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The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 4

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
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ffifec rtober 30, appreciation by silence and following the lines and action of the play, and permit I CHOCOLATES ting your neighbors to do the same. IHh rAbblNG SHOW I net and are to be paid monthly for the month next preceding. o. If the subscriber does not desire to install his own equipment or purchase our equipment and maintain same, we are willing to leave or install our equipment and maintain the same, provided the sub 1 RATES FOR TELEPHONES WILL BE INVESTIGATED MEYER ADMITS KILL1.NG. I'M The Value of Applause and Classes scriber will pav jli.oO per montn tor tne use of the switchboard and $1.50 per Negro Says He Shot Stewart in Self-Defense.

Through the instrumentality of a medi of Theatre-Uoers Who Io ot Realise That There Are Times Not to Applaud. There are certain theatregoers, who Id should know better, who have a habit of spoiling the pleasure of their neighbors and embarrassing the actors on the stage cine bottle which was left on the floor In the house at 401 Howard street last Monday night, following killing of the negro Joseph Stewart, Dave Meyer, alias Mockshire, was arrested by Detectives Gorman, Schemer, Dale and Schulta yesterday morning and admitted shooting Stewart. month for each telephoue connected thereto. Payment of these rates to entitle the srbseribcr to the use of the equipment for interior service, but not to our-jide local connections, which we wili furnish upon the same basis and at the same rates specified in prows! ion No. If the rates specified in proposition No.

3 are paid quarterly in advance a discount of fifty per month will be allowed. WILL FILE PROTEST. Among those present at the meeting of by an overeuthuslasm which finds Tent in applauding at the wrong time. There are After a Stormy Conference Between Business Men at the Board of Trade and Officials of the Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company it is De- cided by the Business Men to Name a Com mittee to Look Into the Controversy. I times not to applaud as well as times to applaud.

When Meyer waa first arrested by the In musical pcoductlons and comedies It officers on board the schooner Emma does not matter so much. These produc Hawkins, lying in the Old Basin Canal at Dupre street, he denied any knowledge of the killing. He was then taken Jt tions are so constructed that there Is abundant opportunity for applause throughout the acts. After the rendition of the songs applause is generally ex Tutane Theatre. out.

They don't have to buy my bananas they can eut apples." Once more was Mr. Ellis rewarded with laughter and cheers, and it was soon apparent that those present did not intend to let the present opportunity slip by without at least getting some little revenge out of the situation. Takins it from the standpoint of figures. by the officers to the office of Dr. Maestri, whose name appeared on the label of the bottle found in the murdered man's room, and there Identified by the physician as the negro who had received medical treatment and a prescription from him on Oct 20.

The Cborus Lady," In which Rose Stahl is being starred, is proving a decided hit with the New Orleans theatre goers. The first special priced matinee Meyer then admitted that he did the Attorney Myers had the representatives of or tne engagement wui oe given lo-aay, at which the prices wTil range from sdootme. but claimed that he did it in self-defense. He stated that be had been the telsphone committee of the Progressive Union were the following: Edward Kightor. chairman; Jules Dreyfou-, Sam C.

S. Wagg.iman, Philip Werlein, Marshall Ballard. John T. Uelahay, W. P.

Luck, Thomas Miller, Allen Tupper and M. B. Trezevaut. Upon the suggestion of Mr. RIghtor the following motion was adopted: "That the secretary of the Progressive Union communicate with the mayors and beards of trade of all the larger cities of the country as to the number of tele phones in operation, the cost of direct business telephones, the cost of residence telephones, party lines and private ex changes; as to whether there are one or more companies in the field, ttie area of covered, the population In the aforesaid area, the character of service rendered and other matters of interest In the present controversy." It was suggested that in the meanwhile the Progressive Union file an immediate protest as to the advance in charges proposed by the Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company, and that the temper tne business nrms present at a aeciaea disadvantage.

The three telephoue com 23 cents to $1. To-morrow at 8 o'clock sents will be placed on sale for maw Ac pany othcials came to the meeting The pent-up feeling of lrrltatiou and Indignation engendered by the action of the Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company la announcing its intention to materially raise the rate demanded of private exchange owners burst into flame at the meeting between the officials of ths corporation and Its aggrieved subscribers at the Board of trade last night. The meeting had been called by District Superintendent E. L. Powell of the telephone company as a friendly powwcw whereby the anger felt ly the private exchange subscribers might be allayed and all differences explained away.

From that standpoint it was a dismal but an exciting; failure. Representatives of some of the most prominent business firms of the city took turns la denouncing the service rendered by the telephone company, and loud Tht name GUTH" means something more than mere candy, excels lence it means the most exquisite blends of the yery finest nuts, fruits and fondants, and each piece the "best of it's kind One Dollar the pound is a small price compared with the pleasure and delight to be had from every box Always ready here fresh, in sealed packages. KATZ A BESTHOFF, Limited. 732 CANAL STREET. ejuiDoed with a wilderness of figures.

