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Evening Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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SPORTS EXTRA SPORTS EXTRA HPSHp jd, VOL. I-tfO 240 ATHLETIC PIRAT lAWA RUSKA BY TEUTONS; JES lyreep on Galicia Capital Marks High FTide of Germanic Victory Means Relief of Pressure by Diversion of Troops to Belgium and Sjaly. With the Bound of their grant artillery which hammered the Russians Rnt of. the Prxemysl stronghold a month ago reverberating against the new Toljtctive of the Slav bate at Lemberg, the crest of the high tide of German Smiifary affair has been mounted. Fait of the Calictan capital is who hat taken the field to direct the final Rawa Rutka, scene of a Muscovite Ylrf.AuauMt.

has' been taken by Machenson, whose left wing has thus cut m't foe line of communication on the Vtmberg is in German hands, Berlin 'the westernmost suburb of Lemberg tit' rf I A Ffl another Oiav salient, a nrgngi Ytinlre, of the city. From the southwest Rf the target. Russians are tailing bach on their base, rrom wntcn wounaea Knii munitions are being rushed to safety. IT Expulsion of the Muscovites from their last toothoia on Austrian furrftorv will enable the Teutonic allies to entrench strongly along the Ifo'iM Poland border, keeping fkungary from future trans-Carpathian forays, and affording a tenable Slate for a summer sweeping movement northward on Warsaw. Above all, Eitecessful consummation of the Galician campaign will free vast forces Germans for service on the Franco-Belgian front and Austrians for footy on the Italian frontier.

Non-success ot the Allies in the uaraaneuet Ms already relieved Germany of necessity for reinforcing the Sultan. The Allies' contention that the WFSolley of attrition may, however, nave weignt lowara obj foil) of the enormous uerman losses iGalicia. The Russian shortage or ammunition continues a ronor pX Teutonic success in the east. French troops pave made another in their operations the WariiKiry fire of the French drove the ground. Jflt, 'salted an attack by the Germans ana Whaie also captured two lines of enemy Be heights of the Meuse.

In Lorraine the French have Rsillon. gained new positions ana tin the valley of the Fecht continues. illUTONS TAKE RAWA RUSKA; MfOW 8 MILES FROM LEMBKUta Rapture of Railway Centres Cuts Slav if' Communication on west. wr BERLIN, Juno tu Ipw ii viatnrA the eyes Biiemoerg 10 ouuuv tu 4U. v.

Kf.the Kalaer. who has taken up quarters foil; the field. fAUatro-German troops are wiinin eibv Biles of Lembcrc. A War Offlce state- Eeht this afternoon said that a strons tofte has taken tho rauroai wwh Zalklef, eight miles north of the Galician capital, while Mackensen's centre Is bat-tnHnr- iIia int Russian defenses, 11 Imllea west of the city, BUawa. lluska, capturea msi RK Husiiinna.

and on the railway leading through Zolktef, has been retaken by lelt wine, ana renorted to be falling back all along the Lemberg-Rawa. Ruska line. ftRawa Kuska lies so rmtes Bjutmgers. lis capture ui Mrmans cuts the most westerly' line ot Communication leading from wmbere uata Poland and la another siep ii Rmh'b effort to encircle the Galician Bapltal. SLThe Russians are preparing to evocuo 5b city.

A dispatch trom Frzemysl earl.y rvclments pre storming the last line of Russian ae-Effuses on a ridge miles from the city mi that Austrian shells are falling on a Efejtem suburb of the Galician capital. Pund of the artillery that smashed irrzeraxal Is audible In Lemoerg. Of RUS- Slljn Wnnnrt. hnvo hun hUrrylnB OUt 01 lUmberg. They are moving northeast in direction or tfroay, live nino Continued on Page Two, Column Four.

