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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 4

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WW man the would, toiday BNmorraimu I LONDON LIVERPOOL, i BOYS' SUITS. 85 cents. fa jmi Must bo sold at onco. 2,000 to soloct from, sfteTJ I To fit boys from 4 to 12 yoars. 4 MEN'S SUITS, $5.00.

2 Brp'1 Backs and Cutaways roducod from $10.00. I Bj I I men's suits, mm.m H' jrjifL inc3'; Goods, GutawayHor Princo Alberts Jprl Hp y2r roducod from $20.00 and $25.00. pij ij: ilMSTMiiirwl i E3K1 5,000 pairs to soloct from. CSJll-jf 8 T-l Jmtl 86 88 BOWERY, ONLY. Hro i CIEEIPOIKTS $200,000 FIAE Ohuroh Oa's Big Boda WorkB Hv Entirely Destroyed.

Hp Toe ioda-vrotuof Chorea InQreen- PJPB, potst, were destroyed bj Art early mis mora Ja. The woru occupied nearly the whole KTif Mode bounded by Oakland, Ash. aad Box wtreela sd Manhattan avenne, covering- thirty. iHk nla city lota or about ilz hundred efiuare feet. Wlttt tie exception o( very small pattof PPKf th plant Id which the offlee located tbe Hfrf attre block ia now a man ol mini.

Tbe loss PHktc will retcn'at least WOO, ooo. i Tbe main parti of tho bondings weto fonr HE', Ronea nigh and built o( brick. Other bnlld- PpHgi Jan o( wood were numerous, which acoonota largely for the fleroenetsofttie Baron. PPKC The bonding on the Box street aide, oppo- PBjy, aUa tbe burned buildings, are four atorr frame ggtaeHf' J. ttnetnent-bonaea ocoapled by ten to twelve ftaailllea each.

On tbe Oakland atrect aide la mK. tbe box faotorr of E. Smith tt whllo KWu alobf the Aabetrer tide extendi tbe works of BVY tbe Brooklyn OU Eeflnlag; Company. PPHf Tba Or broke oat In tbe carpenter abopor KM sod works, whloh wai located In tbe sec- Kp' OA4 awry, near tbe coiner of Oakland and Box PPKv7 atreata. Ko one waa In tbe room at tbe time.

PPKjv Bone one of tbe forty membera of tbo night PPJf lsjasgtst worthwhile nssitnx tbe door soon PPB aftet nsldalght, amelled smoke, and looking in PPBp' tesad tbe room full oflt. Boon tbe men were PPJ. at work wltk bnckata and tbe steam wblatle gaKR Jf an to blow the fire alarm of Urea shrill biota. This brought Policeman Doyle, of tbo Bev- Hp 'Bntb Prednet, to ihe -works, and be tnrned In PPB alarm. Three boxes were pulled.

gEf I Tbe fin bevtn to gain on the pall brigade, PPHEL and taey were driven from the boildlng. Mono HHKu ef them waa injured. bbbbbbbb I 'Ir was some time before the flrst Ore tnglne HHK'V' arHTed. At Xt.SO the namea were leapiof eBBBBBBF' jlBng tbe yellow pine floors. OOOfS'vi The smoke waa bllndlnv.

Tbe wind carried MMM tt lato the tenement hourei on Box atreet and MrA aUaoat a psnio was the result. Hoon tbe aiessBE'iv' tenants were husiuug taslr bousebold effecu into tbe street. MMW? AssUtint cnlef Ferry arrived and sent In 'two more alarms ana two specials. At HKJ o'clock sixteen engines were at work. Chief MMKgj.

'Dale came with tbe third alarm and took HHp. fi 1 Bbortly after 1 o'clock tbe whole plint was a HK1 Bery turnsca. Tbe names shot blgu In tbe air BMMk i and a light of peculiar brlgutoeks radiated in HBK all directions. sBOk Tbe Brooklyn OU Company's lire brigade waa fif'1 iat work nnder Foreman ylldebraud at 1. is.

Tnykeptesch of the tweuty-tour oil tanks BKtc covered with water Irom tmriy-ilx lines of HK Pipe. It waa their labora that saved tbe Oil HHk, (Vompinye works. MMnl. At a o'clock one of the forty-foot tanks par- MMK Mally filled with napntha exploded, burnlDR the eyebrowa and hair of Foreman Ulldabraml. 'HHHbff (No other damage wis done.

nananafSV The wind waa blowing from the west when 'rBaaW fe broke out. but soon changed to the MK; aouta-weau Tbla alone saved Bralth's box HHKa. factory, aBaBaCr), Capt. Bhndes, of tbe Seventh Precinct, worked all night with all hli available force. FUy 6,000 peopto pressed agslnit tbe Ore SaaaaKa tE7 One youns woman, who would not ilve her (MMBrf aaeae, fainted during the excitement and was carried out of barm's way by l'olkomua HHHa' Carter.

rhe walls began tofsll about S. SO and few MMMr are bow aunoiug. aaaaaKxl A tlahtraln began to fall at o'clock, and 'Bv, Ula waa a algnalfor the tenants to luovo their BBBBanvJV betoaglnsa lmo their apartmeuta again, which did lu a Uvnj manner. The soda, works, one ol tbe laraest of lta aeaeaetC, tint In the country, employed about ano men women, moat of whom will be thrown out 'K, of mploymrnt. m' At 10 o'clock this morning the firemen were souring water on the ruins to put out the i bHBVl.

last traoes of the Are. ilaBl Pupt. Htearnaasid that the loss would reach probably exceed 000, There la an in- tjpPKv 'aarancoof iLBBaaaE. tK HARD FIGHT WITH OUTLAWS. aaaaaBBr- 'PK A United States Marshal and Poeso rK't, Bun Down a Desperate Gnntr.

