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The Big Sandy News from Louisa, Kentucky • Page 1

Louisa, Kentucky
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ANDY NEW Jut inveniam viam, autfaciam. VOLUME XXIV NUMBER 28 LOUISA, LAWRENCE COUNTY, KENTUCKY, MARCH 12, 1909, M. CONLEY, Publisi TOTT FATALLY BURNED J.W.Wallen's Daughter Meets Horrible Death as Result of Her Clothing Catching Fire A distressing accident occurred In this city about nooo last Friday, rteulting the death of a bright little girl six year old, daughter of J. W. Wallen.

The child waa playing la a room a bright fire waa burning In aa unprotected grate. Paining too clou, tehe flame, caught her tireea and Instantly the waa enveloped la the blase- The child rushed Into the yard evidently trying to go to the bom of Mr. ChUders, who Lved In the adjoining lot and of whom the little girl ae exceeding ly fond. Her attracted the attention of the woman and ter rf.h.r tha Utter daal.ln a tucket of water on the frantic child The little sufferer waa carried In- to the bouse and physicians wero hasUly summoned. Dra.

A. W. Brom- ley and o. w. Wroten reeponaea ana ana a w.

wroea wponaea wa? an poMiDi All tha chlld'a clothing had been timed offUndthe child's backl4t'c. to wnom was marnea on beck, face arms were horrlblv! burned. Nwfort waa spared relieve atle nciim flames Bhe Unf ii until Monday morn ing When lath released her from 'Ko Kva wher. it IMh ii was burl Before waa carried to tha if t-w i.wa iih. 7.

aptist, cnorcn wnera appropnaie mice Were held by the Rev. O. O. Rl? ii. 8everal young girls act-! aa bearera.

Mr, alien moved here from Ires-tone1 about two years ago. Hla v'fe dead, and a daughter, 13 baa been caring for younger than herself, ing all the housework. "toi ri Mi fT effort to reach the little hen aha saw her wrapped in fames Mrs, ChUders stumbled tnd fell, dlsIocaUng her right wrist and I leaking one bona In the sanW arm. The aama physicians attended to her-Mrs. ChUders la quite old and lier recovery will ba alow Threw Stones at Train.

Charles of Richardson, la 1 la the Lawrence county Jail charged, aa a down-the-rlver paper puts it, with rocking a train- Jones did not board tha train and rock It aa one rocks a boat, but he stoodi on the ground and fired a volley ot stones Into the train aa it was leaving Richardson last SundaM i.lght. The train was stopped and Jim Slsemora and John Hunley who, since the assassination ot Conductor Blevina have been carried on Ho. 38 as guards, captured a gang of five men and carried them to Prestonsbura. The next day on7w" 8o. The poorest child here of them, Charle.

Jones, waa brought; to Louisa and lodged In jail ii. will have hi. examining trial tomorrow. The offense with which he la charged is a felony. View With Alarm.

The Dependent Order of The Bona VI -ODW 1'U HIBI1U MIS BUTQUI I .1 Tf bU of spring.1 They have held contlnu- ous. sessions around the fire. tor some months, blissfully oblivious of the work done by their wives hut now they realize the awful truth that the garden must be and the poor women can't do it all, and they shiver at the, idea ot getting up a nice honest sweat Their condition 1. Can't somebody' suggest something I to relieve the situation? Mr. Crumpler Buys Property.

T. Crumpler has purchased the residence property owned and how occupied by W. 'N. Sullivan, on Up- per Madison Street Mr. Sullivan will move into the house ln which h.ere yesterday.

Hl father, Johi. ram are sorry to know that she. Muncaster, and Sam Plckleslmer Will, newspaper Business." Rats." tald few Mr a jone. hi as-Crumpler la residing. The exchange Herndon, wa.

one of the best known continue, quite sick. The inflrml- after some repair, have been made the lunatic, not erazy, slstant chlf meer In charge eaT will be made toon. The price paid men ln Kentucky, and his popular tie. of old age and a chronic all- on the bullding.move into the res- you're Just a fool-" flchV construction--'-, general manager The Center Span Gone. The Plkevllle correspondnent of the Ashland Independent thua wrltea of an accident to the brldf at that place: Every citizen of Plkevllle haa been anxloui lest the recent hard ralna might awell the to-such an extent that some portions of 111 hrlriff tnlcrht ha Waahftfl a- way.

and a cessation of the rain I The m' Uul "Mua" waa hailed with Joy. aa It was known i Webb will be glad to read of hi that, by Friday evening the bridge good fortune aa recorded la the forces would have the structure be- following from the Ashland Independ-jrond danger a. they had been Work- groom vm lug with might and main to cttaln 1o that point But groat was the chagrin ot so many people this l-iornlng, on. discovering mat thd. renter apan had gone down, having ai'ccumbed to the weight of rafts of logs lodged against It.

