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The Pacific Commercial Advertiser from Honolulu, Hawaii • Page 1

Honolulu, Hawaii
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE PAOiriO i(LflmincrciaI Jlbbtriisrr i rrrufiiEUAT la PUBLLbUED Every Saturday Morning. BY BLACK AULD. City mm I aland Snhwerlptloas. IB.OO Tear. 13.00 for Sis Mouths.

Foreign Sohserlptlono. IT.JO to IO rear. The pa pen forwarded to any part of A averts ia ir tnnaa, which lacludeth Hawaiian post onlr- I rP-r Karopo port will eharg. lit 14 at th which from to e-nte on eaeh itiil paper. Pit li Always 4 ova act.

IT a.i th Pacific hvj very cepco. rr Pm-ina in inf Dart of th. United Blt-. eao Honolulu, Hawaiian Inland. Spar tii(vtlin Nou- parrillyp.

l. in. IS 49. to oo 1 et i i 1 eo I 00 3 00 4 O0 4 OO 4 00 4 CM) I 00 (XI 7 10 00 00 CM 10 oo 14 oo Unn (4 Inch) 11 Umi (t iorh) X4 l.lnf(liwS).., Lines (J 4 Llnea4 I 1'olawo 1 Column. 4 Column.

4 OO 6 U0 10 Ml 14 OO 14 Ou; St 00 O0 1 OO 14 14 0O 90 Ou 40 OO OO II OO 14 00 2t Ou IH) I 11 OO 14 00 Si 1-0 44 OO 0 14 00 00 i CO (H) l0 1H oo hoi Coluuiu ty, mMmg In h. Uitno toiled fUate. r.v jt lh)r rnU bjr rloitr or I tu4 nd ihmr carJ ill oc luarrtrj at prr aU ut, Kr th tin Pl4 rm.t is nwtint nf abscnpt.oa doe tr this paper In mert- pMt( IUOl4. 1 XT Buiue Cards, whra prepaid Jr a frmr, ai trtow4 a diacoaal froca Ihrae rate, which are fur transient 4vrti) menu wheo paid or charged aarterly. VOL.


SS7. gcsinxss Cares. business Oris. jHtclmtral. insurance )omtstir protart.

THE PAOiriO IT LP I mmmBmsmm rw rvvv PL A IX AMD fANCT BOOK AND JOB PRINTINC. XT VMtTINO. BlIfcM AMD ADDBKS CAKD4 pnaOH ia lb htrht atjla of th art. little Pat and the Panon. lit aio! at th xx of lh charrh peepicf In, irwlai b'aJia ia oeaf him Ta prneo'r ia laJaic( of aiaorra acd aio, Aixl lidJr Pal irmb to krar bint A poor liitla fr-ll), aluna and rtora, Wai rwer kaw pml or duly ilia oacovrrrd, hia Jacket ia lorn.

And hai. La wilberad BIa baauly. Tba whit-hadd nUtnu ahat la the bos Snrma rawing BJ aof cacb miaul 1J doMra tia fit aad Iba coabioo ha kaocka, A it aotUjoa (i know what ia ia It. lie ifoU at lb pcopU wbo ait ia the pewa Pat lakra Ihoa kinfa aod priorraara, Witb hia Uttl Lr (ret, drLhia in Ihrir ahora i la hia he leeia proud cf lair dreae ') The Parana cxhot ta ihrta to thicik their nretl. To turn (rnn lh world'a disaipatioo The oakd cMhe the hungry to (red Pal 1 1 Lena wiih atrf appr.laluD Arvl tirn tbe oid waika clowa Ibe ailr, Pat ran ap to steel bits rlhl gLadly Rare, i me my dinar," a with a araije, "Aod a j.

Karl I a ant Ihcot quite tadlj Th kin aod priaceaaea iodiitiiAiiliy atare. The get word of the daiif-r, Aiul. alutkiotf kia aiicr-tipped atlck ia the air, Loxka knives at Ike paor kttie atrar.fer. Ilut Pat'a twit afraid, be ia aprkhcf with A ad crire who willing to cry li Voa'll rive me my dioaer I'm a poor boy Yoa aaid ao ow daa'r joa deny The pompe old beadl may ramble aod flare, Aod growl aikjQt robbera aod araoo Uul the boy who haa faith to the aermoo ataoda Aod aatilea at the white-headed PaxacB Altai klog aod priocenea may wonder and frowo. And wkiaper, II waou betur leachinf But Ih bite-beaded Paraoa kiok teaderry down On th boy who haa Ullh la hia preachlog.

lie takea hint away withoat qaestloa or blame, A a eager aa Palay to prea oa. Fur he ihiuk a ntl dinner (4od Pat thioka tha aame) la the moral that lira io Ibe Iraaott. Ani after i yeara, wtbea Pal, bardaomely dreat A amart fuotmaa la aaked to delermioa Of all earthly tho-e what' the thin ha likea beat, IiA)a, -Och. aore, the maater'a oold aermin I VAEIETY. Wus Decisiff.

