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The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon • Page 3

Salem, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

sWVSa'WSa I BUSINESS OARD8. FORESTERS MET And Enieinined the Orand Chief Ranger Last Niirhi. SUNSTROKE in Battle. ANOTHER BOWLING MATCH. "Mlght-o-Bcens" Defeat "The Ares" At the Ilhheo Club.

Another match between "The Area" and "Might-o-Beens" lust night re-suited in the defeat of the "Ares." The 44 A Good Paymaster Starts Not At Assurances" There Is one good pay for Infants and Children. Tlio Khul Von Ilnvo Alwnj-s Bonprht lias liorno the Blgna-ro nf CIms. JI. Fletcher, nnd lias been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one1 to deceive you in this.

Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jiist-as-aood" nro uut Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children Espcrlenco against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of S3 In Use For Over 30 Years. 6HJ-KfW' T. S. BURROUGHS Appliances of All" Kinds ESTIMATES FORNISnED.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. 103 STATE.STREET MAwunnn prTnccn 5S IlinnilUUL 1LU I UlU-U This le.tut remcdT guaranteed to cure nit nerroim dUeawa, nuoh na Weak HMiiory, J.onnof raia Power, Headache, WukrlulneM, Lost MaMiooa, nhuy Hmls-Bioas, Neirousnnst, nil draltia, loss "it pmer in General. Oryaus of eitber arx, caused by orxertii)l, youthful error, yx-vrfBi' jt oi tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirm Hy, Covui ot insanity. Can be carried in vrtt nockct. per box, u- by mail prepaid.

Circular Free. Sold by all drugRlntl. Attk for It 'eono other. Matiufactiired by Pfnu Medicine iria lraiice. TOll SALE BY D.

J. FBV, SALEM, OBEGOX. A Big Kick ti nmn mukoH whoa Iuh liuimlry work is Boat homo with )oreHiine edgds und sprund oubIo button liolns. If ho would UfiiiR his linen to tin np-to-dato liumdry, whoro porfuot motlimis obtain tit all mioll ns tho Siilom Htoam laundry, ho will rocoivo his shirts, collars and cutis equal to now every timo that we send tlieui home. Salem Steam Laundry, COt.

J. OLM8TKAD, l'lfOI'R Phone 41. 230 Liberty Street. PHONE 151 White, STREET. 1781.

Wo are now lmndlinK stilt, and nt prlcoH that innku neolile stare. Never before lias salt been sold so cheap as wo nro Hi'lling it. WholeHillo liuu retllll. use salt. Best and largest line of Bicycles in the Gity, Car load shipments Direct from Factory PRICES: yg )3V8 Best Bicycles WADE CO.

1 02 MAT. KM, OB. J. J. FIDLER, proprietor.

(3llnrHC llimrrlcd by tho Duy, Week or Munth. StsndlnK Toiiiiih, 15c. till Kle lluriic 10c. INTER STATE ettaanders-wilman' Associate Teacher Weitem Couerva- fcv lory, Kansas City, representing tno inter-staie system, al Salem, Ore. Over Kirst Nattcoal Hans-.

Residence 376 Church street. Studio hoars-9 to 9 to t. DEALER IN' i GROCERIES: ramia, wiia wtnaow uiasa var nlab. and tbe moat outnpleta atock ol Bruahoa of all kinda lo the aUto iAraan materia la, ume; hair; 00-meut and ahluglea; and tbe fineat quality oi graaa seed. WANTED.

New today aavertiaommita row lineal' or leu in tills oolumn Inserted tnree times for 23 ota, 50 ota. a week, $1 per month. All over lour Lines at same rate. BAUGAIN IN HORSEFLESH A good toum for work or driving, me. (liiini sizu in Inir condition.

Call at' once nt Club Stubles. 6 22 at' LOST, STOLEN OR STRAYED. Five-year-old buy mnro, black points, mane' und tail. Half dluinona brand on sliouldor, light saddle marks. Will, pay reasonable reward.

5-17 1 A. Barzbk, Turner, Or. FOR SALE Four young water spaniel dogs. Color, brown. 15 each.

At residence next house oast from E. Hofor's, South Salem. H. A. 6 17 6t WANTED, Girl to do general houses' work.

Inquire at 300 Court street 12 1( FOR SALE I have some Improved farniB both large and Btnall, for sale' from $15 to (35 per acre. A. F. Mc--Atee, Real Estate office, 103 Bute street. 4 5 tf HOKSE TAKEN UP.

