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Baxter Springs News from Baxter Springs, Kansas • Page 4

Baxter Springs, Kansas
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,1 i i It 4 ml. The Fribley Hardware and Implement Co. in the lead in 1900. We were never so well now. Weiiave the stuff prices.

If you are hunting for Good Implements, Buggies and Wagons come to us, and we will save you money. OUR GUARANTEE is good, for we will be here to make it good. We have a house full of STOVES AND RANGES bought before the advance, and our prices will convince you If you want any Sorghum Seed, German Millet, Kaffir Corn, 5 we have a house full prices right. We still sell the great Studebaker Wagons and Buggies, Light-ninjr and Monitor Hay Presses, McCormick Binders, Mowers, Moline other implements Many decided bargains in buggies and other fronds that vou want to see. Larire and well se lected stock of hardware our own harness ana employ nrsi -ciass mecnamcs to work the highest grade of oak tanned leather u4- ro rnn Unv TVip nn1e cominir our wav tuai i vuu vmj fall in line and save money.

When in Baxter make our store headquarters. A CDIRIPV If APriWADF IMP CO Jt 1 IVIULLl 11111 C. G. CARROLL CO. have opened a First Class Tailoring Shop in the Heck building over Price's drug store.

H. CARROLL, ire kuon'a to our people, n-ill do the cutting. Our fall and winter sample are now in. Call and see them. NOTICE.

Parties wanting boots for picnic or fishing purposes can get them of me at the Camp Logan boathouae. I will rent boats by the day or hour. Boats are nice and clean and charges will be reasonable. Shelby Johnson. A Woman's Awful Peril.

'There is only one chance to save -j our life and that is an operation" were the startling words heard by I. B. Hunt of Line Ridge, from her doctor after he had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful cane of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall stones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she began to use Electric Bitters which wholly cured her.

It's a wonderful Stomach. Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepiiia, Loss of Appetite. Try It. Only 50c.

Guaranteed. A. R. Kane, druggist Why are "New Sewing Machines the beet In the market? Because they never "get out of fix," and are always ready for work of kind. For sale by L.

H. Cross. Tortured A WltneM. Intense suffering was endured by -witness T. L.

Martin, of Diie, before he gave this evidence: "I -coughed every night until my throat was nearly raw; then tried Dr. King's New Discovery which gave instant relief. I have used It in my family for four years and recommend It as the greatest rem- edy for coughs, colds and all throat chest and lung troubles. will atop the worst coagh, and not only prevents but absolutely cures Con- sumption. Price 30c and $1.00.

Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bot- ties free at A. R. Kane's drug store. "Peerless Princess" Flour Takes i the lead wherever introduced.

Call at J. W. HcCammon'a and order a sack. Satisfaction guaranteed or raoney refunded. aA Knight eftne Orip Testifies.

loaSNCB, IlU Nov. 14, 1898. Iwii troubled with disagreeable feeling in my stomach caused ly dyspepsia, and one dose of Dr. Caldwell's Syrnp Pepsin relieved me. I will never be without it as it is the best remedy for constipstion sad indigestion I have ever used.

P.R.CLABK, Traveling salesman for Pearson Weytel. Importers of Qoeenaware, Indianapolis, Ind. 10, 50c snd $1 botUes at DeWitt I owpson. there are cheaper flour then If cheapness quality is what you want, buy "Peerless Princess." a the liver fails to secrete the blood, becomes loaded i Vioat properties, the digeet-; -comea impaired and tbe constipated. Herblnehsss r-Uoo on the liver and escre-.

i -s, and a few doses will of biliousness Price i ar sny price. If 1 b'iy "Peer- -1 ft. At -supplied with goods as and -lots of things at old of this tact. to choose from. We make suss.

MONEY TO LOAN! We are prepared to negotiate good farm loans on first mortgage lung time and low interest. Ollice 5 doom west pf Haskett's dry goods store. Lakoe Clakk, Baxter Springs, Kansas. A Fast Bicycle Rider Will often receive paiuful cuts, sprains or br nines from accidents. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and heal the injury.