Erlauger's big musical comedy, "The pected, aud no matter how poor the rendition there are alwaya numbers of auditors who are willing to applaud. In comedies, where there are numerous witty speeches, calculated to produce laughter or applause, the noise Is expected and does no harm; the actors expect it and there is generally a slight pause before the next speech. The acts are also so arranged that at the end of each there la abundant opportunity for applause and the noise fiends may make all the racket they wish with the minimum amount of harm. The chief canse of complaint Is against ths man who begins applause at totally unexpected and inappropriate places. And no matter how Inappropriate there are always a half dosen or so In various parts of the house who will fol Grand Mogul.

Crescent Theatre. sleeping in the room with Stewart for the past three months and that Stewart came in drunk Monday night and attempted to shoot him. Meyer Is a Baton Rouge negro, and was employed as deckhand on barges. He was locked up and charged with murder. WATER CAISES A FIRE.

it In a and these were launched at the heads of the angry subscribers, who were beaten back time and again under the avalanche of computatious poured down upon them. Within a few seconds after the clash with Mr. Ellis there was another lively "The Awakening of Mr. PIpp" la draw ing good houses at the Crescent To-mor row at 2 o'clock there will be another matinee, at which the prices will range from 15 to 35 To-morrow at 8 tut, tne aggressor this time being Mr Thompson or Smith Bros. o'clock seats will be placed on sale for "There Is Jus; one thing I want to tell you," Mr.

Thompson cried, pointing a rne engagement or nap ward in his musi menacing finger at Attorney Mrers: "and cal comeuy, "iNot let But Soon. or tne union suouiu oe made plain as regards the Inefficient service rendered. It was further decided, to send postal cards The steel hoops of a 50.000-gaIlon wooden tank at Calliope and Pllie streets, gave way yesterday afttrnoon, and the water fell on a Louisville and Nashville box car containing lime, causing the latter to Ignite and damaging the car to the extent of $2tiO. The tank, property of the railroad, was damaged S3UX Sbnbert Theatre. low his lead under the Impression that to tue-ibii memoerfc or the Progressive Mrs.

Minnie Maddern Fiske In "Teas of the D'Urbervilles" is the attraction at the Shubert Theatre this week. The final Union asking for examples of poor service, and the general public Is also to be in the time has arrived to make a noise-like approval. tnat is mat your service in this city is rotten. I use the term advisedly. It is rotten, and worse.

Your people came to us and begged us day after day to Instill a private branch system." lour representatives came to see us dav after day until, af'er a year of begging, we finally consented. Then what did you do? You put in a second-hand switchboard. You gave us service which can not be described in polite society. You presentation of this clay will be at Sat urday'a matinee. Thursday the sale of The most harmful of these enthusiasts and- ths most exasperating is the man vited to ent tn its complaints.

I pon tne motion of Mr. Luck, it was resolved to send a letter to Superintendent Powell asking him to submit figures upon which the contemplated advance in rates is to seaia win open lor "Laa luescnna, which will be Mrs. Flake's offering all to le next wees. who has been used to melodramatic thrillers and Is under the Impression that the action of the play will be clogged unless ALL STYLES Q50 be demanded. A ome uone an mis, and now you ask us for more money.

I say that I would much rather eo before the State Rati road St. Charles Orphenm. there Is abundant applause scattered Frank Seymour, the eccentric comedian who deals with acrobatics at the Orpheum throughout each act In the plays he has Commission and have this thiiig put to a LECTURES OX ROME been used to when the heroine rushes to this week, is original in every stunt that he performs anil the style In which he Once more those present arnlanded and once more the resourceful Mr live tt on his feet and another formidable array the footlights, extends her arms to the gallery gods and announces In heroic tones that "rags are royal raiment when worn for virtue's sake," she pauses for the outbreak of applause, and the villain has FIRST EFFORT OF JOH COS- NIFF IS A SUCCESS. ngures was marsnaieu into the breach "ies, and there are a few things I want to know, too," shouted Marshall Ballard, a local newspaper man who Is on the telephone committee of. the Pro- does his tricks always brings out a laugh.

Anna Eva Fay remains over this week and continues to startle her auditors with her weird seances of somnolency. Danphlne Theatre. The Barry-Burke Stock Company entertained a large audience at the Dauphlne Theatre last night when the company presented "The Cowbov and the Sonsw. his Instructions not to make another advance toward her until the enthusiasm has died down. Assistant Superintendent of Pub The noise fiend who has been patronis i.tbsic i uion ana wno naa come to the Board of Trade meeting at the conclusion of his own.

