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Evening Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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FINANCIAL EDITION i NIGHT EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA ituemn VOL. 1 IVO. 188 PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, A PHIL 21, 11)15. CotimoHTr I91S, tnt TcfiLio I.rroEii COllrAVt. PKICE ONE CENT LOCAL OPTION BILL IS DEFEATED BASEBALL GAMES TURKEY INVADED BY ALLIES; 20,000 TROOPS LAND AT ENOS; CZAZ FORCED FROM TARNOW Allied Army Disembarked at Seaport' on Aegean Coast Dardanelles Defenses of Constantinople, Berlin Reports Heavy Bom-j bardment by Fleet Covers Action.

The Allies liaic landed 20,000 tumps at Unas, on the Gulf of Unas, vest of the Gulf of Saro3, for an attack on the land side of the Dardanelles forla, defending Constantinople. Mote tianiports hate sailed from the Island of fr, tcmuos. The landing teas effected while the Anglo-l'icnch fleet maintained a heavu hombttrtlment of the Tut Mill foils and masked battel les. This infor- motion enmes from TScilln. Enos is a staport j7 villa noi th of the alliance to the Dardanelles.

It Is connected tilth Constantinople by tallroad, blanches of which alio run Into Galllpoll peninsula. I All dlsnatchcs arc hcavllii icnsatcd. but rcpoilv Indicate that a meat at- lault on the Ottoman positions it under nay. Should the landing parti be able to maintain its position additional troops, now under way, will reinforce them. Constantinople repot Is that the bombaidment of the Dardanelles teas rc-netted from the Gulf of Satos and a.

fleet of destroyers tiaa fiom the ttralls, Austilan atllllcry, reaching Tamow In the Teutonic adiancc fiom the Dutiajcc and Iilala. lllvcrs, in ucstcrn Gallcla, have fatted the evacuation of that Important Gallclan railway centre, located jj miles cast of Cracow and used as the Slav base against this gateway Into Silesia Launching of a drive between the Xida and Pillca Itivcts, in southwestern Poland, admitted in. today's oUieidThnllctln fiom J'ctioyiad, is connected with the fresh Germanic activity at 'lainow and augment', the rapidly developing trans-Carpathian offensive. A gcnaial campaign to divcit hostile operations from Hungary and to repeat last fall's Teutonic tweep into Poland Is in progicss. Kusslans, forced out of scleral Vszok Vast heights, hale icctiplurcd Iheie positions, according to reports circulated In Gcneia.

The defenders lost 18,000 men In the conflict. Germany has lushed GOO.OOO men to Die Carpathian fiant to cheek the iprltw onset of a Slav host of tceiics hulled against Hungary's gates. Further piogicss in thcii driic tint made by the Ftench, and in the Wocvrc they tepulscd scicial attacks 1'icnch air sriuadious aided Alsace tonus and destroyed German supply depots. Several noncombatanti acre killed. IIIOOI'S LAM) FOR ATTACK ON DARDANELLES FORTS BDItLlN.

vVprll 21. T.nK- ( KnRllsli and French iltwwwlisve bom landed near linos. Kuro-Vr 1 Turkcj foi land attack upon the Dardanelles foits, accoicuns to a censored dispatch minted In the tuROs Zeltmis The Inndlns was effected after a heavy cannonade the Turkish batterle3 and the Allies' warships The dispatch printed bv the raitcs Zeltunf? was mutilated by the ccnsoi, who ttn deleted Its place ot orlRln AnothT dispatch, from Allien, sajs Concluded on rase Tour, Column Two THE WEATHER The spring shower, the trademark of the month of 'April, put In an appearance, with a cnscance yesterday m. Even If you have been follow Ins these weather talks from day to day and discussing the place In the universe- of weather conditions, and liavo agreed ulth us that In the great scheme of things thev were not of supremo Importance, perhaps this same Bpring shower altered your convictions. Were jcu Jltting homeward at the time and did jou get thoroughly wet before the Jltjockey could get his top up? Or were jou-stlll Jltting at the bottom of a four-ply Jig pile with six or seven lujers of humanity between you and the dampness outtlde? If you were tho former perhaps It cost jou the price of jour new spring tweeds And If It did that you must agree tbat weather can matter enormously at limes.

