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The Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 8

Logansport, Indiana
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Page 8 Pharos-Tribune, Logansport. Indiana, Sunday, June 29, 1986 GOP Sets Up Program To Attract Minorities ST. LOUIS (UPI) The Re hundreds of Cuban-Americans publican Party embarked on a on July 4 shortly after they are new program Saturday to enlist sworn in as citizens in special minority participation because, ceremonies in Miami. GOP Chairman Frank "We Republicans do not intend Fahrenkopf said, Republicans to turn our backs on black not intend to turn our backs icans," Fahrenkopf said. on black The last intensive effort to sign "No subject is more critical to up blacks in the GOP was in 1978 the future of our party than when the Rev.

Jesse Jackson minority was invited to address the RNC Fahrenkopf told the summer and black consultants were hired meeting of the Republican Na- to develop a program to appeal to tional Committee. minorities. The RNC created an advisory commission on minority That program was largely participation to study the pro- unsuccessful. blem. Historically, the Re- The latest effort came after: publican Party has done poorly two-year study by an RNC among black voters.

President committee into whether party Reagan got only 9 percent of the rules tended to discourage miblack vote in 1984. nority participation. Fahrenkopf named Edward Party critics said chairman of the Re- rules that in give bonus delegates at national Lujan, publican Party New Mexico, to conventions to states that head the commission. vote "The purpose of the com- for. the Republican presidential mission is to make recommendacandidate favored small the RNC Western states and discrimitions to chairman with the goal of taking steps to attract nated against Northeastern more minority communities states with greater minority into our party's activities," populations.

Faharenkopf said. "A thorough analysis of the The GOP is more encouraged RNC rules yields no evidence oif about prospects among His- discriminatory intent or effect panics, where Reagan got 45 on any minority group," said the percent of the vote in 1984. One study, which recommended creparty program will register ation of the new commission. Ex-Postmaster General Sues Board Of Governors WASHINGTON (UPI) Former Postmaster General Paul Carlin has sued Postal Service's board of governors for allowing "a cancer to develop and fester" by not stopping a member from trying to steer a contract to a Texas firm. A hearing was scheduled for Monday in U.S.

District Court on Carlin's suit, filed Friday, that seeks a temporary restraining order to prevent the board from hiring a new postmater general until his case is heard. A Postal Service spokesman said Saturday officials were aware of Carlin's suit but, "We haven't seen the suit or read it, so there will be no comment." Carlin was ousted by the governors in January and replaced by Albert Casey, who announced at the time of his appointment that he would serve only until August. In his complaint, Carlin accused former board Vice Chairman Peter Voss and governors Ruth Peters and George Camp of pressuring him and other postal officials to steer a contract toward Recognition Equipment Inc. of Irving, Texas, without competitive bidding. Voss pleaded guilty last month to charges of embezzlement and receiving kickbacks in the case.

Officials at the company have denied knowledge of the kickback scheme, as have the governors. The governors, Carlin's complaint charges, "allowed a cancer to develop and fester and closed their eyes when symptoms of decay and corruption manifested themselves." Tropical Tanning Center SUMMER SPECIAL! VISIT $5.00 VISITS. $25.00 Featuring SCA Wolff Tanning Beds 30 min. equal to 6 hrs. in the sun 753-6038 Located In The HOUSE OF BEAUTY 915 N.

3rd St. Logansport Hallmark Don't miss your chance to WIN Hallmark Summer Stripe Game Collect and Win Game Pieces are inside specially marked packages of Hallmark Summer Stripe Collection Partyware. It's all happening at: Wii COLLEEN'S Hallmark SHOP Cass Plaza US 24 East Logansport Hours: Mon-Fri 10 AM-8 PM, Sat 10 AM-6 PM Sun Noon to 5 PM Purchase Necessary. Lord Where Prohibited. Must be 18 play.

Game ends or when supplies exhausted. Far free game pieceirules, send self-addressed stamped envelupe to Hallmark Game. OMPI Station. P.O. Box 6340, Newtown, (IT A340.