A buckskin gelding, with dark mane and- tail, weighs about 900, taken up on Kaiser bottom, by W. G. Miller, second house north of Labor Exchange, North Salem, o-o-lm FARM KOK SALE. 126 acres, good building, rich soil, fine splng water healthy, and on Salem and Albany east from Marlon on S. P.

It. R. 90 aores In crop, A bargain for anyone wishing a 11 no farm. For particulars, nddress. A.

H. Cornelius, Marion, Or. 4-28-lm. ROOMS, FurniBlied or unfurnished, Binio or in huuub, dining room aa- ioiniug, homeliko. Second floor Cottlo-llock.

Muttie Hutchins, Prop. Rooiri A 12. 6-3-1 AGENTS WANTED For "The Life und Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world's greatest naval hero. By Murut ilalstead, the life-lonit friend and admirer of the na-tion'H Idol. Biggest and.

best book; over 600 pages, 8x10 iDtihes; nearly 100 pages half-tone Illustrations: map la colors, Only 11.60. Euor-luuim demaod. Big coumlasiuns. Oullit free. Cliabce of a lifetime.

Write quick. The Dominion Chicago. 4 19 130 FOR BALE OR aorenot land, and house, one acre ot garden, balance bottom pasture and wood. Good water, Joins school, Q. W.

Pearmloe, 2 wiles north oo Hirer road. 4 15 tf BICYCLE PATH If your bloycle npnna rennira nrinv il in. vs nsra the skill and stock to keep It Id Brat Class cuomuun. ive carry luu Hoe nt sundries and make a speciality of enameling come and see we satisiy our puiroos. uaraner White, 288 Liberty street.

Holman'i block, next door to steam laundry, Phono 2866. l-20-tf HOUSE CLEANERS Remember that the best and cheapest carpet paper In tho heavy felt paper sold at Tilts Jouknal office. 20-tf Farm ior Sale. liu'w, Imlnnca In fall wheat, with home, barn anil IlvloK watnr, One tract choice grub land, U) nm-tn-JO tta-ru hupa, 2 dwelling nouaM, 1 hum, and 2 K'm ho hounca, living watar ana tmlniiDCul IrihI In wlivat, except awmtB aeran Choke luoatlon. Inqalraoi i.2Aml M.

J. EUAN, Urooka, Ore. Premium on Warrants. Anv oiirtlna havlnir Mart im or I'olk OOHDtf wtirrantH to (llniHirw of, will do well to call at tliu iiillcii of Kimono Dreymai). S70 Oommerctal Blrifit, with llolnu A ifnrkor.

I will allow a urnni nun nn ail aiinii nroDDrir luioraea war, nintrt. Money to louri at 6 and 7 pur cent loter-nm im ImprovLtl (anna. No curamuwlon. KIK1KNK HKKYMAN, Whim (Jomor Hlock. Commercial itrt FOR SALE OR TRADE Farm of 23 noreon Turner road i mile from But IIodm.

Nearly all froprovctl, houae, barn and other out butldliiKe, A. Hwlonluk. Houth Commercial Btreet, tjjilom, Oregon 1 mo. d4w uuruihiiA TULUiiibcno oAnio. Br t'apt, W.

Ilulllsltir, liamlniMtsr ol tut 1st Rcslmeiil Callornla Voluntfws, arraufad tor' nl.n. UnlH 1 Will's maalfl hOOS AiiMinmiw irAt ititmnimtn Bsl.m, prlc. eorantt. Composed In Uwtniiebe.

alUanlla. JERSEY BULL. Full blood Jersey, services for season only fl, spot cash. Corner of Thirteenth and Center stroole. 0 tf BaowNiSoK.

Whxr 6've Youf vpnt work to traveling men when you can get it oone at home for the same money andknowwhatvouaregett'ng' W. D. Rogers. 65 Stata St. T.

J. PRACTICAL TAILOR A nice line of ttoodi and mmp'lee on uand. Stilts IIS up. Pahls n. a perfeot tit Kuaranteea, at 4 tf 220 WJMMBBOIAL OTHauKT WM Last night Court Sherwood Forest No.

