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The Sunday Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 8

The Sunday Leaderi
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SUNDAY MORNING LEADER. 0 i z3 L3V TLIEY WON TflE DAY. A 8AMFLB OF REPUBLICAN TION AND BEIBEET. II I I .1 i 1 1 68 and 60 West Market St, Bargains at Every Counter In Every Aislo And iwery Joor at You see here just what you want, learn the low price and buy almost at sight. i j'1 We are glad to see that in our endeavor to Give You the Best that's to be got, at the Lowest Prices-you show, your appreciation by, Crowding Our Stores so freely day ia and day out -1 IT'S 1TO BE BASKET WEEK Our (ireat Stores.

if Infant's Baskets. Wall Pockets. Music Racks. Table Mats. Knife Baskets.

Work Baskets. 5 Scrap Baskets. Wood Baskets. Flower Baskets. Wall Pockets." Work Lunch Market Knitting Do? Baskets, Baskets.

Baskets. Baskets. wo Jd3r Xohdo, of the Mining f5alvereity ef Japan, ia worth $00,000,000. Tnux has entered his seventy-flfth year health aad wealth. Txs pope has received Jubilee gifts ot money to the amount ot nearly 16,000,000, Kma Ono of Bavaria's latest development of mania Is to Imagine himself a black eat Sims Bnvn will celebrate the fifty year' jubilee ot his publio career some time la 1889.

Bra Johk Savxuui will take the title of Lord 8avtlle ot Boffprd on his elevation to the peerage. Tom diary of the late Emperor Frederick comprises thirty-two thick quarto volumes, all with locks. i.t'i Emfsbob Whxiam Is an inveterate smoker ot cigarettes, smoking even at meals between wmree. -ii, Ma. Oiamtoki Is goiug to make a carriage tour in the Black Country In order to deliver speeches en route.

Tra mausoleum of the Emperor Frederick will be a reproduction of the Bepulober ohurch at Jerusalem. EuiCA Oishi, o( Toklo, Japan, has beau elected orator for class day next Jnne, by the seniors of Rutgers college. Tbb nine year old son ot tbe king of the Lonagan country, Africa, Is being educated at Columbus, Ohio. Abxaic Haiku, a well-to-do farmer noar Parkersburg, W. is 40 years old and has just wedded bis sixth wife.

Tmt oldest Presbyterian clergyman on the Paolflo coast Is the Bev. Dr. Beasoner, ot Corvalls, who is 90 years of age but able to take an active part in pastoral duties. Jaxbs CHAifBKBLArw SfOBVORD, of Baltimore, who was born in 1795, Is now the sole survivor ot the Old Defender's Association. Which was organized in 1843 with members.

1 John Milton was arrested in New York the other day for stealing olgars; a Pittsburg man named Schiller Is up for vagrancy about once a week, while Miohael Angelo sells peanuts In Detroit PBonsson Anschtttz, ot Berlin, has succeeded in getting a photograph ot a rifle bullet traveling at the rate of 1,800 feet a second, the plate which he used for the purpose being exposed tor only 0.000076 of a second. J. J. Tiflsox, hitherto chiefly known as an illustrator ot the life of the boulevard and the salon, is engaged upon a ptotoral lite of Christ to be illustrated by some 350 paintings, the archmologtoal details of whioh will be studied In Jerusalem. FIFTH YEAR.

1883 Anniversary 1888 OF THE Excelsior Clothing House The 5tn year anniversary of the Excelsior Clothing House will be celebrated on Thursday next; the 15th, by a special sale of clothing to its customers. Having met with unprecedented success during the last 6ve years, we are very-thankful to our patrons, and we desire that they join in celebrating our prosperity. Therefore, so that our customers may partake of some "the benefits of. our great success, we will on Thursday, the 15th inst, offer the following lines of goods at special prices. 300 boys' overcoats from 4 to 12 years for 60c, worth 2.50.