"I want to know when it was that the Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company came to the conclusion that it was losing money bv furnishing private exchange service atthe present rates?" BEST SET ing this class of theatrical prod action sometimes finds himself at a perform lic Schools Deliver Illnatrated Lecture Which Wins Approbation of Ilia Auditors Grammar Pupils In Musical Programme. laughter and applause followed every point scored by the speakers. The climax was reached, however, when Henry B. Schreiber, president of the Board of Trade, passionately Informed the telephone officials present that the city of New Orleans would no longer countenance any form of discrimination, and that If tie Cmberland Telephone and Tele graph Company wished to continue busier in this vicinity it would have to jive its patrons fair treatment. President Schreiber said: "There has been altogether too much of this sort of thing, and we, the people of New Orleans, do not Intend to stand It any longer.

We insist on fair treatment, and we mean to have it. Please understand that. I don't know whether the Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company has been or Is now trying to discriminate against us. But if it Is we wnnt to give it fair warning to stop It. The residents" of the city are In no mood to be buncoed any longer.

If you want to stay here and get along with us, why, you'll have to treat us fairly, that's all. Attorney C. L. Myers, the general contract agent of the Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company, who had come to New Orleans from Nashville, his home town, to attend the meeting, Lastened to assure the irate president of the Board of Trade that his corporation meant to deal fairly by New Orleans; that It had always done so, and hoped to be permitted to continue to do so in the future. Slmtiltaneonsly with this meeting at the Board of Trade another session, bearing upon lie same subject, was being held by the telephone committee of Jhe Progressive Union at the headquarters of that association in Camp street.

The members of the Progressive Union committee had been Invited by Snperintend- ance where there Is no opportunity to make I The specialties Introduced by members of the company met with general approbation. There will be no Friday matint at the Dauphine on account of that day being All Saints' Day. The matinee will be given to-morrow Thursday) afternoon instead. the desired noise except at the end ot It was about last G0LDCn0WNS.oS BRIDGE VOnX 2 GOLD F1LLUIGS John R. Conniff, assistant superintend the acts.

He may realise that the performance is worthy approbation, but the only way he knows of showing his approbation la by noise. Last year In an audience that was witnessing a perform ent of public schools, delivered an Inter Attorney Myers. Mr. Ballard Immediately retorted by offering an example wherein the telephone company had ottered to install a private exchange system at the old rates, and the controversy was sweeping along at full swing when, at the suggestion of Mr. Sanders, the meeting reverted to the question of iteming the committee to Investigate the proposed increase in rates.

esting and Instructive lecture the T. J. Semmes School, In Jourdon avenue. Some shoes make some men swear at them ance of "The Duel one of them got In Greenwall Theatre. The afternoon and evening performances at the Greenwall Theatre yesterday were witnessed by large audiences.

The Trocaderos Burlesquers will be the attraction at the Greenwall duricg the remainder of the week. near North Rampart street, last night, his work very effectively. The play having for his subject "Rome; Its Famous was produced by a company of In TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN Men and Scenes," which was beautifully Illustrated with stereoptlcon views. While this was Mr. Connlff's first effort as a telligent actors.

There were but few climaxes. The entire tone waa subdued but powerful. Throughout it WILL SELECT COMMITTEE. It whs decided that the selection of the Eskimo Is Theatre Usher. commltte should rest with Nevins Klrk- New York, Oct.

29. Kene, one of the Eskimos brought to this country by Ex held the tense Interest of the auditors lecturer, he showed no evidence of timidity and held the attention of a large paincK, cnalrman of the sunervisor's UX CSU GSlHAITd plorer ieary, iu isys, nas Deen engasrea committee of the Board of Trade, who as an usher by a local theatre. After audience from the beginning till the end of the lecture. He has a full, rich voice. presiaea over the meeting.

The members of the committee are to be selected from Kene a companions had died of tubercn who were witnessing the battle of witi for a woman's souL There were more words than action. The applause was scant The noise fiend thought there should some audible expression of approval. He waited his opportunity and seized It In one scene the young priest losis and he had finished his stay at the Museum of Natural History in Central Park, the government wanted to send clear enunciation, and his delivery was forcible and pleasing In a high degree. among the following men: J. T.

Wlther-spoon, general manager, American Sugar Refining Company; John G. Gannon, president Hibernla Bank and Trust Company; Al' 1 1 Naturally In handling such a vast sub him back home, but he refused to go. He had learned to like civilization, lie has learned the English language and now to ject, which treated of Rome from Its very any, jiresiueui vrerman-Amenean National Bank and manager American Rex Shoes Make All Men Swear by Ilea TWO STOBES OM.Y 304 St Charles Street 1532 Dryades who nas not seen his older brother for wear starts, collars and cuaa. He can ent Powell to attend the meeting at the Tobacco Company; Maurice Stern, of Leh years, meets him and is coldly received. also operate an automobile.

