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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 3

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

f83 tmt i ti fI jj 4RtrM ip 1 0 Irg fz i 1 I i TUJkY THE WORLD BATUHJDAY EVENING AUGUST 3 IQQi 1 FRAIL WOMAN DEFIES COURT AND SHERIFF I Oareful IMo herinLaw and Pet Dogs on Guar Lest Little Mrs Archibald Be Sent to Jail Camtlle Archlbild tlll out of jail though Justice Djkman Isiued an order commlttlni her for not pajliu fJlTCt sho ewcint she docs not pos r5 Inside In her chamber wan and In state bcnleHns on collapiie wn Mr Archibald Martin at every unfamiliar sound OUtslde was Phil Kii Sheriff MIII rV llttlo but nlcrt deputy for Yonkcri with an order of nrrent and cnmrnltniont for the frail one for contempt of court On smrd outside nre Hotihy Irlnce and lleauty thr n1I eaeer alert lntidmouthc1 fox tcrrlcrt ai one could wish to see On ftuard Insld Wl thi Kcntli Mr Amlrpw Aichlbald the imitherlnliw bent on rarlnjr for every want of hir dniichlirlnlaw anil protectlnK her from the thirsty minions of th tIt Ii nothing letter than leir llzcd blackmail said the niothwlnl to an Inquiring Kvenlns World reporter through the 5penkinKttibo thit nnw from th front door lo sominluro In kid the blR iqunro baronial cattle nlth unprlntetl shlules In place of elm boards at No A Lamertlne avenue Yonkers for the door li open to no one let he be the Sheriff It tin homi of Andrew Archibald the wealthy lumber and coal merchant They gottl1ionlerlo arrest thli poor little woman and throw her Into the White Plains Jail sild the Rcntlii voice through the tube not becauso IIhe had ccmmlltecl any crime but Just to force my husband or me to piy my ondlbl debtG aayeDad to Par We have slrned a bond my husband nllI to pay If an appeal Roes against her and 11 Iolne 10 a Btn I that horrid Sherllf hould hnl I roun Phil Kuu lauc 1 cynically when the reporter told him whiit he hud hea reI I had bother enough servlnc thin order on Met ArchlbaldH wife said he They report him nick uul I can break In like It WHS warrant Tho durned foxtLrrlcrs beat me I nearly got her though last night I flsurcl out shed be ailttln out on that big hroad snecpln veranda lat evonliiB aUkln the fresh cool air nnd to I quietly slid up there Sure enough there she was a pretty plsture all In white with white kro shnyed shawl over her shoulder Shall then nslttln right In the mlddl of the piazza nnd the family all nround her Well I nay to myjolf Phil thli Is easy1 and I slid up Hut I hadnt counted on those terrier I hmlnt any mure touchol the latch to the gate than up stnru those thre durned dnwgs and they rushed out like they wnn going tn At me up rlaht then and there And Mrs Archibald he Just quietly and calmly cot up and flitted lrl urely Into the hniwe and whit could I io A Happy Murrlnitr Serjrt Osborn of the Yonkfn polke since 1 ff when the old Metropjllan Police Dlrtrlct lyjitem at ilUicontliiivd and for loiijili Or1t1C it the ror Street Statliin under hat tcm had three Klrls Camlllr Kdlth anj Hes ie nil fanioun fur their iut The daintiest and prettlist of nil wits Camllle und when shn WIIH mnrrliJ zen yejra 1130 to youtiK Mrrrltt or Met Archibald son of one of Yonkerst rich and aristocratic families everjlwdy thought 1It good catch IIrBIll r1rIJlhta mild In the Brl arcMff Dilrv and Ml Hetlc srndu iited from inrnnrd Collego last June Hut Camllle had been the mlittresf of a fine rstibllshmcnt it No 13 South Hroadway where ihe hai her servants and horses They Mt fatorllett In Vonkcrt society and theirs ncvmcd an Ideal life Met Archll ild nnd his pretty wlffv until two ycnrt ago when trouble bejian Then little Mrn Archibald becan tn dn verv well with four rervatit and I tlnallv rot along rellwlthoul any dolns all her own houiework 1 Then i llvoryman sent a bill to A Yonkcr li rr for rollcctlon It wa i dlKputrd hill but he got judgment for nhout JiM iKnln MtrrUt Arclhl 1 They gain up theirhome and took ref uue at tho Iamertlne nvemic home of Mr Archlbaul sr The Judement was returned unsitlsflel and then supplementary proceedings were taken In the examination of the broken lumber merchant and his wife it cam