300 boys' suits from, 4 to 14 years for 75c, worth $3. 300 boys' knee pants from 4 to 14 years forge; worth 50c, 1 50 men's suits, cheviots, for $3, worth $8 and 9 10. 200 men's frost killing Overcoats for $2 worth $8. 100 I men's storm overcoats, chinchillas, for $3, worth $10 500 men's all wool pants for $1.50, worth 3 and $4. Also one lot of men's working pants at 65c, worth $1.50.

All other goods sold in the same proportionately low anniversary prices. N. B. -To avoid our being imposed upon by clothing sharks we request that the child come accompanied by one of his parents, otherwise he can't receive the benefit of the above advantageous offer 4EXOELSIOR" One Price Clothing House, 126 Public Square, Corner East Market street and Square. Made of grasswillow or straw, rushes or palmettoall kinds of shapes the most curious twistings, from 4c to io.

Our Own Direct Importation of BASKETS for the HOLIDAYS. J5 Come and see our-beautiful Pavilion and Canopy of Baskets whether to buy or not. AN EAELI JHOUm FIML A Rloekv WM4M BaUdlas Drwerr Barad Dowa. Tne alarm of fire from box 23, eornar of Hancock and Market atreeta, at 1.85 this morning, waioocaaionedby a blast In tba rMidence of Farriok Jennings on Coal atrtet near Hancock, The department respond promptly, but oefore tbe arrival of the firemen upon the scene tbe building in which the fir originated was burned to the ground. This consisted of a doable two-story true-tare, occupied by Mr.

Jennlngi aad fail aged mother. The latter had a narrow escape from death, and was dragged from her room by some of bar neighbors, who came just in tune to rave ner life. The block, as it was called became a total low. Tne furniture alto, was consumed by tbe names. Adjoining property, consisting of a row ef neat wa saved by the energetic efforts of the A large crowd of people collected at tbe scene and for a time there much excitement The loss is about $4,000.

with an insurance of about 1,800. ntJUas voxch. Sugar Notch, Nov. 8. Mr.

Caffreyls receiving tbe hearty congratulations of bis many friends. This borough rolled up a majority of two hundred votes for tbe borne candidate. Tbe people irrespective of party gave bim their hearty support and he Is deeply indebted to all of them for the handsome compliment Patrick Cusack, aged about forty-four years, was buried here tbis afternoon. Mr. Cusack was an employe of the V.

R. R. and while shoveling ashes from tbe tracks last Monday was struck by an engine. Inflicting Injuries which proved fatal. He was one of tbe most peaceable and Industrious residents of tne town.

His death will be regretted by a very wide circle of friends and relatives In this county. He was a member of the St Charles Mrs. James Moore, of Warrior Run, was Interred in the Catholle cemerery tbe same day. The funeral was largely attended by mourning friends. Coroner Mabon held an Inquest here on the body af a man named Lamereux, who on theL.Y.rallread,iastSaturday sight near Ashley.

It appears that he was getting off a freight train which reaches that point at about 10 o'clock. Tbe deceased was from Pike's Creek. Tbe verdict was accidental death. Peter O'Don-nell was foreman of the jury. Enthusiasts Republicans are already discussing the question of the probable successor to the present incumbent of our Post Office.

The present location of the office Is a good one, and tbe victors should see to it that if there be any change made at all, the publio convenience should be considered. The most centemptible thing witnessed on election day, In tbe estimation of the citizens here, was tbe attempt made to prejudice voters against Mr. MoHemy by a few boodlers. If there was a shadow of truth In the statements made there would be some excuse for tnem. And later in tbe day, to fee the Republican boss visit tbe poll and call at the top of his voice for tbe black sheep he had shorn of their manhood, principle and character.

