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Arkansas Democrat from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 3

Arkansas Democrati
Little Rock, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATURDAY EVENING. THE ARKANSAS AUGUST 21, 1915. the eutire Wliite Kiver alley, auU rauglu t'ruui six lu seveu iuclies tluriug City Southern. Little river is swollen with the heavy, rains. Nearly one-third of the peach crop in' the Ozark region was destroyed by TEXAHKAXA OFFERS PARK TO LEAGUE CLUBS TRAI.V SERVICE OUT OF ST.

LOUIS IS DEMORALIZED jjeriuU oi 46 uours, uaiui( stei' me neavy ram ana wiua, aci-oruiug Vf ami day uioruiug, Vhite river will uudoubt-eaiy reach a that will cover tbuussuus ot aures ot tue richest farni-iog lauds lu tlia whole valley. all Arkansas business wll be handled by the parent house at Memphis. It is believed that such arrangement will prove mutually satisfactory to both old and new customers, as an office will be maintained here out of whichc Cnvellng salesmen will cover the State. U. A.

Morton, Who has- been with the local branch, will continue In charge of the new office to be opened tore Vhe Houck company will relHln the Dottlcd in landslides' at Bergman, 'and at W'Tulinu Stair "Moilntuin have demor iue Kuug at mis uiorulug Dond alized train service. staaus at approximately 'H leei aud the water is ruuuiu out over tiie low- More than nine inches of rainfall hsvejieen, recorded at 8t. Louis during thn nfldt fnur iluva Mnil til nhim! HOW AM lauds, kulmir crgps gt pay and youua Texarkana, Aug. 21. (Special.) Because of many of the baseball parks lu the Texas League being out of commission due to the heavy rainstorm and floods.

Already lierviftajiuniher of the Texas League are now arranging to transfer as many gamva as possible to other cities until repairs can be made to the damaged parks. mm egenolea -(w-tl- Voaa -Si is centering over Indiana arid' Quarts coru that were put iu Alter the iauu-dation during Juue, when the urop ou the tower bottom lauds was destroyed. Immediately after the Juue oveniow iib, and other high-grade piai.os "Our' fifteen yenr of business life in Little Kock have been very pleasant and Manufactory In every way," says J. II. Jninlap, local manager.

BEB AND UTILE the laxuiers replanted their crops aud .25 had attain laid their corn on these urd we hope to increase the number lauds, which will now be covered by III i 3 (Continued, from l'ase 1.) not go over 24 feet. At observation time this morning it stood at 22.3 feet cm tha gaugejiaing to 22,6 at noon to day, and it is thought the crest has passed. At Pardanelle the river rose (three feet yesterday, now standing at C2 feet, two feet above flood. The jriver will fall very rapidly after tomorrow, it is believed. Indications are that the Arkansas will not reach the high mark of 25.4 recorded June last.

This prediction has qiiieted the of residents of Pine Bluff and vicinity, who suffered Iowa in the last high water. Cotton Belt and Frisco Roads. Train service on the Frisco and Cotton Belt' railroads has been congested on account o4 in Missouri, according to reports from Jonesboro. At Ashdown, there hag been no train of Keui rivsr waUr ntw are rushing tliroug'ujtue crevasse at C'arr beud mtvdo by the Imceut ilood, aud which break iu the tevee had nut been repaired on account of the wet condition of the soil ever nines the flood iu Jury, and is sweeping across more than 1,500 acres ot rich farm lands which had been planted iu corn after the other flood. c' This water has formed vast Jukes, jn the middle section of Miller county and the Iron Mountain railroad tracks be-, tweeu ilomau and Clipper are either under water now or are lying on trestles over raging torrents.

Last night's Kansas City Southern train from' the north, due hore at 7:15 o'clock, did not arrive here until this afternoon on account of the washout of a bridge between Horatio and Morris ferry and the statement is made that half a mile of the Kansas City Southern track in that vicinity now is under water. It is probable passengers may haveto be. transferred and routed over other lines-until the water recedes iu this area and the damage can bo repaired. The river gauge at White Cliff oh Little river.ttois morning showed 32 feet, which is 2.4 feet higher than it ever has been before, it is reported. At Index this morning at 7 o'clock a rise of seven and three-tenth feet and at Fulton, five and nine-tenths or satisfied patrons and render them the same or better service In the future." several ieet of water.

