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Newport Mercury from Newport, Rhode Island • Page 5

Newport Mercuryi
Newport, Rhode Island
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THB KBWPOEI M5HOOTY AKP WCTK.Y tTCWB TEIDAY, OOTOBEE OFFICERS SPEAK MAN KNOCKED DOWN IN SCHOOLS Hold Navy observances CAR ON BROADWAY I Police Investigate Accident; Torpedo Station Apprentice Gives First Aid Newport jiollcc Investigated an accident Saturday evening about 0 o'clock when Abner Stevens, 05 I Ad.lrevH-5 Rogers 1 of Iho Welfare Home, suffered 0 minor Injuries when he wo L. eriulM Have Special knocked down by an aulomobl! a lie was crossing Broadway a I Friendship slrcel. Stevens, who was bleeding froi tho head, was given first aid by ORTSMOUTH LEGION, AUXILIARY INSTALL Department, District cers Attend Exercises CHARLES DAVILA HEADS 'GIRL SCOUT PLAY DAY SERVICE MEN HEAR A I A GROUP Former Bummer Relident, Minliter to 8. Named President of New Allltnce I'eter Do Heads Post; Mn. Auxiliary President Charles Davlla, former Rou maiilan mlnUrter to the United Slain anil well-known here where he was a jummer colony resident lor a number of announced in Cleveland Sunday formation ol a Roumanian national committee to work for i tree Roumanla under principles.

He said he would an nounce assoclalea, all Rou- manian political personalities "In jew weeks." ATTRACTS OVER 100 Korton Park Program In- Tug.of-W»r, Peanut Troopi Oo On Hike Tlie outdoor play day held at Morton Park Saturday attracted than 100 of Girl and Brownies. A varl ety of were put on, Includ Ing a and peanut races. Admlailon wu a hilf-doien buttons of any kind, and the result wij that a large number were collected to be given to the Red Cross. Yolande Delyi, Girl Bcout director, had charge of the Brownie games, Miss Margaret Dunn the Girl Scout games and TALK ON NAVY DAY Donald Goodman Gives Piano Recital at Vesper Services ALICE L. OTTO WED TO W.

J. FITZPATRICK Breakfast, Reception Follows Marriage Ceremony iu St. Mary's Church ORPEDO STATION HEAD RECEIVES NAVY Army, Navy Java Cluli Hewn Informal IHtcuwlon 01 "World Government" Alice L. Barbara Olio a ol Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Olto of Khepard avenue, and Wll I i Joseph KiUpatrlck, son I) Orouji I Mr. and Mrs. Clurle.t of Green Knd avenue, Middle town were mauled Monda In SI. ilary's Church by the Rev John F. O'RourKCj Ihe puslo MLsj Helen Olto was maid "oidic 1 1 of lo Robert Uc.sloso.

He had cuts uf presented Vilh a badge of his I nn expression of its confidence In lliu forehead and lip. recent office, and Mrs. Frank i ne who at one time was a Newport police were told by! Fenelru received gifts in appro- lender of the powerful Rouman A A. Korcier, 55. of i'lcrcc elation of her leadership of the a National Peasant party of avenue, Tivciton, tlml ho a i i i i WII.H High School.

The under Ihe Kny 01 ee BI cl 1 I driving norlh on Uroadway a Gucsl's of honor present were and inembera ol tne jo ii an hour when ereU Holla-id departmenl com- auproacliliig a William uliu Manlu. Davlla, wlio lost his noumanlui W. Jolinstone, temporarily blinded him. Ho said Kliij- L'ovrll of the fuc- T'lioinas Murray, picsl 1 7lass, together Senior clas look places on Ihe ol the Stevens, who was lici, nun applied 'he Lilt tho from Inimper lilt anil his i rojicrty, I Ida iost In Vie defied King Carol afte established his dlclalor and Gogaas Artcsanl, de- tmeiit senior vice commander. Herbert Grflinslaff, department adjulanl.

Howard Mathewson. a tmcnt pr( ic 'emphasized lhr 1 hls TM Commander J. Powell Comns lcc i-lll not tolerate racial dls of Newport I'osl; Commander crml na iton of any sort He base llonry I I Howard of Middle- town Post; Commander Chester' Secretary Knox Gives Award to Captain Roberts fxxal r.klahllthnwnt to lly Ord- nance r'lag, Pennanl; ere to He (ilven Hulloiiif I honor awl Ihc- bridesmaids wc-r tho HIS.ICS Mary Lynch, Hele Chaplain FrancU O'Leary i i and Gloria The be; ronklln nrorram com 1--' "'1 -Mary Conwny bang Schubert's directed the wl M. O. A.