Ye godsl what a speetacle for angels and for men! Do you wonder that highwaymen take human lives for thousands of dollars, when a citii sen of tbis great republic so far forgets what citizenship means and the duty it imposes, that he will for two or tnree dollars stab the character of his fellowman and sell his birthright? But, thanks to the intelligence and character of our citizens, the returns here show that Mr. McHenry recleved his party vote, 183, Just as many as was polled for Qrever Cleveland. These Priestley's $1.25 black silk warp Henriettas now $1 a yd. 54 inch Ladies' Cloth, (all wool), worth 75c; for 47c a yd. Children's cashmere hose, extra heavy and soft quality, all sizes I2c, to 50c.

Splendid $1 French woven corsets for 75 c. It bids fair to be extra busy in Millinery this week. Received new styles Felt Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings. Everybody delighted-' with our novel display of CLOAKS, JACKETS' ULSTERS, WRAPS, PLUSH JACKETS, and a multitude of charming styles in Misses' and Children's COATS. Cloak floor.

LOWEST' PRICES" in City. 58 and 60 Market Street. ICCDLER BOSSES AT THE POLLS. A Bunday Night Meetlnsr of Political Tricksters and Mint Foremen-The Workmen Warned Ticket Distributed to the Mlnes-Po- landers and Hungarians Led Like Eheepto The ltwas generally believed that Luzerne wii DemocraUo. county, and.

by a eats majority, and tbe fact that It went Republican on Tuesday last was therefore a sur-prlaft To" all, Republicans and Democrats alike, except tbe few of Use former party who were In the secret and. who knew npw the end was accomplished, The reader has already realized, no doubt, that there was some cutting and knifing of a few of the county candidates by the Democrats, but this was In Itself not sufficient to lose vthe county to either of them, much less to the Presidential candi-' date, upon whom all Democrats united, and who in a rote would nave carried the county by a majority over Har- i rison of at least 2.600. This honest majority was entirely wiped out and an adverse one of 325 takes its place, This was done by Republican boodle, bribery and Intimidation of voters, as we will show by tbe words and declare-, tions of men whose veracity cannot be ques- tloned. pearly all the newly naturalized Poland-'era and Hungarians, as well as those who became citizens years ago, and who work for large corporations, were actually com. pelled by threats of discharge or other methods of Intimidation, to vote the Republican ticket There were several thous- andsof these, and a law majority of them were Democrats, if allowed to vote as their conscience and inclination dictated.

We will take the borough of Nantiooke, one of the many corporation-ridden towns of the county, as a sample, and let her own people speak. During a visit to that place on Friday evening last, a Btjhdat Lhadkb reporter met several of the citizens of the town who spoke freely on the subject, and expressed a great dealof indignation at the high-handed outrage that was perpetrated by corporation Republican mine bosses on the rights of a free people. Among those set was Stanislaus Droplewskt, an Intelligent young man. of Polish birth, who speaks English as well as five or six other languages, quite fluently, aad who sometimes acts as interpreter In the courts here. He was asked why it was his countrymen as well as the Hungarians voted almost -solidly for the Republican candidates on election day.

"I will tell you," he replied. "In the first place they were intimidated by tbe mine -bosses of the Susquehanna Coal company. They were told on Monday that any man who would vote the Democratic ticket must think more of that party than he did of this country or the people who employ and if he insisted In casting a Democratic ballot he need not expect that his employers were under any obligations to him In their service hereafter. Tbe poor man would naturally meditate on the evident result of voting according to Jbis convictions. 'He would view with horror the Idea of Joeing thrown out of work with the cold, dreary winter on.

