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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 5

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

..4 TIIE "PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1862. WANTS. NEW i -r ns No. 107 S. THIRD Street, below Chesnut THE 1 i PERSONAL.

WHY NOT GO SE13 those chean Sun iimhriiaa and I'aiasols we hear so much about, in Fifth street, below German, at DOUGHERTY'S. lt6l I R. JOSEPH ROCK, RESIDING IN THE t's city of Phiiad-lphia, tor Mr. George Rock' Chief Engineer of riock Tare, Simon's Bay, Cape of Good Hope, he having lost the direction, atd his father not knowing that he has left Em-land. HICKS' TEMPLE OV WaSTK ION Celebrated for Fashionable Clothing Celebrated for Fine Clothing Celebrated for Cheap Clothing ap2 wsmamrp No.734 Market 1st door below Eighth, i BOARDING.

BOARDING No. 1187 SPRUCE STREET, private house, communicating and single rooms. Terms moderate. my 14 3t8i8 SUMMER HOARDING, AT CHESNUT Springs, near Chesnut Hill Railroad. This delightful retreat having ieen fitted up for boarders, the occupant Is prepared to make engagements forboardlng.

The grounds are extensive and si auy, and well supplied with baths, billiard room and ten-pin alley. A cottage near the mansion can also be had, with separate tabie, if desiied. For terms apply at the K. corner of Sixteenth and Locust streets. 14 6t4 It A I If No.

130:3 CHESNUT street. One double and two single Rooms at mode-rate rates. myI2mws5trp A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, OR TWO it slngie Bentlemen, can hate good Board, In a private lamily. Terms moderate. No.

I02 N. Eighth st. mla 8rHt9 BOARD AVANTED A LADY AND Gentleman in a private family, or where very few Boarders are taken. In the rclghberhood of Thirteenth and Chesnut streets. A third story room, southern exposure required, for which $10 per week will be punctually paid.

Address "AdvetOser," No. 110 1. Twelfth st myl32t 1018 WALNUT STREET. BOARDING for flret-claas families ana gentlemen, my 131m BOARDING DESIRABLE FRONT Koams vacant, ai Xo. 1103 Chesnut street.

myl3t 711 SPRUCE STREET. A 8 A Kooms. with Board. Terms moderate. ap23 lm PLEASANT ROOMS TO board, at No.

307 S. Third street, LET, WITH apl6 lmo07 nOARDl.1 G. VACANT ROOMS FOit LP families and sinirle centleiuen. at No. 110 o.

Fifteei! street. Location very pleasant for summer, myl'i 6ttil4 I7 I T-CLASS HOARDING FOR GEN th-rnen and their wives, and single, gentlenun, at No. Walnut street. myl0firft5l SUMMER BOARDING CAN BE HAD ON the Farm at 'he end of Front street, beyond the Reading Kai road; accessible to I'a-senger railioads. Tenns very moderate.

Apply toil. C. WILDEY. mT0 6tMl CHESNUT GROVE HOUSE, MEDIA. This establishment having been placed under the exclusive management of the undersigned, will be opened on the 15th of Juue for the acc.mmodalion of Boarders.

Apply on the premises, mvl Ht MRS. M. MACK. OILIOLS AFFECTIONS. LIVER COM- plaints, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Ac.

JAYNE SANAT1V FILLS. AVdild, Prompt and Elective Remedy. There is scarcely ay disease In which purgative medi cines are not required, and much sickness and Bartering might be prevented were they more generally used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails; besides. It soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might be avoided by timely snd judicious use of proper Cathartic medicines.

Convinced cf the corretn st of these views, JAYNE SANATIVE PILLS Are recommended with the greatest conUdence, experience having demonstrated them to be far superior to any other in use, being more mild, prompt, safe and uniform in their operation. While using tliem no particular care is required, and patients may eat and drink as usual. Age will not impair them, as they are so combined as to always readily dissolve in the stomach. In small doses they are alterative and gently laxative, but In large doses are actively cathartic, cleansing the whole alimentary canal from all putrid, irritating and fecal matters. For Dyspepsia these Fills are really an invaluable article, gradually changing tne vitiated secretions of the Stomach and Liver, and producing healthy action in Important organs.

In cases of long standing a cure will be more speedily effected by using, In coniunction with the PUls. either Jayne's Alterative or Tonic Vermifuge, according to directions. For Liter Complaint, Qout, Jaundice, Ajfqrtiens tf tht Bladder and Kidneys, Ferers, Xervousnes, XHttases of ihe Skin, Impurity of the Blood, Sick Headache, Costiee-ness, PUcs, Female Diseases, andlBitious JfeeHons, these PUls have proved thamseives eminently successful. Read the evidence: K. W.

HAWTHORNE, of Kltley, Canada West, writes Having been troubled for some time with a severe affection ot tsa liver, 1 was induced to give Jayne's Alterative and Sanalve Pills a trial, and being restored to good health by their use. I Can, with pleasure, recommend these remedies for all liver Complaints and bilious affections." Rev. L. KTSO, of palnesville. writes I have used your Sanative Pilis tor the last ten years, and have rt commended them to many families, and have never known any who bare used them to decide otherwise than in tneir favor." Mr.

OTHO II. WILLIAMS, of Ringgold. Ohio, writes I have used your Sanative Pills in my family for eight or nine years. 1 had the liver complaint, and was attended by a skillful physician, but grew worse. I owe my recovery to the use of your Sanative PUls." Rev.

LORENZO LYON, Missionary cf A. B.C. F.M., at alnea. Sandwich Islands, writes your Family have been of great benefit to mv familv and to the native population. 1 have substl tuted voiir Sanative Pilis inplace ot other purgative medi cines, a substitution which has perhaps saved my Dr.

D. O. GASKILL, of Milton, Nova Scotia, writes Your Sanative Piiis I know to be about the best med: dne in use for the several diseases for which they are recommended." Rev. EUGEXIO KXNCaJD, the well-known Baptist MiaKlonar la Bnrmah. writes "The class of diseases most dreaded and most fatal In Burmah arc bilious complaints, and for the.

cure of these vour Sanative PUls have proved uiomseives mvaiuaoie No consideration would Induce me to be without Dr. JOnN S. BALL, of Atlas, Pike county. III vwrites "I am a physician of twenty-nve years sianamg, suu i have licuctitly prescnoeu your rumi.j uu haveohserved tns nappy n-um uum uui upeia-tion. 1 rnnsider vour' Sanative Pills especially as para- nionntto all others as a safe and speedy ramedy in all cases Of sickness for which they are recommended.

-a Rev R. THACKWELL, Missionary of the Presbyterian Board at Lanttour, Northern li dia, writes "I have long suffered front Dyspepsia and its concomitants the result of low remittent fever, but have experienced the lireatest benefit from the use of your Sanative 11116, WC1COI i poor!" myH2tn The SANATIVE PILLS are prepared only at No. 242 Chesnut street ana are soia oy iruggisis jjenerany. DELICIOUS HOT AND COLD BATHS MAY aiwavs be had at the famous Hair Dyeing Saloon, Fourth and Branch streets. api gmrp FOR SALE, THREE RUSSIAN BEAR Dogs, of the purest and best stock in the country, the same breed as the celebrated American dog bought by Ouecn Victoria.

