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Evening Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 14

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 ir, .1 mA. PMV LED TJ? MARCH 01iVl GCM EVENING PUBLIC MOf fetlV A-vy. I 1 ft 1" i ill, Ui AGAINST1 THE PITT ELEVEN, BUT IT WASfTOWARD i i 'rJ''lfe "j- JJ.t. LiS. DJk.

-rv fefc lew. 0ENN TEAM, THOUGH I lOUTCLASSED, FOUGHT GAMELY Quakers' Green Eleven Played Well Individually, bill rt a if mmtittmr i i i iiiiciiiiai Smashing Back field to Drive Through By HOUKUT W. MAXWKI.L Hporls Fditor turning I'nhllr Ledger rpHE only things which Inlcrfernl with I'pnn's wcck-onil lslt I'Uts--- liurgh werp the nivcrslty of Pittsburgh football trnm, live tniioliihnvns, four.spals and a poal from the flehl, nil nf which totnli-il 37 points. This constituted the margin of victory, or something lllc that, and pent the Red and Blue off the Held with the fourth defeat In as many ears. Out-tide of, that, however, pleasant time was had by nil.

Every time somebody genres a victory over i-nmebody elve It ruw-tomnry to dig Into the cnnneiw. grab some time-honored ppresHlon, ilut it off and apply It as snlw to the wounded feeling or thf victim. Tlien-re many such expressions which can be used In this case, the most prominent being: Went down with the mlnrs ll.ilite;. They tiled rhuic. Im! Fought valiantly to the rnd.

Tonlt a licathiK lilir men. Outfought, nutKcucraliMl, lull not oulKUiued. Defeated, hul not disgraced. Any one of these Is perml'sHile In deserlhlnR the wreck of the Iteil ftnd Blue machine on Korbes I'leld. hut the "defeated hut not disarmed" Stuff fits In better than am thine el.p.

Kvery one who saw the Kami1, even those who couldn't tell the difference between the noat posts and a IUcUoIT. Will admit that l'enn was defeated, and thou- same spectators will tell the world that the vamiulshicl elecn never stopped llshtiiiK from the Initial kick-off until the llnnl uhd-tle. tiattllnc acaniM tiememloiis odds, outclassed from the start, the Itd and ISlue disputed every Inch of the way like a fox terrier ihallcnKlnc a St. Bernnrd or a same bantnmwelqht taking a slain at Jj'k Dempsej. The result never was In doubt.

I'enn was a shot, but llltle things like that did not dampen the spirit of Captain Jim Xjjyton and hl fighting men. As the score siew larger the idayers foiiKlif harder and Showed by their every inoe that there is im di-Krace In Keltlnj; betten. TEBl'ITi; thr (o srmr, l'rnn shtm r-l mnrkrtl imiirnvrmnil both nn tin' attack anil ilefenvr. Time tucki nw the (trim seemed hopeless. Thr material irns iiieen.

tew knew ahitut the game and the looked Hie nana of srhnnl kid. It's a miisteri hoir lllll llulleibaek irhlpind that squad mln slitiie; tut he did It, and itetrivei nil of the ttlnrn ard the credit, to say nothing of the plaudits of the multitude. Pitt. Minus McLaren. Shonrrf Improvement pBNN put up a better came than Washington and which t-eans that Pitt also improved in the last week.

The Warner machine was running smoiitb.1) on Saturday and the pla.n went orf without a hitch. Knowing that John V. Helsnian, of Oenigla Tech, was in the crand stand. his edisle eye tnkinK In eer)thlns that happened on Hie Held, the T'ltt coach stuck to his old style of play. He even failed to use Mcl.aie-i.

the treat fullback, for fear nt bavins him fyPf- lhe Panthers worked without 'Irani (jiuj It must be remembered that Saturday same was the second of the Reason for Pittsburgh. A team, can set out and practice every day perfecting its plays, but It takes actual competition to set thoe off properly. In practice the men grow careless in regard to the use of lrindi and offside, and as a result are penalized severely In the games. Against W. and J.

Pitt was soaked many times for this Illegal stuff, and Saturday there, was more of the same In the first period. After thru the players settled down to their work and behaved beautifully. Another reason for the penalties Is that Pitt had the hall mot of the time, and it is the offensive eleven which commits most of the fouls. 'Pitt showed a Mg impnnement In blocking, Interfering, tackling and running with the hall. The famous reverse play was as bewildering as ever, the thrusts off tackle were swift deadly and the end runs swept everything before them.

No one can beat Warner's interference. It seems vas if every man on the team Is ahead of the runner, and when a tackier appears he Is swept of his feet by a flying body. One by one the opposition is taken out of the play until the runner is clear. lITAItXEIt'S teams always heen well eoaehi in the nidi- meats of the name, and this system has proved its value for the last ticenly-three years. The men knoie uhai to do and how to do it.