out thnt he had paid her f41S for mon neil nnd I hat he had also piH her Jir pin miniiy all of which thn testified rthe hi 1 ipent lr led nit Illl Honey He snld If I could iet nlong without any servant hed allow me na week from Jil 1 IK the wit tutlfled ENGLISH ARMY OFFICER 9 WEDS PRETTY MAY BOLEY LieU Nicholsons Mother Opposed Marriage I to Actress but He Followed Her to i I This Country i AA Despite his aristocratic mothers opposition Lieut Frederick Llndsley Nicholson of Putney Hill London Knslnnd chose for his bride May Illoinom Holey the pretty Washington nctre who Is so aptly named The couple worn married very quietly yoitenlny In the Church of the Transfiguration In thU city Their courtship brief but full of romance began only two months ngo when Miss Holey was playing with tho Allco NIHson comic opera company In I1 the Bhaftesbury Theatre In London In The JfortuneTellcr An Introduction follow 1 and tho soldier nnd artist fell Inlovol at first night Just before Mils Boloy sailed for home they became en caged He was then twentytwo IIJe twentyone KIno arrived fast Saturday and Ms went to stay with her mot her at No lit eai 011 vtiiii On Thursday iDi 1 4 tl 0 1 1 f1ti i rJi gtli Jr 42 Nicholsons curd was sent upI JUM couldnt tay nwij any longer I had to xre ou lie said In explaining liU luddon arrljlMl Tho happy pair arc now In Atlantic City but wll sail for Hnglnnd Bop ember when Itle said Lieut Nlcliol ron will COIIH Into comfortable fortune The bridegrooms mother did not know of the murrlago until today Sha WIIB greatly ouputed tllll CHICAGO HORSES DYING Inflnenu Cnrr lnsi Tbrra sit un Alsirmlnir llnfr CHICAQO Aus Ninety per cent of tho horses In Chicago are now auf ferlnc from Influenza Tho disease Is proving tirifIODI three toAve cuuout or every huntS I called It pin money ICIIII any momy a husband allows his wife for hrr expenses pin money and for tnlrty Hk I lIl1t the 15Oald she City Judge KtllojfK ordered to pay this 1150 over to Thomaa lv rs whom hi had appointed receiver for the JUllrmnl creditor She said lIhe had spent It and there waa an attachment Iud for hr person nut meantime the little wifes health la1 brnkrn down and she spent Ix weeks In Hahnetnann Hospital In thlt city when an operation wa IT performed Thu nttiehmcnt walttnr meanwhile and when she recovered Justices HlrtchberK Ooodrleh Jenks Woodward chbrrr Sen ell plttlnc In solemn judKtncnt In th Appellate Dhlnlon had declared Ih4t a wife had a rlirht tn her pin money and reernllhlortr Hut further litigation the Supreme Court resulted Inn Judcmrnl acalnat Mrs Archlbild and her husband on th sround of fraud a alnst tlte creditors an1 an order to her to pay over to thi iidver ISSSS9 the sums her husbanJ had Klvon or paid to her with Interest Tnls and costs hrinijrht her ubllKatlonii up to J33T jInnd because she didnt pay It Justice Dykman declared her irullty of contempt of court nnd Issued the order of arrest which Deputy Sheriff Phil Kins filled to sene thanks 1011 careful moth rlnlal and thr wide it A ake fox terrier llobby 1rlnce and Ilpiuty Another stay was secured and ervd nnA the Sheriff todny The case will be taken to the Appellate Division with all Its new features and If It coes against their little daufhter I oir InUw Mr and Mrs Andrew Archibald will pay It according to the bond they hive planed to keep her out of jail PHILBINNUW mi mm An Attack on Those Higher Up to Follow Bisserts Conviction DistrictAttorney Phllbln encouraged by the siiccesful outcome of the prosecution of War lman Hlssert for black malllnisMho keeper of a dlaorderty house Is planning extensive operations along thit line The DistrictAttorney will move ae cretly but It I learned thit he hopes tn catch some big game and eventually to land certain cnrtalns Mr Hhllbln will consult with Recorder Guff Justice Jerome rVank Mosn of the Iarkhurst Society Norton Clod dnrd who ha labored auccessfully against policy gambling and other reformers Ill tn th advisability of proceeding against other captains besldos Diamond against whom he feels that he has ample evidence to lay before the Grand Jury next week The DNtrlctAttarney believes that at least one disorderly