An how It showered nnd May flower tradition is Justified. FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicinity-Fair tonight; Thursday increasing moderate winds, mostly northeast. For details, see page 2, Observations at Philadelphia 8 A. M. fjuonnler SOS3 WM North, miles ffk Cleir vl.ufiVl0', uu hou" jlatrauin ttroperat'u're J) uulmum temperature On the Pacific Coast jrF'lco, raining, St f-tsa Dlo 'vv eatber.

cloudy: ol Almntine nF fhn Tlav I tl pro. ln rliea tomorrow icts tomorrow Lamna to He Lichted 'Ante, and uther Tehlcle 7:00 p. m. The Tides PORT RICHMOND.

Igrtnater water 6 04 a.m. 2 OS a m. 7Jla.m. K(a ater tomorrow CHESTNUT STREET WHARF. "li nater tomorrow iHS water tomorrow IMim 7.23 a.m.

Ttsrv ici lun water to p.m. I 11 a .10 Ma.m Wm water tomorrow waur tomorrow BREAKWATER. atr tsAarraw for Drive Against FOE'S HOT BOMBARDMENT FORCES SLAVS FROM TARNOW BURLIN, April 51. Tarnow, the Important Gallclan city IS miles cast of Cracow, which was lost by the Austrians several months ago, has been evacuated by the Russians, according to dispatches from Vienna to-daj These niHIces state that ull Russian troops were withdrawn to avoid tho effects of the heavj lire of Austrian artll-lerj In ought up to bombard the town Tho Russians still bold positions cast of Tat now, which havn not et been occupied by tho Austrians. The Austro-German offensive, resumed about a week ago, Is making evident progress.

Tho advance from the Duna-lec and Blala Rivers, to protect Ciucow on tho west Vand DuMa Pass on the south, has pushed Its vanguard and uitlllcry to T.irnow, one ot the most important railway centres In Gallcla, tho evacuation of which Is a se vere loss to the Cz.n Trie Germanic allies' offensive in the Ktrjj Valley, north of I'szok Pass, In Its constant gains, menaced Tnrnovv from the west The evacuation Is a distinct triumph for German stratesj as It Is a token of a program of Catpathian defense of obvious achievement. TRANSPORTS OFF ANATOLIA PREPARE TO LAND TROOPS CONSTANTINOPLK, April 21. British and French warships havo renewed their attack on tho Dardanelles and great fleet of the Allies' transports Is maneuvring off tho Anatolian coast between Tenedos and Mltjleno awaiting a favorable opportunity to land troops. Tho bombardment of the Dardanelles forts was resumed late Monday "nfter-noon. Under cover of the warships' fire sK torpedoboats attempted to penetrate the Dardanelles, but an official statement Issued bj the War Office today states they were driven back The bombardment was kept up for two hours from the Gulf of Saros, and was resumed the next day for more than live hours A heavy fog then forced the to cease their operations.

The official btatement from the War Ofllcsajs two of the torpedoboats were damaged by the return Are from the Turkish forts, and that one Is believed to have been sunk Five bittleslilpa and seven cruisers comprised the attacking fleet in the operations of Monday and Tuesday. TEUTONS LAUNCH NEW DniVE UPON SOUTHWESTERN POLAND Attacks on Nida and Pilica Augment Resumed Galician Offensive. PETROQRAD, April 21. Renewal of fighting along the Dllca. Nlda front In southwestern Poland Is reported In official advices received from the front todav.

