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Arizona Daily Star from Tucson, Arizona • Page 5

Tucson, Arizona
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yWDAY, NOV. 23, 19M. The modern housewife cooks wtu GIVING. Something Unheard of Oat. Get a GasJaog and try It.

By the Governor of Arizona: the Ruflaell Machine Co. WHY NOT? The proclamation la as follows: "To the people of Arlaona: Thanks. Lunch at the Woman's Exchans giving day has become so much and so peculiarly an American Institution from 10:30 to 2 p. m. All home cook To those in the market for Gasoline hngines.

Now your time to install your Pumping Plant. Six more engines needed to. complete carload of machinery. Ing. No.

26 North Stone Avenue. 10-f that wo look forward to its near approach with feelU gs of grateful pleas- Buy your ctffee where uio. You Get it Fresh. We STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE WRITER Young lady desires em "It had Its origin with the sturdy Dloueers of a new continent It Is hal "PP.PDI Mining and Employment Bureau HOWARD E. BANES, Mgr.

Roast it every day. lowed by the customs of our people 11 iiHliUJI sir. ployment with all or part time to serve. Address -Stenogrnaher' cjo Star office. I 11-18-lw for nearly three centuries.

It Is recognized by churches of every creed, and Woe No. 55 W. Congress. Basement. PAGODA ENGINES with written one year guarantee.

has been embodied In our laws as the great annual American family Phone No. 423. Furnishing niinoa with help a spe CLEO. Take advantage cut prices. festival of Thanksgiving for the mercies, prosperity and happiness of the aond Coffee The Gifted Telepath.

She will help vou on any subject. See her at 49 E. Carefully selected domestic and helo supplied. Houses and SHOP 111 SCOTT ST. BOX 203.

PHONE 2019 closing year. The memories of the years gone by of happy family gather ppnniiieton Tucson Ariz. Gives absent hpslins. 11-16-lmo COMPANY ings have especially endeared the day to us all, having to those, of whom rooms rented. IQ-U-lt WANTED.

WANTED Corral man. Apply at Fulton Market. ll-21-3t E. W. STRATTON DEALER IN MACHINERY there are so many of us, who have mi grated from the scenes of their early years, a peculiar significance of tho sea!" Genuine Hindu Remedy for Catarrt day.

Scott was right when he sang- Cold In the Head, Hay Fever, Aarb DOORS, WINDOWS, The President of the United States WOOD WOOD, At Mower South Myer street. 11-23-tf Caledonia! stern and wild. AGENTS GIANT POWDER CO CEMENT, PLASTER, LIME, HAIR Ima, and Headache. Pure Vegetable SHINGLES AND MOULDINGS has by his proclamation designated Meet nurse for a noetic child! KSnuff, made by Buddhist Priests' to' Thursday, the 29th day of November, Land of the brown heath and shaggy mula. By mall 50 Cents.

Posta for Its observance. WANTED English speaking girl lor general housework. Apply at 4H0 North Main street. 11-21-tf wood. The Tucson Lumber Company By the law -of the and by Land of the mountain and the flood." Prepaid.

CHULLAH MFG. CO. 207 Mercantile Place, Motoorl Is right, with his lyric cry Agents wanted) Los Angeles, the law of Arizona, it is made a legal holiday of the people of this prosperous community, to enable them fitting 'Isles of blest Japan! "WANTED A good all around young man. Apply at Willard Hotel between hours of. 9 a.

m. and 4 p. m. 11-15- Mining Timbers a Specialty When your Yamato spirit 3 I ly and fully to observe and enjoy the Strangers seek to scan, Lots. $75 and $100 ceremonies, all in their own manner, Answer thus: The cherry wild and Ten per cent down.

p. cent WANTED Unfurnished house of about four rooms in the vicinity of of Thanksgiving day. BEAUTY CULTURE. fair H. F.

