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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 8

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MONDAY, TMARCnniG, 186a 8 FltOM NEW YOltK, Bptcial Corrtipondenct ttit Inquirer. Naw Toax, March 14, 1848. i banking: HOUSE The excitement la the Erie Railway war continues unabated. The party led by Dsnisl Drew, President, are still entrenched, at Taylor's Hotel, Jersey City, OP where the business of the company la being trans JYCoQKEcStO) 212 and 114 So. THIRD ST.

PHILAD'A i DEALERS 1 LN ALL GOVERNMENT, SECTmiTIE9. QENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FIEST, MORTQAGE BONDS, Principal ancl, Interest Payable in Gold. THIS ROAD RKCEIVBS ALL THS GOVERNMENT BOUNTIES. Tbe bondn are Issned nnder the special contract law of California and Nevada, and the agreement to pay Gold binding In law. 1 We offer them for sale at par, and accrued Interest from January 1, In currency.

Governments taken in Exchange. B0 WEN FOX, No'. 13 Merchants Exchange, special for the MAN IX Dl-XiMIIA. CLoemo Psions. Beptrtti to Smith, Randolph (United flutes 4'a, registered, 1881, 1UH1UX: coupon, 1881.

UlXaillX; d. registered, 1861, lOTJiglOlX enspon. 1841, 1 10fcUX da, 6-aO's, 1844, t-tO'a, 1866. 108X( 108V 6-K, 1866. new, WHmW dew 6-80 lb67, new.

10IX0J107X da, 6'e, 10-40's, coupon, lot 101 Tressory Notes, 1 1-10, second series, 106 H4 third series, 10X104)-t American gold. 189139Jf-; Tennessee Stale 4 ex-coupon, 66VA Missouri State 4'a. 8T Canton Company, 64 V61 VI Cumberland Coal Company preferred, Western Union Telegraph, UiMHl Quicksilver Mining Co 0v1; Mariposa Mining Compsny, 68; do. do, preferred, 10311 Pacific Mail Steamship Company, 110S'4 110V; New York Central Railroad. IS7VamV; Erie Railway, Itxanv; do.

preferred. TfttH; Hudson River Railroad, Reading Railroad, 81(4 Michigan Central Railroad. 1111SV: Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad, 88X9 88Vj Illinois Central Railroad, 1BTA139X; Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad, 3(SS)5X; Chicago and North-western Railroad, f6T; Chics go and Northwestern Railroad.preferred, Cleveland and Toledo Railroad, 105X9106; Chicago and Rock Island Railroad, MXQM'C Mllwankee and St. Panl Railroad, 82Q52X: do. do.

Preferred, 6T.i68; Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad. 1X51X; do. do. preferred, T1(T1X! Plttsbnre, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, 100V(M00X; Ohio A Mississippi Railway, S0XS0X. Market heavy.

OvnoB or tbs AsaiRTairr Tasutrtxa or TnTJirriD Statu, Nsw Yox, March 14, 1868. Receipts for Cnitoms. ISM.OOO-M ReeeiDts for Gold Notes. 68.0O0-00 B. GLENDINNINQ, Js.


GLENDINNINQ DAVIS, STOCK COLD; BROKERS, No. 48 S. T1IIKD Street, Philadelpbia. Direct telegraph communication from OUR OWN OFFICE with the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE and GOLD BOOM. All business dene exclusively on Commission, Total Receipts Total Payments Balance RAO CARPET MANTJFACTCKER, And dealer in all kinds of Carpet Chain.

Rag Carpel Wore and Carpet Chain warped to order, v. No. 104 S. FIFTH Street. Now York irtarlceuat Ware ft 146 P.

M. ASHKS-Qulet st 8'25-87X for Pots. COTTON Rules verv firm, with a better bnrinesi doing. Sales of 4W0 bales at S5e. for middling uplands, FLOLIK.

keeeinu. hbli. Flour dull and If lOo. lower. Bales of 6K blls.

at 81KI'40 for superfine State and Western: $10ai0 65 for common to choice extra 9tate for do. extra Western 1 1 AU'OO for to chniee white wheat extra 49W4U for common to choice round hoop Ohio; ltX.HT6 for common to fair extraSt. iems: (or soon to rnmce ao eiosine: qmes. Southern Hour is dull uid declining. Sales of 80bbls.

at 49'WXAll for common to Uir extra; for good to choice do. California Hour is unchanged. Sale of 50 sacks at 1S'W1 414. Rye flour is steady. Sales of But Mils, st t7-7frt9 eiu.

Corn Meal is quiet. nirai-Jamm and uncnangeo. GRAIN. RMeiiiU of Wheat. 41M bush.

Wheat dull acted. Tbe Drew party are invisible to outsiders, bnt are being visited by niany gentlemen from Nsw Terk who are knows to be of tbe right strip. It le stated, oa what appears to be good authority, that $4,000,000 of the funds of the company are deposited ia the safe of the Hon. D. S.