It's the cyclist's friend. Cures chafing chapped hands, sore lips, burns ulrera mid mien. Cure ciinranteea. Only 25c. Try it.

Sold by A. K. Kane. druggist Mrs. Mort Nichols' of Columbus visited in Baxter this week.

Miss Mattie Snclson visited in Columbus the first of the week. Miss Sadie Ettenson of Galena at tended the club dunce Wednesday night. Will Price came over from Jop-lin Thursday evening to visit his family. Exclusive right of the "Perfect ion" canned goods. Burton Smith.

John Welch and wife, and John Dunham and wife were in Galena and Joplin Thursday. Mrs. F. Roesler of St Louis is vis iting Mrs. Ira C.

Perkins in thia city. They were schoolmates to gether. The News is under obligations to Wiley J. Baldwin for a bountiful supply of fine strawberries. They were of good sixe and of line fluvor.

Elder W. T. King has been sue cessful in getting the Christian church again in working order. There will be services in the Buld win opera house Sunday morning at 11 o'clock; Piles are not only most pniuful, but also very dangerous, as the hi-flamed nodules sre very apt to take on malignent action and cancer of the rectum is produced. They should be cured, fabler's Buckeye Ointment will cure tbe most obstinate cases.

Price, 50 cents. A. R. Kane. More paint has been used in Better this spring than for years.

We mean, but what la the use of explaining? J. C. Kennedy, Roanake, says: "I cannot say too much for DeWitt's Witch Hsael Salve. One box of it cured what the doctors called an incurable ulcer on my jaw." Cores piles and all akin diseases. Look oat for worthless imitations.

DeWitt Thompson. Mr. Gib Rennieof near Starvale, and one of the most extensive Isnd owners snd farmers in that section, la aaid to be contemplating tbe purchase of a steam plow aaya the Modern Light If be does this be will put in about 300 of his 000 acre farm in wheat They are all said to be very much encouraged in that, the wheat section, over tbe pros-pect this year. Work on the county high school boilding wiil brCln about The first of June. Tbe beconv by -f i.ov.-rt BAXTER SPRINGS NEWS.

PCBUSH-D EVERY SATURDAY. CHARLES L. SMITH, Bdltor and Proprietor. One copy one tt.oo One copy six months .5 Ose copy three month .3 All kind of JOB PRINTING oarefully and promptly attended to. 'Call and tee specimens and get price.

All subscriptions are payable in advance and those not paid in advance will be charged for at the rate of $1.25 per year. Entered at tbe postoffice at Baxter Springs, Kansas, avsecond-claM matter. SATURDAY, MAY 12. HENDERSON REBUKED. The Democratic county conven tion re-convened in Columbus Sat urday to consider the matter of en dorsing Samuel H.

Smith's candidacy for congress. A large crowd was present and II. H. (High Moss) Henderson of Columbus opened the ball by a villainious attack on Mr. Smith.

The nght was interest ing, but it terminated just us we thought it would in the eiidortting of Mr. Smith. The following reao- lutiou was adopted: "Whereas, a delegate convention of the Democrats of Cherokee coun ty. Kansas, in the city of Coliiitibux, held on the 19th day of April, A. 1900, did by their unanimous act ol said delegate convention assem bled endorse Samuel II.

Smith, oi Baxter Springs, Kaunas, ns their candidate for congress. Be it there fore "Resolved, That the Democrat ol said coun'y at an adjourned ieH-sion of said convention naaenihled do hereby reaffirm our action of said lltli day of April, 11X10, anil do herfeby re-endorse the said Samuel H. Smith as our candidate for con gress and re-affirm our faith in hi honesty, uprightness, integrity and ability." SAM SMITH ENDORSED AGAIN. The democratic and poputixt con vention re-con ned at Columbia Saturday for the purpose of recun sidering the vote on the endorse ment of Sum Smith for copgrc ai the previous convention of the two parties luat month. The reason foi reconvening the convention, to take back the endorsement was on ac count of some charges that had been made against Mr.