Diehl "Nowu therefore, Joseph H. Kib- Breathes its soul on morning's air." Santa Rita Hotel. Address Star bey, governor of Arizona, do hereby Our American hymn, by the Rev. month. No interest; no taxes Abundant soil; purest water But before prices advance.

office. designate and appoint Thursday, No Samuel F. Smith, formal and old Successor to C. E. Darrow 234 East Congress St.

vember 29, 190C, Thanksgiving Day, WANTED Two 'ladies. Must sing iiance. Eiinuire at Carnival W. H. HAYNBS.

Sole Agent fashioned as it is in its cadence and is right in its outburst of Buys and sells for cash Household and Tecommend its observance and celebration as such. Grounds at 1 o'clock, fur Harry Beck natural affection: Goods, Vehicles, Miscellaneous and AMERICA. VonrlBvillf Theater. 11-21- "In witness hereof, I have hereunto VI tvvv- 'I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; Mrs. Carroll's headquarters are at the Woman's Exchange where may be consulted by those who are seeking to retain or enhance the glow and gleam of youth and beauty.

Her work Is correct, exclusive and up-to-date. She has the assured touch that Is only the product of finished art and manufactures an excellent skin-food, also all the after-theater creams. Manicuring Children's Hair Cut. 10-24-lmo Mechanical Goods, Guns and Revolvers. Carpenters and Miners Tools, Mining Outfits, Jewelry, Di set my hand and caused the great seal of the Territory to be affixed.

Done at By Henry Van Dyke. WANTED A partner with to take 1-2 interest in well-established My heart with rapture thrills Like that above." amonds, etc. In fact anything of Val Phoenix, the capital, this 1st day of November, 1906. business. Party must be reliable.

Ad Patriotism is the animhting spirit. Who that has ever lived in New ue. See me before selling out. 'dress F. Martin, Park Tiew Hotel the "esprit de corps," of a nation (Seal) JOSEPH H.

TCIBBEY. England can fail to remember and feel the charm of that landscape, with its Three elements enter in to it with 'Tucson. By the Governor, Phone 2794. varying power: gentle wildness, its cool, friendly wood WANTED Situation as first-class F. NICHOLS, Sec'y of the Territory of Arizona.

First there is that strange ana pro lands, its bright little rivers, its white ohPf cook and waiter, or porter, found sense of unity which binds to churches crowning the hilltops? House-cleaning. All kinds of help gether human beings dwelling under But we need also other stanzas to Have best of references. "Japanese LADIES AND CHILDREN Facial and body massage, electrics the same government, so tnat they tho inevhnnstible riches of 11-17-1 (eel their oneness as something great scalp treatment and shampooing the sublime and beautiful, the broad er and more sacred than their separ WANTED Trustworthy young and varied natural enchantments of E. A. JACOBS ASSAYER.


Julia Greenfield ate of Chicago, fifl East lSth street ate interests. man experienced in sales department all America. Let us sing the familiar Then, there is that mysterious sense and office of merchandising firm, de Phone No. 3243. 7-2-0 and well loved verses which come of continuity which joins men to the from the East; but let us sing also of sires position of any sort, best of ex perlence.

Address J. Star of history of their tribe, their race, and the North and the West and the South LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Have vour clothes Cleaned, Pressed makes them conscious of a rich inner ll-2a- the Great Lakes, the wide forests, the itance in th ideals and achieve and Repaired at the GOLDEN GATE vast prairies, and the blooming savan FOR SALE. ments of their forefathers. nahs: The third element of patriotic feel I love thine inland seas, RENOVATOR Y. We do French Dry Cleaning only.

Scott opposHe Santa Rlra. Phone 2S51. Quick Despatch. Prompt Delivery. 10-11-t! FOR SALE 1 good driving mare iug seems at first more simple than the other two, but it is none the less Thy, groves and giant trees, 1 heavv horse.

Jef Thy rolling plains; Wright. 5 Washington or Phone deep and mystical, for its roots go down into the secret places of nature. Thy river's mighty sweep, -(V ls-6t Thy mystic canyon deep. Bear this in mind. The Joe Wheel.

vnn 40 sicres across the President A. J. Pidgvon, of the Arizona and Michigan Development oom-rnwv. and manager of the Dragoon Thy mountains wild and steep, er 5-cent Cigar Is not better than the Tie'r, 20 -minutes' drive. All fenced All thy domains: best, but it is better than the rest house, welk and miwr improve Why not try itf Thy silver Eastern strands, Thy Golden Gate that stands nu -s.

