty.

a well-known merchant tailor of this clty.dled acSntte He had been iRbtly unwell, and picked up a bottle of liniment from the mantel, swallowing It instead of acme simple remedy which was In another bottle. The liniment bad been used by bis wife for rheumatism, and contained aconite, chloroform and laudanum. The mistake) wa not discovered until toq late to relieve tho aufferer. What Is more amusing than a four-foot outbreak of hostilitiea between Tnnnnin boy, with a ten inch fite hovel, bard at work They tVanld, UadonuUdly. fialveston News.

on top of a seventeen-foot snow drib? psss such a measure Is unsupported by any competent authority, decisions of the Supreme Court showing that Congress bat the clear and undoubted right to establish post offices and post roads, and under the power to regulate commerce between the States to establish a telegraph system at part of the postal service. When it is remembered how extensively telegraphing Is now retorted to in tbo conduct of mercantile affairs, and that the most important operations, involving the largest quantities and values, are now conducted by the telegraph, no sane man can doubt the Constitutional right of Congress to legislate, tinder the provision empowering transmis ami Annam would result In the interference of some other great Power Litre I hU and Beiva tockwood would ba at va- Tbe following message la said to bave been or renewed occupation bv France. The on tb I residential question. received at the Signal Service office yester- King of Annam, who bas the cnnninir and aay: 80 Bay We All or Oil City Derrick. BNt'iiHoia March There Is one prophet who shrewdness of uneducated minds, sees this clearly enough, and France's extremity is no longer without honor in his csuntry.

Vt. Cleveland Is aa easy a man to whip as any tsigneaj u. Hon. in tne par 17. would be his grand opportunity, which he is waiting to improve as soon as it shall be rue peopie naa something common yesterday.

"A fellow feeling," as they plolded Hardly Punishment. Boaton Post. A Bit. tKT decision of the New York Su-prcme Court was that the city of New York was "bound to keep Us streets in good on-dition as well for the drunken man as for the eolwr man." The court should have aaid, "rather for the drunken man," since be wants to lie down in the street so often. made manifest.

He is aided in his hopes of French evacuation by the well-known Those wbo believe Denew secure think that It along, made them "wondraos kind," or, In other words, one touch ot nature a pretty is a good unauncey naa. sion or thought, such provision having been framed at a time when tbe telegraph general and beavy touch mads them kin. eumsoi the unhealthy climate upon the Frenchmen, but the ranks tbat death mows was unknown and at which letter writing People looked In vatn yesterday for school Probably Filled With Wordlats. Pittsburg Chronicle. Easter booklets are announced.

If drunken men who dirty their clothes i was the only known mode of coromunica- marma drifting around, with children strung uown have been continually recruited by new soldiers, and France must bold on to on strings. Oar teachers missed a great op ueu nicy gut uown in me gutters could 1 Uon. ue for damages cities might have leaner Transmissions by mall are always much portunity to make reputations and pave the way for proposals ot marriage. It seems that vi ws. sncriucr limn tiv ovm-aia Baltimore Is Beomlng.

Baltimore American. A cew baby carriage establish meat will her vulture, although it ia continually eating at her tkfsh. Her retirement would cause shame, humiliation and reproach on the party that urged It, which she Is not tbe blizzard heroines all live in Dakota. be suti besides, the poor and unsatisfactory amice opened her ibis month. oi me western union Company is The Fourth of July Celebration.

The Citizens' Committee apnolnta.1 (ba prepared yet to assume. Mayor to arrange for a proper celebration of Tnxt arc mistaken friends of religion who want si.y form of religion established in the Constitution. All history shows tbat those forms of religion tbat were the most securely intrenched in the general laws of society have bit the ones rapidly to fadenwaw. Bat Sot Fiofl labor Leader. Profit abating feasible and mutually adran- proveroiau could hardly bo worse.

As to damages the Court of Claims would have Jurisdiction and serious losses would ine comma rourtnoi juiv met tor oriranixs. tion in Mr. Wanamakers at Hoed. tageoua. Thi Governor will be asked for another respite for Johnson, but in all probability will refuse.

Counsel can always find ex isonorigbt Co. 'a, yesterday afternoon. On be compensated for. As to the unprofitableness of tbe undertaking, If the Western motion of Colonel wieaersheim. Mr.

Wana- Jo religion can bold a place in the hearts aaaerwaa elected chairman, Drex-u A Co. i nion can oeciare large dividend oa its treasuier and Mr. Fenco. city editor of the Wa Should Call It a Billiard. Chicago Mall.

This la a harvest Urn for crop killers. Haaa Bua Over, Ehenxspoah, March 12. Maohio Tinm, secretary Of the committee. Provision cuses for such applications until tbe very hour before execution. Johnson is condemned and is to be executed because It is tbe best that Society knows.

All human was made for the appointment of various sub oommltteee, and tbe committee adjourned to popular oatronatrn Superintendent Emerltne. Superlnteadent t. M. Bowe bas last retired from the active management of the Sunday School of Hebron Presbyterian Church, Tweu-ty-flfth and Thompson streets. He founded the school ten years ago, and It now number eve hundred members.

has been elected juperinteodent emeritus, and at a service oa tunday evening be wa presented with a tandscme testlmonlaL Mefcoltlo waa rua over and killed, and me posiai wirnmpu wiu not he a great bur. unwritten constitution. In tbat constitution aod no other should any form of relt-gion ever be 1. agencies for determining tbe guilt or innocence of the man bave been exhausted and meet at tne csu 01 tne cnair. "Still Harping sta My Daughter." Pes Moines Beglster.

Very much still depeala oa Mr. Blaine. ucn on the people, cost Great Britain another, whose name could not be ascertained, was fatally Injored oa tbe Pennsyl vania Bailroad, one mile south ot town, today. They were both Hungarians, to purchase tbo various tele- be determination is guilty..

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