He could see in tbe tfvent of his enforced idleness, his wife and cUdxen crying for bread he could BeaTihw lailas wind i through the ereviceiTla-hto little cabin, 'with possibly no fire to warm the feeble limbs, and no food to Cause the blood to te course through the veins of bis loved ones Naturally tbe thought appalled him, and however devoted be may be to Democratic principles and hl sense of right, he was still more devoted to his family and succumbed to the stern Iron hand that held hla tmku eal manhood by tbe throat and choked the lifc out tt.Mv5,-.-.A-ji;t'- -The yoiibg Man paused for a moment, as if to give effect to the indignation which he fejt, and then went on; "As a consequence of all this, the men were given their ballots In the dark eham-r bers of tbe mines on Monday, and It may be unnecessary to say that they were given by the mine bosses, and all ballots were Republican from top to bottom. ,4 "On Tnesdav Superintendent Morgan placed one or two of his mine bosses at every polling place In the borough, while other hirelings of the company brought the men to the polls In groups of from five to ten. In case a man approached the polls alone one of the bosses stationed there would run towards him, examine bis ticket and see that he voted for the Republican candidates. Thus tbe Democratic workers were powerless in the face of such odds and it is no wonder that we were over' whnlmlnffiv defeated." "Do you think any of these men would be discharged tor voting me uemocratio ticket asked tbe reporter. "I do.

I understood this evening that a poor Polanaer who Voted for the Demo- crate in opposition to the wishes of a boss at Aiden, was uiseaargea me next asy. "Do vou know his name?" "I heard bis name two or three tlmes.but I can not think of it now. It was a peon-liar name. 1 have no doubts though, that the report Is correct." 4 4 "How many voters do vou suppose were nulldozed in this "Not less than seven hundred in Nan-ticoke. Newport township, Wilkes-Barre township and thereabouts.

You will realize that seven hundred Democrats being compelled to cast their votes for the Republicans makes a change of 1,400 votes in favor of the latter. I tell you If the men were allowed to vote as tney pleased, Nan ticoke would go Democratic this year." A prominent merchant on Main street, In confirming the words spoken above. said he understood that Jim Norris drove to Kan ticoke on Sunday niatat last and had a conference with Superintendent Morean at the palatial residence of the latter, at which ail tne mine Dosses in tne employe of the camnanv were present Norris em v'oved these bosses to work at the polls and tiifitributed among them the sum of 11,000 to be used as tbey saw fit This was the motive which Impelled the bosses to intim idate their miners and on tbe following day furnish them with Republican tickets in the dark recesses of their Kearlv all the Polish business men of ITanticoke were Democrats this year, and votpdtnat ticket but they were powerless carry witn them tne masses or their peo ie L-cause of tbe edict of the mine bosses, id after bearing of that edict on Monday "ht they did not attempt to stem the their own interests as mere nan ts. be identical with those of the mine i kers, and forbidding such a course. how to what means tbe Republican ii another incident maybe related.

i Kutzki, an intelligent Polish Don given to understand that in i friends were true to "-n ticket and Harrison was j. nL be would be appointed t4 stown. And John and his i it and voted accbrdinBlv, iii tst that other corporations i ro tne same tactics. is easily explained. a 5 on the boasted rights hi iufneau ireemeni RIvbr street, from Owe; WII.KES-HARRE.

ASTONISHING BARGAINS That are without precedent and cannot possibly! be duplicated. Any- i imng memioneu A good cashmere glove 14c 4 button embroidered kid 60c. Men's heavy workinglgloves 60c. All wool mittens 19c. Corsets.

Well, If any storekeeper can beat our line of Corse ta its got to be a wonderful one. We have a full line of Thomson's, 5 makes of R. G. C. Warners, duplex, Dr.

Scott's well made and the latest shapes and styles from 60a Stamped Goods. Table scarfs, tidies," doylies, tray covers, splashers, Also a full line of plush balls, ornaments, tinsel, chenille cords, wash and rope silks, mm can oexiaa Dy mail. 1 Hosiery Underwear. We have in hosiery the crown, inde ibl and Raven, guaranteed fast black and the best line of wool ever ever, shown from 15c up. Ladies' and Children's styles and colors.

underwear, all Muff's. We are offering special inddements in monkey skin, beaver, nutria, opposum, silver and black hare, If nx, Set. from 45c up. Holiday Goods. Will be.

ready in a few days for your inspection: THE POPULAR IDEA. that Nasal Catarrh cannot be cured. Why Is it i sot Simply berause rucb patients have never been properly treated. Such people troubled with this dreadful malady and the symptons as are caused by ir, and very ofU'n designated some other disease, ucu Dyspepsia, uer'uuguo. neuralgia, but in realitv nothing bat Catarrh, will bay and take all the patent remedies that are advertised, tha have some testimonial attached, from ome par'y awsy in a- that partlcolar remedy.