Avpiy at i nira si. myui twrp iffiiV-tiTIOW. EAST INDIA CHOW Chow and Canton Dry Ginger and in syup. just re ceived and fjr sale by SIMON COL-TUN SON, S. comer Broad and Walnut streets.

AT OCR oiiiVJS oiu-iiATiitu uiiii sv Oil, of the latest Importation, just received and tor sale by SIMON COLTON A SON, 8. corner Broad and Walnut streets. AND SETS OF TOOLS SU1TA- hi Or blrthdav Bifis For sale at the Hardware fiinni of 1 HUMAN SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thiny-flve) arket street, below Ninth. IF HaMS, HAMS.

ANOTHER LOT 11 celebrated Cincinnati Hams, lor cutting hniiino- warranted enuai to any ever soia ioiuouii. hist received and for sale by SIMON COLTON A SoN, S. n4 Wo In lit sat Ci'lllfi DIUaU WilM aaiM- THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES atJ iha cnnerallv that he has opened a nrst- class drinking saloon, No. 140 8. Third street, first floor.

where wiil De touna liquors auu viai vi uw qtmlity. MV 15. jirana oj.emug QEp" W. AT WELL. nISiSOLUTIONOP PARTNERSHIP.

i. i.onhv wiven that the firm of CHARLES E. SMITH A at the Fairmount Iron Works, has been dls-olved by mutual consent. The business will be settled and closed by May to, isuz. vimiuu u.

o4nu. TV- hnine will be continned by the undersigned. under the firm of MORRIS, TASKER A CO. Offlce, No. Third street.

DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore exLtlng between J. VAN RIPER and W. E.CAMP Is dissolved by mutual consent hiisliiess of manufacturing the Unfermenied Bread will continued by WM. E.

CAMP. All bUls against the late nrm will be paid on presentation. J. AlN KIPER, YV.JS. CAMP.

Philadelphia, May 10, 1862. The undersigned avails himself of this onnortunltv to express his thanks to the people of Philadelplda for their patronage anu suppon, ana to assure them that he will give his undivided attention to the prosecution of the business, and will supply all such as desire to be served with Bread, with a good wholesome article, perfectly free from all injurious Ingredients. Several hundred of our most eminent physicians ara using the Bread daily, and recommend It to their patients strongest terms. Families will be supplied in any part of ihe city by leaving their address at Bakery corner cf Broad and Button-wood streets The continued patronage of the public Is respectfully solicited. myi A I Tir.

and of run Thk Plate of The Spirit ok 7fl rhis pic ture, whieh was preseuted. to the petrous of Thb Philadelphia Inquirer at New Year, has bcea pMrchased by Wm. Smith, No. 70'i S. Third street, he enterprising publisher of some of the best and finest pictures in the country.

Mr. S.Is desirous to appoint a resident prmafent canvassing Agent in all our large towns. Engravings pubb-hed by Mr. are first class subjects, nd printed ou the heaviest and best of calendered plate paper by Mr. James Irwin, of No.

728 Stnsom sweet. Mr. S. is an industrious, persevering and enterprising business nvn, and those at a distance should tve no hesitation in sending to him ror samples of his emtravlogs. There is no business, to those seeking empl itment, so agreeatle, and at the "same time so profitable, with such a trifling- ontUy, as this canvassing for uoh valuable parlor ornaments, which are suitable for either the smallest cottage or largest mansion.

Mr. Smith will meet with great success in the purchase of The Spirit of '70 at this particular period, as the picture so particularly and so nearly represents the feeling in this country at the present time. Security against Counterfeits. Bran-dreth's Pills New Style. The new style is a small band of piper around the box of pills and' directions; on the band is printed, in red ink, Benjamin Brandreth's Pills.

Benjamin Bkandketh's Pills. The paper is covered with these words in small engraved letters, and around the whole is a piece of ANcock's plaster, to keep the band secure in its place. This new style insures you fresh pills and the genuine, which should be used in doses sufficient fully to remove all crudities and impurities from the stomach and bowels. Oh what heartaches would be prevented if these pilis were used with fearlessness and promptitude iu the beginning sickness. Sold at 25 nts per box, with fall directions, at the Principal Office, No.

294 Canal street. End of the World An English astronomer has i-ome to the eoucluslon that the sun has not illuminated ihe earth more than live hundred 11 ions ofyears. and thut it is burniugout no fast that the in-hihitntu of the earth cannot coatmue to enjoy the liht and heat to their lie mny millions years longer unless new sources, cow unknown to us. are pr-pared in the great storehouse of Crea'ion. We don't see as the pi ei-ent generation his any great '-ause fvr anxiety.

If the suu shoult failtofuinich tlie neeesswy heat essential to lite, thoee who wish to keep warm can so at a trifling cost by purchasing the and fishionable garments manufactured at the palatial lorning Emix rium of Granville, No. 009 Checnut street. Epitaph Here lies all that remains of Mac, the Merri, Which, like Dick Turpi. afttr a brief and eventful life on The Rods, Fell a victim to repietiou from an over-dose of Secetsia, And, from hearing a yreit cry," which betokened the coming or" little Wool," committed a fello w-d'yesea. and went down to a a'er erave (except that part that went up) loaded with riUhnnor and 1001b.

guns, which, together with herself, were both rifled from the XorfiUk Xarif Yard. Teace to her a-hes ani boilers." In the mmMme, Mn's ant Boys' Clothins at CHARLhs Stokes', under the Continental. UANILLA, LKMON, IRM)E, almond, Utrawherry. I'me Apple. Ac' Cutoards.

jnnVet, and sauces are wonderfully improved If lla ored wich KMGHl'f Cooking Extracts. or live butties, assorted, for So 7 Sixth st. IVINDOW SlfUKS, MADE tooiidkk, tor Churches. Stores. Hoteis and Hwelliuvs.

Jic. Ac by WM CRRAOMILE. So. 447 N. Second street.

ielow Noble, east side, opposite Stoddaxt's Dry Ooods Store. apI2 lm IIAAOEN fe MeK BONE'S SOAPS. 1000 boxes Oriental Detersive, in it and 60 ft boxes. The best Washing ever made in the Suites 1'iou taixes oieine oxide, warranted pure, in ro noxes. lOit) boxes Chemical Olive, bestiality.

In Si lb boxes. 600 boxes Moukd Castile, nat ud in French style of boxes, and weighing aiJoiHSi a each; the quality in every respnct equal in any imported oo srri si o- an Maaren aictweone superior inn rev celebrated White astlle ioap, put up In eighth.tjuar- ter, halt and grof wooden boxes; also, in paper cartoons. For sale, on liberal to the trade, by THAIS AMcKEOSE, ap2C lmS Kos. 2i and 24 S. Wharves, Philadelphia.