Smith aftet he had been endorsed for the 110111 (nation for congress. At SaturdajV convention Mr. Smith, with liir frieuds and his evidence to disprove the charges as mude, on hand and met his defaniers. Then were 122 votes in the convention, and after an all day session mid complete diccussinn of the charges. Mr.

Smith disproved them, and about 4:110 p. m. a resolution wai-presented and pnsscd re-endorsing Mr. Smith and instructing Hie dele gation from Cherokee county to the congressional convention to cast the vote of this county for Sam Smith's nomination for congress in the third district. The vote stood 522 against and votes in favor of the resolution.

Galena Lever. And the blow almost killed Henderson. BROADWAY ITEMS. Juarez Tindall has written to bis mother that he has a job at two dollars a day out in the est Elder I. P.

Buggerly of Lamoni, town, is visiting his children in Baxter and Kiceville. W.J.Baldwin was in Gahnu on Thursday on Business. T. R. Faulkner and wife have re.

turned from a two weeks visit in the Cherokee Nation. They report crops looking hue down there. Our young folks have been at tending meeting in the Qunpaw re serve this week. We have had several messea of strawberries this week, and it is quite a change from grass and on ions. Gkaxiu'A.

L.C. Goodner is ill. The ice mau is now doing busi ness. Crops of all kinds are looking fine. Strawberry pickers nt work this week.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Weaver visited In Galena Tuesday.

Mrs. Ella Myers of Galena visited in Baxter and vicinity this week. T. E. Meeds improved his tenement property at Galena this week.

The Miami ice plant will probab ly be ready for business by the 15th inst W. I. Bingham went to Kansas City Tuesday oil live slock busi ness. Lyman Colemun is building a nice residence 011 West Neosho street. Isaac Wright has moved back to Columbus, He has been living in Kansas Citj Mr.

and Mrs. W. L. Patton and daughter, 'Marguerite, spent last Sunday in Baxter. Uncle John Charley, a reelected member of the Peoria tribe of In dians, died Inst week.

O. N. Baldwin has moved his stock of goods into his new build' ing Apposite this office. LoeT Between Baxter and Galena, Saturday, May 5, a shawl. Return to this office.

A liberal reward will be paid. Dr. and Mrs. A. O.

DeWitt and Mrs. L. D. Brewster attended the grand lodge meetingof the Eastern Star at Hutchinson this week. Willis A Congdon put up a fine large flagstaff in the national cemetery this week.

It is 53 feet high. A new fence has also been put up. E. E. Stevens, at one time a resident of Galena, but now living at Chicago, has donated flOOO in cash to the Galena hospital fund.

He elao agrees to five -'33 per year for Ere yewrs toward nsirtainin the 1 Sf Chickens wanted at Dents. George Polster is paintirg his store anew. Mrs. Hngh Lee man of Galena via. ited in Baxter this week.

The teachers and janitors of the Galena public schools cost $1000 per month. Geo. Girten's family have re turned from Kansas City and will now live here. Work on Roy Harvey's new dwelling on North Military street is progressing satisfactorily. Thomas McAboy is building a nice barn on his home place in the southeast part of town.

Reunion Park will be opened to the public May 27. Don't forget the date. There will be a big time. Prof, and Mrs. C.

C. Huworth of the Lowell Academy made us a pleasant call Tuesday afternoon. The trial of John Norton fur the murder of City Marshal Marion Thomas has been set for Monduy, May 21. Services will be held in the Cath olic church on Sunday, Mny 13, at II o'clock a. 111., conducted by Kev.

Father Hull. The May term of the court of common pleas convened at Galena in Monday of this week. The docket is quite large. Charley Daniels says the next no lice the boya receive to keep out ol tiis strawberry patch will be deliv-ered by a deputy sheriff. Dr.