That's all there is tr football, anyway. Davies Football Find of the Season tHHEhK is a young pen-on nu lhe Pitt team named Tom Davies, who looks like the best plii)er that has broken into the same in years. Dayles is a shifty, speedy, clever pln)er. solldl) built, and wl en it comes traveling fast, has the other athletes looking like cab horses In a race with Eternal. This young man Is playing his Hist year with Pitt, but already has carved his name on the honor Toll.

As Held general he Is the best the Panther have had since the days of Jimmy Ue Hart and he also plays an excellent game on the defense. Uunning with the ball, however, is Tom's long' suit and he Is in a class by himself. 1 have seen all of the good ones for the last fifteen years, InA eluding Walter ICckersall, Charley Barrett, of Cornell, and Johnny Barrett, of, Washington and Lee, and Davies looks Just as good, fie la if strong, powerful runner, a skillful dodger and a hard man to tackle. In the second period lie got awiy with one of the most sensational runs I have seen in years. He took the ball on a straight hunk, and when he reached the line stopped sudden!) when a I'enn man was about to tackle him, squirmed to one side, avoided another tackier and whirled into the open, Hotrvey.

Shorty Smith and Tiraun were after him, but hu slde-ttepped and used the stiff arm all the way to the goal line. It was a 38-yard run, but so unusual that It took an eM'eptlonally good man to get away with it. Davies will be the star of the country In another )ear. ArrilE linemen were not so strong and fiom tackle to tackle were kept busy by the I'enn forwards, fr'feui, the center, was hit on the head and forced to retire, Kcndricks taking Ms place, man played the brtler game. Individually Pcnn Linemen Played Good Game SPEAKI.NO of linemen, no fault could be found with the playing of Captain N'eylon.

Locke, Crawford, Frank and WIthlngton, for individually they gave excellent accounts of themselves. These boys were causing trouble qn every play and more than held their own against their opponents. Frank in particular was iiulte active, driving throijgh on. every play and stopping many line bucks. Crawford was nervous nt start niul this affected ills passing, but after the first period lie was as steady as a veteran.

Penn didn't have the ball long enough to show much on the attack but on the defense everybody worked hard. Danny McNlchol hurled his 155 pounds at the line time and again, throwing back the Pitt runners and preventing many gains. Danny's work was surprising, for he never was flustered, played a steady game anil when calledack for forward passes tooH his time until he saw an opening to shoot the ball. His passing was good, but the Penn men couldn't hold on to the ball. Hopper played the best defensive game for Penn, getting' through several times and tackling the runner 'n lne len" learn, onoriy nraun anu tiarvey also performed well.

m'h In the last period Joe? Straus was sent In to replace Harvey and nut lots pf pep into the team. Joe hus Bpf, indifferent iplaying, but on Saturday itf' iyear. He carried the ball only once 1... h4n till A (Ill Ilia Atr LV -vilicy men uu jiio mvi. wii inn uoiiov hui iiuy vwiy inny unii pi'OU- will win berth on the varsity.

Rut when you sum up the game, Penn didn't have a chance Pitt T' -was entirely too strong and knew too much football. It took three mln- tea and fifty seconds to ectire tho first touchdown and two minutes later ctfUno the goal from the field. Two more touchdowns came In the second Ul and one each In t(ie third nnd fourth, Penn didn't make a first down r' from scrimmage, gaining only 8 yards around end and 13 yards through vthe vMne In the sixty minutes of play. Pitt, on the other hand, circled PennV for 288 yards nnd 148 yards through tho line. The Pantheric made 'twenty-one first downs.

The kicking of Uraun wa a blg the Htocky halfback thirty-nine yards In eleven-boots. Braun has a peculiar style. He 551 fact's the sidelines and kicks sideways, all of which deceives the enemy. lu T1TAWXKIT8 team icill have to wff.eyer lieore to give Georgia WfUt4 and Vetm were too one TO THE END injured. Without how- a hitch and showed some wonderful The new for a loss.

He was the bright hitting been In bad nt I'enn because of his ho looked llk.e the Straus of last nnd tore off a good gaiit, tl a A HO iTCit intn tcork harder next Saturday than Tech a stiff bat(lb. The games xtith sided and did not give the players WHEN I Srrrr-r. 1 c. n. If Wmb CANADA'S BEST i SOCCER LOSERS Bethlehem Eleven Defeats Toronto Team -at Har- I rison Score, 4-1 i .1 PLAY MATCH IN RAIK llnrrWnn, .1., Nov.

