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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 7

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

raEPinLADELPHIA FRIDAY. CjlY 11, 1862. II gh-H, Committee, with direotioos to report next portant and the changes in Quotations siaall." AUCTION SALES. Thureday. AUCTION SAL.ES.

of City Councils held THE TOBACCO WAREnOUSE xrimh-ymiEia eoia at 47A, an advance of Long Island at 17, an adTance of CaUwvissa pre- uich the following busi-ieas JUr state meetioi ted i The reolurioa directing the rednc-Hon of the rent on the Tobacco Warehouse was calitd upani parsed. E-ifpt TI1E AfPOINTMKNT OP SUPEKVISORS The reeolu-ion relative to he appointment of sn- pervisora was called np, and paso nnai reai.iug. THE LOAJ7 FOE TilE WATEB WOEK.S EX TENSION. tie thire ia a fair t-ade for the season. The saHers are generally holding nma) b-cI-r, Btld tbe AsBoeia-tl'n ive moreord rs than tiey cmu fiji The Iters are selling at laaoci ttiuu at'7JSS8jie.

Boston Boot asd Shok Market, July 10. A fair di gr-e of activity fa noriceablf ia the boot and shoe market. The Weateni buyers now bee are leaving eotne oroera, Kd a good fall trade may be expeeter), contingent imon tue sureuHsful proi eaa of the Union army. Tbe prices of Btok re in the ratng obtained early of Uxt year, when Benoa Ayrea sole of heavy aud middle tveiftht8, brought from 18 to 19a tbe aacae nrtieie now sells nt21 ta 23e. Buecos Ayres uoper brings from two to three eents a foot more thaa at tbe Siune oeriorf Ust year, and neirlv all kinda of leather have a Jvanc- io like proportion.

When to this ia adder! the Hffre rise in tbe pric- a pid til i wri Cj. woLBEar, auction siaxs-t, u. 18 S. Sixth street. IAiiGE SALE OF CHOICE OLDWIXES, B2AKDIE3, On Toesdity Morning next, The 15th nsant, at 1 o'clock, at No.

13 8 Sixth street, Mariet and Chesnat streets, a tee conafonment, comprising about 400 cases and demijobna grade brandieR, Madeiras, Denies and port wines. Clare's, Ja aicaand GranaiJa rum. Ho! ad Kin, ilo -onraheia ana Buirrbnn whUkv, and Loaidon wiid cherry brandy, all ot undoubted Buri'ty. A lrge pnrtion of thc.sft fine liquors -were bottled and eased in Europe, and were n-ti: tended fe-r thia mai-Kf or for public sa'o Tfiey are ail under sea', and warranted strictly as represented. anl will be in J.rts and The ordinance authorizing a loan of net exceeding five haidrd hound dUara, fur tha extenai icfrcu at iz, an advance of 4 common at3J, an advance of North Pennsylvania at an advance of ReadiDg opened at 29, sold as low as 28 81 and closed steady at 28i28J, 2130 shares having changed hands.

Passenger Railwa) are all about the same as yesterday. The sales, to-day, were, Spruce and Pine at 13 Tentii and Eleventh at 34, and Green and Coates at 30J. They are all quite steady, bat while the books nre closed for dividends there appears to be bat little disposition to operate in them. In Bnk stocks the only sales were, Philadel the "Vfatr Wrka. waa calkd up.

VV nave paouanea to enier at tie nsnalhour rcrid. nl. CO VI dUNaCATIONS, Ac -t i. tt monstrance from th Kiiieteatt and I'wen i -e iaj-kig of a JJroaii I vis, "Meoajst, iv Hi-nil tr reoni ranees. i tte proceedings of a meeting Ui- nie autuject, which have al- -b-d o'ed tfcree petition from of K'tiai gta, asking fur a of water.

ht-t' u-' ii Ca-rer a the erdiuaa-e i cxteitso. Mr. C' 1S3WE1JL opixbed the hill exude and iTnmatnra I vr. i a V-r-i-, 't. Mr.

WRIGHT aald ttat the Mil waa intended to cairy out a plan wui vrae yeara ago. fTe must ba the m-1aa -retfore provmed for, wfefrevr the Water Worka tn-y ee iTitf narearter. phia at 110, and 40 boch the same as at xj. i lv u. Hijtii anrance ot several per cert, nrnst be rea Szert to provirte for the expi nses mnuiVture; ni rtfs cu oi ly be obtained irhen tbe market is not overcrowd-ed wtth goods.

Tbe total abipmentg of boots and shoa by rail and sea from BtTou, during iDe pst have been easea, of wl.i-h 2)5 were sett to Xew York and Ck-r A STOCK OF DEI Pieces fajicy prints. bracked muslins. own dri ld. tabitt diaper. te fidiiiiel.

pla and rhambray glngbams. and delaines. imbi'iue ai la eilaa. nierii-is and alpacas. pepiins.

plaids. bare.fcs and feTni dines. and laucy lans, briiiianut and paper cambiies. Vicjoria ImmiK cju llm. Swiss inuatins.

ciipcki-d mu-iins. cambrics, nainscoKf lace muslins, ALS'V BY ORDEfl 0f AKMiMSTRATOB, OX IH. KDAV July 17th. at 10 cut Jamie, on 4 montbs' credtf a a'oek coniialog. In part hit Js buper.or 6pool cot'on.

2iH" ao7en assorted Sj ool cotton. liir. thread, a'ay bindings; black, whil( and colored coat, vest an pant hook and eyeat vet buckles -iflo town machine silk and skein silk, combs fhncj fccitn. pins, needles, cloves, hosier, brnshs and fane rs of hf robtie Setioola, 1 of I at Twentieth mx-i Citha- t'ie ov last report. In Canal stocks the saks were, Lehigh at 495, a is lor the ertction Jtfr.

HAKPEK (pitefaea intoiue turmnewnaei thought tht unltaa the Turbiue wheels at Fsincoaat were ra de to do their duty soon there wcuid bs do ne in providing for the tuaius which this loan is t'i huild. Mr. MUOKE, a earpful and elaborate speech, crgt-d tbatn mKiitiJual Cvrniah eugiae shonH be EBsd to give us a better supply of niter. He we woald be iadijerent to tie hver.a'a of Philjoe'phla If we filled decline of Lehigh scrip at 30, a decline of i and Susrraehanni at an advance of The SOU 110 wOaW OI MC'IITR. iK-ies 10 ami private genuetnen, notui-aeepers ana druggists.

X. B. Ptta-IocTiea tiow rea.y. jyiOCtfi4 11U0.1iAi Cth CH OV, ATCTIoa AM) I C'cwniUsion iierc'ionls lo i14Chesnatiireet, above JCinth. Sale at Ho.

fM CJicsnnt street. A-JTD SSfcOi.Nlt-bASb HOUSEHOLD FtTlXI. TCRK, ROOE VOOI) PI ANO-FciiiTlS, PLATED YYAiiE, PAINTINGS, A.C. Tuis Morning, AllO o'clock, at te auction store, No. 914 Cbesnnt street, will be oM a l.i.-e assortment of elepant new cabinet furniture, for pj.