A Florida temperance eocietj linn that egg-nog is not a bcferage." It in nai that iron is a good tonic for debili-tntol jouri ladies. That bo bo but ironing Li a better one. A Danhurian wants to know, if a woman was defiueJ to bo the equal of man, Trbjr it is el can't whistle. A fhiIo.j,!icr who marricrl a vulgar but amiable girl, ucd to call bis wife brown vugar, be-cauM be snuJ, she was sweet but unrefined. Tho inmate of a boarding-house in Hoboken dcsoriICH tho programme of bis breakfattt as bclL, jangled oat of tune, and hash." It was a North Carolinian, who, in speaking of the extreme lcannera of his neighbors bogs, mid that he had to put overcoats on tbem to enable them to make a shadow in the sun.

A justice at Vernon, Iowa, wound up a marriage by saying, "And I now send jou to the count jail lor thirty days." He was thinking of another caae. A young liuly recently, on being requested to sing The Maiden's Prayer," immediately favored a Hockford audience with Mother May I go out to Swim." A German in Buffalo fell into a beer vat the other day and was drowned. lie drank as bard as he could to save himself, and would have succeeded bad not a floating cork choked him. Why is a man who make additions to a false rumor like one who has confidence in all that is told him? Because be re-lies on all that be bears. A mountain settler in Tenners) learned for the first time the other day that Dave Crockett was dead, and he sat down on a log and cried like a child.

They have a judge in Kansas who fined a lawyer fur saving sic transit. Trie official thought it was swearing, and remarked indignantly that nobody should sick bim ia that court. The chief of police in Pittsfield. lately received a telegram, requesting bim to look out for a runaway having a black mouatacbe five feet ten inches in height with a velvet coat." A quarreliome couple were dicu8sing the subject of epitaphs and tombstones and the busbtod said My dear, what kind of stone do you suppose they will give me when I die? Brimstone, my love was the affectionate reply. What a glorious thing it would be if all women were rich.

Now there is that rich Ohio woman, who cheerfully pays her little $50 fine every time slie feels like beating the unfortunate man she call husband. An Albany man refused to ride to the grave with his mother-in-law on the occasion of his wife's funeral, for the reason that the whole leasure of the occasion would be destroyed by ucn an arrangement. Do TOU like to cro to chnreh anl.1 a li.lw to Mrs. Partington. Law me, I do," replied Mrs.

P. Nothing does me so much good as to get up early on Sunday morning, and go to church and hear a populous minister dispense with the Goepel." A sorrowing friend, writing of the death of an estimable lady, said She has gone to her eternal rest." Ilia dismay can only be faintly imagined when upon a proof of his obituary notice being sent to him, be read, She has gone to her eternal A Missouri woman said she gave a railroad conductor a ten dollar bill he said it was a two sle insisted be persisted she took out a revolver and snapped it, and be gave her the eight dollars balance, not wishing to have any dispute with a lady. Western women think that people are growing over-fussy now-a-davs. If a man dies, and two or three grains of strychnine, or half a pound of arsenic, or an ounce or so of antimony be found in bis stomach, bis poor wife has to go off to prison, and go through trial, and see ber name in the newspapers, and be acquitted, and neglect her sewing until she has not a thing fit to wear. From hia youth up bad Alonzo Tyncr, of Mor-rietown, been the companion of Florence Johnson they plajed in the same fragrant mud-puddle, and for ber be rent bis trousers in shinning up the unfriendly shag-bark to lay at her feet its and she consented to be his, bat he married another.

Stern justice gives her $2,500, a plaster of just one quarter the size she ought. A country minister of limited capacity recently married for a second wife a widow of some property. Being an ardent servant of Mammon, a former neighbor asked bim if he did not do well by the second marriage. Oh yes, indeed," he said, with animation and then, as an expression of reverent awe stole into bis face, be added, and what ia very remarkable, the clothes of my wife's first husband just fit me." DR. 0.


H. DAVIES, (Late Jaoloo, Crrtn IMPORTER AM CO.MMISMO.V MERCHANT, aoaar roa Ltoyda' aod tha Lirerpnoi Underwriter. Northern Aiioruce Coanpaay, ami Britlah and foreign Marine loaarance Company. mh23 Fire Proof Baddiori. Kaahamana ar.d Queen Hn.

ly S. B. DOLE, ATlORXKr AT L.AW. OFFICE OVER Kcbarwaoa'( fcSore, corner of Fort and Mercbtnt Mre-i. nihil Honolulu.


BO King htreet, Honolulu. 11. 1. ly CHAS. LONG, SHIP CHANDLER AND COMMISSION A NT.

Importer and Dealer in G-neral Mer har.di., No. 6 Merrhant fH) llouolala. 11. 1. (3m LAWEENCE McCULLY, A TTORNEV AT LAW.

OFFICE IN TUB Attorney Uencral'a rooma. Court House, Honolulu, fil oca STEPHEN H. PHILLIPS, ClOrXSKLI-OK AT LAW. May tm found for lb next three month at the ofBee recently occupied by Hon. J.

W. Aualin, over Mr. WMtney'e bookalore. J18 3m M. S.

GEINBAUM IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL-era ia kaaluonable Clothing, Hat. Cap, boots and hoea, and every variety of Gentlemen's Superior FarnUhing- Uoods. Store formerly occupied by W. A. Aldricb, Makee' nlo lilock.

