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The Big Sandy News from Louisa, Kentucky • Page 3

Louisa, Kentucky
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BIQ SANDY NXT3 PAGE THREE Kattie. Fallsbnrg and Fullers. County News Items Interesting facta Gathered During the Week by Our Regular 3C Polly. Chapel. McNeal, of the Methodist Church, preached to a large ami attentive audience at this place Bun-day, and there will be service here ai'ulu the fourth Saturday afternoon, Uatuiduy night and Sunday in AnKUst ly Rev.

Andy Daniels and McNsnl, aad I'rolably others. The Holy Rollers will hold nerles nieotlngs at OHovllle, beginning the fourth Friday In July, and the people throughout our surrounding locality want them to hold a protracted meeting at this place. Merry picking, cutting grass and heat stacking is the order of the tty with the farmers tit our mldnt. L. E.

r'lUwater, traveling sah-s-u, wai among our merchants hint meek. Miss Mnrie Webb entertained quite number of )oung folks Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hall are at Mr. Webb's on arvuunt-of Mrs.

Mall's bealth. Mr. Mall left for CatlatUburg nd Ashlnnd Monday, where he will vlMl relatives, and louk for a location. We were very sorry to read In the NEWS of last week the d'-slh of Wins Lltrle Thompson, Mrs. W.

M. Jordan 'ami children, of Yataxvllle, have been visiting her father on Irish Creek. Mrs. Ona Webb and children have keen visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Jim Cbsdwlck, at Cadmus. Several of the Holy Hollers from toe Catt section attended church at Oak lllll Saturday Ml hi Rosa Drowning and Miss Viola Adams were shopping at Over-da last week. Lludsey Webb, A. D. Sal! and W.

U. Crabtiee cut a nice bee-tree But-tuday. Mr. Minnie Webb and children were visiting her parents at Twin Branch Saturday and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.

John Larue. Win, WrltOit was transacting busl- In lnuiKS lust Week The sawmill on Duulels creek a good business. begins at this pluce Monday1 with MIhs Sadie Crauk teucher. Jim Crnbtree and wife, of lllalne, kave been visiting home folks, Mrs. Nora Wright has been on the ek'k list Wallace Large and wife were siting her parents Sunday on Daniels Creek.

The lufaut of Wiley Presley Is very alck. Dr. Whtcler was at Llnsy Webb's Sunday. Mr. Webb and A D.

Mall went to Fuller station Monduy. A. D. M. Sharon Hays has gone to Ohio to work.

Rev. R. M. Sparks and wife were viiiltlniH frlonilu In Pill, ill pniurauy ana tsunuay. Iboii Skiggs and family, of Weua-chee, are visiting friends and home folks here.

M. H. Sparks Is Hearing the com-nletlon of bin new resfdenpa The people here are preparing for the Association which Is to be held here. beKlnnliiK on Friday. August 4,111, mm uoming mree aays.

I'ltis and sheep are expected to be fewer from now on. Charles W. Cooper was here this eek buying sheep and hogs. Kldrtdge brothers paused up our creek Thursday with a large drove of cattle for the l'leinlii court. The Rev, Marlln Watson Was vlnlt-lng friends hero Tlmrsdiiy.

School began here the 1Uth with l. Sknggs teacher. The Rev. Oscar Mnlh began tchool at KlUiiOeth on the 12th. Old Spank.

"'RESIDENT HELMS ORPHANS. Hundreds of orphans have, been helped by the President of Tho industrial and Orphan's Home at Ms-cos, who writes: "Wo have used Electric Bitters lu this Institution for nine years. It has proved a most excellent medicine for Stomach, Liver nd Kidney troubles. We regard it A one of the best family medicines i an earth." It Invigorates the vital organs, purifies the blood, aids di gestion, creates appetite. To and build up thin, weak chil dren or run-down people it has no triunl.

Best for female complaints. Only 50c at A. M. Hughes, Louisa. Iflazie.

home. i LI 'itrs. W. A. Hay, who has typhoid fever, Is not expected to recover.