I THE WEATHER IHWIIUJI FAIFC III you belong to the old school of al- aacnenj it may be you cjeaucea big on your calendar today that a'- wias tne longest aay or na i. t. It tomorrow. wok It up you will find your almanac its the sunrise hour as 4:31 and ne tNet hour iw tnr about five days in beginning today. Without going racuons (nose ngures hii d.

tNMa i.a nut thra 13. matter of fact, a divergence of eeo- ery aay. ana tomorrow uftyugnt its lavorai oin in. ore several classes me tat tell! nn Amlt that flffUroM d(M hwver. wuile will tell you the wngesi aay juiy or Br UUr vat.

tii fni- nt thai. SCOrcblBg Ujt week. FORECAST PMadslBAia and vmnUy rally fair tonight, probably fol- showers TMwfatf; mmmim rotures; gentle windt, mottly FS RETAKEN NOW EIGHT FROM LEMBERG Military Affairs. momentarily expected by the Kaiser, drive on the Slavt in Galicia. triumph in the advance on Lemberg northwest.

Zolkief, eight miles from reports. Shells are bursting over ana a nerce assault is oemg nuneo mSrJs9t 1 1 mtlmm IfMIH ffl another 1 cuton column is sinning Galicia clear of invasion, protecting War wouia ena in tneir ravor mrougn imicr.u aavanca or one mar rumi- region north or Arras. me nerce Germans bach in the latter attempts capture omc pn.nB. trenches the Calonne sector, on MACKS? MISERABLE FIELDING ASSISTS YANKS IN SCORING Score at End of Ninth Is 6-6 Locals Have Number of Chances to Score, But the Pinch Hit Is Lacking. SHIBB PARK.

June 21. The Athletics presented a crippled team against the Yankees this afternoon, as Jack Barry is out of the game for several days with a badly bruised hand. He was hurt sliding. Into second on' Saturday. Mack sent Conway, the Geqrgetown et.rhrb;T.eranndyfBau: fnan recced him.

while Cooks Is also on the Injured list, and Cree went to right field and High went to centrefield. Tinbe Bressler was sent to the mound went back against the Athletics. FIRST INNING. SnInW pSpIuU No runs, one hit, no errors. SECOND INNINC ci fanned.

Cree fanned. HarUell No runs, no hits, no errors. THIRD INNING. Nunamaker to left. Keating a't third High JSSV second.

rA' Malset la.keddrprtUrfeUhfVa meS to SttSfc Two runs, three htu. K0D1rfa'nned. Bressler fanned, Walsh vMla and dlid stealing, Nunamaker to FOURTH INNING. Hertsell beat out a bout Bjun to rluht. Hartwi Nusamaker baat out a bust.

SUtog tb. base. ww 'Alnla Mrt. By. Baunaa and bSd.

worlag Nunamaker, oaten. High going to third, alter ins ih IDYffi MANY SEARCH FOR DEAD AT ATLANTIC CITY Hunt Along Shore and Under Pier Pilings for Bodies of Three Philadelphians. Thirteen Drownings When 35 Persons Are Swept to Sea by Vicious Currents Seven of the Lost Are Residents of This City. Scores of persons are searching the shore and under the plor pilings at Atlantic City today for tho unrecovered bodies ot persons who lost their lives yesterday when 35 bathers wero swept out to sea by treacherous under currents and 13 drowned. Rumors persist that more bathers perished than at first reported, and ot least ono man, a Fhtladel-phlan, Is believed to have drowned, although his name Is not on the list of known dead.

Seven of the persons drowned at Atlan- HIS SENTENCE COMMUTED TO LIFE TERM i. i iv. RtntA Prison Farm, following secretly removed from the .1. nn w.r. Philadelohlans.

In addition to these, one phlladelphlan was drowned In the Delawaro River, one ceiow u.uu-.,. ritv. one off Penusgrove. one at Fort JllWIn, one In Sandy Run Creek and one at lllverton, J. no less rescues woie made yesterday.

Among the unrecovered bodies are those of Philip Arnold. 2U3 Spring Garden or attorney. S10D Soruco street, and Frank Brlgham. 1481 Bpnipw En nf wham lost faoutn pronu. their Uvea trying to save, other.