I'-r. roota and cUauDer. Also. second-ba-Dd 1'nriii'nre. WARE.

rltchers, tiaskels, forks, spoons, knives, dishes. A-e Aloo, a nnmber of paintli and engraving. I in of ffrttm I'tms, atneutiting to ii iiiticas ad reptira to tbe iieiith others are quoted about the same as yetrday. I r.p.y for There are no items of interest relation tne th transfer Trns 1'ennaylyaniH; lj599 the Border Slve Sih6; to the Western States; to the British rrovinces, and 33 eases to Melbourne, Australia. Experts avd Imports at Philadelphia.

The following are some of the prf.neiDml articles exported from this port to fortiga pons. froia July 3, to July 10, ORF AT BRITAIN. Money market but liule business paper is dis NXODO, una referrca to the Com-i 'o i nwiis received from TAW- counted on tbe street, and call loans r.uige from 4 to 6 per bnt principally the latter rate. Gold and foreign exchange fire very unsettled, a cnr aa ajeqante supply of water, lade-ptiiri. at of the fruppiy obtaiaed from the iKiaware river.

Snub a nfipiyfi oaly be uaiDg a Conith engine, ctneidvriiig proer Vr. L.OUGHI.IN avr-ated the ordinance aB ne-ce Siiry in he most absolute spipo, LEIGU pppoaed tbf lonn b'll, and said pnme very swuriic tlunt'i ef tbe iiemocrita forfavori'jff VnlHift' rs til etnller. i-lii e. 15,000 $1,500 147,813 21,913 iii.ti- '( tr 14'-' Flonr, Ir.o jo-Eard. Vheat, 1 li.

etc. gaiis HaTib, fci and their movements give tone to the transactions in monetary affairs generally. n- 1 fViM mnr t.tiirt, of the A'tH'of (n was so Tt-n iv 8 ortfrtwjo tV this jeir, attlr they hd eppostd fciinUar nousiaoLD fubvi hk from a peivats f'AVILV. Tliis At 10 o'clock, at the will be sold, tbe farni-tnre a fnm'lv fat- cby, Tjprliing bit; of walnut parlor futaitare, chaai-Dtr and kitcben fuihi u-c STOOK EXCHANGE sales. Jul lu, le.tij.

BEFOKK BOAUDS. 'nc j'Hirn u. uii'a pa M-nes. i THE BK1TISH NOKTH AMERICA. Fionr, bbla f.

VinecT, trl! ECO 5 C. Meal, bbl lj SLttea Chalk 0u Bread, bbla 101 w6: LIUT1SH WEST INDIES. ICOItcAdfng 2974 F1KST BOARD. Mr. BAUGKR replied to the last sppakrr.

He cpiisidcrHi opoMti faoti.tua. lie ibou-bt tti it ti'Baat the lt mocrcy eaue viih a hid tru-e from ptHjyile wno bnd t-ui-h "uirwej-8 iB the wooJ- I ill I five to ii vw '4 I t'r" as were eoniaitieu ia ibe bill iio.uw for a" -lit 'O 5.0P0 Ta. 5'. C. P.

87J-: fc7 I'a i lti.i HJi' a-us-i 'au 0 To Sf.orrKmpn. SALE OF BUBGiW Li: FISUIXG E0D5, T. )n V. iy uer.t. At 1" iVVcfc, at btore, o.91iChennt street, wii! he oh' An invofc? of rro-t, t-a- perch flJiingrods, va ri FlMir, -253 1,3 17:8 ap, 300 O.

oO l.i; Butter, 1200 Com, Mjichi Breoi, 23 7.j Dry GuotU Pork, Ut5 Si-oea, pkga. 15 Mama, 3S45 lloie, ii-a 335 Lard, lbs V2M Matches, gis. 70 Ciaidies, 250 171 i in iitg to sur-H will H- fM i lul 4.1 eh Pa. RR Reaver Meadow. JO- bh UK.

fref. t'-0 -lsh Vav a.i ''1 sh Temh fmawi-M 17 1 sh behicft Scrip i sli I'll! ba. I'm sa l't-nna Kit do 0 do 59 17 3i 42 1 xk. f-ii't 12 13 110 17 Soh. Nav Also, au invoice oi un by makers.

ill Lf tSif r. lTJT.lN'S, AUCTION lif2R AM II Merchant, o. B. corner of Sixth an. BacestieeU.

27 ATIIAXS' PKIXCIPAL MONEY ESTAEU3TjDHTXX rv LOAN, In or small am uhit. l'rom wee tbonand liver wa'ches. jew rv.mcn el.KlKog.iunJture.hedd ng, pianos, and goods of everv oe' LU.Vi MA.iK AT THS LOWEST MARKET RATE Tbi- itimetit has laive fire and tii proof mtej, fjr il.e guods, together wub a piivata wa.c'j.aan en cie.prenvses. Dullness flours from 7 A.M. to 7 M.

I'ri-a en: airct from ice -Trf-t'. EMat'i ahed on ht 1,1 thirty y-art. targe loans mide at LtU, "tin Establish metit qrraihr re AT PKIVAIK FOR TIT HALF THJ Lf7AL TO lit PKICS.S. and silvtr of ew. df cipt'on, fr- on doilni to one lara each.

Gold ctains, fiMona bk- jewelry, A-c, s. si :7 o. ar a navy yrd luu can iq all tue woou- pilea of all tbe VM red tv the opyo-iiiou. Mr. HVLHiULIX i.u..

r'ae and supported the bill ha ot-i'tttn 1 r. Vr. HAKPEK snid 1 owd to the bin r.h iiw.ti- it liphsb tie ii)Uii'td by ic. I-- to miM-u-i, to no part of the C-cJn be -iJ ut tblli pr. Mr.

waa nmf sity fo- theamt-Hdment. h- Lpel would notpwa. to. 'y afiv.HWrd tns to-n u. Tic th'iivrh it w-a anu prufh-snt, to o's.

i AO Acuer CO A fcnr4foice c. SPANISH VVFST IFDIKS. a irii two uL-re rround.near PP'y a' tr- store. F'onr, i Seho 1 Hoi lave. tW 1'IiH.

A' 3 M.tH Kiuiiru Kl! 8''V 57 3 f-h Sp A i li iid n-w'-ntioaa S- i i iu. Voiiioter r. were hs HH. IX 3 7-i'i i otmcc llbos Iniotji. 2.2l Fish, pkgs Corn, 1,200 bids a I tie iksjs 2i0 rk, pks.

.1 HI si.j hi. 'i ill I'a if 47 7 do 4 3S! BiJTVVKEN 41 11! 35 i. a heeioec im o. to o. V2 Mare-i kU-jt-t, t- ve s.f street.

Fali-s ot Notie- A every Mon-dav. Friuay Mornings. Comtaancinj at 1 Mir-rtiiU KK. BOARDS. ir.rvt'i!: irt CO 4'e" of ill'.

nrrv t. tcis oi l. curb th -i'tt lie 10 o'clock pteeisi 1, p': H-j nis ad l.H Vinearir.t'iltM 2.f.:)7 H-j ps ad tiit: s-ov' i' i lin- be tl- 't i If of it-s ciHStjnh, tt-iMl. icti to ')it -ye i H) til I- t'e Uiij'-u Voluatf er i-r limine a'l -i'ri -c itOi.t ens ir of' the people, tbould 1 2,75 80 F. S.