housekeeper be found In each precinct who Is tired of pa Ing blackmail and that with the example of Mrs Schmidt before them they run Influenced to come forward and amlot In prosirutlng the blackmailer They can see that Ira Schmidt who testimony formed the foundation for the can nealnnt lILwurt Is Ixlnc amply protected and taken care of and It Is lielleveil this will encouragn others to come forward Police Commissioner Murphy said to an Kvenlng World reporter this afternoon thttl ne had been officially notified of tho mnvletlon Dissert but had taken no action yet In tne matter If Htusert guilty said the Com mlmilnner Inm glad he Is convleted CoK Murphy was asked If he had heard Ihe rumor that niascrt would turn ft ales evidence agalnnt Capt Din mond I have not heard It said Commissioner Hut I will nay this If Diamond Is entity I will be Klad to see him punished Wn have no room for any crooked men on the pollen fore The Commissioner denned that any fund was being collected or had en collected from the policemen for the threeplatoon syntAn TOOK VAN COTTS COLLIE I oMnt trr Man ttrrtmrrm War om nomCmiehrr Wko UUavyrar Dean Bwlft JDCk doccatcher of MontcUlr has mysteriously disappeared Richard Van Cott son of tha Postmaster of this oily who spends his summers In Mnntclalr Is anxious tn nnd Jackson as ho says the dogcatchir hu ukenl valuable Scotch collie be lunging to him Mr Von Colts coachman wtt out with the doc wh Jackson came alone and Is alleged impounded tha animal after having removed Its collar and license tar Mr Van Cott swore oat a warrant for Jackjon and the hearlnc wai set for yesterday Jackson failed to itppear and a conitabl now looVInc for film I 1 i FEAR STRUCTURE IS A DEATH TRAP I I 0 Charge that Katz Paid for Hauling of Bad Material with a Bogus Check Work hot been utopped on a tenement In cour of erection at No 347 Eaa1 Thirtythird street and Cunt Oelnney of the Kait Thirtyfifth tn et station has put policeman on the premise tn see thit no further work done until tlie llulldlng Department has Inspected tin Irlll lure ami nmde report The bulldlne In dangerous con illtlon said dipt DManey nndlla I menace to humnn me 1 warned the patrolman I stationed thore to rtmnln nt ii Knfo dlvtance as the walls may fall at any tlmlcannol understand how the building Inspector have permitted the wall to bv rlll1 an high i AH they are Cnpt Delaney hn forwarded a report I to the Uulldlng Uiprtment In which he a1 that old material him tifen used In the two stories already erected that the work 1m i been done by men who SILAS DUTCH TO ACCUSE POLICEMAN 0 Banker Saw McAuliffes Brutal Treatment of Alma Busch 11 11 r11 I I I lIlIIiIIiii I IM I II I1I Full of vnlor and Jlllng a suit of plain clothes Policeman McAullffn went forth frcm the Bergen street station In Brooklyn last night to do duty In Seventh avenue and detect the foul mlpcrwintg who have been mutilating In cruel manner screen doors along that thoroughfare faren In performance of his duty he caught nAlx yenr old girl pulled her hair wrenched her arm and almost droro her Into convulsions Then he told tho mother of the child to git to out here and went on his way rejoicing But it happened that one of the wltntwues ilcAiillfton bravo and thrilling performance was SliM Dutchpr of Brooklyn Mr Dntcher is a leader In Republican politic hi President of the Hamilton Trust Company and feare no policeman uniformed otherwise On his assurance that he will goon the stand a witness the father of the child Jacob Bunch a tailor of No 178 Seventh avenue has preferred charges against the nforesnlil McAullffe MoAnlltTe Warm Advice The child was Alma Busch a fragile little girl who has a terror of kidnappers She recognizes the supreme power ota policeman but a policeman In plain clothes like McAullffo waff a plain citizen In her eye The screams she omitted when McAullffe wrapped his fingers In her hair nnd jerked her along the sidewalk aroused the neighborhood To Busch and others who remonstrated McAullffo gave the stereotyped police advice git to out here Not until he drew his billy nnd threatened tn pinch everybody In JESUITS CHANGE PLACES A lKnrarnU sit Iii John mid HI Krnnel