Queen Street. ly M. PHILLIPS IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL era in Clothing. Boots, fclioea, Hats, Men's Furnishing and Fancy Uoods. (old 6m) No.

11 Kaahumanu St. Honolulu. E. 0. HALL SON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARD WAttfc, Dry Uoods.

Paints, Oil, aad Ueneral Merchandise. u9 Corner Fort and King Sts. ly JAS. W. GIEVIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER la General Merehaudiae.

LA HA IN A. Order from the other Islands promptly attended to. o'i 0m BEOWN IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ALES. WlNKe ANDSPlItirS, AT WUULKitALK. 9 Merchant Street.

WZi ljr Houolulo, H. I. H. E. McINTYEE BEOTHEE, GROCER V.

FEED STORE AND BAKER Corner of King and Fort Streets, ocS if Honolulu. 11. 1. H. HACKFELD Co.

ENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. ly liONOLLLU. THOS. G. THEUM'S, STATIONERY, CUTLER AND NEWS Depot, and Circulating Library, (late Black it Auld's gland.) (oc7 ly) Merchant Honolulu.

W. L. GEEEN, COMMISSION MERCHANT. FLRE-FROOF Building, Queen Street, ocb ly Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. THEOD.

C. HEUCK, IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, (oc5 ly) Honolulu, Oabn. 11 I. A. S.


S. CLEGHOEN IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. DEALERS IN General Merchandise. Corner Queen and Kaahamana oci ly Nauana and Corner Fort and Hotel Sts. P.

A. SCHAEFER IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MER- JL CHANTS, IIooolulu, Hawaiian Islands. JulS ly CHULAN IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN CHINA GOODS Of all description, aod in all kinds of Dry Goods. Also, constantly oa band, a superior quality of Hawaiian Rice. (29 Nunar.a Street, IIooolulu.

ly J. N. WHITNEY, D. D. S.

DENTIST, OFFICE OVER DR. HOFFMANN'S DHL groRE, Corner of Kaahumanu and Merchant Street. OQce hour Ja4 fr-wa 9 a. M. till 8 r.

u. ly C. S. BAETOW, A UCTIONEER. SALESROOM OX Q.UEEN Jul7 Street, one door from Kaahumanu.


L. Richards fc Co.) SHIP CHANDLERS AND GENERAL COM-AllSilON MERCHANTS. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. (Ja ly) 3. 8.


CHANTS. HONOLULU. H. I. AGISTS TO Hawaiian Packet Line, I Spencer' PlanUtioo.

Princeville Plantation. I Naalehu PlanUtioo. Ooomea PUntnlion. Qreenweir Coffee. Imperial Fire Insurance Company, London.

Merchant's Mutual Marine Insurance Sao Francisco. Nor. Western Mutual Life Insarance Co. Scbrs. Fairy Queen, Active and Mary Ellen.

JalUy M. McINERNY, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CLOTHING. Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery, Pocket Cutlery, aod every description of Gent's Superior FarnUhing Goods. XT Beokert's Fine Calf Dress Boots, always on band. N.

K. Coasaa or Foav aid Mekchast Sraatrs. jail ly I E. P. ADAMS, A UCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MER Queen Street, Honolulu, 11.

1. J4lT A. W. JCDD. a.

W. JUDD LAINE, GROCERS A XII PROV ISIoN DEALERS, Family Grocery and Feed Store, 52 Fort Street, Honolulu. dl4 ly LEWERS DICKSON, EALERS IS LUMBER AND BUILDING Jy27 Materials, tort Street. ly DILLINGHAM IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, Cutlery, Dry Good. Paints and Oil, and General Merchandise.

a39 No. 95 Kinr. Street. Honolula. ly D.

N. FUTNER, CONTINUES IIISOLD BUSINESS IN THE Fire-proof baildint. Kaahamana Street, Chronometer rated by observation of the tan and start with a transit instrument accurately adjusted to the meridian ef Honolulu. Particular attention given to fine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrant glasses silvered and adjusted Chart and caaUcal instrument constantly on JyC7 band and for sale.

ly E. H. STANLEY. A TTORXE1 AM) AT LAW. in Ilbud'4 ire-pry.

hitnumanu tirrvt, lin-lulu. oin FISCHEE EOTH, IKRCII A NT TA 1 1. OIlS. FORT STREET, t'a oppaxite lJ Feliow's Hall, Honolulu, II. I.

ipM lr THOMAS SPENCEE, SHIP CHANDLER. DEALER IN GE-eral Slrn-haodise. IsUnd Prod'ire, and COMMUNION MKKCHANT, Hat, Hilo, tvuwica I-lsd-. Will keep connUinlSy on han'l an exter.ive assortment of every description roods required by snip and others. 1 he highest price tiren for Island Produce.

XJ" Money advanced (or Kills at ra-oable rates. apl'J ly BROTHEES, IMPORTERS, WHOL ES A LE AND ETA I IN Dry Goods, Clnthinr, lius flooils. Laities' and Genu' Umis and Cn- 5 Van Wee Notions, 4c, Ac, i Snow's liuildiog. N-.

Mercbaut St. Honolulu. apl! ly IEA EICHAEDSON, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN BOOTS. Miora. Hue Clochins, r'uriiifllnux Good, perfumery, c.