WINDOW SHADES, tAHIASli, LACK and Muslin Curtains. Gill Cornice. Bandu, (iimp and Fringes. Spring. Hair and Husk Mattresses, erandah Awnings, Imi roved styles.

Vld Furniture re upho'stered and varnished. Furniture Sltps cut and msd to fit Carpets cot, altered and laid at W. HEMiV PATTEN West End Curtain and Cphc-lstei Store, No. 1408 Chesnut street. CAST ILK SOAP, and mottled, both of 70 BOXES WHITE stlber or aualitr.

for sale I i H.UX A McKLO E. Sua. Wand 24 S. Wharves ap.ti lm' A KEW PIIILAUELP11IA ENTER- a priae. I am now mik'iig special efforts for the production of superior Soft aud Stiiteti KeM Hat, not beintr satisfied to depend a-y longer for snpi'iios of tnega artk-lws upon the manufavtorlea ot the Eastern States, whose work and undeflnah.e dmpositloiis flood eviry town and citj In the L'nion.

The arraniietnent liat I have ma liiMiros the Kteates! possible excellence ii wor vmarship and r.a.s, sit.n onlv fursot the utmost purity. cloe inspect on of my laree and varied stock ol theee Kelt Hats will convince the his been at- 10 entitle them to ie huts. Atrial is re- AJiBl IH'OM, Hatter, No. 4 Cucsinut street. observer that such a tair.ed in qualit styU cided preference over i spectiu ly solicited.

my 1 wimBt9 OHIENTAL, JJETK.RSIVE SOAP, MADE only by VAN IIAAOEN fc MCKEONE. This soap is now tve tour years in the 11' timet, and is in constant ny more Uian one hundred thousand families at present. and we confidently refer to all who have evtr used It for the truih of what we claim for that it is ihe best, and comparatively the cheapest Washing Soap ever made in the nitetl States. One pound will go as far as three of common rostn toap. Clothes need not ue not ea, ana no is required, while fully one-half the time and tahor is saved.

It is tor sale bv all respectable wholesale nud reiall grocers in tfce citv and country towns, and by 1 11 AlN A McKEONE, Nos Wand 24 8. Wharves, 1'hUa-d- lnhia. X. As several imitations of Van Haagen and Mc-Keoue's celebrated Soaps are in the market, of very infe-r or quality, but selHiiv so low tifat many unprincipled Krjcers, for gain, pawn off chose spurious Soaps on their customers, the public are respectfully requested to examine each bar of soapand see that the name Van Haagen f- life Krone" Is stamped npon it. ap26 lra MABB1BD.

CAMPBELL CALD May 12th. by Hev. James Cunningham, Mr. WilUnm Campbell and Miss Mry both of Philadelphia. CHEQUER KING AKY.

On the 12th by the Rev. Richardson Graham, No 1131 S. Eleventh street, Mr. Willi un Chequer to Hiss Patls Ce DIED. BARNHLTRST.

On the 29th April, at Oakhnrst, Milter county. Rev. Washli.cton Barnbnrst, youngest son of the late Joseph Barnhurst, citv. ird 31 yesrs. of this BELL.

On the morning of the 11th instant, Mr. Thomas Bell, aged 02 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend bis funeral, from his late reKiic-ncc, No. 1113 N. Second street, on Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock.

To proceed to Ond Fellows' Gemetery. BELL. On the 12th inst-, of disease of the heart, Cait. Tnomas Bell, in the 58th year of his age. The relatives and friends pi the family are respects ful.y invite to attend the funeral, from his late residence, Chesnut srneet, above Locust, Sonth Ward, Camden, N.J.

this afternoon, the 14th at 4 o'clock. CRISWELL. On the 12th John A.Crlswell, in the 48th year of bis ge. The relatives and friends of the family also, Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 155, A.

Y. and Mi laud Lodge, No 294, I.O.ofO. are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the reaidence of Wm. Ash, No. 905 Coates street, this (Wednesday) morning, 14th inst at 10 o'clock.

West Chester papers please cony. CADWALADER. On the 12th William R. Cadwalder, la the 18th year of his age. CASTNEK.

On the 12th at his residence, Gwynedd township, Montgomery county, Charles Castner, in the 64th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his fur eral, on Thursday morning next, the 15th inst at 10 o'clock. 110 FF. Suddenly, on the 12th Ida Jefferis, only child of A. Bright and Harriet A.

Hoff, aged 3 years and 4 months. The friends and relatives of the family are respectfully iuvifed to attend the funeral, from the residence of her late grandpa, John Hinicle, No. 230 N. Thirteenth street, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. HUSTON.

Camden, May 12th, 1802, Mrs. Charlotte Huston, in her 76th year. Her relatives and friends, and thos of the family, are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, this afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the resident of her son-in-law, Mr. J. D.

Rogers, No. 429 Stevens street. LEWIS. On Monday, May 12th, Sidney, infant son Edwin M. Lewi.

McGLATHERY. On the 12th Mary wife of Ki' hrd McGlathery, and eldest daughter of the late Thomas Davis, of this city. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited attend her fnceral, from the residence of her mother, No. 320 Marshals street, on Thursday morn-1 Inir next, 151-'! at ek, without further no tice. To proceed to Evergreen Cemetery.

MONA'JH AN. Ou the. morn ire of the 12th inst Mria S. iron, wife of James J. Monaghan, in the zir.

year or her Her relativeK and friends, and those of the family are invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her husbxnd. No. 609 Fits water street, this (Wed nesday) afternoon, the 14th at lo'elock, without lurtiier notice. uoeral services atst. 1 aul's Churcn Interment at Cathedral Ceme ery MoOANN.

April 29th, I8K2, at Grafton Hospital, near lorktown. of typhoid tever. John Cann. Jr. of Co.

Btxter's Fire Zonaves, ittn of the late John Hilt, of Pall ida. On the 13th James Mo- Goldnck, In the 8(1 year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully requesteo to attend his funeral, on Thursday, 15 at 3 o'clock, from his late residence, No. 20 S. seventeenth street, interment at Catnearai ue uet ry.

MORRISON. At Caron of Fourth Reeiment Penn sylvania Ueerve Corps, Falmtnth, on Satur day, May 10th. William Morrison, aged 35 years, son or Arcnioaia ana jane aiorrison. The friends and relatives of the family, Solomon L.ortee. no.

14. A. x. Fourth or July L.odcre. no, 144, 1.

O. O. South wark Hose Cooper Shop urreshment Comroittee, eouMiwark Home ttuaras, the Masonic and Odd Fellow fraternity eeneraliv are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from tne residence or nis tatner, do. 836 s. xniro sireei, at 3 o'clock, on Wednesdav afternoon.

To proceed to Philadelphia Cemetery. RICriARDS. On Sunday, the 11th inst. at his residence, in Reading, the Hon. M.

8. Eichards, in the 7fith vear of hia arp- i isu.n jod a. lv son. I'nvaie. ruiru M.

lit. -A battle of Willimsbure'. beloneinr to Company Seventh New Jersey Volunteers, Stoker's Division, was a Philadelpbian, nephew of the late tJ on. Job K. Tyson, and eldest sonoramuei U.Tyson, r.sq.