Isrzcut to mi ivmma world. 1 i-ppK KlMaiaCtty, Feb. Monday United Btatea Deputy Slarshal John Swaynr, four 1 PKt asauUanta and a poase of eighteen men got on BBf tbe trail of a notorious bind of outlawa In the PBe Calekalaw Nation. Indian Territory, and fol- PF-; lowed It until Wedncaday morning, when the outlawa were rnn down In a den near Howell aHH4 Baocn, In the northeut part of the nation. BHHS TBe outlawa answered a demand for aurrrn- i'bK- der with shots, andaaklrmlsh ensued, durlnic A jBBnK which BUI liodgiru, one of the raoit noioriout iWm- ootlawa In the Indian 'lenllory, wat badly wounded.

The deperadoe, leu number, R. finally aurrendtred and were lodged In Jail at Ardmore yesterday. There a reward of lor Ilodglni, who ipK la charged wlih several murJera. IEf Btfttiatics of common schools, uni- yeValtlea and coUoffes and of Illiteracy PK tbo United states, the most com. Ht.

pleto now extant, apponr in THE BBf "WORLD ALMANAC for 1801. f'Kl FOUR HORSES CREMATED. jl" pHfc Early and Destructive Blaza in a fvKv. Morris nnla Stable. iBi Fl broke out st 40 o'clock thli morning K-PKSt, In the second story of the frame stable In the PPJLr rear of CO East One Hundred snd Blxtv.flrst PPKi Rtrret, owned snd occupied by Peter Lynch.

PPBKy; Four hprsra were burned to deatn and four 0MBBk arts ol harneia wero destroyeiL Tbe horses and h.rnoiw were valued at and uotroyed, wasval- BBBBBBBJBBVHCfl at laOUL bHBtHbW' 'I be are all covered by laaurancc. The pBypa'aasMiiitbeiirsUuokDown. bKK 1 BHaV' (' '( RIDLEYS', GRAND N. Y. SHOES.



EDWARD RIDLEY SONS, 309, 3U, 311 1-2 to 321 Grand Coierluc entire blook Alt.n to Orelurd t. BIRDS OF FINE FEATHERS. They Rook Together at the Madison Square Garden. The big Madison Oarden has been the scene of some marvellous exhibition, in Its tune, but tt Is doubtfullt any of them, brute or human, were of more genuine Intercai than the New York Poultry snd Pigeon Association's show lust opened yesterday. There are more than 4,000 lonlt oa view, and they are In truth the aristocracy of the poultry world.

It the Urges! exhibition ever given In New York In the inter tltno. There sre 433 classes of poultry, Including nearly all known breads. The stratus represented embrace llrahmas, Cochins, Langehans, Plymouth Hoiks, Wyandottes, Blsck Javas, Jtr.ey Ulues, Legnorns, fcpsolsb, Pollih snd Audiluslsu fowls; IHnotcas, Ham-burns, Bed Caps, lloudnus aud gamecocks. 1 he dliplsy of same birds Is espcclJlly large, numbering all ot tbevailetles from the spry little bantam to the tall ami sturdy luillan game cock, wnlcn standi a hlgn Its ami na legaaa thick aa a baby's wtl.t. Not me lta, lnleresilng of the evtilblt sre the big oatrlchea, down In the basement among the patent coops ami Incubators.

'the big Oarden pre.eut. an animated scene to-day. Ron after row ol loops stretch Its entire length. Iu tho centre of the auipi-llu-stre aru cagis ot golden pheasant, aod there la a miniature UVoou which swaus no.n eerenely. '1 he pigeons are In caeca reaching around the Oaruin.

A baud Is perched up In ono of the galleries, anil ever lima Ihemuaic Maria up lucre Is tremendous cnorna ol tsckllng, above wnlcn echoea the deosnt ot tbe blue blooded rooilsrs. of tho fowls are of cona'derable value, rangiog a high as (KOlnprUe. '1 hero are Itidlan gamecocka for sale ut ftPO and tiOO apiece, and even tn. luoian name mlktsare wortn as much as t-JOO euch. 'the Judnlcg began yesterday, and to-day many of the coops are deiomied with the nmch-coveled rlbuons, blue deaignailn the brat-prize winners sud red the second.