$600.00. A. Orflla, No. 94 ll-T5-tf Fronting the West; Pom. 'ngton.

The Crescent FO" SALE ON GOOD TERMS. Thy flowery Southland fair. Thy sweet and crystal air Land' bevond compare, MoTHitain and Northern railroad company, returned from an the first of this week, and left yesterday fr El Paso to buy more machinery for he Copper -Chief mine. Before leaving he stated to the Press that the new railroad graded ready for cross-ties, from the main He to within' three-quarters of a mile of the tinine. Cros-ties are Shard to get, how A Fruit Ranch.

Well improved It is the "genius loci," the spirit of place, the love of the land, which weaves a thousand invisible threads of remembrance and association around the natural scenes of our life drama, and attaches our hearts to them by a sweet and subtle charm that cannot be broken. Our country is something that, we have seen in part, and yet have never seen altogether save with the eyes of die imagination and the soul. It is a mystic figure in which the ideals of Hue nation, the characteristics of the people and the features of the land are combined. This is the visionary Plentor of Suitable for 11 kind Thee I love best! The Interior. Cigar Companv of frutt.

Orchard started. Close in. No frost. Address V. O.

Box 804. 11-13-2 STYLE AND SURE-FOOTEDNESS FOR RENT. ever, at present, and may cause some (kilav. Beion Press. in your animals are possible if they're shod by expert hands.

Long experience and careful study tX)R RENT Udoom for rent, two people. 2tf. North Myer street. ll-1W-2t forna to which we pay our homage of FOR. RENT Furnished 100m for light housekeeping.

Inquire at Star Good in Sons. of conditions qualify us as experts to provide your animals -with the style and safe-footing5 you desire, and with, out extra cost over good work. gratitude, honor, and service, in the love of country; and the spell TUCSON, ARir i The Sift which brings it up before our hearts is none other than the magic of poet A I Transfer Anything FOR RENT House of three rooms for 'rent, 261 N. Meyers St. Apply to Park View Hotel.

VM5-tf ry. Sensation of Therefore the poets, gifted with true Gardiner, Worthen and Goss Company insight have not failed to evoke in Bvilis Eye Bargains office 10 e. Congress St FOR RENT Well furnished front room for single gentleman. No inva their watriotic verse the visual memo 5 PHONE 553. ry of the laud, itself, and to breathe I the Day i-n music the enchantment of A Phone '8 In Tucson REALTY We offer this week some choice and rivers, fields and forests, fertile valleys and sea girdled shores.

Shakes Palilnc Phon 2643 5- propositions in the line of revenue and npare was right in his great apostro home investments. lids, -ft V. 18th St. HroR RENT No. lH S.

Main street. 4 rooms, double roof; bath; lot 33 l-2x 335 feet. Fruit ami shade trees. Healthiest street in the city. Only $15 per month.

Inquire alter 11 a. m. at 112 S. Main street, or Box 703. A.

B. Sampson. 11-23-tf Desirable houses near University. The unseating of old conditions! A new era in the grocery business in Tucson. phe to England, -when he flashed out that glimpse of Albion's Island as "A precious stone set in the silver linn Two modem brick cottages, comer AJLiLlill Kinth tttrt Miulsrutul avenue.

First Class Carriage Service at all Hourai Ring up Tel. 1991 T. ROMERO. Pro? Spleudid location, convtuieiit to new depot and I MR. AND MRS.

railroad otlices. Ketiuns J47 per inuiiiu, -vu- 1 a araitii' stott Wllt flIUl cement walks. Everything linst (Hsu. This J. CLARK WILLIAMS It's CotnCortetble property is sure to advance.