Sunday Evening For- ''Avc Mark'' at Thy llvltes, asil.led by Miss Marlon urn. Feet Is Kneeling. Sullivan, chairman of the Lead- He pointed oul thai Nivy nay era 1 Association, Mrs, John biervtd now because of bouvnrdiii. Day 1 Arm Secretary of Navy Frank Knox last Friday In Washington forni- the outstanding achievements of the Newport-Naval Torpedo Slallon, to Captain Frank H. The brldo wore Ivory satin and th of Her bouquet waa of camping chairman and the troop Olm nz 0 our Navy In while- chi yBanlhcmum.i liou- wl'iTs ff Confess with Ihc Mld- Jhe gold, milk was semd.

tog of America's first 12 ships of an-ied old-fashioned bouquets Girl Scout Troop U. under su- which tho Constellation, iww ul pervlslon of Miss Winifred Lyons! Newporl, Is one A wedding at Ihc and Miss Marcurrl Shea, wenl on ships and to honor Ihe blrlhday olll-aForgc collage followed Ihc KoberUi, naval nance In charge of the of ord- sUUon, willi Ihe P1 for excellence In carrying forward Us schedules, according lo a special despatch to Die Dally -News from 13. F. I.lni, Its Washington correspondent. Captain Robcrls was Ihe representative of one o( the itvtn nav- Bl Blallons honored by Secretary trln.

nenny hike WRU conducted. of the assembly. Captain DuHoso as Ihe -icfr of Ihf lay. isc said lhat all i navy look upon navy town, when lliey ir they Mvcd. '9h I I WO I SHOOTING OF HOSTAGES 100 "ton Posl; Commander Norman Addresses Giouj) of 122 0( WvtrMe 03l Mr ClUldidatCS for Citizenship Kmrna Rowley, Newport Auxiliary in llnitflil i president; Mis.

Mary (l-allipcau, 111 UllltCU btlHCS UOliri Middlelown Auxiliary president; I Mrs. William Pearce, Warren Shooting of hostngc.H to avenge Auxl) prcsiiicnf Mrs. I tho assassination of Nazi olllccis rj lr i folslricl 4 Auxiliary In occupied Fiance provoked the pri l( 1 ''t'. Eddy, dcparl- TiuertOn criticism ot Federal Judge John 1'. A rv president- Mrs In i Slate court dcna ttmc on the eight-poln Mrs.

Churlrs Ksull In Troop 10 went on a hike charier dratted at the President Roose- i Minister Churchill. IN DISTRICT COURT Man Arraigned For charge, and Us n'osfbag" luncheon at Aquld- neck hul. and W. Rupp, chairman nnd executive ADMIRAL CAPERTON Iho more becnuse you know the hardsliips nnd snfTcilngs thai will not be In Ihc loo probably ntntiy of your friends well n.i', schools Iho nilnule ami all Hie lime. we arc preparing remember Ihnl Ihc nsscl for peace Is lo be viurcd and lhal tills Ion should bo done In pcice.

We inual build up 1 irray and tmvy and ready. When this Is I il we aro really ready, future, we will have nn i worry about Hiller ami l-taitg or any oilier menace 1-ltlil nriso. Wllh your and Ihc backliiK ot our nnd a complclc harmony our country we will to rnjoy our frccilom." hi d.irkc School, of whicli Cmtcr la principal, Dny spcnkrr was I 6. 'i. Cauldwcll, U.

S. M. of life Er.ivy and stressed clmrac- Prayer wns offered clpnl ami tile snugs i.oro "America." j'-aniicr" and "Colum Com ot Ihc Ocean." The of Hie mornliiK nirry and Beverly Marlland was mas J.cnllnl School, ot whicl Palt Is principal, the V.iy spoalccr was Knslgn U. S. N.

R. He refcrroi iniiVirlnnco of (Xlucallon ly in Ihc schntils, bill in th li'Jtrintia sonRfl were first assembly of th I', l.c-.llnl of whic C. l.craiani Is prlnclpa tvy liny was Con If" Moore. U. S.