WILLIAMS. On the lCh Mr.LukeWil lisms. in the 60th vear of his see. The relatives and friends of the family are respect- imiv invited to attend tne jm ma late resi dence, Main street, Germantown, this afternoon, at i o'cioca, without rurtner notice. WA ROLE.

On tne 10th instcnt. Mrs. Elizabeth wife of Dr. 'i homss Wardle, and daughter of Anarew itnoaos, h.sq., aged is years. The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, No.

246 N. Ten.h street, this (Wednesday) morn nar, ate o'clock. I LEY. Suddenly, on Saturday, the 9th Instant, John K. Wiley, in the 51ft year of his age.

The relatives and friends of the family, also Sheki--ta Loripe, No. 246, A. Y. Chosen Friends' Lodg-, No. Kio, 1.

O. of O. and School Directors of th Sixteenth Sec tion, are respectfu'ly invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No 978 N. Front street, below Laurel, this day, 14tb instant, at 2 o'clock. Services in the Second Baptist Church, New Market street, above Poplar.

Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. 9V I. O. O. F.

Fourth of July Lodge, No. 144, ano the Order in general, ae invited to meet at the Hall, Third and German streets, this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, to attend 'he funeral of our late Brother, William Morrison. JOHN GRAY, Secretary. AS-MASONIC NOTICE. The officers and members of Solomon's IOdfe, No.

114, land the Order generally, are respectfully invited to mtet at the Hail, Cbesnut street, this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, to attend the funeral of our late Brother, William Morrison. Bv order of the W. M. JOHN GRAY, Secretary. -MASONIC NOTICE The members of Mount Moriah Lodge, No.

1 35, A. Y. and the Order in peneral, are respectfully requested to meet at the Mtsonio 1111, Chesnut street, this (Wednesday) moriiing, 14th at 9 o'clock to attend the funeral of our late Brother, Johs A. Criswell, from his late residence, Co-ttes street, above Ninth. By order of the Worthy Mas'er.

ADAM WATERS, Secretary. SOUTH ARK HOSE COMPANY, No. 9. The honorary, active and special honorary Mambers will meet at the Hose jtoase, thisK Wednesday) aftern-von, at 2 o'clock, to attend the funeral of their iate renow member. William Mormon.

Dre Black, white gloves. JOHN KRIDER, Secretary. UGCOSD MOUHMSG POPLIAN, VAbE.N. cla and OliiKbamn. UftON A SON Invite attention to their New Stock of second Mourning Ginghams, 13 to 25 cents.

Sscond MoumlDf SUk and Wool Poplins, e3li to 75 eta. Second Munrnln SOk and Woo! Valencia, 75 cents. Black and Whiia finest Praiich Jacxiqets, Vi cents Lnpln CTialUes, 44 cents. Lupin Black Bareve, 7-4 wlda.AzW ctnts. Lupin's Black Crape MareU, 35 cenu.

Lnpln's Black Tamatlnes, 85 cntS. J. G. MAXWELL. SON.

KLKVENTTf and C'ht-nut, Lave now.onon. at the lowest cash prices In the market, magninoent tinea of a great vartety of new Spring goods of their own lata importation and manufacture, as well as of careful selections flora New York loni-erta Ions. Their Keal and Imitation Tnread and Gut- fiire Ioes, Fancy Buttons, No. ft TrtruaUng Riooons, arts Ornamants for Cloaks and DrAsfet, French Bugle Silk Belting, Uk Gimps, Thomson Freres' Paris Trail Skirts, Spool SKk.nsw eokrs, at 3 cents per soool, Frenh SpUt and StnitlaZeptiyr, for summer anitting. Pa.

is Werly Corsets, Traveling Fans and Majrre KnrTlos are all ottered to the ladles as goods of the mostrellahla make, and adspted to the requirements of close, discriminating purchasers. The usual liberal allowance to cash bnt-ens. O. AXW ELL A SON, a 924 1m Store and Factory, Eleventh and CUesnat. SPECIAL NOTICES.

rr OEHMX, CiltEEK, LATIN. INTRO- dui-torics, and exhibition of Ltratighl (14 feet) to-morrow, at 8 o'clock. 1. at S- Tenth St. ('recj.

It 1ST COM NCENE A T. THE C03I- iiku iu.ini Exercises of li.t Spring Stssicii of Lectuies wiil be he'd at the Hal) of the Eclectic Me 'ical CoUege, Kacr street, bi low Filth, this evena.g, at 8 o'clock. The molii' arc invited l-t W. PAINE Iean. So.

931 Arch street. OT AHFOUMA IIEUI91 Exchanged prisoners of this regiment, who winh to return to it immediately, will report to the this o'clock, at the N. W. corner Fifin and Prone fecocd ttorv. Bv order ot Col.

I. J. tutar. May 14. 1 1 C.AlilUCK MALLERY, Ct pt.

trAmY'birfiunvOTN a depu- tation of the Young Men's Christian Association of Philadelphia, will leave to-day (Wednesday), for the -pur-po of visiting the scenes of the latest battles, under the authoilty ot tJovrrnment, to administer a'd and sympathy to the sick and wounded. Those who desire to aid the work of the Deputation by contributions of articles of neceltv, or means for their rnrchase, can have them faithfully applied, hy senditg to the Rooms of the Association, Chesnut, above Tenth street, before 10 o'clock 1'. M. H'674 OEOKGE 11. STUART, President, PillLAUKLPIlIA, MAY IX, 186.

At a moetoig of the Board oi School Directors, of the Sixteenth Section, held this evening, the death of Mr. JOHN K. WILEY being announced, the following preamble und resolutions were unanimously adopted Whereas, i hut Board has eceived with profound regret the announcement of thedeathof Mr. JOHN K. Vt ILL' who was long a highly esteemed and faithful member of thi Uodv therefore, Resolved, that in the deatl of Mr JOHN K.

WILEY, this Board has lost one of its most useful niembers.a man of pure mind and unsuhitd character, eminently kind, social and agreeable. Kesolved, That this Board will manifest its respect for the memor of the deceased, and sympathy with his bereaved family, by directing the sevral schools in thi Section close on the afternoon of Wednesday, the 14th and this Board attend the funeral in a body. Resolved. Thai a copy of the above resolutions be sent to the family ol the deceased, and published in daily napcrs C. ROBERTS, President.

THQ3. J. Bkckmaw. Secretary. lt rr a ottKAT BARGAIN IN IMPORTED setars at WOODWARD A CO No.

41 S. Fourth street. I'rincinc at $2'5'v3 hundred. Also, Londres at ImDorUd. imrp-b-jfl s.

t. T. 1 8 6 DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, Exhausted Nature great restorer. They Invigorate, strengthen and purify the system, cure Dyspepsia, Acidity of the Stomach, Diarrhaja, Ac. A perfect appetizer and tonic They invigorate the body, without stimulating the brain They are compounded of pure St.

Croix Rum, Roots and Herbs, and are recommended by all who use them. Adapted to old or yonng, but particularly ih weak and languid. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and saloons. P. H.