Those drowned at Atlantic City were: f(lP AHNOLB, old. SU3 BarlBI Pair3w ftreA wpio-Jloe uaBr wllh bto JOHN U8I-B. Uwynr. Hwaril, o' 3vb SpIUe tiwt. Efi a MATLACK, 801 Wllo itrH, tS ihf Maxwell Aula Omauw.

Stm yrs oM, IW- 4 V4 treS wnwloteaawt at will at UKHOW. i jSw. bl o1 Mr- Mrs- Jn JAlSSji: MeKAT ot- 0 brioham. j-ean ow. it swtt iftlSUOAM.

yrs tu, 1 IB PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNK 7 GOVERNMENT WINS COAL MONOPOLY SUIT AGAINST LACKAWANNA U. S. Supreme Court Declares Disposition of Product Through Subsidiary Concern a Violation of Law. WASHINGTON, Juno Government today won In the Supreme Court Its anti-trust suit to put the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad out of tho coal'seltlng business by alleged evasion ot the commodities clause law through a subsidiary coal-selltng company. Tho operating plan was declared Illegal.

Tho railroad's plan was salo of the coat at the mouth of tho company's mines to tho Delaware, Lackawana and Western "Coal" Company, except such as It needed for operating the road. The subsidiary company then sold the coal, transported on tho Delawaro, Lackawanna and Western lines. Tho Government contended that tho ex-cluslvo contract between the railroad and coal companies by which tho latter exclusively purchased tho railroad's coal was monopolistic and an evasion of the commodities clause act divorcing railroads from coal selling. The New Jersey District Federal Court dismissed tho Government's suit, but was reversed In today's unanimous deel- Atlanta jail early today slon of Ihe Supreme Court. In It the directors, officers and stockholders of the coal and railroad companies were de.

scribed as practically Identical. That the railroad dictates coal prices to customers of the coal company was also pointed out. Justice Lamar read the opinion of the court. He declared the railroad retained an Indlreot Interest In the coal and by means of Its contract could control prices at New Tork. The court plainly Indicated that the contract was monopolistic and directed the Government to bring new proceedings against the Delaware, Iaokawanna and Weetarn to step Ua alleged unlawful saheioe of seJlisg coal.

HOPE FOR CAJUNETTI AND DIGGS Supreme Court PoWas to Review "White Slave" Case. WASHINGTON. Jvuw a-VSa Supwwe Court today reVersad Ua ruling refusing torevlew conviction of Drew Camlnettl, son of the Inwusrattiw ooiumlssloner, ujider white slave preoillnga, Today It agreed to take up osute and also that of Maury I DlgfW. CamlnetU's companion In tneir escapeae. fitnwtaral lauaber paw, wiwawt ftnwtarai jauaosr 'rTir.

,7 21, 1915. Corinont, HIT FRANK SPARED AT LAST HOUR; MUTTERS Governor Commutes Sentence of Convicted Slayer to Life Imprisonment. Fearing Lynching, Officials Keep Action Secret Until Prisoner Is Smuggled From Jail Mob Tries to Visit Governor. ATLANTA, Juno 2L-Tho death sen-tonco of Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil Factory, convicted slayer of 15-year-old Mary Phagan, an employe of tho factory, was commuted to llfo Imprisonment by Governor John M.

Slaton shortly beforo midnight. Fearing an attempt to storm the Jail, drag Frank from the grim old "Tower" and lynch him, tho authorities suppressed the announcement of the commutation until the prisoner had teen smuggled from the prison and rushed In an ambulance to the railway station, whence he was taken by train to Macon. Tho Journey from Maaon to tho State Prison Farm at Mllledgevillo was made by automobile. As a precaution against surprise by any angry citizens that might have anticipated the Governor's action and the secret removal ot the prisoner, Sheriff Man gum filled the ambulance with armed deputies, who stood ready to stand oft a mob. The ambulance ruse was carried out until tho train drew out of Atlanta.