It Is believed that the Austro-German forces In this region have opened an offensive to co-operate with the troops on the Dunajeo River front In Gallcla. No details of the lighting have jet been received, beyond the accusation that the foe Is using dum-dum bullets. Teuton activity In Poland Just beyond the Gallcau frontier confirmed the reports from other sectors of a general Austro-Germanlc campaign of offense for protection of Hungary. The developing Trans-Carpathian battle now rages in the StrJ Valley south of Lemberg. in the Punajec-Blala Rivers zone, west of Cracow, and In the Polish region watered by the Pilica and the JVIda, which flows southward Into the Vistula near the entry of the northerly flowing Dunajec.

Operations on these rivers connect the various fronts related to Tarnow, Cracow, PMeroysl and lumber Apparently the Auatro Germans, under their new German leadership, are preparing a repetition invasion of Poland from UI lj i.i.i. It. th S9UtH ana l3i IM t9 tt fr ot Warsaw. 3 HURLED FROM AMBULANCE AS IT HITS AUTOMOHILE Two Drivers From Episcopal Hospital Hurt Interne Uninjured. Two drivers and phjsklan were tluown to the sheet nnd nniroivlv caped serious Injury this morning, when an ambulance from the LIplscopnl Itospl tal sldcwlped tnuiin? car at lth mid Merits streets and stiuck an Iron fence surrounding the Cemetery.

IMpnr flush, the ambulance driver, mid Voihnuier. his assistant, were tut by broken kIhss and bruised. Dr. Charles Do an Inleriip escaped unhurt The touring tar, diKen bv Walter Soll-dav, of North intli mrcet, wns dam-nKed, and Kolldav suffered from shock Hush and orlinuei uric taken to the Episcopal Hospital in a patiol from the Mth and Derks streets slatlon BIDDLES' INVITATIONS TO WEDDING LOST IN POSTOFFICE MUDDLE Old Friends Thought They Had Been "Slighted" in Failure to Be Asked to Attend Marriage of Miss Biddle to Angier Duke. Scores of pel sons prominent in Philadelphia socletv, who had iintkip.itctl being asked to the wedding of Miss Cordelia Hlddle to Angler Uiteliiinan Duke, of New Vork.

son of the wealthv tobacco man. which will take place beic nevt Wednc-riav, did not leeclve Imitations and felt thev had been slighted Theso worried pcisoiiH were rc.issuted today when they reielved a fuiiiuil pi intcd announcement fiiim Mi and Mis A Hrexel Riddle, the paicnts of Miss Riddle announcing that the Inv Itntlans had been mailed on xpill but thill a great number of them had been lost In the Philadelphia postnllko It Is undei stood that more than 2" per cent, of the Invitations, which numbered several thousand, had goins astray in this manner. The indited announcement said .11. and Mri A ,1 Dtcxcl lliddtr beg to inform you that an fiuffolion to their dauijhtci's wedding teas mailed to you on April the second. ,1 great many nf the Imitations hale been tost, in Hie poslofPcr, and as one turn sent you, thii caul will admit yon to the i hutch on April the twenty-eighth at four nirf fn-tiln you aftertiards to 210) Walnut street.

Philadclvhia, Apt it snth, 111, Mr. and Mis Riddle htisplclons that something had gone wumg In the delivery of the Invitations wtre (list aroused Conrluilpd on I'iik" Two, Column Six TUCKER REFUSESPLEA OF MILLER TO FORGIVE 'I Hope You Get What You Deserve," Says Detective to Weeping Prisoner. A wish that Jacob Miller, "Doggie Miller," receive no ineicy -was expressed toda by Detective Harry Tucker, in th Episcopal Hospital, after Miller, handcuffed to two detectives, had pleaded nt tho detective's bedside for forgiveness Miller, nccompanled by five detectives, was taken from his cell In Moyamenslng Prison to the Episcopal Hospital, after physicians had Informed Captain ot Do-tectives Cameron that tho wounded man had no chance to live When Miller entered the ward Glenn was silting near Tucker's cot. "You wretch, this Is jour work." said Magistrate Glenn, looking at the prisoner. "My God, 1 did It; jes, I did it." replied Miller "Do ou know this man;" Detective IM- llch asked Tucker, as he pointed his finger at Miller, whobo hair was dlshevtled and who.

bv this time, was crjlng. Tucker looked nt Miller, who stood lit front of his cot "Yes. I know him he Is the man who shot unswered Tucker. Then Tucker made another ante-mortem statement. In which ho accused Miller of shooting him.