DRAKE A CO. mv5mwf3mtp 202 Broadway, New ork. rv SPFC1AL CNDEU- of their Writing Fluid and Copjl 'g Inhghavldn been extensively counterfeited In fac simile of their label placed upon bottles, tney haye adopted the precaution of having their name inaonte4 In each botUe. Snder that of the of the bottles, (Messrs. Bourne A Jh the public are secured against Pk article for the genuine.

Observe that the nfmeP. AJ. Arnold, London, is stamped in the have taken measures to detect and persona who have comnalttedthe frauontis. No. 13 AWersgate street, London.

The subscriber, event inThuadelphla tot the sale of Messrs. P. A j. celebrated VVrlUng FhJid and Cobylng Ink, calls the attention of the trade and the public generaSy to tke above i notii ei be has just received per 'Achilles." from supply of all the various kinds, and will contiuue to receive, by every packet, an assortment of aU the various Inks manufactured bv Messrs. P.

A j. Arnold, Md which are offered at the lowest wholesale prices. HENRY COHEN, Importer of Foreign Stationery, apll ftnwlmrp Chesnut street. LTOR SALE, THE FURNITURE OF A 4 private house in one of the best locations in the City. Rent low J50 per annum.

mT4 3t'708 Address J. J. Post Office. BE SURE YOU GO TO REIMER'S, where Oil Colored Photographs are now ma.4e at war prices, In view of the times. Second street, above Green.

It or SnE state, 1 ,01 me for the care and com- Sort of 1 bunnee tran J. it ee lc 'ei aod the w- aPt if to the Cn- 1 Jllrnor incur any ex-ense in re- i wounrfeo F.uus 1 rniia Volunteers, and the trut thWreosed fai hful exercised. Measure Im'-eh en t-keo to insure the early re vnoval within the Srte of every man un8t for active i-diity Many noi-pirl in different quarters of the sta been and ire fl'ting up, where they will 'receive the sttn'ioti they so eiuiueu ly deserve from i-agratefbl people. Their names, togeth with that the opanies and regiments to which they he-iJong, th irdisease, and r. side nee, will he pro met ly furnished the newspapers, iu oroertbat their tdeuti-iHcatiou by their friends msy be made easy.

Allstof -the Fen sylvani-ins now too ill to he removed fro a Islmd nd the If York City Hospital may fee expected within a few days. Parson Browclow at New Ycrk. New May IS. Parson Bkown low, accompanied hy Mr. Chilus, arrived here to-dy, and ws escorted to the Astor limine by a committee of citi-liens.

He has been visited hy a gn at concourse of iyeople, and by deputations from Ne-vark, Btmklyn, anil otVr cities. A complimentary tes'imonial is profTered him, to take pi tee at the Ac-trtemyoi Music on Thursday on whish occasion Governor of New York, will preside, and the Historian Baxcroet will deliver the welcoming address. Released Union Prisoners. Baltimore, 13. It is a-dti that iffbt hundred 'released prisoners are coming from Kiohmond, ani will arrive here this afternoon, to proceed to Washington.

Dr. Nathan S. Jarvis, Surgeon of the Begular Army, died here this morning. His body has been takea to New York. NEW JERSEY AFFAIRS.

Arrival of Woundkd Soldiers. Yesterday morninta number of the wounded sol belonging to N-w Jert-t-y regiments arrived from Baltimore. Te iur is a list of ims Wi luro Feltman, vVeetville; Frederick Wrt--Jnan, Ellistmrir; II. J. Westville: Thomas Marr, Camlen Tli'miar Bit-n, IU.

McGlaiigij Cba. les Mrr, E'ifcrar Hudson, Glou eest--r; Michael Co rorun, clo Fr.mcia Nield, James icn ill, A. Kocne'tipertrer, T. Hoojr, i John Miixwell, John Fherry, Mil'vill-; Johu Mines, 151 -k wood tou ti James IJ ex, iiitsxnoro; Oecre llle, edr-Ville: William Uotin-on, Woodsto wn B- nja-niu Kee-es, Hridituu; Tnomas M.

l.out;, S-len; B-hm, Jvjsf II City The wounds of th--above re for the niost pjrt slight, those more seriously Injured tiein left b-bini. Mayor in coup try with Conn ilmen Ste-Vess and Ciumbkis, of the KelUf Committee, waiting lie Baltimore I) it Broad nd Trime streets, f-n iidy night, and ou the arrival of ihe wounded Jert'eymen, to charge of them, and, at the eiriient opportunity ytsttrdy, eou-veyed them to thT warinus hemes. An effort wus Ttide last week to imliire C'uoet) to (i-tubliiih hu-pi'l fcr the wouuded and amectiiig of tht tody was held 'o oiiki the rurj cr. Tlie coni-lu-eioii arrived at wk that it would be best to end the men to their mes. and to thriii ll the nssistaU! necessary.

This it was finally 'resolved to do. Li-utemm Morris, wonnied in the fn-e, reached loirn- Sunday. Capt Bakkr, iajured ty a f.iliiuj tr---, Mrri-ert on nnd 'Cnpf-iin Wn.s wo.iniieo in the hand and thih, 'was hom by hiK trotber yesterday morn-Og. Tbey are all doiug well. Chaplain II iley, of Geary's Regi- tSTENT.

Rev. Wm Hkii.k.t, of Cmden, Ctaplaln iof Colonel (iEAKY's 1'went -eighth Pennsylvania IVohiDteers. some three weeko atoce brought home to their families the pay of a portion of the regiment. By an arrant -tneut with the men, bis ex sponges were to be paid by a ttmaU tax on eaoh This transaction bem misunderstood, the apyearanc.e of an itro lu, the local of a contemporary, strongly nflrUc that reDtleroan. We ire convinced that iwscon-fception did injuxiice to an stmiable man, who has sacrificed much for tie i-uise the Union.

Courts. The Camden County Cours met yesterday. Judge Oohen presidiag. Afu-r disposing of a few civil iats tbey wdjo'jrned till to-Hiorrow when the criminal list will be taken up. ,1 ue business of the term will be light, the eases OTMlg 1CW UU UUIUIwriaiM CITY NOTICES.