J. M. Duncan of Kansas City uiude the a pleasnnt call Monday morning. The doctor was in Galena three days this week. The Galena Driving Association will have 11 three days' driving meet the first week in June.

About $1300 in purses will be hung up. Win. Wood rum nod family and Miss Mamie Mapes left Wednesday morning for Hudson creek, in the Cherokee Nation, where they will spend a few days fishing. Children who are wenk, fretful or troublesome should be given 11 few loses of While's Cream Vermifuge, fhey will then become strong, healthy and nctive.haverosy cheeks bright eyes, will be happy and laughing all the day long. Price 2.V.

A. R. Kane. Rhetimatinn is conceedert to have origin in a poisoned condition of the blood, nnd to be most sue-cesfully treated by Herbine, which icts upon the liver, kidneys and other blood purif yingorgnns.there by divesting the system of the of 'ending agents. Price STc.

A. Kane. The bnll given by the ladies ol St. Prisca's Guild at the city oper. house Thursday night was a swrl' affair.

A good crowd was presen from Columbus, Galena and Joplit ind an enjovatile time was had. Music was furnished by theColum liu orchestra of thirteen pieces ind it was fine. Delicious refresh 'iieuts were served. It has been suggested by the Hutchinson News that the pool -levil in Wichita who thinks he ha twelve kings buried in his garden may not be so dangerous as the fel. low who has three kings tmr I on his hand nnd is drawing for (im more.

And thus we are able to fol low the trend of western Kansas thought. "Five years ago." savs the Mar shall County News, "a Blue Rapidr man bought a three-quarter Jersey alf, two weeks old, paying $2 for her. He has kept a careful account and finds that the expense of keeping her since then amounts to M770, while the receipts-sale of calves, butter and milk- foot up the tidy sum of $47308. leaving the tidy profit of $420.08 for the five years." C. E.

Collins, general manager of Reunion Park, is in.iking some im provements ou the grounds which will be noticed with pleasure by visitors. The grounds have been cleaned up, the trees trimmed, seats and benches placed at convenient spots; a nice walkway baa been made down the lull in tact in any- needed things hove been made and done. The first picnic will he held on the th at which time the public schools of Weir City will be here. Reunion Park is going to be the favorite outing place of the whole country this summer. hen vou get tired, go to Reunion Park.

There you will find plenty to amuse and entertain you. A hne gasoline launch will ply on the river and there will be fifty rowboals also. You can go bathing there, too, nnd can find good fishing. Nature has been very kind to that part of the universe known as Reunion P.irk, Baxter Springs, Kansas. "I have trained my boya," writes an aged Emporia mother, "to help care for their sistera.

When they made penniea they took it as a mat ter of course that they must divine with Bessie and Mary. I think the proudest day in Jack's, life was when he bought a whole dress for his sister. When my aons came to marrying age each knew something about what it coets to snpport a woman. They also knew that certain measures of their tim. inter ests and attention in a aocial way was a woman's due.

took care that the girls should have as good training along feminine lines Thev were made to feel the respons ibility of keeping their brothers' clothes ia order, buttons aewed on, rooms dainty, and above all things, of entertaining the boya, making home aweet, merry and attractive for tbenu My girla knew by the time lovers came a-wooing what the cares and responsibilities of looking after a man's comfort "I had stomach trouble twenty years and gave np hope of being cured till I began touae Kodol Dyspepsia Core. It baa done me so much good I call it the savior of my Jife," writes R. Wilkinson. Albsnr, Tenn. It 'wbat you RAILROAD TIME TABLE.

Kuamma City, Ft. Scott A JfemphU Trains lesvs passenger depot at Bsxtei Springs ns follows: No. 301, east bound passenger .3:30 pm. No. 302, north bound passenger, 10:43 am.

No. 306 north bonnd passenger. .3:30 pm. No. 303, east bonnd am.

No. 304, north bound passenger, 11:39 pm. No. 303, east bound passenger, 10:04 am. No.