ALBANY DENTISTS 728-730 w'USF SUNDAY 8 to 1. man. Merc Ac also ot the Lane- or I raue. hut to is tne members refused to do. The temper of the com He Is wounded, but says pleadingly: "Are Maglnnis Mills; L.

Lyons, of I. L. Lyons J. B. Sinnott.

of Smith Marie Dressier Scores. mittee, like tliat of the representatives of the business firms assembled at the you not going to shake hands, brother?" The doctor smiles contemptuously, shrugs Bros. Col. B. F.

Eshleman. of beginning till the time the Imperial city was laid low by barbarians and vandals. Mr. Conniff could not, within the limited space of one lecture, touch upon more than the salient events of the period, but his outlines of Roman history were clear and comprehensive, and expressed In the choicest language. There were quite a number of children present, the pupils of New York, Oct 29.

Advices from Lon Board of Trade building, was unmis ttakablr hostile to the telephone corn Da ny Stauffer, Eshleman Hunt Henderson, president of the Chess. Checkers and don report that Marie Dressier made his shoulders and half extends his hand, coldly allowing his brother to seise It great hit at the Palace Theatre there last night on her first European appearance. Her main triumph was In the recital In Glove," but from the first moment Immediately the noise fiend broke Into It was the unanimous opinion of the committee that if Superintendent Powell cared to confer with it relative to the controversy he would have to come to It applause, his example being followed by Whist Club; Charles Godchaux, of the Leon Godchaux Company and president of the Whitney-Central National Bank; J. M. Pagaud, of the Cosmopolitan Bank and Tnm Company; W.

W. Carre, of the W. W. Carre Lumber Company; M. J.

Sanders. President of the City Bank and Write lor Catalogue gne naa tne auuience witn ner, a half dozen others of his Uk, causing a siaa not it to him. TO NAME COMMITTEE. LsJf-eubdued laugh to sweep over the audience and obviously embarrassing the Victor's Royal Venetian Band. Following Is the programme that will Adjournment at the Board of Trade meeting was finally taken after It was decided to annoint cnmmlttoo lwt4 actors on the stage.

be rendered by Victor's Royal" Venetian general manager of the Leyland Line; James D. Hayward, of Hayward, Vlek Clark; E. C. Foster, president of the New I once saw Modjeska act Queen Kather- nana at the concert to tie given at the THE TRUTIJ from a number of prominent and disin Dauphine Theatre this afternoon, the Orleans Railway and Light Company; terested ousuiess men or the city, to first number being rendered at 2 o'clock; ine. In the trial scene where she pleads with the king and failing to move him from his purpose of divorcing her, she turns to Pearl Wight, of Woodward, Wight tnorosigniy investigate the controversy.

In the ju.eanwhiie the official of the ttlf. t. t. Kohnke and Alhert Godchaux. March, "houthern Beauties.

Overture, "II Guarany." Grand selection from "Carmen." ABOUT PI AMI B8 mmsm the cardinal and pours forth the vials of phone company promised to withheld the contemplated raise in rate nnrll Jan 1 the grammar grade taking part In the musical programme, which had been arranged by Miss Mary A. Dudenheffer, the principal, as a preliminary to Mr. Con-niff's lecture. Miss Jeanne Rozier, accompanied by Miss May Noble, gave a violin solo, which was well rendered and won applause. Charles J.

Colton. a member of the School Board from the Ninth ward, acted as master of ceremonies. In introducing Mr. Conniff Mr. Colton said that the assistant superintendent was making his bow as a lecturer, and that the Third district and the Ninth ward were glad to have secured him first.

Incidentally Mr. Colton paid tribute to Mr. Connlff's ability as an assistant superintendent of the public schools, and then presented him to the audience. After a few preliminary remarks. In The list had been brought to the meeting by Superintendent PowelL, who declared that his reason for confining the selection was In order to have no one her wrath.

The audience hur motion Solo by Signors Pontrelll, Perillo and in order to give the committee ample D' Italia. ocai solo, selected, by Miss Madeline nme iu nun 10 mate its inquiry and its iiort. chosen who might be prejudiced or biased less on her words, while she bared her heart, showing her wounded pride, her despair and Indignation. In one of the Lanrle. The telephone committee of the Pro- If you will come into our store and examine oar pianos we will tell you the truth, -the whole truth and nothing but the truth about each instrument you try or ask about.