Oil Trough Bottom, west of New port, comprising an area of more than 40 square miles, and in which are located some of the finest farms of the A meeting of the leiigue magnates was held in Houston yesterday to con-aider what arrangements might be made for the cities tut off by the floods. Already there are a numbber of offers being submitted looking to relieving conditions. The following telogram was sent to W. B. Davidson, president of the Texas League: Authorized to extend the nse of Maxwell park for league games for the balance of the season without charge." (Signed) Texarkana Board of.

Trade. Baprea Caltoel SAKS'JCETTI CO. Memphis, Tee Cairo, III. l3r lMSOCKTTlfcG Whits iliver Valley, will be. three- Revival at Morriltos.

Morriltou, Aug. 21. (Special.) Dr. H. M.

Ellis of Memphis, Tenni, is conducting a revival meeting at the First Methodist Church, Houth, assisted by the local pastor, the Rev. J. K. fourths under water at 2D feet, which stage ia predicted for Sunday night, and the water ia expocted to go to 30 feet, according to the, weather director of the government service for this dis Texarkana, Aug. 21.

(Special.) With, the continued rapid rise in Bed, Sulphur and Little rivers, a bridge on the Kansas City Southern railway near Neil Springs gone and vast areas of farm lands planted in corn already ijnden water, grave fears of another disastrous flood in this section appeared well founded here this morning reports continued to reach this city of additional rises in these rivers, especially Red and Little river. It is reported 'this 'morning that vast' volumns READ THE WANT ADS. Texarkana fans are eagerly awaiting trict. service for more than 24 hours due to Report from all parts of the county the washing out of the bridge across the answer from the Texas League officials, as they are anxious to see one of the Texas League teams made Texarkana headquarters. O.

K. HOI CK TO CLOSE Saline river on the D. O. and high water on the Kansas show heavy losses to the corn crop, which is lying flat upon the ground, soma of the fields of matured corn lying HELP! HELP! HELP! in water, and the late corn, which BRANCH AT LITTLE ROCK. is in tassel, is all down, tot- ton, too, has suffered from the storms The local store of the' O.

K. Houck Piano Compan.y which has been maintained for 16 years, will be closed on September 1. On and after -that date and heavy rains, but the full extent of damage to this crop in the higher bottom lands, depends upon the future weather conditions. TONIGHT Hobex Springs, is Out Off. Heber dprines.

Aug. 31. (Special.) So trains have reached Heber Springs feet was shown since yesterday noon, aud United States Weather Forecaster Cronk at Shreveport this morning predicted a stage of 32 feet or more at Fulton before the crest 'of the flood will have passed. The crest is ex-pexted to be reached at Index next Monday, but not at Fulton before next Wednesday, if then; The first warnings by the weather forecaster proved sufficients for the farmers in the river bottoms to remove their livestock and it ia not believed there will be serious loss of stock in this section. Beports of caving banks along the Texas portion of the Bed river levee were received this morning and in the event this, caving con START.THAT SAVINGS ACCOUNT.

WE ARE OPEN FROM 6:00 TO 8:00 P. M. from either the north or the south since Thursday. The river baa been very high, but has fallen six feet from its highest mark yeeetrday. The flood covered two miles- of the railroad track east of here.

sUJJIL.IT We Are Giving 'Em Away! WHAT? Automobile Seat Covers And Tops Cheapest Price Ever Offered on ANY Car. SPECIALS FOR FORD: i The prettiest Seat Cover ever shown in Little Rock. Price, $7.80, $1.20 extra for putting on car. Two Ford Tops, re-covered, for $25.00. These prices are for one week only.

Out-of-town orders solicited. We pay express. ENTERPRISE HARNESS CO. 4 paid; on f- SAVINGS. PAID on SAVINGS tinued there is a possibility that a wide Osags and King Overflow.

Berryville, Aug. 21. (Special.) The damage done to crops by recent rains and overflow is much worse than at first thought. The Osage and the King Rivers are higher than they have been for thirty years, virtually all bottom area of ijowie county farm lands which "Just Good as Bond's Liver Pills?" Jon't you believe It I No much remedy la aaadel But, do not abuae the dealer who aays Mo, a doaa not lntand to injure you or ua. He simply wants to roaka a larger profit than.

Bond's Pills afford him. Juat leut at him and insist on BOND'S LIVER PILLS, the (antla. aafa. (active and lnexpenalve liver stimulant that la honestly made from the beat-known Ingredient and without regard to coat or trouble. Bond's Live Pills are made expreasly to cure HEADACHES, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, DIZZINESS.