316, north bound freight ...,2:40 pm. No. 313, east bound freight 6:40 am. MIAMI TRAINS. No.

314, north bound, 9:40 am. No. 313, south (leaves) 3:43 pm. Trains 313, 314 and 316 will carry ps- sengers when holding tickets. Train 313.

due at Baxter at 6:40 a.m., will not carry passengers. Mall and pnsseniter trains run daily; freicht trains dnllv enreot Sunday. Moil closes at piMtnfticeSu minutes before train tune. Barter and Clietnpa Mall ind Hack Line Dully Except Sunday. Leaves Baxter 1 p.

in.i Keelvllle Melrose 4. arrives at Chetotta at 6 p. 111. Raxteraod Peoriu Mall Line. Tuesday, Thursday and Suturdoy.

Mull leaves Hunter at 7:00 a. in. Frisco at Faiiland, I ml. Tit. West Bound.

No 207, Local Passenger 9 .17 a. m. No. 239, Local Freight 1041 a. m.

East Bound. No. 240. Local Freight No. au8, Local Passenger 1 31 6.43 P- JOPLIN NEWS-HERALD.

Leading paper of the Smith west. Prints all the latest Associated Press Dispatches. Largest circulation of liny paper in the Missouri Kansas Mining region. The best advertising medium Joplin PeO" pie Are Buyers. Have you nny thing to offer them? The News-tier, aid is at your service.

News-llerald Newspuper Co Jop-lin, Mo. Does It Pay to Buy Cheap? A cheap remedy for coughs nod colds is all right, but you want something thut will relieve nod cure the more severe nnd dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular cliiuute? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you. then in either case take the ONLY remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles. Moschee's German Syrnp." It not only heals nnd stimulates the tis sues to destroy the germ disease, but allaya intlnminatiun, causes nsy expectoration, gives a gooil night's rest and cures the patient Fry one bnltle.

Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. hor sale by Dctt it! Thompson. Ust Latur Remuiiiiiig in the postoffice nt Baxter Springs, Kmisns. for the week enditigwith May 11)00. which if not 1 ailed for within two weeks will be sent to the dead 'etter office nt Washington.

D. C.t Cuthbert. Mr Dickson. RP Dyer, Calvin Dyer, Cnlviu Edmendson, Persons culling for any of the above letters will Used," giving date of list. J.


Ye Animal Flower still bus tbe largest sale of nny medicine in the civilised world. Your mothers nnd grand mothers never thought of ns-intr nnvthini! else for indigestion and biliousnessjdociorswere scarce and they seldom beard of appeuoi-citis, nervouii prostration or heuri failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system uiui fermentation of undigested food, regulate the nctionof the liver, simulate the nervous ana orgamc iieiinn of the svstein. nnd that is all they took when feelingdull mid bad with headaches und other aches. You onlv need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter wnn you.

Sold by DeWitt Thompson. HANGED BY REQUEST. Victoria, B. C. Nay 8 -News hns been brought by the Danube of a peculiar case ut Juneau.

Martin Sirverl shot and killed Steve Fred-erigo. He then shot 11 man named Christiunaon, but was captured. He then requested that be be banged, and ns there wits no way of caring for him his request was complied with. Sirverl signed a statement saying he hud received justice at the hands of the men there. The motive of Sirvert was robbery.

The case occurred lit Lituyn bay, wheie all the parties concerned were in the employ of mining company. BLOOD POISON CURED BY B. B. B. Bottle Free to Sufferers.

Deep seated, obstinate cases, the kind that have resisted doctors, hot springs and patent medicine treatment, quickly yield to B. It. H. (Botanic Blood Balm), thoroughly tested for 30 years. Have you mucous patches in the month? Sore throat? Eating sores? Bone pains? Itching skin? Swulh 11 glands? Stiff joints? Cipher color spots? Chancres? Ulcerations 011 the body? Hair and eyebrows fall out? Is the skill a mass of boila, pimplea and ulcers? Then this wonderful B.