'Ihe Blow la lieliig vlallcd iiy many of Ihe faahionable ladles, some of wnom are oxhlbli-ori. It mil umtinuo lo-inorrow, Mnuday and 'lucsday, opening at 10 M. and closing at 11 r. a. DAMROSCH'S LIBERAL BACKERS Quaranteos that Assure New York a Pormanont Symphony Orohestra.

Director Ha'ter Dim roach announcca that he has seemed a guarantee (uud ol a year for the ratabllshment of pennaneut symphoulc orchestra In tnls iltv, and crforts it III begin at onco to accure the beat attainable maicrlal In America or Kurope. '1 he object la to esiabliali a ermaoent aeilea olsjmpbony and popular concerts at popular prices. Anlrew William K. vr. derbili, V.

O. Mills and J. Pleriont Morgan are among ihe leading subscribes to the guar-aotte fund. Morns Heno, Eecrclsry of the Fyraphony Socftv, sayatne orcheatra will comprlae not lets lhao cue lundred inuilcunsunu ihechlrf scene ol lie contens will bo in the buildlm now iing coaairucied at Stvthlh a euuo and niiy-scvcnth ttrett, 4 Shoe Sale. Extra pnsh for Saturday.

Tho clmnco of tho year to got first-class Shoes at a Saving of Half. Ladles' liana mnile OXKOIII) TIES sires 'i. toOs widths and very ncnt; usually sold A QQ for fJM, at dl.tU Ladles' Mack Stiwlo OlT.ItA 8LIIVER8, gol'l btndcd vnmp nnd liow.wldtus and sold JQ evcrywliero nt I.TlJ Wnrm rod beaver lined liouso ifjn SLll'l'KltS, nil, to TOU. Loillcs1 Amazon kid rotnmon-scno biitltm SHOES, with or without patent leather tips, widths 1) nnd nir.ts 'li to 7, ovcry pnlr warranted oxcollent vnluo QQ for3.0O, at l.uO Ladles' extra Una button SHOES, all hand sewed, SIZES our former price QQ HD0 to (5.C0, at L.UO Youths' veal calf button nnd lace QQn SHOES, sizes to 3, at UOU. Misses' Dongola kid button spring hcol SHOES, ctios 11 to UOU.

jtUIIBEHS. Misses' nnd Children's high button AHCTICS, spring heels, our QQn former price tl.CO uOGi buckle ARCTICS, best QQ- make QuUa Men's Goodyear Glove Co. first quality self-acting wool-lined JQn ALASKAS 7QU. Men's best scU-actlng 4uUa Bloomingdale Third AYenne, cor. 09th Street.

MR. SULZER SURE OF WIHKIHB He Carries His Free Lecture Law Amendment Through Committee. It Is rdkoiy to Pass Both Brandies and Be Slgnod by Gov, I1I1I. There Is an exoellent prospect that tbo amendment offered by Astemblyraan Raiser to the Free livening Lecture lew, providing for the better accommodation of tho crowds ot men and women who attend the leotnres, will be passed by tbe Assembly during tbe present week. There also appesr good ressons for believing that tbla admirable bill, alter receiving the Indorsement ot tbe Assembly, will nnd clear sailing In the Senate, and that before next week bas closed tbo lltousands ot Kvknino Would resders who bsve encouraged tbe labora of Mr.

Bulier will have Ibe pleaaure of knowing that It baa become a law by tbe signature of Gov. Hill. The bill, aa lutrodnoed by Assemblynsn Bolter, provides tbst when the school accommodations aro found Insufficient for tbo audiences that dealre to atteud tbo lectures, the School Commissioners shsll have tho right and power to select such buildings or hslls aa are snllablo for the proper uccomraodailon of all those who wish to hesr tbe leotures. The Couiunssloners sre obliged, by the terms ol this bill, to avail themselves of the proposed latltudo when In their Judgment acbool-houses are found to be Inadequate In accommodations for Ihe lectures. Tbe present siatns of tho amendment In the Aiaembly Is that It will come up for it third reading some djy this wtek.

Tho C'ommliteo on Education, tn wnli-ti It was referred, has examined It carefully, aud has ropene I It back to the Assombly with tho recommendation tiitt It be passed. All it now requires la the lurinal approval by tie Assembly, on trlrd reading, altar which It will oe engrossed snd sent Benatc, aud then to Uov. Hill for bis signature. Tno Assembly Committee on Education Is composed of eleven members, with Asaembly. man William Miner Lawrence, of tne Eleventh Dlatriu, as Chairman.

The Committee au-noumed a hearing ou the measure last 1 burs-day. 'J he committee room waa ailed wlt'i rooplo when A-semblymao hulser eloqueull) explained Ihe imanlug of tne proposed ani'iid-inent sud deacrlbed ihx great be hen I a that nave already accrued Irom the free livening Lecture TBlcm. lie told of the mimrdtate sncoens attained by the lectures snd nt me thousands of orklngmen au I working omen who were prectlc.illy teoelvlng a collegiate ouncattou by attending the couraia of lecturer. Thoexieuae, he sjld, waa really nominal in thecllv, snd to makv the lectures comrlcie success the Scnool CninmlH-louer should havo wider dlaoretloaatid litlimle, and tneso wire provided for by Ihe amendment. '1 he Committee, at ih tlnst of Aaeamblrmsn Sulter'a speech, were unanimously in larorof tne anienaineut, nun Friday tlay reported It favorably to the A'stmjly, ncen It came np for i second reading.