1986 Hallmark Cards. Inc. Crime Of The Week Burglary, Safe Theft The burglary, and theft of a safe from Mer-Dels Quality Foods, 315 Hanna is the Crime of the Week. The burglary and theft was reported to the Logansport Police Department on May 27, 1985. Investigators believe the building was entered by breaking a plastic window in a door on the east side of the structure.

After breaking the window material, the suspects reached in and removed a bar from across the door. The door was locked after the suspects gained entry to the building. Once inside, the perpetrators went to the front of the building where a rime one-and-a-half-ton Schwaab safe was The suspects are believed to have was on rollers. (STOPPERS pushed the safe to the south end of the building were, investigators believe, they rolled it onto the back of a truck that had been backed into the dock area. The safe contained business records, cash, checks and ledgers.

Later on the same day, Indiana State Police located the safe near Cass County Road 125S, just west of County Road 1075E. The safe was found about 250 feet off the road near the river bank. Tire tracks found at the scene are believed to have been made by a truck with dual wheels. The safe had sustained considerable damage when it was opened. It's contents were scattered throughout the area.

Investigators have no information about the suspects at this time. Persons with information about this burglary and safe theft or any other felony crime should call Cass County Crime Stoppers by July 6. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 for the arrest of the perpetrators. The organization also will pay for information that leads to the arrest of wanted persons. In Logansport, call 722-STOP.

Residents living outside of Logasnport may call toll-free, 1-800-722-7807. Callers will be assigned a code number and will not be required to give their names. Information for the Crime of the Week is supplied by Lt. John Huff, coordinator, Cass County Crime Stoppers, Inc. Call 722-5000 Advertise Your Service For As Little As $1,38 A Day.

"You might say that a total hip replacement successfully 'doctored' my golf game." THE BASKET SHOP FORGOTTEN BASKETS FOUND IN LOFT! OFF 772-4100 753-2878 15 Frederick Street Hours 10-5 OH N. Third el Top of College MIN the wright beauty college PERM SPECIAL Coupon- PERMANENT WAVE PRICE Reg, $25 NOW $1250 Valid only with coupon June 24 thru July 3 THE WRIGHT BEAUTY COLLEGE Expires July 3, 1986 Appointments suggested-Closed Mondays All work performed By students under supervision of Licensed instructors. 722-4444 215 E. Market Logansport 12x28 Oval Patio Pool 14x48 Rectangle Patio Pool 6 ft. steps and solar 6 ft.

steps and solar blanket- completely blanket-completely installed: installed: OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE FOR IN-GROUND ABOVEGROUND POOLS. OFF ALL INFLATABLE WATER GAMES TOYS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY CHEMICALS SPAS ALSO AVAILABLE WE HAVE FULL- -TIME SERVICEMEN TO SERVICE YOUR POOL NEEDS! PULLEN'S POOL SERVICE US Hwy 35-Galveston (219)699-7571 Bernard R. Hall, M.D. Obstetrics Gynecology "As my friends and many of my of our Memorial Hospital and its wellpatients know, golf has been a hobby of trained staff representing virtually all mine during 30 vears of medical practice. But I had to briefly give it up recently for major surgery on my right hip.

"Some people might wonder why had it done at Memorial Hospital in Logansport when my choice of hospitals and orthopedic surgeons was unlimited. "The answer is quite simple. Bigger doesn't always mean better. From my personal observations, all departments at Memorial surgery, anesthesiology, recovery room, postoperative floor; nursing staff, and physical therapy were equal if not the best of all those considered. "My feeling is, though.

that not everyone realizes the great capabilities of the major specialties which makes this a true regional hospital. "There is no place like home." Logansport Memorial Hospital reaching out with special care 1101 Michigan Avenue Logansport, IN 46947 (219) 753-7541 "PS: If my golf game doesn't improve as much as my hip, who can I blame?".

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