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Denton Record-Chronicle from Denton, Texas • Page 11

Denton, Texas
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D. 8. FREEMAN ROWELL, D. D. 8 McClurkan Bug.

Telephone 341 DK. BICHARD MANDELI, MCCrary Building. Fhons 192 U. B. RAY.

JR. Dentist 101-103 Haley Bldg. Telephony: otlico. 1051; nes. 106 JJ SPECIALISTS "AMIN.

A. M. D. Diseases ol Eye. Esr.

Nose, Throat. Qhisses WlTWtly fltteil. Sulto 100. Hflley Bldg Ogee phone 22. residence 153.

3 DA VIS. M. Eye, ear. uose Inroat Eyes examined. Olasses 1 11 Me and Surgical 212 S.

Elm. Phono 540. JACK WOODWARD. M. D.

Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes examined, glasses fitted McCrary Bldg. Phone 7B2 OPTOMETRISTS GLASSES SCIENTIFICALLY Qtted CHIKOPRACTOKS DR. R. W.

ZILAR Colonlc Irrigations uia of M-Systcm. Tel. 203 AMBULANT I'HOCTOLOGY NON-CONPININQ treatment of hemorrhoids, piles, fissures, llstulae etc. Dr. H.

E. Roberts, 212-14 McClu- fcan Bldg. Phone 65. ARCHITECTS J. P.

MOORE. B. Arch. Plins, Interior decorating, remodeling. Residence phone 169-W, omca a.

McCrary Bldg. ADVERTISING RAM ADVERTISING AGENCY Neon, bulletins, billboards, processing sho-cards, displays, gold-leaf novelties, printing. Highland at 1OOP' Phone 233. HEAL ESTATE CB-ACtlE dairy nnu poultry farm well Improved. well equipped, well fenced, plenty water.

30 acres vatlon. Possession, John Orr, north side square. 209 lund. Bargain for cash Box HCS. LOST AND FOUND LOST--Man's nlco wool Jacket between p.

T. Underwood place and Demon. Phone 30F3. aOfl LOST--Part Persian mingled brown. yellow, white cat.

named "Fluffy" Reward. Phono 70. 209 MISCELLANEOUS REWARD for Information leading to arrest of person or persons who stole property from my home on or tibout Dec. 22. on Dallas Highway.

11. H. Keller. 1012 McKln- iiey Dallas, Tex. Ph.

8-75CQ5. 208 MATTRESS renovating, furniture upholstering, porch gilders recovered. Ph. 57-i. Denton Mattress Factory.

211 START YOUR baby turkeys oil Purina Startenti. Woodsoii Harris Grocery. 210 OUTDOOR GAMES--See us for golt balls, tennis rackets, skates, base- Mil supplies, soft ball supplies. Cltv Drug store. 209 GALLON CAN of fresh prunes, only 25c.

Woodson Harris Gro. 210 SPECIALS Avon cosmetics, face powder sachet nnd others. Call IfcSb-J a -1 p. m. 209 48 LBS.

Wonder. Peacemaker nnd Cambric flour, $1.80 snclc. Woodson Harris Gro. 210 J. D.

HALL. Printer Phono 409 1Q17 BollYM FOR CHICKENS Worm capsules, dusting powders, Kreso dip. Black Leaf 40, tobacco dust. Sprayers. City Drug Store.

209 PURINA FED dressed and oac each. Wootlsoh Harris Gro. 210 POLK SALAD, red cabbage, new potatoes, green benns loc IB. cranberries strawberries. kUn-drled yams.

7Ood chow-chow, sassafras roots; to- nnto plants, package seeds: bulk spmnch and i seeds. 1 limes all the time. -Apple House, phone'209. $3 orders or more delivered. 210 HICKS MATTRESS Mid Upholstering 108 Austin Ave.

1-day service mattress renovating. Ph. 1070. 200 TOUSECLEANEHS Phone us for i polish, moth balls, cedar bags, rubber gloves, rubber sponges, city Drug store. 209 HOUSES FOR RENT FOR SALE--MISC.

"SALE--pood piano. Call 021-J. 403 Highland. 211 FOR' SALOJ--Antique walnut c'ecre- Phone J.TJ4-J after 7 p. m.

211 6 house, block from square. at 220 B. Locust. 211 FOR SALE-- a i cocker spaniels, 2-year-old--female. Also pub- Iilfo.

1314-j. after 7 p. m. TMJ1 FOR RENT 0-room house. 1501 Maple.

John Orr, N. side square. 211 FOR RENT--a-room house, just west gas office, Hickory. Ph. 128.