IS The champion lleihlehem Steel Com pany rlefeted the picked soccer team from Toronto here yrsterdaj, by 4 to hefote 4000 persons. The game was only fifteen minutes old when McKeever opened the coring with a shot which gave Ilalllvvell no chance to save. Stung by this revi-rse, the visitors bore down upon Duncan In great style, but Kietchcr relieved with a huge kick. sent ln a Inch shot, which Ilalllvvell tipped over Hie bar, and from the resultant orner Korrest headed the second goal. Half time ai rived with the steel workers leading by 2 Iff 0.

llptlilehom S. Co. I nuncan Canadians Ilalllvvell Vfttes lllerden Anolirl vv'nrrnll Urown Anflcrson Itamlltnn Foravthe Fliller Knl l-ii-tihtr FTKUson Klrkpnlrlik Crtmpbfll Idr.ih.un Mi-Kclvcy I Pepper K.mlon Forrest fulllMi-K loft fulllwrU halrii.ii k. ci n-r. left hnlfl-iirk rtshl Inside rUtit cent1- firv a nl li-ri I Kli-mlne outHble left Jackson (tnata Fur llcllileheni.

Foi reft Kelp. Klemlnir: for I'anadn. Itef- eree Dale, IMteraop. .1 l.lnewtfven t.nnrle Veunrk anil Wdrrl. t'asHaie.

rime t.Vrnlnute halved Soccer Notes Shorts Ttie tirneflt uiinie played s.ilurday for the and amoke fiind und the ilritlan pa-! trlotic war funJ provtil to be a biff aucceaa. Wlver SHOO fana pasaerl through the turn-1 ft Ilea and over S7.VI was realized fur truat- worthy charltlis. "Laddie1 )trCalie. Merrhnuls" A new hoc. cerile.

formerly of the tturfalo team R-avp. a ilever exhibition of the dribbling Kame, tlftfrtr Srolt permit tM several fouls to 1 lip him and on mere than one occasion I lough pliyinw by MrCiib am! I-VrKiinon itt-tractfd cunslJ-rable comment from thHpC' I a tori. The Mrrrhant pnBlrir a hijr ff-aturr or me (fam, iiurrcit 'inn rotiii both playing a fast R.ime. considering tho heavy fleld. Thf Inld I.uplon tram has lotit on of Itn bft alUaround playern In Krllnf.

ulm hH left th plant to work at the Uiir shipyard hi nujj isiunu. Johnny Hmall'H pa tin to McCab delivered at the. rldht tlm. th latter taklnv Hflvantags of nausw't fall, and booted a neat one. Kiddle, of tho Tine tam nnt I jjhitw hl an hai done in isiK.ra;.Vi,bVsiiirrvH."d,l,i!u,ntab5J with it.

RESULTS OF SATURDAY'S FOOTBALL GAMES rltt. 3T Inn. 0. IMiicun Ulpnd, 21i nrmvn, 7. Irlnrrtnn, 2H Cnnlli I'nton.

7, Columbia. Ill Welean, Or firrnt Kiikra, Sli II, i'nton. Oi llnmlllnn. 0. Fonlliam.

Iftt lloton Colleite, State. rv York I'nlirr'y, Amhemt, 0. Newport N.T.H.. Ol 1'rlham liar X.T.H., Irfaette, 10i Franklin anil 3laralmll, I'rnll Htntf, 7 llilnll. Ilolv Cm, 37l Worrrater Tech, 7.

Hnrlnz'd V. M. C. 7l Blaaa. I.

of Camp Drtrna, 10 Kadlo Srhool, N'ehrnaka. 20t Knnaaa. 0. lllrhlgan, IR Sracnae, 0. Norttin-eatern, 2ll Chlrngo, 6.

Cleieland S3i Cornell n. Mount t'nlon. It Western 0 (forfeit). Cn-e. I1 Oherlln, 0.

Fort Riley. 3d Scott Field, 0, 1'nrdlip, A3j Wnhaah. 7, Chlraeo N. 2(1 1 Camn Ilodee. 0.

Aggies, I3 Notre Dunir, 7. ramn Hnncork, fli Camp Taylor, 0, Vanderblll, III Auburn, 0, SI Exeter. SAl Anrfoter. 7. Culver M.

Z0 lyola. o. Atlantic City 17 1 Catholic Illeh. O. i-mnuniip men, it I neaier Jllgn.

ll. Itldler Parke IZi West Catholic ll Norrlstown high, 3i Camden High. in. I'ottatown High. Ml I'erklomrn High." Swartlimorr 1'rep, 2(li F.

nnd Trep, lnsdown. High, Ol Lower Merlon, A FELLER NEEDS A 1 1,1 x. v. Jack Dempsey to. Clash Recent Sensation and Vct- eran Meet in Feature Bout at Olympia JOHNNY.