Frank, on a stretcher, covered with white linen, was carried Into the car. The wisdom of the extraordinary precautions taken by tho authorities was made manifest this morning almost beforo daybreak. As the' news spread that the Frank sintenca been commuted smuggled from the Jail a muttering crowd gathered. By 9 o'clock hundreds ot men thronged the downtown streets, their numbers rapidly Increasing and their maledictions upon Frank and tho Governor becoming more violent minute by minute. Police- Continued on Page Three, Column One WAGNER RAPS OUT HOME RUN JUST FOR A STARTER Mayer in-Box Against Babe Adams in Pittsburgh.

Latter Begins in Good Shape on the Mound. Pirates Score in Second. FORBES FIELD, Pittsburgh, Juno 21. Tfle Pirates were when Grover Alexander pitched as Cincinnati on Saturday, as they feared he might go In against them again today, but they are not out of the woods by any means, with Mayer, Rlxey and Chalmers available for duty. Manager Moran had them all warming up and finally picked Mayer to hurl home the eighth victory of the trip to five defeats.

Fred Clarke trotted out Babe Adam and George McQuillan to look them over and gave Adams the engagement. FIRST INNING. Bancroft filed to Hlnchman. Byrne out, Balrd to Johnston. NIehoff singled to third and went to second on Balrd's wild throw.

Cravath filed to Carey, No runs, one hit, one error. Carey lined to Cravath. Collins popped to Luderus. Balrd doubled over first. Hlnchman out, Mayer to Luderus.

No rune, one hit, no errors. SECOND INNING. Wagner threw Luderus out at first. Becker fanned. Whltted nled to Carey.

No runs, no hits, no errors. Wagner hit over Whltted's head for a home run. Vlox walked. Vlox out stealing. Killefer to Bancroft.

'Johnston h. flolit fnul linn. aoutjieu uvmi fouled out to Byrne. Bancroft threw Adams out One run, two hits, errrS- THIRD INNING. Vlox threw Killefer out at first.

Mayer fanned. Bancroft filed to Collins. No runs, no hits, no errors. Carey lined to Becker. Collins hit by a pitched ball.

Collins out stealing. Killefer to NIehoff. Balrd Hoed to NIehoff. No runs, no no errors. FOURTH INNING.

Byrne tripled to centre. NIehoff fanned. Cravath popped tp Wagner. Luderus went out the same way. No runs, one hit.

no ''NIehoff threw Hlnenroan out. Wagner fouled to Byrne. Vlox walked. Johnston sjnriid to right. Vlox racing to third.

Otta singled to left, Via ewrtpg. JohMtoa going to third, Gfcww MlS to Meoad on Becker's errojf. pepped Bancroft. One rua. tw alts.

oro Charity AVorker Goes to New York William Bradford Buck, first secretary of the Public Charities Association of Philadelphia and superintendent of Krt tafUt-Uw T.ZtZi baa cbosm iHaad. Vork, We to WPH TAT iMIWam VWWMIHl JE-ID fiTvaMttM Mala rSyi in Mslae. lets, xn Pbsuo LtMra Cohimxt. BOX ATHLETICS-NEW. YORK GAME ATHLETICS li a NEW YORK a Wnlsh, of, 3b mrtmk, rf, of Lnrip, Oldting', If, sa MclnnlB, lb Comvfiy, Ob Mnlonc, 2b Kopf, 18 Brewler, Lftjole, 8b Davlel; It p.

1 2 0 1 1 2 2 4 0 8 0 1 0 0 1 0 0I, 0 0 307 1 0. 0 0 0 11 1 0 113 10 3 2 0 0 0 1,0 -p o2 -or o(Mt 'bt'O, 0 0 .0 '7 Totals TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORES NEW TOBK, 1st g002 4- 0-0 0-0 O- 94 ATHLETICS 000 14 0 0 10 17 6 IS Keating and Nunnmnkcr; Bressler and Eapp. NEW YORK, 2d. ATHLETICS PHILMES 0 0 0 1 PITTSBURGH 0 10 10 0" Mayer and Killefer; Adams nnd Gibson. AMERICAN LEAGUE -1 '0 .0 1.08 .12.2 WASHINGTON- -O -020r- 3 6 2 Henry.f WASHINGTON FEDERAL LEAGUE.

