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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1682. niin IIPIII From an early hour in the morning: till Late In the tioner. Does this comport with the moral uun new TUnJC LEII-H.

I plained. The absence of a specified place of residence, it seems, is sufficient to prevent FROM GEM. M'CLELLAN'S (jc piluMjiljia Jttptor arternoon they came flocking in on the oars, in. private conveyances, and on foot, A more reapeoUble sentiments and with the legal requisitions of coin The Enelish nr-nn class of men, perhaps, never met together in one dore mikes-Tme Dr rlTBLI6HK BTXRT VOXITIKa ClXCirT tTXDATS) Bf them from being localized in iiumuw, but is not sufficient to prevent them from body. There were men of eterr trade and prores THE REBELS RETREATlIfQ Tfl GORDONS VILLE.

enbghtened Europe in this Nineteenth cen tury? Is it safe, is it just, that such un checked power should be wielded by one man, the Way-A Stampede to UieJeVseTs- WILLIAM HARDING, being localized elsewhere out of the city. Ihe ion; mechanics from their workshops; teachers, who, bat few days before, were enveloped In the mysteries of the sciences: farmers who never and that man, too, already demoralized by a ZrJtZ 'Tes-ast Day Af- XQU1RER BUILDING, Xo.l2l S. THIRD ST. convenient eiaswtur mum Washington. Oct.

28. The rsconnolssaace fM General Sioel's command to Leesbnrtr dreamed of exchanging the plough for the musket. iuc uivoaifa navy lard of Ocean Steamers Wall Street previous course of plunder, and ever sinking in such anomalies may excite admiration, but Th Circulation or the Ixqureb avkkagss OVER All seemed in good spirits there was no disposition that the Rebel General Mumfobd Is there wih. fiftoAn hundred mpn and soma rim- lower in brutality by every new outrage per it surpasses comprehension. But the locali SIXTY THOUSAND COPIES DAILY, to evade this call of their country for their services; Special Correspondence of the Inquirer.

New York. Oct. 26. im2. petrated ties to which these men do belong are being lira Mom thaw Double ALL.

Tiit SrBscmrnoV akp the Rebels had beeahere, and despoiled some of them of their property, and there was no denying the pos Another reconnoissance to Thoroughfare Gn di covered a smalt Rebel force at New Baltimore The enemy is also reported at Warrentna -L discovered rapidly by the careful canvass now Ttto-Cbkt Daily Paphs ik the Cixr Combined. Those "melancholy days," of which the venerable sibility of future invasion and who eo willing to de Will it not be necessary to hold this man Semmes responsible to that statute which poet of the Post has put down among "the saddest being made in some of the precincts of the Ihb Daily Ikqctiiib If served to subscribers In the City ing of two thousand cavalry, some infant or the year," are certainly come, Ae I write this, the fend their homes, who better suited to meet the enemy here on the borders, than those familiar with every by-way and mountain path, who could supply denounces the crime of which he is gui'ty as wind is sighing and whistling through half-deserted city where large drafts vrere to be made. These have been made in the Fifth "Ward, piracy? streets, accompanied by a dismal drizzle that keeps themselves from their own homes with horses, artillery. Harper's Ferrt, Oct despatch but. New York Herald.

Rebel pickets disali! from our front last night. The evidences that th enemy is moving towards Gordonawiii. 9 nnaiuB uuruonsvule people from church and constrains even "sen teCTWXLVE Cbkts a wiEit, payable to the Carrier and nailed to the subscribers cut of the City at the rate of six 0OLLAB8 a year, parable invariably In advance, or ONE DOLLAR TOR TWO MONTHS. Notes of solvent banks in any State in the Union and POSTAGE STAMPS will be received. the Third Ward and in the Twenty-second should the exigency demand it.

sation" preachers to address themselves to a beg TROUBLES IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Hence, the intention to quarter this regiment here Ward and in every case where a precinct garly a-scount or empty pews. With these au maltinir For four days large wagon trains have been learin. ays large wagon trains have been ulL tumn blasts, one's thoughts incontinently wan has been thus canvassed, it has been demon THE RESISTANCE TO THE DRAFT. is eminently proper, and the citizens of the county will thus hare tome assurance of future protection-Influential men in the several town ships immediately Winchester, and large camps hare been estabimii at Front Royal.

wub.oI der to our gamut ooys in the Army of the Potomac, whose patriotism and oowera of endurance strated that not only should no draft be made, MONDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1S62. Intercession of the Catholic Priests. must mug oe suDjcctea to new tests. Let those who commenced forming companies, and our excellent Washington, Oct.

Special desn.tct. but that the precinct has furnished a number New York Timm.j-The Rebels are L. are enjoying ease, and comfort, and luxury, at home, give thjse thoughts free play, and let them not be barren Of good fruit in the viv of fnrwarriinir ta the Special Correspondence of the Inquirer. argely beyond its quota. If time is allowed, Governor has informed them thatjbe will eommis-; sion the officers the men desire to preside over them.