MEALY VICTOR IU JAMKS S. CAROi.AiN TtiKlIK ilt he plenty of hltl'iig at thn Olympln tmiight. Oiik of thp same's best Hhiagcrs Hompsey, will go to tho post against the rugged Han (Porky) Klnn in tbo main session. It has been a long tlnin ninc'p Kljnn ap-poarnl here However, tho veteran did not depend upon his Miowijigs in this city lo lay tdnlni '0 any distinction, Ills besticfforts were against the lanky Fred Fulton. Mnwn in Now Orleans ho once flattened Fred ward seven times the course of their twenty-round fight, and at the end was awarded the decision.

Later lie engaged Fulton In a ton-round lout in St. Paul and earned an even break. Likes the Shippers Flynn always bus been fond of mooting the hard hitters. As hoon as be learned that TJempsey could punch he announced that be wanted a chance ngalnM the latest sensation. This chanci camp In tho mlilille of last week, Mntcli- niahPr tieors i.iikci nau i.

itiioni matched with lipnipso, and when Clif ford was taken ill Flynn was called upon and accepted. Kililtp Wlhuer. of I'lttshurch. takes on Voiiiik In the seml-wlndup. Rnhlilpnu has made unod hi his recent hnttleH rtobidp.iu boxed 'In 0110 of the exhibition bouts at Wilmington last Thursday night, and after trouncing his man In a three-round go looked around for more opponents.

"I like to tackle a few more before the night's over." Kiunied Robldeau as he reluctantly was led to his dressing room. Mealy IJeats MrGoiern Bobby liunniH hail averaRe Halunlay nlBht, for both of his entries game through a winner. In the main bout at the National Johnny Mealy outfought Terry McGoern, who substituted for Dundee in six hard rounda. Mealy had everything his own way for five rounds, but In tho sixth McGovern rallied and caused him much trouble. Joe Welsh, the other Uunnls entry, showed to adantnRt against Joe Phillips In the semlnindup Ho was more aggressive than usual, punched better and displayed an all around better attack.

He hit Phillips hard nnd Have Medar made an Impressive show- TTo.lrii, Wa1.1i in tlip RPCOnd bout- He easlly ana lookeA very goo(v KAST nsrtmoulll. 3A 0. Hwnrthmore, Drlawnre, 0. Tuft. SJt Iln.ton I'nlirriltv, 0.

Onfva. Hi WaidilnKton anil JefferHon, 0. Nnvy. ISTX'rulnnii, o. fleoriErtowil, 14 1 fhurtffttown, 0, hii.nuehanni.

40t fwUtann. a. 2, Unlrtwln Wsllare. 2St Miikkliciiin. 0.

Jniinn llonklnn, 14i Rt. 0, 0, Lebanon Valley, Alhrliht, 7, 0,1 Mnhlenbere, III Camp f'rune, 0, VlllanovB, 1R HI. 0. Dkklnaon. General llntpltitl.

0, A. Hahnemann. Al Wllllnmann. fl.l (inrdrn City Ill New faidon N. 0.

WtWT, Minnesota, ei Wlaronaln, IlllnoU, 13i Ohio State, 0, Under. Ill Franklin, 5. lown, til Ames, 0, Indlnna, lSi Ilepa-jui, 0, nklahnma. 103i Arkanaas. 0.

Denver Colorado A. 0. Fort llrniaon, Jli Koae Poly, 0. Dcuke, 13 limpson, 0, SOUTH Texas, ll Rtre, 0, CIIOLVSTIf! Montrlalr High, Ci-Fjist Orange HUh, 6. Montclalr Ill I'reksklll, Hiair in reflate insi, u.

l. S7J lllianava, 7, 0. Naval Ranee. 6Si llaltlmore C. C.

0. Ilarrlabunr 13 lwlatonn a. Stamford Illeh, 7 Hamilton 0. 0. lluahlng High, lit Maroulnd.

0. FRIEND and Flynn Here Tonight Boxing Card for Week and Saturday Results Ton I eli tit nbmpia -lurk Ifiiiiihes Porky Fhnn. Young Ya-die Wlliner, Vrnnkie n-irk Tip-litr. Vnntig Unddy Murk YnunK Joe Itelmont VIU Kid Porter. Tomorrow tilcht Exhibition hhow ut I'nton I cue Annex.

Thursday nl it lit, Uok Nbtnd A. A. Mrnmy Tendler i. Kid Vt'iiener, Hurry (Jnuit h. ttirlf.

Vihltev Fltr-cerald i. Inrty Ford. Mct'abe t)ke t'ralne nnd bnttle rojnj. IlontM hIno nt Hertlre Club. Friday nlcltt nt (nmltrlu Clu in, Uirr.v llanftnn.

Unltrr Iternle vn. lohnny Mill on nnd tlireeother ImmiIm. Saturday nlcht nt Nutlanal Lew Tendler doe- U'eUli. Tom I'owler Snike Tommy Herman in. Harry ftnmt, Jack Ieter Jimmy Mendo nnd Ham Hld! llrotn n.