Many are undoubtedly thns deluded. The le-st teflectlon Is all that Is necessary to convince every snch person that a remedy administered Internally, by Itself, cannot in the teatt beneflfc the local Inflammation and ChroalC Catarrh is ABOUT trOUES. Miss ados Wicxhah, the violinist was born at Goshen, Ind. Doha Mabia xi Andbjeda is considered the most cultivated woman in Brazil. Miss Sub Bltkelt, of Warren Peniu, killed two rattlesnakes on her wedding day, Just for luok.

Thb Empress Augusta has been seized with the prevailing mania for printing diaries, letters and reminiscenoes. Mat'Shabpstein, one of the richest little girls in the United Statos, has Just returned with her mother from Europe. Queen Yiotobia will not reoelve any state guests till a year has elapsed from the day of the death of Emperor Frederick. Yiboinia L. W.

Fox, of Portland, Me. has riven $1,000 toward the "per manent fund of the Cottage hospital at Portsmouth, H. One of Chief Justice Fuller's daughters is taking the collegiate course at Wells college, ind another iefstudying music in Europe. Among) her diamonds Mrs. John B.

McLean, of Cinoinnatf, has the finest of the oolleonon that formerly belonged to Adelaide Nellson. xor the frond Duohees Xenla, daughter of the Czar, las been discharged because she taught her pupil "The Marsellaise." Thb housekeeper of the present Earl ot Warwick recently died and bequeathed to her employer, mainly the accumula- aon oi lees rroin YiajtQrs J9 YlKWm easue, Mm. La trsvjtsa aS" href Asia Minor, is about to start for Teheran, from whence she intends making excursions Into the least accessible portions ot the Per sian dominions. A ladies' companion enterprise has been projected in London, its object being to sup-' ply ladles of the highest reputation toohap- jrone other ladles to tneatres, oenoerts, shop- and so on. Mixa.

Mabtba Sots abbs, who won the first prize in the beauty show at Spa, has reoelved in one week one hundred offers of marriage from bankers and young scions of titled Eng- ish aristocracy. Biqhoba Carspii wife of the Italian premier, eing "not acceptable at court," all the wives the Italian cabinet ministers were exoluded torn the banquet given to the German emperor at Borne. FOIIEZQX NOTES. The ooat of arms hanging over the German ymsulate at Havre was torn down a tew nights The export ot diamonds from Bouth Africa 1887 were 8,598,930 carats, worth WQ, against 135,000 carats, worth 8,500,000 lor the previous year. A candidate or the chair of arohteology at University college is Miss J.

E. Harrison. 3he Is the most distinguished authority on he art of Greek vases, and Is disputing the place with some of the most eminent arch-. eologioal experts In England. Pabis 1b in a great state of excitement ow-ng to the announcement that Patti will create the role ot Juliette at the production of aounod's new work in the Grand Opera, More than twioe the number of seats have been applied for.

Gounod will eonduot the Fob the English hunting season, whioh has fust begun, 845 packs of various kinds are ad rertised to take part. Fifteen packs of stag hounds are in England and Ireland. Of tox hounds there ore 155 in England. 7 in Scotland and 15 in Irotand ot harriers there ire 96 packs in England, 5 in Scotland, and i3 in Ireland, and of beagles there are 19 in Eneland. Wales and Ireland combined.