10, mot in special session nnd initiated two candidates, and cave a reception to the Gran Chief Kaueer.F. T. Rogers, of Oregon City, who made his first official visit to the Salem lodge. iho ovening was spent in ing the richualistic work and other things of interest. A short talk hy the Grand Chief Ranger, on the good of the order was one of the interesting features of tho evening, which was well revolved, and showed that tho newly olected Grand Chief wns up-to-date and talked good common ovory-dny horse sense and if liis talks to all tho orders in the state are on the samo lines it cannot hut help them nil.

After tho ritualistic speeches a fine lunch was served in first-class style, as tho Foresters always do things and a merry good time was had, after which all went homo satisfied, knowing more about Forestry. Tho Salem lodge is making preparations to increase their membership to double its present nuin-bor. Quaint Sayings. It Is Interesting nnd Instructive to rend bright and well constructed nd ycrtlsoinents Messrs. C.

Mood of Snrsapnrilla fame, must huve been nt great feust nnd taken every- hliig home with theiu, -They nro Us ui! bright selection of muiliit old savings nnd proverbs as the si, al tera a series or clever advertisements, wherein the proverbs nro neatly turned and parnplirnlie.1 to lit the subject uintler. The public like this bree.v advertising, ns It reminds -of other proverbs aud opens up discus sion. 4 A Glue trust is being organized at Boston. Tt ouht to stick. Dr.

Bull's Cough Syrup Never Disappoints those who use It for obstinate coughs, colds, and irritations of the broatand lums. It stands unriv aled asa remedy for throat and lung diseases. Sold by all druggists at 2o cents. Two street car lines at Portland, have raised the wages of their employos 12)t per cent. JSrtacato Yoar nowols Willi Cm care td.

Cnndv Cntlinrtlc. ouro constipation forovei. 10o.26c. It C.O.C.Iaii,(3riicpisurefimdmoiiey. If vou suffer from tenderness or full ness on the ri-'ht side, imins under slouldcr-bladeand vour liver is torpid and congested.

DoWitt's Little Early KisertiWill cure permanently by removing the congestion. THEY ARE GOOD I'l LLS. Stone Drug Stores. 308 Commercial Street. lloro vmm lnv T.nrliiH Krmmb Kill Rut ton siux'H for t2.

worth $4. Boston Shoe Company. 4 15 tf use undergoing horrible operations. rut your icon uaeuue. 111 ueiriuv WlliMi Ililol Wnltfft It, will lint, full to curo'YOU.

StoncDrug Stores. bicycle trust has been formed with a capital of $80,000,000. No-To-Iaj ior Firty ConlR. Gunrnntced tobnet-o liabli ctiro. maltos weak nun Htronic, blood purs.

All Why Not Buy shoes At the Boston Shoe Company's store Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes for L2f. 808 Commercial street, near the postofllce. 4 10 ti Don't vou think vou can cure that slight attack of Dyspepsia by dieting. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure WILL cure it; and restores tho digestive organs to health. -Stone Drug Stores.

Notice to Contractors. Sealed will be received by the county court of the county of Lincoln, uregon, until no cloaca. 0 181)9. for the erection and completion of a frame court house according to the plans and specifications prepared by Charles H. Burggraf, architect, Salem.

Each bid must be accompanied by a certl lied check for live percent of amount of bid, which check will be forfeited to Lincoln -county in case the bid Is accented and bidder falls to enter into a contract and give a bond for completion of said work, The successful bidder will be required to rurnisu an approved oonn to the tun amount of contract. PlaiiR may be seen at county clerk's ofllee at Toledo, Oregon, or at the architect's oil Ice, Salem, All bids must be died with the county clerk. The court reserves the rignt to reject any or ineoins. liy order or the nonntv court. II.

Lutz, Clerk. Toledo. May 8, IBM. 5 13 td. Pneumonia, Ingripno, nnd whooping cough readily yield to One Minute Cough Cure.

Une this remedy and save a doctor's bill. Stone Drug Stores; Hvou suffer I rum tenderness or fullness on Tight h'mIs, pn'ns under bhou Id er-blade, ami our liver is torpid and congested. DcWItl'f Little Early Kiers will cure you per man ently bv removing the congestion. THbY AKB GOOD l' Stone Diuy Stores, The latest invention in ar imple ment is an electric gun, IhjUi noiieless ami smokeless, which will throw an explosive shot five and one-half miles in two seconds. It was invented by a grocer's son.