The Draft Justice to Our Loyal City. lieved to be rapidly retreating southward. Tha, pii-kets have disappeared in front of our lines tk7 this can be done in every division of Phila Tremont, Schuylkill county, uc. There ia reason to believe that the troubles in re soldier the little comforts he now more than ever Philadelphia is the pack-horse of this Com monwealth. With about one-fifth of the gard to the draft, which threatened to Inaugurate evacuated Martlnsburg after destroying property.

delphia, and the Governor and the Draft Commissioners can be supplied with name, I must need. Mrs. Lincoln was yesterday called upon by Archbishop IIuoiie.1, General Scott, and other eminent citizens, at her rooms, at the Metropolitan. In the Through the Intervention of our energetic citizen, Colonel McClukk, everything necessary to the comfort and speedy organization of the men has been effected. Our Commissioner, M.Wp:derlicii, has especially endeared himself to the men by the exertions be has made to favor those laboring under do- population of the State, our city has a repre civil war, have been quieted, liinhrm Wnon arrived at Pottsvllle.on Wednesday, sentation in the Legislature of about one- FII032 WASHINGTON.

evening she was complimented with a serenade, which she courteously acknowledged by appearing wn oatii Ammiajal rlon iftmivrit via ui uanuvu I VlVUl I JlAJIILIvAi vl CAttl. IlOLl. and despatches were immediately sent to the clergy throughout the disaffected regions, requesting their attendance. Prominent among those who complied was the priest of Tremont, who, on the preceding dav. had addressed a large concourse of miners at Sperial I'espatct to ihe Inquirer.

Washington, Octeber zcth- nnHn, u. (Wtr. i.a owt Mr. Lowe, and liriadier-General RoiiEKT Anoer under the management of Mr.O.sTKR. gives great the simeoccasion, interchanged cDmpli satisfaction, the rations being abundant and of good wita the crowd, which numbered some thre-: or four A Circular lot Heir of Deceased Soldiers, In view of tbe fact that there is so much troohu I auahtv.

80 far aa our drafted men are concerned, thousand "New Mines." He explained to them the necessity of residence and circumstance, so as to localize nearly every one of the ten thousand deducted from the proper credit of the city. Under the foregoing circumstances it is not surprising that the people of Philadelphia are restive and angry in view of the apparently arbitrary determination to compel a draft in the city. The Governor is imperatively called upon to grant us time to demonstrate the merits of urease and Mayor Hcnry, about the heirs of deceased soldiers obtaining th sixth in the House and less than one-eighth in the Senate. But when it comes to taxation, either in money or in men, we are favored with quite another sort of proportion. One-third of the ate taxes is considered rather light weight for us, and in the matter of men for the defence of the Union against the Rebels, one-fourth of the quota of the State is regarded as no more than we ouht to raise, without making any complaint about everything looks favorable, thanks to the above The Albion, of this city, which te considered the named patriotic.

ndpublic-irited men Stf Rumors reach us almost daily that the Rebels our bHds with Great ttritiin, in consequence of the have crossed the Potomac rumors founded doubt-! -rankn" of Commodore (now Acting Admirl) less upon the fears of the timid. To cross the Po Wilkes, at Hermuda; and enpecilly, the "prank" preserving the I'nion and enforcing the Laws, ao1 gave them to understand the ptLfclty which would JoIIjw any resistance. He went in the midst of the crowd and illustrated some of his remarks such a forcible manner that one or two of th would-be rioters, who were die- re quisite information regarding the mode of prose, dure in order to obtain back pay, bounties, Ac, tr-rangemcnts have been made by which anycUlmnt may address the Second Auditor, Mr. French, will forward a circular, which has been prepared tomao at present is a matter impossible, our troops overhauling tne!ln mail etctraotiip Merlin, wiusr bo disposed as to render sucn a move utterly i me very t-uiraocs 01 me nar- ft A a aiA a a A 1 4 4-. an a A alMirtlve.

1 vvi. a pv.u no uewn ui ivucvc uujus wav pOCd lO lie lIiOUU, iiicuiciuiir st Potfsville was in private, but the clergy received rcceir dat Halifax, the Albion says, the Admiral The people alone the border are looking anxiously who is the official representative of our cifi on toitsttttiou tortti7itli ordered off the mortal, tt, 51 guns, anJ the Ariadne, 'if guns, two of the finest zens, thould not let this day pass without incfru. tio to preach on Sunday upon the evils of for a forward movement, no one beiD able to comprehend the delay, and all knowing thst we have the bee aDDOinted and cuuktscd army we have had ships in the British navy. Toe editor is al-o some what solicitors to know whether the U. St srun- expressly for tbe information of such as have vaaeni for becoming acquainted with the necessary course to pursue in such cases.

Tbe Department will py ij postage on letters directed to it on this business. Major-General Hooker. Tbe fact that General Hooker is to report for duty again to-morrow will be cheering news to til good Americans, and a source of fear and dissatisfaction to the Rebels. He will confront them obc more with renewed vigor and impulses, such boat Montgomery is attached to Admiral AViekes' making an earnest and urgent appeal to the ltht th(, thrth of xton.munic. State Executive in this behalf.

tion was to be used against those who were till de- termiued to troublesome. The Ravages of Kebel Privateers. Thcse rof fal, to the district. com nana, as ner destruction ol the steamer filanwie, in tV field since the war commenced. The idea of such an army, in this delightful season, joiner into winfT qiiar'ers, is not entertained for a moment, (mwiirii, onward, is the cry of ereryone; it is un-poible that 'he Rebel army can withstand tbe on tne comt ot tja'js tne otoer day, would stem to show that "her cjamiunder is imbued with some ecan accord hut little praise to Themiser.

a elhs, art quiet and orderly, aLd it UU a VA 1 1 uv juiu i fc ei a anas tr, thing of his (Wilke.V) sjiint." These outgivings of master spirits thut they be Rebel journals in England that habitually 1 i only when urged by 1 1 1. nr i come quarrelsome. ignore the Ljgh mofal ground which our could have been gathered in no other, manner Several cenes occurred during mii-tit have reulted v(rv diaita Sev it. Hence you see that as far as Philadelphia is concerned, rules are not expected to work both was. People, however, will think of these things; will remonstrate against such acts of injustice and, when they become intolerable, willniaK anois about them is just now in respect to the draft from the city militia.