Iosfolk Surrendered. BY Tlt HARD OF TSWER HALL. "Norfolk is tiken!" sta'tling sound! All Kebeldoin It will eoufound, And royal Jeff, h'maelf, astoutid, Ani Bkatkeoard dismay. For now, to all disct ruins eyes, The road to KU-hmond ooen lies, McCLELLAN 1mio4S it and defies The rogues to bar hi way. Ye wretched cottonite-, fall back, llun fl escpe rierct ottui-k, Or, lite your boasted Mrrimnc, In atoms be It iron sides collapsed, you see, Avi ui'i reheJ iO'' f.te vill be; You thought I' po ei fnl, but we Were certain it w-uld burstr Now for thp traitor chiefs prepare Sueh wreiihit as Keh- lc outiht wear; l'he heiup-n wre.ith lor all who dare Our liertie.

torn Pemp fur the Tu tors 'm for those Who ire Dot rv k-d with freedo ''s foes, Superior raimem bfnnett show, At IViwkk Hall Bazaar. Our stock of Readv mane SDrin? Ciothinc is the tifgt and m-is' varied in P.nUfU-iphi and being duly In receipt of all desirable new styles, we are ttui enabled, al'h vh nur sales sre rapid and fx- to ke our aMrtinent full and fresh. "We all ntylen ipial tlen of from low aud ifA pnn. to the finest. Every one will find ''Mii: suited to his taa e.

nosi'ion means. i taorn' our atoi-k We i.ave l-ita full and choice of piece ko ds, which will be made up jwnrderin the het innnur for those who pref Jff buV and sell for cash only, therefore, at the podcible pi ices Tom'kr Hall, No. 518 Market street. 1 Bennett Co. I-Hair Mattresses a superior artiele of curled iPair.inad-exjirersly for my own use, and sold at ye wonable prices.

Those who are in want of a fine fattress will do well to secure one made of this iq only at w. Hknp-t Patten, No. Jhesnut street. 1408 I STARS AND S. Flags, all sizes, silk a Danting, 15 cents to $15, at No.

719 CheRnt Philadelphia. I W. H.CrrtllA; Bro. Verandah Awniso and Store Window Shades eap, at Patien's Mar. ufactory, No.

1408 ChesS The Most Delicatk Palate cm fgratlbedat Mr. A. fcV. out streets. His teuf ntt Bna 0f frul.

"ch as hot- ranges and la" i wt Havana rauues, ana a.1 other v. season are delieia ipuhs ttions. of .7, enoioe Uoaf anA raaae Tom the purest 4inZ 'Have the appearance of fri r6'' and wear Pr. No. 719 Chesnnt street' "Masonic Hall." W.

H. Carryl Brother. Flao-Staffs. A large supply of flag-ataffs, fif. epn and twenty feet in lenerth.

has been received MlTCIIEI.I. A. I'uwiclK N. am TJ Whiinro. staffs will be onLortune for celebratinr th future of Kichmond.

Keliarlr News. Baltimore, April 7, 1862" Pearson lear Ssir I take great 5leaiu ure in recommendiuir to those afflicted with aids HrpS. Havincr anfTerml diirltio the entire winter Hlth 'lineriae cough, and after trying, in vain RpHrty 11 counb remedies, I was entirely cured 1 J1 few Jf0pg. George w. Brooks, No.

195 West Fayette Clerk to First Branch City Council. 1 .54 0 "euwawa rar urops are prepareo kooe pkarson. No. 5 N. Liberty Sold also at No.

23 N. SUth I lHhen 403 Jbe8n street, Philadelphia, and I at l0eenTiiMr package. apl2lmrp package. apl2lmrp dronfi wlh of the bladder, kidneys, lit 'u'l)nv arid ul ati.iiV. i requinog me ctri.Kr,'it See advertiR.Tont in vviumn.

to W-110' 5000 DOZEN ALE, POItTEll 6 bottles, No. 220 Pear street, below i iiuu mm my 143t710 wjEVEItAL GOOD COOKS, FOIX CITV had at Mrs. BOUUKE'S Onice, No. J02 Union street. mv43t SEVEHAI GOOD CHAM 8EIJPI AIDS, ad at Mrs.

BOUKKE'S Offlce, No. 302 Union street. myl4 3t A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT SI3AM. stress or child's uurse can be had at Mrs. JiOUKKE'3 Offlc, No.

jog Union street. myl4 3t wwrsmam a r- anaii UALF.GROWN GIRLS CAW ue iiau ai airs BOURKE'S Offlce, No. oi)i Union street. myl4 St AyECH PROTESTANT GIRL, FOR Chamberwort or -n ha ha a m. BOUltKK'S Office, No.

82 Union street. my 14 at 4 ELCll PROTESTANT GIRL, AS TIIO- MUnberinttid or waitress, can be had at Mrs. BQUKKE a Office, No. 302 Union i treet myl4 at GOOD GIRLS FOR GENERAL IIOUSE-work, can be had at Mrs. li.ii; v.

imri. Nn. Union street. mvl4 3t WANTED, Ilf WEST PHILADELPHIA Or Mantua. Without hnard tn ikmmtiyi1fut1n0 rooms nee.

and bath room. Address W. Inquirer Of- myl4 6t678 A SI Lit AND DRY -JOOdS Jo bing House, aladtn luktit llmRimtl Address, in own writing, mynznin "Silks," at this Office. A'W Ha-VTWi a i-rrimv a. fully eqnipped.

carableof maklns a nrofltablr hiiine' desires another as partner or otherwise, having a capital of a few thousand dollars, which can be completely secured and made to pay at least twenty-rive per cent. Apply at the N. E. corner of St. John and Willow streets, between 10 and 4 o'clock.

14 1TANTED, A FURNISHED SUMMER residence, a olace within Ufteen minutes' walk of Germantown or Chesnut Hill, for six months from the 1st of June. It must have a good stable, garden, ice house and cow pasture, and be supplied wit all the modern conveniences. Fur such a place a liberal rent wilt be paid. Address M. N.

inquirer Office. myl4 3tfi7 WANTED A YOUNG 3IAN WHO, FOR several years, has been engireu as in a wholesale paper warehouse in this city, is desirous ot ob taining a ituation in a like capacity, either In Urn city or New York. Is weli known t- the trade and ti almost a'l the paper manufacturers in the Slate. Has a good line of i custom, and can furnish the very- best city relereuce. For I mr ner information, please address m.

ii. myi4 rn ESLIE'S INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. k-i First ciass servants. city or country, Seventh and mvl3 7tt'43 ransom 6trets.

POOI had IIOCSEWORK GIRLS CAN BE at Mrs. WHIl'E Offlce, No. 322 S. Fiiih mvI3 3t street. 1 M.

aK FIRST-CLASS COOKS, COMPE- tent In every branch of Cooking, with city reference. can be had at Mrs. WHITE'S Ofllce. No. KH S.

fifji street- mvi3 8i iTRS. E. A. WHITE'S INTEL! IGENqE ill Office for resoectable Servants, with reierence. -j.

mvl3 lm 322 S. Fifth street. SEVERAL COMPETENT COOKS citv and counfrv. with good reference, can be FOR hid at Mrs. WHITE'S Offlce, No.

822 S. Fif street. n.vl3 3t WANTED CLOTHING. PERSONS UAV- Ing Clothing to dispose of will please call or ad dress C. MILl ER, No.

203Chenut street, apft swl2tlG3 ANTED. BY A YOUNG MAN. A SITU- ation as an AtsUtant Book-keeper: is willing to make himself generally ueful. Good references given P.S., Inquirer oflu mvl32tiiti3 YVANTEI. ADVERTISER, WHO can mmisn caiiitai, wishes to connect nunseu wiu some responsible party in a profitable manufacturing business.