N.i Ji of jiis experiences in Iho BO years of service. V.lifihlrd the different kinds liice r.e lias seen and rr- Ito tiie American flag forc-iRn nations as I IKp llicniaclvcs. 'Is ior prosperity, i dependability," lie Ivhool orchestra played and Jic were sung. Monday as he admiUcd 122 for- Auxiliary serueani-iit-arms and lxrn Rhode Islanders lo Mr N. Anderson, national imcrlcan citlzciifilp.

committee woman. men wlio have done Following Ihr- installation a sup. no wrong arc taken as hostages W1U vl: i Malonc's or- 1 and shot because a crime mny lcs i -ni hed music for danc: have been comnilUetl In Hosts nnd were llcular locallly," Jndsc Hnrtlgnn sall, In out lo a crowded Ml i courl room Hint "Sometimes, 1 think we Americans our lib- Mir. I. ii and Mrs.

Frank B. Souza, and Mrs. A Furtado, and Mrs. Manuel Soma. Herman llolman and Jack Commander C.

I. crty too lightly." A the priHip had taken the onlh, Judse llarlignn 0 J1 1 'S them an "fellow A i a and nl OI1 Mci CH Corps and Wer- the, belief that "people Follln, pnnl commander of Ih like you apprcclalo our liberlles Dangerous Driving Operator? Brought In At Sunday Newport nollco arraigned twi secrelary of the were Mr and -Mrs. J. L. Laurence Good- I man, Mr.

and Mrs. R. W. Wilson, Dr. Iklward F.

Hoeppntr, and Chaplain Ralph A. Curlls, U. fi. N. Y-Anna Club under Iho I CrMnU I Jlreelon of Mrs, Mary Craffam, the supper.

This commlllee Included Mis, Ernesl J. Houlh- ard, Mrs. Fred Mlkkelson, Miss Jennie EUloll, Miss Mary O'Con- 1 nelt, and Miss Ada Prlchard. Sound motion pictures, shown flf Post through the courlesy of Ihe Drit- i I im, Bureau of Information, were FOUR ENROLL HERE The members of Ihe group were ndivWually the Ktc- I I I A i rriDDC relary, who expressed tpprecl- I A L.Urir'b allon ol their coming to Washln ton, some from the Pacific coasl, 30 Volunteers Will Take Instruction Course at Red Gross Headquarters Oldest Naval Officer Mem- Riuh Thomas, Mrs. Ann McCleary Pratt, Mrs.

Karl Melz- ier, Mrs. El lie A. Dreyfka are Ihc first women here to enroll In the Red Cross inslruclion course for a Volunteer N'urfle'fl Aide Corps, or' Red Ihe ganized by the American Induction Ceremonies Held At Nmvml Hospital; At- tend In Full Uniform Included In 'Ihe weekend program. I Cross In collaborallon wllh Swcnlylwo men attended the! Office of Civilian Defense. Club session Sunday ir.orn- The Inler.sive 80 hours training Ing.

The subject of the Informal I wtll start soon In the Ned Cross discussion was "World Govern- Chapter ncidquarlero at 70 Pel(ham street. The class will Ix lim- Sunday evening, under the lead- tUd to 30 who will receive crshlp of Chaplsln -their preliminary training from i Newporl l-e'jlon spnko. Tlicsc pnsl officers ntllUc( Comma Admiral William B. Caperlon. lo Ihe persons for vlolntloli of Ihc niotnr (retired), the quahoi vehicles laws Monday imd nsVH i officer retired or active In this country, became a member of Newporl Post.

American Legion, al Induction ceremonies Davis, Naval Training Slatlon. 80 registered graduate nurse. The service men were taken by cars 'ccond par: of the course will bt rctc-r DcJcsua: enduring In olhci- Inmls." MRS. KALBFUS GIVES TALK ON EAST INDIES gcnnU nrmg Jracpll rcrry senior vice commander, John Illg- by; junior vlcr- commander. William De.iv-; finance officer, Joseph Dodl; ihapliiln, William Hall.

a Thomas Cashninn, fines were, court by Judge In Ihc dlstrli-t Arllmr J. Siilll- St. Mary's-Holy "cross pracllce work given social supper and church Ho.pllal, Judge Sullivan The Rev. Arthur F. Roebuck, the rector, and his com- of Ihe Newport Red Cross Chapter, unnounctd loday.