Xnvlers Anunuiirril Several chanxea In the faculty of St I Johns Collexe Kordham have been announced Fattier NVnrv formerly prefect discipline toes to Holy Cross College Worce tor Father Mahony to etIouland Father Cormlcnn of Boston College takes his piice Father Bridies goeR to Whltemarsh Idns missionary Rev John Walsh will tx prefect of discipline at St Johns and Father QulKc formerly prefect of Uoston College comes as his assistant Fattier Fox professor of chamlstry oMj to St FrincU Xsvl rs ColUce From 9t Francis XsrUrs on West Blxte ntti aJIHtF tbrMoClos cy I 1 1111 I I III IIKK night was It known that he was I policeman Mr Dutcher wan Indlsnnnt at what he had witnessed and told the pollccmpn so Ho railed nt the store of Mr nunoh this morning and ns surod him that ho would hack him up In nny Rtops ho nilslit take to Hecnrn adcfjimto punishment for the chlvalroim and eentlo McAtillffe Mttle Alma had srnrrely rrcovorcd from her fright when an EvonlnK World reporter saw her this mornIng She told the following story By Alma QLj ori There have been somn screen doors torn around here and somebody went to the police and ald children It I never was near my of the teretn doors hut my pipa warned me to keep away from them 1111 nltrht I was pliyln In the gutter with two little gIrl Horn Oeralner nnd Margaret Miller 1 was sitting on the curbstone On thn stoop by the butcher shop were Florence and Myra Illina and Marlon SVott They are about four or five years old I Abusrd ell Children A man came along and stood watching in Then he began to swear at us Ho told IIB tn Kttn hell out of the gutter and sit on our own stoops I was Beared and I sit down In front rif papn store The man followed me and caught hold of my arm with one hand and my hair with thu other He didnt pull any of the hair olllIUI he frightened me awful I thought he wot going to iteAl ma and cirry me away I lust hollered as tmid 110 I cmild and grabbed thu railing The man tried to drag mo away Then Mr Krlcnorj from thi next store came and Mid What i re you doing to that child The man told him to lCrt to hell off the street Ho told the sime to my brother Henr but when Henry catne hn ht goof me and ran iipntilrs When my inna and mamma went out the man wnvol i dIll it them He wore at them and told my mamma to Ket to hell upMMrs My head hurt uw ful and I wan so scared I didnt sloun 1 neurly all night prefect of discipline and Iathir Dorm van rfo to FliirUsint Mo Kuther OCon nell and Father Itefd to Wnshlnclnn Father Roche to yola College llalll more Fnther Jame ind Kather McSlff Frederick Mil and Father Jonen and Father Irendergait to Holy Cross Col lege Worcester I BOY DIES OF INJURIES UrlTcr llolhchlld Wlin Curt Klllril rintilltoe Arrested James aiiblltouc six enn old of No J13 West One Hundred and Twenty seventh street who WHS run oer by a cart at Nicholas avcnux and Une Hundred and Twentyseventh street yesterday died at S30 clock today nt the Hood Wright Hospital The driver of the cart Leopold Roth chili thirtynine years old of 1oZOO Eighth avenue ha bean arrested It 1 a ttlli GIRL ACCUSED POLICEMAN 1 i I WHO LOCKED HER UPH TWO POLICIES CHARCE MAYHEM Wells Bitten on the Ear Puiz on the Hand Policeman Wells of the East On Hun dren and Tw ntyslxth station nearly had his lip bitten on at mMnlgh by John Mcrrlmin an Inspector on the MAnhattan ievateil Houl whom he I was trlng to befriend Merrlman llr In 0130 Ksst One Hundred and Seventeenth street He was unable to et I In the timise and trying ts raise window hen a policeman thinking It was a burglar hallerl him Merrlman explained thit he wn locked out Wells then locked loudly on the door In 1 fow moment ron nnr opened It and then ulammeil It In th policemans tel Wlttiout a word Merrlman Jumped on the policeman back anil holding his head bit his lower tip nearly throiiffh Merrlman was held In lh Harlem Court today In ball refused In make any Htatement whatever Policeman Pull of the East One Hundred and Fourth street stiton win badly bitten on theright hand last night by Vllllam Jones of No IO Kan One Hnudreil und Thirteenth street Joness wife complained to the station that her husband was threitenlnit