Coroer of Fort and Si. 'pi" ly Honolulu, II. I. WILDEE SUCCESSORS TO DO WSET St CO. Corner Fort and Jeen ts.

Deslera in Lumber. Paints. Oil. Nail, all, and Buililing ai6 Materials, of every kind. ly BOLLES SHIP CHANDLERS AND COMMISSION MtKCH ANTS.

Importers and Dealers In General Merchandise, Qaeen Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Agents for lb Kaunakakai. Mauualua, aad Kakaako Salt fS Works. ly T. J.


BALERS IN DRV GOODS, FA GOUI'S ANDCLoTHINU. Criterioo Building, Fort St. (s21 ly) Ilont.lulu, II. I. F.

HOEN, ONFECTIONER. NO. HOTEL neat door to C. K. ulibms, Honolulu.

till AFONG ACHUCK, IM PORTERS, HOLESA LE AND RET A I Dealers in General Merchandise. Fire-proof More, Noun-nu Street. ly C. BREWER C10MMISSIO.V AND SHIPPING MER-) CHANTS. Honolulu, Oahu, aul7 ly) Hawaiian Islands.

ALLEN CHILLINGWORTH, KAWA1I1AE, HAWAII. WILL CONTINUE THE GENERAL MKRCH AN D13 and BLSINKsS at tl.e aliove port, where they are prepared to furnish the Justly celebrated Kawaihae potatoes, and such other recruits as are required bv whale ship, at the shortest notice and ou the moat reasonable terms. (aul7 ly) FIREWOOD ON HAND. w.c7j6nes, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND LAND AGENT. Mill practice la all the Courts of the Kingdom.

He will attend the Circuit Court on Kauai, Maui and Hawaii, aud visit either of those Inlands on special husine. aul" Office on Merchant Street. ly E. HOFFMANN, M. flJIYSICIAN AND SURGEON.

CORNER Merchant and Kaahumanu St near the Post-office. ly ALEX. J. CART WRIGHT, CIOMM1SSION MERCHANT AND GEN F.KAL SHIPPING AGENT, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands jy27 ly BISHOP BANKERS, II NO LULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.

DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON The Bank or California Francisco Messrs. Lees ft New York Tremont National Bank Boston Oriental Bank Oriental Bank Corporation, payable In Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland. Agents for the Manhattan Life Insurance Company of New York. Receive Deposit, Discount First-class Business Paper, attend to Collecting, Ac, my2S ly NEWEST THING OUT! KEROSEIME LAMPS BURN WITHOUT CHIMNEY! IRST IMPORTED BY THE UNDER SIGNED. It is the Only Lamp that has beet made TO BURN KEROSENE PERFECTLY.

IYo Smoke, IYo Smell, Io Cliiimiey, Ao Too Simple to get out of Order. Low Priced Lamps for the Cottage, Elegant Styles for Dining and Drawing Booms. Sole Agents for Haw'n Islands, DILLINGHAM apS Ne. 93 Ai 97 King St AUCTION SALE OF LA.YDS AT HILO. (3the undersigned will a-t offer for sale by Public Auction, at 12 o'clock gtooo, on SATURDAY, 7th DAY OF JUNE NEXT, At the Court House ia Hilo, Ton Lots of" Xnnd of convenient sire for bnildinR and other pnrpoe, cotnpriiine in the aggregate about Twelve Acres, situated in the town of Hilo, and now belonging to Benjamin Pitman, Esq.

For any detailed inform aiioo, apply to the undersigned. n. HACKFELD A Honolulu, ap23 td WILLIAM U. BEEP, Hit. FOR SALE THE PREMISES LATELY OCCUPIED by W.

Fischer, on Hotel Street. faplO) Fmpidenf R. PATV. ggr THE PLACE To get yoar Carriage Trimmiiag TRUNK WORK OF ALL KINDS, aod General Repairing done ith nealue and dispatch. No.

S3 King St. fe8 K. WHITMAN. KEALOHA PANEE, House, Ship and Sign Painting! HOTEL STREET. HAVING OPENED THEIR SHOP ON THE above street, are prepared to do all manner of work in tliir line of buaine.

Charge reasonable, and all wi rk dooc with r.eauies and dispatch. jat ly J. K. THOMPSON, General Blacksmith, Queen Honolulu. HAS CONSTANTLY OV HAND AD For Sale at the Lowest Market Prices, a good assortment of the Bet Kenned Bar Iron, and the Kest blacksmith Coal.

nlC ly CHARLES SMITH, llonse, Ship, SIpn and Carriage lIntlnr, Taper Hanglnfr and Glaxing. Shop on Kaahuxanu Street. The public are requested to give a call. apl2 iio CTWEST, ATagoo and Carriage Kolltlrr, Honolulu. jalS ly) Island orders promptly executed.

JOHN FREDERICK KENYON, MILITARY, XAl'AL AXD CIVIL TAILOR. King next door to Bradley's Barber Shop, Honolulu. o5 ly OO TtZlxxg Stroot, OO M. T. DONNELL, IMPOHTt 1SD XSSCrACTtRSB OK ALL, KINDS OF FURNITURE jrx Suitable to this market.

