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The Gallup Independent from Gallup, New Mexico • Page 4

Gallup, New Mexico
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April WASHINGTON DAYBOOK THE 6ALLOP INDEPENDENT Published cv-'ry evening except Sunday Gllhip Irafcpwderit Newspaper, Inc. 203 SouJh Third Street I A NOW Jersey man burned to Gallup, New Mexico the other night when his A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING A- W. Barnes Publisher whiskers caught fire from an after- dinner cigar as he dozed off to week; by mail $5.00 a year. Subscription rotes: By carrier, 12c a ct That Is a lesson to us. We ure golns car( hereafter to keep shaved clean.

We heard a tourist the other night, as he stepped out of his Entered in the postoffice at Gallup, New Mexico, as Second Class Mail. National Advertising Representatives: 03 nc v-. Inland Newspaper Representatives, room, and looked across at a huge Inc Wrialey Building, Chicaco, 111., billboard barring tho view of the mountains, say, musingly 1 "So this Member New Mexico Press js lam of enchantment?" May- Association be (00 much poeticality to a boom- Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all news credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news. prong at times. Our Field The cleanup spirit struck our efficient society reporter, the only feminino portion at Tho Daily Independent staff, yesterday.

By the time she got through with the desks Charley HWf, Cliff Carter, P. .1 AH! Benham, and the publisher himself, Counties in New Mexico, and Apacne OUJ OT( cop ics County in Arizona of cxcha nges and' memoranda we all had carefully filed in disarray on desks where only the filer knew where to find them had been arranged in applepie none SLUM us now have sll 8 htc3t ide SSuLurcE THERE? re tho tlme we gcl news col- ta'uS umns of this paper related the oth- nothcr can Some folks er day, four cities are taking steps, serveg U3 right for sug- to secure the cooperation of the st cleanup idea. Anyway, Federal Housing Authority in slum re all is nice to find that there clearance plans. The towns con- are ac i uu lly desks under the litter cerned are Phoenix, Tucson, Pros- colt, and Flagstaff. Interest was expressed by several Gallup citizens today in the om lion of whether one of these hlls brlfit i hair, it is grimy, it likes ecta could not be obtained for tlus wailow in th ml, am i loves community.

No one can drive about: l(J cat whal fc it, Bobbie?" Gnllup without realizing that, small Bobbie (shamefacedly): "If as this town ls, it has definite need for some plan of developing better McKinlcy, San Juan and Valencia ies in New Mexico, and Apache in Arizona greater to area than all the New England States combined. This is the only daily newspaper published in west- tliat ordinarily covers them, so we will have to forgive Irene. Teacher: "You have named al! groom of more than a very small sum for sMJng rent. In this respect, conditions, the bride began lo cry am hero ore somcwhal similar to those groom Ba ij "Why, dear, what at Flagstaff, which has only 4,000 3 lc matter?" "I thought," sobbed the bride, "we were going to have VES, GEORGE HAP A TRYOUT ON THE 'GIANTS ONE MAIM TH1N6 CONTROL-NOW, FOR A FAST CURVE CONTROL! THAT TAKES LOTS OF PRACTICE, DOESN'T IT? OH, ELLIS, COME HERE AND WATCH PA TAUGHT HER 'HOW TO DRIVE AN' MOW SHE'S A WORSE BACK SEAT DRIVER! SHOWED HER TH' BIS SALARIES IN BASEBALL AN' ITS GOIN' TO BE A JOB, NOT A SPORT; Corn. 19" THE BUSYBODY By PRESTON GROVKK WASHINGTON States have uiit such legal barbed-wire cn- anglements about themselves dur- ng the depression in order to preset home industry that Federal ot- idals are seriously concerned bout those barriers' effect on busi- Tlie restrictions are in the form taxes, quarantines, or truck ana ifehway regulations designed to Jiut out produce coming from otn- states to compete with local products.