Several of the folks from here attended church at Meech Grove Sunday. John F. Hays and wife were visiting at W. Hays' Sunday Rev. John Maxle and wife were Visiting at John Marker's Sunday.

L. M. Hays and wire visited the Rev. I'. F.

SkaggB Sunday. Felix Skaggs and fumlly were visiting his brother, Alfred Skaggs, on Sunday, JIbs Martha Fyffe, who has been work at Maysvllle, has returned IFYOU ONLY KNEW HOW MMiilJ lunlil nM un. Inera weighs strengthen your weak tbroat and luota ana put you in condition for next winter, vow i i i. louia Begin wjunf now. TkltaIMltol4Ulko, and LOO.

AH DnieaMs COD 2 A HURRIMLK HOLD-UP. "About ten years ago my brother was "held up" lu his work, health and happluess by what was believed to be hopeless Consumption," writes W. Lipscomb, of Washington, N-C. "He took all kinds of remedies and treatment from several doctors, tut found no help till he twed Dr. King's New Discovery and was holly cured by six bottles.

He la a well man today." It's quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs Hemorrhage, Coughs and Colds, Mronchltls, La Grippe, Asthma and all Ifeonchial affections. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by A. M.

Hughes, Louisa, Ky. Meads Branch. Rev. Mose Wiley preached an interesting sermon at this place last Thursday night with a largo utten-duuee. Peyton Oluckburn, of Little Hlalne, passed down our creek last week.

Mrs. Martha Wallace Is no better. Misses Cora and Sulle Martin were visiting at A. II. Miller's Monday.

Preece and Spencer are building a large storehouse where they will sell gOOllH. Millie Chapman, of Charley down our creek last week. School begins at Meads Hranch Monday with Miss Lizzie Carter teacher. John Wallace went to Louisa last week. Llss Klse passed up our creek on Monday with his machine on bis way to big lllalne to thrash wheat.

Harlan Reynolds, who has consumption, Is no better. Rev. Williams, of ('rum, V. preached on Mlevlus branch Sunday night iast. Mrs.

Lizzie Klse Is on the lek list. Mrave Washington. There la a greater acreage of corn on Little Mlalne the present season than has been for the jvast twenty years. If we are allowed to Judge by Its present looks there will be the greatest yield ever known In the history of this creek. Fanners in this vicinity have been busy the past week storing away grass.

A few of them were so unfortunate as to cut It on the day of a heavy rain, which damaged it slightly. AI Hayes, democratic candidate for Jailer, was here Saturday. Charley Moore, of Cordell, was visiting his father-lu-luw, B. Z. Jordan, lust week.

Mrs. Wm. Moore Is considerably Improved from her condition last week. She was so critically ill that It seems as If the benignant hand of Providence interfered and snatched her from the grave. Messrs.

Anthony Blackburn and Myron Martin were on our creek Inst week. James M. Moore has been slightly Indisposed the last few days, but thinks he can begin his school at the forks of Georges creek the 10th. Several of the young folks of this place attended church at Sprlngdale last Saturday night. Mis Alma Griffith, of Charley, was visiting her sister, Mrs.

F. M. Merry, last Sunday. One of the most Interesting and closely contested games of baseball ever played on this creek took pluce here Satmduy afternoon. The contesting teams were Brushy, who are all stars, and Mat'le.

For the first seven Innings It was very doubtful who would be the victor, but Brushy Laving two men on buses, and by the timely batting of John Thompson, "Iing bringing them in, thus winning for his home team. Oplaw. Skaggs. School will commence here Monday, July 19th, Charley Hamilton teacher. Emory L.

llolhrook has been with his parents at this place for the past five weeks. The measles used him a little tough, but he was able to return to his home at Sandy Hook on Friday last. Dr. Hannibal llolhrook will teach the school at Martha, Klva Hose the upper school on Blaine. D.

Skaggs on the head of the tight-hand fork of Mlalne and Oscar Hulley at Sparks' store. Joshua Wheeler and Noah Sparks are making the race for trustee here. Mrs. Polly Rose visited at Jas. I'olbrook's hist week.