Joseph Oranam, of Everett street. WM with speeding aft rnoon mtllec on arrangements were; A co-npletlon of the course praised for the services ar.d par-1 "ni'nlhlrTearih oi. West Broadway, and KIICHIUVHI. James P. comninn( the local posl, and Sjicnkor Shows Ourios at Pembroke Scliolnrsliip Luncheon Viking Auxiliary officers arc: President, Mrs.

Grace Beaver: vlcu president, Mrs. Mary Johnson: secretary, Mrs. I.orelln Simpson; treasurer, Mrs. 'llolman; chaplain, Mrs. Eva Mor- An Illustrated talk on Java and SS oUc; sorBcanl-nt-arms, Mrs.

Ktist Indies Rose Sousa; hlslorian, Mrs. Wil- 'xcculivc conmilt- Anlhony, Mrs. I I I I I I Ul Reid, of Jonn strce-1. wllh falHe omcrs (ull lo slow down ut Ihc Inlcrscction for special occasion fln a In the saile were Senior Vice Commander A young charged wllh being a dluunlerly person was pill of Frank S.r- geant-at-Arms Albert Bowley, arranging. The ijundav afternoon vesper a riuraes nialnlaln local civilian service at Ihc presented a heallh aerv'ccs.

piano recilal by 12-year-old Don-1 aid Goodman. Or.e number I Finance Ocer John T. Blylhc, Ad- 1 Main roa.l, flvcrton, arraigned by 'portsmouln police for so Mr. and Mrs. J.

L. Goodman, who were observing their twentieth wedding anniversary. The Happy Hour program, under the direction ol H. Bar- LOCAL BRIEFS llicr points in the viia given 'at tho Pembroke Schol- 5 10 rslilp Fund luncheon at Ihe Holel Forrch ai Mrs Eugene 'Iking Saturday by Mrs. Kalb- si, cr 0 lor bearers, wife of Rear Admiral F.d- Furtacto, Mra.

Adelaide vard C. Kalbfus. commandant of he Naval Opeialmg She instilling stiilc of dlslricl showed piclures, some ol which 0 ffi rs of Ihc iosl wns headed she look herself, and curios from commander Carl Weiss, Senior place vlsllcd. vii-c commander, Eugene Shiily- Mrs. Kilblis was Introduced by nlcr vice commander, Mrs.

Charles D. Hulctl, picsUlcnt waller adjulanl, Frank of the curlenl Topics Club. Others lsom; chaplain, William llin- --Mrs. Henry irA MLa; Charlotte AH have returned from New York. --After a visit to the rctt featured maay oM-llme and City Cierk and MK.

W. Nor- Admiral Caperlon, who was 0 i. lr favorite songs. Saturday' man Sayer have returned to lieir "i en thiL' cf the West Main i graduated from the Naval Acad- even i ne a dance to the music of 1 home in this city. vA or.

Aimizif Moderaeers, was i --Mrs. J. Lawrence Weaver of to exprtti to ytrj VK: to receive the awards which entitles them to fly the Buresu 'A flag and Ihe navy pennant over thtlr establishments. Workers in the torpedo lU- nnd other plants winning award aliw will be given recogr.l- lon for Ihc-lr efforts. In the form of laptl b-jttons bearing the nslgnla (Sowing lhat they sre Ic-flnite contrlbutnni in the ck- effort.

The gio-jp first idareaHO by Rear Admiral W. H. P. Chkf of Ihe Buresu of develooed the plan for re- Ing for thtir In r.avy ordr.ance orders tome mor.ths ar.d who gratification over the keen compttlllon for the Irophy which already had beta co.iferrec upon 25 mtntjlart'irtrs of equipmtnL Ir, i brftf BecreUo 1 Kr.ox the ester.tUl r.tei keeping lip tttidy f.ow of rr.fcte- rlal for Er.jlar.1. K'JtU irA crir ov.T.

forcM. To these tfforl-, he said tht'. the r.aval have jivea wacle-ttart- A E-jpport- "Yea are htre toisy of putlir.g deto ixr.irf ht tol'J thf chostr. ouUur.di.-.r ir. lit nar.ce "This Is a proc-c- Uo.i is th Etcitta-T cci'-in-jfri.

as to endanger on road, Portsmouth, was fined emy In 1815, rose to rear admiral and cosls. was the op-. In 1913. He was designated ad- aUe nded by 525 eervice men ar.d Gibbs avenue basher cralor of a truck owned by John miral upon being named com- The hoslesses were Mrs. I Charles F.

