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Arkansas Democrat from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 4

Arkansas Democrati
Little Rock, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATURDAY EVENING. TI1E ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT. APRIL 1, Mil. SUFFRAGISTS SEE SQLMSOX DECLINES COMMITTEE DUTIES JITNEY SCHEDULES Today And Honco Tit flight of time make think ol tho futurav Tbo baby of today rellecy what treatneal mai be acquired when be trow Oil. And any Influence that tuiufs relief to the expectant notber Is the Unit and.

rreatett of obllfauons. There ie a splendid remedy known aa "Mother'e Friend" that baa been a safeguard, a helpful dailr influence, to a host of women. Applied exter. Dally to the muscles they become pliant, twU -7. Aud ,7 m.

AAah wnak day in the year. lit they are operated a .1 a i vu ounuajr, vuor aiso must oe run according to the terms and schedule of their franchise. ij The amendment will provide that after the license tax has been paid and bond has been furnished, the jitney mav be nermittarf hv th nlla.tnr to operate pending the granting of xraucQise or its oemai by the city eOuncil. The amandmAnt in th fnrm of a new. ordinance, will be presented iu cc ouy counau juonaay mgnt.

BtTLLARD'g BONDSMEN ISHXTT BSSPONSIBTXITY. Dan Bullard of Jefferson County, recently bound over to the Federal grand Jury on the charge of bootlegging, ie now in the county Jail after having several weeks of freedom. Bit bodnsmen Friday surrendered him to the United States marshal's office. This ease is one of the many to eowe before the Federal frand jury when it meete Monday. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA, they Itteti.

without undue pain, there is an Sum ace of distress, the nerve are soothed by taldnr away the harden of leaving all to lust natural conditions. There is IB "Mother's Priend" the direct and Immediate help that all expectant moth. art require. Used by their own hand, guided by their own minds, they learn at once the blessed relief from morning sickness result-IBS' freak andue stretchlcjr. Tney experience If PHONE -110.

DAILY MATS.AT2:50-pbrrpri,-N i. v. I Meyer Solmson. Meyer Solmson of Pine Bluff, former iiewspajier man, who was appointed a urpuiy mreruai 'revenue coliec'tpr several months ago. has tendered a place on Hie, heudquarterg staff of the National Democratic "ommitlee in New York, but has declined because of new duties.

The appointment was nfferprl Mr. Solmson by VV. F. MeCombs, chairman of the National Democratic Committee. Tho chief headquarters' of the National Democratic.

Committee will be in New York during the comine-' cam paign, although another headquarters will be established in Chicago to direct interest in the Western and Southern States. They are like the man who recently wrote a book on the subject that the earth la flat, and the other who tried v.uvc mat in sun Is made of ice; when all the world nd solution of those two problems these iv. pcopie tried to say that It was all a mistake. Now, I do not think they amount to very much in the way of opposition. We must write off the conservatives and pesslmisists when we begin a campaign for woman suf-frage.

The Third Class. "The third class, the Spoilers! are our real opponents. "We have one dangerous condition in our political system. Borne States have tried to correct it; none has succeeded absolutely. Every State must correct It.

Somebody, somewhere, will find the solution, and that Ig this, that when some great power with much money contributes vast rums to political campaign funds, it virtually buys up the consideration of the leaders of those political parties which have received those Cont rfhllt Inna an A JItL, city, in a State or a nation, and those MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. UUSIJEJIITIED Council to Ordinance to Compel Regular Service- Will Abandon Fhted Arbi trary Price Sign. Provisions of the present jitney or dinance requiring peratore to paint the elan. "Fare Five Cents an' v. sides of their cars, will be amended by tne eity council so at to permit the use of detachable or temnorarv i w- cordinir in the reeommflndttint.

public utilities committee decided npon rnuay anornoon, at, a meeting told at the eitv hall. The action m. to a eomolaint filed bv tha if Company, which contended that the re quirement wouiu seep tneir oars out of laxicaD service wnen not neino aai on jitneye. Other amendmenta to tne Jitney ordinance which were agreed npon Friday afternoon include a provision that jitneys must be operated nnder franchises to run along certain epeeified routeB according to a regular schedule be You may come in before 1 o'clock and tonight between 6 and 8 o'clock to open your Savings Account here. It ia welcome, large or small.