Three young women were walking in Eil- keel when a man suddenly appeared before them brandishing a knife and declaring that be was "Jack the Ripper," the supposed Whltechapel murderer. One ot the young vomen died soon afterward from the shock. uid "Jack the Ripper" was bound over for rood behavior for six months. Education has been carried to such an ex-lent in Germany that the government has felt ttself to step in and-compel a lightening of le weight oi school books carried 'by the shlldren, German children carry their books In a The police are now ordered to stop children weighted too heavily, get their address, and bring their fathers to court to be fined tor overloading. Although there have been reports that bull Ighttng in Spain showed a tondenoyof damning, tbe foots are that more new rimes have been built and more plazae repaired dur- ktg the last twelve years than in the preeed bg twenty.

Seats bring higher prices than formerly. The pay of the espadas has risen, rrascuello and Lagsrtijo get $1,125 for each erformanoe. Out of this they pay their two Moodores three ban dill eros, and a puntillero. man who kills-the bull with a -dagger in se he refuses to rise and face the esnodo. Waacons for (ale Several new wagons iDRie ana aouDie norse, iignt and heavy will be sold cheap for cash.

Apply to J. ogerf. rear 01 bus Koutn iia street. THE YOUNG PEOPLE. A Truant Who Made Nice Trap and Got Caught.

He bad been iu the habit of playing truant from school, and be had' been moderately lucky in getting out of the scrape. But he was caught one day and brought before the' teacher. "You're late. Where have you been?" "I've been sick." "You don't look sick." "Well, I'm better, but I've been sick, all the same." "You go right home and get a note from your mother, or I'll punish you severely. He went oft and iras gone about ten minutes.

It was pretty quick work, and when he handed the note to the teacher she thought that the handwriting did not look altogether like bis mother's. She kept her eves on him as she opened the note, but he was as bland and as innocent as the best boy in the world. The note read: MBS tftmum Mila mimln frm cos be broke Ualeg. Has. v.

San Francisco Chronicle. Easily Understood. Mr. Eeely (explaining his motor to com mittee of experts) You will readily see, gentlemen, that the aooustio relation of this etherio vibrator to the vaporio functions of the generopLbnlo resonator is based on the sympathetic sphericity or the positive and negative vibraphones. It is unnecessary, of course, to explain to gentlemen of your intelligence that the vibratory force of wave plates varies inversely as the square of the lulsatory impact when ethericolly polar- by the force of the vaporio sympathy.

This is perfectly plain to youf Committee of Experts (feebly) Y-yes, of course. Chicago Tribune. Wanted to See Him Do It. "I tell you," said a traveling man to a companion on the train, "you'll never catch me playing seven up again with BillBcri- ven." "Why not?" "Because I saw him turn up a jack off the DOOTom 01 tne oock." .1 "Well, I'd rather play with him than Jerry 1 Spader." "Why!" "Because when Jerrv turns a jack off the bottoin'you cant aeo him do it "Omaha Bee. -V Tht Nail and the Hammer.

A Nail which was About to be Driven into a Board complained to the Hammer: "Ah I but have you no Feelings? Behold how straight and smooth and handsome I am, and then, think of the Fate to which you would consign met" 1 "My Friend," replied the Hammer, as he made ready to Drive, "as a Nail tying about loose vou will be kicked Aside by all, and in a short time Rust would deprive you of your Strength and Beauty. As a Nail helping to hold this Board to the House you have a Mis sion and are Depended on." UOEAL. An Idle Man is of No Account, even to Himself. Detroit Free Press. Trying to Keep "Trade Secrets." A few years ago the writer was visiting a wood working shop, wherein was executed some of the finest work done in tbis country.

The proprietor, in answer to a reauest to illustrate and publish some of the methods used bv him In manufacture ing, said: "No! Don't give awaya single I don't want those western "hay makers' to find out how we do things here. Give the fellows half an idea and they will work It out and make more money out of it than we can here in the east." Since that time the manufacturer has failed. The western "haymakers" got ahead of bim. and he lost more than was gained by his exclusiveness. There are many things In a shop which apparently bad better be kept secret, but nine times out of ten, upon revealing the secret to a western or some other "haymaker," he la able to lmtart even a better wav of his own.