The English admiralty ha offered flfi.OCJ for it. "TIT wife lied vlmple 011 ber race, bul die ti-t CA.VJAItKTS ana ther iiivo all Ul niirno, 1 naa irouoioo nh lv innr. mn after tak- Mill il cir.ii'iL itiAttv Ave. rhiladftipbla, Ia loud. Nv.rSicbn.

W.akKn.ctr Ori. We. CURE CONSTIPATION. K.r twtwr. ntirti.

1 rwt. It 'txrmAOt tnMp gfr O. H. mACK enttet, Sucocsur to Di. 1.

M. Kecnc. old Whltf Comer, Sabm, Or. Parties desiring luperio operatioos at moderate fees in any branch an in especial request. ALBERT A JESSUP.

Phono 1071. ROOMS 1 AND 3, OI1AY I1LK, MAi'Ptsa. Blbk Phintinq. P. P.

CAREY, Arohlteot. No. 9 Ilolmaa Block, SALEM, Patent ofltre Mechanical DKAW1NUS. D1UWINUB. 5-4-1 Salem Soda Works R.

H. Westacott, Prop. All kliuls of soft tlrlnki And bar syrupa 1 epooiatty. First ulaes delivery, 61 PERRY STREET, 3 11 Phone 2685 SOULE BROS. PIN0 TONUS AND REPAIRERS I'OltTLAND, ORB Fr Baleia mi viollitty luavo orters at Geo C.

Will's Miisle Ulore. OFFICE. CITY HALL-; For water seivice apply at office. Bil1' payable monthly in advance. Make complaints at the of -1.

CAl'ITAL C1TV Express and Tf ansfet Mneii nil mat! and nfcssenifdr traiMt. Bag. gage and exurest to all patU of thi citj Prompt service. 1 elephone No. 70.

WHITE 3l DISQUK. C. H. LANB Merchant Tailor B7 STATU BTHKET. r-Sulta DUB and UDWards.

Pauta $3 and upwards BICYCLE REPAIRING. Hlcyclen repaired und sundries sup plied, now snop reituy iu revair ui Diuia you a wuei'i rjullnfitollon Ktmriui teed. Your put-ruaugo solloltpd. EDO A 11 ROBEHTS, 3 18 tf 105 SUlto street. Rssay Office AND LABORATORY- No, 7i Chcmckcta st, T.

B. T. TUTHILL Atsayer, 6.S..FBKRB0RGER NEW MARKET St.te street, near railroad. Freshest ano best meats. My patrons say I keep the best reeatatn town a Land SEED OATS, MILili eiau KLDUIl.

Plncforumi CEMENT, LATH. GILMORB, Bute aml.UV oiirtit. 9. ftRKAn IK TlfK HTAKF OP Wl-R TIIK UKHT IH MADK KHOU 4 i Salem Special Jfloutv rA ltitt4tr than nny prnvlmiiily made. (luunuitiMMl rh rtipruHonUtl.

A MoiiRy rchindwl if ntt nntinfiictory. ta fu ih'hi iniiii yiiur iiumu inui. YourUrocur will nuply you. 5-1 tf. O.

C. T. Co's PAHHKNUKH BTEAJ.En POMONA LKAVKH FOB POllTLAND Hnn'lar, Wp.1nFitlar and Kriilay atS a in. gUII'K TIHK AND CilKAP IIATK8. UuoklhatwMD'HuUi awllUoort Hts.

IIALDW1N, Afimt. CURE YOURSELF! Hist 1st for tiniiaiitirmi illm Ilral, IllliaV'll ml lilDat, IrriUtUxit ur utrfrAlluni of nt uc if ui lira. mm. i Mia s7 irnnHH, twtit In plain wr-ppyr, (Jlraulaf tmut on ftquo KniKiEiusCaia game was a series' of four games and was won by 5 points. This is the second contest between these teams, eauli winning one game.

Each team now lias one game to ita credit and the final game will be played off next Monday night. The score last night stood astollows: "MiailT-O-BEEXS. Total Gabrlolson 32 40 141 Murphy 35 Hoyt 35 Hatch 32 Kean 38 Curtwright 33 ...205 250 193 220 874 "tub abbs." Total 30 149 MeGrow 41 Muito 22 McKarv .40 Burke 58 Grifliith 42 D'Arey 32 236 191 247 190 809 You know what that tired feellnir Is and you may know what will cure it by giving Hood's Sarsaparllla a fair Lriul. Tlie president of the Salem Chamber of Commerce yesterday named W. II.