No Federal law has been ound to deal with it as the states have established their power to im- jose the restrictions. More than a dozen stales have mposed taxes on oleomargarine in order lo protect butler producers- But the South, which produces cut- on oil for oleomargarine, is retali- iting. Wisconsin, as an instance, put a 15 cent a pound tax on oleomar- Southern'trade organiza- ions hit back at once. Says the Mid-South Cotton Growers Association: Wisconsin Manufacturers Association has announced that millions of dollars of contracts for Wisconsin agricultural and manufactured products have already been cancelled by business men sympathy with southern producers of fats and oils." Beer Tax War Indiana put a tax on beer to protect local brewers. Mich- FROM OTHER PENS population.

The project for which application a room all to ourselves." pending at Flagstaff calls for an of $300,000 by federal funds, to be handled without any bonding of 1hc city and to be placed on self-supporting basis. It te planned to tear down nbout 100 houses of the "slum" type and replace them with modern, sanitary a full length mirror." homcs which can be rented at low crs. cost. The object is to provide decent homos for those not able to pay more than $8 to $12 a month, and the houses will not bfi rented to those whoBO annual income exceeds six times the rental charge. That any community would be vastly bcncflltcd by euch an im- Maitre d'Hotel; "Why, there is a half length mirror in every room." Guest: "That's just the trouble.

Twice already, I've gone down to the dining room without my trou- provcmcnt goes without saying. people rlfiht here in our midst tire living in deplorable conditions, in houses lacking sanitary conveniences and devoid of anything attractive. The fact that thij dislricl sanitary engineer lias no less than 250 privies and estimates there is need for at least more, Ls of itself evidence of bin in some sections of the town. Poverty will ont permit the vic- llms of such conditions in mos cases to remedy them, without outside aid, yet the whole community suffers from them lo a greater less extent. What can be done olae can be done hero.

At an; rate it is worth trying. Here 1- somcLhlne for our chamber of com merce and our civic organization to consider seriously. From fruit jars lo used cnrs bargains in the Wnnt Ada. "Did you have the car out last ight, son?" "Yes, dad. I took some of the boys for a run." "Well, tell the boys I'found one their little lace handkerchiefs." Th' Old Plush "Sofy" As I recull, in th' olden days 'Twns only th' well-to-do Who could afford a rockln' chair And a red, plush soma, too.

You'd never ait on th' sofa No sir, 1 wouldn't, I hopo, Cept when you wuz th' album or Some scenes with til' stereoscope, After Ih 1 gnl you wuz on Got lo likin' you purty well, You'd sit on lh sofa besldo her there Sometimes for a little spell. Of course they wuz some neckin then, Sometimes I allow, But like RS much as on Newfangled lounges now. Styles have changed it lot since They seldom ever So I reckon the old plush sofa is A relic of th' past. The Newspaper By ARTHUR GUITEMAN Adolphus Evan EdwardV is accustomed lo peruse The Dally Morning Universal Telegraphic News, Compiled with rare sagacity ana quizzing glass and probe, From all the facts and guesses of this agitated glebe. Adolphus lightly passes a congressional report, fresh New Jersey murder of the most engrossing sort, A Latin revolution wilh a minimum of blood, A Middle Western scandal and a Mississippi flood.

shows a lack of interest in the market ups and downs, books, in sports, in social notes rnd European crowns; trenchant editorials and columns full of wit, if science, art and industry he doesn't read a bit. hough plied with tales as colorfu and entertaining, loo, Aa those Scheherazade told, anc lots of them as true, Adolphus drops the paper hi a deprecating way And yawns, "As dull -as usual There is nolhing now loday." And daily for Ihe pleasure of Adolphus are unfurled 'he rainbow tinted page of j. fascinating pages, earth and sea and sky whereon the eye may scan news of all creation and th( works of God and man. records of the boulder and the whisper of Ihe Iree, THIS CURIOUS WORLD GREAT REDWOOO TREES ONJCE. FLOURISH EO ON sr ISC.AND, NOW AN ARCTIC (BETWEEN ASIA AND ALASKA) Refugees.

clear thai Ihe Presidenl was fa Helen Hayes never played jhich marked her appearance as Mrs. Charles MacArthur and as a before the joint Congres- gan and'oilier stales retaliated by drafting a law penalizing teer made states with suuh laws as Indiana's After a year of experience, ndiana repealed it this spring. California started the business of luxing out-of-stale liquors under au horily of a faulty wording of the prohibUion repeal amendment. She wanted to protect California wine makers. But almost at onco her wineries were damaged, because olher stales followed the Michigan plan of boycotting stales wilh such ws.