HQ XT Old Furniture repaired and Mattratses of. all de 11 scriptions made to order. Before buying elsewhere call at 8G and 8 8 King street uc-6 ly C. E. WILLI AMisV Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in Furniture OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.

Furniture Ware Room oo Fort street Workshop at the old stand. Hotel dtreet, near Fort. N. B. Orders from the other islauds promptly attended to.

ly E. C. ADDERLEY, Saddle and Harness Maker, C-Z CORNER I'ort and Uotel Streets, Uonolulue XT Cnrriajres Trimmed with neatness and dispatch. Island Orders attended to piomptly. aul71y P.

ALT Saddle and 13 aniens Iflaker, KlltU STREET, HOXOLULU. Ilarness, Saddle Shoe Leather, Constantly on lland. Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. J. W.

GIBBS, Painting in all Branches, So. 90 King Street. Opposite Wright Wilson's Blacksmith Shop. XT Smallest order promptly attended to. juS 6m THEOD.

HEUCK OFFERS FOR SALE Jnst Received BY THE HAWAIIAN BAEK KA MOI, FROM BREMEN. ImTHITE MOLESKIN, GREY AND WHITE; w'W I i v. L' 1 I I Checks, Jaconet, Charabray Lawn, Printed Marseille, Extra Heavy Ticking, Cotton and Union Drill, Blue Cotton and Blue Cotton Heavy Cotton Shirting, 90 and 100 inch Black and Colored Italian Cloth, All Wool and Cotton Plaid Shawls, Towels and Russia Crash, Cotton Blanket. Horse Blankets. Merinos, Baratheas, Fine Cobnrgs, Table Covers.

Dark aod Red Handkerchiefs, White Cotton Handkerchiefs, hemmed; Corah Handkerchiefs, Blue Twill, Superior Blue and Brown Cloths, Madapolatns, Veil Barege In silk and wool, Grenadines, Dotted White Swiss Mu.lina, Superior Silesias for rsilom' use. Tailors' Trimming, Paper Cambrics, Brown Hollands, White, Red, Blue and Black Bunting, ic, ic. Clothing, floicry, IIats9 Supr. Black Doeskin Pants, dozens of Buckskin Suits, colored Moleskin Pants, Pea Jackets. Cotton Flannel Undershirts and Drawers, Merino Undershirts, White Linen Duck Suits, Waterproof Coats aud Ponchos, a variety of men's Felt Hats, Ladies White Cotton Hose of various qualities.

Boys' Heavy Brown Cotton Socks, Men's Brown and Lisle Thread Socks, Kid Gloves, white and colored, for Ladies and Gents. Doeskin Riding Gloves for Ladles and Gents, Lisle Thread Gaur.tlets, Italian Cloth and Silk Umbrellas, Linen and Paper Collars, Paper Cuff, miscellaneous Meerschaum Pipes, Pearl Shirt, Coat and Vest Buttons; Superior Pins, Hair Pins, Linen aod Cotton Tapes, Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Looking Glasses and Hand Mirrors, Linen and Cotton Thread, Pen Knives, Butcher Knives, Sail Twine, India Rubber Comb, Dressing Combs, Fine Ivory Tooth Comb, Letter and Bill Paper, Blank Book, Superior Playing Cards, Silk Ribbons, Corded Silk Beltings, Traveling Bags, Merino and Alpaca Bindings, Feathers and Flowers, Feather Dusters, Opera and Spy Glasses, Violin String. Cotton Twine in skeins and balls. Ladies' Corsets, Tailors' Shears, Water Monkey, Hooks and Eye, Seltzer Water, 4c, 4c. Wines, Uquors, Ales, Deetjen aod Schroeder's Ale, tar brand, qts.

and pts. Nor way Ale, Christian! Brewery, in pts. and qts. Sparkling Hock, qts. and pts.

Rhine Wines of the following: Hockheimer, Niersteiner, Deideaheimer, Rudesheimer, Liebfraumilch. Stein-I wetn. Claret Sauterne, Sauterne, Medoc, Chamhertin, Maras-j chino, Superior Brandy in casks and cases, be.t Holland Gin i Gin in casks. Sherry and Port Wine, Alcohol, 98 per cent. proof.

Hungarian Wines. i Such as Chablis, Epri, Budai, Sashegyi. Sramorodnyi, Tokayl. Angostura and Booekamp Bitters, Swedish Punch, ready pre- pareu cocktail, tummel, German nhiskey. i Perfumery, Pomatum.

Hair Oil. Cosmetiqae, Toilet Soap. Best Eau de Cologne. Florida Water, cheap au de Cologne, Toilet Powder, i Puff Boxes, Macassar Oil, Ac. ALSO Batty's Pickles, Preserves and Fruit Syrup FIRE-PROOF SAFES, Turkish Tobacco, German and Havana Cigars, MANY OTHER GOODS! TOCT NUMEROUS TO MENTION, FOR SALE AT LOW AND REASONABLE n.

PRICES. 1m Jy26 ly NOTICE. SAIL-MAKING. The Hiis OpeneJ a SIIILOIT On Kaahumanu Street, in the build oc formerly occupied by J. will rive prompt attention to the Busine iu all its branches.

Sails Biatle la the Best Manser and at Redated PRICES. Tliankful for past favors, he hopes to receive a share of public W. G. WOoLsEY. No.