Southern TRUST COMPANY IV Saw "The Home of Banking by Mail." Second and Center streets. CONTINUOUS 12 NOON TO 11 P. M. TODiiY assisted by NOEL STUART in a cycle of brand new songs; dances and music and a gorgeous array of magnificent gowns. Jean Weir and Larry Mack Gene and Katheryne King.

la the Comedy, CAUGHT. "COMEDY SONG-STEES." Helen Savage Co. Original Act Beautiful. "THE LrfTZJS ROCK GIEL." "LTVINO STATUES." i LATEST PATHE NEWS SILVERWABE FOB THE LADIES AT WEDNESDAY MATINEES. they mad an Investigation Of the Bos, ion ana Maine, and theyohad fora-ot ten to fix up their accounts as thev usually do when these things happen, and the Boston and Maine had made contributions to defeat woman suf.

frage In the constitutional convention of that State. Now If you can say why n. raureaa wants to defeat woman suffrage, you know more than I do, but there i was. In black and whit, and 410 one'; to "Whop men travl around from town to town and behind closed doors talk wiuk men about woman suffrage, where no woman could know what tney said unless som kind-hearted man should chance to tell them, on ask who and what it Is in our coun try that considers it worth money and lots of money to keep woman dls franchlsed. Who are paying such men; who are their backers? I do not prtnd to know.

What really need Is large company of well trained sleuths to ferret out our real opposition, and If could but find It In New York It would not only mean the success of votes for women, but it wouldi arous the patriotism of Amerlon as nothing has done for many years, go uoon our way silent and regardless of what is going on about uk. w( 00 not realise now. our en-'eml are at work In our society, There Is but one solution of this question honest' politics, honest votes, no purcnase or political parties. 01 ieg-iitlatures, nor of Congress. And, when we make sure that, we may then so upon our way without watching all the way along the line.

'I he Introduction of the speech was concerned with a brief history of male suffrage in the United States and the unfair condition of taxation without representation that women are constantly subjected Mrs. Catt also told how the "Woman's riace Is In the Home" formula had been met In New York last year by the call for a one-day strike of working women. After the threat to tie up-business for one whole day, nobody ventured to deny that woman's place Was often anywhere else but within her own four walls. Mrs. Catt concluded her address with a strong plea for the national amendment.

Oregoa Suffrage Laws. Mrs. Trumbull, preceding Mrs. Catt told of the -legislation enacted and secured In Oregon through woman's suffrage. She said that one social result had been an attack upon the double standard of.

morality. Social hygiene, too. she says. Is being taught the boys and girls of the public schools. Mrs.

Trumbull -declared that the wo men voters of Oregon were well versed of government. The sec retary of state, she said, was required to mail to each voter before an election a summary of the points at issue to be voted upon. She derided the assertion that suffrage had "broken up hemes" and Increased the number of divorces. She asserted the belief that the women of the West never ould use their political power to club any political party Into granting suffrage nationally. "Your other States must obtain the ballot as we did," she said, "by hard work." Ushers for Friday night's meeting were the Misses Margaret Baucum, Louise Gibson, Effie Nell Cot-nam, Mildred Mabel Witten-berg, Bess Rogoski, Gladys Emerson, Hattie Curran, May Thompson.

Dorothy Dungan, Lucille McDermott. Louise Ward, Elizabeth Mann, Mildred Sutton, Josephine Miller, Norma Hut-ton and Adele Johnson. WOMAN'S APPEAL taowuig snfferers of i-hfumatlsm, wheth. w-" iSTSZX ik'TT Mn X. aoatt lead, I PLAYERS THEATRE ra JO Vaudeville.

PLAYERS SAM BEBNABD, the comedian all comedians in "The Great Pearl Tangle" Amusing complications follow one after another. 'Conceded to be the greatest comedy of the day. powers- wnicn care tiotblnft for th I i Kiiiraj miimw, welfare of the people, which care n'oth! pJ.taB Winers or neuralgia for their own selfish- interests-spoil- I She feels It (tee drjtyko send It to wirwers ers and wasters of our land they are! 'EB. foe cure yourself at home as tbeousda opposed- to woman suffrage. All over teottfy no ehanfe of ellmtte bring neces-our country, In every campaign we 'rhto, 'ple dlscorery banlihea ortj add have ever had we have made this ob- fr1 21 00 eii the ithTeoad Jolats, pur-servation.

but It Is difficult always to SfiK, frage was given by Mrs. Catt end Mrs. Truniliull. Both urged the loi'al woineu to organize so they could aid in this national fight and help in the work of getting all three political parties to put a plank in their platform for suffrage. The visitors told of the pirns that, were being, wade lor big demonstrations at the Democratic, Republican and Progressive.