Svhlelth cf M. Toppa, Mlddlclown contract- mander-in-chlef of the Pacific Em(3t Southard, Mrs. A. H. Bar- as her or, lhat t'irned over nnd parllal- Fleet, July 28, 1916.

ret Mrs. J. W. Rupp, Mrs. J.

--Mr. ar.d ly bunted after sldcswlplng one At lha time, Joaephus Daniels, H. Barrett and Mrs. Graf- cur and sli ling into another last hen Secrelary of the Navy, laud- ta week. the admiral for his valuable Tiverlon police arrangned Alan(1 jntislaclory service in Haiti ifp I IFY and Santa Domingo, and praised A i I Mis P.oxbsry, al tlio head table were Mrs.

Alfred L. Carry, chairman of the luncheon committee, and Mrs. Robc-rl Dunn, Mrs. John 11. Scan- nevlii and Miss Clara A.

Slanhoiic, members of Ihc comiiiiUcc. The scholarship fund is one Ihu projects of the Rhode Island i Slale Federation of Clubs. nrms frcd Bass Frennlng. of Wesl Main road, l.llllc Compton. He was fined 33 nnd costs for driving without a license.

The Tiverton authorises also brought In Jean Paul Slmoneau, 21, of the lOlh Coast Arllllery, Fort Adams, who wns fined 53 and cosls also on a charge of driving without a license. Newport police arraigned Hen- ry B. Barb-r. of Kingston avenue. wlio was fined $10 and cosls for Bcllcvnc avenue.

his efficient record as an executive. Previously INITIATORY DEGREE J. TarUg- liEo and iliss D. C. r.ave gone lo Waihlrgtcn vacation.

--Mr. ar.d Ms. Archibald can have returned a at ir. --Dr. and Mrs.

CHini the Harry Anile scrgeanl-al- START i I AIM college In 1904 and 1910. He was at one time commandant the Naval Training Station here. June 30, be was placed An initialory degree emplifled by POLICE AID STRANDED LOCAL 0 BOYS Brisg Bsct Fire Ln Locil Scort Car; Mircii iii was ex- AT.chor££ ovtr tie Newport Lodge nf T-t Elks Sunday in the visitation of Cnrrcnt Topics Club, whcih spoa- The Some Classes to bo Held at OF CODICILS the luncheon, wilh Ihc federation. Is alllllalcd They R. I.

Industrial cost SERVICE MEN GUESTS AT ROBINSON HOUSE Many Take Part in Smelling Contest; Other Weekend Activities on Program Rogers; Leaders Receive Notices Some of the 15 courses to aid Rhode Island business gad Indus- of try in defense will be given al Rogers High School here on Ihc retired lisl as rear ad- James A. Taylor of Wooasocket.) ir a but was relained on active district After-being hu For: Bragr. N. tf a lex djys his and E. O-tUf-le bnl John JAMES ART COLLECTION lions and decorations.

Mrn JAMES WILL FILED ccaler of Rhode Island' Stale College, has announced. Olher courses will be I given ih Providence. Royal L. Wales, dean of Ihc First Portion to Go SIX-YEAR OLD GIRL TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION EXTINGUISHES BLAZE allend, the district deputy Invited officers and members of the kxSje --Mr. lo accompany him oa i visitations.

FranS Following induct-on. Ccllrr. Nrsrjor. tbi: Jx brjt Taylor spoke on putters perta-i-. Ing to the organization.

ar." Grants Petition, Ap- lls Executors of Estate in Rhode Island lo file nnd record cx- Icil copies of Ihc codicils to ffign will of Arthur Curtiss 1 issuance of leltcrs in I Island to co-executors was cayifege 0 0 said will bV November 13; Later Sale 1 given free to persons "dlrcclly May be Held Here rvrmy nr.u~.Nuvy":. C. conncctctl wllh home 1 on Sale Phyllis Nahrgang I ing to Ihe orga: inounced visits to Pawtucket Calls vember 30, Provence 3 a Saluriiay smelling eon- of defense indnslry. The The art r. icsl 'iea via.s of VHIIOUS uavorslpensc of Ihcir Iraining is supposed I Arthur were used lac contest.