It will be read sgain lor tre third time to the members ot tne Atacmbly, and llien it will Le pa.ko I. Afacmblpmn rmlzer stated to-dsy that there waa not the aiighteat snsdow of dnubt that hla bill will be pasaed Immediately on Its reception by the Senate. "I knoiv that all the Menators." he said, are heartily In I ivor of It, aint, of courae, II la o.l of the ques'tim to inuciue for moment Ihst wlieunov. Hill rricliexU he will heilta'c to make It a law by ntrixlng hla O'NEILLS 6TH 20TH TO 2IST ST. WILL OFFER To-morrow, Saturday, 2,500 PAIRS Mousquetaire SUEDE GLOVES AT lICI PAIR.

frtjl'jesif CLOAKS. Mirny important lots go on salo Saturday at still further ItoiIuctionH. All Long Gar- monts nt about Half Usual Prices Soino very much less. It is certainly a clmnco to savo monoy away boyond what is possiblo a ordinary sales. Tho Btylos, bear in mind, aro tho most popular novelties of tho present season.

One lot Long Garments In plain iloths nnd stripes, wcro $10.03 ft QD to go now at 0 Tu0 Handsomo lonR garments, Imported Jncqunrd material wcro 7C $16 00, to bo sold at D.IU Elegant Garment, handsomo plaid material, worth $10 60, to go (1 7C at Fino Beaver Garments, In navy, green and black, to bo sold QQ now at U.UU Fino cheviot Newmarkets In black, tailor made, worth CQ $17.50, nt 3.31) Extra fino Kersey biaver long Garments, richly braided on sIcovcb and (ront; sizes S3 to fl "7t" U8; worth $39.00, at 1 U.I 25 Odd Garments, In plain and braided goods, worth $18.00 to If) fill tM-BO, ot lU.UU All Jackets reduced. Many broken lots at very much less than cost of tho mcro materials. Ono lot of Misses' Newmarkets, In handsomo stripes, worth 4 QQ $7.05, at 200 dox. Norfolk Waists with belt, In all wool Tricot, worth JQ special prlco 1.4u Bloomjngdale 3d Cor. 59th St.

RAH DOWN J1HES OEDPATH. McGowan Held to Await Ihe Result or His Injuries, John McGowan, driver of ear 114, of the Madison avenne line, was bold by Juatloo Kogsn, at the Tombs, this morning, to await the result of Injuries to James IEedpath, the well-known Journalist and lecturer, whom he ran down and narrowly escaped killing In Tark ltow. Mr. Itedpath was attempting to eroas tbe street rr.ra In front of tne old World building to the Foat-OITlce, about fi o'clock last evening when he suddenly found himself directly In trout of the horses of tbe Madison Avenue car, bound uptown. He caiud to tbo driver to atop, but before bis cry waa heeded he was caught by the cross-polo chains, dragged a short distance aud dually thrown down.

The horses sud part of the car paaaed over him. When the car was stopped Mr. Itedpath was nnder It. Uyslnudcra quickly lifted the forward part of the csr and took the lujcrcd man out. He was ablo to walk to Terry's pharmacy with the assistance of two gentlcmon, and alter an ambulance was hurriedly rani-moned from tbe Chambers ttreet Hospital.

burgeoo Maiming temporsrilv 1 Mr. Ho Jpatn's injuries and tuok him to the hospital, whete House Horgoon Crofton treated nlin further. The Injured man's daughter wit. also summoned to the hospital, aud although hi.

Injuries wero not cnusldered dauseroua It nss deemed advisable to koep him at Ihe hospital over nutit. Driver McGowan was arrested acd locked up In tho uak street police station tor rccklcs. driving. He Is thirty years old aud Uvea at 3U Kt Tn rt -second atrect. At tho hospital this morning tt was said that Mr.

Itedpnlli was doing nicely. He was quietly sleeping when the reporter called, and it was sail that he would probably be taken to liU home during tho day. Although Mr. licdpatli had a very narrow e.capo Irom serlius Injury aud pernapi death, aud had hta clothing almost torn Into ihreds. Dr.

Crofton aays that ms Injuries are super-Uclal, aud couatel of a aialp wound over tte left temple aud abrasions ou tho left Jaw uuu arm. llu will probably bocouduod to Ida room uclr a tewuafs. Mr. liedpath's lett arm and leg aro partially paralrzel, and tlila phrtliul iilaiblllty prom, i ly piovemed him Irom getting out of tnu way ot the csr huraea. Soon alter tho accident a Mr.