There wa some objection, at first, to this restriction, but the telephone company fiually won Its point Mr. Ellis declared that he did not intend to be bound by finest speeches Shakespeare has written The famous Minuet Clarionet cadenio bj Slgnor ClanL Intermission. Overture. "William Tell." the findings of the committee, and it crnssiTe Union nt its meeting vote to take similar action. A statement made by Jules S.

Dreyfous disclosed the fact that as far as his personal grievance with the telephone companv was concerned, the controversy had already been taken before the State Railroad Commis The celebrated sextette from "Lucia de For an instant she paused In her tirade to gather strength and add emrhasis to her next line sud immediately noise fiend broke forth Into applause. Interrupting We have nothing to conceal, slight was accordingly agreed by all those present that the committee should merely in Ummrmoor. solo by SIgnors Pontrelll vestigate the controversy in order to de Auquiro, D'ltalia, rerillo, Dipaima and Soulle. C7RED sea ffecest -UXKY STRIKE" fragrance and ciisrra all 2s owsw LUCICY STRIKE Plug Pips Tcisca her and getting roundly hissed by the fou aua the Attorney General of the Vocal solo, selected, by Miss Madeline audience. -sie tor a leeai opinion in the matter.

The Cumberland Telerthorw. mid Laurie. Grand finale from the opera "Aroiao. "TO IIBLL WITH GRISGOS." the course of which he modestly thanked Mr. Colton for his complimentary Introduction.

Mr. Conniff plunged into his subject, which, startiug with Romulus and Remus, went on down the vista of Roman history, all the more vividly portrayed by the use of appropriate stereoptlcon views, each of which was briefly explained. At the end of his lecture Mr. Conniff was surrounded by membc rs of the School There Is a large class that always Insists on a curtain speech if the star Is prominent There are a few stars who refuse absolutely to make curtain las Ac taiscataJam Company was represented at the meeting at the Board of Trade by Su-rerintendwit Powell. Attorney Myers and i.eneral Jlanacer W.

N. Bvers. the representatives of the firms present were: C. II. Ellis of the United Fruit BoniUa Said To Be Unfriendly to termine the facts, but that Its decisions should not be the basis of a settlement of the quarrel unless the business firms Individually ajrreed to it Chairman Kirkpatriek declared that he would make his selection to-day and would be ready to disclose names this evening.

The committee is to have onlv five members and it is expected that it will take several weeks for it to conclude its inmiry. Superintendent Fowell promised tnose present that he would allow the Investigators to make a full and free examination of all the private books of the company and that be would do all Id his power to give then a true estimate of the facts as they are. speeches, and sometimes the noise fiends will continue the applause from the end or misrepresent, a we nare no pianos of unknown origin. Every instrument we sell is guaranteed by the maker and by us. We are the exclusive agents in New Orleana for the famous EVERETT piano, indorsed and used exclusively by the world's greatest musicians.

We have ccf favored customers, no special sales, no contests or other selling schemes. We sell on the merit of our pianos only, and the price is the same to all at all times. We can arrange easy payments that will be sure to please Americans. Company, who has taken the lead in the do! la tie wiifcont waste, ami isaa ant liana mA tcwL Fat ewer yaaas tUaeaa PATTERSON aa tobacca kaa Uaa a nrany tt LJd qaalil, rt SUm. Tm Bo.

X0 of one act to the beginning of another. Board, teachers and many others, who cnuipiugn iieamst the telephone companv of A- Baldwin Al A correspondent from Honduras wrln-s that Dr. Policarpo Bonilla, ex-President warmly congratulated him his initial wuton utckaye the other week. In en vi me nrui or mat name of that country, who Is now here as an lieoree Thomnsnn nt Ktnttli Rrmhor, v' ft success as a lecturer. Judging from the reception received by Mr.

Cennifit last night his services as a lecturer will be making a curtain speech, said It was the New, Orleans fondness for lagniappe that 1- Douglas of Armour envoy la the coming Washington peace caused the demand for a speech; Otis much in demand hereafter. The- only conference. Is the dictator of his country trs of the Leyland Line, I). O'Keefe of Woodward. L.

G. Wilkes of criticism that could be passed on his lec Skinner last week, when finally forced to respond by cries of "speech" from the ture last night was that it was too quick rjsnieinan A. C. Carpen ter Of the Gulf Yunnu t- and the power behind the throne. He says that Dr.