Gregory, under tbe guardianship of several trustworthy cltixena. Hia Excellency, Governor Ward, has been applied to for a requisition for tbe body of Mr. Drew, bnt be declined to interfere, on the ground that it was a civil case. One of ths many reports In circulation ia that Mr. Vanderbilt Is about to attempt a flank movement, by opening an office Jast beyond the New Jersey line, and with a corps of assistant! and all the necessary appurtenance, will proceed to direct the buiinsss of the road the same as if there was so office in Jersey To add to the excitement ths lenders of money are doubtful whether they can safely lend on Erie shares.

To set thla question at rest the following letter baa been published: New Toax, March 14, 1848. Dear Sir I have considered your inquiries concerning tbe large number of certificates for share! in ths Erie Railway Company recently issned, bearing date ou or between the 8d and 7th days of March inet. Tbs legality of these issues is disputed, snd ths officere and directora who participated therein may be compelled to redeem ssid certificates. It is not qnestioned, however, but that said certificates are valid and binding as between the company and the holder thereof. In view of pending litigation, and for the present, I deem it advisable that such certinceles should not be surrendered for new certificates, but should contlnne In their existing form.

am, dear sir, yours respectfully, (Signed) C. O'CoMoa. To Robert Cutting, Esq. Tbe Church of the Transfiguration, ia Twenty-ninth street, waa crowded to-day long before the hour named for the Bishop's admonition of Rev. Mr.

Tyng. The clergy, laity and ladles Interested In the proceedings thronged the church. The front teats were reserved for the Standing Committee of the Diocese and the members of the court. At twelve o'clock Bishop Potter, accompanied by Rev. Dr.

McVickar, Rev. Dr. Eigenbrodt, Rev. Dr. Dir.

Rev. Dr. George H. Houghton, Rev. Dr.

Hoffman, Rev. Messrs. Hoilingworksnd Moore, entered tbe chancel. The Biahop delivered bis admonition, which was vsry long, and partook of the nature of an argument, reviewing tbe entire ease. Rev.

Dr. Tyng went forward and handed Bishop Potter a protest, which be waa not permitted to read, but which was as follows: To ths Right Reverend Horatio Potter, D. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church In the Diocese of New York Right Reverend has been yonr pleasure to "approve" of the "findings" of this court of presbyters, snd you hsvenow administered tbe sentence of "admonition' "recommended" by them against ti respondent. This is your own aci and your own responsibility. Stephen H.

Tyng, D. a presbyter of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York, and Rector of St. George'! Church, in the city of New York, and one of the counsel for tbia respondent, do most respectfully but firmly enter my solemn protest againat this whole proceeding, now completed, from its commencement to its conclusion, ss false in its allegations, nniust in its principle, nncanonical in Its form, Illegal in its transactions, iniquitous in its purpose sad voluntarily and persistently persecuting in Its spirit, process and development. And I do solemnly appeal from this decision of this conrt, and from this approval thereof, by the Bishop of this Diocese, under tbe moat earneat sense of the cruel Injustice witb which this respondent his been treated, to the supreme and final decision of the General Convention of tbe Protestant Episcopal Church in the United Stales; to the abiding sense of Justice and righteousness ia tbe individual members of this church to ths conscientious review of the Christian Church throughout this land; to the record of future historic truth; to generations of advancing light and religions purity and power, which aaay corns hereafter; and, withllbe deepest humility, bnt with confidence nnfelirned. to the judgment seat of tbe Lord THE ERIE RAILWAY QUARREL Jlte Treaearer evnd Directors Tallin Befoa-e la New eraey Perllena Ptwt( Aerosa the North River Appointment ef av Receiver.

Jrem (As JV. Y. Evening Pott ef faturdau. The Erie Railway' qnarrel ia Increasing la Intsrsat, and assuming a somewhat romantic turn, Tbe officers have not only shaken off tbednst of New York Area their feel, and removed to hospitable New Jsr-ey, bat la doing to, two of tbe director! tan a great risk of rosing tbeir lives last nigh. It wit announced la oar columns yesterday that warrants had been Issued for the arrest of (he ftffl-certof the road, and that Ga.

Siren had been ar. rented. Tbe warrants were placed la the hands of officers, and detectives were placed at the ferries to prevent tbe officer from cross! eft to New Jereejr. Mr. Drew and hit friends were constantly kept in-formed ef the movement of tbe opposition, and at even o'clock word was cent to Messrs.

Oonld and Fiek at Del.nonico's tbat warrants had been leased for tbelr arrest and of tbe precaution! takta to prevent their escape from tbe city. The gentlemen immediately called a carriage and drove down to the pier of the People's Line, foot of Canal street; There they found a new row-boat, jnit painted, wblch was Immediately launched, and Messrs, Oonld and Fiske started acrnes the river. They had rone bnt a few rods when they encountered a heavy fop, which was so dense that they could not proceed, and tried to return to the dock. They then heard the plashing of a ferry-boat in the water, and called lor the approaching boat to stop. Tbe engine was reversed, and the Hoboken boat'atwiwi stopped within twenty feet of the row-boat.