S'Sj ab Beading KB itt Iwr.u 17 to i 3 I to uo 21) tb Beaver BOARD. TJ. S. (Ts, '8! ....103 I'a. 5.

C. A t.iw!) do 2dv.I(i2 2i oh St-h. Wesr Bran. ir.A"..a?ea i' a.iini; 44. ft ah 0.

etXi iJaikei ttreet. tove E.giiii tlams, L-rd. lb i rliO Us. tt.8. tap, VaxU ItiS.

tSugar, 3.8... ITour, i I'org, do llama, iu r.f tt)f t-ni 'h -and? driiKimert of I lie vny. F'JKEMAN cii-d to Mr. lie (Mr. ititeiif'eo to vo'e ii-tt be ba oiie taa a riybf to.o that, in so oiaat'g 1 1, oa'h.

will -v u' Hf tbe 17,5 :t.rt3 head O.itdJ i.iO.i 33 l-'4 I4i Ii. K. rnterial 15:1 sundries .5,791 6J6" SOCTH AMFEICA. lO.ti 0,0,1 6s33 ITS Lumber 29 l.M Paper, S00 ..0572 io; 1 C.Al'K OI GOOD IIOPK. 5791 iC5 Lwl, R.

5791 r.n W'iiO iV i-t' ANCO A ST A IS i OCK, A I X- eers, Jio. 2t- Market sireet. 4 I SAI.K OF AMETtK AS AND IMPORTED DRY GOOHS, i rh liirard Ha h. 619 151 10O sh Lit. ttU 1 'it- ti's, New sS.b i nt t'.

1 li i -t t-n attempt. TCii OF GOODS, Ci-OTHIXG. Ac, BY Pr.le Vri so Market street, aVive F.fshrb, 01 IlAXDSME Hit" SHOI.D r'KSrTfL'E. atl'Maj j. At ltt o'clock, at iiie iniett.jn sr-ve.

w'l? he o)4. a Targe, assnrtment of waiiiut n.i futrlor, and otaer fcrni tire, ti; ma: straw mitt carpeting, aeo.iij-. a tAfuriiinire. Ac. ptiiLi i.Hji5" rfc a No 635 "Market str -et, and Xo.

623 Commerce s'reet, hetw'-'n Fltth end Sixtii. vbo favor the 1 i.t t-d lb -11 illli o' tl. a i.nwirtdby Lac g. KK 17 17 in i' r. t.J v.

girrK-. ihf r.1-" rtc tn ir.t,e of a frte aisd on ednesdav next. 51" till .1 S2 do Nitv 'So 70 nm A-A fi. "83 Aaiericaii Gold. 115 AF I'tK uo illi Cat w.

UK, I I Mr. CfiESWET.I.tb.v.: a. wi iiii-r tl Flonr, bbls S50 lu o'clock. July b'tb, 1SC2, coiomeui'. 1 2 13 1 tb.r (inrstion to be apked not -t-- n-g tutd tlki-ring taakins ar idieal do nARDS.

sale, a very su- I 'I our "fa-ti. i I 1 could SCPERIOP. FIKK PROOF At private perior Ere a.ue. Pork, do l'Kl 1.1751 Perfamery 114 Imports of men'ljsniiiee "at l'hiladelphia for tbe week ending Juiy in, wert-aa follows: FOR CONSPMPTMN. not vote for bill until it ip iu iy 'Oi City fi's.

Xe w. Ins a Keaver Mea-low. e- SC i'a Can ii sll beading KB do 110 do PUOPOALS. i tj: i vMuttr-iih jn- Ink e- mnfl- res ons 1 j- ij-' rn iiif) Co i- t. fr.

ab. nee-keeper ef tb" 1. and he did amd lv '-vbs not fb '1 t- i It ab Kt.iuiff UK 2N-. Sugar, hhdi, 1942 Hardware, cks. 1 35 th m.

He wag Surry fjii tLvj L'aiou Volua'i-er ii uiein to 1 .1 rti pb the FKIi'E-i. Et 4iiMl.l T1ID. Ut-2 cs. 8 ntUnian from 1 tue g. ASKED.

Molaises.bds 091 CT.States 1 i'2 CoalAKav 'J S. lHl4' div f7 1'7-. Lt.OialA Xav.Scp f40 yy i 5. 4U7 MS I 1 1291 yj i 12 UfACKEVS ArCTlON KOOJIS, Ao. 36 if A street (late below Fourth.

('. AfKEY will attend pefonalK to sals of HOUSEHOLD F1RM1CKK. MKJaHASDIZE AXD PEKSOXAL PRO'Bi'Y Oi oil kind, at tlie premises of tba ownen.or at his Auction Booms. TO BLACKSMITHS. On Sa isy Vornins.

At 10 Mscey's Auction Ro-itrj, irH be so'd 1 forte. 3 rr.aciifr.ea. 1 machine for rivets. 1 pla' funa scale, ti vices, Li anvils and a number of tools; a'o. UOK3 AXD FORKS.

Abort 30 doien ho. aud i.a fbrs. IN. Petm'a KK una. 0 in): eenn'M 6's K7 en'i a in- wire, vu, i b-xes 29 case, 1 6,237 31 zenana do.

e. 1 :4 1 4,1 BOiks, 1 ao3 fV'i 27 peneh 121 SodaAsh.eks 144 HiSoda.hs 00 Borax, cm-ks, 4, .261 Bailings. I'fi'i'a RK. lVs Con 3r4 i.

I'ref 1LV A SoutiJ-, wark Kit 4S 50 3n 7S IKt 4 12 7 74 57 wcr? J. a lfolution of tht- et who Sha'l dial Utt- tro k.u-i'1 psy mi r.f (.1 ice. riv. i'io refer tbe resolution to the i "1 A if to. fe Ll.

MCXIIPAL 0TEc. i-rr- ented th f.tloipg: vi tbe Commune on Hn.neC shall r' p-ri'iri, or.Jiu-nre il-sorN Miit'-I rVi im ia '1 -e 'n -r: iluf. 1 r- T. vi vi r-t-" i ill Mi.i.A1; S.rjll'lcx, an K. -b i lpHMI TT.

It Mr. si i t'll j.ivii. the Loan bill. We must I Ptei t'p onr pres. v.

even If l.ere.iftir it may lv neeeaary buiid works ut 1'lat Ilo -k or tiei- wher.1, 1 Mr. II Alt PET-J r. to Cattm.L lie thought the latttr iun had been otb-naive in In- touebiP.ur niofve of geutleibva who iU'eiKi tj vot: aijam-i t'-'s oii'. jlr. CATTKLL replied to tbe various gentlemen t'ho hid alluded to bin-.

He 1 among other 1 tli rht bat crftianly to paU-h tbe ork, if ihe worki were bere-i nf" to be renivo 1 i Me. ouposfd the hill. lie thought tbe DKl'CTY GEE ra: twice. Puiiadelptia. Juiie ls.Z.