Mr. and Mrs. William Terry were here receutly. Miss Cyntha Hoggs, who has been very sick, Is some better. Mrs.

Ellen llolhrook visited Mrs. Life Ross and the new baby this week. Two Friends. FOR SALE. Two acres of land in Hubhards-trw-n, W.

on Big Sandy river, also on N. W. railroad, two dwelling houses and one store house 40x22 feet, all new; good cellar and cistern and a good well close; stable, coal house and other out buildings. Will Bell cheap. For particulars call on or write W.

R. Strother, Hubbnrdstown, W. Va. Prosperity. School Is progressing nicely here with Arthur Morris teacher.

Miss Vlrgle Salyer was visiting Mrs. (ntha Evans Friday afternoon. There will be a foot-washing at Elm Grove, August 8th. Luther Burton was visiting friends at Charley Sunday. Misses Jettle and Melllo Carter, Miss Julia Grubb and George Wilson attended the foot-washing nt Cherokee Sunday.

Miss Fay Adams spent Thursday night with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lark en Graham, Miss Bessie Hewlett, of Louisa, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Oscar Graham, of this place. Frank Burton la on the sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Osborn and family attended Sunday School at Elm Grove Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Burton visited their daughter, Mrs.

Green Wellman, Tuesday. Miss Ethel Wellman visited her cousin. Mist Nancy Roberts, Friday. Only Me. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car.

There Is only oue way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous1 lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflamatlon can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of tne are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condlUou of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.

F. J. Chneey Toledo, O. Sold Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Mrs.

Vaughan. of Cannel City, has been at Fallsburg visiting Cas Cooksey. Buck Elklns 'family la getting Well. Robert Calnes and wife and Dr. Carter and wife went to Clyffeslde Sunday on the steamboat A letter from Cox Haws' family, who live lu Oklahoma, says that they are having such dry weather and their crops are nearly ruined.

Jamison Skeens, the young man who was born and lived on Full-r's branch near Fullers station until he was a young man, has been teaching district scho ols for several years and Is going to begin teaching at Ashland the 3th of August with four hundred and sixty-nine scholars. He will have three assistant teachers. No person living lu this part of Kentucky ever saw so much tobacco growing on these Kentucky hills anil valleys as they can see this season. Almost all the farmers here have more sorghum growing than usual. The pastures are so good all the cattle are In fine condition.

W. T. Kane has his barn full of hay and several big Blacks put up. Cass Cooksey lg having an addition built to her house. J.

'A. ColliiiKworth, of Fullers, has plenty of corn, and takes a wagon load of It to Fallsburg every few days and has It ground into meal. Everybody seems to think it is better to buy meal at $1.00 a bushel than to pay $3.00 a barrel for flour, which Is the price here a present There was a Rood attendance at Sunday School on Hewlett Branch last Sunday Mrs. Pfost and children were visitors at W. T.

Kane's last Sunday. Lafe Diamond preached at Mrs. Kelly's Sunday. Jeff Newsom and family, of Saltpeter, arc visiting his relatives near Fallsburg. Arthur Mlankenshlp came in with a drove of sheep one day last week.

U. E. 8. LWT GET A DIVORCE. A western Judge granted a divorce on account of ill-temper and bad reath.

Dr. King's New Life Pills would have prevented It. They cure Constipation, causing bad breath and Liver Trouble, the ill-temper, dispels colds, banish headaches, conqurf chills. 25c at A. M.

Hughes, Louisa. YatesYille. Mrs. David Ward, of Louisa, passed through here en route to the timber camps on Catt to visit her relatives, Mr. and Mrs.

Clint Bert. The family of Buck Elklns Is having a pretty tough time with sickness. Some three or four of his children had been down for a long time with typhoid fever and about the time they all began to improve Mr. Elklns himself took sick and is now on the sick list. David Foster has improved some tlnce our Inst writing, but Mrs.