O'Neill, who sdd he naaa friend of Mr. Ked.nlll and bail wilueasod the acttdeut, cailnl at tho luspllal ami said that the dmtr vus vullty nf gro.i Lnrtbaaneas. lie ileolined, nnwecr, to LUu tun sllgrtlcai details ol tno accident. Driver MrOon an says in hla own behalf thst Mr. Ketpati stepped Irom bi-btml a Tnlrl iiveuue car, golnic down, directly In Iront nf his horsis und seenie I to very much buvll-dered.

Mctlowaii insists that tie sinppod hla car wllhtn nlaisnco of leas thau ten iret nnd aa soon aa posaiblt. He lys tne accident was uuatotiUbln Mi. Ilodpath la tlfiy-Ovo years old and Uvea at the Hotel tlladatone, ilroadwayaml l'lllr-ninth atnei. lie ta ihe l'irat Mce-I'retldtict of Dr. Mctllvnn's Atiti-I'uverty hoclely aud haa tilled rcaiousli le piaiitons on iho (i Inlfio aud other publloitloua.

FOUND HOST OF THE GEMS. Dyrnos'a Men Brlnclnsr Homo tho Fifth Avonue Hotel's Hall Boy Tutor. Insrcctor Ilyrness staff detectives, and ilurd, telegraphed their chief this morning from bt. Loul', aunounclag ihelr dc-parinre for ork tula morulngwlth Johu la Dur and CBarlea Green, who were captured a lew days ao at on me charge of ateallng la coney and diamonds from the tilth Avenue Hotel last November. Ureen was a hall boy at Ihe KUih Avenne and La liui was hi.

Intimate friend. The properly waa atolen from Mrs. CrIUY. I'atterson, of Evanavllle. who was a truest allhe hotel.

Most of the jtamouda have len recovered hy the detecllvea in rlsgluan, Chicago and bt, Loult, where they had been givtn away or pledged by the prlaouera. FOR LOVERS OF CHESS. The only directory of prominent Chess Clubs in tho United States 1b printed in THE WORLD ALMANAC for 1801, with tt resume ot eullent chces ovonts in the lust year. I Alia Co. Umbrellas.

OFFER SATURDAY, FEB. 7. the following SPECIAL VALUES: Assorted m1- -ver handles, 2 00 26-inch silk real value 3.50. Silver and silver trimmed Sf JJ handles, 26. AiiOW inch silk um- real value 4.25.

brellas Sterling silver I handles, 26- SA Eft inch, supc- TiWU riorsilk um- real value 7.25. brellas, (18th Street Htntlon Illevnted nanrl.) LITTLE JULIA'S SID STORK. Her Mothor Dead, Sho Wants to Go to Her Home Aoross the Sea. Julia Ottnll Is a pretty, brown-eyed little girl of twelve yesr, snd her story Is assd one. She was found by Policeman Mulrooney, of tne Ilroadway Squad, with a letter In her hand, making inquiries of psssers in Ihe busy Broadway at CorUandt atreet.

To tbe big policeman she relsted tn plotur-eique broken English that she was a Hungarian and au orphan, bhe had lived with Mr. Vagltn Metochen, N. bnt had come over to New York to get $120 from tbo Slate Bank In Grand street money deposited there by ber dead mother. Mulrooney took her to the rooms of tbe Gerry Souleiy.and there an World reporter saw her to-day. Mine fader, he die when I was a lcctle baby," said Julia, taming ner great brown eyus upon the reporter, and expressing with her bands what a very little baby sho w.s wben hcrlather died.

"Mine mutter ahe come lo America with me three and a halt year ago. Wo lived with Mr. Urani. 'then wo went to that place (Metuuhen). 'Ihen my mutter shn got sick, and they tske her to a ho.plial on Mew Year's aiTJ sne died.

My mutter, she leave $183 In tho bant. I hive no friend. Mr. he take care ot me. Theulwant lo gu home to lluntsrla.

Hit nice here, but I muat go home to Hungans. My broiler, lio have a wife; my staler, sue have a hujbaud they In lliiuanrln." "What doe Mr. Val do? What do your brother and abler work att tuc reporter u.ked "Mr. Vngl, he works In sand, but my brother and slsler thsv not work. Ptobody I gue.e, iu llnuiarm." bupt.

nid he had the Impression that Julia had property coimug to her In lluu-wan, aud ortUers nf ibe Society sre inveatl-K mug. Vagi is not able to take care ot Julia, slid oi comas no one could draw tne money left bv Julia's mother out of bank except by 1 gil proceaa. MLiyiblug else falling, the money wl'l be trnusfcrred to a aafo depoait company's cur. todi sr.d JulUwill be cared lor In an orpnun asrlum. lausce Grant la a maker of essences In Norfolk street, snd Vloe-1'tesldenl of the llungs-rlan bocloty.

Julia's mother WMU.cTVjnt In IU-, lamlly veir aio. Mr. lltliunalein, of the lliHclinff Dank, said that ho had trims icted business both for agl snd and for Julia's mother, who frequently sent money lo her iithi children In Hungary. Vagi was a noble follow, the only friend thtt up for little Julia when her mother died He camp to us with her ou Mon-iliy to arrsnge for sending her in Hun-girt, hut timid uot get her money from tbe State Dans that Is Mr. Urant could not und she p-tuftcd a place a nnrae tnni secured for her, but returned tn Mctuohen with her onlr Inend.