Fropusala ih ae receiv ed at tbis oi'dc "mil Tne-sday Jnly 1 Ui next, 12 o'c! ck. for ti delivery ot ona setts of strt-mnie complete, to be maJt acco'diirt to a sarrple now In tLi cHi; of the be ieather, aod vib ect to inspection. TLe wk -leta be coinpi'tod and rcdv delivery hi this C'ty on or be-lure -he 1 day of August, Ls(J2. A. Bf VD.

jeixijyl5 Captain anl A M. 1IttPO.SAL.S FWi OLD COPPEK Olhce of tLe Gardian' of tbe l'oar, Xo. 42 N. Seventh street. Proposals forthe pnrchae of Rbont 100,000 ponnd oi pner in iois to suit (i- rchasers.

sll be receivextl. oniicrtined until the mst Si copper can n.w ue examined at SiuCKley ose, and wIT be soid to be cemo.ed at the the ourehaer. Tht prBi.SH3s mat' be Fri.poa!s for Id and wii! state tbe guaniity vvauteu and cash price per pound ofTre. Tbe CcTnicittpe i-et erve the right to acccpror any kjI aHJJ.ds, a t-ey mty deem most advantageous. Bv order of tbe Oommiuoa on Sale.

C1IAS. T. MILf FR, 1 0t Secretary. $147,502 Sec d.t 70 K. 9 WAREHOCSED.

Silver-plated ware, box, 1 43i THOMAS Si, ArCTIJXESilS, -teaauu; UK lit-rti. Mtg. "oo '4l If'v 'M tte ad. Penn'a Uli. ex div fenn'a It.

1st G'B ICS I'tilii'i K. K. 3d M'4t. 'a 97? iiorriOanai Co'd 4 fan) I'rl. Sen.

Nv. 't N.iv. Xav tj'n ex lot 7tl 12 timira KU. 21 LSii aud 14i 5. FT.nh street.


phpa. bs 12 Pr.SjGrr.-n A aw1 47 A. Walnut li 1 exdtv "1 Htrvt 35 A Fif- 17 70 ev. and 14 Nil eU: 7 23 -Giranl lles 21 iTenuiA E-evuntl) efim'TtunoT us ri re in 't-yrnentot any uiLuienti debt be reoln ion.

Tie declared muni) noter waa a clear violation of r.v r-ir'': Mr. 1 i'. the ibaUc of YALUABLS STORK ANU COUNTRY Sr. AT. FARM.

As. One sale Tuesd'ty next. 5th mswr.t, inclnde the 'O Shoemaker ai.ion," wi.n JJ.I asres: a h-drme 2 Jive acre lots, valuable farm on ifce i law-are. vr.fab'e Store, DweHing, Ac. Full d-c- Ipt! iis ixady in Pamphlet caialogues on srst.ardav.

2i 20 2-: Jnly 12 .2 Ii Jt TFfTONiA. Xew York, via Cottw, for Ibambnrjr, Anc! .1 sxon. Quebeetor IJverpooi ttr or H.vLTiiioas. New 1'jik or S-'. TT a New Vnrk for Liv-Meyool Nkw 1 New i 4 Ci)us, for Br men 7's'7 t.x iu unpro eai-ntw woul-; do justice to nny prt of tfte city evv Kt.rir Uu, wo-ild be Me or.t mueti ns it pleaai, while the.

lveuf.iith and noiiM Ik- let' with a Tiie.irre supply. Tli. low will -et ail tbe wat li-riets will hut little Vi. do liot oliject to motiey tj get wntr, 1 want to get uom done when we p-ias a bill. Mr.

IX talkt three hoars and ten inicntea it ih a iur-er pat fclx o'elo- ij, and he thought rti 1 t-ilk it ctu. lie then sa cMi.wllv to Mr. IlA'i dit'na- fr. tbt tbe resolution been avi t-o C'itv -15 -i'or. Mr.

FOX r. thnt be ba great respeet 'f tbe. -i, -itor, heiieve li" find rd 'ii- Long IslKK, 17 17la Steady NOTICES. 1V BABRITT fc APCTIOSEKKS, if Cash AncUan llooae, Xa. -JS0 Maiket street, comer of my iltt tKyi i.uetMc nuou th sui ct He (Mr.

I' .) hH.l no a thnt Hank street. rciti any suca aa tne P4 I '2-i 5 26 ce of mU KOTICB TO IMTOItTEKS AXD JOiiBEKd. Dukxel Co. quote New York exchange par prent. Bos-toii exchange.

par(l-lf'prcm. E.iitiinoro parte' dis. Country Funds, AC? 4-10 Gold, I4te 15 prern. Old Drmaiid Treasury Note, 7(gfi prern. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes, loSJ104.

Market lluotuuthig. it.i,fe tens i-ou'lriicrt. ana It raa t.ited New York I.iverp.ol a. Il-Mna. via Lieerr'-ol i ni ok Nkw Vokr.

Nt Vnrt. i'-r Ea.tkes, Hew York for Liverpool riivx ecaors. vrw Tom. Rr- men. via Yi-w-e.

for Now Y.rk. Emvarn'iH. New Yortr limet liiu. rifUt' a miill i ....1: on tlie Mtiiiki. of Mr.

tbe IVnrr.lar Ues by every ToesdaT nrt FnCay Moraii.g. Liberal cab adanceica oil kinds of dry crpet. oots, sUoe Ac. iwn io cftarre ramie it casn nrsTcw en crnisijiimenia. Oar tor efeerin? tales re jes than auyoJier 'Tlllfi; 1 nil I i-e tv the oil it bv ilr.

le s--: "i -n of of tbe 21 of April, wl.ii-n rrf, -e i-xu. of s. was rea.i. It 14 i3-r int of any ru-v'i mm tfn. eoanive fl-e isu- litti'id of -Mr.

Lmoh, and the rtorere-j cent of" Mr. i N. He a'sn addro(l few to Mr. and tbeu cajmi- bnk i Mr. II wiiom U- suited an embryo Bdi- -re i

lie i-u ali tb. se gentte-j men, th if tb-y tb'b ureo tliis meaaure tbey should I te-ar iha runt of tbe tito. Let the 111 n.eet the OPPtCE OF THE tSIRAJS.0 COLLBdH Iiailray Comvary, corner of J-wum'-U aud Uidu'e avenuo. July 7, 1 The Trtuiffer I'-ooks of The Coltes Passen-jer Kail- wav Company wii be closed ill the insumi. jySIt Wj.

S. BLIGUT, Trciisurer. tiFi('E OV THE SiFttiSti CAROJil N. comer of S.xfi a.i AV.x.'d s-jeet. rkiaideiuhla.

July tb, letS. 1 tie Ke.ard oj Directors have Cti da "Ottlared a scmi-ai nualdivldena ot Fiv-a pr cns. mr of the for the t-isi ma months, pavacltito tne Stockholder, or their leg. i repreenta uv'es, at the office ef tbe Company, on and after the 15U inst-, dear ot'State Tax. X.

KRUMBHAAR, jy-rmet Secretary. I linr a tor New Vcrk 1 of Nkw Yosik. LiV'-rp-nJItir I P. a house in DOLIESTiC ItlABIvlL 3. 5 Pf RITMPTORT SAT OF ilnO LOTS OF DRV GOnTS nx, o.r.

i'yoi niirfceiu-Htior. e. in-. ait "-ir i hi.e excee'i-iii- n't an it of iix -i-ontba. I'he res-i'ii '-in vrere ti'i illy referred r.tip Com- i.jiie iair mi i.n-1 ine eon of refnr'iug to t've tbe people of tue up-! ier pat of th a pur.

nd adequate ai.p I ly oi' lieth-ua' 01-a' e.l tbe loan ou lous i '-rotinfts Hetho'jjbt bit tbe rni.ira of ih- lien- I liaretiurc, vm for New York PTITLADKLPBLi MaBUKTa. 10, P. M. i bt re I a Urmer lerlit-ie in the Hit Il 1 FS citVo Washinl. Liverpool for KewYoVki market, uvrmn, in a nieat-ure.

fo tne ln aiideu nd 1 vn-. mtrr advance in the of rci fl.i jo; itJit, and ibe tilth realized f- com. I'he exoort I l.jditT. Xeiv York for Asplnwall denauit for li.Ol.-K, however, ia rjui'e BttnsMi yrrKM, fur ll-va-a and Nassau t'Mily at0 bbla. aold, iurludmg 61 bbls.