The people of Philadelphia believe, and they have the figures to prove, that they have furnished their share of men for the war under all the requisitions of the National Executive. Nothing can remove this from their mind until the facts upon which their convictions are based shall ba fairly over-1 i-hork of our hiiire legions; tbe infanoui bord- must pive way before th? unflinching and terrib'e on rnstdng of our hosts, who are fighting for all that ii )-fir to frcf mcn for the maintenance of republican institution, aod the utter snmhilation of aristocratic pn-teidei Who would rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven." as a silent and distant witness of the last mouth'! campaign. country has taken in regard to pnva eers. tr0usly. On Thursday tome of the ringleader were tne Aii'Utn ere interesting, as loresnadowmg tne "howl" in England when toe nea" reaches there.

I he worn of accurately defrmining the quota of men raised by the city ot New Yoik under the two calls of the President promises to be an undertaking of no small magnitude. It was supposed tbat the muster rolls at Albany and in the lolted lutes recruiting oflices would prove sufficient; but bis Is not and as far as determining our quotas go tiiese muster rolls are good for nothing, i'ne Senatorial Committees and General Antiiox are very near at Capture of Federal Officers. General WAoswoRTiifordered a descent to be mtdt Tbey repeat, with boisterous iteration, that at Coalcactie, and either in the excitement Mr MARCY in 1:.6, declined to accede to I momeutor while under the udluence of strong ir. MAHC, in ueiu drink, a rifle was du-ohnrged, the all from which the proposition of the Congress ot 1 owers at rntPrf( tb. bo(1y of oae of cU8l0g J0tant Paris, to abolish nrivafeerin.

lint they keep I death. on well known house of i'I repute last night, and captuied quite a number of officers of the United AFFAIRS AT CENTREViLLE, VA, States Army. No less thau sixteen horses belong, ing to these Illustrious defenders of their country were found tied outside. lnht the r.rnnnsiti whieh i On Friday evening a committee went to Ashland loggerheads about it, the Ueneral claiming that lu such cases where the name snd residence of the re cruit can ascertained, that the town here he en Secretary ui iMate uit actually' make. Released From Arrest.

our listed is to be credited for bim, while, on the other band, the eommittet-s insist that th pliee where the A Skirmish One Cavalry Captured, Other Iladl Wounded. $feitl Cr.t rtpmlmcf of Ihe Cemkevii.i.k. Oct. H2. Ye serdy coon a brisk ekirrnish took place between a small force of our cavalry and a vattly superior nuniler of the Rebels.

The scene of tbe action man originally resided or belonged should receive Second Lieut. Alonzo A. Colk, Seventh U. 8. Infinity, who ws charged with "neglect of duty," has been -'reprimanded In General Orders," and ordered to report for duty again.

from the lower part of the county and made an st tempt to awesr the miners not to laborou the ensuing Sjturday. The effort was not successful, for on this (Saturday) morning the collicrita were all at work. A religious spirit hat) entered Into the matter. In Cf towuship a church was some time since hrfcften ojx-n Mid roMed tv two depraved eharac-ters The Catholic i ttion cf tbe community. belo greatly in the majority, were much inceuNfd.

This occurn about two weeks ago. When the present troubles this iticidt nt was revived, and the Pro- thrown. Hence they further believe that to! He a.ked that tbe Powers who were parlies enforce a draft in this city will be an unmiti- to tho Treaty at Paris should agree that the ga'ed wrocg; and our authorities should take private property of the or citizens of heed that such is the universal judgment. a belligerent power should 1 exempt from More than forty full regimen's bare been I seizure bv jnthHc armed vessels of the enemy, raised and organized in this eity. Alake all! as well as by On thi conditiin, porsible abatements from these for recruits he saiJ, the United States would willingly coming from be von our bunts, and we are consent to the placing of ririva'eerinjl un- wan et en au1 Ctlett's Station.

On Thursday some thirty of the Kiret Maryland avilry wtnt o'lt la that direction to patrol. A force ot the First Vermont, of about the same number, were stationed not far off. liotbef these were attacked by a force of Rebels whose strength wss at least four timet, as great as theirs. After contesting the credit rot the pisce whrre rie napena to temporarily staying at the time of enlistment. 1 he dispute is a serious one, and much tact wiil have to be o'-eerved to settle it satisfactorily.

There has bien quite a smart emigration from this city to New Jersey within the past few days, under the conviction that the draft will certainly come off on the 10th prox. Jersey, you know, having rilled up her quotas under both calls, by voluntary enlistments, -capes the conscription but tbe people who are "skedaddling" thither are laboring under a great delusion if they think they ran evade their responsibility by thus changing their place of reaidenre. Their names are all down on tbe books, and If tbey are drafted, they can be taken as well in New Jersey as anywhere else. .1 rr WIIU .11 r.MTUin'M, iuuuii limn- Lord Lyons' Instruction?" for His Return to Washington. from the Army and Sary Garetle, Oft.