Address at this OrBce. mv fmwSiMM 4 COMPETENT CHILD'S NURSE, WITH m. four years city reterence, can take charge nr a baby from infancy, can be had to-aayatMrs WHIIE'S Office, No. 822. ruth street.

my 13 3t WANTED, 500 TO INCREASE A PHO- 1 ctaMe business. Twentvlve ner scent, interest will be raid and gcod security given. Wul be taken in snnis of 100. Address H. 8., at this Office.

myla 8tW0 WANTED TO RENT, FOR THt SUM-mer. a furnished House, oi'aood size, with shad, and lawn, near the city, and convenient to a railroad station or fVur rooms In a good boarding house may be accepted. AcTfiress Post Office, Box No. 1217, stating particulars. mvl3 3t A PARTY, WITH A LARGE TRADE and a tiuiruugh practical knowiedire of a Mercantile Pursuit, In which there IS but little competition, desires a Capitalist as Partner.

One with not less than Fifteen Tboesand lhars (15,000) preferred. Address, with real aama, at this omce, Merchant." 4nvl3ote3 XI RS. A. M. BOURJKE'S INTELLIGENCE 4T1 Offles.

No. 90S Unioa saeet Spruce. ai17 lm WANTED. SEWING MACHINES TO 1 1 rtr; nedia, 40 CIS. per dozen.

No. tfi7 Pine street. New Ma hines for ssle. mvg bt460 HS. KERR WILL RECEIVE; NO GIRLS ia in her ou.

is except thoe who come well recom mended. No. 412 S. Eleventh street. my41m WANTED ACTIVE BUSINESS MEN TO eanvass in tliis city and State, some new flnelv illus trated pablloaiions.

London Publishing Company, No. 126 F.ightn street. SECOND-H AN DjFURNITURE WANTED, also. Mirrors. Carpets.

1'eds and Household Coodsot every description. W. K. K.IKBY, No. IS N.

Tenth streeL N. B. storage lor mrniture. i aplUlm MIE BEST AND MOST A class of Cooks, Chambermaids, Waitresses, Nurses and Housework girls, with the best ol' citv can be had at Mrs. KSRlt'S Ofi.ce, No.

412 S. Klev. n-Ji strset. mv5 lm nil -w ANTED. A PERSON 1 join the inventor of a very valuable patent riht, entire'y new and now in operation.

State where an interview can be had. Address A. Mauavunk Post Office. Phllfiflelphia. my LI 3to09 EMPLOl NEW ENTERPRISE.

The Franklin sewing Machine Companv want a number of active Local and Traveling Agents. A. liberal salary and expenses paid, or conunisslons allowed. Address, with stamo, ILVRKIS BROTHERS, Boston, Mas. (Clip Ihls out fir reference.) nihJin US.

MARINE CTJRPS. WANTED FOR the U. S. Marine Corps, for service on board of meu-of-war. several hundred able-bodied men, between the ages of 16 and 85 years.

All Information that n-av he required will be at the Kendezvous. No. 311 si. Frent street, below Spruco, ltilatlelphla. JAMES LEWIS, ni' 9 Captain and Hecrnuui.

Officer. I. VAN I ED, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN as i anvnsslng Agents forthe large, line Engravli'g. ueain-oea oi new joliu Wcslev, and other flns prhii The most liberal Inducements offered to suitable persons. rom ien to twelve dollars per week can he made.

Wio- L'-t-H 1-ubUsher, No. 702 S. Third street. Ph la- ncipiiia. Kejereiiee at Oiliee of this paper.

1 FOR SALE, '400 PAIRS FANCY PIGEONS all varieties, No. 2-'0 Pear street, below Third am and Walnut streets. myl4 3t7'tf JVORYTYPES MADE AT REIMElt'S A OaUery are conceded by all to be the finest specimens oi tue i hey ire recommended to all for beautv and accuracy. second street, above Green. It' TO THE TRADE.

ENGLISH BREAK, last. Oolong and Chilian Tea, at very low prices. C. NEWELL. No 3 8- Water street.

4JTA1R RODS OF TIIE VARIOUS SIZES and kluds. Stair lcod Eyes. Bands and Buttons. For saleatlRUMAN A SHAW 8, No. S3 (Eight Thirty-five) iiiarKei lucei, ueiow WOOLEN MANUFACTURERS.

Wanted, a practical manacer to take an interest in a mill, now on tun work, one with capital, ger," at this office. Address "Mana-myl4 2tC77 OCTAVE PIANO MUST IIE SOLD TO day, as the owner leaves the citv to-morrow. Cost $500. Elegatit carved case and legs, Louis XIV stvle. Call early and make an offer.

No. 124 N. Twelfth street, above Arcii. OR SALE, A LARGE HELVE IIAM- mer and Frame, In complete order, with all the fixtures. Can be seeu In operation byinquiring of CHARLES M1DDLET0N, General Commission Merchant, 6t Second and Willow streets.

BUILDERS, OWNERS AND AGENTS OF real estate can get their houses neatly papered In city country, llavini; no store expenses, my prices are very-low. Call at No. loi Spring Garden street. E. 8.

JOHNSTON, Paper Hanger. P. 8. Wall Paper, the latest patterns of the season, always on hand. TENTH AND MARKET SLEEPER'S.

The city's lull of persons, heie From Town and Country, far and near. All of whom I hope will stay At least a week trom Saturday. Twill take that long to look around. And see the sights which doth abound. One hour, at least, if not much more.

Each one should spend at.Sleeper Store-He sells Umbrellas very low. And that is hy each one should go And buy the article complete. From Sleeper, Tenth aud Market street. He makes things neat, and sells them cheap. And doth a large assortment keep, vi uwuereus ana I'arasols, With which to serve tne many calls.

nyl So don't forget Tenth and Market, SLEEP royl4Pt704 fcK'S. rpilE GENUINE ARCTIC nEFRlGKK" 1 tor can only be obtained at JOHN A. MURPHY a Hoima VnrniKhirtcr si sii-a nA Q.n ji. carrianes ot all kinds. A TE SI AN WELLS BORED, my 10 6t5C9rp Apply or address No.

109 Almmnlst. B. Jt. 13 UAIR DYEING AND SHAMPOOlflu done in best yie at the Bathing Sa.oon, I ourth ana Branch streets apiSmrp MOfk Uitt ENXS AND GRAVE STOams Marble Works of A. STE1SMETZ, Ridge avenue.

1 i i 3 A Tfl below Eleventh street. A ereat variety at v-ry 'eouceo prices. mnwouirp I i YV 209 Th be the In WORLD'S LITEHARY AGENCY, Subscriptions received Weeklies or Monthlies. for any of tne Dailies. Wholesale Dealers will be supplied with all th New Publications as soon as they are issued.

Trade lists will be furnished to dealers in the city or country on application to the and rxigued. Also, Agent for Harper's Weekly, Lelte's New York Illustrated News, New fork Herald, Tribune, Times, World. Subscriptions reeeived for all the owlish Publications. JOHN TRENWITH, General Packing and Forwarding Agent for the Trade, and General Ager for all the Dailies. Orders received by mail, despatch or express win be promptly attended to, and be sent by earliesJ convenience, npon receipt of order.