Jack Short Is but little, if any, William Jordan and family, who attended the Sprouse trial at Grayson, have returned home. Roy Carter made a business trip up Mlalne last week. Mrs. Logan Haws, of South Portsmouth, has been spending a few days with her father and mother, Mr, and Mrs. H.

B. Baiters. Roy Carter shipped a load of cattle this week. Country Greenhorn. Smoky Valley.

Rev. Williams filled his appointment here Sunday with large attendance. Misses May and Belva Bradley were shopping at Louisa Saturday. Chris Shannon was calling at W. M.

Shannon's recently. Quite a number of young folks of Pleasant Ridge attended prayer meeting here Sunday night. Misses Dixie and Leota Simpson, of Deephole, were visiting their cousins, Misses Nannie and Dove Simpson, receutly. John Nelson, of Madge, passed here Tuesday en route to Louisa. Leonard Compton and Custer Spencer, of Louisa, attended prayer meeting here Sunday night.

Herbert Adkins, of Twin Branch, mms visiting relatives at this place Monday. Harrison Roberts made a trip to Mt. Pleasant Sunday. Alton Murchett was in Louisa on Friday. Aunt Recy Muncy is slowly Improving.

Fred Roberts will leave for Ashland soon to spend a few days with relatives. Alton Murchett had the misfJvUiue of getting snake bit Saturday. Miss Tlldy Cyrus was visiting Miss Fanny Simpson Sunday. Misses Ruby Adkins and Ivory Roberts were visiting nt Madge last Friday. Country Lass.

IVIeads Branch. School will begin Monday with Miss Lizzie Carter teacher. Some of the children will have a time getting to the schoolhouse for our roads. The public highway from Mose Hickman's down ot the mill at the mouth of Blevlus has been fenc ed and brushed. The creek is light In the road, and those that haven't their fences In the road have planted pop corn and cane in It.

George Hickman, who is working In Ashland, visited home folks last week. Mrs. John Wallace, of Blaine, is slowly Improving. Rev. Moore Wiley preached to a large crowd Thursday night.

Somebody's Darling. TOMS Of Various Kinds. This is the season when Tonic are needed We have all Kinds, Fine SoaDS and PerflimPC Fvfra fliialitv Tooth Rrnchac I 1 Pure Drugs of Every Kind. i A All i-i i inline i DRUGGIST 7 LOUiSA. KENTUCKY, jm.

iii I niiriiniin ii Snyder Hardware Company, Funeral Directors. 'V Our charges are reasonable and we will supply wW the same careful attention. Anything required from the lowest priced to the most costly arrangements, Wa will gladly receive orders by telephone and deliver caskets, tiffins, and robes to any part of the county. 1 I WANTED! 50,000 Pieces of Hickory and growth White Oak Handle Timber peri! month delivered at our mill at Louisa, for which we will pay the follow. ing prices FOR HICKORY 8 2nd gowth 3 inches long per thous- and pieces $50,00 Extra 45.00 No.

I 35,00 1 25.00 WHITE OAK growth 2x3x39 inches long per thousand pieces, $35.00 Foreet growth 20.00 5 P. S. This Timber will be taken in the round block and will be counted the same as if it was split into billetU. For further price and specifications call on or address, i 11 K. WIIITTEN.

Afft. Louisa. Kv. Huntington Handle Saw-mills, Cornmills, Boilers, eto-hstes, etc. MONT HOLT, Louisa, Ky, BRAVE FIRE LADDIES often receive severe burns, putting out fires, thei use Bucklen's Arniea Balve and forget them.

It soon drives out pain. For Burns, Scalds, Wounds: Cuts and Bruises Its earth's greatest healer. Quickly curs 6km Eruptions, Old Sores, Bolls, Ulcers, Felons; best PHe cure made. Relief is instant 25c at A. M.

Hughes, LottUa, Hp. Remember, That We Have The BEST QUALITY OF All Soft Drinks Because we use nothing but PURE EXTRACTS and Granulated Sugar. Orders For Ice From Customers Out of Town will be given Prompt Attention. Louisa, Kj..

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