Then sne ohanaou her mind und luii come over to tike tno piace I offered, wneu shu wss arreted." DIAMOND BROKER'S CLERK. 0harlti3 J. Knothe Oonfesses to Stealing $5,000 Worth of Genie. As Charles J. Kuolhe, abrlgnt-looklngyoulh ot eighteen, stepped off a train of the He a-ware, Lackawanna ana Western Il.llroad In Jertey city this morning, he was arres'cd hy Detectives McCarthy and Tttua, ot Inspector llyrue's ataff.

'I lis charge against him la diamond robbery. I'll 111 a few months ago he worked lor Iter ice l. Harding, diamond broker, ut 3d Malueit lane. He disappeared trnm tne store and Harding dUcovtrcd he was out about worth ot diamonds. 'I ho det-ctlvrs learned that vnunir Knothe had become stranded In Han Krauclac.3 and that he had written home for money.

1 hey watched all Incoming rraina, an I trie morning hnolbe was nubt. Wneu I awu uckeia representing tJ.MO worth ol gems tre fouud upon him. i bo diamond, ha 1 all Leu pawned In ihla city. Knothe wai taken to Jefferson Msrket Pollen Court and remanded. He Ilve.

st S.7 Wist one Hundred and Tweuty-aixth street, and la tne sou of well to do psrenis. KnotUe admitted that he hau been stealing from his employers stucs June lam, and that ho tad taken muca larger quantities of dla-inunda sud jewelry than the firm suspected. Immigration Into the United Slates. It may bo studied in the statistical table In THE WOBLD ALMANAC for 1BOL, HICIIDS. SPECIAL SALE OF BOYS' CLOTHING At Price.

100 DOZ. BOYS' FANCY WAISTS, box plaited front and back, III all new spring pat- lllC. ferns, af 100 DOZ. OUTING FUNNEL WAISTS. QQ in fancy stripes, laced JjC.

fronts, all sizes, 300 BOYS' DARK BLUE AND GRAY FLANNEL ftO SAILOR SUITS, sizes JJuC. 3 to 10 years, 100 BOYS' SCHOOL A SUITS, of dark mixed QQ cassimere, sizes, 4 to tv 14 years, at 50 BOYS' DARK BLUE $ft nr JERSEY SUITS, ZlUu 400B0YS' ALL-WOOL SCOTCH CHEVIOT AND CASSIMERE SUITS, desirable $0 QQ patterns, formerly AuuO sold at $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50, sizes 4 to 15 years, all at ONE LOT OF FINE) A QUALITY JERSEY $fj QQ SUITS, formerly sold JjJU at $5.50, at ONE LOT OF FINE QUALITY DARK-BLUE CLOTH DOUBLE-BREASTED nn REEFERS, with deep II sailor collar, gold still trimmed, sizes from 2 1-2 to 7 years, formerly $5.00, Sixth Avenue 23d St. KENNED YS. i "iiAtvan, siiwkhr at osr. IMTJlt'Allt.

UVKUY I'AIlt JiUAItAN-TU COUTLANDT Ul STAIItH.) CRANDALL jjrjv 1B41. 1U1I Cnturj, 1H31. CfttriagM, of tbe netreat mnct ltett from 45 up- auuitiAsvsKpSL ward Hfioted atock onlr WHOLBSALK AND H1C1AIU AIoV)ocipeqe, ssmMisVavJKVl loll OarrlaeteiaodTrtcjrcled. lyftHfSJtWlVZnV Wood Mnt D. Cta- V-( jKgfiy-j jf lt(tu ftvvt Repssvlrb) doae, Open KvenlogB.

NO FEAR OF SALARY GRABS. Tho Bills Will Die or Be Emasculated, Mays tho Comptroller. Comptroller Myers, who bss Just retnrned from Albany, here he haa been looking alter the city's Interests In certain legislation, said thh morning thst Iho salary. gran bills will probably never be beard from again. If they are not burled In committee, he thinks they will be passed only with amendments which will glvi the looal authorities tee power lo say whether or not the salaries shall be raised.

The Cooney bin, whloh would exempt from taxation ihla city's hign Intere.t-bcsnng bonds, lie said, will be ameuded ao aa to affect ouly sucn bouds as may be Issued hereafter. THE SHIP SARNAC SAFE. But Ror Fireworks a TVttlo Lato for Last I'ourtb of July. to Trr KiEMaa wnnrmt San Frincisco, Feb. 6.

Iho ship Earner, from New ork to ban Diego, wnlch was glrcu up for wlili all on buatd, Ihic-o months ago, arrived nt fin ego to-day, 308 days out. bhe be ra the evidence nu eveiy hann of the terrible voyage she experienced, und Is badly dismantled. A portion nf tne cargo comprised Orenorks, wlurh were Intended lo reacu lue uoaat beloro the luutth ol July, A JERSEY CITY HEIRESS. She Wins a 820,000 Kstato in Canada After a Lone Local Fight. I.rrcui.

to Tits nvciixa would.) Feb. 0. harah Jane Itobb, of Jer.ey city, N. has been declsrsd the helrrsa of by Hie Canadian courts, hhe was the daughter of George Hobo, who mat-rted the dsughtcr of Wah Km, a chief of tbe Comox Indians, in Drltlsh Columbia. Itobb gave many blankets and $3d cash for bis bride and was married here according to the customs of the tribe.