Youn: Hobldmii. 4 HeMiltt Saturday nlcbt nt National rlohuny defeated Terr MrCoiern. WeUh outfought Jot Phllllp. Illlly HlnrM lost to Herlert. Hate Med-Inr trimmed Reildy Wei wit mid Joe drew with Johnny Martin.

JACK DEMPSEY EXONERATED BY JIM COFFROTH Refuses to Permit Const Producf to Box Jcannette.Wlicn Plot Is Unmarked x- Vnrli. 'nv IS. Pnffnrtli. national chairman of tho boxlnK pro- prams tor ine neiiem in tn unutu war charities. laBl nigni exoueraipii jarK Dpniiwpy for not flghtlnB the big btTifflt nt MnillFon Square Oarden.

"bempsey kept his pnrt of the ngree- mnt said Colroth. "wli ch was to i(-et Tom Cooler or Joe Ilonds. Cowler would not meet him, but Bonds agreed, I nd that Is the way the matoli was advertised. i "When the heavyweights were readx "uiK- i Ci. i.

i in ill- iitiini. unt ii im iitrt Uonds was on the scene, but somebody got to him and coaxed him not to flstht Pemp8ey. The plot was to have Jean-nette meet him, with the ho'pe he might get a wild swing1 over or hit him Illegally. "fjcnipsey was there ready to go on, but I refused to change the program. After some talk Dempsey iind Kearns, his manager, agreed to fight the nexro, so as not to disappoint the crowd, hut the more I thought of It the angrier I became, and I put the whole matter up to the newspaper men at the ringside, and they agreed that Jeannette should not be permitted' to flghj Jack because of the methods usqtf to get him In the ring.

"These, manipulators who tried to pull this irick off are responsible for disappointing the public. Out of eveTy J100 taken In at the box office J80 came from persons who went expressly to see Dempsey In action. "I did not regret tho stand I took, and I want to say that I will never permit methods like these being used' when i can prevent- It. An apology is com ing both to the public and Dempsey." In addition in contrlhutlne his Rerv lem gave B0(J cash toward thn fltnrl hnmiiDau nnd I.l.aini laFtM here lust night fir Philadelphia, where the former meets Dan (Porky) Flynn to- IIIbUI. It Is understood' that Dempsey also boxes Billy Mlske at the Olympla Philadelphia on Thanksgiving.

Fulton Outclasses Meehan San Franel.rn. W. 1R. Fred Fulton. Vtisplrant for the heavyweight crown, who was xnocKea out tiy JacK llempsey.

won inej i mvni i Damnaav THE WAR IS OVER HURLBURT STARTS SAtES CAMPAIGN WE REQUIRE HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SALESMEN APPLICATION Vt LETTER CONFIDENTIAL HURLBURT. MOTOR CO. of Philadelphia Direct Factory Braricfi 1641 N. Broad Street FALL OF' RUTGERS BIGGEST SURPRISE IN MANY, SEA SONS 'Paddy" Driscoll Smears Gloom Over San ford's Years of Prosperity in Great Lakes' 54-14 Win WILL TEST ANNAPOLIS lly KDWIN J. POLLOCK AT wp havn a regular, football season.

Despite tho. small number of games anil 'lopsided many Inrerlor tenms nnd only a coiiple of good ones, a startling reversal of form has occurred, the grandolddope smashed to slmthereens nnd Dear Old Hutgers that powerful Sanford machine referred to as the Scarlet Scourge has gone down In hitter defeat, nftqr two years of pros-pority. We arp ready to believe anything now, for the I. rent Lakes eleven, which put Ilutgers back Into tho rut. pulled tho biggest surpVlse In In, these many uu-- tumns.

'lhe news of the victory was bad enough, Cut when the sordid de- tnlta r-nmn llm Rl in 1i score oh boy'l The 'experts arc talk ing about It yet. The flreat crowd rubbed It In on Sandy's team. Those gons spotted ltutgci-1 fourteen points Just stood nslde while two touchdowns were scoured and then'proceeded'to clean up. PnBdy Driscoll, who quit major league baseball to become a gay sea dog on the briny, was the cause of It nil. Paddy once played with University, which hides on the outskirts of Chicago, and made unite a name for himself In those parts.