IL It Is believed that Lord Lvo.nji, who is expected te return to Washington in the course of this month, will be placed in a position to define the course and views of her Majesty's Government without any uncertainties or doubts, in view of the various phases which the contest in North America may assume; and that the Ministry will bare arrived at positive conclusions, and have determined their policy in reference to the affairs of the United States, before bis amauove onriou xui is just the nan oi tne law 01 nations. 10 fciry to nnd their property, to Strike een these from the i-redifs due to this the Powers of Europe would not There is no 'fod reason for supposing ttut these 1 for a short time our men were forced to retreat. In a little while, however. Captain Comgkk. of the Third Virginia, came to their relief.

The fiht was IL.xv it tliat.the,e 1 Vf moro nf tMeiiritv fnr nri- rrotetants in any way Uvored thedraft. -a. I I- I L- .1 I i am ih.u renewed with great energy, and as the Captain was Letters are said to have been received in mis city, 5iranger euuMeu iru.n ur ic iur7 Vate property on toe sea tutu uuier pwru iifekrsville. a small town, where the ser I charging through a dense woods he suffered severely. to day, by a naval officer, stating that the huilrr not induced to volunteer by the superior al- are willing to concede, we are held up to the Citw had cot off the reef upon which she had been A great many of his men were either killed or taken vies of the Prunsylrjitiia Militia were reqoired some time since, on the ocrasiou of a striate for higher lordship returns to his post.

The views of Russia vantages held out by our eity and citizens to I reprobation of humane Europe, as though we I 'I 1. .4 .1 1 AHA tnln.a is believed, assimilated to those which tht march of events, and the "inexorahl logic of accom prisoners. The. Captain and his brother, the First Lieutenant, are either captives or have been killed. nrnAnrrft Mrra, t.ka.1 hv na.

all who thought ot entering the military ser- i were bent cn maintaining a syrtem which give tionf.d hovg aIoD rMnui lin, to give notice of a general commission for maritime plunder the approach of any 1 he Governor, however, i Qf who wefe tbe re was apprised of the best method of quelling the riot tumd nJght but from tfje aruoa pre. ou, spirit and did Dot send an armed force into the wcr(, uaMe give much definite infor valley. It would have been utterly iuiHsaible, un- der any circumstances, for soldiers ritherto have The minut4jr of tht not receded, captured or conquered the men who were so well i tive any official details been forwarded as yet to informed of the secrets of every mountain pass and,r. when the plished fact" pUce broadly and clearly before th Government of the Queen and that of bis Imperial Majesty. KxploMoii of a Locomotive.

Nr.w York, Oct. 2t'. A locomotive exploded at the Jersey City station of tlio Krie Kailroad, last night, killing five men and iojuring two, but not seriously. They were all employees of the road, Tbe engine was completely destroyed, and semi platform cars standing near were damaged. CITY NOTICES, driven, without sustaining much damage.

Such is the report at the Brooklyn Navy Yard," this afternoon, and, if tbe report be true, impression that the vessel was Iot is erroneous. Thomas B. Stillman, some days since brought an action against Sami'ei. L. Mitchell, F.eq., President of the New York and Savannah Steam Navigation Company, for commission at tbe rate of ten ier for selling the steamers Augusta, Alabama and Florida to the Government.

The vessels wre sold for $70,500, and the plaintiff claimed Tbe defence waa that the plaintiff had no authority to act in the matter, and that the saie was effected by another broker, Mr. Geo. I. Morgan. The jury yesterday found for plaintiff, Yesterday being the last day of tbe book trade sales, the attendance was larger than usual, and the competition greater than on any previoua day.

Tbe invoice of tbe Clareraount Manufacturing Company waa the first in order. The offering for the greater rrt consisted of bibles, craver books, primers and and pillage. The pirate Alabama, the contribution of 2yO" peaceful and virtuous Iriih merchants to the Uebel cause, is likely to do more than was at all bargained lor by the respectable donors. Her ravages will, of cou'se, felt by many an honest man on this side tbe water, who had been wont to put some faith ia tbe boasted honor of English merchants. The loss may i.otne heavily on thou men all get together and the officers make their re valley.

i'pon some of the more ignorant miners the rumor of tb introduction of ne-ro labor into the region ha hd a bud effect. The story has obtained a general currency, although doubtless without any basis in fact, miuinx. like all other pursuits, beine one which n-quirea long practice and a skillful hand, a single false bljw of the pick often destroying the labor of port, the more interesting portion of the narrative can he made public. At present it is difficult to give a fcaorrect statement. Ity some it is thought that from thirty to iitty of our men were captured.

Last evening, about dusk, Col. Wtndham was detailed with one hundred of the Sixth OhlaCava'ry to proceed to Thoroughfare Gap to brine in the vice he large proportion ot volunteers enlisted from Philadelphia is undoubtedly due to the greater activity and energy of our recruiting oflicers to the unexampled liberality of the people in supfiortmg recruits in camp, while waiting the xiow routine, of being mustered in, armed and equipped and to the munificent relief fund-. ani ho'inties voted by the Cty Government, and contributed by individual Iieyond all question these inducements decided many strangers to volunteer in Philadelphia, who would not have enlisted at their former homes. And is the city to have no credit for this activity and energy in the cause of the country tbi laudable public spirit this patriotic liberality of her people and her Municipal Government? Since the July and August requisitions of the President, Philadelphia has encouraged enlistments by the public and private contribution of more than a million of dollars for Bounties. This princly donation is but one school books, which were knocked down, on the patrols.