31urcliant Htieer, Ml.M FACTl KE11 iU IX ElTlttE AND BEDDING, OlJ Furniture Repaired and Upholstered. The lesl Curled Hair constantly eti hmid and (or sale. AU ap2S orders promptly attended to. I McCOLCAN JOHNSON, Merchant Tailor, Fort Honolulu, n. opposite Theod.

C. Ueuck'. ap2o ly C. DEGSLKKS. K.

BMeTLaB. C. SECELKEN Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron Workers, unaua Street, bet. Slerthaut and Queen, a HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND jtl. Stoves, Lea.1 Pipe, Galv.

Iron Pipe, Plain and Hose Dibbs, etip Cicks, India Kuliber llosi! best S-ply in i lnsth. 9.S iiui trrt. with Couolinir and Ploe com. plete. Alo, a very larjje stock of Tinware of every description.

Jobbing and Repairing done to order promptly and war-ranted. Particular attention Riven to Ship Work. Thankful lo the citixens of Honolulu, aQd the Islands generally, for their liberal patronage in the past, we hope by sit let attention to business to merit the same for the future. XT Orders from the other Inlands will be carefully attended to. pi2 ly CABINET MAKER'S SHOP! THE UNDERSIGNED begs to notify his friends and the public generally, that he has taken Shop 2ST.

OX Kins nearly opposite right if Blacksmiths, where he will le found hereafter, prepared to carry on the CABINET MAKER'S BUSINESS, in all branches and on the reasonable tervis. SECOND HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD, and Repairing Done Neatly and Expeditiously. Plcaso Klv It lm tv Call. p20 tf DANIEL McCORRISTON. J.

M. OAT Sailmakers. OLD CUSTOM HOUSE, FIRE-PROOF BUILDING. On the Wharf, Foot of Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, II. I.

Sails made in the Best Style and Fitted with Galvanized Clue aod Thimbles. Fins oF ull description made and repaired. Thankful for past patronage, we are prepared to execute all orders in our line, with dispatch aod in a satisfactory manner. fe22 ly W. FISCHER, Cabinet Maker and French Polisher a29 Hotel near tha Drug Store of K.

Strebi 4 Co. ly HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR S'-'vi 1,3 Mills, Boilers, Coolers, Iron, Brass aod Lead Casting. Castings, Machinery of Every Description made TO ORDER. Particular Attention paid to Ship's Blacksmi thing.

ICT Job Work executed on the shortest notice. jy20 ly W. DUNCAN, BLACKSMITH. SHOP ON THE ESPLANADE, where all work from Ship or Shore will be attended to in a manner to warrant satisfaction. Jul ly JOHN NEILL, 3VE -A.

XI I 3NT 1ST! NO. 40 FORT STREET, where he will attend to all order (V-l in the ly LOCK. (IV GE F.KAL REPAIR LIK win give special attention to cleaning, repairing and regulating Sewing Machines, and all other kinds of Light Machinery and Metal Work of every description, BlackaanillaiaiB, Ac ALSO. ON HAND AND FOR 8ALE CHEAP, A Variety of Sewing Machines, (Jans, Pistols, Shot, Amnioultion, MACHINE OIL, NEEDLES, Ate. Sewing Machine Tuckers, Binders, and all other extra and duplicate parts of Machines supplied on short notice.

XT Best Machine Twist. JCti COLR aOEIfT tit THIS KINGDOM FOX The Celebrated Florence Sewing Machines. r.30 ly A. D. BOLSTER, Hense, Ship, Sign, Carriage Ornamental Painting In all it branches.

AT THE OLD STAND. ON KING Street, will execute all orders In his line with promptness, at low rates, and in as good style as any. ja4 ly THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL! II PROPRIETOR WILL SPARE NO pains to make this EliBG-ANT COTI3Ii First-Class in Every Particular E003IS CAX BE HAD BY THE MGDT OR MEEK with or without board. HALL AND LARGE ROOMS TO LET FOR joii PUBLIC MEETINGS, OR SOCIETIES. ly DRESS-MA KING nRS.

SELFE BEGS TO INFORM THE lyM. Ladies of Honolulu and its vicinity that she ha opened the store in Fort Street (next door to the Government offices) where she will continue the business or DRES3-M AKINQ.aod hope by strict attention combined with good work and moderate charge to claim a share of their patronage. Ladies and children's underclothing made by haod or machine. (ap5 3m) HAWAIIANFIEE WOOD nrmis wood is eq.calto two cords JL of Foreign. For Sale by CHAS.


For Sale by CHAS. LONG, No. 5, Merchant St. HIDES, SKI. VS.

TALLOW. THE UNDERSIGNED CONTINUE to pay the highest market price for Dry Hidos, Goat Skins and Goat Tallow. sp2r? Sm C. BRPWER fr CO. IM at' -v aaw i Boston Board of Underwriters AGENTS f.r the Hawaiian l.lda.

mhl ly O. BRKWKH CO. Philadelphia Board of Underwriters GENTS tor the Hanaliaa mhl ly C. BKKWAK CO. MASTERS OF VESSELS VIS 1 ITING this port I a disabled condition and insured lo any ol the Boston and Piiiladelpbia Office must have their reports and Acouut duly certified to by us.

mhl ly C. BREWER CO. THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, (LIMITED,) ACCEPTS RISKS AT THE LOWEST KATES. The clauses io the Policies of this Company are specially advantageous. THEO.