the neighbors with a revolver Jones wns nllo th i Island for three mnnttui by Miglstrate Crane In Harlem Court MLELLAN HAS HIS MEN HELD Detective Stabbed Getting Evidence Appears in Court William Murray twentyeight yeirs old of No 3U West Twenty fourth street and William tmlthtlJrlI yearn olil of No Hudton street were held In ball by Miul trtln Ma In Jefleron Mirkit Court tod for fplonlnu a ault In attacknK I tectlw Robert Mc lillan of the Snclei or tin lrentlii of Crime in an alleged poolroom at Nn 751 Hroul wa terday Mcl llin toid the Mngl trtt thit fo and tnnther atent of thn noolety were In the ulice clllliir evlilinc when the were re vrnlz Ml He WH beitefi ktiockiHl doAii anil hit lti Maekjick ind utoblwl Ho Identliled the prb oners i belnv ininiu hN i llluu The exiinilnition il for next Mondiv MiiKKmt Mo crltlrlA the boinln given it the Mener street ytatlnn for thu men Mjlrc thf were no worth the lillr thr wire wrlttrn on Irink OHM deilireil th raid AHH premature and atd he had no IMI I ikatrit tho ppiprletor of the place FOUND DEAD INFANT rnlllorn Cblll Ilrkril Vi To ln In Itorolimlile InrU The dead bo of 1 nenhorn child was found In Mnrnlng ld Park Dpi tIle One Hun lriit and Ttentjilrst street this morning In William Mat hows of No 3N West Onu Hundred and TwentyslxUi otreot i1 J1 01 CURONER WILL I HOLD MULCARE Detective Who Shot His I Man in theBack Must Stand Trial Witnesses to the shooting of Joseph Dulkley by Detective Mulcare last Tuesday night weru examined In thn Dis trictAttorneys otttce today by Assistant DistrictAttorney Qnrvnn who has ciiirgc of the case Tin re were half a I dozen of them and thJ ultMivlt of each niu taken Mr Gjrvan wasted no time In getting I the itMlmuny nth witnesses He se Ikotol Ihoji whom he thought might ponslMy II swayoj by police Influence later opand got their atlldavlts before til aoQcr strlln to shield Mulcare I could set at them 1 He would not jtlve the names of the men and protustnl them from tha Inquiries of reporteri Later In the diy Mr Oarvan had a confer nce with Coroner Hart They went over the aflldavl submitted and thftn no doubt about what the Coroner will do at the Inquest Ho will certainly hold Mulearc for thn killing of Hulkley It wis said nt St Vincents Hospital today thnt Mulcare Is Improving All thit bothers him now or has bothered him since the altercation which resull il In the death of ILilkley IK a broken noie noTbe police say he has concusilnn of the brain In an aggravated form He walked around towmforltour after the shootlnir and win ily enough to hide the uffilr until It got too warm to hidden He also wmt 101h Cnroners olllee and tried to make explanations before hn allowed himself to he ar rrt1 il HH decided at the conference that Mulrare shlll be arraigned before Coroner Hurt on Tuesday when a formal charge will be prcftrred and tlul th Inquest Into the deith of Oulkley shall be held on Thurfdiy NEW TENEMENT NEWm ENFORCED Department AfterOwn ers Who Rent to Disorderly Persons Preildent Sexton of the Boin of lie 1111 toilav pent nut lift notlre to linllorilH iind kniees fit tenernen hou ei warnlne them thnt dl ordrrl periiiih iniifl it once remove from the ilwelllncii tliev contrd TIt notUr cte the new TertemntHouitfl act latinu i tlie natter ami the pinl I tin nt In iae vonxictlvn i penalty 10 I Viliced oit lh tenement and it b1ornri i lien on the lot on ilch lun milt jlot nf the not ii huve been ent IJ Undlonis and le In what kno in The ilfl llKht district i tlK ttJ trirllent riexton had Ill ri tin matter We ati lnn I ti irastli niiu urfr l1 enforee Ih pro it nx of the fftHnHutILu act Thi HIM I til Ktrunnieru mi uujMriirs iui 11111 pun lilumnent will I It ra an vlo tllii JJ the i DADY AGAIN IN QUARANTINE llrnnklr llrtillillfilti Ieniler llueU froBi Onli llelil for IIhrlIlIu Mtnnel Dud the Ilrooxljn He pjblliin iudcr 111 pi9en er on the tVarii line teim rfeBiirama which i rHJ la from llaana Mr Da iid thirtyfour other ou inecr were irAtiiferrtd to Iloffmut Mland for srtrvatlon TJiey will be releusel tomnrrow lrnI1J lias txn In ijuarantln NJ fore his business frequcntU re iulrlne lU prvacncu In Cubu 1 1 1 i JL A it I Grace Crowley Says 11 