Hobson, E. C. Cross and G. V. Putnam, as delegates to the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress, which convenes at Wichita, Kan.

on the 31st mat. When Nature. Needs assistance it may be best to render it promptly, but one should remember to use even the most terfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Good News.

Yon can buv gents' Fine Calf Shoes for (1.25, worth $2.50, Boston Shoe Company, 308 Commercial street, nenr the postofllce. 4 15 tf A second barbed wire fence trust is being formed t) compete with the first trust formed. How's This We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. Cheney, Toledo, O.

We, the t'ndersfgned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their II nu. West Thuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldinu, Kinnan Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.

Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free, Hull's family Pills are the best. Bcecham's Pills 'blues." will dispel the J.

E. Welch went to Albany last evening via steamer Hong. Mr. Welch was on the Pacific Coast back in the 50's and says things looked quite different then. Benuiy utooo.

Dceit. Cfrati blood mania a clean skin. Nl beauty without it. L'ascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all ira- Eurities from the body. Begin to-day to anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking CascaretH, beauty for ten cents.

All drug-guts, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c- We are going to sell 15000 worth of shoes in 60 day, last week's sales proved it at Krausse 22 2t Bean the 1Iib Kind Ymi HafflAl BougfJl Signature of TURNVEBEIN EXCURSION. Prom Portland to Albany and On Sunday May 28, taken place the excursion of the Portland Social Tnrn-verein. Leaving Portland at 9:30 and return, leaving Albany nt 6 o'clock p. m. Tickets on sale at Patton Book Htoro.

Salem passenger will take the first section, which will leave Salem for Albany atom 9:30 a. m. The cars will be limited to seating capacity. No tickets will be sold after May 25. Baggage cars lor lunch baskets and bicycle will bo attached to every train.

Returning all trains will stop at all stations and the first section will leave Albany at 5 p. m. 18-td CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The? Kind You Have Always Bought Beam the Signature of Get in on the ground floor for shoes Krausse Bros. 22 2t EXCURSION! EXCURSION! TO ALBANY, TO ALBANY, TO ALBANY SUNDAY, MAY 28TH, SUNDAY, MAY 28T1I.

Steamer Pomona will leave State street dock at 7 a. m. Fare, trip 75c. Now Is Your Time. Bovs' School Shoes, worth $2, at tl.

Itonton Shoe Comnanv. noncommer cial street, near the postotfice. 4 15 tf Buy your nhoes at cut rate prices now on at KrftUMiB Bros. 22 2t An impotnnt discovery of what may be called a new toed has been made in the west. It Is known among mine-owners an charite.

Don't Tokim Ml Tr lift To quit tobacco easllr forever, be mar ne tic, (all of Ufa, tier? and lor, ttko No-To-Be, tbe noder-worbcr, tbatinaae wetUmeo strong. All dnifwlita, Woorll. Cure guaranteed Booklet and sample free. Addreas feerllac Kerned? Co, Oaleaio or New York. a master who is around on time, gives full value, and never fails in his duty.

It is your privilege to select him, and his name is pure, wholesome blood This paymaster makes the rounds of the Body, visits brain, stomach, kidneys, liver, heart and head alike. Hood's Sarsaparitta acts as a guarantor that this paymaster will do his duty If the blood is impure, it cannot do ita duty, and you are the sufferer, but you need not be. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood. It never disapjmnts. Poor never saw anything beat the way Hood's Sarsaparilla lifted me up.

It sharpened my appetite and gave me new lease of life. I can work every day," Freeman N. Bixuy, Meredith, H. Scrofula Sores baby at two mouths had scrofula sores on cheek and arm. Local applications and physicians' medicine did IHtlo or no good, flood's Stir saparlllu cured him permanently.

Ho Is now tour, with smooth fair Bklti." Mas. S. Wroten, FurmitiKton, Del. bless the day I heard of Houii'a Sarsaparilla as It cured me of oxtrtituo weukiu'ua after grip, built my husband up after pneumonia, cured eczema and blood poisoning in our children." Mrs. M.

A. J) i worth, Box 4, Kmbreeville, Pa. Head and Back For one year natus In my back and head prevented my household duties. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and am a well woman. It also cured the grip In our family." Mrs.

Mattie Henderbon, Cor. First and Franklin Ave.tColumbus,Iud. Rheumatism Myself anS friend both tmifemt from severe attacks of rheumatism. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured both. We would not be without It." Wm.