A nuai-lto bo justified by their increased ncrQ Newport's largest, of the late tlss wfiosc cs iK'i- of men named" eight correctly I onieiency in Ibis field nr.d one out 01 Ihc approximately Heads of nearly 100 named nir.c. This noveily was introduced by Mrs. licginaki Norman, of Uio invitations committee, anil industries announcements of will be sold at auction at the Rhode: parkc-Bcrnct Galleries, In have received'xcw fork city. The cxlensive coi- 'be courses. ctlon formed over 50 years by Smarting November in Rogers am( A nol bc so id a one will be two courses.

"Applied Me-; ttme bu t. be disposed In parU. partment Before Attacking A supper wu Prevents Fire con clusioa of ibe Other speakers She-year old Phyllis Nahrgang. daughler ot Sir. and Mrs.

Raymond Nahrgang, of IB Msr.n avenue, telephoned fire headquarters for assistance and then extinguished a blazing cur- laia before the firemen reached Mrs. Marlha Caperlon, 1 by Judge Robert M. Dan-' who were assisted in Ihc general 1 probate court Monday calerlainment by Mrs. Kenneth f-S. copies being ordered cisllcinun.

Countess baszlo Szccli- high school" training, i Th her hom(; nt ca reached bead- ''physics and mathematics, tioned the rvcning of November 1 quarters at 1:53 P. and Com- 8 r.ft. Creel" p.d rocordcd and Willla.ii i Summit, N. and ileii Slaics Trust Company I appointed execil- Island with bond at no surety. A copy been ordered filed Attached to the bt a supplc- surro- rcmov- of i i I court.

aln of 1-. 13 Nlition for Rlcn O'N-clll. the estate of Josej.n Pago, first and final nc- cnntinucd to November of J910 on the per- or rhocbe Hazard irt granted adminis- 1 Petition lo sell real es- 1 ai estate of Lillic R. of Julia Hess, ex- I t'rjt final account 'or commission to Is- inr.trd on the estate of cnyi, -Mrs. Dorothea Landsbcrg, Mrs.

George Henry Warren, Louis Bruggiiierc, Lewis G. Morris ar.d Mrs. John Rhodes, who supervised Ihc AXets. Ballroom dancing was conducted under tho supervision of Mrs. How-land Baker.

Princcsi Helen Rospigliosi. Mrs. Vladimir A. Bclir and Mrs. Eleanor John- sci playing piar.o accompaniment for a soag-fest.

Sunday, an informal musicals was presented at the Robinson House by Manuel DiAsccntis, bar ilor.e. Wrnunrf Grlnr.cll accom panicd the ringer on the ably through calculus required; 13 an( i afternoons of Novem- bication 1 was Its of Cutting and (ber 14 and 15. A large quantity found that the liltle girl had the high school training and practical furnishings, objects ot art and situation well In hand, xpericncc required. household appointments In nls 1 Phyllis, who was alone at home Dean Wales said Increased funds jfew York residence at 39 for a short time explained that vailablc for defense education 163th street will be sold oa Uie she had been taught what to do lake possible added courses in: prcm 5C December 1 and 3. lanagemcnt and science supple- Similar may be held later I recent Hre Prevention Week menting previous defense courses a i Tarrylown, N.

ar.d at Her action was credited hostesses were Miss Franklin. Mrs. Perry C. Hill, Mrs Gcorj-c Darfcc, in such an emergency in he ith engineering offered by college. -Beacon Hill House" here.

Books venting a fire that rr.ight ha Some of the courses are "refresh- rom his library are to bc sold all bad serious consequences. cr" or review courses and others. the Parkc-Rerncl Galleries aro cnucalioaal supplements to -ember 18 i.nd 19. experience gained in business and ndustry. have iov, No-1 the curtain ignited' could not be explained.

Hesrr tr tiffin bait. soi XL-s. Gf-rrrs r. ir.r flsy rur. Kic" TJisrr -WETC tiu Cr.thf- Ambrose Lynch, or presider.t of the SUle Al- Joh.1 E.

Mallea, first assistant attorney general: Powell, of Provideace. I re rwonnrf. ty Slorril! rnunty Tr. BIRTHDAY PARTY held Saturday afternoon for Lou Cave on Indian avenue. was In the form of a Hallowe'en party.

'Die rooms were decorated with orange and black streamers, Jack-o-lantcrns, and balloons. Grwn and Mrs. Francis 11 will be onscrvcd as World Gov csdets of the Maritime Games played and sion, he qualified for appointment AKKIT.P pictures were shown. slroy It 0:1.

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