Davlla, the President provisional, is merely a puppet, and that gallery gods, merely said he knew of Kohnke, flour merchant and chairman of the executive committee of the Board iy over. It was learned that Mr. Counlff is now preparing another lecture on the famous scenes anf men of Greece, which should prove even more interesting than nothing that could be satd in addition to what the author of the piny had written. the Policarpo Bonilla faction controls the country. In Honduras Bonilla is known the lecture on Rome, since in glory and thanked his audience for their appre Cireece surpassed even Kome.

you if you do not care to pay all cash. You can not find anywhere snefi reasonable prices and terms for good pianos as here. Yont yon drop in and examine our stock when you are down town? ciation. as the champion "gringo" hater. The Americans charge that he started the agitation against the "gringo" in 18SM, MYERS OFEXS MEETING.

The meeting was -opened by a long statement from Attorney Mvers, who detailed the reasons lying behind the company's act.on. The Nashville attorney submitted figures showing that within the last few years the telephone company had been steadily getting less and less revenue out of its business In this city. The figures were along a general line with those submitted by Superintendent Powell at the time the controversy between the corporation and the business firms of the city first broke out some days ago. "It has finallv come tn ruiint There are some actors, however, who RED RIVER At. LEV.

are willing to make curtain speeches. have them prepared, with numerous ref Reported Sale to Frisco Is Dis erences 10 uear oia Orleans or credited la Local Office. Meridian or Mobile, or wherever they may i iiuuc, iit-ury i. cureuer and others The first clash, as expected, occurred between Attorney Myers and Mr. Ellis.

I he latter came equiped with figures showing what the (service rented to the United irult Company here, would cost In other cities. The suave representative of the telephoue company used Mr. Ellis' figures nu.iin.-t him. but whereas the former had the brst of it in figures, the latter had a advantage in the exchange of wit end recriminations. "Never, ns long as I ni conn -ted with the United Fruit Company," air.

Ellis heatedly declared, "will I consent to the inauguration of the measured telephone servire. A system which would reouire us to pay for every call, nt uiucu per null IV. 1 'r An unconflrmable report circulated DVYESl pinno GCUPA1IT, 109 CAMP STREET, JbsI a step frera Canal St Teksasne Hate Sit among railmjad offices yesterday to the effect that the Rock Island-Frisco people be playing, and the lights are kept lowered after the principal act as a sign that he will respond to the applause if the After Once Tasting viiiueu Attorney the Louisl Myers, where the tele-1 fb of in the year ending asset or but per cent on an i ana and Navigation Myers I'uone company, Sept. 22. earned noise fiends will keep busy long enough Company.

and has been foremost in his adherence to such ldeiis ever since. This Bonilla was the leader of the revolution against President Domingo Vasqnes, who was friendly toward all Anfcrlcans. It is related of him that his war cry on the occasion when his army crossed the Niea-raguan border was "To Hell With the Gringos." Mrs. Ford on Visit Home. San Antonio, Oct 29.

Mrs. Constance Barbe Ford, at whose residence occurred the shooting of Paul EUers on Oct. 13, has gone to her home in Lake Charles. La. She was accompanied by her brother, J.

Paul Barbe. who is under Indictment on the charge of shooting Ebers, and another brother Clarence, who arrived in Sau Antonio from Lake Charles shortly after the shooting. investment which at the present time ag President Edenborn of the Navigation gregates more tnun s.wkmnio company Is out of the city, but his chief clerk stated that he had heard of no 1 negotiations pending between his road and the Frisco, and that the local office to Justify him in coming out There la one class of noise fiends that always wishes to give the star a prolonged, enthusiastic reception when he first appears, and In their eagerness to sound their appreciation very ofteu misplace their noise. At a certain performance of "Mile. Modiste" last season there was a laughable instance of this.

In the first act following the opening chorus a had r.o knowledge that tny were pending. The same information was obtained at 8 fc? a the ottictu of the Frisco system in the St. -a Charles Hotel building. I. T.

Preston of the New Orleans Terminal Company, in td Cs which the Frisco system has a large in "3 liie increase in the extent of the telephone business in the citv was gone into thoroughly and the attorney pointed out the red actions In price vf the service that had accompanied It. "When the company first took-charge It had loiio telephones and the approximate ftt was over To-day it is UUt ronfluEion, Attorney Mvers offered the disaffected private exchange owners a choice of the following three proposi Jons, all ot which were rejected: 1. Minimum charge, embracing switchboard, operator's set, three inside stations, one talking trunk line, together with necessary power connections, per month S27. Each additional inside station, per month 55.50. Each outside station within one mile, circuit mileage, of P.

B. per month Eneb outside station beyond one mile, circuit milejice. of tenest, said the only information he had 1 1 una would enable the telephone companv to collect for calls we did not get." "Oil, no," Attorney Mvers protested. 'Ton are entirely wrong." Mr. Ellis We would never tiiiuk of a thing to charge you for a call you did not get.