Our force stationed there was successfully whole, at somewhat unsatisfactory prices. The next months, and carrying ulatnay and death to those beneath the surface. There is reason to believe that ome of the com Lrought away by him. The expedition was fired I lot was a fine variety of church psalmists in various bindings. Tbey sold at pv icea ranging from 12 to ii(on by bushwhackers, and two of tbe men were nor 50 cents Taaa Area's Haasai-ARiLia to purify the blood anl purge out the humors, pimples, boils and sores which are merely emblems of the rottenness within.

WnsDow Saanss. I am now offering my large and handsome stock of Shades, wholesale aud retail, at the old prices, having manufactured a heavy stock before tbe laterUs in materials. C. W. Clak.

No. 139 Second street, abort Walnut. I'hotookaph To demonstrate that Philadelphia ha outstrtped every other city in the Union in the photographic art. nothing more is necessary thai visit to the splendid exhibition und operating galleries of Messrs. ItBoanneKT 4 Nos.

and 914 Chesout street A private lot of thirty volumes of a Cyclopaedia. In who are ill prepared to iear if. This is a positive, ytt it may be only a temporary evil. To counterbalance it, we may have such a compelled investigation of the rights of private property on the high sea, as will put those rights beyond the mk of further question. The Ahhatna captures vessels, plunders whatever of valuables they may contain of easy transport, sets their crews adrift, and.

French, brought IS cents each 50 copies of GocriLs Plate, "Ikefendcraof the L'nlon," 10 cents. Ansa sortmrntof photograph albums were next put up; Morocco, panel sides, full mounted, was sold at No. 7 soli at No. for 36 pictures, at No. 9.

for pictures, at 2: No. 44, gilt, for 50 tally wounded. An was aent after them. Toward morning the Colonel returned to this place with his men. Consternation.

Considerable consternation ireratled in this place last tsi'bt, on account of the supposed close prox imity of the Kebel. A strong patrol was thrown out. sn 1 all the men of the varioua regiments were ordered to hold themaelves in readiness, in case of plaint regard to the enrollment In ehuylkill-county are well founded. The Ieputy M.rslials, in some instances, are said to have taken the tax duplicates, and enrolled both Lviug and dead men. Four dead men are drafted in one township.

A committee was appointed by the citizens, an I was etnt to I'iMVh Hi.f.iiKS and Mr. lit'CK a for legal advice, who advised them not to resist the draft on account of the alleged informalities, but to test its (Onstitutionality afterwards on a writ of habeas cor cards, at No. 54, roan, at $1-50; several for 24 pictures, at prices varying from fl'50 to $3. In cloth, for 12 pictares, at $1-75; clath, 50 pictures, at 24 pictures, at $1 oblong morocco, pictures, The b'atity, perfection and general excellence to whk tiiese gentlemen hat carried this invaluable art of preserving in an imperishable wav ihe form and features i an attack. The soldiers were ever vigilant, and the pus.

This course will be pursued. Other parties wortn aoont a lsrce onenng or stationery was then knocked down at good prices. The when the shades of night come on, applies her nirate torch to lure still other vessels have consulted Governor Ri in, who does not ap unnouncrinent was then made that "the sale had pear to be certain whether the drafted men uu be sent out of tbe State. The quota of Schuylkill county was sixteen hun The books disposed of since the sale commenced embraced abont 150 invoices, in catalogues of 500 nires each. Tbe sum realized has been about The trains this evening take out most of dred.

It is an undeniable fact that, in townships where the draft has already taken place, tbe victims tranquillity of the night was not disturbed by an enemy. This morning all ia quiet. Rumors Afloat. There are various rumors in circulation, relative to the military here. Ma'by of them are, too.

with solid foundation. The First Division of the Kieventh (SioelN) Army Corps, having been very actively en gaged in making numerous reconnaissances from this place for more than a month past, will in all probability, be relieved in a short time. Ueneral Stahl is the command tr of it, and no doubt the readers of The Inqcirer remember the 1 the dealera to their homes, who, as a general thing. immediately absconded, and it is extremely doubtful have madecood Dai grains. tie living and the dead, are worthy of all praise, and welt deserve the substantial they are receiving at the hand of the uiM.c.

8 181 A DuAKh's Plantation ItnrsES. They puriiy, strengthen, and Invigorate. They create a hsnivhy appetite. They are aa ant dote to change of water and diet. They overcome effect of dissipation and late hours.

They strengthen the svsteiu and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic aud intir.nitient ftvers. They purify the hreath anJ acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Comtiiiation. They cure Dlarrha-a, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus.

They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best Bitters in the world. They make ttv whether the sixteen hundred will all be obtained, liiirintr the continuance of the troublea just nar liusinesa at the Brooklyn Navy Yard is very brisk at present, the workmen having as much as they can nttDd to. The keels of three new vessels have been rated, no iujuries were inflicted on the collieries. The pumps were kept in action, and the decrease in the of her funds in suppo of the ciuse.