National Conventions'. Parades aro planned with thousands of women in line to demontrate to the 'political leaders the sentiment for equal suffrage. Local women ioned in the lUscinnUn I -l" BI'lKl. uuu. (JUblUUUt organization, and fcmong' the speakers was jurs.

t. i. uotnain, president of the local leaano. There were Informal talk. by many other women present.

Luncheon Served. At noon a luncheon in the 'banquet hall of the Hotel Marion, to which men were invited. The banquet hall was filled, with suffrage enthusiasts. Mrs. T.

T. Cotniuu vi. nt. mistress. Sho introduced Mrs.

Catt and Mrs, Trumbull to the. guests at the luncheon, and they made short talka, urging the aid. of the men in Arkansas. Anions those who Mrs. Cot nam were 1.

DaihukI cent Miles, J. Hoiskoll, Rabbi- Witt, iary r.ieanor Marshall, Mrs. Theo Abeles; "Misg" Marirhret Rfliifinm' Mra. Frank Gibi and Mra. David Terry.

caiuruay aiternopn was spent -in a business session at' th Kotai when talks were again heard from the l.n.l- A. cuubib ur ine wte. The discussion during the afternoon vunuinlv the organization of the State and Cities throughout the Statu an. I they could best affiliate with wotkers in other cities. Divide Opposition.

im Into three --v un lu n. Larrle Chapman Catt, pi-esidefit of the-Natlonal American Woman Siif-frane Assoclatlo audlenCA nf hnm Rtifk MH. at the Kempner theatre Friday night. nars. att was accompanied by Mrs.

Minnie Trumbull. Pnrti oi me executive pnmmitiM nt cnnq labor board of Oregon, and Mrs. i. i. tomam oi.Ldttle Rock, president of the Little Rock Political r.quaiuv iienfue.

fr nlrht'. slon was presided over "bv- Mrs, n. ciiinKi.on. MrB. was Introduced oy ur.

lj. p. Gibson, Little Rock phys lclan. Mm. Trnmhull wu duced bv C.

A. Vans. The three clasnen nnnnaad tn suf frage, according to Mrs. Catt. are the "Conservatives," the tne bpoilers." Discussing the types, me national leader said: Tnm mt nnaa.t.

"The Conaarvatluo. or and Jetsam of civilization marching on. tvery generation produces, a cer- 1.1. ysr von i oi mese people who can never see anything good In that which Is not established. Such people are sometimes intelligent so far as an education goes; they are elected to the legislature, they often go to Congress, but you never caught one of them voting 'yes" on any proposition which his grandfather did not believe In two generations ago.

These are the kind of people that keep up with me procession; iney ao not know the meaning of the word they have never heard of evolution. But If they have they believe it stops with miB generation. I nave often Just pec. centAhose conservatives rOmOMf. tlmatarl In New York that It wasabout 10 per cent of the population.

tJo power on earth could move them in behalf of woman suffrage or anything else that was not an established fact. "The 'Pessimists' are the people who are iconoclasts they pull down, they do not build up. They are those who Relieve that man suffrage In America has been so signal a failure that It. is Idle and ridiculous to extend the suffrage "to any other class. They are those who do not believe that a poor man can vote to the wood of him self or the government.

They believe it is a menace to all future society that foreigners are given a vote, that Ignorant men have a vote they do not believe In universal suffrage. qualification, sometimes In an 'educational qualification, eometimes they do not know what they believe, but tney Know tney ao not believe they nr. xiujjeiessiy pessimistic. iney are the the LITTLE ROCK, Wednesday, April 12. 17th and Main Shriners Circus and Animal Show Produced hy THE fiSEATEST AKENIC FEATGSES V-AOtTES of CANVAS STUPENDOUS STREET PARADE wowwiwg jt 10 O'CLOCK ADMISSION: Adults, 60 Cents.

Children, 25 Cents. CRYSTAL Sth and Main Phone H09. TONIGHT ONLY. 'The Devil's Toy." a daring' photoplay. NO CHILDREN- MONDAY AND TUESDAY.

House Peters, and June Elvidge in "ThcOsndolPcrir An Haasually efn and Dramatic v. DetwrTre Story. Suzanna Lehman, The, Dixie Prima Doana All Next Week, t' Lehman will Iry Those Tears" Monday and Tuesday. for lonfi are now In order. J.J-rWr K1.III.K1 i ri.

iiiiiiiiiiii iimniiiir. ARKANSAS FIELD a i a I Leaders and Local Workers Discuss Means, vof Winning State for Women Franchise. ''flow to Win Arkansas For Suf fragV' was diecusaed Saturday morn Ing at the informal meeting of the uffrage leaders of Little Rock and Arkansas with Mrs. Carrie Cha.pman Catt, president of tho National Wo man 's Sof rage Association, and Mrs. Minnie Trumbull of Oregon, in eonven- tion hall of the Hotel There were more than 50 women at the meeting.