The small 'boat bavin cot out.of the way of ths fsrvy boat started forward again, ai the occupants supposed, bnt it appears that thev hail rowed rennd In snd In a few minntes found themselves alongside ol the Desbrosces street ferry boat. Tbsy made themselves heard by the men on the boat, and a line was thrown to the ferry boat The Deabrosees street ferry bost started forward, with tbe small boat In tow, hot was soon compelled to back water" to avoid another ferry boat in frost of her. Tbe situs-tion of (Users, Oonld and FUke again became critical, and they bad to climb op on the ferry boat to scape being run down. They were then landed safely at Jersey City, sed sre bow comfortably flxed at Taylor's Hotel. They were about two hours and a halt OS the water.

To-day Daniel Drew. J. Gould, John 8. Eldrldge, Henry Thompson and Mr. Fiaks are at Taylor's Hotel, where they will remain at present, and manape tbe affairs of the Erie Railway.

They are constant! informed ef the movements of Iheir opponents, and are prepared for any emergency. They express great confidence in the coarta of New Jersey, and do not fear molestation. it -s If they remained In this city their position wonld kavebsen very embarrassing', as Judge Barnard has leaned sa Injunction reelrainine them from acting as officers of the Erie Railwav, whils Judfres Gilbert and Baleom have issued injnnctions compelling the directors to act, so thst whatever action they took they wonld be liable to arrest for contempt of coart. Thev positively object to appearing before Jndge Barnard, alleging tbat be is Indirectly interested In the stock. Thev express the utmost confidence in Judge Bslcom, of Blnhamgton, and say that be onrht to decide the cjnesiions at issue.

Thev are also willing that the case hould be taken before" the United Stales conrU for adjudication, and allege that the opposition dare sot do this. It is further said that the present charges against If r. Drew are for acts performed before tbe present board of directors came into power, and that the quarrel never wnald have tegn a bnt for the wide range combination between this city and Chicago, This last combination waa made necessary by tbe violation of a former agreement made with the Lake Shore road to treat the New Tore Central and the Erie en the same footing. It Is isid that this agreement was broken by the Laks 8hore road In ths interest of tbe Central road. It was then fonnd necessary to make a broad gange connection with tbe West, and a favorable arrangement was made witb the Atlantic and Great Western, and other roads, complete a wide ran us line to Chicago.

It Is claimed tbat by this comoiuation tbe Erie road would give a monopoly of the western travel, and that the smears of the Central road wish to break np tbia connection, so as to retain monopoly of this business. The officers nf the Erie road lay that they have the Sympathy of Western roads, and to-day received tele-frame from Buffalo and other points informing them that Weatara travel will come over tbe Erie road. The gentlemen above-named will remain In Jersey City and manage tbe Erie Railway, determined that it snail not fall into the hands of a monopoly. They will not only contlnne the wide-gauge extension to Chicago, bnt a aurvev has been made for an extension the track from Buffalo to Suspension Bridge, and another line of direct communication to tbe West. It ia also proposed to "build a large and commodious ferry bouse at the foot of Twenty-third street, so a to accommodate person livlnr np town.

The quarrel thus far seems to have nerved Mr. Drew and bis friends with renewed efforts to retain the control. CONCERT llA-XXu. Thursday Evening, March 23, 1863, GRAND ORGAN CONCERT. In which will appear twenty-four of tba principal Organists of the city.



W.M. HOFFMAN, U. KUSTKNMACHER. Mr. JEAN I.oriS CONDUCTOR Programmes in Music Stores.

Tickets (with reserved eat ONE DOLLAR EACH. May be had at Trumpler's Music Store, No. -26 Ches. nnt street, aud Meer's Music Store, No. 1230 Cheenut street.

and lower. Sale S4.5UI bush, at $316 for white Canada; (2'46forNo. 1 Chfcaao spring, delivered; W5t retail sales No. 1 Milwaukee, delivered; itW for No. i Milwaukee, delivered, in store.

Rye quiet. Barley and Barley Malt scarce and firm. Receipts of Corn, 36,015 bush. Corn in light supply, and with fair eastern and local demand, and prices lc. better.

8ale 48.00B bush, at s)l J4(alT7 tor new mixed Western, alloat; eU'SWSS for New Orleans mixed; tl'lOdtl sa for common to fair white Southern. Rereinta Oats. huah. Oats firmer and ouicL Sales 14 ono bnsb. at 84c, for Western, in store.

SEVEN FEU CENT. MORTGAGE BONDS or rna PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW TOKK CA.TSA.Xu Ss IlAILnOAD CO, GUARANTEED, PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST, BY THE LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. These Bonds are a portion of $3,000,000 on a road which will eoet about $5,000,000, and beine guaranteed by the Lehigh Taller, representing abont $15,000,000, are, In every respect a FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT. AtlOS the pay as mnch Interest as Reading ft at M. At 110 they pay as much Interest as Lehigh Valley 6's at 05.