B. B. specific will completely change the whole body Into a clean, perfect condition, free from eruptions, and the skiu with the glow of perfect health. B. B.

B. drains the poison out of the system so the symptoms cannot return. At the same time B. B. B.

hnilde np tbe broken down constitution and improves the digestion. So sufferers may test B. B. B. a trial bottle will be given away free of charge.

Sold at drag store at $1 per large bottle. 0 large bottles (full treatment) $3, So sufferers rosy test it, a trial bottle given away absolutely Write for it. Address P.lood Palm Atlanta, Ga. Write today. Pseri'x" trouble and free 7) MOTT'8 PENNYROYAL PILLS of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to girls ai.

womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm lifo becomes a pleasure. 1.00 PEIl JBOX BY MAIL. Sold by druggists.

DR. MOXX'S C11EM1CA Cleveland, Oltiu li sale by 1 FOLEY'S HONEY so TAR IS THE CHEAT THROAT and LUNC REMEDY. This Remmly is sold I.v A. I. IvAIVE.

St Louis A. B. Bohemian is brewed and bottled under tbe direct supervision of tbe world's most expert brewer; quality ft stands slonei there being no other brand Of beer to corn-pars with It 1 yiv i CAi BREWING Ca I I T' tow. Wm. M.

Korhammer, Wholesale Agent, Joplin, Mo. iTfiCLER'S rll iCCSXEYE OINTMENT A URI and CERTAIN CURB I I known tor 18 years aa th I DEST REMEDY for PILES. out bt a i.i. DRCOOnm. y.

ant rauiseTf trs. iLit, wrt. I. E. STRYKER, M.

Ph.vsician Jk Surureon. Offics rooms 4 and 5 orsr Dtat's stora. Kasidsao Blood property. Rtspoosible calls from ssighboriac towas answered. OR.

A. O. Vell'ITT, faynlctaa and surxma. Office la Daniel Idnch. Keaidence Hmt hnuae nnrtli ol Hnrtnffs h'rtel.

Aftnrur taw. C'r fiml door north Of -r pr To get a. real good cup of coffee you'll have to start back of the actual making you'll have to look to the roastiugand the grinding. It isn't reasonable to expect the best flavor from roasted coffee that's stood in the grocer's bin for weeks, absorbing the noxious odors common to grocery stores. It's sure to be impaired.

In Ar-buckles' Coffee you have a coffee that's scientifically roa ted, delivered to you th all the pores of the Lerry hermetically sealed. You're sure of a good cup of coffee because all the coffee flavor and aroma are kept intact until you want iL And the price? ArWdes oasted Coffee has long: famous a a t'lC most economical coffee in lie world. It' good, hottest, tie-licious coATi at an honest jh ice Millions of pounds sold even year. Millions of tables supplied with 110 coffee but ARBrcKi.KS. Examine ihe list of articles in each package, a definite part of which you liecome entitled to with each purchase.

ARBUCL5 Notion New York City, N.Y. They overcome Weakness, irregularity tad omissions, Increase vigor and banish "osins Cliienjo Isruyr rtie. l.J. ABC- Bohemian TP "0 (L 05 13E2RS Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. UnrllQcuinydlffesU the food and aids -(Nature In strengthening and rtcot 'structlng the exhausted dlgcsttvo ltitheUUwtdlacovereddlK't-i ant and tonic No other preparation ran approach It In cOlclency.

It tn-r-tuntly relieves and permanently euro Dyspepsia, jnaigcstioa, ucariuuru, Flatulcnoe, Sour Stomach, NaiiHca, Sick nnd all ollwrrcsulUof Iniperfcctdlgcst Inn. Price tae. and ft. liSTirteontln9 lin until siae. Book all abottlrpaU uiuiiMl itvm -Prepared ky E.C- DtStTT CO, Chtcogo De Witt Thompson.

Tft Wa A "I' 1 4 1.

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