Thus the man who puts bis trust in "trade secrets," and who lives in fear of their being discovered, is invariably be hind, the times, ills metnoas are odso- lote. and the output of his factory is be low, both in quality and quantity, that of the man who is not afraid of giving a kink or wrinkle to the western "haymakers." BEE s. 59 PUBLIC SQUARE WiliKES-HARKK. I'a mginnnence puono aaairs after this showing. a- Mrs.

Brtslln, mother of our County Aud itor, was in rnuaueipnia on Tuesday, at-Ending the funeral of dear friend, Mrs. Just as were about to close this letter the sad information comes that Katie, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mm. James Dolan, respected residents of this town, died last night of membranous croup. This bereavement is to be reirreted in deed, as it is the fourth or fifth time that tne reaper deatn, nas cast his dark shadow on their household.

The family tbe sympathy ot the whole community in their great The 8t. AlovBlns Sooletv la Increasing Its membership very rapidly. The time will come when only, strictly temperance men win oe employed on the railroad and at other dangerous occupations. The best niece of work done on our roads this year has Just been completed at Warrior Run- A solid road bed of broken stone has been made there, and It will stand for years. Our Main street here should receive similar treatment.

We sincerely hone that those dark clouds of sorrow will soon disappear from view and permit the sunlight of joy to ongnten again tne nomes or our Dereavea. The Sunday Leaieb is Increasing weexiv us 1 circulation ana oonuiantv, Buy it, read it and then for one cent you can send it to some, dear friend lu distant lands to whoja jt will be Indeed a welcome visitor. Well Earned Popularity. John L. Raeder.

on South'-Main street. is very popular with the publio as a hotel proprietor, and he had well earned all the praise that can be given him. But he is not more popular than tbe beer he sellf, tor it's a well known fact tnat isomer's New York beer is tbe best that ever was sold In this city. Go and try it LIST OF LETTERS Remaininff in the Wilkes Barre nostoffice uncalled for Sunday morning, November llth, 1883. Parties calling for these letters should ask for advertised letters and give tne date oi tne advertisement.

1 Miss Bridget Brown. 2 Miss Banna Brinkman, 3 Sadie L. Bowman, 4 Lizzie Douglass. 6 Miss Addle Edwards. 0 Mrs Patrick Hughes, 7 Anna Johansen, 8 Miss Clara Klntner, 9 Mrs.

W. W. Keller (2); 10 Miss Bridget Murray, 11 Mrs. Maggie O'Connor, 12 Mrs. J.

M. Snyder. 13 Mrs, a Weaver, 14 Mrs. Wm. Williams, ia juiss uarne GENTLEMAN'S LIST.

1 Daniel Aaron, i2 H. Achersori, Ms jk Bortun, 4 August Blnz, 0 Anthony Bednarkiewicz, 6 Domlnioka Beredta. John Blakeslee. 8 Andrv Bnleer. 9 Richard Bolles, 10 J.

G. Chandler 2), XI, Samuel lyOx, vi uoi. Lu copeiana, is au Charse, James W. Cbamberlln, 15 James 16 Barthmey uuriewicz, 17 unarles Dorsey, 18 A. l7n va7arri a lO Pharloa XF VanarAiMatra Ofl James Feldman, 21 8.

Gearbart 22 John vv. ueorpi, James uau, 24 Georcre Hampto 25 Martin J. Henchman, 26 R. Honbelm, 27 Robert Hansberger. 28 Thom as Hodgson, 29 Horace Jenkins, 30 David M.

Jones, 31 A. C. Konareon, 82 Fred S. Lewis, 33 H. W.

Labar, 34 Maloy, 35 John W. Morgan. 36 John E. Merthins, 37, H. J.