At 116 they pay as much interest as North Pennsylvania 6's at o. We offer them for sale at 95 and seemed Interest from December 1, lb6T. C. II. BO IE, Ne.

3 merchants' Exchange. B0 WEN FOX, No. 13 Merchants' Exchangre, is nrm st limine lor uarouna. COFFEE Is Ann and quiet SL'UAU Ia huovaiit Kalfla of 1000 hhda. Cuba at 11(4 U'iC.

MOLASSES-Is Arm. HOI'S-Are quiet at I.VS)c. for American. PETkOI.K.rMI..t...H..tl3ii'3c fur mde. and tse.

for refined, bonded. MJAIj Quiet and unchanged. LEA I'll F.K llrn.lort arrive anil firm at 3ftW, tfc. for Buenos Ayros light weights: for mid-die 96 428c for heavy for California light weights: 2tS4c for middle and 'JUfS'-Tc. for heavy do.

Wi )ll. r.f Sluln of aSO 110,1 lha at iaMOi for doniestie fleece; 5545Kc. for scoured; 4t4Sc. for Stilled: 80,980. for Texas; 8ue.

for California; Sic, tor fine and Cape and Cordova oa private terms. rnuYisnnv- rora is steaav ana in moderate armana. Sales of 4UJ0 Mils, at i4 30 for nair elotiue at a-M-VC i. cash; 82uia.21 ror prime: '-1-25(33 fir prime mess; also. iww uuiaiiew mess at ej, nuver April, ana seller mav at (I24-76.

Beef steady. Sales 8M) bbU. at 14.30 for new slain mesa; 8liiHor new extra mesa, eialea of 180 tea. at for prime mesa; 38i40for India meia. Bc.

Hams firm. Sales of 340 bills, at Cut Meats steady. Sales of aoOpkgs. at 10HUc. for shoulders: 15o15iie.

for bams. Unused Hogs are quiet at 11S41C. for Western; 12 for citv. Bacon quiet. Sales of 430 boxes at 12c lor Cumberland cut: 14aU4Se.

for short clear: HXa 12c. for abort ribbed. laud quiet Sales ef 410 bbls. at aniaii ioua( inc. iiitiier nrm; wohoc.

lor Ohio 45i(i0r. for Stats. Cheese is steady at lamlSSe. Rr.UiH 1. To Liverpool, 560 bales of Cotton at 1M bbla of lard oil at S5s.

600 bbls. rosin at 8s. and YMEBTCAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. L. F.

MAVACFR, MAX MI SICAL IliRKCTOK. ihe uianaseincnt leave to announce a short season of GHA.ND ITALIAN Ol'LKA, Positively five nights and one matinee only, commencing on TITSDAY. MARCn 17, 1S. Theeompany will consist of tbe following eminent tistOBN- MADAME PAREPA-ROSA, The great favorite of the Ameriran public. MINMK ilAL'CK, The young American I'riina Douua.

MISS ANTOINET I RONCONT, MADAMB AliA TI1A 8TAATKS. Iter first appearance in FliUadeUhia, after her most sue. eessful debut in i'v Yrlc, MADAME NATALI TE3TA, The eminent Cumi alti, SIGNOUI PAVCANI. nABKLMAW, I.OTTf, TESTA. BELLINI, ANTOM CCI.

11AK1LI, BACILLI, KONCON1, Kormini a Company of unrivaled talent. DIRECTOR MAX MARETZEK, Repertoire of cek TCEiDAY. MARCH 17 "NORMA." MADAME PARiPA-ROSA In her great trugic role of "NORMA." WEDNESDAY. FRA DIAVOLO. MADAME PAUIU'A-ROS I For the first time in thwart of THIT5PDAY.

MARCH Bui A RSI VAL OF VENICR. Miss MINNIE 11 At CK, and the same great east that or its brat premutation marie smcIi a uivem in 1'hiUdeluhia. FK1DAY, MARCH 90-EkNANI. First appearance of Mudamc AOATH A 8TAATES, SATLKDAV OKANO GALA ATI EE FA I 1ST. 8ATLKDAY EVEN1NO.

MA1U li SU-FAEEVVJELLv FERK1RMAM1E. Tickets for sale at the Academy of Music and at Trump, ler's atiuic Store. PRICES OF ADMISSION. General Admission 91 DO. (Secured Seats cents extra.) Family Circle Bfl cents.

Amphitheatre 25 cents. per steamer, 7500 bush, corn at 8d. 700 bales compressed cotton at To Liverpool, Sou bbls. rosin at 8a. To Bremen, U0 bales cotton at e.

250 bbls. rosin at 8s. Cd.iJ&O bbls. shoe pegs at 3s. 6d.

Ship from Philadelphia io Bremen, un itw DUU. petroleum on private terms. New York Weekly Irr Goods market. SATtmnAY. March 14.