She Only Wanted Her I Jewelry from Hunt i ington Who Locked I Her Up for Disorderly i I Conduct i ii I A til Mender gll about twenty yeir I Id with arH hair ind Mishlng black 1 eve drew her elf up to her fall height I btfor Mii2htrite Mende In the We 11 I riftfourth atret four toilay I innoy him he crtol nnd a fltuih ciime Into her cheek No Indeed iril not He took the iwntlket to my diamond ring He wouldnt glv Itt me I want to get nick That le whr I went to him The Klrts name Is Orace Crowley i Hbe ii she lived In West Forty 11 rltthth street She wan arrested last i nlxht 1 I Policeman utu Huntington of the West One Hundredth street station who churgul her with disorderly ronduct Till oung woman has been annoying I me on my beat mid the policeman I ha 1lo arrest her What hae you to ay about that 1 young woman asked the Magistrate 0 I It to not true ssld Ml Growler I hae known tills man for six year When 1 tlrst met him I did not know ho wns a married man He went around I with and Introduced me as hla wife and 11I his tlster Not long ago pawned my diamond ring While at Ninety iig fifth street and RiversideDrive aVfew IJ I nights ago I met Huntlnctonl He took J11 th pawn ticketaway from me AIIl 7f i I wanted was my pawn ticket so coulfl tJ ii get my ring That Is why I wentito i 1 I him last night What have you to sayfor yourself1 I asked Magistrate Meade turning to Policeman I Huntlngton 7 That Is not so repliedthe police man The truth of th matter tha girl Is Infatuate with me Oh I never was cried Mies Crow Iny I She kept following me around continued the policeman She annoyed1 I me 4 I What Inou mean by annojrln I tti4fJ you asked the Magistrate jj iJ Stopping me on the post and tart i 1f me around Well now re here said Magistrate i Mende I dont wint to hear any more Cot tnee stories about you If I hesrof any more 1 shall report you to Pollco Headquarters The case aaatnit this il young woman Is dismissed When Mis Crowley was arrested latt 4 night boil wns furnished for her releaio Wf by William Ellen of No 1S5AJD111ierr Urn avenue He Intimated that I ioime policeman had asked him to go on thei Jr4 girls bond Mis Crowley say so did not send for him It Is bellevbd that tL after the arrest Huntltxjton wished muci tithe prisoner would not appear in coart 4iJ I I mm To 1 1 ITA lllNBICHO If 7 i I Scalabrini Here to Inspect I spect Missions in ij United States i 1 i f1 nishop Scalabrini Bishop of Platen ela Italy arrived today on the steamer Iagurla He was met byl a Reception At Committee and by a deleyatlpnofili priest from St JoachlmaMUatoitns Roosevelt street accompanied br I band nishop ScaUbrlnl Is the bead of lh Ilaman Cithollc missions throuidiont the world He exjcts to stay In thla country until October On Aus 1e will preach a retreat at he Hun Catholic Ti Seminary at Dunwoodle Tiro Killed an Prick DaUdla William Wilson PITT813UIIO AUit2 son of Orrenpolnt New York City 41 and Jesso Wilson of Plttsburc em i11 plojea on the ne Frtck Alllldlnlwera Instantly kllle yesterday while nolitlnf 1Llx lon beam by thn sheeting ofj brace which caured lh derrick to giro wy it itfi fi 0 if1 Can Keep Ii Cool I Ji I You Know How to FEED YOURSELF tlltonl tal Try GRAPE NUTS 4 HOT WEATHER fOOD The selection of food for hot Aivither Is an Important iiuutlun should avoid nn oxct of fitt lIt It down tho butter ration and Indiilfio I i ri nioro freely In fruits and food easy of digestion One ititMt nieil day Is mtllclent during hot Ncither An ideal ImiUfasl Is I5niNilt3 treattd with a lUlu rcnni wMcli by 4 thy wiv auptilliB he IW snry ut la alr dkojtible form oun of ot uin Cereal food CortL noi orIC 11i coin It shoIIt hrle knor Juice sqiipztd to tht me frnll either oouled rw whnpa 1 two Men of utie trn vlth a vrrr thin i riM fmtu A break fist of thH sort i i idapt fsr ed to the naiH of th 011 thit one poos throtiph th of iho darin cotMar UCKH vltb tho 1 1 orauMi of ono nwcaty dU44riuic I onl iJi Inirroperl foiS noe put In practice i the plan wi evsr abanUonod i tIM durlns tho hot lars fo the differ cnco In onos persona comfort i too real to easily forgotloa Ii ItJ Vi i li ij.

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