Xorth 1 i antaoksf.t, for iV I'riuce and Jamaica, western Extra Fruiiy at bla. k-ood r-. fcjitee 01 i inane iiy rn 01 12 yeas to 10 naya. U.iSIF.UY. LTSi S.

LlXi-S CiMSKl'J El o. HA0 1 Til LOTUS, Ac Th: Morning, July 1th, at IOe'clM-k. 9 doiten men's and wo-sen's be and half hose. 1.10 Joan boop skirts Also, aitsort- jkkIs: cloths, eassimeres and sat -nets, with aiarge variety of other miscellaneous dry Alo.s?Teralcasfs Paris felt hata, thoes, A-o. Als.i.a loi of re.o..

mt.i 22 KPICE OP SSCOXD AAD TlllitU BT 'M K'X rre- re-it'it'on renne-Mn- I bdi (as provvjVJ In the t.i'l" onlrteqn d- ueit.efl ol vo t'l-st tbe Twentieth Ward Sheets I a'seuk-er i lway Company, Frannford umU Ub a. PenuTlvHnia Extra at 1 tveu8 0io, oM, at 5-5 IMIILADKLPIII A 120AKD OF TRADE, Sam lW Jk OuCSi(T. i tbe sine nure, ni ii.o uoi. choice in-suionil Milln i' tor 0 rtons.n io ir tie -f l.w V.r il on terms not made nubile. '1 he ailes tlo- re'ii- rs tuMjeirras or Mckth.

i r. i-r b- I tare Srr. ei i- iif-l veruniei for boi.ii.? il 1. fcr in re svaa no frttr o'i- is tbre did uot appear to lie 1. -d th i tb" reaoIirM.m i'e tt.iiivbt th -ts rrr' -b 'or ah th re -ben ii at for par- I and rs range iroiu 475 lor supernue ep to o75 i J.

It. l.U'Hi.veorr I Th" eeond section waa pacfd. The fnrtbtr eon-j hi 'erition of the wr. then poatoutd till xt afu-rnoon af 1 o'- k.

1 Tlie aotlein is conveyance of eer-1 beloniny to 1 ie eetate cf El.IAd Koi'lil- re if-il I lur lancy. Tnere is very lifle EYE FLO UK lure. Sales at $312 337 the la ter rat for etra be nit Lel.i(.h avenue, f.i!adel(ata. Ju.y itn, lKi. Tte tiourd of hjve thi day declared a divlr'etM of dvc per cent, on the cap-tal stock u- the arninps oi the six m.mtts, payable to ihe Srockholers, or theil representa'ives.

on and af.c-r the loth mst. Th Unnsltr bvoka wtu be closed unMI that jyS.t TiiOS. LOO AX Secretary. ifeTCEOP 1IIK PHILALtXCLHIIIA AJII iieiitig Itailroad Company, Jnne lStrj. The rate o'Tte'ght and Tollmen A.ithraci'e Cmi trans pt.rted by this C.mpany will be aa loiiowa dnrinj U4 munth of July, 1S2 kros I To Rifhmond.

to Phil ad tf- it LKITKK AT TBE MERCHANTS' Fill LAD EICTIAXGE t'im-ul! ilh" moved to Ship Sar.inak. Uowmn fcr tbe resol'i'ion to I lei' uce of tue City. iverpool, soon soon wion not wis bn-t'iy. IMPltOV EM EX IS IN FAIR MOUNT PARK. Tb ordtu proprlttng 0.0(-ii for i-rtain yvp lT.jirovem.

In Pair Btvuiit Park, waa called up p.sed flaally. HE iv FRESH WEST SALOONS. The CI: concurred in tbe bill in Sel-et (jA-r- t.j. Ship I Shi. Wir 1 Willar.

rank Kouil- Mor.e liirile I rtL-em--. Huraue St Jirr. llh.lL In steady 2 75 fo PeiiunylVaniS, and 2 V0 tor lirn; wine, nut without s.iea. In WHEAT lb-re l- and with limiu-d b.d;r are resUziirg rather Im tier pru-es. ti.leof islo.ono iueiijdicj StKKj MuBhtls fan and prime Bed -2al2G; ltx0 ousoels Uir do.

at fl-2; iMonui-helschitc Mi -bigan do. HKXt itiih is a. tbe same lts taw do. the firxt arrival of tbe hfM'D, at a.1'30, and jwaj tuaUels good Sjouthem White si; I J. C.

MlbLFBA ArCTlOXEliBS, i Xo.35 X. Tnird.anove arket atxeet. At orr evening sales, omuiencin- a o'clock, win be found aenei-t as-ortment ef merciianf o' everv s-ich an cl-iths. casimres, and a general assortmertt. if h-sU-ry and small ware, rardwaxe.

ttiid table cu-Ie-y, boat's au-i afees cf rtescr ptro reaiiy-maiieclorhinii dress goods and fanty aracies sold Ul uuanti ie tn 'oil h-ner. NOliCL TO tOl'Xl'l'-Y AXD CITY BUTERS. Wc have privae sales a f.iV. oniplete assart oeat cl a-d b-vans. -ern the best partieuarly adptct to tie couu.rj trade, 8 fol'nw.

mens', boys' and youths' boots, shoes, and brotisns. l.di eases and carious ladies', mines' and children's Shoe. IV- artons ladies', nvsses and children's 'aotlng baime-rais. In ca f. ftoau oufl and kid.

and lip.ed iio Mi gent blm-T Scotch and Oxford ties. Con-press ots. Ac su'tahte for a'my wear vui-iniC a assortment, and ft" It 20 percent, cbcaj" fan at regn'at shoe houses. All utxid and prime to which wc cal. the attention ol buyers.

New Orievns. soon wotu i H.injue fcn. dr" vi: r. iur ater. u.iaiu ooi Havana, kkhi brir i'ka Kced.

Jarma'i Branch. riiif' thkt to the two V. -unite Ke ex pen- -v AT Glli MID COLT.EOE. zing rot. --f t-vo hi i Oltesr, at aa 1 $5 Ki0.