210 BABY BOOSTERS, 3Kc each. Wood- son ffnrrls Gro'. Phone''80. 210 TOR C. Smith typewriter terms.

John Myers, th. FOR RENT--Nicely rennlshed store building, Sycamore and S. Elm. Phone 820-J. 209 FOR RENT--Nice Q-room house Rlchey.

phone 549. 207 FOR- RENT--6-room house, 1413 Maple St. Call 1705. 207 LOWER PIX3OR, rooms, all conven- Rlchey. Phone 70U-W or 649.

21a ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED LIGHT iOUTH BEDROOM, handy to bath 1 6o? COQL COMFORTABLE attractive rooms. 310 Fry St. Phone 502. 210 OOLP CLUBS--Lady's good set with 5 Vulcan clubs'and practically hew all leather tag: men's set of 6 Toft handed-Spaldiiig Kro-FIIte clubs and almost new black leather bag with hoou and two pockets. Priced to sell Phono 1591, EDAB 'POSTS for sale.

Woodson Harris Gro. Phone 80. 2 1 0 PLANTS tor sale. 317 Bryan Ave. Phone 020-J.

aio FOR SALE--aooo bushels good oats priced 37c. any amount McSween. Phone 955-W. 210 FOR SALE 175 3-year-old Ram- uoulllct ewes and lambs; 700 mutton goats. M.

A. Richmond, Blanket Tl a.Mi FOR SALE or louse--Peed mill and equipment, choice corner location ror gas station, car washing stdnr Phone 82G-J. CITY PROPERTY FOR PALE PPWONSTBA DemonstatiW ho 'm lighting equipment, 'alv'BEA eJeetrificafiofi specialist will appear In th'e'Teifli College "library auditoWiim to night from 7 to' 8:30, according to announcement from the' college home economics department." TOe public Is cordially invltiil to at- lend the FURNISHED OR unfurnished N. Elm. 210 2 SOUTH bedrooms, private entrance separata bath, convenient to college, matt-lea couples or girls preferred.

427 Fulton: Phone 1625J 208 ROOMS FOR rent, 1012 Myrtle. 207 FURNISHED rooms, bills paid. S4.25 week. 421 Bolivar. 206 FOR unfurnished rooms Phone 1192-J.

207 LAUNDRY SELF SERVICE Laundry. 35o hour, tree delivery. Lee Potts, prop. 108 Fry. Phone BOO.

SHIRTS FINISHED 8c. rough dry 3c 0 2 c. Brady's Laundry Welch. Ph. 732-W.

Free delivery: TMfiU Kn TO 00 id 1 1 MpTHERS-Let Iuo care for your a 209 20-ACRE mil-, and truck farm, nicely Improved, good orchard, good 1 can iv iwsscsslon. priced O. John Orr. N. side square 209 10 ACRES, unimproved, located be- tiwcn Mill and Collllts Write Box J.

care Rccotd-chronlcle. 209 FOR BALE--Good inmi furm northwest of Denton. 30 acre eood a bies or small children by the hour Phono 1639-M. 203 DUST CLOTHS, non greasy, may be washed, only 15c for large size. City Drug store.

6 2 09 GOOD PIANO to lend for safe keeping, indefinite time. Ph. H06. 209 GENERAL ELECTRIC wnshlhe machine. with tubs, table top gas range, good refrigerators, lawn i ture.

bedroom suites. $15.50 up. onk terms. Bob Hollown-n' over Boston I ro bedroom suites. J15.50 up.

onk Store. no tyiX'wrlter riesk. lawn movvers car---- den tools, etc. We'll trade. Salvage HEAL BARGAIN--Sell, rent or trade a u-ell built Denton Masonic 3- story solid brick bulldinp Om- of beyt i buildings In Denton.

Eelikoir 716 Praetorian Dullas, 2-5341. 207 EXCELLENT ItiO-acre -jlnck land farm, 100 acres In i a i GO acres In prairie gross, fenced proof, spring walcr. house, barn, deeu well. 501 Ave. A.

Phone 807-J. 200 e. avage Trade- store. 229 Hickory. 209 GEORGE HEED Is now selling used cars, all jnakes nncl models, for quliiby Self, ut 306 N.

Locust St and wishes his mentis and customers to come to see or phone htm at 3GI. 209 POULTRY WHITE LEGHORN cockerels. 53 per 100. Smith firm. 207 SRINQ TURKEY eggs to set on Sun- 'to Mrs.

Carl Hoffman, phone WANTED WANTED--Experienced beauty operator. Apply nt Diamond Beautv Shop. 4 or 5-room nished house or furnished apart- mcnt. 500 w. Hickory.

WANTED-- Furnished house near C- py member of T. c. staff. Call FOR SALE--Fine tomato plants 627 Barnard. A.