Ills father, the late Chief of Police of Kingston, died and George Inherited the family estate. At George's demise It was ueclded to disinherit his dsughter on the ground that ber father'a marrlaae wss irregular. For nve yesrs tbe case bss been fought In the einrts, and yesterday harsh Jane got the verdict. iv-ir HEAR INI 8. M.

20 AND SO UEHT FOUltTIfB.HTU IT. Saturday Is Children's Day with SPECIAL BARGAINS in BOYS' CLOTHING and MISSES' CLOAKS AND DRESSES, i Shirts Hosiery, Suspenders, for Men's Wear. Saturday FeUy ythy Unlaundered Shirts, Bosoms 3 ply all linen, set in and full reinforced at 59c (value 75c) Half Hose, Brown super stout, full regular made double heel and toe, also some fancy stripes i8c, (value 30c.) Suspenders, A line of manufacturers' samples made of the best English Web with Contabs, Silk and Kid ends, 45c, (regular price 75c- 25.) Lord Taylor. Grand Street Store. NERVOUS DEBILITY Tbe too common oau.a nf Nrrvelens Voutfa, Hopeless Manhood and Warren Oln Age.

Htcrllity, 1'nralyais. Iniunltr and Idiocy manaoa etary Tlotlm or early lolly or latar exrean THKItK lH IUIPB I OR AlX In th arrj.t French tlnspllnlltrmrdleeotPror.f Ivlnle. Iiror qulokly liOimea alopped at one. lIlTllR Fit Eli, clvlo' the noil convincing proofa. I IvlDor Tratlmonlala In every Suit.

Lstnbllahrn IBSO. rceJHeill or liaiee Consnltatlon, A. ni.toAlMM.IlKllT. (I A. II.


ThIroproTd Klutle Trtu tb only tret In xlitcno tb4t It worn with atmalal oumfot nici-aoU dur It rettviai ruplurs uii'lar tJ birlail exercU or MTret nirtin. and will effect a prra nant and fpt1r cum without regartl to tat ait tbo pttlant. Examination fret Lady la attaai tnct lor ladiet. Send fur pamvbltc, ihpkovku uLAbrio rauss 82) indtfiA Broadway, cocnar Ntw York FURNITURE. NO MONEY DOWN Vornltart toldi ltrai, 60 wortbiuo.

vM.Uy,rjltf). MK), 42 (SOi eaor-moaiitooa; cann uno-. Addro MiQUtactQrer. Agtnt, Uptown World, NO MONKYUUWN-FurnitaretoldwUboQtoMh paymtnt. )ont crsdltj esnormMU tocttj do itoa ray trantactiont roafldutilt prioe low.

Maaulacturtr'a Aient. 10 wtatVthat. INTO MONKY-rnrnltar aold wltbout etab d. uoe'ti lonarttt credit, lot pricta. Manufao torer'sAgtot, i73 WtuMdil ITl'IlNlTUitn old without cnudfpont i lowfit prlvatt loiiPttirdU.

Addraas "MtDofaoturttrt Af tot," bMtinaot VdA froadway, PURCHASE AND EXCHANGE, paid for old furoTtar car. ittti. any doaonpUoa. 173 Uant AdfartlatmenlOrtiot, DIED. KOCH.

-At Hlolaliile. L. I lab. 4. I.EO K.

Kotu. ot WuodhsTao. sawl 73 yaara. 11 month. 17 dava.

Central B.tnr.laj.Feb. from 394 Barren U. Srooklin. st P. to bTfrsrsn Cmatur, rienUa and ralatlvaa invited to attend, ban franotaoo papara plaaa.

oopy. Interesting to Novel Readers. Tba multitude of readers of flotlon will be Interested In the list of" Tbe Hundred Oreotost Novels" In THIS WORLD ALMANAC for 1801. One may gather from It what Is worth roadlnir thbt be basnot yot read. A -r5-.


tiltOlA. SIZES 11 TO 2. WORTH 1 UXP m.73, st sJUut 300 PAIRS I.AI1ILH' PATENT LEATUKK AND KID BUTTON 1 I ft ft I III TIPS, WORTH $3.00, AT llAU I I.OT OF OBNTS' GENUINK CALF. nAND-aKWhDWKLT, WAU- I ft ft KKNPIIA5T.I.AOBORCONOKK8S 1 I UK SUOIIS. WORrit 8.00 AT .1 llUW jtl "i leikdlne; remedy fov all Iha BCurea IdTBJ unnatural dlscbarrea aai aT 1 to 6 A YB.

private dlaesaesot men. A. WSaaiaau a.t certain cure for tbe debllW jaj aa.M suietsra. tatlna; weaknesa pajculiav 111. stMMbVy Irrcscrlbeltandfeelsafe MtlHEEowiCHEumtCo rrrommendlnf it to) .11 suffersra.