-he of "8ef'-'i-iii- din.p--i-.u4 th- pre- t-i t'-e o' hoHi- wii 1 1 ofii. c. iiinTj. inr.r.i-1.... Mr referred to aud tier p' fer-n h-l! (leary and I ..5.

lleB 01- MARINE lflm-LIGKMCE. POItT PHTIjA BKLPHIA. Jl'LY 11. ire-t'meu' Meanaa. BaBOkK wppo iiied on tbe e--" retlii: ion to Uy w.tfr otr rtrctfta.

a cn rre-AID FOit TH KAMI) letolut-ou in Kl r. lain goon ueraana, un -iooo onsnei- 1 enn- t.i n. TO 4 i'i SETS 'jthe rorui'tt-i -n IPKOVLMEXT ntiAinj I SDN I'lrtKS HIGH W.ATKR. ttiee lor tnree liitiidri'd of voiunteerb, i'3 2 12 'MUMOl'XT PARK, 'i 11 rhir-1 to tiorr an orriiniuee for doiNra to ail toe i'ii waa i'iiocurred ia. 'ilje Clumber then aljourned.

PortCirbon 51 7S $148 Muniii Caron 177 1--17 sc: Haven 1--10 Auburn l'0 1'HO Pori CiUiu.n 1 1 25 liuring tbTe mouth of August, the rates will beat follows from 1 To Richmond. To thilada. Port Cart on $1IS $1 6S Mount Carton 1 SchuvUidHaven 1-9-1 l'O Auburn I 180 I'M Port Clinton 175 On and atter September 1st, lSiiZ, tue rates wul he at follows fkom To Riehmtnd.To Hhiiada, Port Carbon $-'TS $cSS Monnt 217 Sdinlkill Haven 210 i2t A.ibnrn...: 2 00 1 0 Pon Clinton 1 1 li iUiva'i in lu tun Mtithorizi'iJI be "itv FRONT J. PliililiY CO.

No. 130 S. Itr i'r-Kii futi-1 the Ivi the BT tree. I It i'-. 1 ui.ti tne 1 01 in of 1 TT A fr TJ ICONS'! I 1 -'O UP 111.

8- r-t. nd. the -n of pr i. am -uvt -iil te to nc 1. ta.n Uc on' -i lo ui vbi 'h may be crested for THrre.sD.AY.

Jiy 10. Tlie Stock market was I ratlin- to-tlay. liivi-stmetit Bonds aud good haviecml iv iUg Eti.cki wire f-trce id in de- rtlit-ffi1. i i-. lotion nen -pTd.

BLXL-S FKOM COMMON CO UN Bv order of tbe Board secretary. taami ui tuL rates, but tbe Fpcculiatives were more treeiy v.f. i bout, however, any material i nan: of in TLe hndden advance in itnd foreign exetiarge. which gave frucb en GKOCEKIB--. Ac.

This Moruinc. At 10 o'clock, a general n-or ut UKRlvlMf. 75 -irim sa'tert herruiti, just landed. Alto. 5 bbls.

hams, nx.lasse. 4U0 reams paper. Si botes Also, tills rninf ttiN. ime syrnp: 15 cheits jrreer teas.

baas I rice; 10 casks and bhl. cried apptes. 5 Ut s. cried ptnms kesrs am cns crouud spices. imported rs i casks brandy.

12 hi eaki Port And Madeira wiae. cases wine battles auo tlasks; 30 bag pea nuts. AT PRIVATE SALS. 125 bbls. prime Xew York syrup.

1A0 bales cSia. cases and caaks win bottles, flasks, Ac all sites. The iro Co mi a Ooum-il ri'Lttivetoj ibeexp of toe ternis the Snpervlsora, w.s 1 flp'j soi.ih lenMi, tnd was tben refeired to tbe Co nil1 ou Pis; f. ij' a. The ion of irti -non Coonei! in re'crr'nir the 6omm'iitioa of ItiCiiAKD re ro Ihe puiase b.

ih city of rli. to a joint FURNITURE. iinpeiubtotbe feencral Hot of prices yesterday, svlvituia Hold at tWc. COHS ian firwird slowly, and is In good re-quest at an of lc Sale nf Stfl'i bushels Ye'-b nt 55 iCat, el isin' at tbe iartf rate, and fine, in store, including bus Ik Is inferior at 50c, and a 1 -t of White at In OATS th. re in more activity.

SMes of 7SS000 hnaheli. at 3li41e. for and STac. for in BtKLKY v6 BAK1.EY MALT no aalea. Tne of nil kui8 of NaVAL STORES la very muoi reduc-d, the tendeney of )rbv i upward.

Spi it of Turp. nrttie has advanced i4 and it i held at I -lift, cb. Common Koala la w-II-tug at $j050sll. Tar at $15, and atlO-y barrel. Tbre Sm but little Quercitron BATiK here, and not much demand for It we iut N.

1 ut $3350 ton. au'es of Thcr is very SKE1 of any kind here. We quote Cioverneed at ft5.i'12 i'tH Timothy ia worth 2. Fl txseed is wanted by the cruaherB at $2 20o226 4 bu-hei. In GUOCEB1ES and PROVISIONS not much doing.

AV11 1SKY Is held with much more firmness; sales of Ohio at Pennsylvania at 3o31c, and drudge at now held at 20c. Pim.ADF.LpniA Boot an i Shoe Markrt. The Reporter says the for the week h-ive been iittht, Siaa'l ordtrs tbe dcauriptiuus of abqs to come fordrd. The joboera are generally bringing op ac-mnts to the first cf tbe and answering the 1LV calls for rho a which will oontitiue tbrouah tho month. There has been lesa dUj th usuh forte ofT gooda ta cier tbe maiketat th'' clo-e of the season.

Holders shoea ac'ingrattjtr Indep. necu ly, nnd tee imores-Kloutba' price mn.t rtdvunce he trker.Ia yet flrni, but without any material chaojuc. The maunfaetnrers re rather quiet; some are preparing a stock of shoea for the fall trade, but few, if any, are pressing for uii 1 1 MA 1 TKESSI3S, wn Mitatwaut cbeeked t4-d iv. to the un AH RIVED. Brig Danl Malony, Steehnan, 5 days from Stono Inlet, In l.u!!i-- t'apiam iinu San Snow, 3 dayf from New York, with 10 Older.

Seiir Veliint, Sianwood, 8 days from Cardenas, in bal-lat-t to E. A. .1. M-lir Hi ndiie. 7 days from Tort Royal, ia ballast to C.

Fierce. Schr Ann iinofi, Xowell, 7 days frcm Port Bcyai, In bM.tastto capiain tnr S. C. Cook, I days from Fortress Monroe, in La. lust to Cap; uin.

Schr Mercy Taylor, Crowell, 3 days from New York, with to Growell -t Collins. Sae.o, WtuKi.U, 4 days from New London, In ballast te Wm. E. Johub. Schr Ma Utebuids I day from Camden, Deb, with wheat and to liewley A Co.

Sel.r Moore, 3 days frcm Ljauc, with mdse to J. W. Bacon. CLF.AKED. Ship Wm.

Cnmmlnr.3, Wiiiar. Liverpool, Workman Co; baroue 'I bos. Dallet lull, LaKnayra, Dallett A Hon; Mary K. Thompsnii, Havener, Barhados, Thos. Wattsou A Sons; Murv Means, Wnsnn, Boston.

Twclls A Go; Bnima, Baker. doTdu; schrs Ned, Pensacola, D.S.SLOtson Irranc, hlce Ko. frets Monroe, Tvler, Stone A Roicbiiry, Craweh, Boston, L. Audeu-rJbiACo; Mercy Taylor, Crowell, do. do; Maine Law, Anilioiiy, iitclimoiid.