Up could run through couple of football teams In an open field, but few In the east were hip to his piowVss. Paddy Uarrcd in WcM Out west, however, most of the colleges on the Oreat LakeH schedule respectfully but firmly declined to play with Driscoll. claiming lis was a pro fessional and his presence might spolH the attitude of the callow college youths. So Paddy was forced to stick(on the side-lints until the Rutgers Driscoll stepped Into the limelight In tho second period with a run of RO yards and repealed a few minutes later with another from mldfleld. The second run was dandy, for he found himself confronted by fhc husky Rutgers men, who uttered warwhoops nnn snouted.

tor Ids gore. Driscoll could not dodge them or Jump over their heads, so ho put on more steam nnn ran inrougn mem. Pretty good stuff for gob, we'd say. During tlip game Paddy was able to score but four touchdowns nnd kick three goals, but It 4vas enough for one afternoon. Ovcrconfidencc Put what was the matter with Rutgers? Critics have Ueen loud Mn their praise of the team, and boldly asserted that Pitt would have-a hard time in scor Ing a victors-.

There is no doubt that Sanford has a powerful eleven, one that will score ngalnst any opponent, but It looks as If the players overestimated their Importance and when the tide turned against them exploded with a loud nang! Perhaps the men used thCmselve up In the first half on scoring the two touchdowns, nnd flopped when the Gobs went Into high gear. That may be an explanation, but the 54 to 14 score stnnds out in huge, figures, and we must hand It to the Great Lakes team. It Is seldom that a number of college stars can play together, but the westerners seem to have, accomplished It. Tho Gobs will hand the Navy Us first READY FOR BASKETBALL American League Will Open lis Sedson Next Monday (Night One week from tonight the American Basketball League enters upon nn'" season of Its long career, being the only big league so far fully organized and ready to play ball. ine player usi iuntn.

St. Culunlha Drown, McCorrt Orarff. l.nnox. MacOremor, H.ncock-Wo atromr. GallniiMr Hailelt.

Morn- Calhoun. Himdern. nose, '-mP- bell. Trautweln. Shilling.

Hel.ler. Mcl! lb Nnval Aircraft Abt. IMntlere. Ilradshaw, XnnMmer, W. Miller.

Oracff, l.oe. Stnorhend. Kllpalrlck, l-ronckle. West. Klndon.

Uvlnsstone. M. Mlrivnla Krr. 1. boos.

Fredericks, EccuV rerahlon, Mount. Odium. A. HIm. Cioltlieb.

Ilunnln, Pa-aon. STchneldermail. Newman. Hamuli. Kusliner.

(llvenser. Monrtross. I Scraps About Scrappers WILLIAM V. JIOMILLBR, superintendent of the t'nlon I-edgue, has arranged an all-star boxing program for the benefit of the soldiers and sailors. The bouts will be held at Broad and Spruce streets tomorrow evening.

I-ew Tendler and Harry (Kid) Urown will be the contestants In the final Bcrap. Johnny Mealy and "ay Orally. Tommy Langdon and ung McGovern, Ji.iii,. onrt Mny Williamson. Young Robldeau and Battling Dundee, Joe Hnwktlr and Young Lowry, Little Bear and Battling Leonard, Jimmy MfVaDe and Jack Rofilnson.

Joe Mendell and rtv Wrankle McCarthy and Benny Kaufman. George Ward and Jack; Blackburn una uiiij uuuhuh unu Welsh also win Walter Uennle, the slnelng pugillit, who pot Franklo Ilay away In Ices than a round. in tha a.mlnnal at the Cambria AC1 next Friday nleht. lie will bo op-pdaed by "johnny italoney. the former amateur champion.

MuMle I.el and Larry Hansen, me uanc wu nice, bout. Ilattllnc Kedd aniloua to meat Oule Lewis at one of the local clubs, rteddy in his last bout hsld Franklo Hums to an eight-round standsihl Phil Franchlnl. of Naw York, would like to meet the leadlna bantams lu the country. He met Artie Simons and Joe Mendell here. Frank Donato Is ready to sign his protege, -a IlL -ll A lAnallnra U- 1 Battllnff AiacK, win.

ui tct.i. -weight, and bantnrJHs In- the Kast, anniWr i-haltenner at his Oh, Dear! Too Rainy for Georgia Tech to Play 1p to Saturday we bad nn Idea that foollmll una cmae whtrti wna plnjed rrffardleaa 'of rnln, snow, heat or the rold. rinttlra hare heen fnutht nrlncpa nnd bllstarda and some hnrp been atnred up In Alaska, lo soy nothing of Mexico. It nlwiua una altfe to naaume that football ftnme would he played "rrrardlra" that la to say. It H'AH anfe to nsaume Hint lery IIiIiik' until Hatnnlny evenlnir, when the following dispatch wiia sent out of the Mouth.

Ilaie look! "Atlanta, Xov. If. The football enmp bctwrcn Orurota Tech and Cmnp Morffoa. Acncdnfrd or totlau. was can-ce'd occatisc of rabl," Now, what do you think of that? lest In two years next' when they Journey to Annapolis.