Xo other city in the Union mak--- an) of competition in this t. The ''Great Metropolis" bewails the fact that there lags in the rear of Philadelphia. ti 1 no other municipality makes an ap.n us ex -ept that far-off city on the Pa ife 'h i's within the "Golden Gate." A iv te association of one class of on in ii.i' orit'i'iu-ted twenty-five thousand l.4Ur ro suniula'e enlistments in one of our recmitiy orgitnized regiments the Corn Exchange. and jet this regiment is one of those by which we lose a portion of our credit becaus." the res dences of the men are omitted from th? muster rolls within her piratical This is veiled under the plea of privateering. Tbe Semmfs who hoists his Hag upon the Alabama exemplifies the truth of the remark, that It is nearly impossible that the feeling of honor and regard for profesMonal reputafion 44 should act upon the privateersmans mind." This plundering and burning are ample proof of the blunting of all moral perception which comes from tha practice of privateering.

The day must 6oon dawn when the high moral ground taken by the United States Government will be sanctioned by international law. M. the French commen- laid, and they are going up as fast ss possible. The Tieonderoga is rapidly fitting out, and she will be ready to go into commission in a month at tne fur amount of coal snipped to market was ss than waa expected. LETTERS FROM CUMBERLAND VALLEY thest.

The new iron-clad Roanoke, npon which so much labor and money haa been expended, will go upon ner trial trip in a weex or so. ii tne expectations entertained of her are fulfilled, she will be. weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great re without exception, the most formidable iron-clad storer. They aie made of pure St. Rum, tne ci-hrated Calisava Bark, roots and herbs, and are tUen wit many exploits of his which have of late been chronicled.

In leaving here It will probably fall back to Fairfax Court House as the Third Division, General Sent r.z, advances. Official Result of the Ohio Election. Cincinnati, Oet. 26. The official returns of the State election give a Democratic majority for Su afloat.

John J. Phrlm was nominated for Street Com the pleasure of a beverage, without reirard to ae OS mlssioner, by the Mayor, yesterday, but the Alder Camp of Instruction at Chambersburg The New Soldiere llnmors, Ac The Railroad Depot Rebuilding. Special Correspondence of the Inquirer. CHAMBKRSUt RG, Oct. 24, 1802.

men, in accordance with their usual practice, rejected time of day. Particularly recoiumendet delicate parsons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. P. II.

KKAKE it. Sensible people are almost weary or asking, Is tator on the work of De Marten, refers wit preme Judge of 8M0. The Democratic vote baa in this miserable isrce never to ne piayea out Things in Wall street yesterday, were very quiet, 202 Broadway, New York. Who is it that disputes the fact that this is a approbation to the proposition made by Mr in striking contrast to tne rampant excitement per creased 3.r,000 over last year, and tbe Union vote decreased 28,000. The total vote of the State has fallen Earlt Isfluevcrs.

There can be no sreater blessiaf vadmcr almost every department or trade and com Marcy. lie says "It appears to be difh than to be born in the light aud air of a cheerful, loviat hnm. ft nit unlv in.itra. ai h.nnv llUt it LB off 78,000 since the Presidential election. merce, this day last week.

The fact Is, the public bare got it into their bead thst a grand advance Philadelphia regiment bi portion of the State lays claim to any port on of it That regiment has been in aittle and its Tints were terribly shattered hy the enemy Three inches of snow fell laat night. movement of the Potomac Army baa been resolved auras a happy manhood, and a tresia, young heart noon, and in the course of a few davs more, the pere can be no greater mistake than to keep tua cult to maintain the proposition that the pillage of private property by privateers is iust. rational and legitimate." He further From Fortress Monroe. enntrTwlll be electrified with imnortant results. fV" nora 5 Fortress Monroe.

Oct. steamer win hav a decisive tntinpnv th rih' D.nuJ.V".' Since my letter of tbe 21st news baa reached us that a camp of instruction will be formed at this place very speedily, embracing the Franklin county quota, as well as the drafted men of Fulton and Cumberland counties. Tbey will be equipped as soon as practicable, and drill sergeants will be on the spot to perfect them in tbe manual of arms, as well as the necessary step and evolutions of companies and battalions. Major H. IIershberger, very competent and experienced drill officer, is already engaged at the work of training our Franklin county men at Camp Mc Allen, near this place.

Tie informs me that tbe men comprise the right kind of material for soldiers, cannon. What homes and what kindred hearts are in for the siallant dead A. Warner left here last evening with a flag of truce UnU1 that movement is begun, and those resets are shZld perV fnr Aiken'a Landms. She was expected to remain the disnosition Is to rein in or huu a uvuivu aa a a.

111 0vi a- till the steamboats hxpret arrived with some three tlon, and defer ventures that may be influenced by fltabiy abroad. Habits are early formed, and ncneawrt hundred Kebel prisoners from Washington for Rich- military operations. laating and enduring than those Kotten up at the "0M H.nnJ nwincr to aomA misunderstandlnt? the iVr- i ma.M.nlu A I Prima'' Faahlnnahlslnthiiirll.iv-iarnr(lif anvii.I.S ST0K-' expresses the hope that diplomacy will one day reach the point of rendering commerce free for belligerents as for neutrals, so that private goods may no longer be exposed to a at i a CT of the Corn Exchange Are they not here in our midst Do we not piss them every press arrived at noon to-day without the prisoners, can and 5 S6 cent, for strictly prime paper. For-1 No. 609 Chesnut street, where the cheapest and finest ana iiacn wiia sru uu ui.

aw rrwin, 1 eign is auu ana arooping; Men mg v.mi,u. Hiihpri to-morrow from Aiken's Landing, and is I mmtnd i4t.wi4.i for monthmi'i mil ixiiatAte- I day In what other part of the State are they to be found Yet this regiment, so the disasters ot war, ana mac private pro ta brlnar down several hundred paroled' Mils. American crnlrl nnont 5ii? I Singula Signals op Sikolkskss. In the tows I -a-- in c.r.n. tnm DrtTSaa" perty may remain outside of contests carried and although "drafted men," as some inconsiderate Union prisoners.

clined to 30, and closed steady at 31 cent. people would alone regard tbem, will bear a compari premium; California gold bara are quiet and nomi- of wZn! TaiVV, on only by public authority and public power. Fire at Actoa Declines. n.l afAVara wlt.hnnt aWMauf a.h.m.-. iTT "'V.

hi. hat on, both in courage and patriotism, with the best men that hare been sent to the seat of war. If time RAtrnv. Oet. Town House Hotel.