1SH8 Trade In drv enods dnrlne the past week lias been less active, but pricea were steady and unchanged. Brown Shootings and Shirtings were quiet and firm. Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings nrm and moderately active. Drills in moderate request at steady Jesas Christ, who is the one Great Head and Ruler of pricea. (jotton flannels null ana nominally nnrnanged.

Corset Jeans moderately active, at unchanged prices. Striies and icks firm, with a good demand for the best qualities, and dull for the light weights, lieniins and 'ot-tonades li rm, witli a steady demand. Printing Cloths firm out less active, rriuta ouiy in moaeraie request, at aooui previous prices. Ginghams firm, but less active. Mousde-laines Heady, with a moderate business doing.

Cloths WM. PAINTER BANKERS, No. 30 S. THIRD Street. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Bought and Sold at New York Rates, PBINCIPAL AGENTS FOR THE FIRST BORTGAGE BORDS or ins Union Pacific Railroad Company, A Government work.

Tbe cheapest First-class Security In tbe market. At the present market rates these Bonds are abont Eight per Cent. Cheaper Than the Jnly 6-80's, a savins; to Investors of nearly Eit'htv Dollars on each Bond. Theinterestpreciselythe same, THIRTY DOLLARS LN GOLD, January and July. The Coupons paid st onr office.

Highest market rates allowed for governments In exchange for the above bonds. Apply for pamphlets with sew map and full information, to WM. PAINTER at 36 S. Third Street, 3 met fancy Uassiineres quiet and without decided change, atineta firm, with a better demand. Kentucky rather firmer, witb a better demand for the most popular Flannels auiat and unchanged.

Foreign tionda rather more active for new and tasteful styles, which, however, were taken only in limited quantities. New York Weekly Freight Market. BiTPKntT. March 14 Tbe Freight market during ths past week has beeu verv dull, and rates have ruled in Application for the appointment of a Receiver was made in the Supreme Court, this morning, before favor of the shipper. The current rates of freight are To Liverpool, corn, 6d.

cotton, tobacco, 87a, 6d. rosin, per atoamer, corn, fed. cotton, d. Xd. cheese, 46s.

beef, 6s. 4d. To London, wheat 7 HI beef, 6s. 6d. rosin.

8s.t measurement goods, 90s. ToClas- per stoanier, corn, rosin. beef, 6s. To lavre, corn, tallow, cotton, To Rotterdam, cotton, Is. To Amsterdam, cotton, lSd.

To Bremen, per steamer, rosin, 3a. Freights to San Francico rule steady at S0iA)c. foot for light goods, and B(i4ik. foot for regular goods. Among the charters are a barque to Maples, with refined petroleum, at Is.

HA. in tins: a schooner to a t.nlf port and back. $1800, half gold; a ship from Philadelphia to Antwerp, with petroleum, at 6s, 8.1. for bbls. and Is.

for cases; a brig to Jamaica, at 85s. bbL, and hack, with logwood, a schooner to Jamaica and back, at siiioo, half gold; a schooner to West Indie and back, at 00; ene, same voiage, at flfOO, and another, same voyage, tTMO and a brig to sooth side of Cuba and back, at fcls. for sugar, and 45 14 for molasee under, and $8 on deck. Total uumbrr of vessels in port 628. including 78 steamera, ships, lot) barques, 117 brigs, and 171 kvfcoonera, CITY INTKLLIGEXCli JOPULAK LOAN.

1 BI'ECIAL AGENTS i noge Barnara. ueorge A. usgooa was so appointed. His duties are said to be to receive tbe cash proceeds the new stork lately issued, and whenever inch proceeds in bis hands amount to half a million of dollars they are to be deposited with the Union Trust Company. The Receiver gives bonds for a million of Tbe rumors tbat fundi of the Erie Company to ths amount of several millions of dollars have been removed to the Hudson County Bank, in Jersey City, are denied on good authority.

SOUTHERN CON VEH TIONS. Virginia. BiflMfonn, March Ths section of the franchise report requiring all officers of the State to take the oath that recognize and accept the civil and political quality of all men be fore tbe law, was adopted. A communication was read from General Scofleld, suggesting tbat tbe Convention authorise tbe S.ite Treasurer to issue certificate! of indebtedness to pay the expenses of tbe ratification election, and the re- rlstratlon revision preceding It; In neither of which ad Congress appropriated mooev. Us estimate! the cost at from 175,000 to $100,000.

Referred. A general debate on money matters sprang an, In which it was stated that the printer of the Convention had had no pay for two weeks, and there was no money to pay lifm. The Convention refined, by a vote of 48 to to declare that tbe State and county officers enumerated In the disfranchising clause are the only ones disfranchised. Registration closed here to-day. The blacks are it votea ahead in the total registration of It, 000.

North Carolina. Xat.bish, N. C. March 14. The Convention was sa.

ftagad yesterday on divorce esses snd other legislative mttera, and to-day it passed the relief ordinance offered by Mr. Graham Also, sa ordinance directing the payment of interest upon the State debt to be resumed in Janusry, 186, The Conservative Hi ate Exeeative Committee met today, and renominated Colonel TBomas 8. Ash. of CI ON' CERT HALL. MORNING AND EVENING READINGS SHAKSl'EARE, nr MRS.