H. Lester, 65 Leonard Fall River, Mass. SaUafj Hood' VHU eui liver till, the non-irriUtliiR and only culharUetoUVewUh Hood' Sarnaparllla. Abraham B. Jennings, oi Brooklyn, who is largely interested in western and southern mining property, has experi mented with charite, and believes that it is a coming boon for the people.

He says: "Chnrite is a Bmokeless for heating, making steam and for nil domestic purposes. It burns freely, with small blaze, is easily kindled, makes snle and agreeable nre stoves, ranges oi grates. It burns up clean, leaves less ashes than any other fuel, or only about 8 per cent." Ho also says with proper brick oven the charite "could be made more perfectly and sold at a less rate." The Homeliest Man Salem As well as the liundbumest-, and others are invited to can on any druiruisi and uet free a trial bottte of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and believe all Chronic and Acute AstimrH, uroncnitts ana consumption. Price 2o'j. and 50c.

cud Aw OASTOHIA. Bears tho 8 Kind Always Bought Try Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, neryous and hot, and get tired easily, ir-you nave smarting feet or tiuht shoes, trv Allen's Foot- Ease. It roots the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swolleu and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.

Relieves corns and bunions of all Dain and gives rest and comfort. Try It today. Sold by all drugglstB and shoe stores Tor zoc. mat puck-age FREE. Address, Allen S.

Olm tsed. Le Roy, N. Y. eod The telegraphing of pictures is the latest marvel accomplished by the genius of this inventive age. This new instrument is called, a tele graph, and was invented by Ernest Hummed, a German, not thirty-tiiree years oi age.

ine invention is useu oy the Chicago Times Herald. Dr." Bull's Cough Syrup, Furnishes most substantial comfort and relief to consumptives; It works most re markable curen, Don't despair. Relief cati certainly be euro Hpoa slble with this wonderful remedy. MOONLIGHT EXCURSION. Modern Woodmen ol America Steamboat Kxcuision'.

On Friday evening May 20, flteamer Moag will leave at 7 o'clock for up river noiuts. Htoudeumever's full orchestra. dancing, refreshments, and social enter tiunmeut. rickets lor sale oy members ol the order. ti ui Siskiyou Water.

Siskiyou Natural Mineral Water. Best on earth. Try it. for sale by the case -Willamette Hotel. 61) t.

Some of the result of neglected dys peptic conditions are cancer, consuni) tion and epilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevents this by effecting a quick euro, Moue 1'rug mores. Worked Once Mr. Hans Isadnr Schmidtlein Kun illewbwanderschmidt wavajradler ntTiir. Journal office and Introduced a lady of foreign decent whcreu)on the lady produced a letter asking for alms, written in German.

The clerk olitely informed her that he could not read that language. Nothing daunts), she produced an English otoconia in iug the same request with a similar ale of woe; she shed some tears which would melt the heart of a saw-buck; she was rewarded by a small shiner. Here her chaperon also pri-sentcd a note in his own behalf. The clerk immediately saw how he had been bilked, whereupon he felt like kick ing Mr. Hans Iwtdor Kehmidtlein Kundlewanderwdimidt into the mid dle of Commercial street.

He sobbed and cried but lift wentjiwt the Mime, but Baying to himself that some jieople have hearts like stones. Iffocm THmjw tutJWMp 'aino oi llI 'O T) oq jo wit -I- Brewster 01 COUNT 1'IIONB wr "I I I I I Ilo Hitro to got our prices if you THEY ALL WANTED You aee they thought the bicycle In the window, wii the only one we had. were plenty more iimlde however, and old 'eta one each. Wecaafit vououtaUo nRflwpoRDr I LEUELflND, VrRESCENT. J.L.SPENCER, of PlatterlMe, formerly of Co.

G. 37th Wisconsin 1ms suffered many years from the result of a suustroko, lie bos found relief and desires to tell bis story for tbo good of othor votenins. ile says: "At Petersburg I was sunslrucfc and -carried off the field for dead. Later rheumatism of my heart developed as, a result and physicians failed to benefit me In the spring of '95 I began using Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and Dr.