0. a. JB1.J STONER, jBaaslr a Sold ot nrnanrisM. (4w' rnfrr, m.oo. PIANOS AMD ORGANS.

TBK BEST PIANO to bar (a an denot nw avaal. Wat.ra' Uprifbt with three p.dala. ThM. ara the toaad and moat durable pianos near made; thef contain alt the Improramants and ar. wsrranud all jhiii prleM, IJ76 to 450, and aold on pajraenta of slo per month arhan dMlrad.

Bnraalna In a-ood ateond-hand pisnost prlOM, from 100 to S200; paymama onlr Itpn eaentb. A etoot and cover anvan wltb aaeu piano. Uall ana aeaue. HOBACE WATERS HL 111 UTII NEAR 18TH ST. ORGANS-Parlor and ebspal organs at spttal rodneed pnosa, for caab or on parmants.

montnlyi aood second-band orsana nnlj S30. .40. 60; bsrssloa. IIOKAOB WATKRSl lit Mb ava. Tegal notices.


18M. aa to puoala I). and on A certain map "Map No, 1. Department of pnblio Worka. proparty map for tbe oon.trnotlon ot a blow-off at Shatt Bo, 24 on Secllon A ol tba Near Croton Aonednct, In the TwenUf.lourth Ward of tb.

City York. NoU B.C. and (oolorml pink). ara to be taken In In and aald fa. la tak.n anbject a perpetual tlbt ot way Cor ralU road purpoaaat acale, fMt equal to oaa inoht February, 1849," vblch map wai doly Iliad In tbe oMcool tt).

R.rlater or tba City and County of Naw York oil tba 33d day of Ootobar, 1BS, and isal oontfanoaa thereto. PUBLIC NOTICE la tivra that It my Intention to mak. application to tba Supreme Oouia ot tb. atat. ot Now York, at a special term cf aald Court, to b.ld lnb Second uillolal Dlatrlct, at th.

Uourt-IInoaa. in Whit. Plaint, tin Saturday, th. lttb day ol Fsbruary, 1891. at 11 o'clock In in.

forenoon, to ennttrm aa to aalil paroala A. O. and and aaut. oontianoua therato. tb.

report of th. Oommta.lon.ra of Appralaal appointed la the above matter purauaet to tba provlaioaaof obap tar 480 of th Lawa of 1883. and ot ebeoter 1M of tbe Lawa of 1SS7, by an order bearlne: data the 4tSI day or January, Ittjl). wbloh report waa duly nt.dla tb. offlca of th.

Ulerkof tbe Court of WeetcheeUv on the 2d day of December, 1SW. and a oopre wbloh waa dnly filed In the offlee of tbe Clerk ol tba) City and County of New York on aaid 'id day ad Bsw oamb.r. 1890. Dated Now York Jan. 18, 1S91, WILLIAM II.

CLARK. Connect to the Corporation. a Tvyon row. Naw York Oliy. DENTISTRY.

OPEN ALL NIGHT. Only Dental Office in the world aaeer efeeerf, day. night or Sunday. VraT hebt tketu oa rubber, no uobc, aaked. No better made how.rer mucb you pay.

Oold nil, 6)1 up, bolt fill. Ue up. Kltraotlna. 'iSo., 60o.

HANJiM.DIiNTAl, ASSOCIATION. 1203 ib oor. 11th opp. Macy'a. TEAS.


MOII.UITT, lift Wall bet. Water ana Front Ste FLATS AND APARTMENTS TO LET. APARTMENTS TO UT. 78. 811, 81, 84 and Little Weat 13th and IT.

10, Jl and '24 liloomfleld faclnc llndaon Hire. Choice apartmenta in perfect order througboas. lt.DUUtf, 49, fill and $11. For Information apply on (IERALD It. BROWN, Aaont.


Raolna every Tu.aday, Thurada4' aud Saturday, rain or thine I tret race at 41 P. M. Iloata from Jay and 4IM ate every 20 mrnl utca, connecting with atnam cara direct to tracKI al.o from Barclay, Cbriatophar and 14tb ate. IU minutea, conneoiing with borae cars direot t. track Admlulon 1.

tf I INSTRUCTION. EXi'EHIKNOKn lady teacher of piano aires las. aona at bar realdnnca. practloa Included, or will glTileaaona at popila re.ldenoet terma reasonablew AddraaaJIci 430Ctbave.

I BTKNOQRAPIIY and typewriting BIS Broad-1 way, leaaona Clweeki write or oalu FOR SALE. FOR SALE OHBAP-Ival Tandam. In perfect urd.r lnoulre L. W. beaalay.

King Oouotl Wheelman. UM Bedford Brooklyn. N. Y. The Republican Overthrow.

The Republican party In a minority of 1,333,209 In tbo Gonrrreeslonal elections of 1GOO. The. complete official vote by States Is reported for the flrat' time In THE WORLD ALMANAC for 1801. 1.

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