FRANCES ANNE KEMBLE. B. FUG1I has the honor tn annonnee tbat MKo. KEMiiLhl Will give a series of FOCR REAniNOS. AT CONCERT 11 ALL, In thefonorrlna order: MONDAY EVENINO, MARf'lt 18, ANTONY AND CLEOFATKA.

WEDNESDAY MORNINfJ, MARCH 18, AS YOU LIKE IT. FRIDAY F.YF.NINO, MARCTt JO, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTU1NC1. SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH SI, ROMEO AND JULIET. The Evenine lteadlnss will eommence prfdsely at 8 o'clock. The Mornina Readings at 3 o'clock r.

M. bl'ECIAL NOTICE. In eonsefrnenre of the interruption caused In Mrs. bTEM-BLE'S READINGS, by the late period at which a certain portion ot the purchasers of Reserved eata have chosen to attend and nrrupr them, it has beeu determined to 8ELL NO RESERVED SEATS. Admission to raeh Reading, (1.

Tickets for sale at Gould's I'iano Wsrerooms. No. 903 Ctwnut street. Doors open at 1 o'clock. NEAvnCH'FjNUfnsTREKT-1 THEATRE.

MONDAY EVF.NIN1, MARCH 1(1. First time in America of H. J. Byron's New Domestic Play, entitled DEARER TnAN LIFE; DEARER THAN LIFE; DEARER THAN LIFE; DEARER TH AM LIFE; DEARER THAN LIKE; DFAliF.R THAN LIFE; DEARER 1HAN LllE; OR, THE E'S RETPRV. This Flay it tbe latest production of the talented author, and ia tbe LONDON SUCCESS.

A DOUBLE BILL. To commence ivitli. firtt time in America, DEARER THAN LIKE. Michael Garner Mr. W.

H. Sedley Smith To conclude- with the sparkling 'omedictta, SOMEBODY ELSE. Miss Josie Ortott Hans Mortz Mr. alter Lennox SATURDAY. FAMILY MATINEE.

OF UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. xi is ennren, ana wnose approval can never oe given to the persecution of the innocent or to the oppression of tbe weak. Given in the Church of the Transfiguration, In 'the City of New York, thla 14th day of March, A. D. 1848.

Stbpbeii H. Trso, Rector of St. George 'a Church, in the city ef New York. Tbe friends of Mr. Tyng crowded abont ths pew occupied by him.

The noise and confusion by tbe vast throng was very great, and it required the utmost el-forts of the four or five policemen present to disperse the audience, a large part of whom, it ia said, were exceedingly anxious to organiis a meeting to sympathize with Mr. Tyng then and there. At leagth the audience dispersed, snd ths friends of M.r. Tyng proceeded to tbe Church of the Mediator, where other proceedings took place. Messrs.

Smith, Randolph No. I Nassau street, report as follows: Tbe current week will long be remembeied in Wall street ss one of unusual excitement and interest, not only in monetary eircles, but also throughout the mercantile community; the latter class evincing a keen of tbe vital qnealiona involved In the pending revolution in tbe Erie management, and a wide division of sentiment ss to the probable results to commercial Interests of the success of either of the contending factions. While Commodore Vanderbilt's cause carriei with it tbe prestige of luceessful railway management, it also begets aporebenaione of a great monopoly, which might so rule the rates of freights sod paasage as to prove oppressive to the public and on the other hand, though all agree in denouncing tbe policy of committing such vast railway interests virtually to ths sols keeping and management of one "speculative director," yet at ths same time Mr. Drew's opposition en- terprises, through having been a means of economy to the merchants, naturally anllit for him a large share of sympathy; for islf-intereat Is svsr a powerful argument. This grest band-to-hand contest, by far the fiercest In the snnals of railways or ef the stoek exchange, has naturally overshadowed all cite and cnrtailed dealings in tbe share market, beyond the stocks directly affected.

Tbe latest move le tbe appointment by tbe courts of Mr. Geo. A. Osgood, (son-in-law of Mr. Vanderbilt), as receiver and custodian ol the newly issued Erie shares, the announcement of which was attended with an immediate advance of IX cent bnt which waa subsequently hist, however, with tbs general decline which took place In anticipation of an anfavorable bauk state-menu Tbe Krieofficers have removed witb tbe books, Jtc, of the company to Jersey City to escape the various writs with which the courts are pursuing them.

Tbe only other aotewenhy feature of the week was the culmination of tbe corner in Chicago and Northwestern common stock, under which varions short acconuts wers forced to a settlement at rates varying from 68 to 73. Tbe steamship stocks were weaker today, Atlantic Mail selling as low as 00. Government securities hare been excited and strong throughout the day, witb unusually heavy dealings. T-30'e have been in most active request, and close strong st over 1 cent, advauce noon the opening quotation of the week, while the exportable boads are ent higher. Tbe bank statement, which we append, would doubtless have had far greater effect upon prices had it not been generally knowu tbat an artificial depletion to tbe extent of some $3,000,000 bad been effected In the "bear" interest during the week, and the statement, viewed in connection witb tbia fact, really ex-bibitsllttlsehsuge.