Years ago Ihe slale Grange shoved an oleomargarine tax through the Idaho legislature. Bui a few months ago' Grange leaders came yelling back to Washington to pro- lesl what Nevada had done to Idaho. Representative Halleck of Indiana, one of several members of Congress seeking suppression of such laws, is particularly irate about milk regulations. He said regulations once designed to protect the health of milk drinkers had been bent around to protect milk Prices Go Up It works this way: City authorities permit entry of milk only from dairies inspected by cily or state inspectors. That sounds beneficial.

But, says Halleck, In no time at all the dairies within such 'states persuaded the inspectors to limit their inspections to dairies within the state or within a prescribed area, shutting out other competition. "In nearly every Instance," Halleck, "milk prices climbed." He is particularly incensed that the nation's very capital haa that sort of milk inspection scheme. 'Of all the places to have racket," Halleck, 'It Is the city of Washington, which Congress controls." He ssld cream in Indiana and Wisconsin la $12 a can while in Washington It Is But the end Is not yet Ohio has gone one better, by 'proposing law to tax foreign llqjor. Secretary of Slate Hull put in a protest there. France has a reciprocal trade treaty with the U.

S. and she wants no special taxes on her winei sold in this country. Safety-zone general storage a feature of GE refrigerator Hart Hardware Plumbing Co. DOCTOR W. E.

Blackburn CHIROPODIST Foot Specialist 219 Wot Coal Avenue GALLUP, such numbers as this, they can made to bear the full force of the proposed retrenchmenl, wilhout Ihe elimination of any person actually admission of 20,000 German refugee hildren into the United States-gives sublime eloquence to heartfelt ngs such as millions of less, articu- ate American only within themselves. Today we jaze upon this seemingly endless shulfle of sober, scared little faces in quiet contemplation of this Accomplished mother's poignant words: "Nobody wants them." Instinctively, American hearts say, 'We do." However, the very thought reminds us to ask ourselves: How much have we to offer them in the way of happiness and freedom in a country which has not yet succeeded in 'amending its Constitution to protect children from the bondage of economic exploitation? How much opportunity can we offer them in a land where many- people cannot afford to buy the things that American children are produce by endless labor in the fields and factories? While we take these orphans ol Ihe political storms of Europe, let us give thought to caring for those millions of children are refugees of America's political anc social failures. Christian Science Monitor, An Unwise Retrenchment Plan wmsper 01 uie iree, It would appear the reasonable The tallle of the social world, of course for the WPA, in preparing beaver, bird and bee, The gossip of the river, the mountain, of the bog, Tlie wcatherwise prediction of the locust or the iiog, The varied tales of Nature and the quirks of humankind Are offered to Adolphus, who is deaf as well as blind. With comedy and tragedy presented to him still, Adolphus Evan Edwards doesn't get single thrill; The panther knows the forest and the honey bee the hive, Adolphus Evan Edwards doesn't know that he's And, take it all together, from this altitude of his It may be fairly doubted if Adol- to retrench, lo reexamine its rolls and drop those who have no right, only a qualified righi, lo jobs. it is preparing, not to eliminate the ineligible or least needy workers, but to drop certain types of projects.

Within limits, this may be wise From Colonel Harrington's own description, there appear to be spine projects which should never have been started. In the winter of 1936-37, the WPA authorities in St. Louis made a re-check of the rolls and dropped 10 per cent of the workers as ineligible. A thorough re-check now we are told, should result in eliminating possibly 20 per cent of the workers. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Post-Dispatch.