TEACHERS OP PIANO PLAYINQ. Cash VS. Credit CAflAfl Modern five-room cottag ou South II Vifth avenue, (routine Washington From American Conservatory, Faculty I B.HU 1 i .1 1 1 ...1 Bostonian SHOE for Men Chicago. PudII of HEJNRiCH BARTH, at the One seven-room furnished house, OjUt-buildings and grounds. Oae five-room brick cottage, bath, et.

One four-room brick cottage. Telephone 2848, or see Lee, Drach-as Pryce, 46 N. Stone Ave. Tel. $171.

irees reii years urn. cui-ci gimicu sewer in alley. The lot alone is worth $2000. m. n.n..x...

tufliii, olr.l fnr- nrimprt inferior Royal High SchOPl of Music, to this, four Mocks farther out. Positively the be.t home propiiHtion at price yet offered this H. BUEHMAN PHOTOGRAPHER ESTABLISHED 1873 'yenr. Berlin Germany. CU or write for booklet.

ftJ7Cfl Three' modern five-room brick cot-wUlwU tages at the South Knd on electric LOST. Phone 2961. Res. 8jj N. Seventh Ave.

Cash at the bat, battering old time credit prices into pulp. We solicit your careful investigation of prices for comparison. Call earlv and avoid trie rush, at the I lie, with 13a teet frontage on graded street, ah .1 VAHurd .1 1 1 II MIMiir IM. 1 1 1" LOST An old-fashioned gold brooch su'ndav afternoon between the S. P.

Hummer and winter. Propertv in the neigh- ForS14'Yoi Can Rent and the Sneedway. Finder could not be duplicated under JSooo, and a better or safcr iiivystment it woulj be difficult to find. 3 rooms furnished complete lor housekeeping; new, elegant, gas-range, bath. South Figueroa, No; Fremont, 44I West First, 7" Ceres, ton KastNiuth, 132380.

Hill gt. LonAngel-es. Cat. please return to Mrs. T.

R. Blair, 529 E. 9th Street and receive reward. 1 1-21-1 1 tOflOn Kast Tenth street, near Virst avenue. ifuOUU Lot iouxiS.i feet with new and attractive modern cottaure of fotir rcxnis and 1 Tuscon bath: 'also adole shingle roofed house of six Grocer Co.

rooms (comprising two flats with separate Datns and screen porches); flats furnished and rented to two tenants. Also frame bum 14x42 feet, with two living rooms, etc. All improvements on the are above the average of their class and art in a good state of repair. This property will akly pay the iuvestor from ia to 14 per cent net 1. iiiuitniii.

ntifl wilier bills Hotel Orena Corner Seventh and Hope Streets, opposite postofflce. Everything new richly furnished. Low rates. LOS ANGELES, California. To men who have tender feet and who desire a soft easy siioe, one that looks well and fits, made of the very Albert Steinfeld, Trustee evtn making ample allowance for any possible n.u.

Tht nrntvriv i in fl KTllellllid loca- best, material, in shapes that are abso-lntplv correct in form and style, we tion for renting to railroad employes, heiug only t.r vullf frum hdiM and rietiot. ltflA Beautiful modern home of six rooms A3lJlJ I'tiiv-eritv electric line. lot and fine stables' KxcelU-nt neighborhood. Will lease furnished for winter, if desired. Tucson Employment Agency LOS ANQELE3 FURNITURE STORE XL KINDS OF NEW AND SECOND -HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT ANC 80LD.

NO. 128 E. CONGRESS ST TELEPHONE 2323. Jl COR'TIKOV. recommend the "BOSTONIAN." It is by far the greatest combination of style, comfort and wear we ever saw in a shoe.

$3.50 and $4.00 pr. HAUCK The Shoeman 30 E. Congress St. THE' nEW METHOD LAUN-DRY MAKES A SPECIALTY OF SHIRTS, COLLARS AND I CUFFS. Phone "301.

Tuccn, ArU Haynes Culin ileal Estate, Mines, Insurance. Lotxns, Notaries. Telephone 2241. Tucson. 134 W.

Pennington St.

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