Miles1 Nervine and now my health is better than for 30 years before" DR. MILES' is sold by all druirftlsts on guarantee tlmt bottle benefits or money buck. Book on heart and nerves sent free. Dr, Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. miiiummiiiiniiiuuiaimiuiHiiiuimi i PERSON ALAND LOCAL -g For additional Loonl News see Fonrth Pape.

inTTTTTTTTTTTTfTTT fTTTTTTT TTTTTTn TTTFTTTTTTTTTTTTfK H. D. Mount was a passenger to Portland yesterday. Geo. H.

Irwin is home again from a visit at Santa Cruz, Cal, AV. Ullray drove Harry Simmons, of Portland, to Scio today. P. C. Ratzhurg left this morning via steamer to Lewiston, Idaho.

Mrs. U. G. Longs worth, of Jefferson, was a Salem visitor yesterday. Edward Pencer of Liberty, was a passenger to Corvallis last evening.

R. Y. and Geo. H. Harvey were passengers for Oregon 'City this morning.

V. M. Pettengill, the grinder, went to Iudcjiendence last evening on business. II. G.

Guild returned last evening from Portland where he had been on a visit. W. V. Curtis and daughter went to Portland yesterday for a visit with friends. F.

M. Iterron Sr. was a Salem visitor returning last evening to his home near Turner. Mrs. J.

C. Kirk returned last even-inig from St. Paul, where she had been visiting. W. S.

Bnsey was a passenger to. Port-laud this morning on a short vacation from business. Mips I lor tense Kimball, returned last night on the overland from a two years' visit in the cast. Mr. and Mrs.

II. St. Helen left today for Scio and Columbus, for a visit nt their old home. F. A.

Erixson, went to Corvallis last evening to put the finishing touches to his contract 'work. Majorand Mrs. E. J. Downs were I passengers to Independence, where they will spend the week.

G-J. Thomas, secretary of the Y. C. is among the ill, and is confined to his home in Yew Park. George Mitchel the junk man returned last evening from Portland, where he had been on a business trip.

Mrs. Geo. II. Burnett was a passenger to Independence last evening, on her way to Dallas to visit her people. Mrs.

C. M. Loekwood, who has just recovered from an attack of appendicitis, went to Portland Sunday for a short visit. Mrs. Al Ilerrtm of Independence returned home lost evening after a short visit in Salem with friends and relatives.

Miss M. E. Frey, of Iowa, was a passenger to Oregon City this morning after having visited with the New by family at Sunnyside. Mrs. Ar Gosnelland daughter Jen net who have been the guest of Mrs.

J. Howell, returned to their homo last eve ning via steamer. Mrs. E. J.

Lauglee, of Ambay, and Mrs. C. Jetty of Champoeg, arrived last evening to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.

U. Thomas an Mill street. Fred Miller, wife and son, and Miss Louisa Stranel, of Minneapolis visited yesterday with their uncle, Martin Viesko, of this city. The party came unexpectedly, and it was a pleasurable sur prise tu the lesko family. I hey left this morning for San Francisco.

Dy spepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItirtlflelallydlgesUthefood and aids Nam In atrenirthenlnff and recoil- structlnjr the exhausted digestive organs. the latent ilscowred digest-ant and tonic. No other preparation annmarh It In eSlclencr.

It in stantly relieves and permanently cures uyspepsia, inaigeanoo, norwum, Rnur fitimsr.h. Nausea. all other resultaof Imperfect digestion. Praparad by OtWttt Co, Cblcago. THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES.

Speciallrates g'ven to Commerclal men. DrkcB mnde pojuU at all Iiourn, Glvo im a cull anil bo Hal lulled, riionc "At the Sign of the White Horse," For thirty years I havo supplied the trade with "All Homo Made" Imrneas of the Beat California Leathor. Everything that dues nut of my shop in warranto lo vivo siillafnctloti audi nm better iqulped to iiupply tlie deinntiil tltnii ever ln-fore. My atock Is not equalled Between Portland and 'Frisco. Manufacturer and Importer or llnrne, Saddles, Robes, Whips and florae CI-tlilnK.

E. S. Lamport, 289 Commercial street. Harritt Lawrence In tho lnco to K'-'t Green. Peas New Potatoes Steamed Ham Iliim ifl wiintitliiiiK iltjlicluui mt tho thing.

HARRITT Sl LAillRBNCE OLD POBTOFFICK Bee our Complete lino of MENS, BOVS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, Huts, Caps, Gents Ftiniiahlng Cood. TRUNKS AND VALISES, all ItlndB and slms, all at Kuril llottom prices, W. H. HOBSON. 297 Commercial st..

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