G. Klrkpatrick. 209 FOR SALE Electric washing Phone 1082-J. 809 WALNUT D1NINO set, 9 pieces- 2 Dingle metal beds. Roy Voertm'am 3.24 Normal.

Phone 1213-J. 20G PRACTICALLY new 6 ft. electrl re- frlgcrator. Qulnby Self. 306 forth Locust.

ao9 LAWN MOWER, good as new. 1031 fayoamore. FOR, SALE--100 Ib. capacity all metal refrigerator; also Detroit Jewel gas range. Phone 4D3-W.

109 FOB SALE--Practically new 5-tube OI JR 'y 1 sht)rt lra Philco radio. 71!) w. Sycamore. Piione 1181W. aoa FOR SALE Office desk, excellent condition, call 405.

7 CUBIC foot UBIC foot gas Electrolux refrlp- S99.50. Wnldrlp Motor Co. 200 DO YOU want to keep cool this summer? We air condition your home on easy FlIA a Get our estimate today. Call J. s.

McFoll, WaldrlD Motor 0(iO. 212 i.c*iiv PIJVY santr, also red gravel and poultry gravel, si per yard Phone i)83-W. P. Hauler 213 WANT WORK, wash curtains, clothes uurslng core ch dr MUST '37 Fora tudor i trunk. Call BB3-J p.

m. JXJRCED TO SL'll '30 clirvroiiT I coacli. Hiiiiiu 113-1 ulcer (i p. m. 20ti I OR rout--Corner store In Deilton-Masonle.

suitable for nntoniobiln agency, nuto supply, niture, hardware, grocery or drug store. Reasonable rent, Scltkolf 715 I'riit-torian Dallas 2-5341 wg NOTICE! WE'VE MOVED! Our lumber Vfird ts now located on LODGES StutilU'kl txxlgt 1 No. in 7, MKy confer two FVUou- CruJt tlfgrtit-s i i i tit 7 oVUxrk. E. SAVAGE.

W. Nf LEE PRESTON. Secretary USED CAHS FOR SALE or tnule-- '31 V-8 i new tires. S. R.

Argyte. '209 PICKUPS '34 Chevrolet, the money. '35 Chevrolet, Has new rings. "313 Chevrolet, extra gtxxl. Terms.

QUTNHY SELF yOG N. IxK-uat, phone 3(51 203 MODEI. A coach, sell or Tor livestock. Phone 043. 20j '37 Font uidor '35 Ford tudor Also "35 FVrd st-dnn '35 Chevrolet coupe Model "34 Chevrolet roach "J4 FVird tudor Fords I SELr 3M N.

Locust, phone 3G1 KOR SALE-- Chevrolet cauio, '31 Model A coupo. inquire aos W. Oak. 200 APARTMENTS APARTMENT to ronl to couple, cla tin. 128 Cvnttr.

21t UNFURNISHED lor rent Phono 1234-M, I OO'J 210 or THKKE fumlslipcl npnrtnuMU gfirrtk-c, I8t2 N. Elm. Phono week -(Jnys or g-aturclny bolorc p. m. a i FURNISHED 1-room nparKnent i i Adults.

1509 N. Locust. Phono S22, 3 -ROOM furtiUlicd apart Prt- bath. 1500 Scripture, 2to NEARLV new four- room gtiragc nicut, near high school, 611 Mounts. Phono 310.

310 NEWLY FURNISHED i i 1802 W. a Phono 433-W. aoo JXDn, RENT T-room apurlniciu, fur- nlshctl or unfurnlsWit. i An( -rson. Phono 113.

2ft) -FUHNISJIED DKIGK duplex 3 bedrooiixs, Mrs. C. Kce a mpius. Cull 55S-J, 31Q FURNISHED DOWNSTAIRS 3-room i i i W. Onk.

4-ROOM nnlurnlshcd prl- vtito brilh. 1UO B. Onh. HOT FUimiSHED APT, Oftll B13-W. 300 10.

Ph. R13W. 233 to sctva you with qunlltv nt reajkinuble prices KEilKSIECK LUMBER CO. Phono 1512 30 DIXIE CrVB CO. Phone 45 In bus terminal BKN'S SERVICE.

Call 1633 Ken- location. 108 E. Oak. 4 years In wnton. years experience.

EEi; THE neu- Allls-Cllnlmers All- Crop Harvester. SBD reduction In price. Just niiloacled 2 cars. Also vsei tractors mid oilier (arm ImplemtnU bargntn. Roy Spnitt.

Allls-Chal- niL'rs dealer, Sanger. 20 HOY DENTLEV GARAGE rcpaJr nil makes fltitoniotilles 1V17. 700 Locust BOMETHtNQ NEW-- Visit our show rooms, see otir new econonvlcal. Mixlcrnnlre nlr conditioning. Free estimates, install yuurs now.