The Iocs la several thousand dollars and lesides will greatly retard the early completion of the bridge. G)ne to Arizona; John Sparks, who left this coun ty about seven years ago and set- tied la Washingtonreturned to b.1 old home about tha first ot last De- camber. Ilia coming back to hi, ar eld home was not for for ha left settlement, however, for ha Lawrence county laat Tuesday morn- muw ouoru, uiw py wire, wno was lormeny wise I Matters fllatrimonial. Arthur Savagt waa married on the 10Ui Uut month, but soma bow rW' wTh ReV- Uii a aw uivhm Judaa T. ft Thomnaon la Vnnwn cQk people.

Hla laUst act in tblt I nna was committed on tha 9th ot this month. Tha td waa done ln tt. County Clerk-. c' tb rUe-, Perr" Wwn6 ty, West Virginia. NINE MONTHS Per Year of Public School in Louisa Provided for the Future.

Tha present Board of Education has tha tinnop tt tirovlflln thm Ftrui Kii- aver given to Louisa children. At the last meeting of the board it waa decided that the term of the Louisa Graded School, which is to begin about the first of next Septeni- ber, shall continue for nfu This Is made possible by the dls- trlct beln eDtirey out cf. debt, atf last, This is one of the most important and commendable step, ever taken by a local educational In Jutlce to children ot Louisa, this ahould have been done munv, mT procure an excellent edu- in me lewesi mimoer ot years 1 nogalble The excepUonal advantages pro- vlded for local pupil, under the ar- ungement with the Kentucky Nor-' mal College are greater than most of our people realise. There is hot another town of this site in the? Stata that rivea It. children so' much good schooling free us Will Louisa from this -time forward.

Let', record the name ot thlst Doard of Education right here, lest we -forget Rev. H. B. Hewlett, Dr. A.

W. Bromley, W. N. Sullivan, B. J.

Cbaffln. Her Twelfth Birthday. Mis. Helen Vinson, daughter oH ft Rich Creek', most charming la- 0avfl Klnner, of WUliams-Mr. and Mra.

George R. Vinson, le8- bun. and Lafe of Cataloa. wa. twelve year, old last Saturday I The groom I.

a prosperous young I preceded nra t0 the nome aDoye that he visited the insane nsylura this imDorUnt occasion ln her farmer, of good moral habits. The iwMMi I tently, and waa mistaken by a in- vniin. ii iiiiv PBihmtMi Man hospitality, and later they vtBlted the.newv congratulations. Nickleodeon. Lyne Herndon, of Loulsvllje, waa MARRIAGE.

M. J. Webt) and Miss Agnes Morton Wedded at Greenup. a prize In the matrimonial lottery, and the News and all who know him say that he la worthy of his bride: A 1 I 1 1 1 a uiunv wauuiui weuumg id a Greenup, Saturday evening. Was that 1 of Miss Agnes Morton and Mr.

W. J. Webb, which took place at the home ot the brlde'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. A B.

Morton. The wedding tints ot white and green wen. beautifully blended, and I alma and ferns were seen in pro- f.islon. The bride and groom enter- I ea the narlnr tn tha march nf- frnm I "Lohengrin." Tne brlde' wl10 "triklngly pret- ui wore an exquisite eown of Wt radium silk; made prfnwMs, with emnlre black Th WBdilini? emplr DlacK- lne weaaln weii WM n. iBrB hl or uce, ana fastened to the hv a Himnut of kiiumi Th Paw 'nn Rvftn nvmg ou iru.ny.

tj. a i I I A ft .1,. I luiui uiai su Mr WBhh hl. trlde left on the midnight train for a tour Eaat They eveni Mme time In Washington, D. the guesta ot Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur BenI Mr. Bennett being a aon of ConJ am.n R.nn.ti k.1 1 ws an official position In washing no doubt their vtalt In- tha I ton; and no doubt their visit ln the "City of Magnificent Distances" will he one of great pleasure 1 jttmr fhv will tia wtt tinm tA thfttp many friends In Greenup, where Mr. Webb conducu a grocery They la ve a of Ashland friends. who will join us iu extending them best wishes for a long and prosperous life Struck by A Train.

Blucher Vinson, formerly of this vicinity but now ot Chapmaiisvlile, on the Guyan Valley railroad, had -ft close call for his life last Sunday. He waa going to visit his brother, O. L. Vinson, Who Is at the home of his father. Lafayette Vintwn.

swIoub- ly walking along the N. w. auuui iwu uiiies earn ui ouu- peter. He carelessly sat down o. the track to rest, and while thus aeated a freight train 'struck him, knocking him from the track: and breaking three of bis ribs, The Wonder is that he did not re- ceive more serious or even fatal in-, Juries.