The Chambers of Commerce at Hamburg Vf.RTCHKR Shoe factory, and Other buildings, nntoa lOfi ICH Tho atoamera fnrKnrnM I aki' k.j TM and Bremen have also endorsed the same. bad been given many of our drafted citizens, they were Acton, last night, causing a loss of earned out $1,015,130 In specie. Stocks irregular, married man weara his so that the corner is over his $25,000. but the market closed firm; Erie has declined signifying that he can only loot baet for happlnsss- i would as cheerfully have volunteered as any that have arid say such guarantee of the rights of pn CSionei iiiiwAKo ii u.i tucvua- Harlem llsriem ireterrea and Michigan I oacueior cau.os me corner to coma heretofore entered the service of the country. They consider themselves only unlucky thus to beorca, vate property on the sea is imperatively de- cresaional nomination tendered him, preferring tka fial.l Southern New rork Central has advanced Jni ne open I n.

I IlR-A mnat InAlra If nrOOOJ18' "ero looks as it a.f a. I Canton Readinrr Miirt Tnlpdr. i areryooay open torprvpwr; enSJ! in the sprue, apparently, into the service, and scorn the sneers of manded Dy tne sennmenia ui justice um- serve uis ronuuj Congressional Nomination. Hudson Michigan Southern Guaranteed aKLxa oTOKis "nrst-ciass, unuer me those who have escaped the draft by exemption or versallr entertained at the present and Illinois central cenr. Boston, Oct.

26. James H. Bkebk haa been otherwise. The distinction of these so-called "con SECOND BOARD. EXPECT BAN That these sentiments of justice must speedily S5.0J0 U.

103.W 300 sh Hudson Riv 70 scripts," however unpleasant at first to our drafted nominated by the People's party in the Third Congressional District. 100 do 70 400 do blO. 70? 1 0,000 U. urn in ot es i $1,090 T'y 7 fellow citizens, will soon be lost sight of among true come to embody themselves in law, no one Has been lor Thirty years the Standard Remedy for The Twenty-third Maine itegiment leit this morn men and soldiers. zviusn lianem KK.pta.

4g ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION. 6s as till." promptly raised by our own jieople, so bounteously patronized by our merchants this regiment, over whose unreturning brave" so many of our people mourn these men, whose mutilated and scarred bodies have brought grief to so many Philadelphia homes this regiment and these men are some of those for which our city is to get no credit on her quota, because some inexperienced ofliccr has been remies in his duty. Baxter's Zouaves arc another example. Every one of these belong to this city. They are Philadelphia Firemen, all.

The very existence of the regiment at all is due to the du corps of our Fire Department. Some single organizations, as, for example, the Weccacoe and the Hibernia, furnished entire companies to the regiaient But their places of abode are not ou the rolls, and, therefore, Philadelphia, patient and abused Philadelphia, must again suffer. ing for the South. Departure ol Steamers, Rumors are daily reaching ua from Tlagerstown can reasonably doubt. There will be, moreover, grave questioning BRONCHITIS, PLEURISY, ao sto.

4 1600 sh M.S. A N. 4-S 400 sh M. 8. N.

I. 82i 545 sh Mich. Oen.KR.. 93 '4 69 $5,000 Tolc. 4 89 $1,200 Amcrxan Gold.131 that considerable bodies of Rebel troops are at WHOOPIXO COUOII, CKOUP, Montreal, Oct.

25. The steamer Hibernia sailed tempting to cross over to Hancock and Williams awakened in consequence of the burning of ISO do $Hi $10X00 do iw; at ten o'clock this morning. New York, Oot. 25. The port.

Our army, while on this aide of the Potomac, COUailS AND COLDS, HOARSENESS, A NO ALL PULMONAUY COMPLAINTS. Al.U steamer Hansa sailed $35,000 do 130X1 100 merchant vessels on the high seas by do. do b30. 9'lK we very reasonably presume might have more surely 50 sh rllCinc 1H. os.

ivj nn tin s30.ll"S for Kurope at noon to-oay. Northeasterly Storm. 1tf.KAlaar Al.a....u nAWarstfH11 prevented the raid of the Kebel Stuart into Penn the privateer. Perhaps there may be swift and iust punishment accorded to the incen do 117X cusn in. uen.

scrip 800 do 83 li0 do sylvania than they co ild now, the bulk of the army vuvivi IUi sav-x si an; KlBjab LUIiUllV av Expectorant can le otrerei than thegrsteiUtestimwflJ thnHA whit liav li0n rsct Imsa I- We ira use. nkw Yoke. October 26. A severe storm from the 0 do nix 50 sh Co. A ausn fjieve.

a ruts 5 being on tbe Virginia side. Still we apprehend no bail nrevanea nere au aav. and is accom diaries, punishment which no threatenea re 100 do loo do wice-spread popularity which, for so long a period, it panied Wltn neavy snowers oi rtuu. 100 shGal. fc 830.