The natural tm the part of your operator, if she made any mistake at all, would be to forsret to mark up calls that were made instead of pegging two calls where there had been none." "MARKS UP WITH FORK." "Oh, that's ail right." Mr. F.llis retorted with aided heat. "The operator makes mistakes now. and when she does plic marks it up with a fork." meaning tlwt there were several marks for everv cull. This S.ll!y brotlL-ht forth a etnmi nf aliouf -the mutter was the street rumor.

and that if any negotiations were pending 1 between the two companies he Knew abso- lutly nothing ahout it. At the offices of Jail Prisoner Casght In Fire. Montgomery, Oct. 29. A special to the Advertiser from Enterprise, sajs: Leroy Brown, a prisoner In the city Jail at tris place, was burned to death at an early hour this morning when the jail building was completely destroyed by fire.

Aerie Goins. another prisoner, set the building on fire in order to escape. Brown both the Frisco and the Navigation com pany, sometimes known as the Red River Line, aoutit was expiessea as to tne an thenticity of the report, that doubt being co one -wants an cld-fash ioned cod liver cil preparation or emulsion, because Vinol is a much better bodybuilder and strength creator for old people, weak children, and for coughs, colds, bronchitis, etc. If it does no good we will return your money. May's Drag Stor KEW ORLLUS, UU based tinon tne status ot otner omce at fairs ttiat would lead the officials to be was locked In a cell in a separate part of the jail and was burned alive before he Innchrer, and It was severnl minutes be- could be rescued.

A sheriff posse is jore qu.ei wa( restored. Mipeniiteiident Powell was pl.ihily nettled, and he took a hand iu tiie controversy. after Goins, who made good his escape. Payne's 14,000 Tnrns Up. Richmond, Oct.

29. W. J. Payne "I should like to inform Mr. Ellis." be and Introductory speeches a man anj woman, the latter gorgeously gownetl, dash on to the stage to an orchestral accompaniment.

The woman probably had a half dozen lines throughout the play and carried one of the least important parts, but Immediately she appeared the noise fiend got busy, others followed suit under the Impression that she was the prima donna, and she received a reception hardly second to that accorded Fritzl Scheff when the latter did appear and was recognized. It is not the best plays and finest sc-tors that receive the most applause. Noise is not a true indication of appreciation of histrionic ability. As a proof of this one has only to attend a vaudeville performance. It is the noisy acts with a whirlwind finish that receive the greater part of the applause, while other superior acts, very often the headllner.

may receive comparatively little. This Is not for lack of appreciation, but merely because ttere is more opportunity for waking a noise. Mdd net per anum for each quarter mile or fraction thereof, circuit mileage beyond the first mile. 2. The subscriber purchase outright at the actual cost thereof anv equipment we may have upon the premises, or if the subscriber does not desire to purchase our equipment he mav install his own equipment, and In either case maintain the equipment, after which, and lieve the report emanated from unreliable sources and would prove to lie unfounded.

This Is not the first time that such a report has been set afloat. About three years airo those who were responsible for the statements had the transfer actually made, but it was officially denied at that time and also on a subsequent occasion, about two years ago. NOTES AND PURSOXALS. cnea, "twit tue teiepuone companv would the Richmond financier, who was said to I lis have been robbed of a handbag containing no more think of chargine him for calls be did rot eet thnn Mr. Ellis would think of charging Us customers for bananas he did not U.I in stocks and bonds while on a "What's more, we wouldn't throw our Pullman letween Washington and Wilmington, Monday night, denies the robbery.

He admits that his bag was HI under proper contract, we will make connection with the P. B. X. upon the following terms: We will furnish such number of trunk lines needed to properly handle the business and will chanre five misplaced, but says he found It almost ADACH Where Tliey Are and What They -Are Dotiitc. W.

Gibson, formerly traveling account- bulimias into the river when we failed to ore the I'li'-e we v-snteil." ne whispered to Attorney Mvers In a half audible aside, as a parting thot. "OU. well, as to that." Mr. Ellis an swered. "there is a material difference le tween my business and yours.

People have to use vtmr telephone service, or iro with 01 immediately. Mexico's Indian Women. Modern Mexico. ents for each outward local message until the subscriber shall hnv wnf fikiiant with the Texas and Pacific Railroad such iLessages per month in case we fur-1 Company in this territory, has resigned "It "mI to accept a similar position with the EI such messages per iponth for ea. ndili The beury of Indian women Is one of the charms of Mexico.

In the capital, where tht Indian has degenerated thmttcli poverty ami menial enire, it in less to be remarked than tn the smaller, town and In the country. But 5 fUN I'aso Southwestern, with headquarters at My father ad ben a sofforar from ate taadaeh ths laai twantr-flr jn and Mn found any if antil oa bacaa lkii( your Cascarau. Sine UKinf t'aaeareia kaa Barer ka4 haadaoiia. They kava antiraly cared him. macareta do what jon raeommead them do.