An Unwise Retrenchment Plan It would appear the reasonable course for the WPA, in preparing to retrench; lo re-examine ils rolls and drop those who have no right, rbonly a qualified right, to jobs. Yet it is preparing, not to eliminate the ineligible or least needy workers, but to drop certain types of projects. Within limits, this may be wise. From Colonel Harrington's own description, there appear to be some projects-which, should never have been started. In Uie winter of 1936-37, Ihe WPA authorities in St.

Louis made a re-check of the rolls and dropped 10 per cent of the workers as ineligible. A thorough re-check now, we are told, should result in eliminating possibly 20 per cent of the If this is an accurate picture, it is clear that the President was far too low in estimating the number of chislers on WPA at 5 per cent. If the deadheads are present in any such numbers as this, they.can be made to bear the full force of the proposed retrenchment without the elimination of any person actually deserving a public Louis Post-Dispalcb. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Chrysler gains for 1939 double those of industry CLEVELAND, OHIO First 1 months of 1939 cceds 9 months of.

1938 Mt GREENVILLE, S. C. more 1939 Chryslers and to date than loral 1938 model year JAN FRANCISCO, CALir. Our Chrysler sales first quarter times first quarter 1938 ROANOKE, VA. Chrysler rod-Plymouth increase rf State Given $8330 For Farm Projects WASHINGTON (IP) New Mexico will receive $8,330 under the terms of a congressional authorization for an annual increase of in funds granted states for cooperative agricultural extension work, which wak signed late yesterday by President Roosevelt The measure will prevent a reduction in funds received by 21 states, including New Mexico and Colorado, as a result of the Bankhead-Jones act of 1935, which, increased to $12,000,000 annually funds available for this work, but changed the basis of allocation PHOENIX, sales times same period 1938 ty OMAHA, NEBR.

Sales increased first quarter PITTSBURGH, PA. Chrysler sales first quarter 3.7 times sales 3 times 1938 ST. LOUIS, MO. Chrysler sales 1st quarter months of 1938 JM BUFFALO, H. Y.

Chrysler sales increased first 3 months Af MOBILE, ALA. Chrysler sales doubled first 3 months 4t ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Chrysler sales nearly 4 times first quarter last year I DALLAS, TEXAS Chrysler sales 1st quarter up Su Jj( SEATTLE, WASH. Chrysler sales first quartet equal to sales first 6 months last year WASHINGTON, D.

C. March largest Chrysler month in all history this territory. DETROIT, MICH. Chrysler sales first quarter equal 10 months 1938 BIRMINGHAM, ALA. Chrysler registrations 8 times greater in March 1939 than the same month last year 'M COLORADO SPRINOJ, COLO.

Chrysler sales times first quarter- DES IOWA Chrysler sales show crease for first 3 months SPRINGFIELD, MAJ5 Chrysler shows increase first quarter of 23.9X over 10 months of 1938 Af TOLEDO, OHIO Chrysler increase of for first 3 months IEVERLY HILLS, CALIF. Chrysler and Plymouth sales above 1938 first quarter DENVER, COLO, Chrysler and Plymouth sales more during first quarter 1939 tt LOUISVILLE, KV. Chrysler sales first quarter equal 10 months of 1938 NEW CASTLE, IND. Firs times 1938 quarter volumt 4 1 ROCHESTER, N. Y.

Chrysler and Plymouth increase of GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Chrysler sales more than doubled first quarter NEW YORK, N.Y. Our sales 2.3 times first quarter last year -a to dd. at ao beJofl 223 WEST COAL AVE. HARSHMAN MOTOR COMPANY jPHONElie Some Monster ALLEP OOP DOC SAYS THERE'S HAFTA TELUEQC THERE'S MONSTERS IM TH' TWEMTIETH THIS MUST AWFUL DULL By FRED HARMAN Can They Hold Out'i RED RYDER Z6KE AN' El-LEKJ LET CAWV see voo.urvn-e VtR lAUSf HURT IN VOUR UTTL.E ONE BONE THAN YOUR.

ANSWES: Train li.comutlvcs toim'timcs run over nrmlcs catcrpllliirs vltirsini; tin; liail-v. nml I lie muluxl bi'dlrs nii'lie IhP mils sa givttsy thai u.iciiun is lost imii Ihe (rain brought to.

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