Miller. 38 Judge J. H. Mitchell, 39 KOnrad Nagel, 40 Waienty X4owan, 41 U'Uoli, james 42 O'Donnell, 43 Heziklah Pritcbard, 44 J. M.

Parcells, 3 miner raaen, 4t, james Kicn. ard, 47 G. H. Richards, 43 Mr. and, Mrs- Edward Rogers, 49 Andrze Rinlewler, 60 C.

P. Snyder, 61 Irvln A Tlnsley, 52 John Thomas (Dan). 63 W. Vandermark, 64 John Wasko, 55 J. W.

Winter, 66 James C. Wright, 57 John M. weiier, 68 m. weDD, 59 YV. M.

Xonellg. Oallagtaer A HikkIbs. Remember that Gallaeherft Biggins, the popular boot and shoe merchants, handle P. Coxes' fiine ladies shoes yet, besides the famous G. Sc.

B. shoes, manufactured for their special trade. Tbey also have a large stock of Candee rubber goods, which Is well known to be the best manufactured. Their entire stock is finely selected and prices are very reasonable. No.

6 South Main street BIISCELLANE OUS. fTirjKMSHEl) HOOM FOB HENT Apply at I i1 141 Bomn juaui sirtei, rn VTOTICB A weetlrg cf the Caledonian Club JX will be held at George Dearie's Hotel tbis city, ob Uotiday evening, Nov. 19, at 8 o'clock. By order of the Chief, WUXUM PAlTBRaON. A RABB CHANCE FOR FOGLTBY FAN CIEB8.

Hsviiik more stock than my yard faculties can accommodate, I offer, for sale at reasonable prices a cumber of finely bred imported Langshan and black Minorca julleis aad cockerels. -1 P. K.A8ECHENB4CH, SKI 8. Alain St, JAMES LBS, PBESIDKNT OF THIS Association, and 1. Henry 1 enry Williams, Supreme Secretary ot Sons Ol Bt ueorge, ooia oi rnuaueipnia, win hu-Oress a meeting at St.

George's Hall, 15 South Main street, Monday next, 13th, at o'clock. In the Interest of the Brlttah-american Association. AU English, Welsh and Scotch men are specially invited to be present. DOQ LOST OB BTOLBT. -A red Irish setter has stray wy or beenstoha, ani It evi-dently tied or pt-nned, or be would have returned borne ha having been missing three weeks The dog Is rerfetered In the Clerk's office, and It caught tied or penned npon any person's premises the party having bim will be prosecuted.

He had no collar on and answers to the name of "Jack If be Is let loose be will come home, For further information inquire at the Ls.idkr office, where the dog belongs. most certainly sucn a cisesse. 'How can a remedy administered by way of the Stomach cleanse this much purulent matter constantly secreted by this catarrhal His utterly impossible.1 JXotor Riegel In Welles Building, Public Square, city, is willing to wsger that of all the-patent medicines now advertised, not one can or ever, will cure a single case of Chronlo Kassd Catairih even of one year's standing. says that this disease must be treated locally and constitutionally. -Also that the patient must be Instructed as to the proper hygienic methods to be employed to- wsrd off colds if good results are to follow.

Many hundred people Wilkes-Barre and vicinity are affected with Chronic Nasal Catarrh -and diseases resulting therefrom, such as eaf. new. sore throat, miners' a-tfama. miners eoa-sumption, that, if they had been preperly treated for a Chronlo Catarrh before these secondary symptons aad diseases could have -made inroads on the system, such patients would not be suffeimg to-day from those dreadful and dangerous Patten's suffering with Chronic Catarrh, Bore Throat, Bronchitis. Miners' Consumption, or Asthma.

Deafness, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Heart Die-ease, or I)ysrwpsla. should at once go to DB. ElKWEL, WKLLE9 BUILLINQ, Pnblla Square, City, where all these diseases re suo-cessfully treated. i THE EVENING LEADER is the bwt local paper published in the city and is dellvcd to subscribers at IB con tea month. -Bo3ton liudgct..

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