I DIGESTION AND HEALTH. tbmal al king trunk line, after which we will charge three cents for each local message. Upon this basis we would not require the subscriber to Kend nv Nobody nefd fear consumption, kidney disease, liver trouble or a weak heart mH' number of messages, hut will assume i na priTueg nsr a aVaU ttickaoa. tm at, Wn-Uaa ajrUt. 1 nd.

Several years ago Marguerita Sllva appeared In vaudeville. Few women on the stage are more attractive or. have more beautiful voices, yet she received less applause after her songs than did the tramp comedian who followed her act and who left the stage to a blare of brass ijd nervous El Paso, Tex. W. II.

Ouigsr. assistant general freight agent of the New Orleans and Northeastern, was at Baton Rouge yesterday, transacting railroad business before the Louisiana Railroad Commission. IT. M. Gaines, surierintendent of the Pnllman Palace Car Company at the City the risk incident to making the invest the bemitlfnl faces one takes 1b memory away from Mexico are those of Indian women.

Fine Tea are univirsal a-jd, what one hardly experts, fine features, according tn Caucasian landanls broad browa. atralsrht noaea. well-formed moo' ha and china full tmt not rro or heavy. The exprrsaion is ery generally in- I system as long as the and the stomacii able to and the stomacii able to Is soi Llnstmments. whipping himself In a sim and often one Is struck, both In Indian men and women, with the mobility and refinement of the countenance.

One frequently aeea typea amonr the im that aeeuis to Tor CAMOV CATtUUtTaS ulated effort to make himself hurry. B'83 r'c1 ue neany your appreciation or a good play and good acting. It Is only due actors that yon should. They work hard to amuse you and to hold your attention, and It Is only fair if they succeed in their ment to nrovide anl maint-m the trunk lines. If the subscriber will guarantee to send each and everv month SS3 local messages for encn trunk line furnished we will make thr r.ito for loc-il messages three cents each.

A local measure is conversation of five minutes o-less duration between the private branch exchange and any telephones of this com-prnv within the city of New Orleans The number of trenk lines to be fnr-nlsed determined bv the company front a traffic sti'dy in cither proposition rates quoted for the use of the oqnipment as per proposition No. 1. or for the ne of the equipment In connec-ton with measured service are srross, end if paid quarterly In advance fifty cents per month discount will be allowed on each telephone, including the operator's et The rates for local messages are iiepiy wuoiesouie rood. 1 hmistiuil have form of stomach 'tou'-iH ai.ti rof" know it. They ascribe the hea incite, the languor, nervousness, s'iu iiaipi.

constipation and to some other cause one. Get your digestion on 'lie risin track and the heart trouble. Ir.v.vr li-r disease or nervous will rapidly disappear. The safest wav to guard against these troubles is to get into the habit of using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. One or two -f thew taken after meals will prevent wuring, fermentation and aridity and comrlete digestion and assimilation Sold by druggists ot 50c a box.

Write for free sample package to A. Stuart CG Stuart Marshall Mich. 2S Ifr 5 r.f Mexico, is In the city, a guest of the 1 cnehaud. H. H.

LeRoy. assistant comptroller of the New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad, has gone to Indiana, where he will rest and re' uperate, spending the greater part of his time at French Lick and West J. K. Ridgeley, division pa-ensrr agent of the Louisville and Nashville Company, has gone to Atlanta, to attend the sessions of the Southeastern Passenger Agents' Association. Prescription No.

L851, by Elmer Amend, will not cure all complaints, but It will cure rheumatism. Ads- Delom to aome highly civilized ancient cante an Fsrrptlan priest of royal blood, a Roman centurion, an Axtec Emperor. The women are eently lovely where they are beantlful, and the men at their best in carriage, in manners and in countenance are nrrlklnzlv like the very adraaced product of civilization. The pear tree will continue bearing fruit for several centuries. yielding fruit in abundance when at least S)0 years old are not uncommon.

They ere much loneer lived than the apple, which rarely lasts mora than 100 to ISO jeax efforts yon should give some sign of approval. If there is opportunity for applause, applaud thi-ra If their efforts are worthy; If it is no time for applause give 6 'c OrtKa. me, 2Sc. We. Saras I aot4 ia Vilk.

Tha cannula tablet etajaswt iiU, 3 rr HUMf SM4a A them your undivided interest. a. sW org But rememlier there are times for not WWJ iaiMp ArUJU. SJLU, TEH tnLU3U CQXF applauding when you can best show jour 4.

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