Loans, decrea.e, deposits, decrease, specie, decrease, StMiV.BSz leral tenders, decrease, $2,878,114 The depression of tbe gold premium proceed! from the romor tbat Mr. Vanderbilt has negotiated abroad a personal loan of 6,000,000. At 4 B0 P. M. prices States of 1881, lilJ.WlllXido.

-S0'. 1862, U0ll0.w; do. 164, 10 do. I860, 108X10tt do. IstXi, 107)(-4 10I.

do. 1867, 10T10IV, uoao-SU'e, HUiol do. T-SO's, 106X)lO6 jdo. ltd. 106(Hij; Compounds, May "66, 118; American Gold, 13t( 18w Pacific Mail, ll')(SH0ji New York Central, WdmXJ Erie, tlT; Heading, nml Michigan Southern, 88H88 Rock Island.

N.Y. STOCK SALESSECOND BOARD. MARCH 14. Anniversary of thk Sunday School of ths CiktkaL M. E.

CHtfaca. An anniversary service attracted a Urge congregation to Central M. K. Church last evening. The meeting was presided over by Rev.

J. F. Dnrbin, D. and Dr. Alday delivered an interesting address to the children.

Tbe sweet hymns, the well selected emblems accompanying tbe missionary offerings, and the appropriate texts of Scripture were well supplemented by tbe very large contribution, which reached the sum of 11000. iriarine lutellifrence. Charmstom, March 15. Arrived, ship Virginia, from Liverpool. Sailed, steamer Charleston, Uit New York; steamer Vaimion, for Nsw York; barque Helen Sands, for Liverpool.

500 BUSHELS PRIME CLOVER SEED for sale at BUST'S Seed Warehonse, h. and 954 MARKE I Street above Ninth. Ansa connty, for the office of Governor, in place of A Bl feUlAli HlJjli. Oman or De HAVE Ac Ho. 40 8.

TU1RD Sraarr. We offer for salt FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS or THS UNION PACIFIC llAILROAD AT PAH, AND BACK INTEREST. The above Bonds pay Six per Cent. Interest in Gold, And are a First Mortgage on a road costing about three (8) times their amount, with very larse and constantly Increasing net revenue. DE HAVEN BROs, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP GOVERNMENT SECCRITIES, GOLD, Ac.

No. 40 8. Till II STREET. IS PLOWS, HARROW'S, CULTIVATORS, with all other implements for ths farm aad garden, auld at the lowest market rate, at HI IMT'S Seed Warehouse Nos. 8U aad 934 MARKET Street aooyeNiath BUISTS WARRANTED GARDEN SEEDS 3i are popular because reliable: plant them once and you will plant them always.

Call for a cony of HUIST'S iiarden Almanac for li8, it will be found useful and instructive they are distributed without eharge from Hl'lST'S Seed Warehoifse, Nos. 93 and 834 MARKET Street above Ninth. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING. March It.

FIRST NIHHT OF The Tonne, beautiful and accomplished artiste. MISS MAtiOIK MITCHELL. ENGAGED FOR ELEVEN NIGHTS ONLY, Buppo' ted bv the popular actor, MR. J.W.COLLIER, i And win appear in her great original impersonation of FANCHO.N, Tn the celebrated moral at nuational drama. In five act, transited frnm rhcOerman by Aug.


VENTILATION CO. WIVTrn in nistrlct in Psnnsvlvanla R8. JOHN DREW'8 ARCH ST. THEATRE. Begins at quarter to eight o'clock.

and New Jersey, an efficient local agent to take a small interest in the Company and introduce the PATENT SYSTEM OF VENTILATION, Already in use. with complete success. In the State nouses of I'enusvlvenia, Rhode Island and New York, and on many hundreds of Kactorios, School Houses, Prisons, City and Town Halls, tables. Hospitals, ia New England and Ken-York. The right man, familiar witu buildings, can secure a good, sale and increasing business, oa application, with references, to JXTIIER ROBIX30N, Asent V.

S. V. Co, Boston, Mass. KKVIVAb Or Lllrll AT liABT. MRS.


WEDN E8 OA Y-Heneti of Hi. THAYER. sos jaoa. a vaoce, uecnnea. ftoutfc Carolina.