After the statement had been read to him, the wounded man was asked to sign it. A pen was placed in his right hand "I am In terrible pain and can't hold the pen." said Tuclter After Tucker had touched the pen, his Btatement was signed for him As the pen was taken from his hand, Tucker said he wanted to die soon "May God bless jou. Tucker." said Miller "I hope jou will be better soon. "Forgive me, old man, 1 am sorry for my act," Miller added, stretching out his hand to the wounded nran. "I hopo you get what j-ou deserve," answered Tucker.

"Will jou let me shake jour hand?" asked Miller. "Now forgive me, won't jou?" pleaded Miller. "(yet me alone, I hope you get what you deserve," said Tucker again At this time he appeared to be In Interne agony. CHILD DIES FROM BURNS Playing With Matches Ends Fatally for Little Girl. Careless plajlng with matches proved serious to another little victim jester-day, when Anna Kimmerle, the 3-year-pld daughter of Mr and Mrs.

Fred Kimmerle, was fatally burned at her home. Tulpehocken and Ogontz avenues. An auto ambulance from tho Ablngton Hospital, two and one-halt miles from the little girl's borne, made a record-breaking run with hor, but she died a few moments after being placed on the operating table. Head tolr UHcrtln artleU JWWfcf eas. Read today's Lolcrtln arileU pa Taota LOCAL OPTION BILL DEFEATED IN HOUSE AFTER BITTER DEBATE Day of Excitement Ends With Reverse for Champions of Local Self -Government Representatives of Rum Interests Fiercely Attack Governor Brumbaugh.

ROOSEVELT TESTIFIES IN OWN WAY DESPITE COURT'S RESTRICTION Colonel Not Bound by Ruling That He Confine Himself to His Formal Answer to William Barnes' $50,000 Suit. April 21 -When Justice Andrews recessed court foi luncheon todnv. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt had testlllcd for live telling why he thought William Haines, of Albinj, was coiruptloulst And the colonel had onlj got started 'I he lid that Justice Andrews nppnrent-l put on the defense's line of inquiry, when ho tilled that Roosevelt lould not go outside his formal answer to Dames' fijO.Kn) suit, was a flimsy affair. 'I he foi met President was allowed to tell almost cvtrj thing he wanted Ho trstilled that he read and used ni tides from two New York in which It was alleged that Ilarncs and Murphy united to control the legislature at Albanj. Attorney Ivlns moved that the aiticles be stricken out 11111084 Roosevelt fcald ho believed them Hue.

Attorney Howeiw asked Colonel Roosevelt If ho believed the articles true "I believe them absolutely," said the Colonel 'Docs that npplj to jour conversations with Senators Davenport, Now-cmnbe and Hlnmnn?" "I bellovu all they told me absolutclj," Mild Mr. Roosevelt. INFORMED OF COLLUSION. Tho Colonel then was allowed to tcstl-fv tint Senator New combe told him "tile Names Republican Senators" and "Murphy Democrat Senators" had combined ngalnet tho Hughes Independent Senators to defeat the hiprimary hill in 1910 nnd to elect P. Allds president of the Senate Ncwcombe told me that Allds not onlj' was made president of the Senate," tho Colonel said, "but was elected Republican floor lender of tho Senate tho Tammany votes under the control of Muiphv and the leadership of Senator Grndv Ivlns moved to strike out the testimony, nnd tho motion was overruled Colonel Roosevelt snt'upon the witness chair with ono foot thrown ovei his knie.

amillng broadly and biting off each word with great emphasis He talked ill-rectlj nt the Jurors and drove homo each point hv smiting his left palm with Ills tight tint When court recessed for luncheon the Colonel apparently was not fatigued by his ordeal. CONFERENCE DELAYS COURT. The opening of court was delayed hv ,1 conference In Justice, Andrews' chambers, while Mr Roosevelt and Mr. Uarnes waited about, talking to newspaper men. Justice Andrews met William M.