INDIGESTION and all ailment due to an inactive Liver or Bowela. Take Juat one pill at bedtime and wake up well, without any unpleaaant feeling. They are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Sold by leading druggists, 2r.c, or 6 bottlea for 1.00. Samplee aent upon, request.

If Bond's Pills can not be had in your town, aend 26c to ua and get them by return mail. Dont accept substitute. BOND'S PHARMACY CO. Little Rock, Ark. escaped devastation' in the last flood will be inundated.

Large forces of men are working- desperately in an ef V-2 lands being inundated. Farmers coming in today say overflowed crops are to- tally destroyed. The rain was accom-, mwm Mm fort to prevent any mora damage than can be helped, and are reinforcing the levees in many places with hundreds of sacks of sand. The present rise in Red river is much more rapid than characterized the rise in the July flood pamed by a high east wind, wmcn also did great damage to crops on the higher lands and to some orchards. There has been no through train service on the Missouri and North Arkansas Railroad since Friday, and probably will not be before Sunday or Monday because of washouts.

but it is not believed the damage will SECOND AND MAIN. "The Bank for Everybody." tie nearly as great. Record-Breaking Rainfall. Aug. 21.

(Special) 217 Louisiana St. During the last three days there has Little Rock, Ark. Pine Bluff is Alarmed. Pine Bluff, Aug. 21.

(Special.) Pine Bluff residents of the eastern part been probably the heaviest rainfall in this part of the State in years. Passenger traffic on the Frisco and Cotton of town are genuinely alarmed at rise of twenty-seven feet perdicted for Pine Bluff by Section Director u. is. tjoie of Little Rock. Government engineers TAKE TOE -TODAY.

Belt railroads has been badly congested, due to bad washouts an both roads. On Friday on the Frisco all trains were tied up in Jonesboro and Thayer. A large number of passengers en route west were held in Jonesboro all day yesterday. Southbound trains on the Cotton Belt were all several hours late, due to bad washouts on that road in Missouri. (4 feifet who have been at work since Monday on a mat forty feet wide and 1,000 feet long abandoned the work today because the river is already getting too high.

Major E. M. Markham of the government engineer corps, after an inspection of the bank from Florida street east, said two weeks ago that extensive revetments were needed to prevent Berious caving at the next big rise, MJSS STRACHSr'S RESIGNATION to have your teeth treated. Delay is dangerous. 'I'll I a i Lfv Saline River Bridge Breaks.

Ashdown, Aug. The Decayed teeth are often the single cause of ill health. Every, day delayed means more misery bridge across Saline liver, on the Q. railroad! grave wayand the approaches to the bridge across Little arid more 'expense to you in the end. MAY CAUMB SPLIT IN N.

E. A. Oakland. Aubt. Mis Grace river on the Kansas City Southern rail road have been washed away.

There has been' no train service out of Ashdown over either of these roads for the A New Exposition Train last 21 hours. The water in Little River was reported to be rising at the C. Strachn, Brooklyn. N. has reigned from the National Education Asoclatton.

lt became known today, following; her defeat In a bitter contest for the presidency of the organization. Mis Strachn charges that her defeat for the presidency of the asso-caition was brought about by unfair means and factional disloyalty. Delegates to the convention are discussing tho quetlon of whether Miss Strachn's action forecasts a split In the association. rate of 12 inches an hour yesterday evening. It is also reported that the big -steel wagon bridge at Mill's Ferry across Little River, connecting this county and Servjer, is in danger.

The rise is said to be the biggest Little EXAHIINATION AND ESTIMATION FREE Call for Dr. Blanchard personally and have him. examine your teeth. Dr. Blanchard is a careful, sympathetic, experienced practitioner and takes especial care with timid and nervous patients.

Good-cheap-and guaranteed in workmanship, experience and materials used, River haa ever known eXf)he On37 Through Train from St. houi to San Fraricisco Daily Service beginning April "12th. A fast, new, all-steel train to be hnovOn. at The ceniclimihd The following schedule has been arranged to include most of the points of greatest scenic interest in daylight. Rati road Traffic Dmoralized.

Springfield, Aug. 21. The de 1 moralization of railroad traffic in South Today ern Missouri and Northern Arkansas Dr. F. A.

Blanchard and the destruction of a third of the Ozark's two million, dollar peaech crop these were the principal destructive DENTIST. 16 Years Continuous Practical Experience. effects of the rain and windstorm which swept this district yesterday, coming from the direction of Texas. You may come in before 1 o'clock and tonight be FIRST CLASS DENTAL WORK AT EXTREMEY LOW PRICES A landslide at Winding Stair Moun tween 6 and 8 o'clock to Iv. San Frandsob 8:30 A.M.