Ma do; Ltitte Bock, Bowen, A. G. t-a teit A Oo; Amite Virginia. A d. Noble, CaUlaill Co; Saco, Hestsott, Lynn, H'm.

H. Johns; Ckcescman, Nantucket, tlammeti. Van Du-sen A I.ochman K. OpiCi, Fisher, Wtusliinglon, K. A Co; Alexander, Keal, do C.

imuols, Kor.dout, co; steamers Clmrlcs, New York, VV. P. Clyde; Farmer, M'Oabc, Ba timoro, A. droves Jr.

4 ed Hair, aim Le audHuak, UUU'S 1. of iTonlVtreet. iel( 3m Low for cash. AKCl'C4WK-BATCIlAtHa. IHK FAB- AL.PRKD M.

IlCflKAJCsS, PLUL2- dll-ifliJ-rOOmS aiiu,. JeJ Horse and KeceBliuIl, Camp cnairs, A'tn stools, at and N. Sixth street rnK-t ia'aar, bnweea Chaannt sa.4 Watt Carria-re iavaar, tr. E. ulawi aid satsom ttrsts.

st.eeta. Sales of horses, carrtaees and harnefs held every Saturday morning throughout at 10 clock. The I tuye collection of new and second hand tsrriattee, harness, saddles, Ac, In the city, may be seen at this establishment for private sale. Carriaees received on htorax-e. id chairs neauy done np.

my? Uw fOHN A. MATJKIl, AT Ko. 855 S. SECOXO street, atx-ve Spruce, Furniture "nd CplioNterniff warehouse, constantly keeps on band a nre and silanba assortment of Fashionable Furniture ot all kinds, in ttin-ftctured with sreclal care by his wn workmen and uudef his own supej-rlsion Sprlntf, Hair and Hask Mattresiea, mads in tbe best style. His prices are remark ably low, amt he solicits a share of palutc oatronatte.

mhSl Spei-ial 'i i- tee, no'icm ret in. A rea' ion i on 'he Chamber, inakD-g certain tra'ce 'be "impropriation to tbe Police De-brtmei-a p'ned. IE MUNICIPAL CODE. The fmt order of Lbe day, tbe new tnnnidpal t5ci. wrjeti tik-n up.

The niidercon-lii. ttje one latii.c to m-ti kete, aud the upon jirop i' i in, at the lat ra -tn. ji a tax c-a'B per iy Ui4rin. ra who tbe gidevls a Qi da. To bl" umi-m'tn ntturo ltf 'he amount ceri'a wa offer aim the suhj ct is dy nt leoutb.

two hours were touKuiiiti oiHcuBpiug "cnrtistone ffitrk-ta" aud tb-prop? nf rxitiy the firmera. Ne.rly nil tbe in tbe debate. Motions to ex-pt so he aTeets from the t-ix re voted Sown. 'pronoiHon to ioipoae the tax ahar-i the sto? the yeas being nine and the nay a Iwi Ive. final aetton about the owinanco, the tttrttir of the Buoject waa postponed Bntii the-.

riie-')nK. fro.u Common Council relative to ln Centre eoiui'y, was concurred in. The Ch-r then adjourned. certainly -ii har.g their iutnre position may Me attributed, iu a grca: measure, tbe hesitation exhibited bv lo-day. It is certain that the present high premium on F'd isnot jtistiiied by any present circmiu-t tncoB, tvh itever ntay in the future; speculation mid want of conlidence buvt hs much and more to do with it now than tbe condition of our foreign trade, or the amount of stocks scut here by foreigners for sale; so that, at each riee, ihe sales of speculators and those who are temped by the premium to let go what they huve hoarded, may temporarily over-suppiy tbe market, and caate sudden and large rcac.ions.

The unwise threat en tbe part of some of the public press, of confiscating tbe securities held by tbe subjects of any foreign power which my go to war with us, united to the fears of tbe breaking up of tbe Union, has brought, and, no doubt, will bring, large omonDts of stocks here for sale. Tbe amount of our securities held by foreigners is esamatcd at very high figures and ou tbe portion of these which we may expect to be sent over hangs tbe only real basis for the premium on gold. As to our regular foreign trade, it will easily right itself; will bear no ex BT TBLBGOArn. Lkwbs, July 10. Tbe ship Tempest, tor San Francisco, was towed sea tlds moruuia, oy th" eam-na America.

Tue oarip-e American, 10 rort au iTtuce, Is at Wind E. the Brek water. Joint P. MaJtSHAIX. Yours, Ac MEMOUAXDA.

Ship Red Gauntlet, Lucas, at Vokabama, Japan, 27th WATCHES AND JEWELRY WATCH KB, JKWELRY, SILVKU AAD Plated Ware No. 6ri Market street, sooth side, fourth door above iecatur stieet- Lare stock of One Gold and Silver Watches, fine Goki Jewelry, giver and Plated Ware, of 'every variety and stjle, all of wuich we ofl'erat tbe lowest cash prices All goods are ctiarantled to be as represented. N. B. Watches and Jewelry reared.

8TAUFKEB A HAKLEY, de9 mwf No. C22 51 at set street, south jde. JAMES BAREEB h'UOLBsALE AKD Isetail Clock K-ttabii-inutent, s. B. corner t-ecjnd aud Chesnet streets, Pniladelphia, Agency for the Patent Equalizing Thirty Dav Clock, a very doalrable articis to churches, hotela, banks, eountmir-ause, pastors, Also, manufketurtr of fine Gold Pens Oocka repaired and vi ranted.

Clock trimmings of every escrlption i ai- March in 45 days Irom S.m rancisco, carried tetrgraiihle desnatcheo irom new 1 01 a to otn sua from Lnland 1:1. Bsniue Palermo, Lnghani, irom Palermo 8th Kay, at New York Inst Brig Cb IL Frost, nopkins, at Boston 9th last, Cardenas. UrUt St Marys, Brevoor, sailed mm Goadalonpe 2 1st Out-door sales attended to on reasonable terras. VTHlCLfc.8 AXD I1ARNE33. On Sacurday jl At 10 o'clock, at tne Basaar, will be se'd.

Horses VeUxlas and Harness mood, ir.m urey mare, 4 years nld, 16 hands hifa, A horse, tj old 15 hands biptL. A bay h' rse. old, 1S bands hUh. A bav mare 7 years old, li handri hU'h. A roan colt, 1 ar Id, Bashaw" slock.

A sorrel horse, 8 years old, 16 hands hia. A sorrel horse, 15M ds btub. 9 years cM. A so rel horse, hauls high, 10 years w. A hlacit horse, 6 years old, 15 Ja" hands hbrtt.

A brovw borse.5 years old, liana bia. Also, otKcr horses- A I so. a e. perior rosewood platt" torn. Also, a number of bronre cliaij-aeJe A pair of dark bay mires, A black horse.

9 years h-mdsl A brown mare.l A Mexican -ny; tfigjfifo, A bay V'Xhi, IS blah. 2 "IZZ i noS viarsd. 15 hands high. A 1pple frr-V bav bairae. A fine awltch-tij bl? A barouche and ton- A hay l.o,se, ba-dhlsn, A bay HORSH.

a 4orr.ati''re. yeam old, hands en. at'vN and act on. has trotted a mile In 2 fiO; warranted a.rid and tearless of locomotives. Are engines, military or free tlick suble or la sing eand otiieban.esa.r nndr the saddle; a very superior family hnrK sold want of nse.