Ivlns, Concluded on Pilar Two, Column Three CONGRESSMAN SHOT DEAD; NO iUN FOUND; MYSTERY Five Persons in Houso With Him, But None Heard Shot. GOLDSBORO, N. April shrouds the death of Congressman John M. Falson. 3d North Carolina district, who was found dead with a bullet hole through his head at his home InNFaison eaily todaj The mj-ster lies in the fact that no weapon whs found near the scene, and though five members of the family were sleepers In the house last night, all said they heard no shot during the night Some advance the Idea that Falson committed suicide and lived long enough to conceal the weapon before he expired.

Poor health is assigned as a motive. PARENTS ABANDON CHILD Five Weeks' Old Baby in Care of Police Matron Viola Meyers, a S-week-old blue-ejed baby girl, deserted first by her father and later bj her mother. Is watting In the 10th and Bottonwood streets police station today In care of the matron, while the police Is searching for her parents. Mrs. Marie Mejers, the mother of the little girl, came to a rooming house at 681 North 11th street, conducted by Mrs.

John Harvey, about two months ago, the police aay, with a man said to be her husband After she had been there two weeks Viola was born and the man left for the West In search of employment, he Bald. Since that time the mother and the baby have been living there alone. On Monday Mrs. Meyers left the house early In the morning Mrs Harvey heard- the baby crjlng and finally took her to her own rooms. After waiting until this rooming she decided that the mother must have abandoned the little girl and accordingly notified the police.

Circus Employe Arrested William Seraple made a falae move when he Joined the Barnum Bailey clrous tent-raising gang without figuring on a return to Philadelphia He was arrested at the circus ground, and today held under f00 bail for trial on a charge of having stolen Jtt from H. Larkln. UK North SSd street, a year ago. IIARRISnUKG. April 21 The Williams local option hill was defeated in the House this afternoon by a vote of 128 to 78.

Hv a Staff Corrr tpoiirfent HARRISHCRG. April 21 -The Williams county locnl option bill was debated for two hours In tho House of Representatives when the niensuie c.imc up nt 11 o'clock this morning on special order for final passage on third reading by the lower bianch of the Assembly Liquor dealers and Republican Organization lieutenants enmo hero from all parts of tho Stato to witness the fate of tho bill They pnrlced tho hall of the House long before the hour of 11 o'clock was reached. Representative Williams, tho of the bill, was tho llrst speaker "The people who nro sreking tho rnnct-ment of local option law are not families he said "We oro all agreed that tho liquor tiafllc that wo leg.ilizo 13 an evil. The problem Is to regulate this traffic. The Brooks high license law tins outlived Its usefulness It Is a form of mlnorllv rule No law on our stntule honks has been subject lo so many dlf- leiem interpretations In the courts "Whv not give to tho people of the I communities that composo UiIh Commonwealth the right to say hv their ballots.

1 Instenil of bv petitions 01 remonstrances, I hethei Ihev want snloons-1" I He vounded the keinoto of the arnu- ment for local option, hj asserting that the local option question Is a question of majority lule "The Keutlment In favor of local option Is stronger than anv pnrtj said Mr. Williams "If that sentiment Is not recognized, and If local option Is defeated through nnv alliance between business Interests nnd the leaders ot any party. Conrlnded mi l'nir live. Column One Sentenced for "HadRer Game" An attempt to 10b Alexander Burk. of Yoik and Tabor roads, by means of a trick known uh tho "bidgcr game," resulted In the arrest of Charles Patterson and Cora Hurtle, of 10th and Spring Garden streets, and upon .1 ple.i of guilty from the couple, thej- were sent to prison by Judgo Johnson.