Ciia! irtoh, March 1ft. The Convention, last night, passed a liberal homestesd law.i Railroad in altera. Easton, March 14. The Iron bridges spanning the Lehigh and Delaware rivers, at Esiton, having Just been finished, a locomotive aid train of passengers cars passed over to Phillipsburg, Nsw Jersey, and returned safely to the Pennsylvania side at one twenty p. at.

to-day. The entire line of tbe Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad is now completed and open lor business, with Us aeveral branches from Scrsnlon to Easton, connecting with tbe North Pennsylvania Railroad at Bethlehem. and with the Morris and Essex and Central of New Jersey, sad Belvtdere and Delaware Railroads at Phllllpahnrg. Tbe special train from Cniaaaqua, containing the graduating class of the Polytechnic College of Pennsylvania, who have been inspecting tbe mines and fnrnsces, snd enjoving the hnspitalitiea of the Lehigh Valley for several days, reached here about noon today, after examining the new bridge at the. moutb of tbe Lehigh and visiting the iron works, the young engineers left for Philadelphia, via Bethlehem.

ft'ire in New Orleans Nsw OsLBana, March 14 A fire broke out at nine o'clock this evenineiu the centre of the block bounded by Maeaxi ne, Foocher, Talaferre and Delaide streets. The region is densely built np with wooden tens- anents, most of which were destroyed. A whisky warehouse in tbe same neighborhood was burned this morning. From tall Hirer. Paix Rrvim, March 14.

The strike In the mills at this place has ended, tbe spinners and weavers having voted to return to their work on Monday next, oa the terms offersd them previous to the strike. From Hrooklj-n. New Vobk. March 14. Peter McCann shot his stepfather, Nicholas Nelson, at No.

5 Gorham street. Brooklyn, Saturday Bight, Nelson was intoxicated and quarreling with his wife. The wounds are con-aiJersd fatal. 400 sb Head. 83 ALN.

LEAMING No. 221 CILES- $:, 000 Tens 4f FTx-iJ "AMERICANVARIETY WALNUT alwve Eighth. linvirpi.i;i. i'l'llAirrlflN. EVERY EVENINU and on SATURDAY AFTERNOON.



M.S. AN. 1.1)7. 88t 100 do 88 1000 do 8SV 400 do WS 800 Ik P. F.

AC. 600 do ioo4 100 ih 46 800 ih C. A N. W.rf. 78 600 do 13 1004 do too 78 100 do.


AT. H. let MX loo ah W. U.Tel 84 10 do ..44 100 sh Pacific M. 8., 110) 14 do lios 100 110H 100 do 10 600 sh AL M.

6 1 400 do 4 400 do so 1000 sh Adams 16 60 sb Walls. V. Ex. SOshAm. Ex 70i KlOshMer.

U.Ex.... 86 600 do DM; 600 do 85 BOO 85 FURNISHED HOTEL FOR RENT. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. One more and the Fifth Week of MR. ALFRED BURNETT.

Success Unprecedented! Houses Crowded NTrntlv" u. uiruvv it ill he assisted bv Miss F.f.F.M aUW 100 Ih Cle.ATol 106Ti order of tbe Prnbat 1 offftr for sale the enrlra QHINA AND GLASSWAliE. MARXSEN ft WITTE, No. T1S CHE3NUT Have redueed their whole stock of Parisian C.ranlte. white.

band and decorated China liinner. Tea and Toilet Sets; BohiTnian, French and American Glassware: Mautol Ornameuts; Vases; btatuettes; Cologne Se Is; Card btands: Tete-a-tete Sets; Biwts, wires MAKVtE.N A WOTlLSo. 718 CUfcSMT Street, are Kstli on-stone Chamber Sots, full sets of 10 pieces, for Tainted China Sliver Tea Pests, 88 pieces, for fA Best Uiina I ea Seta, 4i pieces, for lSJaO. French China Dinner geU Urge set for Main French Uuhleta, stand hot and cold water, for 91 a dozen. Bet French (Sit Gobleta, for a doaen.

1 ine Iloheniiaa Engraved Golilels. for e4'60 a dor Fine EuauiekA Tea. out Stands l1 76 cents earfe. 100 sh C. A K.L..

and the Child Elurutiouit, Little RUl TER. Comic Delineations, I'oetlc Gems, Instantaneous Changes. 84 M4 100 1110 400 60 JOOihM. A St. P.

(WOshT.W.AW. Tickeu, 60 cents; sownis. Begin at 9 Vdoct. ai inee, Saturday, March il, at i o'elmk. Admiavion to Matinee, ascents; Children 15 cents.

vs 61 inrniuire ann movsme nxturesoi tne CLARKNDON HOTEL. CINCINNATI, Which have been appraised at but which cost tf4o. tax). 'the liotel ia sitnated on the corner ef Walnut and Gano ttreeta; is five stones high; contains one hundred aud twenty rooms for guests, and is one of the best appointed tpnjR f88ue per CAttornevatLaw), Assignee of S. K.

Crittenden A j- W. OUiii IBtnUuciituatJU i 61 hi 100 sh Ohio A Miss. 80 xOO 85 SiO sb N.T. RCU STREET THEATRE. WEDNESDAY March IS 1068.

MI S. HAVER'S new play-Family secret. AN" DUMB MAN tie' MANCU -iTER. 100 sb II. A St.

74W SOOshU. ASt.Jos.Pf ao bo an Erie KK. Ty mo do IS.

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