JOHN TRBNWITH, myl2 mws3trp No. 107 S. Third street, Phila. BARCLAY'S new edition. MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS; BLANCHaRU A LEA nubllsh this da A Manual of Medical Diagnosis: being an Analysis of the Signs and Symptoms of Disease, by A.

W., MV Assistant Physician to St. George 8 Hospital dec Se-r cone American, from tne second revised London edition in one neat octavo volume, ex'ra cloth, of over 45o paws. The task of composing such a work is neither an asy nor a light one; but Dr. Barclay has performed It In a man ner which meets our most unqualified approbation.

He la no mere theorist; he knows his wok thorough! and in attempting to perform it has not exceeded his Brl-Jsh Medical Journal. W( hope the volume will have an extensile ci-culatie not among students of medicine only, out praciui inera also. They will never regret a faithful study of its paves Cincinnati Lancet. m14 It IUST PUBLISHED, A NEW WORK liY the Author of East Lynne THE HEIR TO ASHLEY, Bv Mrs. WOOD, Author of East "The Mannings," etc.

Price 50 cents, paper; 75 cent, cloth. "This Is another, and one of the best, of Mrs Wood's extraordinary novels. The authoress hi' us popular estimation, nearly all the novelists of ihe day. There can be no difficulty in accounting for this, aiier reading any one of her works. She p.sess-s the great secret of rivcttoe attention an earnest style; and this, combined with deep iaterest, striking but no; exaggerated incidents and individuality of character, Ves anythins she writes eagerly sought after, "ihe iielrto Ashley" a pleasant story for any one.

and has no line In It which tlu most rigid moralist would are to erase. Pub' sl ed by LI' 4 fl rZGF.KALD, No. I't Ann Sen- Yfrk. For sale bv T. B.

PETERSON A J. IL LIPPINCOTT and aU booksellers in tnit. Copies of the above book sent by mail any nl.iress, free of postage, on receipt of the price. myi2 mwUtrp FOR SALE AND TO LET. OOMSTO LET, WITH STEAM POWER, a at No.

I i street. my 14 fat'osa THE LARGE AND HANI SOME KK-1. dence, No. Uoo Spruce street. Is preparej to receive Boarders.

Families and single gentlemen are req esied to caU. Ta RENT, HOTEL PROPERTY, CON- ng about fifteen room, situated at So. 143 street. Apply Third street. to ROBERT MACGKEwOR, No.

233 S. TO RENT, A HANDSOMK THREE-story brick Telling, on tte wes' siuecf Tmrty-s cond street, ieten Baring ana Ham'lton streets Apply to A. B. CARVER A S. W.

corner Ninth and Filbert streets. FOR SALE OR TO LET, THE ST4BLC and Coach House, situated west side Tenty-fl-st street, above Race street. Apply to JESSCP A Ok, No. 87 N. Sixth street.

myl4 ln TO LET, NEWLY FURNISHED CHf.SK nut street bouse, east of Hroad. suitable for a family: or select boa; ders, and now nearly full; or the furnuuia will be sold npon favorable terms. To save trouble, responsible parties with some cah need aoply. AA dress for three days. Box 20, Pox Office.

m13 3t666 FINE FARM AND COUNTRY' SEATFOR sale cheap, oi th river belaware, a few miles fron Bristol; containing 103 acres of spleudid lai culta-' vation. a latge Vegetable gardeo, a flower garcen, a pea orchard which yields 1X0 bushels pears anuna'ly. etc Beautifa'dy located on ti pUce, front ng th Delaware river, Is a fine large Msnsion House, with the modem coa-i veniences, and put into thorooghret air ata cost cf several' thousand dollars by the present owi er. Attached 10 -property Is a fishery, which yields a rental of $i0 per an-; nnm and the farm portion of the grounds (exclusive of the vegetable and flower warden, lawns, around thrf housa.i is rented ftr per annum, the oecupam cf which can be retained or not, at the pleasure of the pnr4 chaser. The whole will be soli a decided bargain, ana lO.Ci-O of the purchase may main.

For further articular address, "Farm and Country Seat." Ituutraf Office. 6t $1 nnn, scoo, ssoo, siaoo, laVIUvr and several other amounts to invest on moitgage. C- W- KOBlNsON, Conveyancer, No iS wamnt street. DRY GOODS, NEAT LAWNS OF FINE QUALITY. Select Colors Plain Mlks.

Fine PlatdGood Silks. Shawls of Plain Styles. Dress Goods, neat designs. El KL i LAND ELL, myS mswlmrp Fourth and Arch streets. ORGANDIES FROM French Organdies, lt2' cents.

French Organdies, 25 cents. French Organdies, 31 ceats. French Organdies, 37a cents. EYIlf LASDEtL. my3 smwlm rp Fourth and Arch streets.


16 N. SIXTH STREET-Manufacturer of VENETIAN BLINDS AND "WINDOW SHADES, The largest and finest assortment In the city, at tbf LOWEST PRICE8 1 Repairing promptly attended to. apl3 2mrp Store Shades Lettered. PICKETS 100,0004 1 P.ET PICKETS, 2O.OU0 feet Pickets. For sale by E.

A. SOUOh-R A Dock street Wharf. OLA STER. A CARGO DAILY EX- i nected For sale by E. A.

SOUDtR Due street Wharf. THIS DAY OF SENSATION REPORTS, that of the wondrous beautv and accuracy of KEl-i MEB'8 Colored Photographs Is not ephemeral. Only Second street, above Green. It GIRARD BANK, PHILADELPHIA, May 13. 1862.

The Directors have declared a dividend of Four per payable to the Stockholders on aud after the 16th, free of State Tax. my 14 7t W. SCHAFFER. WONDERFUL CURES IN TEN DAY. OS, Consumption.

Couirhs. Bronchitis, Hemorrhages, by rrrxam.n-. Tt nvpt life in ten mmureSr from Croup, Sore Throat, Asthma, Pain In Breast, Sid na Liiver. 11 nas no equal. Ageni, a.

Seventh and Chesnut. myl07irp517 II. J. CROSSM AN'S PECTORAL IS THB ra t.4 only Medicine on earth that acts uuica on iuo lungs. A case of Consumption, of three year Only agent, A.

SMI fll. seventh and Chesnut iKsjnyajg? HUSBAND'S CALCINED ctear of unoleasant taste, and three aswjJJH, the common Magnesia. For sate by Storekeepers generaUy. and bjw" Tnlrd T.J. HUSBAND, Druggist, N.

W. corner 01 Spruce streets, i'biiaoennia. -rrT'Valva riUlE CARS a' rnoat Landinf THE avenue to the new City 'Park, at lnemnntss. The Cars start from the Park every nowi"- Two-horse Cars (in place cw tlme formerly. on tne Oaastreei wwi" h.

WiLsua, Secretary. myl0smw3trp62 r- it Kai IRST-CLASS SOLID ASH, 1 A At Lowest Cash Prices. OAK, And boTTAOB SETS, TH0MA8 MoOUTN, ap28mwf 6mrp 239 S. Second street, above Sprees. Pe' an.

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