This game now looms up as one ofMhe biggest In the east, and tlje Middles and Gil Doble will have to do some tall hustling between now nnd November 23. Navy Swamped Ursinua The Navy swamped Urslnus Saturday by the score of 127 to ft, which might not prove the strength of tho team, but shoWHaUhp players have endurance. The Great Lakes-N'avy battle will be worth going miles to see. Another star eased Into the picture out In Ann Arbor Saturday when Michigan wnlloped Syracuse. The hero lri question Is a Mr.

Kteketee, who plays fullback for Mr. Yost. This guy put over pome big lengue stun when he scored touchdown nnd booted three goals from the fleld, making every one of the 15 points. To make his net look stronger, Mr. Sleketcc did nil of his goal-kicking In a heavy rainstorm, which iinturaly dampened the field and made the ball wet and slippery.

Hp may Improve If he plays football long enough. Syracuse, by the way, has a strong eleven this fall, so It safely can be said that 4tie result wns qblte surprising, Wysocki lircaka Ann While on 1he subject of booting, Lehigh lost to Penn State to 0 be cause Booth failed to kick the goallsi niicr iim: DfuiifiitMii mm i'. nui Miuucr than the defent to Lehigh was the loss of Vincent Wsockl, one nf the best backfield men In the past, who suffered a broken arm. He will be out for the rest of the season. At halftlme lu Hip League Island-Brown game on Franklin Field, It looked ns If a missed gnnl might result In a Dickson defent.

Simmer failed al the try after Haehl's touchdown nlid Brown led nl the Intermission 7 to But By Dickson had a few words lo say to his proteges between the halves and Frank Poth nlso hnd a few stirring things to get off his mind wltji the result that when the local sailors and marines took the fleld at the start of the thrW period, their fighting spirit was Just sticking out of their eyes. Cornog Starts Rally Allle Cornog booted a field goal from the jlfl-ynrd line In the third session nnd In the fourth quarter, the League Island boys swept through Brown for two touchdowns. The final service touchdown was made by a young man who wore "Tl" In large numbers on his back. He 'replaced 'Cornog when the' former Swarthmore captain was disqualified Tor mixing It with Cushman. an opposing end, nnd he tore the Brown defense npart with his line plunges.

No. twenty-seven was listed In tho program as Slaughter, and the player lived up to his program name. It wasn't his name but he lived up to It anyhow. The young man was Bert Yeahslcy, former Kwlng star fullback and baseball player, who had borrowed Slaughter; Jersey. GREAT LAKES AT NAVY Sailors and Middies Will Use Same Gridirpn Annapolis, Nov.

18. H'slng lhe same tgrounds. but at different times, and taking evfc-y prccauticn to insure secrecy, the mldshljimen and bluejackets of the Great Lakes naval training station will prepare (luring the week bore for next Saturday's Tho sailors, under Lieutenant Mc-Meavy. head coach and an old Naval Academy player, are stopping at a hotel near the Aeodehiy nnd will use the grounds; In the morning. Since the news of the victory over Bulgers by the sailors, the greatest Interest In next Saturday's contest has arisen.

The idea of getting a game for November 30 has heen abandoned, and everything centered on next Saturday's contest. Camp Crane Wants Gtfine Allenlown. Nov. Camp Crane's fnnlhatl team, which has not been beaten thla apnann in tta flvn irnmea haa an ODen date on Thanksfftvlmc Day and would like to ploy away, 'jne renin eleven nas. neaien such teams as Dlcklnaon, Muhlenberg and.

Army Medical School, of Washington. Com municate M. Clevett, Camp Crane, W. and J. Closes' Season Wa.lilneton, Kov.

18. Washington and Jefferson has decided to close Us foot-hall season, making Saturday's game with Geneva the concluding one of the jeCr, Get the Cafeteria Habit for DINNER arell Saye ime and Money A Sutlcess From the Betrinnincr KNICKERBOCKER CAFETERIA 34' South 15th Street Between Chestnut Bnd Market Streets Announces Increased Service for Dinner From 6 to 9 P. M. Quality Foods at Cafeteria Price OLGDORFNER'S MARKS AraPTED i Al rrt 1 1- TT.1 1... i-i iiitutj jicuuius iiauc; Local Girl Apprdviecr at' 1 A.

A. U. Meeting S. J. DALLAS PRESIDES Many new records, several which were fry local performers, entered the bpoks of the Amateur Athletic Cntnn nt Ihp thirtieth nnnual meeting at the Adelphln, Hotel, tli'p aftcxncjoin.