In Quarter Sessions Court Patterson wn given IS months In the rountv prison nnd tho woman one year in the samo Jail "SHE IS IN AGAIN," MAY BE OUT $200 Girl Sues Ned Waybtirn, Producer of Show, for Alleged Cost of Bathtub. It has been announced Ned Wav Imrn that there nro MS holld laughs In tho girl in the bath tub show, tho official name of which Is "She'a In Agnln," at tho Broad Street Theatre. There will be only 3VJ smiles in the show, ns one laugh will be lost bj the action of Miss Olivo Gllmoie, of South street She had a foreign attachment served on New Wajbiirn, pro. ducer of the show, for a claim of $yo, and unless Wayburn produces, it Is pioh.ihle that the bath tub In tho last act, which Is one of the hits of tho offering, may be fcclzcd In lieu of the cash. This tub is real and helps to emphasize the fact that the piodiiction is clean John K.

Scott, who lias been engaged as counsel to look after Miss Gilmote'B Intel est, declined to discuss the case, but Miss Gllmoie said that she had Just reasons for taking tin li action. "I advanced tho money to Wajburu when he was hard up." she 8 lid. "and he forgot all about it when lie was on his feet. I understand, however, that It Is going to be fixed up. TO ASK WATER MAIN BIDS City Soon Starts Work on $500,000 Job in South Philadelphia, Work will be begun within the next few weeks on extensions of the water sjstem In South Philadelphia provided foi by the 5500,000 Item In the JU.300.000 loan Plans for the new mains, which will provide emplojment foi several nun-dred men during installation, have been completed by Chief Carleton Davis, of the Water Bureau Director Cooke, of the Department of Public Works today will ask proposals from contractors by advertisements for the work The plans Include a 43-Inch main on 3d street from Market street to Snyder avenue, a 35-Inch main on Snjder avenue from 3d to 21st streets and a 43-Inch main on 21st street from Snj-dr avenue to Bainbrldge street.

A 20-Inch main Is also to be laid on 7th street from Bainbrldge street to Snydet avenue. The extension will connect wRh existing mains at various points. It is believed that the contract will provide employment until January The Kensingtonian Says; Harry Oehmlg mas seen at front and Qurney streets chasing a dog. Well, it's letter to chase a dog than to chase a duck 10ST AND FOUND LOaT Diamond bar pin. platinum aettUur.

S3 diamond, probably at Broad SUwt Station about 11 15 rn. April 16. suitable rtwara. Aayia jq ji.i te ohwbwi Ofkfg QiaiilMi At Past li and NEW YORK ATOTETICS pmiiMKS NEW YOllK 1 SWAItTHMOKE 3 I'DNW AMERICAN LEAdUE BOSTON WASHINGTON FRANCE APPOINTS TREATY COMMISSIONERS TO II. S.

WASHINGTON. Apiil 21. France todny notified tho Stnto Department that it had nntnrd Louis Renault, a member of tho French Institute, nnil G.irton dc Wlntt, Ilelginn Minister of Justice, ns Its members of the can-miNt-loii tn nngotlntc one of the "Jliynn pcaco lir.iiicu" vvilh llu TJniUtl Slttleu. TEN MILKS OF FLAMES THREATEN TOWNS ATLANTIC CIT1', April SI. Menaced by flames that are sweeping nlonpr tt 10-railo ftont before Bliff northeast wind, towns and lmmlels in tho mainland woods, stretching from Absecon tuwnid Mays mo fighting; lo save themselves from being entiicly' wiped out this uUeinuou.

Reports brought, in by molor-ibtb timing' the tiny bhow llinl tlto firo-swept nrcn nab giou nlarm-iugly bittcc lat.1 and this afternoon heavy pull of umohe cau be JlbUnguigiiul fiom the higher buildings. '1000 HOGS TO BE KILLED BECAUSE OF DISEASE Tomtit thousand hogs near 31st street nnd Maiden Inne, In tho 18th Wind, will bo killed by order of tho State Livestock and Sanitary Commission ns ti lcsult of the discovery this nttemoon of foot anil mouth disease among them. Two cows, placed ntuonir the bogs by tho Stato commission, doveloped the disease, it was found today. BIG CRUISERS SIGHTED OFF NEW YORIC HARBOR NEW YORK, Apiil 21. Four of Uto most powoiful ciuisors seen hero oinco tho war began wera sighted tho onfcrance to Now York harbor this- afternoon.