No posuwnement on account of the weather. fljtti OT SKW AND SFXN D-D AND CARRIAGES. On Hatnrdav rainir, At 10 o'clock, at trie Bttxaar, will be sultf, prevtoas to tte hnr-a. lartre eolleetkin of desirable new and second uit. tor Turns isiana, Schr Frs.

Burritt. VicVerson, hence at Barbados 15th utt. my '8 dtf wa'S on hand. and a-led 2lst ttir CleiinieE orbitant premium, and is entirely under our Schr Karnnm, Hall, from Alexandria, with foops. Commas I ranch.

Tbe cbr WH ealb-d to i.rter by the Chairman, 61) hoiT. The CHlIrd the roll, snd a qno-rnm io their The reading of the lurual rita't isiw nsed n-ith. The CI iiren.iiteo a communication from B.C. Daws, r-taiy of the llelief Coajmissiou. Ihe ai.oie.,deil for 'he trlU.l of tbe famtliea sf voiuntrj $oi, 143-81, to date.

Laid on the U-de. a tmlcation protesting again -t the lay-tow -l 'be (be Nortb Pern avU.iaa Eatlroad Coinnai.y avenue. Laid the table, Al-o, a tiji j. j.v-hE LHur, C't-f ComiK i showing theexpen. fr tJie quiifter Keferred to PP.0.1E3' tmr PCHCHASE OF EGOLESS- i 111BI-, boo wouia proceo I nt CPIBITSOP mPBlWUK BW.J.

of Sinrits of Tnrpentme, In prime order. Forsaieoy CO CUBAN A KUSigLL, No. 22 N. Front atreet- Tca-BnaPltcb and for sale by CACLJtAN Ak-JS- controL Were it not for fears and speculators, gold, to-day, would bring but a small premium, and a speedy overthrow of the Rebellion would soon bring it down to par. The sales of stocks to-day sum up $77,900 loans ward with ran-h vloor.

Tne nptarnee 01 ai early buyers would pu renewetj into the manufacturing department. me of the Hboemtkers are juatwakice opto the realities ot the tax bill, which goes into operation on tbe first of August. Few hnve.dotbtlea-", compri bended its provitdons, sndth. yarenow aUrcmd atita piohable effee.tsuou the trad a Our dealers seem to apprehend the danger of over-production. Philadelphia Lkathkr Market.

There baa heen very IPtle change to report in the Leather market, sales have not been 1. rue, but the prosp that will soon require large quantities of slmifbter anrl Spsn1-h soe to saputy tbea.daiersiu the 11-11, and furninh the levies, haabnoyed up prices, aud io some cases there has been a di to advance. Maughter Sole. The STletly prime qualities i roii(h ooun ry are heeioming acar. Beoe-pts have heen Tot otn we-ka, and tbe better tn-nasjes hye nearly all been tikcn np.

The demand 'ptei but and prices ranj-c at 262Hc for the best The tuferlor qualities are in good aapply. The c'ty tut-ie are selbng loo -SOc. for and middle weights, and Sl33c. for over-weights and butts. fspanlah Sole.

The Imjnlry for dry bide leather continue. large. Buyers -re eunstau'lv In market, so that very fe oU rma iong ia over.t bHna. Prices are ttrmu sutalned at lastquoUtioes. Hemlock Solea-Tte ret.U troe are bnying rv ther sparingly at present.

Prime Buenos Ayres and Orinoco nm heM at fnll t.rtre slaoKht-r is la Ught request, and is held at 22 2-j. as to quality. PrLApBLPrTiA Hidk Market. There have been no wile. In thL market f-, eorneof the dealers have.

bower. bAnpbt fr-eiy in other, market. We notice fe- lot olog oat to tanners, who iweu. more foeUnedto tmy riry tea since the decline In prices. In dry creru hidP8 there are a few only market oZorUkg.

at 7t. La greta g-ite(i dopacB. SifiLL, No. 2i N. Front nrm- wti rf)Ab AND LUBKICA TlfWe 5iraSw4j or.H SOjfiS ahares.

United Stares 68 1SST. SOia at Liibrtcatlna Oa For se oy w-ww 102 the 7'30 notes at 104 lor the clem, and 1034 No. 22 N. Front srreefc for tbe endorsed both about the same as yesterday. Penna.

5s were strong, selling as high as TTAZA1AAJ 1 -Vt bo saleof tills de 4.111a, procure a -aii ot coal, ara return to O.d ln. nrs L. A. Dalian dower. MPlei Hardeubrook, and C.

Baztni. rice, hence at eton 9 Inst. Sctir (Crisis, Baneaa for Philadelphia, sidled trom New Bedi'id 8'hwst Schrs Panthea, lark, and J. K. Onodspeed, Alcbards, hence tor Norwich, jt New London 8lh lust, sclir A.

Field, Phillips, hence, wsadischg. at Newport 8ti Inst. Schrs A. Hamlin, Lansall, and IK. t-mith.

Smith, cleivrrd at BobIoii 8'b inuL lor lbilHdeJpt ia S. hr Dome, Stiute, ano C- W. Bantley, Chase, hence at New Bedford 8h Inst. Schr Sarah Miila, Dayton, cleavred at New York 9Ui mst. for Philadelphia.

-Schn John Mncasfer, WOletts, and Mary, Tirrett, hence at Providence ath mst. Schr John Compion, Yates, for Philadelphia, at Xewport SchwA. 8. Brown, MartbaColflna. ShoonU, sailed fr.

Provide ceSth in', fr liila.ie4 Schr Agent, Daniels, henoe at ITovidenoa Stn Usf ir.LU 1 Ana. A A etrxibeaa rdi of StK.ntmr, tri -if ii hi utrVi a communication from rroq- ee for the own- of prnortry known mm Ik'nrul hand earriagea. wagons, harneas, saddles, Ac, Ac irB sU.tD.-M til A uernuuitewn wagon, to carry four persons, by Wat WSW. Shad, for sale by JO tM son. I hair-carreis wharves, tar No.

25 tf. Watetr Bl ROUP A No. 84 83, an advance of 6s new wild at llLJ, and the old at 97 Penna. coupon 6s at 106, and Philadelphia and Erie 6's at 93 nil tbe same as yesterday. Reading 6's 1S'86 at 85.J, an advance of i Reading C's at 99, an advauceof 2 Camden and Amboy G'e 1883 at 94, an advance of Elmlra 7's at a dcl ne of 4, and Schuylkill Navigation C's 1882 at 76, no change.

Iu Railroad share tug tratioii wureiJUBifib'. A tnree sea'ed neach wavnn. An oien one aa-b-dnnr ruckaway. by Watson. A O-rmantewn wagon, PretT.scbner.

street. 1 11 Diu-ii L-r -n wirsy Hvnne hrt le. on sant EiV0f nT Pr pery Slt fr.V PP nedas tueCm Si Ti. F. fREEMAK, BAIRD aSLSi ornnD' mXiK tht sTOBBtb -OT nnnntMir n.

barrels Pttrlt. lA a new noai wagnu, dv jno. aarni i A Na. X2 it4 WM. It.

SM CC'I lu BKH- Ho. 50 i feanes, bmlt at I has beou sold U) lliow Yota pa prtvai ttav "'V.

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