Everyone can airord It. E.ISV plau. Phono J. b. Mcmll nt Walarlp Motor Co.

tiuo. 21: FREE SS7-IMATES on nlr conilltlon- niK your home. CaJl J. s. McFitll ht Motor Co.

Phone 066. 211 NORTH TEXAS Errand Service. Let us run your errands, carry yonr messages, ph. 1540. 402 N.

Locust. 325 FI.QOR Sniidlng. nny old noor made new. R. E.

Jacks. Phone 1410W. 225 SINGER SEWINQ jrincliiuta and rac- tunn cleaners, sales, rentals repairs. Buttons and covered. Ht-nistuchlug. 780. H. "Ril- nferro. IP YOUR home needs general repnlr- a i i and papering. Insulal- Intf.

venttlailon, floor furnaces, Jiot new floors or roofs will do your i three years to pay. No con- lltct i jreset)t For estimates anil particulars call 1373-J. 211 LAWN MOWEHS shnrpcned, repaired. Called tor, delivered.

HU1 Bros. Phono 104. 221 w. Hickory. CLAY 35c, topsoii 65c; special flower bed C5c; drlvo gravel 85c; barn lot fertilizer SI cubic yard.

For dirt, saud, 5KSi. tniek bauu C3 M. E. PAFITIN BOPY WORKS Fonder repairs and welding, color niiitcJied to plenso Ilio most particular people. Phono 440.

STOVE RBPAUUNQ. Hill aai W. Hickory. Phono 104. REAL BARGAINS In bedroom suites, ruga, tobies, odd cbftLrB, Try Economy Purnlturo Plicmi Kiisl or Alamo storage.

SHOE, AUTO top, bni-ncu ropAlrlpff. Shoo Shop, 318 a Kim. USKD RADIOS, riisy terms. oil. fidjusc any mittco seeing your homo, Hill Bros, Clasiiacd nan tut DO YOU need money at a low rate to: Btiy or build home? Buy a now cur? SEE RAMEY 1VEY INSUlt ANCK BONDS JncKRon Unildiiiff Dcnton, TCZM STOCK FARM 261 acres southeast county on Elm creek.

100 acres cultivation, tvces lakr, bargain at per acre. Other stock form priced fnr quick sale. THURMOND DE.CKEH Uasemenl Uenlnn County Bank Building UROTIIER OF DENTON TEACH- KR SUCCUMBS Dr. C. a.

McClintic of Sayre a brother of Mrs. Olive Johnson, head of the Teachers College speech faculty, died Tuesday at his home in Sayre. Mrs. Johnson left Tuesday for Sayre to attend funeral services. SEE US NOW for Windstorm and Hail protection! Also Hail Insurance on growing crops, fruits and truck crops of all kinds.

J. IMHAGEE 1'hosie Gil General Insurance and Bonds Special Leaded Gas Regular Gap I4c Ethyl j.e Denton Uttle Majors Phone 324. 702 Elm OK'DUSED CARS 1939 Ford Coupe 1938 Chevrolet Coupe 1939 Ford Pickup 1939 Chevrolet Pickup 1938 Chevrolet Town Sedan ..5465 1937 Ford Tudor 1937 Chevrolet Town. Sedan 1938 Chevrolet Truck 5435 1938 Chevrolet Sedan $525 1937 Chevrolet Sedan Eye Try 'Em I Buy 'Em! fiKve 'EmI Grace-Barrow Chevrolet Co. 311 W.

Oak Phone 99 It seems like a skirmish when -think that total American ftejitlis lii the Spanish-American war were .8,41.2, of 5.423 died pi disease, 498 were killed 'In" action, 202 Uied pt wounds and 349 from accidents. PAGE ELEVEN Advertise--Lest they forget I 150 GAL. BUTANE "SYSTEM and a new range pletely installed for. 5.129,50 BpTANB'GAS SALES coiyipANy P. H.

Gre.enwood Mgr. 306 N. Locust Stf PKone SIJi or i662W yspp CAPS deluxe 8 4-door: er 2-tIpor Ctiro- radio and heater, '39 moiith coupe, low mljease, a niiy at DeSoki coupe overdrive, radio, $395; 1936 Ford' Tudor Secton, $295. MACK AIAgSEY SJOTOB CO. Phone 520 222 8.

Elm For Battery PHONE 242 (Iparkman Battetr 402 W. Htikory NURSERY Growers of High Grade Nursery Stock Dallas Phone 575 LIBERAL TERMS on HOT WATER HEATERS See our Display Today Stuart Plumbing Co. A Has been declared on poorlj built houses. 'A 'call will convince you wo know our business, Let us taKe the me" out of that home, standard The Right Prices. A Square Deal to M.


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