Lv. Salt Lak. City 3:00 P.M. Lv. Pueblo, 2:15 P.M.

Ar. Kanaaa City 4:15 A.M. Ar.St.Uuia 4:15 P.M. Ly.St. Loub 2:00 P.M.

Lt. Kanaaa City 9:45 P.M. Ar. Pueblo 2:19 P.M. Ar.

Salt Lalt City 1:30 P.M. Ar, Ssn FraneiMO 5:45 P.M. tain, halted southbound St. Louis and San Francisco trains and another at Bergman, caused a tie-up on the Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain system. Porcelain Fillings; each Amalgam Fillings; each Via the .51 50c 50c Up Up Up open your Savings Account here.

"It is welcome, large or small." up $4 $5 $3 $4 $5 $1 Up Good set of teeth; fit guaranteed Gold Crowns; per tooth Bridge Work; per tooth Gold Fillings; each Thirteen Bridges Damaged. Kansas City, Aug. 21. Washouts, Extraction Teeth Cleaned high water and landslides have demoralized the railroad service of southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas, according to reports received here. All EXAMINATIONS FREE.

Missouri gific Denver fcltto Grande Western 'ESgifig-o Scenic Limited Service means luxurious observation and sleeping car accommodation, the perfection of dining car service; special attendance for your comfort and every precaution for your safety i One nfaHt St. Louia to Denver two niflhta Salt Lake City three nishta San Franciaco Southern men that can be procured are being rushed by division superintendents to "Are you barefooted in the face?" places where tracks and bridges are in TKU3T COMPANY gafjast SB A av S) danger. Thirteen bridges on the Missouri and North Arkansas railroad were damaged and a large section of a mountain slid across the tracks into the river below Leslie. The big lake dam For complete description of train and trip and connsstin; train oervice Srom this 6r No Plates jf Required, at Olvey, was Crops along creeks and rivers were severely damaged and fences carried away. No point cai! or.

or W. W. Richmond, F. E. Schroeder, G.

A. P. D. A. G.

r. It JL Come to see me and you will feel a minimum of pain. I use, if requested, the latest scientific application of gas and oxygen. If you have teeth that require extraction, you need no longer dread the dental chair. With my up-to-date methods you need delay no longer.

"The Home of Banking by Mail." Second andv Center Sts. Little lloek. loss of life has been reported. White River Valley Flooded. Newport," Aug.

2L (Special.) As a result of general rains extending over FULL SET OF TEETH 5 I have other sets for $7, $8, $10, $12 and $15 every one well worth the money you pay for it. They restore your appearance and fit. you properly your set breaks or the teeth break off, I make good free of charge. That is what my guarantee' stands for. Teeth Without Plates By Bridge Work The way they are made and applied is so near a reproduction of natural teeth that it answers practically every purpose and does away with the trouble of wearing a plate, at $3, $4 and $5 per tooth.

Completed Elegant New Residence 13 i I III i lliilwl. II; TK. II CREDITS. We will accept a depositbalance as work progresses. ACROSS THE STREET FROM WOOLWORTH'S With Imposing Blue Granite Front.

Situated on Lookout avenue, two blocks north of first entrance to Hillcrest. Beautifully designed and built according to best methods of construction. 'In every detail bis home is unique and complete. Has eight rooms, sleeping porch and palm room or breakfast room." The floors, bath and light fixtures are the best. The lot is extra large 80 feet on Palm street, 50 feet on Lookout avenue and almost 200 feet long.

The VlgWS looking SOUTH and EAST are very fine. Any person desiring to purchase high-grade home on Pulaski Heights should inspect this two-story residence, situated in one of the best locations of all Pulaski Heights. We will make attractive price, and arrange terms if desired. W. B.


Big Reek Stone Construction Co. W. DICKINSON, President 'WRITE FOB PB1CES ON ALL SIZES CKUSHED STONEa B1P RAI 4VT S1KI DENTIST, i 6061-2 Mala Street, Directly Across the Street From Woolworth's So and 10c Store. OFFICE HOXras 8 at, to 8 p. m.

Daily; Sunday, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Examinations Free.

Open at night for the Convenience of Those Who Cannot come in toe uay Time, mono os. LITTLE ROCK. ARE. Ill CEKTEB STREET.

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