GERMAN AIRMEN SHELL POLAND TOWN IN REPRISAL nnHMN. April 21. In retaliation for an attack upon the East Prussian tow 113 of lnsterbuttr and Gumblutien. German aviators havo bombarded Melobtok, un important Russian rnllvvuj cuntro southwest of Grodno. Ona liundied nnd llfty bombs wore dropped upon Hlelostolc, sajs a report from the German Genernl Staff.

CTTV OFFICIALS ARRESTED MU.MI'rllS, Tcnn. Apiil IM.Miivor H. II. Crump, of Memphis, Chief of Pollco W. .1.

Ilttjes, Police Commissioner A. L'tlej, Police Inspector O. 11. I 'en Police Seigennl At. Kfboe nntl Sheriff .1.

A. Ileichman were nnesteil hi'ie today hj- deputy Culled States mntshals, charged with contempt of cotut In having violated an injunction restraining them from molesting tho exclusion steamship J. II. Menge. The ofllclals asserted they were enforcing tho prohibition laws.

J. II. Moirlssej', owner of the ship, dented their contention, maintaining lio was thp victim of political persecution. CANADIAN PARLIAMENT TO BE DISSOLVED riT'l1AVVV Anrll VI lot nrnnipiit llament ami call a general election, which xv III probably be set for Jiine 4, CARRANZA CAPTURES GUADALAJARA SAX DIUUO, Cut, April 21. A vvlrelehs dispatch from Lapez, repot ts that the impottant city of Guadalajara has been captured by Carranza troops commanded by General Dleguez.

WIFE OF MURDERER ACCUSED OF KEEPING SPEAKEASY Geimanlown police, who itlscnveied what they said was a speakeasy on nitUnhuute street, arrested Mrs Gracti DoMasse, the proprietress, at 361 East Illttenhouso street. Mrs, DeMasse Is tho wife of Sebattlno DeMasso, -who Is hcivIiib a life sentence In the Eastern Tenltentary for killing Frank Qulnn during hold-up In Qulnn's saloon Lycoming street and Old York road, two j-eats ago, PHYSICIAN HELD FOR MAIL FRAUDS Dr. Decker Tiieble, who was arrested April 0 In Spokane, accused of using the nulls to defraud Inx-allds In different parts of the, contry was brought tu this city today In custody of postal inspectors and held In $5000 bail for a further hearing. Trleble, according to the postal inspectors, operated offices in various large cities. TWO LOADED CARS SINK IN NEW YORK HARBOR NEW YORK, April 31, Two cars loaded with merchandise were sunk today following a collision between two floats off the Battery, Several men on one; of tho floats saved themselves by jumping to the" tug towing: the float.

TROLLEY CAR COLLIDES WITH MOTORTRUCK Traffic on Walnut street near Broad was tied up tor more than 15 minutes today wsShi a trolley car struck a motortruck loaded with building; stone. Twenty passengers In the car were badly shaken by the accident, but none was hurt. BAREFOOT "PAUL REVERE" GIVES FIRE ALARM Eight-year-old Thomas Torpey ran three blocks in his bare feet to calj Engine Company No. 26, at Emerald and Adams street to his home, S37 Cora) street this morning, when a fire started by matches In the hands of his 4-year-old brother, Hugh, Ignited bedclothes In his room The firemen got Mrs. Mary Torpey's five other children out of the house and then looksd tot Thomas.

He was sitting at the flrehouse waiting for the engine to return. EARTHQUAKE SHOCK IN CALIFORNIA tfAN LUIS OBISPO, Cat, April A slight eatthtjjiake was felt tow iijaj ycy, to as Kpowa mere wis Inmlpm fn.lnv ili.nfr1r.rl In.illnQnlia no pamag 4 WWSj Ad te.

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