ST. 200 sh N.Y.Cen 107' taliation will avail to avert. By what ngbt maintained in the lace of all comnctition, and hc" invasion from any considerable Rebel force marauding parties may annoy people living at remote southern points of our county and State. Give 110 do 8ti inn ah ItR Arrival of the Minnesota." 50 do sin. Mji does a privateer burn a vessel By right of created a constantly incieasiug detuaad forltlnaiip" of the.

world. Ileis is a portion of Um teitiinony kU tuston. Oct. 25. The United States ateam frlcite 100 do 6t? us here a battery of cannon, manned by experienced ownership, which comes from canture.

But Minnesota nas arriveu av mis port. celved artillerists, and with tbe armed and drilled men at 2C0 do b30. C5 50 do B45 inn ah Krie RR. nfd 2 iOO do sfiO. 86 Iimj do bto.

8i 1SO0 sh Clev. A Tol. UU. 7V4 l'XI do Ti 100 do s30. 7IX 100 sh Chi.

A R. 1 85 200 do I20. S-Vi A HARD UACKINQ COWOU CUKKIK. Snow Storm at Cincinnati. PivriNNATl.

Oct. 26. A violent snow storm com- our camp of instruction, we will fear no future dash of Stuart's horse-thieves into Chambersburg. how is this right of ownership shown to vest in the captor? "By modern usage a com- 56 do ifS JOHN VANWORT, of AureUns. Michigan, wriw- For nearly three years I had a HAB1 KACKin Of the forty odd thousand men raised and 300 do menccd here last night.

ZUW OO DHL Mi The depot buildings, Including the workshops and 100 sh lianem Ki; COL'GH, and waa fast on the docUne. I had. given mustered into the service in this city, it ap AMERICANS IN LONDON. The following is loo do vi I no. warehouses, lired by the rebels, are now in progress up (ouie, ana my iricnaanaa no hope oi vv" CLOSING PRICES.

Iteporiea uy mm. i tnann oon. list of Americans recisierca at liUNauo'i Ameri ducI pears that upwards of eighteen thousand cout scarcely walk alone, and waa grsatly rsi Exchange Place. Krie, Keadinff. 7sa ou News Rooms, No.

19 Craven street, Strand, Lon edofw of reconstruction. They will be constructed on a more extensive scale, and as the weather has proven erv nropitioua, great progress ie expected in the fltsh. The best medical aid that I could and pro una New York central, i oiicnigan don. Ungiana, weex cooing uciooer ii, is62 "A XV. C.

Jewet coiorauo T'y. BOutnern, iisa; jhcuibu wunacau uuaiamini, use to me i nought two bottles ot youv (sm' rilinoln Central. 83KS Canton, lsa i and 1 can ho" tank ai-tvirrtlnu In aliracdons. and 1 Can nO U. Churchill.

New Jersey. C. K. (reisenheimer, Phllada T. F.

Weaver. New York. H. on Harinm. 21 K21 Harlem Preferred, 4'J'i 49 a.

work before winter shall have set in. This does not, bowever, look as though we feared another rebel A. taolrtsiiilih. Chicago. imvis.l'hilida.

T. Holcimhe IHilawar. plcle title to a prize tak en at sea is given to tlie captor only by the sentence of a compe-" tent courL" What sentence of a competent court has been secured by the pirate Skmmes? None. He has assumed the power and right to judge for himself. Those forms of law which are held to be indispensable to guard the rights of men he rudely thrusts aside.

He contemptuously ignores all modern usage and A. Keekeler, Cincinnati Cleveland and Toledo, 71 572. Market firm. n.nca nifTni! ASSISTANT TREASURER UNITED Went wortn. newvneans raid.

have gone upon the rolls without any record of their places of residence. By some rule, hard to understand and thus far andivulged, the Drafting Commissioners have decided that some ten thousand or so shall be deducted from our credit. These, of course, must be located somewhere else. How this is done is not ex- i ij s'. waddi-ii.

iuissouti. It. DoukI'Is, iiubuiiue, Iowa. Special Correspondent of the Inquirer. a.

jml. mans, miumore. r'. C. Wire, New Haven.

Rev. B. Griffith, Phllada. Mra.E.C.Orlrfith, Phllada. Miss L.

Uucknell, Phllada. M.L. Crozer A lad v. Phllada a.i.i turn ii curea mo. I sin now I tS- Por two years I have not taken any quite the use of any since I took your EXPECTUKJ" HEMORRHAGE OF THE LUNOS-Mr.

8. E. PUTNaM.OfEast Riimford, Ms-, ni While in Octobsr, i with lletuorrliflgeaP Uio I 4matosa Fesc- CK, ivenr, ina. II. lail.le.New York, rr.i'kucr.

New York. States, New York, Oct. 25, 1852: Total Reoeipta Total Payments 1 Total la-fi i For Customs m.roo co TAMP ItBlUIAriV vaxaBii.ouanunWs WMrft October 2h, 1802. iAMint ta orders, the drafted militia of Fraok- i. liavuan.

New York- Hoi, New York. New York. is himself cantor, court, judge and e.xeeu- Un county reported at Cuambersburar last Tuesday..

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