Dr. T. D. Burgess, of thla r'ace, responded to a call for hla uer Vices and rendered the Repeal His Own Bill. The Senate passed a House bill mnAnltno th afr et TtinA 9Q 1900, I 1 J.

I peusiuuiug jacaeoa aukius, "as 11,16 Captain Thomas Damrous independent company, West Virginia "Volunteera." The beneficiary Is resident of Representative Hughes district in West Virginia, who pro- Ped. the bill under which he waa rensloned, and who is also author or tne repeal. The Congress report: says tnat tne passage or tne pension lhu waa securea oy lorged amuavits. Thompson-Jordan. Married, March 9, Miss MalUsa Jordan to Able Thompson.

The bride la the dauahter of Mr. and Mra. Sylvester Jordan, and Is one many friend a ot Mr. and Mra ThomDson extend to them their A Friend- The friend, of Mra Mary Swet- i i I MS l4 Above is a picture of the C. pressed brick structure costing! Sent to Lexington.

Laat Sunday night, Monroe Estep, a hflV ahftllt 1R VMra nA 1 hrn anderlng barefooted tbout tb, ltreeU, wag t0 eqywp ror sare-Reeping. On Wednes- iuna, The Sunpnfidrt uj i waa tnea tuu wnvicieu uu a cf Ullngton Wftg formed y.terday- arrived n1 took tha hnv WBtBn wM ln johngon county but i0r late naa Deen living on Brushy. 11118 tr. At Hospital. hi aiiiiuisii Lace Vinson, who entered the hos- pltal about six weeks ago suffer-i iln from typhoid, is able to go about the house.

His wife, who Is also alclC with the aame disease la Clc Wlln lne me aisease, is not Improving rapidly. -H. Adklns, ot Lenore. W. improving xrom an aoscess.

I u. irtuimr.aAn iw -'f reea, is sick witn mastoiaius. Mr, Huff, a Knox creek, (Pike county) merchant, is a patient suN ferine With a vesical trouble-Mrs. Jerry Endlcott, of Louisa, entered the hospital this week for t'eatment BUCHANAN, Death of Two Ajed Citizens of That Neighborhood. Mrs.

Annie Bennett and little' aon spent Sunday with her husband Plkieville, i nw wvuubj from Omaha, tor an extended visit after an absence ot ten yearn. Miss Reba Prlchard is here from Burnaugh visiting her grandparents-Mrs. Robert Ruggles, died Very suddenly at her home on Bear Creek Friday night at the age of 80. Interment took place Sunday. Our sick are Mrs.

Lizzie Sromfleld. Mrs. Llndsey Layne, Rev. W. B.

F. Ball and Little Jessie Belle McSorley. Sam McSorley was at home fromt Catlettsburg over Sunday. Mrs. J.

R. Compton aud daughter Laura, attended the funenral of Mrs-Compton'a brother, Harve East -fork Saturday. The revival at Round Bottotn Chapel closed Sunday night on account of the illness of Rev. Ball. Mr.

and Mrs. J. R. Compton, of Webb, W. Va-, are spending a few days with homefolks.

Harve Klnner, a prominent citizen, of East Fork, died February 26th, after an illness incident to old age. The funeral conducted by Rev. Leslie, took place at the home the Sunday following, attended by a large nummber of friends and relatives. He waa a son not Dave Klnner de ceased, and Is survived by three sisters, Mrs. rrancis nogan oi 0atlet 8W Hutchison, of rontnn Buchanan.

Kv. two years of age T. L. MuncaBter haa moved Into the Fitch property on Upper Frank- linn Street. The Rev.

Dr. Hanford will occupy the residence Vacated by A 0. passenger station In Louisa, something over $5,000.00. Close of Public Schools. The public school department of the Cnarra will nlrwA vttli V.lftiv MarcU lS.

ft hag Deen a most cegBfu, our people should wo loci mat mi uuuicn have such excellent opportunities ior securing a noerai eaucation tree of expense. taZTJ It la been eood but it Is The attendance of town pupils has a matter ot keen regret ttiat Bome itrenia, ior more or teas invai rea- nave seen in 10 aeep or. lei thelr chlldren 8tay away frora fome of them duPlnjC entlre sessioa nnrn nrrinn 11 in rna niirnnnT no gree culpable. To be the wlUlng cause of ignorance on the part of your child should be a mlsdemean- and be punished aa such. Itl is, in ims aay ana age 01 ine worm, entirely without excuse.