H. DAY IKS, Agent. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COCP'Y IsMies lire and Life Policies ON THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. ALL Claim lor Lotue settled with promptitude, ulo ly TUEO. U.

DAYIKS, Agent. BOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. riMIE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE JL Boston Board of Underwriters, notify Masters of Vessels and other that all bills for Repairs on Vessels, and all bills for General Average purpose, must be approved by the Agent ot me Boston niierwriters, wno must also oe repreaentea on all surreys, or such bills will not be allowed. o2d ly C.

BREWER at Agent. CALIFORNIA INSURANCECOMPANY. i r1II UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OF THE JL above Company, hare been authorised to Insure risk on Cargo, Freight and Treasure, from Honolulu to all port of the world, and vice versa. o2 ly II. HACKFELD A Co.

NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAMBURG. TMIE UNDERSIGNED HATING BEEN appointed Agent of the above Company for th Sandwich Islands, is uow prepared TO INSURE AGAINST FIRE upon the most favorable terms, On Brick, Stone, nud Wooden Store. And on Merchandise stored therein. Private Dwelllog, Furnitures, 4c. All Losses adjusted and paid for here with promptitude.

For particulars apply at the office of ocl9 ly THEOD. C. HEUCK, Agent. TRANSATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ol llamburjjr. Capital, One Million Prussian Thalers.

milE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN JL appointed Ageuts of the above Company ore now ready to Issue Policies against Risks of Fire, on Buildings, Merchandise and Furniture, on terms equal to those of other respectable companies. Losses paid for and adjusted here. For particulars apply to ocS tf H. HACKPKLD A Agent. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LONDON.

(Instituted 1803.) CAPITAL, 18,000,000 IN GOLD! milE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARED JL to lssne policies oa Fire Kisks (with or without the average clause), on Plantation Building and Machinery, Private Dwellings, Brick. Stone and Wooden Store, Merchandise, Coal, Lumber, Ships In Port, kc, on tha mot favorable terms. XT AH losses adjusted aad paid lor here XS For particulars apply at the office of WALKER A ALLEN, aul7 ly Agents for the Hawaiian Islands NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. ESTABLISHED, 1309. CAPITA 2.000.000 Accumulated and Invested Fund, 2,838,118 THE UNDERSIGNED IIAVIVBEEX APPOINTED AGENTS for the Sandwich Islands, and ar authorised to Insure against Fire upon favorable terms.

Risks taken in any part of the Islands on Wooden Buildings, and Merchandise stored therein. Dwelling House and Furniture, Timber, Coals, Ship in harbor with or withoat cargoes or under repair. ap5 ly) ED. JFFaCHLAEQEB A CO. Fire and Marine Insurance.

fllHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN JL duly authorized By the Firemen's Fund Insurance Comp'y. of San Francisco to write both Fire and Marin risks, are prepared to accept Insurance on Dwelling, Merchandise, Fnral lure. Vessels In Port, and take Cargo Kisks, to and from thU, and ail Foreign Ports, at the most Favorable Rate. Ju8 1 BISHOP A CO. F.

A. SCHAEFER, A GENT Bremen Board of Underwriters. A gent Dresden Board Underwriters, Agent Vieuua Board of Underwriters. Claim against Insurance Companies within the Jurisdiction of the above Boards of Underwriters, will have to be certified to by the Agent to make them valid. Ja4 ly HAMBURGH.IIREMEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.

rfMIE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BEEN JL Appointed Agents of the above Company, are prepared to insure risks against Fire on Stone and Brick Building, and on Merchandise stored therein, on most favorable term. For particulars apply at the office of sloly F. A. SCHAEFER 4 CO. HAWAIIAN SOAP WOMCS GKEV Manufacturers and Dealers IN ALL KINDS OF SOAPS! Leleo, Kins Street, Honolulu.

Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow Wanted! Orders LWC at Ira Richarriaa'a Boot aad Sb Store will meet with araasal apl2 Attendance. THE FOUATAIiV! ICE CREAM and LUNCH ROOM, FORT STREET. OPPOSITE C. E. WILLIAMS' FURNITURE WARER00JIS, 33 31.

mrcnoi'T. Iced Soda and Ginger Pop always on hand. Ladles Roan the Right et Entrance. Tea and Coffee at ail Hours HOT LUNCH DAILY I XT Vou are invited to give him a eaXU R. RYCROFT, Bes to inform the public that all order for Flumtolus Wo lac left at the FOUNTAIN will be promptly attended to.

d2S ly TO LET. nnifE OFFICE LATELT OCCUPIED BT JL DR. OLIVER. Apply to rah29 a. cLEinonv Co.

FAMILY MARKET, E. II. BOYD, Proprietor. Hotel Street. Chnicrt Meat from finest herd.

Poultry. Flah, Voidable furnished to order. l- ly SOLE AND SADDLE Tanned Goat and Sheep Skims, CONSTANTLT ON HAND AND FOR from the well-known WAI.M EA TANNERY NOTLKY, By (spJlj) A.S. CLF011URN A A. S.