Outline of the plans for the national campaign for a Federal law for suf- la! l.lnr and Tobacco -Addlrtloaa Cared -Within Tn Dare by Our New Painless Method. Only Saattarlua In the World Giving Laoeadlt tonal Our guarantee means something-. Not dollar need be paid until a satisfactory cure has been effected. We control completely the usuwl wlth-drawal symptoms. No extreme herv? ouaness, aching of limbs, or loss of leap.

Patients unable to visit sanitarium can be treated privately at home. Union Bank and Trust The American National Bank or any other Citizen -of Lebanon. Write for Free Booklet No. 6S. Address CUMBERLAND SAN IT AHUM, F.

Bandera, Mar. l.ebaaoa. Teaa. ROYAL TODAY. Bessie Barriscale in Triangle Drama, "The Last Monday and Tuesday.

Blanche Sweet in the Lasky Paramount Stirring Labor The Black List In this picture will be found a parallel of the Colorado mine fights between Labor and Capital. The picture suggests a remedy to prevent such struggles. This story shows in vivid realism Labor's side of the 5c 10c SAVOY TODAY. "The Red Circle." CDTDEES OF LOVE, Triangle Comedy. PATHE Monday and Tuesday.

"The Judge," Triangle Comedy Featuring CHARLES MURRAY It'e two reels of fun. Vitagraph Stars Present "Husks." A splendidly acted 3-reel political drama in which ambition wrecks a happy home, makes an honest man a traitor to his country and casts him off a penniless, miserable husk of what had once been a man. 5c and 10 GEtY TODAY. "He Fell in Love With His Wife." Paramount Sural Monday Only; i HENBY B. WALTHALL and i EDNA MAYO IN "The Strange Case of Mary Page." Episode No.

7 "Sis Hopkins' in an original comedy, crammed with on. "A Square Account." An exciting Vitagraph drama. Tuesday Only. Dustiri Farnum In Triangle Comedy-Drama, "The Iron Strain." charming and delightful story, 1 of action," romance, comedy, rills, intense suspense and excite- 5c and 10c. BBPODE dally calm and nightly rest.

It is Indeed "Mother's Get a bottle today of any drugs 1st. Then write Brad Held Regulator 410 Lafflar Atlanta, G-, for one of the stoat entertaining and valuable little books ever, preseated. It ie worth tor. i3 Eflu Ea CONTINUOUS 12 NOON TO 11P.M. (SUMMER POUCY) i Opening Monday i i 1 i i Si prove in the courts, but HnmetimR the proof come, out.

A little -whllij aso In the State of N- nn.hi..1 PALACE PALACE tJ Ui 0. Monday, Tuesday, MM HAW 1 and Wednesday. 11 lLi III IY1E WITH THREE ACTS OF Lifflp CrpIiGURi Ucutlouillo FEATURING Four-Act Comedy-Drama. Three Acts 0 a. DniOUrr and HOETON, America's Foremost Instrumentalists.

HOLLIIAN and JOHN A in a Beautiful, Spectacular and Costume Formerly With the Al G. Field Greater Minstrels, and CLARK and GORDON -in Comedy, Singing, Talking, and Acrobatic Dancing. Also Professor Kuttner's Orchestra. Prices 10c, 20c, 30c. 1" Matinee 10c and 20c.

Ladies admitted free Monday night when accompanied by paid admission. PALACE 3D ALL CEATG AHY 212 Main Street, Argenta. TODAY. Triangle Feature Play and Triangle Two-Reel Keystone Comedy, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. Vivian Martin in Israel ZangwiU's Masterpiece, "MERELY MARY i ANN" COHPLETE CHAirGE OF VAUDE VILLB AND PICTURES THURSDAY.

Six Reels of Feature Pictures, Claused Daily. Eig Amateur. Ni-ht Every Wednesday. DON'T FOUGHT TIT II OPE1TING DATE. JANE GEEY and TULLY MAR in "LET KATy DO llT.

A beautiful romantic story' of. a young gjrl who mothered 'seven bright little children, and how Bhe was rewarded. Two Shows in One! Two Hours of Pun and Laughter! A Dollar-Show for a Dime! Children 5 Cents..

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