When Kentucky enacts a compulsory rehool law, and enforces it, we may hope for better things. Not before- Commendable Work. The charity and helpful sympathy ct Louisa people were beautifully shown In the case of little Rltter Wallen, whose distressing death by burning Is told In another place In thl. issue. From the moment the accident occurred until the charred body waa put on board the train which tarried It away to burial neighbors, men and women rendered most Valuable aid.

They did everything that could te thought of which could possibly lessen the agony of the little sufferer. Tender nursing, food, deli cacies all were freely given. If the child had been a princes, she could tot have been more kindly cared for. "Inasmuch as ye have done it un to one of these ye have done It on to Me." Farm Work Behind. The continued rains have greatly retarded all sorts of farm work Especially have they been a hindrance to tobacco raisers who have beerf snixlously "waiting to sow their plant beds.

Plowing at a standstill and about all that can be done Is to look after the atock. The weather man seems to think he can Improve the brand we havr been having In a very short while, which will no doubt be good news to the tillers ot the soil. Arlington Hotel Sold. D. M.

Ward has sold the Arling ton Hotel to R. C. McClure for $2400. The deal waa made Thursday morning of this week. Possession Will be given at once.

Mrs. Ella Hay. will have charge of the hotel aa soon aa some repairs have been made. Mrs. Hayes ba.

had considerable experience In this line and will no douDt conduct hote, aawszactory It Is said of an editor. Who lives not a thousand mile, from Ashland, Dot. ior a reilow surrerer just arrived Becoming confidential the Inmate asked him what made him crazy. and to humor him the editor replied: Trying to make money out ot the TEMPERANCE Meeting Next Monday. Public Gathering'at Court Ecusc in Louisa to Organize.

A public meeting baa been gaSeA to be held at the court house Louisa at one o'clock on Monday, March 15th, for tha purpose ot operating with the other ounU fi of the Big Sandy Valley in an appeal to the citizens of Boyd county to vote Hquor out at the special election to be held April 6th. In nctlarf to give the appeal the desired toroa an organization Is being effected! fta each of these counties. A letter from Judge A. J. Klrt ha.

brought particular, of tne movement to this place and bis suggestions have met with a hearty response- Committees representing the various counties are to be sent to Catlettsburg and Ashland deliver the appeal and to assist tha temperance forces in whatever boa- orable way they may be able te help the worth cause. Catlettsburg is especially depends ent upon the Big Sandy Valley fo. its support lna business Way, and Catlettsburg whiskey has been responsible for a great many ol the tragedies that have occurred la our valley. Catlettsburg and Ashland ar welcome to all the trade they toajr get legitimately from up war. but we do not willingly give blithe Uvea ot "our citizens, the futnesh of our young men, and the peace and happlnesa ot our home, to eat lsfy the greed of a few liquor ikaH era licensed by consent of the pea-l-le of these two Boyd county cities.

The movement 1. commendable amdt should be aided by all good eiti-aena. uJ DR. IJlcCLVRE Suggested for Vacancy on Boar of Trustees of the State -University. The Leader has heard several of Dr.

W. B. McClure a an excellent man for appointment, to the vacancy on the board ot trna-ttss of the State University caused', by the death of Mr. D. F.

Frasec. His professional association. arxf experience would add to the vaJua ot his aervlces on the board, and ba possesses many luallficatiuna tfat would make his selection a happy ore in every way. Dr. McClure la a practical man of affairs outsid of -his profession, with nn unusually extensive acquaintance all tver tha S'ate, but especially In Eastern Kentucky and the mountain lections.

be would bring to the board and institution no little strength. Vhe leader does not fciow that anya steps have been taken to present Lis name to the Governor but a better' could cot be niada. Lexington Leadr. y. There is no doubt that Me dure, Louisa bred and cdu.ted, la well fitted for the high afid honor- sine position mentioned by tbtl v.

Leader. His Louisa friends will ha giad to hear of his appointments St. Paul to Elkhorn City. An officer of the Carolina, Clinch- field A Ohio Railway Jnhnonn ntm- Tenn- writes the Manufacture' Reo-j ord that tha Mmmnf Ka rj uu. injooti- ed bid.

for constructing 40 miles wt fuiuv near Dt raBI. I northward to a connection Wltk the Chesapeake A Ohio at ElXhara City, Pike county, Kentucky. Vim country traversed i. very rough It fact, aa rough aa any througM which any part ot the road baa been built Final decision a. whether or not the line will be built baa not yet been made hut tha company expect, a decision within a 1 was 12100- Is a chip ot the old block.

ment bear heavily upon her- of the rop' Mr, M. J. CapU. a ldence of Dr. Hanford.

pond Climax..

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