Beef, Mutloa aad Veal of the lies! Quality. Also, Salt Pork, Salt Beef. Superior Pk Sausages, always on hand, and Sold at the Lowest Market Price. oc5 Meat delivered to all part of Ih. City.

ly HONOLULU STEAM BAKL3Y R. LOVE BROTHERS, Proprietors, NUUANU STREET. 1ILOT. MEDIU.mTnD NAVY BREAD, alway on hand and made lo order. Also, JlaOr, tknhi and llutltr Crackers, JENNY 1.1 ND CAKES.

Ac. SHIP BREAD REBAKED on th shortest ootlcs. FAMILY BREAD, made of the Best Flour, baked dally and alway on haod. y. B.BRory bread of thl best qvjlitt aulT ly METROPOLITAN MARKET.


1 AND NO. It ICE FROM THE ABOVf i Plantation, J- Pino Ttlilo Artiolei Always on hand sod 'or sale ly AIIHEK ACflUNO, Jul ly Corner of King and Nuuaou Sts. miM, CiAMPBELL A. TURTON, Proprietors. Crop of Sugar of superior quality, now eotalog In sad for sale In quantities to suit by nlO tf.

n. HACKFELD A CO. WAIKAPU n-AIVTATlOIV II. Cornwell, Proprietor. SUGAR AND MOLASSES FROM THIS Plantation for sale In lot to suit purchasers.


CHOICE SUGARS. CROP OF 1873, NOW coming lu aud for sale by e6 ly C. BREWER CO Agents. WAILUKU PLANTATION! VlTAILUKr, MAUI. CROP OF 1878 ror Bale by C.

BREWER A c5 3m Agents. MAKEE PLANTATION. ULUPALAKUA, MAUI. ROP OF 1812 SUGAR MOLASSES, oa 8m For Sale by v. uush Agonu.

KAUPARUEi PLANTATION SU(JAR COMING IN, AND FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT PURCHASERS, BY AF0N0 A ACDUCX. Jul ly Honolulu, June lit, 1472. NO ME A PLANTATION. SUGAR AND MOLASSES CROP 1873, coroiog in, for al la quantitle lo suit purchasers, Jy6 ly By WALKER A ALLEN, Agant. 1873.

1873. SPEIVCEU PIAIVTATIOI' SUGAR AND MOLASSES, CROP COMING lo and for sale in nuaotitie to suit purchaser by Jy8 ly WALKER A ALLEN, Agent. PRINCEVILLE PLANTATION. Sugar and Molassen Crop 1873, COMING IN, FOR SALE IN O.UANT1 TIES to uit purchasers, by Jy ly WALKER ALLEN, Agent. liny I Hoy! Hay.

THE UNDERSIGNED ARE UE- ceiving Freued Bale of Prime Maniania Hay From Lale. which they will tell In quantitle to suit. ap5 tf WALKER A ALLEN. TXT -BUT- Living Yet, and has been Living IN Honolula the Last Fourteen Years THE OLD ESTABLISHED UOXOfjfJLU SOAP WOltKS BY W. J.

RAWLINS, Manufacturer ALL KINDS OF SOAPS I AND Buyer of Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow And all kinds ol Soap Crease. Have received ex late arrival from the United CUtes and Europe supplies of the Best Material Id oar Line far Manafattarlag Parposew, And will continue to be in receipt or fresh supplies by steato and sailing vessels, is prepared lo give tatisfaotioa to all Dealers and Coniamert of hit Speciality Who will favor Mm with tbeir trad. B. AU Orders left at the Store of M. Mclnerny, Importer and Dealer in Boot and Bhoas, tf B.

Corner of Fort aod Merchant Streets, will thaok-fully received aod promptly attended to. W. J. RAWLINS, Practical Soap Boiler, J25 ly Leleo, Kiog Honolulu. EIDGE JHOTJSE! A RETREAT FOR INVALIDS.

THE CLIMATE OF THESE ISLANDS I noted the world over for general salubrity, while certain particular localities in th (troop are mora especially favorably known. The district of Kona, oa lb lee side of Hawaii, ha long been famed aa a place of resort for tboe afflicted with affection of th long. Not few cases have been known of person who bad been given over a sure to die, ty tbeir physician is California, after a few month residence In the pure, mild air of Koos, recovering robust health and taking a new lease of life. Th undersigned, at his com rood Ions bona at Kaawalos, South Kona. I prepared to furnish good accommodations to boarders at th low rate of $5 per week Including good saddls hones wheo desired, and good fresh water baths, on the premise, also within a short distance of fine aa bathing.

Tb steamer Kilauea run regularly between Honolulu and the port of Kaawalos. aod horse are kept ready at th beaeb. Every accommodation and com fort In the way of diet. MILK and HONEY In abundance. Delightful rides In the neighbor, hood.

A. TODD. Kaawalos, 8. Kona, Nov. 1, 1172.

nlfl PHOTOGRAPHS, PORTRAITS, VIEWS AND COPYING DONE IN THE BEST 8TTLK, At the Cosmopolitan Photograph Gallery i and 0 Fort Ft. n. I CMA'R.

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