OO 0(1. oop 6: CHICAGO BALTIMORE ST. LOUIS 5 1 0 0 BROOKLYN OOKLYN 1 Q.00:" Davenport and Homey; and Land. PITTSBURGH NEWARK 0 0 0 6 6 KANSAS" CITY 3 6 BUPFAEO rppAEO 2 O' 0 0 -a- Cullop and'Easterly; Bedleat'and tBlalr. Qtjicir POLICE INVESTIGATE DEATH OF WOMAN IN HOTEL The "police of thjs-clty are Investigating the of -woman found lying on the floor of a hotel nt 126 North 10th street early today.

She came to the hotel accompanied by' a man InBt night, tho pair registering as Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gabler, of Norristovm. Although the woman is helieved to have from natural causes, every." effort. Is made to find her c'ompaulon, who disappeared during the night.

i SLAV ATTACKSIN SHAYLI REGION REPULSED BERLIN, June 21, In the SHavli" region and along the upper Dubissa several strong.Russian attacks haye been repulsed, the War Office 1000TJI BOY WANTS FAHMJOD Dr. T. P. Garber Receives Great Number of Applications, The 1000th boy who wants a Job as farmhand this summer put In his application today with Dr. John P.

Garber. associate superintendent of public shools. There has been a scramble for the positions ever since it was announced that the Board of Education would- act as a medium for finding boys fqr farm and farm lobs for boys. Bchool will be "out" Wednesday and then the active work of placing the, boys will begin. Bach prospective "hired man" must obtain a recommendation from hi principal and a labor certificate from the Bureau of CompulsSry Education.

He must be at least 11 years old and must pass a physical examination, showing that hay-tossing, "tailing" a thresher and gathering eggs will not too strenuous. "My only fear Is that there will he more boys than jflb, said ptor Garber "The work will be profitable as well as healthy A take Jh boy away from the city pw State Grange 5 ing farjaera who bBWer-the liar-vest and we shall be glad to the names of aay aueh farmers." The Kenslngtonian Says: yrd WMtthtad urtU be one the Mmplre at Class Field Day next Salmiiau in CoUmguuood, N. I. Fred i has a6o seven thousand fnends to-day. Sd have bee wna'nj kc.

iMm.iiii mi, nilltl pbicib osrn cent nigh, tt Pecklnp'eli, 68 Jrlnlsel, 3b Cree. rf Baumnn, 2b Nunamajler, Seating, 2 2 10 0 0' 0 2 3 2 0 1 0 1 0 0.1,11 0 1. ,0 2 il 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 8 1 0 1 0 6 21 Totals 9 07 12 4 SM r- EifWt. YOUNG TOWER'S WIFE GETS HER DIVORCE Oaugjiter-in-law of Former Am bassador Wins Deeree on Charge of "Dm ertion. Mrs.

Georgtenna Burdksk Tower, waa granted a dhforse today In Coanftoo Piwa Court No. 5 from Charlemagne Tower, sgn qf.h former Ambassador to Germany. The divorce was jft the charge Of desertion ana we paper Impounded? The ot CharlemsgBe Toww, ad la He iWeutMuoefUll. stirred PnJl4A and Nej' fork aeclety. Misa iWfc was at flat tlra well known on elaa.

Tower, was an undergraduate at YWa. AROa aiapl WW added ta ib October I. when un Uim mtoatltuted a autt for Ckartomaane Tower, hr tUr--la, the alieaatloa "I hbd-, sS-(aettona. young couple art ttvafl to fc alieal N-tVS cr-i4 mawBl 4w llylns tkat Mm Qmtmit- -Tower was bj wii The allenst.uu auit agat Tower ww p.taeled o( guilty i fcs crsB atl was adnnltaj tft ban ur lb fur v- to 'JiakjOllS mTiWm ammmi r. CM4 3Wrtffe ttP jw 1.

A a ua 4k Xt jmm.

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