Virtually nit the new marks presented' lo the national body by the record committee were accepted. Klvc of the national marks that.wera' accepted were made by local girl awlm-mcr three of which were set by Olga Onrfnol' thn (,, nf I TIKI In ,1 .11, In Gymnastic Society; one by Mabel Arkye i nnd one by tnp relay team of tho riiHm-wi iicipnia Turners. The pnnional women's records of 1 minute 6 2-S seconds for a 100-yard straightaway, of 2 minutes GG 2-5 ree-onds for a furlong with two turnsi and of 54 feet for the plunge, all made by Miss Dorfner, were accepted. Tho first two records were made by the Phlladet-phla girl jn California. Thp 400-yard relay record made -'by the Philadelphia Turners teams, coni-posed of Olga Dorfner, Mabel Arkllc, ICllzaheth Bcker and Helen I'ennypack-or at the Turners' Bath In April, was approved.

The lme wts njlnutes and 6 reconds. Delegates are present from all sections of tile country. Every district In the Union Is represented, hut chief among tho absentees Is Charles A. Chicago, the president of the national body. v.

In Dean's absence Samuel J. DallAs) first vice president o( the national A. A. president of tho Middle Atlantic Association nnd secretary of the brook Club, presided, Among the delegates present Metropolitan Association, V. W.

Rublen, Justice Barto S. Weeks. J. T. Mnhoney, Herman Obertubcssiijir nnd D.

J. Ferris: New Kpgland Asso ciation, Joseph Conway, M. Win on, K. M. Walsh.

K. F. Walsh, Robert Mnhndy nnd "Herbert D. Holm: AHc- Lghcny Association, A. C.

Couch, W. a. Undodck, and John T. squill Atlantic Association, Georgo J. Turntr, liitrobe Cogswell, Dr.

William Burdlck, and XV, J. Lelmkuhler', Southerrsso-clatlon, C. W. Streit. 'Jri Pacific- Asao-t elation, 'amuel Goodman.

Scholastic Athletic Card for This Week Tlieaday, fool bo 1 1 Rolrm ITIh Woodhnry Illeh. nt WonHbiinri flwarth. more Prep. ta. I'ennn.

Inatltiile. nt Mt.5 Airy i llurfmcton lllch is. Moorntown Illeh, nt Moorfstown, Snrrrr Central lllth frnnkford Illeh. nt Frnnkfordi I'hllattrlnhln yl (lermantown IIIkIi, r.t liennonlown. Thniwlny.

aorrer South rhllndelnhl -vn. Frankrord. at Frnnkfordi Central lllch is. tlermanown. nt (iermnnlown, Friday, Football I'enil Charter Kplarnpal, nt Queen Lanei (Irrmanlown Frlend" Centrnl.

nt Tnhon Ontrnl Illeh ih, M'eat rhlladelnhla lllth. nt Houston Id South l'hlladelphln lllh h. (Irrnmntnwn IIUli, (lprn-poBt l.ansdnnne lllch vs. Cheater lllxh. nt Lnnadonnei Iarhv IHxh vs.

Iiwnln-tgattv at Ilownlnctowni St. Jaapgli rrp. a. Camden Illh. nt CanideniNRIdlpy I'nrk Swart limore, nt Nwnrtllmoret Hnddonnrld Woodburr, nt Woodburyi Cheltenham lllh vs.

Ilryn Mar, 'at Cheltenham. i. Sorrer I pner Darhr Itlicli vs. lincnd Rrlert. nt l'rl'nda' Select.

Saturday. Football Catholic Illffh t. Norrfctown IllBh, nt Norrlatownt Vlllv nimi I'reii. j. Atlnntlr nt Allnntle rlfv VVIIIIrtinann Srhool la.

HorrlMlinrff r.t llarrlsbnrKi I'ottatown lllah'va Iteiidlmc lllxh, ettendlnct Lower -Merlon Illeh vi. Itniinor iikii. nt itnunori rrnna, Inatllnte ta. Chestnut lllll ai St. Martina.

J. Socrer School vs. Irani Cl-lree. nt fleoree School i flronce Srhool Second ts. Olrard Colleee at rhllndelohln -Tllah.

championship run. nt Fnlrmount Park L. SUITS- 4Vi-i 11 ,80 OVERCOATS RF.nllCKD FROM (30, and Itt- PETER. MORAN CO. S.

E. Cor. 9th Arch Su. Open Friday and Saturday evenings BOXING COURSE $5 Approved by Oovt. month Capt.

A. J. Drexel Biddft UNITED SERVICE CLUB Tournaments Kvery Thursday Night -nii -r i tv-i iiuih. juck onen.s (i Enroll Now K. Cor.

ISth sj Chestnut St. I Olvmnin A A Ui-oad ti halnbrldge 8ts; MONDAY KVENINO. NOV, IS jit litmus Jack Dempsey World's lfenrywelght Champion TS. Porky Flynn Unntnn'ft Contfndfr rorn otiikr star nnurs asLUNCHEON 3 1 4 U1 v7 J. i amrif(rrf (a thaw what they could 'V.

J' '4.

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